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      • KCI등재

        남성 네일 케어에 대한 소비자의 인식이 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        김기현,정연자 한국피부과학연구원 2014 대한피부미용학회지 Vol.12 No.6

        It is a human’s instinct to decorate and beautify his/her body. Covering defects with diverse materials andmaking merits stand out as a cultural behavior are the talent that humans have. So far, esthetic behavior hasbeen recognized as the sole domain of women. Entering the modern times, however, men’s interest in beautystarted to emerge as a critical issue which creates endless economic values in beauty industry. As beautyproducts become popular among men, and more men begin to buy their cosmetics, the production scope andamount of cosmetics have rapidly changed. Now, it is not hard at all to find a man in a beauty salon whichpursues total fashion. With the growth of nail industry and increase of men’s interest in nail care, it is neededto examine consumers’ perspective on men’s nail care and figure out its effects on purchase intention. Fromthis standpoint, this study is meaningful and significant. This study attempted to investigate consumers’ viewon men’s nail care and its effects on purchase behavior through a questionnaire survey on 264 young adults(aged 20-30s) living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Nail-related health behavior, men’s interest in nail care,consciousness and difference in consciousness between men and women were individually analyzed. Thesurvey revealed that a general view on men’s nail care was positive. Even though it is understood that men’snail care is necessary as a part of appearance management as appearance becomes more important inmen’s social life, many of them were reluctant to visit a nail care shop on their own. To boost men’s nail careindustry, therefore, it is critical to derive men’s latent instinct for nail care and build men’s nail care-friendlyenvironment to make men visit a nail care shop with in a comfortable and natural manner.

      • KCI등재

        근대기(17C-19C) 남성복에 나타난 군복의 영향요인

        한순자(Han Soon-Ja) 한복문화학회 2016 韓服文化 Vol.19 No.4

        Men"s wear originated from expectation of the functionality as a means of expressing the status and power along with the attraction or the essence of dressing itself. Men"s wear and the military uniform have been closely connected to each other regardless of an era, distinguishing class and regime and having a mutual effect on each other with dignified forms or decorations. The modern times allowed men"s wear to be elaborated in various forms to be transformed into modern men"s clothes. Traditionally, their men"s wear used integrated elements including the authority, class and control along with the functionality and embellishment. Men"s wear originated from the military uniform was developed to an external expressive medium for social exchange, having the socio-cultural significance, and may be assumed as the beginning of ready-to-wear for standardization and mass-production. Socio-cultural influences on the change of this period"s men"s wear include an ideological flow and zeitgeist, transportation and trade from economic and technological developments and the imperialism. However, there is no research on influencing factors of the miliary uniform on men"s wear. Hence, this study aims to summarize transition of men"s wear in modern times and influencing factors of the military uniform. It is expected to give data for understanding the military look and its design used in the contemporary fashion. This study intends to understand formation and the meaning of men"s wear under mutual connection of changes of men"s wear and the military uniform influencing it in the modern period. This study summarizes forms, use categories and episodes of men"s top through analyzing men"s wear details having connection with design elements according to changes of the military uniform related to weapon and tactics of the army in modern times. As for the research methodology, it examines changes of men"s wear shown from social transition while identifying association of men"s wear with the military uniform through surveying related data. it also analyzes historical materials on men"s wear and the military uniform from related data including paintings, data held by a museum, documentaries and fashion photo images.

      • Advertising Images of Men: Body Size and Muscularity of Men Depicted in Men`s Health Magazine

        ( Jae Hee Jung ) 한국마케팅과학회 2011 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.2 No.4

