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        일제하 羅南의 군기지 건설과 군사도시화

        김홍희 한국민족운동사학회 2018 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.95

        이 글은 나남이 군기지로 선정되는 배경으로부터 군기지로의 건설 과정, 군대의 주둔, 그리고 나남의 군사도시화 과정에서 보여주는 특징 등에 대해 밝혀보려고 시도된 것이었다. 기존의 연구가 대부분 용산을 비롯하여 남한에 주둔했던 일본군 군사기지 연구에 집중되어 왔으며, 나남에 대해서는 부분적으로 언급되어 있다는 문제의식에서 이 주제에 주목하였다. 일본은 러일전쟁 이후 한반도에 대한 지배권을 확립하기 위해 군사적 침략을 본격화했다. 1904년 2월 23일 조인된 한일의정서를 근거로, 일본은 한반도 내 많은 토지를 군용지로 강제로 수용하여 군대를 주둔시켜 나갔다. 특히 러시아에 대한 견제를 위해 청진, 나남, 회령 지역을 군용지로 침탈하여 군사시설을 집중 배치하였다. 이 가운데 특히 나남을 주목하였는데, 그곳은 러시아와 국경을 접하고 있는 두만강 하구로부터 약 100km 정도의 거리에 위치하고 있다. 또한 일본 본토로부터 해상으로 접근이 용이한 청진항을 배후지로 가지고 있어 군수물자와 병력의 이동에 매우 유리하였다. 그리고 나남은 사방이 구릉으로 둘러싸여 있어 천혜의 군사적 요충지이기도 하였다. 이러한 사실에 주목한 일본은 나남에 군기지를 건설하고자 하였다. 나남의 군기지 건설 시기를 제1차, 제2차로 구분하여 군사시설물을 갖추어 나갔다. 일본은 주차군경리부 임시건축과를 설치하여 100만 여 평의 대규모 부지를 수용해 나갔는데, 관유지는 무상으로 민유지 및 이전가옥은 헐값으로 매수하였다. 1908년 3월 각 부대의 건축 착공을 시작으로 1913년 11월에 완공되었으며 공사비용은 총 5,159,714원으로 당시 대규모의 예산이 투입되어 영구목적의 나남 기지가 건설되었다. 1910년 나남에 보병 제25여단사령부가 배치되었으며, 보병 제25여단사령부의 임무는 조선 방위의 기본 임무뿐만 아니라 주변 국가들의 정보 첩보 활동, 철도 교통시설 보호 등 국경지대의 지리적 특수성에 기인하는 다양한 역할을 수행하였다. 2개 사단 상설체제 결정 이후 제2차 기지 건설공사가 시행되었으며 나남에 제19사단이 주둔되었다. 사단 증설에 맞게 사단 규모의 신ㆍ증축공사는 1917년부터 1922년 3월까지 5년에 걸쳐 완성되었다. 나남은 제19사단이 주둔되면서 군기지로서 더욱 공고하게 되어 일본 육군의 최대거점이 되었다. 제19사단의 활동을 살펴보면 대소방위에 주안점을 두고 동만주 지역의 독립군을 탄압하였으며, 나아가 대륙침략을 위해 동만주 지역에 파견되었다. 이와 같은 중요한 활동이 가능할 수 있었던 이유는 지리적ㆍ전략적으로 중요한 나남에 대규모의 군기지가 구축되어 있었기 때문이다. 이처럼 일본은 나남에 견고하고 영구적인 군사시설을 설치하고자 했으며 아울러 군사적 기능이 강화된 시가지를 계획하였다. 나남은 시가지가 형성됨에 따라 군사도시로서의 특징뿐만 아니라 신도시의 특징을 동시에 가지고 있다. 시가지 전체가 격자형 가로망과 방사형 가로망으로 구성되어 있으며, 주요 교통망을 형성하는 교통계획도 이루어졌다. 그리고 군사기지로서 기능을 극대화하기 위해 공간배치 등 도시계획을 한 점이다. 이 외에도 나남은 시가지형성과 함께 인구가 급증함에 따라 도시화가 이루어지면서 군사도시로 발전하였다. 아울러 함경북도청이 나남으로 이전되면서, 이를 계기로 나남은 군사 기능뿐만 아니라 행정 기능이 추가되어 함경북도의 핵심 도시가 되... This study tried to determine the Nanam’s characteristics from construction process of Japanese military bases, military presence, militarized urbanism. Earlier studies focused on Japanese military bases stationed in South Korea including Yongsan, however Nanam was only partially mentioned. Considering Nanam selected as a large-scale military site and its importance as a developed military city, it is necessary to expansive review about it. After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan aggressively launched military invasions to establish control over the Korean peninsula. On the basis of the Korea – Japan Protocol signed on February 23 1904(韓日議定書), Japan forced much of the land on the Korean Peninsula to be the military facilities and stationed troops there. In particular, military facilities were concentrated in Chungjin, Nanam and Hoeryong to check Russia. Nanam is located about 100km from Tumen River estuary, which is bordered by Russia. Also it has Chongjin Port as the hinterland, which is easily accessible from the mainland Japan, this was one of her biggest