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      • KCI등재후보

        관광객의 모바일 관광정보품질이 경험가치, 수용의도 및 확산의도에 미치는 영향

        이명구 ( Lee Myoung-goo ) 한국호텔리조트학회(구 한국호텔리조트카지노산학학회) 2017 호텔리조트연구 Vol.16 No.3

        This study intends to provide the information which useful to mobile tourism of tourists in the future by figuring out the relationship in which precedence factors such as timeliness, economics, reciprocity, comprehension, accuracy, which is sub level factors of mobile tourism information quality, influence to the acceptance intention and diffusion intention and experience value of tourist, and by verifying the relationship in which experience value influences to acceptance intention and diffusion intention for the improvement of tourism information quality. To summary the result of Hypothesis Verification, First, economics and accuracy showed no significant influence to acceptance intention while timeliness, reciprocity, comprehension showed no significant influence to acceptance intention. Second, timeless, economics and accuracy showed the significant influence to the amusing experience value while reciprocity and comprehension showed no significant influence to the value of amusing experience. Third, timeliness, economics and accuracy showed the significant influence to the aesthetic experience value while reciprocity, comprehension showed no significant to the aesthetic experience value. Fourth, economics and accuracy showed the significant influence to the diffusion intention, but timeless, reciprocity, comprehension has no significant influence to the diffusion intention.

      • KCI등재

        향화게작법 춤사위의 동작소 구조 분석

        이명구 ( Myoung Goo Lee ) 한국공연문화학회(구 한국고전희곡학회) 2013 공연문화연구 Vol.0 No.27

        향화게작법 연행은 홋소리와 태징, 호적, 삼현육각이 사용되며, 긴 백색장삼을입고 탑모양의 고깔을 쓰고 양손에 꽃을 들고 춘다. 본 논문은 향화게작법 춤사위를 정병호의 동작소 분석틀을 연구방법으로 하여 춤사위 구성과 동작소에 나타난 특징을 분석하였다. 그 결과, ①사방요신과 사방좌립에 나타난 춤사위 종류에서 공통춤사위는 합장, 양팔벌려들기, 학체와 자리바꾸기, 반좌립 등 4종이 있으며, 사방요신에는 꽃상하희롱 꽃좌우희롱, 무릎굴신, 사방 돌아서기, 손모아내리기 5종이 있고, 사방좌립에는 꽃치기, 양 무릎 꿇어앉기, 한무릎 꿇어앉기, 자리 돌아앉기, 고개 젖히기, 고개 숙이기 등 6종이 있다. ②사방요신과 사방좌립의 공통춤사위 4종중 양팔벌려들기가 가장 많은 비중을 차지하고 있고 나머지는비중이 약하나, 합장, 학체와 자리바꾸기는 사방요신에서 조금 많고, 반좌립은사방좌립에서 조금 많은 차이를 보이고 있다. ③비중이 높거나 특징적인 춤사위는 사방요신에서 손모아내리기, 무릎굴신, 사방 돌아서기, 꽃희롱(상하, 좌우)이며, 사방좌립에서 꽃치기, 머리 앞으로 숙이기, 앉기(양 무릎, 한무릎, 자리돌기),반좌립으로 나타났다. ④사방요신과 사방좌립의 주요동작소는 공통적으로 제자리춤(停), 양팔벌려들기(平), 육중(重)과 정숙(靜), 들기(擧)순으로 비중이 아주 높게 나타났으며, 나머지 동작소 경쾌(輕)와 동적(動), 내림(落), 뿌림(擴), 모음(合),걷기(步), 앉기(坐), 흔들기(搖), 돌기(回)는 아주 낮게 나타났다. ⑤동작소 비교에서 정서동작소는 둘 다 重과 靜이 아주 높지만, 輕과 動이 사방요신보다 사방좌립에서 높게 나타난 것은 꽃치기와 자리 돌아앉기를 빠르고 동적으로 행하기 때문이다. ⑥손팔동작소에서 平, 擧 둘 다 백분율이 높은 것은 나비춤의 기본자세가 양팔벌려들기로 모든 동작에서 표현하기 때문이며, 상대적으로 양팔을 내리는 落은 둘 다 비슷하게 낮다. 擴은 사방좌립이 조금 높고, 合은 사방요신이 조금 높게 나타났다. ⑦다리동작소는 둘 다 제자리에서 추는 停이 아주 높고, 걷는것이 별로 없어 步가 극히 낮으며 跳는 전무하다. ⑧몸체동작소는 공통적인 점보다 다른 점이 많아, 사방요신은 요신(搖)과 제자리 돌기(回)가 상대적으로 많고 사방좌립은 앉아 추는 동작(坐)이 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. ⑨표현되지 않는 동작소는 비껴들기(斜), 원(圓), 물결(波), 뛰기(跳) 동작소이다. 다만 뿌림(擴)동작소는 사방요신에는 없고 사방좌립에만 있는 것이 특징이다. This report looks for a way to stylize Korean national dance through Chihwapyeong Sabanghoemu of Bonglaeui, which represents the national sentiment and Koreans both from the South and the North can sympathize with. In Chihwapyeong Sabanghoemu, 8 hyeobmu dancers dance in Sabang formation singing to Chihwapyeong in Korean. Only two dancers of bukdae dance in the order of ‘bukhyang- sangdae- sangbae’. When they are done, all the dancers change their places dancing hoemu, with each pair repeating the previous dance turn by turn. The dance that is repeated by eight hyeobmu dancers in turn in sabang formation is stylized into two, bukdae and hoemu, which are now repeated by a single dancer four times. Chihwapyeong Sabanghoemu of Bonglaeui is alive throughout Korean history. It lasted from Goryo Era to the end of Joseon Era. It still remains in the heart of Koreans. All Koreans, whether he or she belongs to the South or the North, speak the same language created by King Sejong and share the common cultural asset, Yongbieocheonga authored by the same king. The significance of Chihwapyeong Sabanghoemu derives not from its style but from the fact that it is danced to the song of Yongbieocheonga throughout its entire performance. If it`s possible for Koreans to have an opportunity to experience the unique structure and dancing style of Jeongjae and to understand the Korean court dance heritage, they will be reminded that they descended from the same ancestors. Moreover, a cultural attempt to share Chihwapyeong Sabanghoemu of Bonglaeui could result in a better understanding and relationship between the South and the North.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 관광 앱 품질특성이 관광자원 정보, 관광목적지 애착, 재방문의도에 미치는 영향