        Despite an increasing incidence of body image and eating disturbances in men, research on men and the ways in which they are affected by the media remain greatly under- documented. Given the fact that men are not immune to media images and are increasingly objectified in the media (Rohlinger, 2002), some men may be under as much pressure as women to achieve cultural ideals of physical appearance depicted by the media. The media not only reflects cultural environments but it can also actively shape social norms as being recognized as an important socialization agent. In Western cultures, the male appearance ideal is leanness with defined musculature. Emphasis on muscularity for male body ideals has also been noted with children`s action toys (Baghurst, Carlston, Wood, & Wyatt, 2007). Although men are not targeted as obviously as fitness magazines target bodybuilders, men are increasingly targeted by advertisements in health and lifestyle magazines concerning how to improve their shape, tone their muscles, and change their exercise and diets (Law & Labre, 2002). Men may internalize this information from the advertisements when developing their ideas about masculine body ideals and try to approximate those body ideals. Among health and lifestyle magazines, Men`s Health-the best-selling men`s magazine on U.S. newsstands-is the world`s largest men`s magazine with a readership of more than 22 million men around the world (Men`s Health). The purpose of this study was to examine images of men depicted through magazine advertisements featured in the U.S. version of Men`s Health over an 11-year period to document two components that contribute to male body ideals in the U.S. This study had two specific objectives: 1) To examine body size and the level of muscularity depicted in advertisements of selected issues of Men`s Health from 1999 to 2009 and 2) to compare body size and the level of muscularity depicted in advertisements of all issues of Men`s Health published in 1999 with those published in 2009. To examine changes in body size and musculature of men`s body ideals from 1999 to 2009, male images depicted each year in the March and October issues of Men`s Health were compared using a content analysis method. To determine dif- ferences in body size and musculature of men`s images in advertising between two specific years, images of men featured in all issues of 1999 to those featured in all issues of 2009 were compared using the same content analysis method. The body size and muscularity of the models were determined using the Contour Drawing Rating Scale (Thompson & Gray, 1995) and the Muscle-Based Silhouette Measure (Frederick, Fessler, & Haselton, 2005), respectively. The same coding categories were used to assess changes in body size and muscularity of the models between all the issues of 1999 and those of 2009. Two research assistants who were trained with a set of test images independently rated male models in magazine advertisements with the two instruments. The two coders recorded their ratings using a Microsoft Excel coding sheet and they met with the researcher to compare their results and to discuss any disagreements until they reached consensus. The unit of analysis was restricted to advertisements of one or more full pages containing a single male model. Advertisements featuring men whose bodies were obscured by heavy clothes were excluded. A total of 552 advertisements were selected for analysis from the two selected monthly issues published in 1999 through 2009 (a total of 22 issues). A total of 403 advertisements were selected for analysis from all issues published in 1999 and in 2009 (a total of 21 issues). Results based on analyses of variance (ANOVA) showed a significant main effect for body size, F(1, 550)=10.54, p<.001, partial eta-squared=.163 and for muscularity level, F(1, 550)=31.73, p<.001, partial eta-squared=.370. While muscularity level showed a significant gain after 2007, increase in body size was not to the same extent as increase in muscularity level. An independent-samples t-test revealed significant results for both body size (t=3.07, df=401, p<.05) and muscularity (t=2.67, df=401, p<.05). Body size of male models in advertisements from all issues of 2009 was smaller (M=4.03, SD=1.27) than that from all issues of 1999 (M=5.33, SD=1.46). Muscularity level was greater in 2009 (M=5.96, SD=1.96) than in 1999 (M=4.48, SD=1.54). Although the results need to be interpreted with great caution due to the use of a single health and lifestyle magazine brand, overall findings of this research suggest that contemporary cultural appearance ideals of men focus on having a high degree of muscle definition while maintaining relatively smaller body sizes. A drastic increase in body image concerns among men in recent years has been mainly attributed to men trying to be more muscular. Most existing research in male body image has focused on the assessment of body size (body fat) that has no clear distinction from muscularity. The findings of this study suggest that being fit and having a slender body might be just as important as being muscular and having a toned body for men in contemporary society. Because the data suggest that changes in both (body size and muscularity) were evident over time, researchers may want to assess both of these components when examining male body image to assess their joint and independent effects on male body satisfaction. The findings also suggest that idealization of muscular bodies among men in the U.S. may be as harmful to their health as the desire to be thin among women. As a much greater level of muscularity was identified in male body ideals in 2009 than in 1999, some men, particularly those who internalize these cultural ideals, may seek harmful behaviors such as substance abuse in order to meet the cultural standards. Further research on media images should address possible influencers for change in body size and muscularity. Also recommended for further research is cross-cultural comparisons of images of men in advertising for the understanding of worldwide male body ideals in contemporary society.