advantages to move materials and troops. Nanam was a natural fortress because the northwest part was blocked by Mountains. The construction of Nanam bases was divisible into two periods. Japan expropriated the land in Namam area through the Temporary Architecture Section the Accounting Department of Japanese Army in Joseon. The construction of each unit began in March 1908 and completed in November 1913. The total cost was 5,159,714 won and a large-scale budget was put in place at that time to construct the Nanam bases for permanent use. In 1910, the 25th Infantry Brigade Command was deployed in Nanam. Due to the geographical specificity of the border area, the 25th Infantry Brigade was responsible for various roles such as surveillance activities in neighboring countries and protection of traffic facilities as well as the basic duties of defense. After the two divisions were decided to be stationed, the construction of bases was carried out for the second time and the 19th Division was stationed in Nanam. The new and enlarged construction was completed over five years from 1917 to 1922. Nanam became the best stronghold base of the Japanese Army with the presence of the 19th Division. The 19th Division was dispatched to the East of Manchuria to oppress the independence forces and invade the continent. This was possible because of the large scale military bases in Nanam, which is geographically and strategically important. At that time, Nanam was a well-planned city with both permanent military facilities and enhanced military functions according to Japan's intention. Nanam has both the characteristics of a new city and the characteristics of a military city. The entire city of Nanam consists of a grid-type street network and a radial street network. Also traffic planning has been made for forming a major traffic network. In order to maximize the function as a military base, the spatial arrangement of the city was achieved. With a burgeoning population and urbanization, Nanam developed as a military city. In addition, as the Hamgyeongbuk-do(North Hamgyeong Province) Office moved to Nanam, Nanam became a central city of Hamgyeongbuk-do with administrative functions as well as military functions. At the same time, major facilities such as railway, specialized school, and shrine were built. Namam began as a military city and gradually evolved into a multipurpose city with administrative, transportation, educational and religious functions. The conclusion is as follows : First, Japan established the Nanam base in order to check Russia. Second, the Nanam base was for maintaining Joseon as a colony in complicated regional dynamics such as China and the Soviet Union. Nanam was the core of a military base that played a highly strategic role to control Russia and invade the continent. Third, Japan planned Nanam for military purposes and made it a military city. ...

