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      • KCI등재

        Places of Memory in the Collective Memory of Locals in Janghang, Korea

        Jae-min Park,Moohan Kim 전북대학교 휴양및경관계획연구소 2018 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.12 No.4

        Place memory is a new way of seeing as a new concept of cultural landscape research. Various research works and discussions have recently spread in landscape studies. In particular, the, which is visible and material, is a medium in which collective memory is embedded in place memory. The purpose of this study is to extract places of memory from the collective memory of residents of Janghang, Korea, and to visualize it through semantic relations. For this purpose, semi-standardized interviews (34 persons) were conducted with residents, and frequency analysis and semantic network analysis were used. As a result, the interviewees recalled only 127 places in Janghang that existed between 1920 and 2010. Locals remember the city based on places of memory. This means that the city could be illustrated according to specific places that are frequently mentioned. For instance, the top 25 places (top 20%) explain 65.6% of all the places in the city, and the top 39 places (top 30.8%) could describe 78.7% of the places. Some places are referred to more frequently when they are in the city’s symbolic landscape, and the city’s identity is projected on them. Some places were mentioned only infrequently but were nevertheless very important places by which to understand Janghang. These places of memory have not appeared in the documentary records before, which shows the value of the collective memory of the locals and the effectiveness of the interviewing method. In the clustering of the semantic network, six groups of places appeared. The local residents remembered the modern industrial city and recalled it in connection with the sites of daily life. This shows the possibility of looking not only at public memory and famous heritage as a macro history but also at daily life and meaningful places as a micro history about locals. This study has significance as an initial research that identified and visualized places of memory from the perspective of local residents. Such an approach could be useful in the study of everyday life and the conservation of modern heritage.

      • KCI등재

        장소기억 기반 문화예술공간의 재생디자인에 관한 연구

        안유미 ( Yumi Ahn ),김주연 ( Jooyun Kim ),백승경 ( Seong Kyung Back ) 한국공간디자인학회 2016 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.11 No.5

        (Background and Purpose)As society evolved from deindustrialization to knowledge industries, cities evolved as new societies by generating relatively underdeveloped cities that incurred slumism. Simultaneously, many idle spaces occurred in underdeveloped cities. Although the government has a variety of policies to regenerate idle space, most of the space is merely being recycled. As such, this study gives meaning to place as a medium that connects people with place using place memory. Further, this study confirms characteristics of place memory to form place identity and analyzes characteristics of revitalization in culture and art space to regenerate space by reviewing cases of culture and art space with social value and place memory from Korea and abroad. (Method)This study reviews and analyzes the concept, meaning, and characteristics of place memory to study the revitalization of culture and art space. Place memory is classified based on experience, memory, and publicness in terms of semantics, and physics, society, culture, and time in terms of space. Regarding the revitalization of idle space, this study determined six key words, including art and sharing, efficiency through cultural, social and economic value and analyzes culture and art space as public value. Further, this study draws 11 elements of revitalization in structure and semantics to analyze revitalization cases of culture and art spaces using place memory. By doing so, this study confirms various revitalization methods of culture and art spaces through place memory. (Results)This study analyzed eight cases on space from Korea and abroad based on the expression of place memory and revitalization value of idle space. The results show that, first, most of the culture and art spaces promote broadening cultural exchanges by utilizing various programs, such as cultural enjoyment and cultural creation. Additionally, this study confirms place revitalization where the past and present overlap visually by having modern reinterpretations of material and expressions from the exterior of a building and frame structure. Second, active communication and sharing between countries and regions promote cultural exchanges. The value connecting people to a place can be represented by using the method of drawing elements of place memory. (Conclusions)This study culturally, socially, and economically classifies the revitalization value of culture and art space using idle space, and finds characteristics of place memory adds to the value of a place. Morphological, temporal, and semantic elements drawn from the structural and semantic characteristics of place memory solidify the foundation of place identity and represent the public value of sharing and communication that connects people to places and people to people. The harmony of individual value can be expanded into more nationally valuable measures that affect both regional and urban revitalization.

