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        Effects of epigallocatechin gallate on CoCl_(2)-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells

        Yang, Kyu-Ho,Mo, Hyun-Chul,Choi, Nam-Ki,Kim, Seon-Mi,Kim,Won-Jae 大韓小兒齒科學會 2006 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        Neuronal apoptotic events, consequently resulting in neuronal cell death, are occurred in hypoxic/ischemic condition. This cell death has been shown to be accompanied with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can attack cellular components such as nucleic acids, proteins and phospholipid. However, the underlying mechanisms of apoptosis induced in hypoxic/ischemic condition and its treatment methods are unsettled. Cobalt chloride (CoCl_(2)) has been known to mimic hypoxic condition including the production of ROS. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). a green tea polyphenol, has diverse pharmacologial activities in cell growth and death. This study was aimed to investigate the apoptotic mechanism by CoCl_(2) and effects of EGCG on CoCl_(2)-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. Administration of CoCl_(2) decreased cell survival in dose- and time-dependent manners and induced genomic DNA fragmentation. Treatment with 100 µM EGCG for 30 min before PC12 cells were exposed to 150 µM CoCl_(2), being resulted in the cell viability and DNA fragmentation being rescued. CoCl_(2) caused morphologic changes such as cell swelling and condensed nuclei, whereas EGCG attenuated morphologic changes by CoCl_(2). EGCG suppressed the apoptotic peak and a loss of Δψ_(m) induced by CoCl_(2). CoCl_(2) decreased Bcl-2 expression but Bax expression was not changed in CoCl_(2)-treated cells. EGCG attenuated the Bcl-2 underexpression by CoCl_(2). CoCl_(2) augumented the cytochrome c release from mitochondria into cytoplasm and increased caspase-8, -9 and caspase-3 activity, a marker of the apoptotic executing stage. EGCG ameliorated the incruement in caspase-8, -9 and -3 activity, and cytochrome c release by CoCl_(2). NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine), a scavenger of ROS, attenuated CoCl_(2)-induced apoptosis in consistent with those of EGCG. These results suggest, that CoCl_(2) induces apoptotic cell death through both mitochondria- and death receptor-dependent pathway and EGCG has neuroprotective effects against CoCl_(2)-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells. 신경세포자멸사는 저산소 및 허혈환경에서 일어나며 이러한 세포죽은 reactive oxidant species (ROS) 생성을 동반함이 알려져있다. 그러나, 저산소 및 허혈환경에서 일어나는 세포자멸사의 기전 및 그 치료방법은 아직 정립되어 있지 않다. CoCl_(2)는 ROS를 생성하는 등 저산소환경과 유사한 조건을 초래하는 것으로 알려져 있다. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)는 녹차의 polyphenol 성분으로서 세포성장과 죽음에 다양한 약리학적 효과를 나타냄이 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 PC12 세포에서 CoCl_(2)에 의한 세포자멸사기전을 밝히고 이에 미치는 EGCG의 효과를 조사하는데 목적이 있다. Cell viability는 MTT 측정으로 조사되었고, DNA fragmentation은 DNA laddering으로 조사되었다. Bcl-2와 Bax발현 정도는 RT-PCR로, caspase-3와 -9의 활성은 spectrophotometer, caspase-8의 활성은 flow cytometry에 의해 측정되었다. 미토콘드리아에서 세포질로 분비된 cytochrome c는 western blot으로, 분해된 DNA 양과 미토콘드리아 세포막전위 (Δψ_(m))는 FACScan으로 조사되었다. CoCl_(2)투여로 PC12 세포수는 용량 및 시간 의존형태로 감소하였고, genomic DNA fragmentation이 발생하였다. CoCl_(2)투여로 야기된 cell viability의 감소와 DNA fragmentation은 EGCG 전처치에 의해 억제되었다. CoCl_(2)은 세포용적팽창과 condensed nuclei 같은 형태적 변화를 일으켰으며, apoptotic peak, Δψ_(m)감소 및 cytochrome c 유리를 야기하였다. EGCG는 CoCl_(2)에 의한 세포형태변화, apoptotic peak, Δψ_(m)소실 및 cytochrome c 유리를 억제시켰다. CoCl_(2)는 Bcl-2 발현을 감소시켰지만, Bax 발현에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. EGCG는 CoCl_(2)에 의해 야기된 Bcl-2 발현 감소를 억제시켰다. CoCl_(2)는 caspase-3, -8, 그리고 -9의 활성을 증가시켰으며, EGCG는 CoCl_(2)에 의한 세포자멸사를 억제시켰다. 본 실험결과는 PC12 세포에서 CoCl_(2)가 미토콘드리아 의존 및 death receptor의존 기전으로 세포자멸사를 일으키며, EGCG는 세포자멸사기전을 억세지킴으로 신경보호기능을 가짐을 시사하였다.

