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      • KCI등재

        1920년대 출판경영인 崔永澤과 『立身冒險談』번역

        최희정(Choi, hee-jung) 부산경남사학회 2017 역사와 경계 Vol.103 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 3.1운동 전후 『태서문예신보』에서 『매일신보』에 이르기까지 최영택의 행적과 활동을 성공주의를 유포한 자조론 계열 지식인으로서 검토하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 최영택이 『매일신보』에 번역·연재한 『자조론』아류 서적인 『입신모험담』과 메이지 후기 일본에서 생산된 원전 『입신모험담』을 비교하여 그 첨삭된 항목과 내용을 중심으로 양자를 분석하였다. 또 메이지 후기 일본과 1920년대 식민지 조선이라는 양자의 다른 사회적 상황과 조건 아래 성공주의 전파가 가지는 사회적 기능과 효과의 차이도 논의하였다. 최영택은 『태서문예신보』를 통해 등단한 ‘무명시인’으로 알려져 있었는데, 이 연구를 통해 그가 이 잡지의 사생첩 기자로도 활동한 새로운 사실을 밝혔다. 이에 더하여 1920년대 초 『여자시론』창간과 경영에 참여한 최영택과 동일 인물이라는 점 또한 밝혔다. 무엇보다 최영택을 비롯한 『태서문예신보』의 주요 집필진들이 성공담론 유포에 적극적이었으며, 이 잡지가 육당의 『자조론』이 출간된 1910년대 말 식민지 지성계의 새로운 경향을 반영한 잡지로서의 성격을 가졌음을 제시하였다. 한편 1920년대 초 최영택이 여성전문잡지 『여자시론』 『부인계』의 창간을 주도하면서, 가족경영의 출판사 문창사에서 잡지경영인으로서 활동한 것을 식민지 사회에서 출판업으로 입신성공하려는 그의 지향성 및 『입신모험담』번역의 배경으로 파악하였다. 최영택이 번역한 『입신모험담』은 1920년대 초 조선총독부 식민정책의 충실한 전파 매체였던 『매일신보』의 번역·연재물로서 기획된 것이었다. 원전 『입신모험담』은 러일전쟁 시기 일본 국내 입신출세의 길이 원활하지 않은 상황에서 청년들의 해외 식민지 진출을 종용하는 『자조론』아류 서적류에 속했는데, 이것은 일본의 제국주의 확장에 기여하는 논리를 제공해주었다. 한편 1920년대 초 『매일신보』의 번역·연재물로서 기획된 『입신모험담』을 통한 성공주의 전파는 일본의 식민정책에 협력하는 사회적 효과를 가졌음을 시사하였다. 이 연구는 3.1운동 이후 1960∼70년대에 이르기까지 한국사회에서 장기간 생명력을 유지한 세속적 성공주의와 그것의 전파에 기여한 지식인의 계보를 찾으려는 노력의 일환이다. 이 연구에서 제시한 세속적 성공주의 전파에 기여한 이른바 자조론 계열 지식인과 이들에 대한 고찰은 우파 식민지 지식인 연구에 새로운 轉機가 될 수 있을 것이라고 기대한다. The purpose of this paper focuses on the study of, Choi young-taek, a translator and magazine editor who was trying to succeed in the colonial Korea in the 1920’s. I examined that he had belonged to a right-wing intellectual who accepted Self–Help in colonial Korea. He was influenced by Self–Help or something similar and then began to serialize a translated book, Adversity leads to one’s success(『立身冒險談』) that tells stories about successfully challenged people in The Daily Newspaper. I compared differences in social function between a original book had affected youths in the late Meiji Japan and 「Adversity leads to one’s success」 series in The Daily Newspaper in 1920’s Korea. I think that his conduct of translation expressed a drive to succeed. He wrote poems in the journal of literature and the arts(『泰西文藝新報』) in the late 1910’s and had been known to be not a famous poet. I found that he played an important role in the journal of Literature and the arts as an editor and reporter. It wasn’t simply to introduce western literature and the arts but reflected the point of view of Choi nam-sun in the late 1910’s. Choi nam-sun translated Self-help into Korean in 1918. As you know, It was a turning point in change of the social meaning of ‘self-help’, the keyword of Self-help to be used national ideology that was translated into Korean in the late of Great Han empire. Choi young-taek was an editor and reporter in the women’s discourse(『女子詩論』), a public magazine of Chosen women’s education center, and he published Women’s world(『婦人界』) his own company in the early 1920s. His experience of the journal of literature and the arts at the time of the late 1910’s probably had affected him to be a magazine publisher in the early 1920s. He was a member of munchangsa(文昌社), the family-owned publisher which had been founded in the early 1920s and published magazines. I think that his conduct to have a job as a publisher was related to the will to succeed. As I said before, He serialized a translated book, Adversity leads to one’s success. The source of translation, stories of people who successfully challenged by adversity, was a type of Self-help in Japan. As we know, Self-help was a kind of books which have to be read for a purpose of the success of an individual. In conclusion, Choi’s translation of stories about successfully challenged people realized a value of Self-Help, it would have helped Japanese imperialism to rule colonial Korea. I believe that it is need to study right-wing Korean intellectuals like Choi young-taek who accepted Self-help in modern Korea.

