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      • 웨딩플래너 양성을 위한 커리큘럼과 이론적 고찰

        이진호,최영희 한국뷰티경영학회 2014 한국뷰티경영학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Since the concept of wedding planner came into being, the wedding industry has exponentially grown but the reality is that there have been scarce preceding researches related to wedding industry as well as scarce theses on wedding planner. This being the case, even the term of wedding planner is used in a confused way. Experts of wedding-related professions should provide clients with reasonable, clear consumption in economy of scale for advancement of wedding industry, and colleges that train wedding planners should run various curriculums via specialized education for the breeding up of specialized man power and for the building up of systematic industrial structure. This study is intended to find actual situations of wedding planning education by standard educational institutes with wedding planner courses, and to prepare basic research data on wedding planner education program. It is considered that educational institutes with wedding planner courses should develop professional, systematic curriculums based on results of researches on wedding-related jobs for the establishment of appropriate wedding culture as well as the advancement of wedding industry.

      • KCI등재

        고려 하가(下嫁) 의례의 구성과 특징

        백동인 한국사상사학회 2022 韓國思想史學 Vol.- No.72

        This article compared the wedding ceremony of Goryeo princess with that of China, and analyzed the way Goryeo changed Confucian rituals. The wedding ceremony of princess in Goryeo is summarized in Goryeo History( 高麗史 ). The source of this record is likely to be Sangjeonggogeumrye( 詳定古今禮 ) compiled in the period of King Uijong(毅宗), and its contents were greatly influenced by Zhenghe New Five Ceremonies( 政和五禮新儀 ), the representative ceremony books of Song dynasty. The wedding ceremony of princess in Goryeo History is much simpler than those of Kaiyuan Ritual Code( 大唐開元禮 ) and Zhenghe New Five Ceremonies, eliminated all five stages of wedding ceremony except bride bringing(親迎). The ritual between princess and her parents-in-law was renamed as a bowing ritual, not a meeting ritual. Another royal wedding in Goryeo History, the wedding of Crown Prince also omitted five stages, but proposal(納采) and fixing a date(請期) seem to have existed in their own way. However, by changing the name of bride bringing toCrown Princess’s entrance, Goryeo History showed a different perspective from China on bride bringing. Since this book did not deal with other royal weddings, it can be said that the wedding ceremony of princess was treated very exceptionally. Moreover, the procedure for sending envoys after other royal weddings was stipulated to be the same as that of princesses, making the wedding ceremony of princess the standard for royal weddings. Goryeo was unable to follow the six stages of wedding due to the customs of endogamy and matrilocal residence. Since patriarchal clan(宗法) and ancestral shrine(禰廟) were not established in a Confucian way, the wedding ceremony became an event for parents and relatives, not ancestral shrine. Princess couples went through the bride bringing procedure, but did not fully embody the ethics of a wife following her husband(夫唱婦隨) and lived in palaces of princesses. However, the Goryeo royal family actively practiced acts related to filial piety. The giving advice with alcohol(醮戒) in which a father ordered his son to marry followed almost the original ritual. Although the Goryeo people did not greatly sympathize with the Confucian value that marriage was a solemn generation change ritual, there was a three-day interval between weddings and banquets. The wedding ceremony in Goryeo History shows many traces of adjusting the details to suit the situation and needs of Goryeo. In the case of the Song Dynasty, the rules of Zhenghe New Five Ceremonies and actual rituals were very different. It can be seen that Sangjeonggogeumrye reflects many worries and experiences and contains contents optimized for practice. 본고는 고려 하가(下嫁) 의례를 중국의 것과 비교하여, 고려가 유교 의례를 변용한 방식을 분석했다. 고려 하가 의례의 규정은 고려사 예지(禮志) 공주하가의(公主下嫁儀) 항목에 정리되어 있다. 원전은 고려 의종(毅宗) 대에 편찬한 상정고금례(詳定古今禮) 가 유력하며, 그 내용은 송의 대표 예전(禮典) 정화오례신의(政和五禮新儀) 의 영향을 많이 받았다. 고려사 공주하가의는 대당개원례(大唐開元禮) ・ 신의 하가보다 절차가 훨씬 간략했으며, 특히 육례 중 친영을 제외한 오례를 모두 삭제했다. 공주와 시부모 사이 의례는 뵙는(見) 의례가 아닌 절하는(拜) 의례로 개칭했다. 또 혼례 후 사신 파견을 중요한 절차로 다루었다. 고려사 예지의 다른 왕실 혼례인 왕태자 납비 역시 오례를 생략했으나, 납채・청기 절차는 나름대로 존재했던 것으로 보인다. 하지만 친영을 비입내(妃入內)로 개칭하여, 친영에 대해 중국과 다른 관점을 보였다. 고려사 예지는 이외의 왕실 혼례를 다루지 않았으므로, 하가 의례는 매우 예외적으로 취급되었다고 할 수 있다. 더욱이 다른 왕실 남성의 납비 이후 사신 파견 절차는 하가와 똑같이 하도록 규정하여, 하가를 왕실 혼례의 표준으로 삼았다. 고려는 족내혼・남귀여가 풍속 때문에 육례를 그대로 따를 수 없었다. 종법 질서와 니묘(禰廟)가 자리 잡지 못했기 때문에, 혼례는 종묘가 아닌 부모와 친척을 위한 행사가 되었다. 친영 절차를 밟았으나, 부창부수를 충실히 구현하지 않았고, 부부는 공주궁에 거주했다. 하지만 효행과 관련 있는 절차는 적극적으로 실천했다. 아버지가 아들에게 혼례를 명령하는 초계는 본래의 의례를 거의 그대로 따랐다. 혼례가 엄숙한 세대 교체의 의례라는 유교적 가치관에 크게 공감하지 않았음에도, 혼례와 연회 사이 3일의 말미를 두었다. 고려사 공주하가의는 이렇듯 고려의 실정과 필요에 맞게 세부 사항을 조정한 흔적이 여럿 보인다. 송의 경우, 신의 의 규정과 실제 의례가 크게 달라 대조가 된다. 고려의 상정례 는 많은 고민과 경험을 반영하여 실천에 최적화한 내용을 담았음을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Perception of Wedding Planners on Hanbok as a Wedding Ceremony Dress