      • KCI등재

        사라져가는 군사도시의 장소기억 : 강원도 원주시를 중심으로

        김대범(Kim Daebeom) 한국문화융합학회 2020 문화와 융합 Vol.42 No.6

        이 연구는 군사문화를 기억할 수 있는 원주의 군사시설을 체계적으로 정리하여 장소성을 확보하고 군사도시로서의 정체성을 확보하는 데 목적이 있다. 한국전쟁 이후 원주는 제1야전군 사령부가 이전해 오면서 우리나라를 대표할 만한 군 시설과 군 문화시설이 생겨났다. 전쟁으로 폐허가 된 도시에 군이 전쟁피해 복구사업을 실시하면서 군에 의해 도시가 형성되었다. 미국으로부터 군사원조를 받아 대민지원이 지속되어 꾸준히 발전할 수 있었던 것이다. 전쟁으로 폐허가 된 원주시가 불과 10여 년 만에 신흥도시로 발전할 수 있었던 이유이기도 했다. 또한 역대 대통령들의 원주시찰도 주목할 만하다. 국가적으로 중요성을 가진 장소를 시찰하는 대통령은 원주지역을 군사적 요충지이자 떠오르고 있는 신흥도시였기에 집권세력의 정치적 전략의 지역으로 생각했다. 원주는 제1야전군 사령부 및 예하부대는 물론 미군부대 캠프롱(Camp Long)이 주둔하면서 국가안보를 책임지고 있었기에 단순히 정치적 전략뿐 아니라 중요한 국가통치의 장소로 생각했던 것이다. 그렇게 1990년대까지 군인들을 위한 군사도시로 꾸준히 발전하였지만 2000년대 이후 원주에서 군 부대가 이전하게 되고, 새로운 도시개발정책이 시행됨에 따라 과거 원주를 있게 한 각종 군사시설은 사라지게 되었다. 과거 군사도시 원주의 사라져가는 장소를 기억하고 흔적을 발견하여 체계적으로 정리하는 일은 원주의 도시 정체성 확보는 물론 미래 유산의 보전에 중요한 역할을 하게 될 것이다. The purpose of this study is to systematically organize military facilities in Wonju that remember the military culture, to secure the location, and secure the identity of Wonju as a military city. After the Korean War, the headquarters of the first Field Army moved to Wonju, and military facilities representing Korea were created. Afterwards, a city was formed in Wonju, which was ruined by the war, and a war damage restoration project was carried out by the military. Wonju has been able to develop steadily until today because support for Wonju continued through U.S. military aid. This is the background of Wonju City, which was devastated by the war but developed into a new emerging city in little over a decade. Former presidents of South Korea have always visited Wonju-a military hub and a rising emerging city. However, it has been judged as a strategic political area. Wonju is home to the security of South Korea with the presence of the First Field Army Command, subordinate units and the U.S. Army s Camp Long; it was considered not only a strategic political area but also an important city for national governance. Wonju continued to develop as a military city for soldiers until the 1990s. However, after the 2000s, military units moved from Wonju to other areas, and new urban development policies began to be implemented. As various military facilities were established during this period, Wonju began to disappear. It is important to remember the past of the disappearing military city of Wonju and recover traces and organize them systematically, as well as to secure the identity of the city of Wonju and preserve future heritage.

      • KCI등재

        正祖代 都城防禦論과 江華留守府

        정두영(Jeong, Du-Young) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2013 서울학연구 Vol.- No.51

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the trend how the relationship between capital city and Ganghwa Island was shifted in terms of national security and defense during the war time in Joseon Dynasty. From Chinese Invasion in 1627 (year of Jeongmyo) through King Injo regime to King Hyojong and Hyunjong, national defense system was reinforced on the Ganghwa Island with exclusion of the capital city. However, as arguments on capital city defense were raised due to changes in internal and external environment and conditions after King Sookjong, the role and Ganghwa Island was to support capital city defense system from the outskirts of the nation and importance of the island became less weighted. During the King Youngjo and Jeongjo regimes, capital city defense system was the same with previous regimes in terms of that capital city defense was linked with the defense from the outskirts of the nation, however main differences were laid that the King Youngjo focused more on capital city defense and the King Jeongjo reinforced defense system at the suburb centered on Hwasung in Suwon. In the King Jeongjo regimes, there was a movement to keep the principle of critical defense of capital city and at the same time, Ganghwa Island could be used as a strategic military base. Debates on relocation of Tong-o military base into Ganghwa Island in order to reinforce military force around Ganghwa-Yusubu region was initiated by the King Jeongjo. Also negligent operation of military organization and waste of budget were found and solution was sought through rearrangement of military organization. However, when Hwasung were under construction, the main interest in capital city defense centered on capital city and Ganghwa Isalnd was shifted into Hwasung.