      • KCI우수등재

        사회적 참사와 기억공간의 제도화 : 세월호참사와 대구지하철참사 비교 분석

        김진이,오세일 비판사회학회 2022 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.136

        This study compares and analyzes the institutionalization process of the place of memory for Sewol ferry disaster(2014) and that of Daegu subway fire(2003). The process of ‘institutionalization’ of the two places of memory is itself struggle for collective memory. This study investigates how the placeness of the two memorial spaces has been socially constructed and what factors have influenced the institutionalization process of the place of memory. The study also analyses how bereaved families and citizens have internalized the meaning of the place of memory in the process of institutionalization. Furthermore, the study aims to explore that the institutionalization of place of memory is a process for reflecting on social suffering and acquiring ‘moral universality’ that goes beyond the context of power struggle and hegemonic occupation of territory. According to the analysis of field research, in-depth interviews, and content analysis for each case, the two disaster cases created a place of memory based on symbolic features of the local community. However, the institutionalization of the two places differed according to the power and autonomy of local governments, the participation rights of the victims’ association, the solidarity within themselves and with others, and the resources and procedural institutions. Based on these facts, the study argues that the difference in placeness of two memorial spaces occurs in the process of institutionalization. In addition, this study found that, in the institutionalization process, the two places of memory are being signified(internalized) as public values of ‘life’ and ‘safety’ that can access the ultimate ground of moral horizons. The struggle for the memory of the bereaved family over the place of memory can be interpreted as an externalization process of the social suffering caused by disaster and as a call for social awakening. This study shed light on the place of memory in the process of internalization to reflect continuously in the public sphere oriented toward under moral universality and not to be forced to place collective memory of social suffering into oblivion. 이 연구는 2014년 세월호참사의 안산시 기억공간과 2003년 대구지하철참사의 대구시 기억공간의 제도화 과정을 비교 분석한다. 두 기억공간의 제도화 과정은 그 자체로기억투쟁이다. 이 연구는 두 기억공간의 장소성이 어떻게 사회적으로 구성되어 왔는지, 기억공간의 제도화 과정에는 어떤 요인들이 영향을 미쳤는지 파악한다. 또한 이 제도화과정 안에서 유가족 당사자가 어떻게 기억공간의 의미를 내재화하고 있는지 묻는다. 나아가 이 연구는 기억공간의 제도화 과정이 권력 투쟁과 영토의 점유라는 맥락을 넘어서, 사회적 고통을 성찰하고 ‘도덕적 보편성’을 획득하기 위한 과정임을 살펴보고자 한다. 각 사례에 대한 현장조사, 인터뷰, 문헌연구의 분석 결과, 두 참사 사례는 지역사회 안에서 상징적인 특징을 기반으로 기억공간을 조성했으나, 형성된 장소성은 상이했다. 두 사례의 기억공간은 지방자치단체의 권한과 자율성, 피해자 조직의 참여권과 내·외부의 연대성, 자원과 절차적 제도에 따라 제도화가 다르게 나타났다. 두 기억공간의 제도화 과정에서 도덕적 지평의 궁극적 의미를 담지한 ‘생명’, ‘안전’이라는 공적 가치가 의미화(내재화)되고 있었는데, 특히 기억공간에 대한 유가족들의 기억투쟁은 참사의 고통에 대한 외재화 과정이자 사회적 각성에 대한 촉구라고 해석할 수 있다. 이 연구는 참사의 고통을 망각으로 유폐시키지 않고 도덕적 보편성의 지평 아래서 지속적인 성찰을 제도화하는 기제로서 기억공간의 의미를 재조명했다.