        ( Kyeong Seub Shin ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2010 패션 비즈니스 Vol.14 No.6

        The aim of this study is to understand the wedding planners` general perceptions on Hanbok as a ceremonial dress in wedding ceremonies. Moreover, the study explores the aesthetic understanding of wedding planners on Hanbok which both influences their choice of recommendation and purchasing decisions. In the process of organizing the structure of weddings for clients, planners have naturally acquired the position of being able to influence the sales of the Hanbok industry. Moreover, brides-to-be are heavily dependant on wedding planners in sketching the outlines of their whole wedding. Therefore, in order to analyze the opinions of both subjects, a research survey was launched which involved three hundred participants from two groups: first, wedding planners who were free lancers working in the Chungdam District, and second, wedding planners who were working for wedding consulting firms. The survey method was based on one precedent study, in which a preliminary survey was conducted by interviewing companies in the Hanbok industry and wedding consulting firms, and an additional survey in the form of Questionnaires. The STATA 11.0 program was used for analyzing the recruited data for frequency analysis and cross-tabulations analysis on career. The conclusion of this research may be used as substantial preliminary data in prospering the Hanbok industry, enhance and newly shape its marketing strategies and the conclusion is as follows. 1. Wedding planners have a more profound understanding on Hanbok and prioritize the significance of formative constituents in the order of color, material, style, size, and decoration. 2. The prospects of promoting the image of Hanbok through wedding planners is promising. According to surveys, this goes to show that the persuasion of wedding planners have brought a positive effect on choice of Hanbok and as wedding planners become more specialized, their involvement in preparing Hanbok with brides is increasing. 3. Wedding planners believed that the main reasons why future brides do not select Hanbok as a ceremony dress are that the cost is too high relative to practicality and that there are not enough opportunities to wear them.

      • KCI등재

        웨딩드레스와 업스타일 트렌드 변화에 관한 연구 -1998년, 2003년, 2008년 봄과 가을을 중심으로-

        유현주 ( Hyun Ju Yoo ),진형여 ( Hyung Yeo Jin ) 한국미용학회 2009 한국미용학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        This research is aiming to provide people with future wedding and up style trends by analyzing the past wedding and up style trends. Secondary research was used in this research. For instance, wedding magazines and internet sources were used for the comparison of the wedding and up style trends between three different periods which were in 1998, 2003 and 2008. The purpose of the comparison is to prove how the wedding and up style trends had been actually changed in each period of time. Moreover, the comparison mainly focused on spring and autumn wedding and up style. The result is summarized as follows; in 1998, there was an economical wedding strategy which became popular with an economic crisis. This means generally when people bought wedding dresses, the prices were considered as the most important factor. In addition, the majority of wedding dresses from 1998 emphasized on frill and ruffle with flower decoration. On the other hand, in 2003, the wedding dresses with simple lines were mainly focused. The reason was because at that time, there was a large number of the world`s famous TV and movie stars started to celebrate their weddings in fancy hotels. During that time, the simple lines promised to be the most suitable design for the wedding dresses in hotel weddings. The wedding dress tendency in 2008 were usually designed with thin and transparent materials and the shapes were mostly based on slips. Furthermore, the up style had been changed as well as the wedding dress.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Status of Domestic Wedding Industry -Focusing on Dress, Studios, Makeup Firms-