      • KCI등재

        군항도시 사세보(佐世保)의 평화산업항만도시로의 전환을 위한 도전 : 사이카이(西海) 국립공원 지정 과정에 주목하여

        이상원 한국정치사회연구소 2024 한국과 국제사회 Vol.8 No.1

        Sasebo has been established as a military strategic point since the opening of the Ministry of Chinju-fu in July 1889. Since the inauguration of Mayor Masasuke Tanaka in 1946, the tourism industry has been promoted to realize a peace-industry port city in order to shed the image of a military port city, and the West Sea area, including the waters around Sasebo, has made every effort to be designated as a national park. However, the Korean War broke out in 1950 during the height of discussions on the designation of a Saikai national park, and it served as an opportunity to promote Japan's rearmament by the United States. The Maritime Security Agency was established by MacArthur in July 1950, and its general superintendent was assigned to Sasebo. The prefectural governor of Nishioka and the mayor of Tanaka expressed their will to catch two rabbits, port of a military and commerce, in consideration of the local economy. Through various difficulties in 1955, the West Sea area was unanimously decided as the first national park and was officially designated on March 16. This paper intends to consider the activities that Sasebo City promoted to convert from a military port city to a tourist city and the process of designation of Saikai National Park. In addition, in the history of East Asia, I would like to investigate the process of transforming a military port city called Sasebo into a peace industry port city. 이 연구는 구(舊)일본해군의 군사적 요충지 역할을 맡은 군항도시 사세보(佐世保)가 관광도시로 전환되는 과정에 기반을 두고 있다. 사세보는 1889년 7월 진수부(鎮守府)가 개청된 이래 군사 전략적 요충지로 자리잡았다. 1946년 다나카 마사스케(田中正輔) 시장의 취임 이후, 군항도시의 이미지를 벗고자 평화산업항만도시의 실현을 위해 관광산업을 추진하였고 사세보 주변 해역을 포함한 서해 일대를 국립공원으로 지정받기 위해 최선의 노력을 다했다. 하지만 사이카이(西海)국립공원 지정 논의가 한창 진행된 시기인 1950년 한국전쟁이 발발하였고 미국에 의해 일본의 재무장을 촉진 시키는 계기가 된다. 1950년 7월 맥아더에 의해 해상보안청이 설치되었고 그 총감부가 사세보에 배치된다. 니시오카(西岡) 현(県)지사와 다나카(田中) 시장은 지역경제를 고려하여 군상(軍商)항이라는 두 마리 토끼를 잡겠다는 목표로 의지를 표명했다. 1955년 여러 난관을 뚫고 서해 일대가 만장일치로 국립공원 1순위로 결정되었고 3월 16일 정식으로 지정되었다. 본 논문은 사세보시가 군항도시에서 관광도시로 전환하기 위하여 추진했던 사이카이(西海)국립공원 유치 활동과 지정 과정을 고찰하고자 한다. 아울러 동아시아의 역사 속에서 사세보라는 군항도시가 평화산업항만도시로 변천되어가는 과정을 규명하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        구술로 본 강원도 원주의 도시기억 ― 군사문화를 중심으로