      • KCI등재

        최정희의 <녹색의 문>에 나타난 여성 정체성 탐구 양상

        최정아(Jung A Choi) 한국현대소설학회 2010 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.44

        This thesis examines the process of women`s subjectivity developing as a historical subject, shown in <Green Door>, and studies the self-recognition as a female that is revealed during the process and the issue of feminine reality. Chapter 2 looks into the issue of women`s reemergence as the victim of `Imperialism` and `Ethnicity`, through the history of women`s suffering symbolized by Do Young-Hye and Yoo Bo-Hwa`s life. Do Young-Hye and Yoo Bo-Hwa both live a life of tragic suffering and ordeal after falling in love with and then parting with student activist Kim Yeong-Seo. The true nature of their tragedy is fully accounted for after the liberation, as Do Young-Hye is charged of being a female spy after the defection to North Korea of the communist man whom she dated, and as Yoo Bo-Hwa is burdened with all kinds of hardships of life ever since Lee Seong-Bae who raped her and forced her into marriage is killed after being revealed to be one of the pro-Japanese groups that cooperated with the Japanese Empire. While Yoo Bo-Hwa`s tragedy is caused by Japanese imperialism, Do Young-Hye`s tragedy is caused by ideology conflict between the left and right wing. However, the most fundamental cause that drives Do Young-Hye and Yoo Bo-Hwa`s life into tragedy is Kim Yeong-Seo. As Kim Yeong-Seo is a student thinker and a young nationalist, both Do Young-Hye and Yoo Bo-Hwa admire his patriotic aspect and falls in love with him. However, Kim Yeong-Seo deems Do Young-Hye as a mere object of sexual desire, and not only does he repudiate her harshly but also judges her as a prosecutor when Do Young-Hye is on trial charged of being a spy. Such duality of Kim Yeong-Seo can be seen as criticism towards the fact that the immense discourse of `Ethnicity`, which is an important factor that forms women`s identity of the colonial era, carries aspects of oppression against women. Furthermore this implies that during the colonial era, in which the carrying of `Ethnicity` was inevitable, the reemergence of women`s identity would have been established under the state of such oppressive conditions internalized. For example, the meaning of the `Maternity` discourse can be reconsidered by the fact that the emphasis on maternity in Choi Jung-Hee`s novel published during the colonial era is a strategy to establish feminine subjectivity through embracing the identity as a mother that `Ethnicity` demands. In this perspective, <Green Door> evidently shows a critical point of view that decomposes the `Ethnicity` discourse from a female`s standpoint as a post-colonial feminism text. Additionally in chapter 2, we can discover the significance as a female novel from the fact that through Yoo Bo-Hwa`s self-awakening it is perceived that all ideologies such as nationalism, imperialism, communism are ideologies of men, and the prospect of overcoming this through bondage of women is presented. Especially, Do Young-Hye accusing the contradiction within men`s ideology represented by Kim Yeong-Seo during the trial, and inversely changing the trial stage into a stage of judgment of men`s sins toward the history of women`s suffering can be evaluated as acquiring a symbolic figure about women as a historical subject. In chapter 3, we examined the process of self-recognition as a women being revealed, from the perspective of intensification of feminine reality exposed through the method in which Yoo Bo-Hwa`s inner consciousness is formed, this is to say through such as mirror, wind, sky, and color images. For the various phases of development that Yoo Bo-Hwa shows, for example body, love, parting, violence, marriage, childbirth and etc, in each point of transition Yoo Bo-Hwa`s inner world is expressed through various objective correlatives such as mirror, wind, sky, color images, and this appears as Choi Jung-Hee`s unique way of constructing feminine reality. <Green Door> which charges `Imperialism` and `Ethnicity` as oppressive male ideologies, is a work that embodies the pu