        ( Kyeong Seob Shin ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2008 패션 비즈니스 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to analyze the overall process of the wedding industry -arranging domestic wedding firms and formulating a database related to the business. Simultaneously, with all the data in hand the research attempts to seek flaws within the wedding industry and tries to offer solutions to revitalize the industrial section. Because the list of articles is enormously expansive, for the purpose of basic research, objects have been selected according to the process presented below. Wedding-product firms have been classified within the boundaries of dresses, studios, and makeup firms; distributing channels are mainly focused on wedding planners and related-consulting firms; related departments of universities and wedding organizations are illustrated as well. Due to the unorganized system of this particular field, the research process has been conducted with materials from personal experiences, newspapers, magazines, Internet websites, documents, and interviews with wedding-related firms and organizations, and professors. As a result, over 13 subjects which formulate a market structure of over 30trillion won. However, due to lack of systemization of the industry, as it expands, numerous problems occur. Excessive competition between wedding-consulting firms and the lack of reliable education for wedding planners, unnecessary external investment and the lack of product research, false Information from the Internet puts the entire industry in a inefficient position. Organizations such as Korea Traditional clothes Industrial Union, Korea Wedding Consulting Association, Korea Martial Industrial Promotion Association(KOMIPA) etc, are made to seek for solutions. For the wedding industry to revitalize, wedding-product firms, wedding planners and consulting firms must maintain an organic relationship every season. They must systemize a proper distribution system, with wedding-product companies enhancing the quality of products, wedding planners organizing wedding plans with responsibility, and consulting firms focusing not only on profits. In order to make high-valued products, wedding-product companies must put their greatest effort in producing talented minds, and universities with related departments must do so as well. In other words, the industrial and educational section of our society must cooperate through a sophisticated system. In addition, related organizations must act to receive governmental support in order to support the industry.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Wedding Service Industry Change according to the use of Digital Marketing - The investigation on Cruise-Wedding from the Tourism Perspective -

        김도윤 국제e-비즈니스학회 2011 e-비즈니스 연구 Vol.12 No.3

        Korean wedding service industry has reached its mature stage and demands for unique products and services have steadily increased. Recently, there are a variety of types of wedding ceremonies that include a magic show or cocktail show, weddings on the ship, and cruise wedding. Meanwhile, the increase of business related to the wedding industry has caused fierce competition, which, in turn, resulted in poor quality products and services. Thus it is necessary for the Korean wedding service industry to develop products and services to satisfy foreign customers rather than just focusing on the domestic market. Also,Korea Wave of cultural influences and the wedding market with the development of the digital marketing needs to change. In this vein, the current study aims to investigate on Korean wedding service industry and suggestions for its future development. First, it attempted to examine the history and the status of Korean wedding industry. Through the analysis of the environment for Korean wedding industry, it would be possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the industry and the resources necessary to attract foreign customers. Second, it aimed to suggest services and products that can be developed to meet the demands and needs of foreign customers based on the environment analysis. When the foreign customers use wedding services and products developed in Korea, they should come to Korea, which accompanies incidental expenses related to transportation, lodging, food and beverage, and tourist attractions. Therefore,this study examined future development of wedding service industry from the tourism perspective.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국의 웨딩메이크업 이미지 비교분석 연구 -2020년도를 중심으로-

        왕신월 ( Xinyue Wang ),박정신 ( Jeong Shin Park ) 한국미용학회 2021 한국미용학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        The wedding culture of the present society in the 21st century is becoming more and more glocalized due to the progress in digital technologies and the resultant information exchange, while it also demands pursuit differentiation as the characteristics of the uniqueness and changes in the forms of weddings. Of these, wedding makeup is now recognized as a critical factor to determine the image of the bride. As a result of the increased information exchange through the media of South Korea, it is assumed that the wedding culture and wedding makeup in China match with the trends in South Korea, and there is a need to examine the current status of this aspect. For this, the researcher intends to analyze the wedding makeup images of South Korea and China, focusing on wedding magazines. For the theoretical study, the researcher reviewed preceding studies and books. And, for the empirical study, the only wedding magazine in South Korea, Wedding 21, and its Chinese counterpart, COSMOBride, were used as the study material. As for the classification of the photo images, five makeup majors were put to analyze the images. As a result, it was shown that the classic images in China had more vivid and splendid makeup. However, apart from this difference, the differences between natural images, romantic images, and elegant images were not significant. As such, the analysis result showing that the features in each image in the wedding magazines of the two countries were the same indicates that China is still under the influence of the Korean Wave as of 2020. It is expected that the findings of this study can be used as the basic data for the trends of wedding makeups and the types of wedding makeup images in South Korea and China.