      • KCI등재

        성인남성의 연령에 따른 피부인지도 및 화장품 사용 필요성에 관한 연구

        홍재기 ( Jae Kee Hong ) 한국미용학회 2008 한국미용학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        Modern men are thinking the care about own skin as ability of coming from `self-management,` escaping from a simply cosmetical concept. These men`s change in viewpoint about skin control led to the bullish trend in men`s cosmetics market. However, it is reality that men`s knowledge on skin and cosmetics is not so high enough to being able to rightly use men`s cosmetics in diverse product groups. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the skin recognition and cosmetics Use Necessity that they have, targeting 413 men, who were randomly sampled among people in their 20s~40s, who are the main customer bracket in men`s cosmetics. The research results on these people will be utilized as the substantial data in order to grasp subjects in the businesses related to men`s cosmetics. And, its aim is to increase the sales result in men`s cosmetics market with marketing in the businesses through this substantial application of data. The results according to research are as follows. First, in consequence of examining men`s recognition level on skin, most of men in 86.9% were recognizing on their own skin type. In the question about a worry about skin, men in 95.9% were feeling worried. And, the significant difference was indicated according to a skin type, thereby having inferred that they have a relatively exact worry by skin type. Second, as a result of examining about men`s recognition of necessity on cosmetics, men`s recognition of necessity on cosmetics showed not high result as a whole, with 57.9% in men who recognized necessity of using cosmetics after washing face, 69.7% in men who recognized necessity of lotion(cream), and 62.2% in men who attempted to use cosmetics with the aim of improving a worry about skin. Third, in the recognition on ultraviolet radiation, most of men in 93.9% were knowing that ultraviolet radiation may cause skin aging. However, in the question that sun-block agent needs to be applied all the time during 4 seasons, only men in 43.3% showed a positive answer, thus the knowledge of utilizing cosmetics is showing the low result compared to recognition on ultraviolet radiation.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 남성 골프웨어에 나타난 패션 경향 분석

        이효진 服飾文化學會 2002 服飾文化硏究 Vol.10 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the fashion trends of Korean men's golfwears and furnished the researchers of same major with reliable data base. Lately. Korean men were concerned about their appearance rather than social position. Moreover they tried to express the needs of youthfulness with free life through clothing. These trend had been showed itself not only development of golfwears, but also change of esthetie tastes of men's golfwears. First of a11. the development of men's golfwers was affected bt the major three factors out of many various factors. That is. popilarization of golf by the international activities of Korean progolfers, appearance of young consumers afier IMF and the casulaization of the men's formal dress. the making an everyday dress of men's sportswears. The results of ana1yzing of fashion trends of the men's golfwears is as follow. 1. The characteristics with naturalness. comfort of men's golfwears was manifesred casualization trends by the factors of downward tendency of golfer's age. 5-days working. menn's blz casuai prff'erericc. indiividualism after I M F. 2. Men's character golfwears was showed by the ageless as a youthfulness expression the Sportism as an interational trend. 2002 world cup. etc. 3. Al1 of golfwears have to be functional characteristics because the golf is an active aports spending long time in golf course. Unconstruction style was an important fashion trends of men's golfwears by using functional amterials to meet the needs of consumers 4. The men's clothing was deviated from a fixed idea called masculine after IMF. Moreover, this trend was increased by the appearance of lovely man, genderlessness and had an effect on men's golfwears. Consequently, men's golfwears was showed feminization characteristics as a feminine. sensitive style. In the future. Korean men will try to express their character and thought freely through golfwears. men's golfwears will be continued 'beyond the golf course'image reflecting in the future fashion trends.