        김대범(Kim, Daebeom) 중앙어문학회 2020 語文論集 Vol.82 No.-

        이 연구는 강원도 원주의 지역 정체성 확립에 기여했던 군사문화를 기반으로 군사문화의 도시 원주를 구술을 통해 기억하는 데 있다. 한국전쟁 이후 원주는 분단국가의 특수성을 반영하듯 군사문화의 도시로서 모습을 갖추었다. 그러나 2000년대의 원주는 새로운 변화를 맞이하게 된다. 강원도 원주가 우리나라를 대표하는 군사문화의 도시였다는 사실은 원주지역 토박이거나 원주민들의 구술기록으로만 확인된다. 따라서 군사문화의 도시 원주 에 거주한 지역 원주민들의 기억과 구술기록을 통해서 과거 원주의 사라져 가는 기억에 대해 정리하고자 한다. 미군부대 식당종업원 박명한 씨, 1960~70년대 미군부대 구호물자를 사용한 박은희 씨, 1980년대 미군부대에서 막사철거 용역을 한 심재근 씨의 구술을 통해 ‘미군부대와 관련된 기억’을, 1960년대 어린 시절 군부대와 군인 밖에 없던 마을을 회상한 박은희, 심재근 씨, 미군으로부터 원조 받은 물자로 학교를 설립했다는 박종수, 서교하 씨, 교내 부대문화행사를 기획한 간의웅 씨, 군인들과 조기청소회를 한 이강록 씨, 군인전용 법당 법웅사 법회에 참여한 이승윤 씨를 통해 ‘군사문화의 정서를 느꼈던 기억’을 채록하였다. 또한 군인 아버지의 계급을 이야기 한 이강록 씨, 군인가족을 가정방문한 간의웅 씨, 군인간부 부인 꽃꽂이 선생님이었던 이승윤 씨, 군인 아파트에 거주한 유태준 씨의 구술로 ‘군인가족들과의 기억’을, 마지막으로 군인 회식의 유태준 씨, 군인월급날을 기억하는 이강록 씨, 부대 근처 식당을 운영하는 박은희, 이복순 씨의 구술기록을 통해 ‘군 관련 상업시설과 운영자의 기억’을 채록할 수 있었다. This study is based on the military culture that contributed to the establishment of the regional identity in Wonju, Gangwon-do and is remembered as "Wonju, the city of military culture" through orality. Since the Korean War, Wonju has been shaped like a city of military culture, reflecting the uniqueness of the divided nation. However, Wonju faced new changes in the 2000s. The fact that Wonju, Gangwon-do was the representative city of military culture in Korea is confirmed only by native peoples or oral records of the natives. Therefore, this study would like to summarize the disappearance of Wonju through interviews, where the indigenous people, who lived in Wonju, share their memories. The following people dictated their stories on ‘The Memory related to the U.S.’, Park Myung-han, a former employee of the U.S. Army Corps Restaurant, Park Eun-hee, who used relief supplies during the 1960s and 1970s, and Shim Jae-geun, who worked as a demolition service for barracks in the United States Army in the 1980s. Also, Park Eun-hee and Shim Jae-geun recalled a village where only military troops and soldiers existed in the 1960s, and Park Jong-soo and Seo Kyo-ha remembered the establishment of the school with the aid of the U.S. military. Furthermore, ‘The Memory of military culture’ was recorded from Mr. Gan Woong. who organized a military event in the school, Lee Kang-rok. who worked with the soldiers for early cleaning, and Lee Seung-yoon, who participated in the Buddhism Court for the Soldiers. Additionally, Mr. Kang Rok talks about the ranks of military fathers, Mr. Gwan-woong used to visit the military family and tell them stories, Lee Seung-yun was the flower design instructor of the military officer"s wife, and Yoo Tae-jun lived in a military apartment, and these memories comprise the recordings about "The Memory with military families". Finally, ‘The Memory as an operator of military-related commercial facilities" were dictated by Yoo Tae-jun, who told the story of the soldiers" dinner, Lee Kang-rok, who told the story of the soldier"s payday, and Park Eun-hee and Lee Bok-soon, who ran a restaurant near the unit.

      • KCI등재

        唐宋變革期 都城의 입지 변화 -군사적 요인을 중심으로-

        이기천(Lee, Kichon) 서강대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 서강인문논총 Vol.- No.61