      • KCI등재

        기억공간을 통한 문화적 기억의 체험과 계승: 청년세대의 5·18 민주화운동 기억공간 공간경험을 사례로

        오주원 한국공간환경학회 2024 공간과 사회 Vol.34 No.2

        이 연구는 ‘기억공간(place of memory)’과 ‘문화적 기억(cultural memory)’, 두 개념을 활용하여 청년세대에게 그들이 직접 경험할 수 없었던 5·18 민주화운동과 같은 과거의 역사적 사건의 의미가 어떻게 계승되는지 분석한다. 기억공간은 문화적 기억이 후대에게체험 및 계승되는 통로라는 가정하에, 심층인터뷰, 경관 분석 등의 연구방법론을 사용해① 기억공간이 과거 역사적 사건에 대한 인식·사유를 형성하는 데에 미치는 영향, ② 기억공간의 구성요소 중 문화적 기억 형성에 영향을 미치는 요소를 고찰한다. 이 연구의 결과는다음과 같다. 첫째, 기억공간은 과거에 발생한 역사적 사건을 직접 경험한 적 없는 세대가해당 사건에 대한 인식과 사유를 형성하는 데에 효과적인 매체이자 통로로 기능한다. 둘째, 기억공간에 구현된 가시적인 흔적·자료, 공간의 역사적 의미, 공간이 일상생활·현재와 교차하는 양상은 문화적 기억의 형성 및 계승에 영향을 미치는 주요 요소이다. 이 연구는 기존에논의되지 못했던 공간을 통한 문화적 기억의 계승에 관한 학술적 논의에 기여하고, 향후 기억공간 조성 방향에 정책적 함의를 제공할 것이다. This study analyses how the meanings of past historical events, such as May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju, which younger generation could not experience directly, are transmitted to them using the concepts of ‘place of memory’ and ‘cultural memory’. This study assumes that the places of memory serves as a passage through which cultural memory is experienced and passed down to later generations. Employing research methods such as in-depth interview and landscape analysis, this study examines 1) the impact of places of memory on the formation of awareness and thought regarding past historical events, and 2) the elements within the places of memory that influence the formation of cultural memory. The results of this study are as follows. First, places of memory function as an effective medium and passage through which generations who could not directly experience historical events form perceptions about those events. Second, visible traces and records embedded in place of memory, the historical significance of spaces, and intersections of spaces with everyday life and the present are key factors influencing the formation and succession of cultural memory. This study contributes to academic discussion on the transmission of cultural memory via places which has not been previously explored, and provides policy implications for the future direction of creating places of memory.

      • KCI등재

        A Place Memory, New Way of Seeing the Cultural Landscape - Modern Industrial City, Janghang from 1920 to 2010's -

        박재민,김무한 한국전통조경학회 2018 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        The tradition of landscape painting and gardening provokes cultural landscape theory in 1900~20's. In the early stage of cultural landscape research focused on morphology with visual objects and images. It flows into phenomenological place or sense of place studies after World war Ⅱ. From postmodern paradigm in the 1980's, there is a various way of seeing a landscape such as text, iconography, politic, gender or economy. The purpose of this study is to illustrate and classify the concept of place memory as a new way of seeing for cultural landscape study. And it interprets the industrial city, Janghang case by using Place memory. This study conducts semi-standardized interviews to extract for the collective memory of residents. As a result, the landscape images in collective memory were stacked like strata, which were distorted, shrank or emphasized by specific outer forces. In the case of Janghang, factors such as economic growth and the national system were in operation. These landscape images were accumulated around places of memory with strong visual and materiality. It illustrates four cultural layers based on places of memory; for instance, the identity of the city on Janghang smelter and the chimney, the ordinary and laboring landscape with port, mills, and warehouses, the symbol of industrial prosperity of city on gold and Golden village and the modernity on the road system. This study has significance as a basic study that examines the concept of place memory for cultural landscape theory. Unlike cultural landscape study goes to large-scale discussion recently, place memory theory starts from living place and locals. It can help to practical design and planning for landscape architects and designers. Place memory can be, especially, useful for Modern landscape disciplines.