      • KCI우수등재

        대하소설의 남성 악인형 인물 연구

        한길연(Han, Gil-yeon) 국어국문학회 2013 국어국문학 Vol.- No.164

        Bad men characters in river novels are of great importance as bad women. This thesis is aimed specifically at the study on bad men and awareness intention of river novels. The bad men characters of river novels can be classified roughly into "core bad men" and "ancillary bad men". The core bad men are classified into "orthodox chasing bad men" and "lust chasing bad men". And the ancillary bad men are classified into "power chasing bad men" and "money chasing bad men". From among these "lust chasing bad men" form a central axis of river novels in terms of frequency and importance, so this thesis examined the lust chasing bad men in detail. River novels are drawing delicately an anxious state of inner side and destructive instinct of individuals engulfed in the triangular desire through the lust chasing bad men. Of course in the end of the story these triangular desire system is embraced into dichotomous good and evil composition as the bad men are edified by hero. Bad men characters in river novels act as warning tutors of the contemporary noblemen and shadows throw into relief of hero. By the way most of them get let-off different with bad women mostly executed and attend the role of claiming to support legitimism. While in heroic novels enjoyed by the lower class the antipathy to the sly upper established class work hard, in river novels loved by the upper class the spirit that solidify the upper class and soothe the conflicts between the same upper classes work severly.

      • KCI등재

        朝日 文士의 朝鮮 山과 日本 富士山 優劣 比較 硏究 - 通信使行 시기의 문학적 기록을 중심으로

        임채명 한국비교문학회 2008 比較文學 Vol.0 No.46

        This study is for comparison of superiority and inferiority between mountains in Chosun and Mt. Fuji by literary men from 4th to 11th dispatch of envoy. This study tried to clear up comparison standard and an aspect of pressing moment convincing that Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Kumkang was pride to Chosun’s literary men and so was Mt. Fuji to those of Japan. It is as follows. Literary men in Chosun and Japan were in no mood to compare between Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Fuji because they thought two mountains were mother and child relationships. Even though there were no effective measures except Mt. Baekdu to take the initiative, Chosun’s literary men restrain themselves because they were afraid to take criticism for holding their own comparative objectives from Japanese literary men. Mt. Baekdu was not in the same class as Mt. Fuji from the beginning so Japanese literary men tried not to compare two mountains because they were afraid to suffer a loss than profit from blame of denying the source of a mountain. Though the intention was vary from Chosun to Japan, it seemed to become consuetudinary not to compare Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Fuji. Because of this, comparison of superiority and inferiority between Mt. Kumkang and Mt. Fuji was the central axis between the two countries. In this comparative study, Japan set up a standard of mysterious aspect and height of the mountain. On the other hand, Chosun chose mysterious aspect and various shapes as a standard so the comparative standards between the two countries were different from the beginning. Chosun’s literary men doubted Seobul and the wonder children and tried to belittle mysterious aspect of Mt. Fuji. It threw Japenese literary men into confusion. So they presented the grounds that shrine of Seobul remained and the descendants of wonder children were still lived as Mr. Jin in Japan. Japanese literary men challenged to those of Chosun putting up the height of Mt. Fuji. But it was the best thing that Chosun’s literary men gave them tit for tat with 12,000 peaks of Mt. Kumkang which had various shapes. This was the most contradictory part of this comparative study and it was impossible to fill up the gap between the two. According to strangeness putting up mysterious aspect, height and an external shape, Mt. Kumkang was similar to extraordinariness but Mt. Fuji was to oddness. Literary men of the two countries never gave up their own comparative standards and therefore the comparative aspect showed an obvious differences. It was regrettable that they did the comparative study without any mutual agreement. But it was meaningful to confirm the fact that the two countries compared two mountains with their each and every standards for a long time. This study is for comparison of superiority and inferiority between mountains in Chosun and Mt. Fuji by literary men from 4th to 11th dispatch of envoy. This study tried to clear up comparison standard and an aspect of pressing moment convincing that Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Kumkang was pride to Chosun’s literary men and so was Mt. Fuji to those of Japan. It is as follows. Literary men in Chosun and Japan were in no mood to compare between Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Fuji because they thought two mountains were mother and child relationships. Even though there were no effective measures except Mt. Baekdu to take the initiative, Chosun’s literary men restrain themselves because they were afraid to take criticism for holding their own comparative objectives from Japanese literary men. Mt. Baekdu was not in the same class as Mt. Fuji from the beginning so Japanese literary men tried not to compare two mountains because they were afraid to suffer a loss than profit from blame of denying the source of a mountain. Though the intention was vary from Chosun to Japan, it seemed to become consuetudinary not to compare Mt. Baekdu and Mt. Fuji. Because of this, comparison of superiority and inferiority between Mt. Kumkang and Mt. Fuji was the central axis between the two countries. In this comparative study, Japan set up a standard of mysterious aspect and height of the mountain. On the other hand, Chosun chose mysterious aspect and various shapes as a standard so the comparative standards between the two countries were different from the beginning. Chosun’s literary men doubted Seobul and the wonder children and tried to belittle mysterious aspect of Mt. Fuji. It threw Japenese literary men into confusion. So they presented the grounds that shrine of Seobul remained and the descendants of wonder children were still lived as Mr. Jin in Japan. Japanese literary men challenged to those of Chosun putting up the height of Mt. Fuji. But it was the best thing that Chosun’s literary men gave them tit for tat with 12,000 peaks of Mt. Kumkang which had various shapes. This was the most contradictory part of this comparative study and it was impossible to fill up the gap between the two. According to strangeness putting up mysterious aspect, height and an external shape, Mt. Kumkang was similar to extraordinariness but Mt. Fuji was to oddness. Literary men of the two countries never gave up their own comparative standards and therefore the comparative aspect showed an obvious differences. It was regrettable that they did the comparative study without any mutual agreement. But it was meaningful to confirm the fact that the two countries compared two mountains with their each and every standards for a long time.