      • KCI등재

        현대시조의 형식론적 계승에 대한 비판적 검토

        김남규(Kim, Nam-Kyu) 한국시학회 2015 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.44

        본 논문은 현재까지 창작되고 있는 현대시조가 ‘과연 정형시인가’라는 질문과 함께, ‘음보(音譜)’라는 개념의 불분명함을 논의하면서 현대시조의 형식론적 계승을 검토하였다. 음절수가 아닌 음량(mora)으로 음보율을 설명하려는 의도에서 우리는 음량이라는 단위는 객관적 실체로 입증하지 못한 채 막연한 심리적 경향으로 제시될 수밖에 없으며, 보편적 언어 체계 안에서 변별적 자질로 인정되기 어렵다. ‘등장성(等張性)’이라는 개념과 발음에 따른 음성학적 휴지에 의한 음보라는 개념에는 이미 통사적으로나 음성학적으로나 심리적 혹은 무의식적 배려가 작동하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 또한 통사적 구분에 따라 나눠지는 경계와 설정된 음보는 정확하게 일치하지도 않으며, 시의 특성과 시인 개별 발화 그리고 독자 모두와 상관없는 추상적인 마디 설정을 그 한계로 떠맡는다. 시의 의미와 상관없는 통사 구분은 시의 호성(ambiguity)과 결정불가능성(undecidability)의 기회조차 박탈해버리고, 하나의 음보 단위 안에 해석의 여지를 가둬버린다. 이에 따라 종장의 제2음보가 초중장의 음보보다 ‘과(過)’한 구조라는 것만 규칙으로 확정지을 수 있다. 고시조에서는 강한 정서적 중량을 가진 어사가 종장 제1음보를 이뤘으나, 현재에 이르면서 종장 제1음보는 3음절이라는 조건만 남게 되었다. 탈형식의 방식으로 시조가 현재까지 변형되며 지속되어 왔기 때문이다. 따라서 새로운 시조의 음보론이 요청되며, 현재 논의되고 있는 일반 자유시에 대한 리듬 연구에서도 마찬가지로 음보에 대한 논의는 계속 새롭게 씌어져야 한다. This study examined formalistic succession of modern sijo, discussing the ambiguity of the concept of ‘metre(音譜)’ as well as questioning ‘Is modern sijo still being composed until now really a fixed verse?’ Because of the intention that foot meter is explained not by the number of syllables, but by mora, the unit of mora can not help being presented as a vague psychological tendency without any objective reality, and it is difficult to recognize the mora as a distinctive feature in universal linguistic system. It is verified that the concept of metre by phonological pause according to the concept of ‘isometricity(等張性)’ and pronunciation is already operated by psychological or unconscious consideration in terms of syntax or phonetics. In addition, boundary by syntactic division didn’t exactly match with set metre. The characteristics of the poem, the poet’s own individual articulation, and the reader all took the limitation of irrelevant abstract foot set-up. Regardless of the meaning of the poem, syntactic division deprived the chances of poetic ambiguity and undecidability and confined any other choice of interpretation inside of one single foot unit. Accordingly, it is possible to make a rule that the second foot of the last of the 3 verses sijo is ‘more(過)’ stretched structure than the other verses. Although Ancient Korean sijo had the first foot of the last verse with more emotional tone, there has remained only the rule that the first foot of the last verse has 3 syllables up to modern times. It is because the trend of avoiding the formalism has transformed and continued to be reflected on the modern sijo. Therefore, it is necessary to suggest that a new theory of sijo metre is required, and rhythm research with present discussion on the general free verse should be reviewed in terms of metre as well.