        이명구 ( Lee¸ Myoung Goo ) 한국호텔리조트학회 2021 호텔리조트연구 Vol.20 No.5

        This study presented useful information on the quality characteristics of mobile tourism apps by verifying the causal relationship between customer convenience, functionality, information reliability, and desire satisfaction of mobile tourism apps on tourism resource information, attachment to tourist destinations, and revisit. The analysis results are as follows. First, customer convenience and information reliability were found to have a significant effect on tourism resource information. On the other hand, it was found that functionality and customer satisfaction had no significant effect. Second, customer satisfaction was analyzed to have a significant influence on attachment to tourist destinations. However, it was found that customer convenience, functionality, and information reliability had no significant effect on attachment to tourist destinations. Third, customer convenience and customer satisfaction were found to have a significant effect on revisit. On the other hand, functionality and information reliability did not have a significant effect on revisit. Fourth, tourism resource information was found to have a significant effect on attachment to tourist destinations. It was found that tourism resource information did not have a significant effect on revisit. It was found that attachment to tourist destinations had a significant effect on revisit. Therefore, useful implications were presented according to the analysis results.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Rifampin 아나필락시 1 예

        이자영(Ja Young Lee),장명국(Myoung Kuk Jang),김동규(Dong Kyu Kim),모은경(Eun Kyung Mo),최정은(Jeong Eun Choi),박명재(Myung Jae Park),이명구(Myung Goo Lee),현인규(In Gyu Hyun),정기석(Ki Suck Jung) 대한내과학회 1998 대한내과학회지 Vol.55 No.2

        Rifampin, when given in usual doses, is well tolerated with less than 4% of patients having significant adverse reactions. The patient had did not have any adverse reaction to rifampin in the first place. After 10 years, however, the patient was presented with hypotension, shortness of breath, wheezing and deterioration of consciousness in 10 minutes after taking rifampin. All abnormal symptoms and signs of anaphylaxis were normalized in 24 hours after administration of normal saline, glucocorticosteroid, and antihistamine. Skin prick test with rifampin showed positive reaction to gradual concentration of rifampin in dose dependent manner. The wheals by rifampin developed in 30 minutes and maximized in 2 hours, while normal saline and histamine controls showed expected negative and positive response in 10 minutes, respectively. Recently we expererienced a rare case of anaphylaxis after single oral administration of rifampin(450mg), who had been treated with antituberculous drug including rifampin, ca 10 years ago.

      • KCI등재후보

        폐렴의 진단에서 정량적 기관지폐포 세척액 배양의 유용성

        한태호(Tae Ho Hahn),장명국(Myoung Kuk Jang),김성균(Seong Gyun Kim),이자영(Ja Young Lee),이재명(Jae Myung Lee),김동규(Dong Kyu Kim),최정은(Jeong Eun Choi),모은경(Eun Kyung Mo),박명재(Myung Jae Park),이명구(Myung Goo Lee),현인규(In Gyu 대한내과학회 1998 대한내과학회지 Vol.54 No.6

        Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of quantitative culture of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid for the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia and identification of causative agents. Methods: Study group consisted of 30 epiaodes in 28 patients, enrolled from January 1995 through June 1996. Inclusion criteria were 1) presence of respiratory symptoms such as cough, sputum or dyspnea 2) increased peripheral blood leukocyte count (≥11,000/mm³) 3) Fever (≥38.3ºC) 4) purulent sputum 5) new or progressive infiltrate on chest radiography. For the diagnosis of pneumonia and its causative agents, sputum smear and culture, blood culture and BAL fluid studies were performed. BAL fluid studies included differential count of white blood cell, BAL fluid smear and culture, detection of elastin fibers and presence of intracellular organisms (ICO). Quantitative culture of BAL fluid was considered positive if colony forming units was more than 1.0×10(4)/ml. Positive criteria for ICO was presence of microorganism in more than five per 100 of phagocytes, Result: Recruited were 22 males and 6 females. The mean age was 57.5±13.5 years (range 25-84), Of 30 episodes underwent BAL fluid studies, 19 cases were diagnosed to be bacterial pneumonia, S. aureus (7 cases) was the most common causative agent and was followed by P. aeruginosa (4), E. cloacae (2), A baumanii (1), H. influenzae (1) and a-hemolytic Streptococcus (1). Sensitivity of quantitative culture of BAL fluid for the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia was 68.4% and its specificity was 63.6%. Elastin fibers were detected in 5 cases (31%) and ICO over 5% in 3 cases (15.7%). When criteria of quantitative culture of BAL fluid, detection of ICO and elastin fibers were applied together, diagnostic rate of pneumonia was 84.2% (16/19). Conclusion: Quantitative culture of BAL fluid was sensive and specific compared to sputum and b1ood culture for the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia, It was suggested that detection of ICO and elastic fibers in BAL fluid could raise the diagnostic rate of bacterial pneumonia.

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