        당송변혁기 도성사는 長安 시대의 종식과 開封 시대의 도래로 요약된다. 하지만 선행연구는 斷代史的 관점에서 개별 도성의 구조적 특징에 관심을 집중하였다. 본고는 北宋 開寶 9年(976) 천도 논의에서 제기된 “贍軍”을 실마리로, 도성의 입지 변화 요인을 분석했다. 7세기 장기간 지속된 대외전쟁으로 인해 唐의 변경선이 확장되었다. 이를 효과적으로 방어하기 위해서는 장기간 주둔할 수 있는 병력이 필요했다. 기존 방식대로 농민을 징병하기에는 곤란했기에, 징병제는 모병제로 전환되었고 이로 인해 직업군인이 출현했다. 변경 방어 기구인 藩鎭이 내지로 확대되었고, 안사의 난 이후 번진의 할거는 宋初까지 지속되었다. 정권의 안위를 위해 권력자들은 보다 많은 군대를 확보하고자 노력했다. 그 결과 당송변혁기 도성의 방어 방식이 “據山河之勝”에서 “蓄兵京師”로 변화했다. 도성에 거주하고 있던 수십만의 군인 및 그 가족에 대한 부양이 현안으로 떠올랐다. 그런데 장안은 험준한 지형 덕분에 도성 방어에는 유리했지만, 7세기 중반부터 耕地 면적의 축소로 인해 贍軍은 고사하고 황제도 낙양으로 건너가 就食할 정도로 식량공급이 어려웠다. 낙양의 식량 공급원은 산동・하남・하북에 한정되었고, 정비되지 않은 조운 체계는 군량 공급에 차질을 야기했다. 당송변혁기 경제 중심이 장강 중하류로 南移하였다. 개활지인 개봉은 군사방어상 지형적 이점은 없었지만, 4개의 큰 강이 도성을 관통했다. 조운에 유리한 개봉에 정도함으로써, 江・淮의 곡식과 물자가 도성으로 집중되는 유통망이 구축될 수 있었다. 요컨대 군제의 변화, 섬군의 필요성, 경제 중심의 남이, 운하의 중요성 대두로 인해 도성의 입지 조건이 唐・宋을 경계로 전환되었다. The history of capital cities in Tang-Song transition period, which is recognized as a turning point of Chinese history, can be summarized into the cessation of the capital at Chang’an and the commencement of the capital at Kaifeng. Previous studies concentrated on the structure and moving patterns of capital cities. This article analyzes military factors that capital cities were moved from Chang’an and Luoyang (the western part) to Kaifeng (the eastern part) in Tang-Song transition period, with the discussion of moving the capital city in the ninth year of the Kaibao reign (976). The frontier of Tang was expanded because of perpetual wars in the seventh century. As it needed the stationed army to effectively defend the expanded frontier, it became difficult to sustainably conscript peasants in the traditional way. Conscription gradually moved to a volunteer military system, and therefore career soldiers appeared in Tang. The range of military coup for the frontier defending organization was expanded to inner China. After the outbreak of the An Lushan Rebellion, China in late Tang and early Song was in the continuance of war. Authorities made an effort to secure more military forces for the stability of the reign. As a result, the strategy for capital cities’ defense was changed from “據山河之勝” (it depended on the ruggedness of the mountainous terrain) to “蓄兵京師” (the regiment was stationed in the capital city) and afterward it had become important for the food supply of the capital city to support the army. Despite this, due to the reduction of agricultural land area, it was difficult to halt food crisis of Chang’an in the mid-seventh century. The ruggedness of the mountainous terrain in Guanzhong was beneficial to protect the capital city, but restricted transportation of foods from outside. When natural disasters happened, it led to serious food shortages, far from supporting the army, even an emperor had to move to Luoyang to consume staple food. Luoyang was an essential point within the Grand Canal route to Chang’an, but wars in late Tang made it devastated. In the Five Dynasties, sources of food supply in Luoyang was limited to Shandong, Henan, and Hebei. Furthermore, the poorly maintained marine transportation system led to the failure of military provisions. An economic hub in Tang-Song transition period moved to Jianghuai region in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow river from Shandong and Henan. Kaifeng was located in open terrain and therefore did not have geographical advantages affecting military defense, but was surrounded by four big rivers. This helped to develop distribution networks that made supplies of the whole country, specially grains grown in Jianghuai region, converge on the capital city.