      • KCI등재

        The Change of Korean Men`s Pants Design from 1962 to 1998 -Based on the Content Analysis of Magazine Advertisements and Pictorials-

        ( Hae Sook Kwon ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2006 패션 비즈니스 Vol.10 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of modern Korean men`s pants design from 1962 to 1998 by reviewing fashion magazine advertisements and pictorials. For theoretical study, the characteristics and the importance of apparel advertisements and the changes of modern Korean men`s fashion trend were reviewed. For sample selection, first, 932 pictorials of men`;s wear designs from Joongang Magazine, Shin Dong-A, Bokjangwolbo, Meot, Men`s Life, WWD, and SFAA`s photograph album, published from 1962 to 1998 were selected and then excluded some samples that could not clearly identify the pants design. Content analysis method was used to analyze the content of magazines and pictorials. The final samples are classified into pattern, color, length, silhouette, and existence or non-existence of turn-up. Frequency and x2-test were conducted using a SAS statistics package to analyse the data. The results were as follows. ; (1) Solid pattern was the most prevailed throughout the last four decades and followed by stripe, check, the others, abstract, dot and floral. There is no significant difference in the type of men`s pants pattern between each decade. (2) It showed a significant difference in colors of men`s pants between decades. The colors in men`s wear are divided into nine categories and the order of occurrence are as follows; multi-color is the most frequently shown and followed by brown, gray, blue, black, green, pink, yellow, and red. More various colors appeared over the period, however, multi color was the most popular in all decades but in the 60s. (3) Full length of pants style occupied more than 96% throughout all four decades. Due to the popularity of sports wear in men`s fashion during the 90s, the shorts style appeared not only in sports wear and casual wear but also in suit style. (4) There is a significant difference in silhouette of men`s pants between decades. The silhouette of men`s pants were divided into four types and their order of occurrence are as follows; basic, baggy, fitted, and loose silhouette. Basic silhouette was the most prevailed throughout the whole four decades. (5) A significant difference was shown in the existence or non-existence of turn-up of men`s pants between decades. Non-existence of turn-up of men`s pants was the most prevailed throughout the whole four decades.