      • KCI등재

        최씨 훅을 이용한 복강경 버찌씨 수술

        김영혜 ( Young Hye Kim ),박준선 ( Jun Seon Park ),최상준 ( Sang Joon Choi ),송창훈 ( Chang Hoon Song ),한세준 ( Sei Jun Han ),정혁 ( Hyuk Jung ) 대한산부인과학회 2006 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.49 No.6

        목적: 버찌씨 수술은 복압성 요실금 수술에 효과적인 수술로 여겨져 왔다. 요실금의 원인이 내인성 요도 괄약근의 결손소견 없이 요도의 과운동성으로 인한 경우 버찌씨 수술이 일반적으로 추천되어진다. 본 연구에서는 복강경 버찌씨 수술에서 최씨 훅의 유용성에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법: 2000년 10월부터 2005년 3월까지 본원에서 복강경 버찌씨 수술을 시행받은 47명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 27명은 고전적 복강경 버찌씨 수술을 시행하였고 20명은 내골반 근막을 Cooper 인대를 부착하는데 유용한 본원에서 고안한 최씨 훅을 이용하여 복강경 버찌씨 수술을 시행하였다. 결과: 고전적 복강경 버찌씨 수술을 시행한 군과 최씨 훅을 이용한 복강경 버찌씨 수술을 시행한 군의 평균 나이, 분만력, 폐경률, BMI는 두 군간에 통계학적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다 (p>0.05). 수술 시간은 고전적 복강경 버찌씨 수술은 90.52±15.32분, 최씨 훅을 이용한 복강경 버찌씨 수술은 38.50±10.14분으로 최씨 훅을 이용한 경우 수술시간이 통계적으로 유의하게 짧았다 (p<0.05). 두 군간에 재발률 및 합병증 발생은 통계적 유의성을 보이지 않았다 (p>0.05). 결론: 본 연구에서 본원에서 고안한 최씨 훅을 이용하여 복강경 버찌씨 수술을 시행한 결과 수술 시간을 단축시킬 수 있었으며 수술 효과는 기존 방법과 동일하게 관찰되었다. 이에 최씨 훅은 복강경 버찌씨 수술에서 사용할 때 집도자의 봉합 과정을 단순화시켜 수술 시간을 단축시키므로 복강경 버찌씨 수술에 용이한 기구이다. Objective: Burch operation has been effective method for the treatment of stress incontinence. Burch operation is a well-accepted procedure for treating stress urinary incontinence secondary to urethral hypermobility without intrinsic sphincter deficiency and is the reference standard with which other procedures are compared. This study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Choi`s hook in laparoscopic Burch operation. Methods: This study included 47 patients who had undergone laparoscopic Burch operation from October 2000 through March 2005. Of these 47 patients, 27 patients underwent traditional laparoscopic Burch operation (Group 1) and 20 patients underwent laparoscopic Burch operation with Choi`s Hook on anchoring the endopelvic fascia to the Cooper`s ligament (Group 2). Results: The mean age of patients of Group 1 was 55.6±9.37 years of age and that of Group 2 was 56.0±5.93 years of age. There is no difference in the mean age of patients (P>0.05). The mean operating time was 90.5±15.32 minutes for Group 1 and 38.5±10.14 minute for Group 2. The mean operating time was shorter in Group 2 than Group 1 (P<0.05). There was no difference in recurrence rate and complication rate between Group 1 and Group 2 (P>0.05). Conclusion: We performed laparoscopic Burch operation with the Choi`s Hook on anchoring the endopelvic fascia to the Cooper`s ligament. When we compared traditional laparoscopic Burch operation with laparoscopic Burch operation with Choi`s Hook, we could shorten the operation time using the Choi`s Hook.