      • KCI등재

        사세보(佐世保)의 근대화 유산과 경관으로 본 지역 아이덴티티

        이상원 동북아시아문화학회 2024 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.79

        This paper examined the formation and transformation of the landscape, focusing on the “modern heritage” handed over from the former Japanese Navy to the U.S. military in the postwar period. We looked at what characteristic landscape was created and practical transformation was made as it was preserved well during the historical time when the subject of use and management was reversed from the former Japanese Navy to the U.S. military. In particular, cultural resources were made around the military facilities of Sasebo, a movement of anti-半 state-led modern heritage in the 1990s, and we examined how the generational theory with Machizukuri's “regional operation” influenced the formation and utilization of the landscape in the region. As a result, the stage of the process of establishing an organic relationship between modernization heritage, cultural resource conversion, machizukuri, and landscape formation was identified. As such, it can be seen that Sasebo has been using the electric buildings remaining in the U.S. military base as a historical resource called modernization heritage until recently. It was found through the construction of the Albuquerque Bridge, which is not only a view of the “red brick” but also a building that does not take into account the local residents, can result in trapping the local residents in the memory of the pain of war and violence. Is the ambiguous situation in which an exchange bridge named after the sister city exists where the history of occupation and the memory of violence coexist a promise for the survival of peace? Is this a measure to secure the legitimacy of the occupation of the U.S. military? The failure of the conversion to a peace industry port city desired by the residents of Sasebo and the unilateral promotion of the state's policy of ‘modernization’ in disregard of the history of war and violence eventually resulted in the formation of contradictory local identities. Despite the construction of parks for citizens and the conversion of military facilities, Sasebo will no longer be able to escape from the local identity of the U.S. military and the military port city.

      • KCI등재

        추방된 이태원의 기억: 다큐멘터리 <이태원>과 소설 『단순한 진심』을 중심으로

        배주연 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2020 여성학논집 Vol.37 No.1

        Itaewon village, where the military camp town was formed after the Korean War and the establishment of a central Islamic temple, the selection of a special tourist zone, and urban redevelopment projects have been carried out, has been represented in popular media due to its historical specificity. Until the 1990s, Itaewon village’s public image had been projecting ‘the blockage’ wrought by the Cold War and division between South Korea and North Korea, and military dictatorship onto the body of women in the military camp town, while the images of Itaewon village, which have been represented by popular media, including Itaewon Class, recently establish Itaewon village as the center of global consumption culture. However, women in the military camp town, which had been represented frequently before, were omitted or deported amid the shift from the post-colonial imagination to global consumption cities. This study analyzes the two women’s works – documentary Itaewon (Kangyu Garam, 2016/2019) and the novel Dansunhan Chinsim (Simple Heart) (Cho Hae-jin, 2019), which draw with the current lives of these deported women, and how the works restore the lives of women in the military camp town and form a counter-memory sphere that popular media tried to erase from the contemporary public memory sphere. Itaewon provides a venue for counter-memory through the face of women in the military camp town that the capital of development is trying to deport, and Dansunhan Chinsim attempts a transnational connection between women in the military camp town and international adoptees, and rewrites the history of the military camp town in Itaewon village as the sphere of ethical practice for caring. Through the study of these two works, this paper examines the memory of women omitted by the masculinized national narrative and the logic of developmental capital, and discusses the two practical strategies of ‘un-mapping’ and ‘ethics of caring’ by two authors trying to restore the memories of women in Itaewon. 한국전쟁 이후 이태원에는 미군부대를 중심으로 기지촌이 형성되었고, 이후 수십년의 시간이 흐르는 동안 이슬람 중앙 성전의 설립, 관광특구 선정, 도심 재개발 사업과 같은 일련의 변화들이 진행되었다. 이러한 이태원의 역사적 특수성으로 인해 이태원은 대중매체에서 빈번히 소환되어 왔다. 1990년대까지 이태원의 대중적 표상은 기지촌을 위시해, 군사독재와 분단, 냉전의 가로막힌 상상력을 기지촌 여성의 몸에 투영시켜 왔다면 최근 대중미디어가 표상하는 이태원의 이미지는 글로벌한 소비문화의 중심지로서 이태원을 자리매김하는 것이다. 그러나 포스트 식민적 상상에서 글로벌한 소비 도시로의 이동 속에서 이전까지 빈번하게 재현되던 기지촌의 여성들은 누락되거나 추방당했다. 본 연구는 이런 추방된 여성들의 현재적 삶을 다루고 있는 두 편의 여성 서사물 - 다큐멘터리 <이태원>(강유가람, 2016/2019)과 소설 『단순한 진심』(조해진, 2019, 민음사) - 을 분석하고, 어떻게 이 작품들이 동시대의 대중 표상에서 지워내려고 했던 기지촌 여성들의 삶을 복원하고 대항 기억장을 형성하는지를 살펴보고자 한다. <이태원>은 탈중심적 서사와 반-지도그리기의 전략을 통해 개발의 바람이 지우려고 하는 기지촌 여성들의 대항 기억장을 모색하며, 조해진의 소설 『단순한 진심』은 기지촌 여성과 입양아들의 트랜스내셔널한 연결을 시도하고, 돌봄의 윤리적 실천 공간으로서 이태원의 기지촌을 소환한다. 이 두 편의 작품 연구를 통해 본 논문은 남성화된 국가 서사와 개발 자본의 논리가 누락시킨 여성들의 기억장을 살펴보고, 이태원 여성들의 기억을 복원하려는 여성 작가들의 실천 전략을 논할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        계룡시 승마관광 도입에 관한 기초연구