      • 문화경관 연구를 위한 장소기억 개념 고찰 및 사례 해석 - 근대 산업도시 장항(1920~2010년대)을 대상으로 -

        ( Park Jae-min ),( Kim Moo-han ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2018 Journal of Korean Institute of Traditional Landsca Vol.16 No.-

        풍경화와 풍경식 정원의 전통에서 촉발된 경관 개념은, 이후 독일과 미국에서 문화경관 이론으로 발전하였다. 문화경관 연구 초기에는 눈에 보이는 대상에 관한 형태학 연구가 발전하였지만, 이후 현상학적 장소성 연구로, 그리고 포스트모더니즘 시대를 거치며 텍스트와 상징, 문화정치, 젠더, 경제 등 경관을 바라보는 다양한 보는 방법으로 발전하였다. 본 연구는 경관을 바라보는 새로운 방법으로써 장소기억 개념을 고찰하고, 그 유형을 제시하고자 하였다. 그리고 근대산업도시 장항을 대상으로 경관에 투영된 문화적 이미지를 해석하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 반표준화 인터뷰를 사용하여 지역주민의 집단기억을 추출하였다. 연구 결과에서는 장항 지역 주민의 기억 속에 축적된 경관의 구조를 분석하였다. 그 결과 기억 속 경관이미지는 지층과 같이 쌓여져 있었으며, 이는 특정한 힘에 의해 왜곡, 변형 또는 강조되고 있었다. 이러한 경관이미지는 시각성과 물질성이 강한 기억의 장소를 중심으로 축적되어 있었으며, 4가지 구별되는 문화적 층위와 기억의 장소들을 밝힐 수 있었다. 대표적으로 도시의 정체성을 담은 장항제련소와 굴뚝, 노동자의 일상적 경관을 담은 항구, 창고와 정미소들, 산업화 번영의 상징인 황금과 황금정, 근대성을 상징하는 도로 시스템을 보여주었다. 본 연구는 문화경관 해석을 위한 기억의 장소 개념을 고찰하고 사례를 해석한 기초연구로서 의의를 가진다. 최근의 상징경관 연구는 주로 거시적이고 담론적 해석연구로 나아가고 있다면, 장소기억과 기억의 장소 연구는 보다 현장 중심의 미시적 연구로 설계가가 활용하기에 보다 실천적이고 용이한 연구 개념이며 방법이라 할 수 있다. 더불어 장소기억 개념은 향후 근대역사경관의 해석에 많은 도움을 줄 것이라 예상한다. The tradition of landscape painting and gardening provokes cultural landscape theory in 1900~20's. In the early stage of cultural landscape research focused on morphology with visual objects and images. It flows into phenomenological place or sense of place studies after World war Ⅱ. From postmodern paradigm in the 1980's, there is a various way of seeing a landscape such as text, iconography, politic, gender or economy. The purpose of this study is to illustrate and classify the concept of place memory as a new way of seeing for cultural landscape study. And it interprets the industrial city, Janghang case by using Place memory. This study conducts semi-standardized interviews to extract for the collective memory of residents. As a result, the landscape images in collective memory were stacked like strata, which were distorted, shrank or emphasized by specific outer forces. In the case of Janghang, factors such as economic growth and the national system were in operation. These landscape images were accumulated around places of memory with strong visual and materiality. It illustrates four cultural layers based on places of memory; for instance, the identity of the city on Janghang smelter and the chimney, the ordinary and laboring landscape with port, mills, and warehouses, the symbol of industrial prosperity of city on gold and Golden village and the modernity on the road system. This study has significance as a basic study that examines the concept of place memory for cultural landscape theory. Unlike cultural landscape study goes to large-scale discussion recently, place memory theory starts from living place and locals. It can help to practical design and planning for landscape architects and designers. Place memory can be, especially, useful for Modern landscape disciplines.

      • KCI등재

        백석 시에 나타난 기억의 구현 방식

        이소연 한국문학이론과비평학회 2011 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.53 No.-