      • 위발성 위장관 악성림프종 환자에서 항암치료의 효과

        김찬규,신영록,김현정,배상병,이남수,이규택,박성규,원종호,홍대식,박희숙 순천향대학교 2006 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose: The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the most common site of extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), which is increasing in incidence, but there is no established optimal treatment modality. Thus, this study was investigated the clinicohistologic feature, the therapeutic modalities, and the prognosis for GI-NHL, as well as the factors affecting it. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 45 patients who had been diagnosed as having GI-NHL and had been followed up from July 1994 to February 2005 at Soonchunhyang University Hospital. The patients were divided into groups according to the site of origin and to various other features, and the survivals of the various groups were compared. The modified Ann Arbor system and WHO classification were adopted for staging and histopathologic classification, respectively. Results: GI-NHL of the stomach, small bowel, ileocecal region, and colon occurred in 28 patients (62.2%), 5 patients (11.1%), 3 patients (6.7%), and 8 patients (17.8%), respectively, In one patient, the entire gastrointestinal tract was diffusely involved. The median age of patients was b5 years (25~78 years), and male-to-female ratio was 1:1.1. Fourteen patients were in stage Ⅰ, 24 in stage Ⅱ, 4 in stage Ⅲ, and 3 in stage Ⅳ. Surgical resection was performed in 19 patients, and combination chemotherapy was performed in 43 patients. Surgical resection only was performed in 4 patients, Chemotherapy only was performed in 26 patients. The expected overall 5 year survival of 45 patients was 39.6%, and there was a significant survival difference between the stages, but between sites of origin (p=0.842). The most important factors influencing the survival was the stage and other factors were not significant. Conclusion: The stomach was the most common site of GI-NHL. Most GI-NHL were localized Stage was the most important prognostic factor. However, Prospective randomized studies are needed to approve the therapeutic modality.

      • 재발 또는 불응성 비호즈킨 림프종 환자에서 CDME 구제항암화학요법 후 고용량 항암화학요법 및 자가말초혈액 조혈모세포이식의 효과

        김세형,한강원,배상병,김찬규,이남수,이규택,박성규,원종호,홍대식,박희숙 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.1

        Background and objectives : The long-term survival in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) after conventional dose chemotherapy is about 35% and the rest of the patients tend to have relapse. So, in relapsed or refractory NHL, we compared the outcome of patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy with autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation(APBSCT) with only salvage chemotherapy of cisplatin, dexamethasone, mitoxantrone, and etoposide(CDME). Materials and methods : From June 1993 to December 1999, 25 patients with relapsed or resistant NHL were treated with CDME regimen as salvage chemotherapy. Twelve patients were received four cycles of CDME chemotherapy, and 13 patients were received high-dose chemotherapy with APBSCT following two cycles of CDME chemotherapy. Results : The median follow-up duration was 12.8 months(range:4-68). The overall response rate was 41.7% (complete response rate 25%, partial response rate 16.7%) in 12 patients with CDME only. Thirteen patients who were treated with high-dose chemotherapy with APBSCT achieved 61.5% complete response rate and 15.4% partial response rate, with an overall response rate of 76.9%. The estimated 3-year progression-free survival rate was significantly higher among patients who received high-dose therapy than patients who received CDME only(41.5% vs 20.0%, p<0.05). And, 3-year overall survival rate was significantly higher among patients who received high-dose therapy(51.3% vs 25.0%, p <0.05). Conclusions : In relapsed or refractory NHL, CDME chemotherapy is an effective salvage chemotherapy and allow peripheral blood stem cell collection. Also, high-dose chemotherapy with APBSCT following CDME is superior to CDME salvage chemotherapy only.

      • 흉선종 제거후에 발생한 재생 불량성 빈혈 : 증례보고

        전원선,이상철,김현정,배상병,김찬규,이남수,박노진,이규택,박성규,홍대식,박희숙,원종호 순천향의학연구소 2007 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.13 No.2

        Thymoma is associated with myasthenia gravis, Pure red cell aplasia, and autoimmune diseases such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, and hypogammaglobulinemia. It's association with aplastic anemia is rare and aplastic anemia appearing after surgical removal of thymoma is especially rare. The authors hereby report a case of aplastic anemia occuring in a patient who was diagnosed with thymoma and myasthenia gravis and had the tumor surgically removed. The patient was treated with anti-thymocyte globulin, cyclosporin, and prednisolone, and showed partial remission with hematologic improvements after 12 months.