      • KCI등재

        여성들이 선호하는 남성 패션스타일 - 20대 여성을 중심으로 -

        윤진아 한국기초조형학회 2008 기초조형학연구 Vol.9 No.4

        As people grow to the age of their twenties, they have greater interest in the opposite sex. In this respect, women in their twenties were surveyed on their favorable men's fashion, like interest, selection and dressing of particular clothing. This study will help understand the looks of attractive men in the perspective of the consumer. Furthermore, it is consider to elevate elevating the degree of planning and marketing products in the related industry. This research anarysed investigated and women's preference according to six styles that are dressed by contemporary men. First, though women's rate is different, when women think over men's style, most consider the style of men's dressing. It turned out that the way of men's dressing influences in determining the style of that person. Second, in general, women preferred the polos style the most, preceded by casual and dandy looks. However, dandy looks were more favored among the older ages. Third, short and middle length hair were preferred. Fourth, most women don't like men with accessories over men who wore them. From the data retrieved on the looks and style of men that were favored, we came upon a conclusion. That most women inclined to men with neat and clean images about their clothing, hair, accessories and so on. As people grow to the age of their twenties, they have greater interest in the opposite sex. In this respect, women in their twenties were surveyed on their favorable men's fashion, like interest, selection and dressing of particular clothing. This study will help understand the looks of attractive men in the perspective of the consumer. Furthermore, it is consider to elevate elevating the degree of planning and marketing products in the related industry. This research anarysed investigated and women's preference according to six styles that are dressed by contemporary men. First, though women's rate is different, when women think over men's style, most consider the style of men's dressing. It turned out that the way of men's dressing influences in determining the style of that person. Second, in general, women preferred the polos style the most, preceded by casual and dandy looks. However, dandy looks were more favored among the older ages. Third, short and middle length hair were preferred. Fourth, most women don't like men with accessories over men who wore them. From the data retrieved on the looks and style of men that were favored, we came upon a conclusion. That most women inclined to men with neat and clean images about their clothing, hair, accessories and so on.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국인에서 다발성 내분비선종 증후군의 초기 증상 및 임상 양상

        김기호,구민영,허성모,이세경,최준호,이정언,김지수,정재훈<SUP>1<.SUP>,남석진,양정현,김정한,Ki-Ho Kim,M.D.,Min-Young Koo,M.D.,Sung-Mo Hur,M.D.,Se-Kyung Lee,M.D.,Jun-Ho Choe,M.D.,Jeong Eon Lee,M.D.,Jee Soo Kim,M.D.,Jae-Hoon Chung,M.D.<SU 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2010 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.10 No.4

        Purpose: Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome is an inherited, autosomal dominant disease that presents as a combination of several endocrine tumors. Early diagnosis of this syndrome is difficult, because of the nonspecific symptoms and signs. This study analyzed early manifestations and clinical characteristics in patients with MEN syndrome. Methods: Medical records were retrospectively reviewed and telephone interviews were conducted with 35 patients diagnosed as MEN syndrome at Samsung Medical Center from December 1994 to December 2009. Results: The 35 patients had been diagnosed as MEN1 (n=14), MEN2A (n=19) and MEN2B (n=2). The early manifestations of the 14 MEN1 patients were related with hyperparathyroidism (n=5), pituitary tumor (n=3), and pancreatic endocrine tumor (n=2). There were tumors of the parathyroid gland in all 14 patients, anterior pituitary in eight patients, and pancreatic islet cells in seven patients. Four cases were incidentally detected during the screening examination. Six cases harbored a MEN1 gene mutation. The twenty-one patients diagnosed with MEN2 comprised medullary thyroid cancer (n=20), adrenal pheochromocytoma (n=15), and hyperparathyroidism (n=4). The MTC-related symptoms in the 21 MEN2 patients included neck mass or discomfort in 12 patients and pheochromocytoma-related symptoms in seven patients. Two cases were detected through familial genetic screening test. The RET gene mutationwas detected in 19 cases. Conclusion: Early manifestations of MEN syndrome were very different between the types of MEN and the types of its presenting tumor. The early diagnosis and proper management of MEN requires awareness of the clinical characteristics of each expressed tumor and is influenced by genetic screening methods. (Korean J Endocrine Surg 2010; 10:266-275)

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