      • 새로운 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors의 합성

        최순규,김형민,조승환,최학기,박유미,이용균,정대일,김인식,한정태 동아대학교 부설 기초과학연구소 2004 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        노인성 치매의 일종인 alzheimer's disease의 효과적인 억제제를 합성하기 위해 우리는 분자 모델링에 의한 가장 적합한 물질인 m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid를 합성하였다. 출발물질인 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate의 경우 boronic acid의 작용기인 hydroxyl group을 protecting시킴으로써 반응의 안정성을 기하였다. Quarternary ammonium salt는 과량의 methyliodide와 염기 촉매인 potassium hydrogen carbonate를 사용하여 용매인 methanol에서 반응시켜 상당히 높은 수율을 얻을 수 있었다. 또한 과량의 methyliodide와 염기촉매인 potassium hydrogen carbonate를 사용하여 용매인 methanol에서 반응시킨 결과 boronic acid의 protection없이도 안정하게 반응이 진행되어짐을 확인할 수 있었다. In order to syntheisize a effective inhibotor for alzheimer's disease, we synthesized m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid 4 which is designed by molecular modeling form. We protected the hydroxyl group of 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate 1 with ethlyne glycol to remove the reactivity if hydroxyl group. To synthesize m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid 4, we reacted 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate 1 with ezcess methyl iodide and potassium hydrogen carbonate as a base-catalyst in methanol. but On executed reaction without protection on hydroxyl group, we found out the result that the hydroxyl group of boronic acid group at 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate 1 didn't react with excess methyliodide. Synthesized m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid 4 is in progress about biological tests as a plausible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.

      • Chiral Separation of (±)-Higenamine by Capillary Electophoresis

        Choi,One-Kyun,Jung,Kyo-Soon,Choi,Heisook-Yun,Yang,Deok-Chun 한국자원식물학회 2003 Plant Resources Vol.6 No.1

        Higenamine [1-(4-hydroxy-6, 7-dihydroxy-l, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinoline) is a cardiotonic constituent of Aconiti tuber, one of the most widely prescribed oriental medicines. S-(-)higenamine was reported to have a stronger cardiotonic activity than R-(+)-higenamine and known as a central intermediate in the biosynthesis of various benzyl isoquionoline alkaloids in plants. The separation of higenamine enantiomers has been accomplished with capillary electrophoresis using cyclodextrins (CDs) as chiral selectors. Good resolution of this enantiomers was obtained using a 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer containing hydroxypropyl β-CDs using 27 cm fused silica capillary (50㎛ i.d., 20 cm to detector) at 25℃. With the electric field of 340 V/cm, the separation time of higenamine enantiomers was less than 6 min. Under this optimum conditions, the relative standard deviations of migration time and peak area were less than 1.6% and 3.2%. A 512-channel diode array detector was confirmed for the higenamine. The detection limits (S/N = 3) of these enantiomers are 1.5mutextrmm/mL. We confirmed the chiral form of higenamine in medicinal plants.

      • 달걀껍질(생, 삶은)의 수처리에 관한 연구

        정대일,정선주,김인식,최영하,류정숙,이용균,최순규 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1999 硏究報告 Vol.22 No.2

        The selective absorption ability of low density heavy metal(Pb(Ⅱ) ion or Cu(Ⅱ) ion) of eggshell(raw or boiled) is better than one of existing absorption materials in treatment ability and experimental condition. The elimination ability of chlorine of eggshell(raw or soiled) is worse than one of active carbon. In elimination of trihalomethane, the effect of treatment of eggshell is almost the same as one of pine cones. And surface of eggshell(raw or boiled) after absorption of heavy metal ion was observed by Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM). Application and availability of eggshell(raw or boiled) as absorption material need lots of experiments. The experiment on baked eggshell is proceeding.

      • 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3-one-1,1-Dioxide 유도체의 합성

        정대일,정희철,변석인,이용균,박유미,최순규,한정태 東亞大學校附設基礎科學硏究所 2002 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        사카린 유도체는 제초제, 항독성, 살균제 등에 광범위하게 연구되어져 오고 있다. 새로운 농략 활성을 가진 물질을 합성하기 위해 먼저 선도물질로 사카린 1을 산화, 염소화 시킨 3-chloro-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide(BID-CI) 2와2cholromethy-1,2-benzisohizol-3-one1,1-dioxide 4를 합성하였다. 선도물질, amines, imidazoles, trones등과 반응시켜 다음과 같은 물질들을 얻었다. ; 3-cyclohexylamino-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 6, 3-furylamino-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 8, 3-(3-imidazol)-1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 10, 3-(2-methy-3-imidazol)-1,2-benzisothaizol-1,1-dioxide 12, 2-(3-imidazol)methy-1-1,2-benzisothiazol-3-one-1,1-dioxide 13, and 2-(-3-imidazol)methyl- 1,2-benzisothiazol-1,1-dioxide 14.

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