      • 서비스 수준 협약서(SLA)의 실행 단계별 성공요인에 관한 실증적 연구

        남기찬,곽규종 서강대학교 경영연구소 2005 서강경영논총 Vol.16 No.2

        90년대부터 많은 기업들은 기업의 전략을 달성하기 위해 정보기술에 많은 투자를 하고 있으며, 최근에 들어서는 이러한 정보기술의 대한 실효성 검증과 동시에 IT 아웃소싱에 대한 많은 관심이 집중되고 있다. 특히, 국내의 경우 IT 아웃소싱에 대한 관심은 IMF 이후 경영효율화 측면에서 촉발되었지만 최근 들어서는 IT 자원의 효율적인 관리와 운영을 위한 가장 효율적인 대안으로 받아들여지는 추세이다. 이렇듯 IT 아웃소싱이 IT 자원의 효율적인 관리와 운영에 그 초점을 맞추기 시작하면서 IT 아웃소싱 서비스 공급자와 수혜자 혹은 내부 정보시스템 운영부서에서 ‘서비스수준협약(SLA:Service Level Agreement)’의 관심이 대두되었다. 하지만, SLA가 아웃소싱에 있어서 중요한 요소임에도 불구하고 국내에서는 아직 개념적 정의와 SLA 수립 과정 및 내용요소에 대한 연구가 있을 뿐, 실제 적용과정에 있어서의 성공요인을 도출하거나 성공요인에 따른 실증연구가 부족할 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 실제 SLA를 도입하여 적용하고 있는 기업들을 대상으로 SLA의 도입현황 및 SLA 실행수준을 파악하고 SLA 성과를 측정하며, SLA를 성공적으로 활용하기 위한 SLA 실행단계상의 성공요인을 도출하고자 하였으며, 도출된 성공요인이 실제 SLA의 성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는지를 확인하고자 하였다. 연구결과, SLA의 각 실행단계별로 제시된 성공요인이 모두 SLA의 성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 의의는 문헌연구나 현장연구를 통해 제시된 SLA 성공요인을 SLA 실행단계별로 제시함과 동시에 실제 SLA를 도입, 운영하고자 하는 기업들에게 효율적인 SLA 운영방안을 제시하였다는데 있다.

      • 여성 생식계조직의 각종 임신연관 혈장단백의 분포에 관한 면역효소조직화학적 연구

        남웅수,이규완,홍성봉 고려대학교 의과대학 1986 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.23 No.3

        Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A(PAPP-A), pregnancy-specific β-1 glycoprotein (SP1) and human placental lactogen(HPL), which are specific protein, have been known to be detectable in the plasma of pregnant women, especially in mid and last trimester by radioimniunoassay. Various researches have been reported on these and the increments of them could be of value as the tumor markers and as the pregnancy related abnormalities. Surgical specimens of normal and pathologic female genital tissues were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin in order to detect the exact distribution of PAPP-A, SP1 and HPL in various tissue component of them. The result obtained are as follows: 1. Normal superficial and intermediate squamous epithelial cells, moderate and severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix revealed positive reaction to anti PAPP-A, SP1, and HPL antibodies. 2. Endometrium in both proliferative and secretory phase, endometrial hyperplasia, trophoblastic tumors revealed positive reaction to anti PAPP-A, SP1, and HPL antibody, hut endometrial adenocarcinoma revealed negative reaction to each of them. 3. All of the normal ovarian tissues and various epithelial ovarian tumors revealed negative reaction to PAPP-A, SP1 and HPL antibody, but stromal and germ cell ovarian tumors revealed positive reaction to each of them. 4. Reactions to each PAPP's were in uniformity among the same tissues, that is, once the reaction was positive, the reactions to the other remaining two PAPP's were positive. Similarly negative reactions appeared in the same fashion.

      • 茂朱一帶에 分布하는 片麻岩의 微量成分에 대하여

        南基庠,曺圭聖 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1988 敎育論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        Petrochemical features of gneiss in Muju area, based on the geochemical consideration of trace elements and comparative investigation abundance from other rocks are as follows. Gneiss in Muju area is similar abundance of trace component with schist of Yongpori formation, shale of Gilwangri formation, gneisses and metamorphic sedimentary in Namwon and Jeonju area of sedimentary origin, and frequency distribution is irregularly widely dispersion. However it show difference from granite of igneous origin. Upon this ; origin rock of metamorphic rock can examine by analysis of trace components, and so I think that gneiss in Muju area is origin of sediments.

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