      • KCI등재

        스몰웨딩을 위한 뉴노멀 웨딩드레스 디자인 개발

        한은경,임지영 한국의상디자인학회 2022 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Recent weddings have been performed in more unique and characterful styles going beyond the existing same old method of past weddings, and they are changed into small weddings with simplified style without unnecessary procedures by choosing a wedding venue different from others. It is necessary to develop a new wedding dress design suitable for such changing wedding culture, and especially, dresses are required to have some practical designs, so that they can be worn not only for the wedding ceremony or party but also for everyday life. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a new normal wedding dress for small weddings that reflect design according to the emerging small wedding culture. To this end, a theoretical review of small weddings was conducted, and based on this, a new normal wedding dress design was developed for small weddings. Based on practicality and economic feasibility, the New Normal Wedding Dress exhibited ‘variable by wearing method’ that changes according to the wearer's purpose and ‘variable by attaching and detaching method’ that changes according to the detachment of details. The small wedding dress developed through this study is expected to become a new standard for wedding dresses that is suitable for the changing wedding culture.

      • A Content Analysis of Fashion Trends in Wedding Dresses - Using Wedding Dress Magazine, ′My Wedding′and ′She′s Bride′Issued in 1997 -

        Lee, Mi-Yeon,Lee, Myoung-Hee The Costume Culture Association 1999 Fashion, industry and education Vol.2 No.2

        The objectives of this study were to identify fashion trend in the late 1990's by using content analysis of the design elements of wedding dresses in wedding magazine photographs. The data were selected among the wedding dress photographs in 1997 issues of two wedding's magazines, 'My wedding'and 'She's Bride'. The identified 455 photographs were classified into 15 major-categories of silhouettes, necklines, sleeves, materials, and trimmings, etc. 15 major-categories were consisted of 232 sub-categories. In the late 1990's, fashion trends of wedding dresses have mixed mainly dome silhouettes(56.0%), bell silhouettes, and tubular silhouettes. One-piece forms(90.8%) were familar more than two-piece forms. Necklines were used mainly such as square neckline(14.0%), high necklines(13.0) blended with other off-shoulder necklines, heart-shape necklines, and sweet-heart necklines, etc. Also camisole and strapless were added in neckline. Long-tight sleeves dominated at the late 1990's because that were used most (21.1%) among 22 sleeves sub-categories. And short sleeve, ruffled below-elbow length sleeves, and french sleeves were also used with the other sleeves. Long length in skirts(98.4%) were common but mini length were used rarely. Satin, lace, and solid cloth were the main materials in wedding dresses, however, spandex and velvet were also used. Various trimmings such as flowers(corsages), ribbons blended with embroidery, small flowers, buttons, frills, strings, and fur trimming are used. Especially, flowers used most(11.8%) among 61 trimmings sub-categories. But simplicity was shown in trimmings because there were dresses not having any decorations(14.3%). The wedding dress of the late 1990's has become more varied in design due to the reflection of changes in society and fashion of everyday garments while the traditional design of the wedding dress has been preserved.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선시대 혼서(婚書)의 서식(書式) 변화를 통해서 본 혼례(婚禮)의 양상

        김혁 ( Hyok Kim ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2008 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.13