        This study, noting that Baekseok's poems prior to the liberation include many poems which figured the past, looked into the realization mode of memory indicated in Baekseok's poems. As a result of examining Baekseok's poems on the basis of Aleida Assmann's cultural memory theory, it could be known that Baekseok's poems of remembering the past was the product of exchange between 'storage memory' and 'function memory'. So to speak, the memories that were selected among storage memories, a storage of memories which were not used and not arranged and that were given some meanings is to move into an area of memories. These processes are involved in oblivion, because newly formed remembrance becomes possible owing to memories which disappeared into oblivion. Through a poetic method of composing function memories on the basis of stored memories, Baekseok newly creates the forgotten value now. In the second place, as memory media of Baekseok's poems, the author examined 'the body' and 'the place'. In order for a memory to be stored into the body, a special stability device is needed, linguistic habit and sentiments play such a role in Baekseok's poems. That is, frequently heard stories and pidginized accidents easily make memories fixed and so does strongly applies mental image or feeling. The place, another memory media, is presented in Baekseok's poems in two aspects; one is a memory for a place, and another is a place of a memory. A poem of memory for a place is a mode of remembering the past accidents and persons based on a certain place, and a poem for a memory place is a mode of taking out memories that the place includes or commemorates. A memory place appears in Baekseok's travel poems, which, in most cases, remind of past historical events. This paper found that Baekseok is engaged in modern introspection of reflecting upon himself in a poetic method named realization of memory. Baekseok looks for identity of life and discovers the value of life, composing function memories through poems.

      • KCI우수등재

        서울의 일상적 장소기억을 기록한 독립출판물의 특징

        장원호,구선아 인문콘텐츠학회 2019 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.53

        Cities are now changing at a faster speed than that of the period of urbanization. It is very natural from a social ecological perspective that the physical environments of the cities develop, maintain, decay, disappear, and re-develop. However, disappearance of spaces where one used to live or has a specific memory of makes him or her feel sense of loss and nostalgia. Recently, there have been an increasing number of publications about emotions and activities in everyday space. Expanding Social Network Service (SNS) Communication media and independent bookstores play a background role for the increase in independent publications about memory and emotion of spaces. This paper, based on place-memory publications about Seoul, analyzes how individuals remember their everyday places, why they write their experiences in these places, and what the main characteristics of the place-memory publications are. To do so, we have conducted text analyses of independent publications and semi-structural interviews of writers of place-memory publications. We have found that place-memory publications are closely related with SNS Communication in that both involve individuals sharing trivial memories and emotions. Most of the interviewees started to write their place-memory publications out of strong nostalgia of specific places. In addition, we have found that individual place-memory is related with respondents’ social memories and that place attachment is more strongly related to respondents’’ personal experiences with the places than the length of time in which they lived there. The writers of place-memory publications wish to enhance their social ties by sharing their place-memories and in so doing they are creating a new sense of ‘placeness’ of the places they have memories and emotions. 현대 도시는 산업화 시기의 변화만큼이나 빠르게 변하고 있다. 도시의 장소가 생겨나고, 성장하고, 쇠퇴하고, 사라지고, 재구성되는 것은 도시생태학적 관점에서 자연스러운 일이다. 하지만 개인에게는 자신이 살았던 동네 혹은 추억이 있는 장소가 사라지는 것은 자신의 과거가 사라지는 느낌을 주어 향수를 불러일으키고 상실감을 가져오기도 한다. 최근 개인의 일상적 장소기억을 기록한 기록물이 늘고 있다. 이유는 소셜네트워크서비스를 통해 개인 표현이 확장되었고 독립서점의 증가로 독립출판물을 생산, 유통하기 쉬워진 출판 환경의 변화 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 개인이 자신의 일상적 장소를 어떻게 기억하는지, 왜 개인은 자신이 경험한 일상적 장소를 기록하는지, 개인의 장소기억 기록물은 어떤 특징을 갖는지를 서울의 장소기억을 기록한 독립출판물을 대상으로 분석하였다. 연구는 이론적 연구와 독립출판물 텍스트 분석, 독립출판물로 개인의 장소기억을 기록한 기록자를 대상으로 반구조적 인터뷰를 통해 진행하였다. 연구 과정에서 개인의 장소기억은 개인의 경험이 중요하게 작용했고 장소성을 생성하거나 변화하는 요인이 되었으며 기록하는 과정을 통해 장소애착이 강화되는 것을 발견하였다. 연구 결과, 집단적 기억과 개인의 장소기억은 연결되어 있었고, 장소애착은 거주한 시간보다 개인의 경험에 따라 생성되었다. 또한 장소기억의 기록자들은 자신들의 기록물 공개를 통해 사회적 연결감을 갖길 원했으며, 그 과정에서 그들은 기록된 장소에 새로운 장소성을 구성하고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        영상설치를 통한 기억의 장소 보존과 활성화에 관한 연구 -화랑대역을 중심으로-