        전명숙 관광경영학회 2019 관광경영연구 Vol.93 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to verify the introduction of the Equestrian Tourism in Gyeryong city. As tourism paradigm has changed over the years, Horse Riding activity has developed as a new leasure trend and it will continue to have a future in the field of tourism. Horse Riding has always been a traditional part of everyday’ soldiers’ life. Gyeryong city is the center of the Korean Military head quarter. These two facts combined create new prospects for tourism in Gyeryong city. In order to develop this plan this paper analysed the marketing strategy of 4 rural major Horse Riding Courses in Korea, suggests are following: 1. Make a 5 years plan and a budget for its realization. 2. Public void spaces owned by Gyeryong city such as Jungjangri, Yudongri, Pyungri could be used as location to make a Horse track facility. Gyeryong city has many potential Horse Riding resources, like the Hyangjecksan Mountain Healing course, Dugyechon walking trail road and the mountain trail roads for Horse trekking near by the city. 3. The Horse Riding activity can give extra exposure to the 2020 Gyeryong World Military Festival promoting regional tradition and local culture to the world

      • KCI등재

        군항도시 사세보(佐世保)의 유흥공간 변천

        이상원 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.75

        As for the entertainment space in Sasebo, from 1889, when the old headquarters was established, during the pre-war period, brothels and kashizashiki (貸座敷) were created. With the Katsutomi Yukaku and Hanazono Yukoku as the center, Aiura and Haiki Yukura were also established. Around 1937, it reached its peak of prosperity, and there were more than 1,000 prostitutes in only two brothel districts, Katsutomi and Hanazono. However, the Sino-Japanese War began, and the influence of the war could not be avoided even among prostitutes. Some were mobilized to factories for military production or converted to farming to make a living. Due to the Sasebo air raid on June 29, 1945, at the end of the Pacific War, the Katsutomi and Hanazono brothel areas were burnt down, districts of which lost their function. As the Allied Forces entered Sasebo after the defeat on August 15, 1945, the Sasebo City Hall and City Police Station gathered the owners and prostitutes of Katsutomi and Hanazono, which had been destroyed by the war, and instructed to set up brothels for the military. In the end, it was installed as a space dedicated to prostitution for soldiers and civilian employees under the name of ‘Special Teahouse Street’. The Korean War broke out in 1950, and the Allied Forces Command was established in Sasebo. Sasebo, which became a base for sending troops to Korea and supplying military supplies, was overflowing with soldiers crossing to the battlefield and returning from vacations from the battlefield, and foreigner bars also prospered together. On July 27, 1953, an armistice agreement was signed in the Korean War, and Sasebo's entertainment district again flourished due to the returning soldiers through Sasebo Port. However, due to the closure of the US military base, Aiura Camp, and the Japanese government's deflationary policy, sekikashi for foreigners also decreases. In March 1950, the entertainment space, which was divided into foreigners and Japanese by the Relocation Committee, was organized as one in Katsutomi-cho, Goten-cho and Gion-cho. The reorganized Katsutomi/Hanazono Yukaku did not last again, and in March before the Prostitution Prevention Act took effect on April 1, 1958, the sekikashi business was closed and changed to an inn. In this way, we examined how the entertainment space of Sasebo has changed since 1889, when the old headquarters was established, through the prewar and postwar periods.

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