        이 글에서는 조선시대 혼서의 서식 변화를 통하여 당시 혼례 과정의 실제를 미루어 살펴보고자 하였다. 조선의 혼서식은 15세기 『國朝五禮儀』에서 처음 제시되었다. 이때 혼서식은 납채식 하나뿐이었다. 현존하는 문서들을 통해 이 서식이 당시 사족들에게도 상당한 영향력을 끼쳤음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 당시 혼례는 납채와 납폐를 위해 규정된 절차가 각각 마련되어 있음에도 이 두 의례는 한 날에 이루어지는 것이 통례였다. 그리고 당시 사람들은 이것을 납채례로 이해하였다. 이러한 두 절차를 하루에 치렀던 것은 의식 절차의 번거로움을 압축하여 간략화하고자 하였던 현실적인 편리가 반영된 결과였다. 중종 이후 주자학을 더욱 심도 있게 이해하여 실천하고자 하였던 사회적 관심의 결과, 丘濬의 『家禮儀節』이 수입되었다. 이때 이 책에 실린 혼서식도 함께 소개되었다. 여기서 혼서식은 납채식, 납폐식을 포함한 다양한 서식을 포함하고 있다. 그런데 사족들이 채택하였던 혼서식은 여전히 한가지였다. 다만 그 서식이 기존의 납채식에서 납폐식으로 변화하였다는 점에서 차이가 있다. 사족들의 혼서 양식은 새롭게 변모하였지만 지역과 집안에 따라 수용 양상에서 차이가 있었다. 예컨대 安東 사족의 대부분은 17세기 이후에는 『가례의절』에 실린 혼서식을 거의 그대로 준용하였다. 반면, 서울에 세거하였다가 경기도를 거쳐 충청도로 이주한 함양 박씨 집안의 경우는 17세기 이후 오례의의 납채식과 가례식이 묘하게 결합된 혼서식을 거쳐 오례의 납채식과 가례 납폐식이 혼용된 서식의 혼서를 사용하였다. 18세기 이후 의례서에서 제시되고 있는 혼례 절차는 『주자가례』를 그대로 준용하고 있는 쪽으로 더욱 규범화되었다. 그것은 대표적으로 『四禮便覽』에 반영된다. 그리고 그 혼례 절차는 이전에 없던 의혼을 포함하여 4단계로 정식화되었다. 그 중 혼서식은 가례혼서식 중 납채식과 납폐식을 모두 제시하고 가례혼서식에서 조선의 혼속과 어긋나는 사항만 생략한 서식을 제시함으로써 중국식 혼서를 그대로 사용하려는 의도가 컸음을 알 수 있다. 일부 상류 집안에서는 이러한 방식을 그대로 채택하였을 가능성이 있지만 그것은 결코 일반적으로 사용되었던 혼서식은 아니었다. 보다 광범위한 대중들은 俗禮式이나 家禮式 伏承型을 더 많이 이용하였을 것이라고 생각한다. 이것들이 의례서보다는 많은 사람들이 이용하였을 것이라고 추정되는 간찰 서식집에 좋은 보기로 소개되어 있기 때문이다. 그런데 이러한 혼서식의 변화는 조선시대의 혼례가 갖는 일부 특성을 반영한 것에 불과하다. 실제의 혼서에 나타난 혼례 과정은 이러한 서식집에 실린 혼서의 예들보다 훨씬 복잡한 양상을 보여주었다. 즉 납채와 납폐에 첨부되어 있던 납길, 연길 등이 분리되어 개별적인 혼서로 쪼개져 나왔다. 그 결과 四柱單子[剛儀書], 涓吉[涓吉同封書], 衣製[衣製 同封書], 納徵書(禮狀) [幣帛 物目單子 첨부]로 나타났으며 매우 정형화되고 보편적으로 이용되었다. 이 과정은 혼서의 생산 과정일 뿐만 아니라 일종 6례를 실현하는 과정이기도 하였다. 이러한 현상은 간찰로 대신하였던 것을 복잡한 절차를 간략화하고자 하였던 便利를 추구하는 한편, 六禮를 구비하여 失禮를 막고자 하였던 성과를 이루어 내고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 이것은 결코 의도되지 않았을지 모르지만 풍속이 현실과 이념 사이에서 적정하게 이루어낸 결과였다고 생각한다. The aim of this paper is to examine the real aspects of Wedding-ceremony from the standpoint of the change of the wedding-papers(婚書)' formal style in the Joseon period. The subject of the study is approached with two ways: (1) the change of the wedding-papers(婚書)' formal style, specially in the center of the Chinese wedding-papers formula's influence on the change of the styles of the real wedding-papers(婚書) in the Joseon period ; (2) the change of real wedding customs. There was already a wedding-papers formula in the fifteenth century. It was usually used among people at that time. But the introduction of the Chinese formulas made the established formation changed. The way and content of accepting them was different according to the social environment of the accepting people. Above all while the upper class in the late Joseon accepted them with less change, the common people used the simpler formula. It consisted of two parts. One was the traditional formula, and the other the foreign formula. On the other hand, there emerged the various wedding-papers(婚書) in the late Joseon period. The change of the procedure in the wedding ceremony was reflected on them. The procedure in the wedding ceremony at that time was different from that in the ritual books. Many concrete and complex steps of ritual process was replaced by the simpler procedure, as it were, the communication with letters. Nearly 10 letters were produced through one wedding ritual. This means to achieve two goals of the ideal formalism and the real pragmatism at the same time.

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