        이보영 ( Lee Bo-young ),유진형 ( Yoo Jin-hyung ) 한국공간디자인학회 2016 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.11 No.4

        (Background and Purpose) As cities was developed and they are still changed, a number of places are judged not to have meaning of being as well as value in use. Some of those are changed as new and cha However every place has memories and there are places that have to be saved for a value of conservation. Especially historical places where memories are kept like Hwarangdae Station should be taken care of. Also place memories accumulated for long time have not only historical meaning but power to vitalize present-day society. If memories are given life, spaces will produce activation. It makes new worth as well as historical meaning. The aim of this study is to suggest validity of conservation of many historical places and to seek direction for invigoration. (Method) Hwarangdae Station was analyzed through theoretical consideration about place of memories and place memory. Relation between place memory and visual media was considered and a work that shows place memory was suggested. How the interaction between human and representation on video bring vitalization. Video installtion was proposed as a method to make significance of conservation high and to activate space. This study intended to possibility by analyzing examples video was installed at historical place. (Results) Historical place is a place of memories where a thick layer of memories is being. Some of historical places have a value to be preserved for social meaning. They deserve to cherish as they are. An authentic preservation is preserving their memories. It is available to make those concrete. Place of memories has its own stimmung based on memories that is formed for long time. Visual Media is the most effective media to reenact it. Images of media make place of past exist at present. Those make viewer recall their own memories and past experiences. The interaction between images and viewer is extended to place. It revives an relation between place and human and vitalizes space. If contents of video are based on identity of place, it would have a positive affect on social, culture and education and new values in several areas could be produced. (Conclusions) Places of memories like hwarangdae have to be preserved. And they are supposed to be used to vitalize original identities of places. Through installing visual media that is able to manifest place memories vividly, places of memories are extant and valuable in now. It is anticipated that places of memories become cherishable. Also study concerning activation of historical place using visual media.

      • KCI등재

        문화적 기억과 역사적 장소

        우미영(Woo, Mi-yeong) 국어국문학회 2012 국어국문학 Vol.- No.161

        This paper investigated awareness and meaning of Gyeongju described in Gyeongju travel essays from 1920 to 1938 on the aspect of "cultural memory." The researches on historical remains by Japan promoting the travel to Gyeongju was related to it effort to make the colony memory by the empire trying to form the identity of the public in the colony. The memory in such period is related to the formation of group identity. It is considered as "cultural memory." This paper doesn"t focus on the formation process of cultural memory, but the impact of cultural memory on the emotion of travellers as well as the relationship between travellers and places, and cultural memory. First, "Gyeongju", the cluster of historic remains and relics, has the spatial features as "place of memory" and "anthropological place". The travellers in the colonial era had experience and awareness that Gyeongju was the historic and experiential place through such memory. In particular, the cultural memory of Gyeongju has strong impact on the travellers. Furthermore, it forms the tension relationship with desires of travellers who want to feel and record their own observation and feeling on Gyeongju as the object of travel. The contents and forms of travel essays on Gyeongju in that period were determined by such relationship. Next, the Gyeongju travel essay showed the strong tendency to be conventional due to the identification or homogenization of feeling even though a variety of personal experiences were exposed. It is also the result that the cultural memory exerted its impact on an individual. Thus, the Gyeongju travel during this period has the homogenized public emotion. In detail, the classical nostalgia is exposed. Such homogenized and conventional experience in Gyeongju is the result that cultural memory becomes absolute memory. The fact that the Korean was attracted to the ancient capital Gyeongju during the colonial era was related to the classical nostalgia. In other words, the anthropological contemplation by nostalgia hides reality. At the same time, it causes false identity, fantasy. Gyeongju experienced by travellers are not the object of reality but absent existence. In this process, ethnic reality and personal feeling of travellers becomes also the objects of absence. As a result, Gyeongju itself disappears. As described above, the travellers to Gyeongju experienced the formation of identity by absence. It is caused from paradox, the attraction of Gyeongju.

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