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      • 고등학교 중국어과 대입 평가 문항분석을 통한 대입 평가 방법 연구 : 以曆代考試問題的分析爲基礎

        박소연 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 2003 이화교육논총 Vol.13 No.-

        曆代代入考試明顯地影響了我國高中學校的敎育. 雖然代入考試按照高中學校敎育課程實行, 而其結果應該再反映了高中學校敎育課程, 但是曆代考試只是敎育課程的終点, 不會擔任타本然的脚色. 從這樣的問題出發的本硏究, 首先調査了在高中學校敎育課程中漢語課的內容, 同時考察了在曆代大入考試里漢語課的地位. 本고分析的對象是從1985到1992學年度「大學入學學力考試」和2001和2002學年度「大學修學能力考試」. 這個考試是在第3次~第6次敎育課程期進行的, 那時期高中漢語課的目標在于啓發語言技能而培養溝通能力, 以可以加强韓中兩國文化的理解. 漢語課敎育內容以「語言技能」與「語言材料」爲標准提示了具體的內容. 1985學年度實施的漢語考試問題50個題, 以50分爲滿, 考生可以選澤在漢語, 德語, 法語, 日語, 西班牙語英語中一個外語. 1986和1987學年度的問題是20個題, 以20分爲滿. 1987年的考生要選擇漢語類的第二外語課和實業課中一門. 在1988~1992年的考試中, 考生要對最后3個問題直接寫出答案, 對其他14個問題選擇唯一的答案. 其后, 漢語課考試在大入考試中停止了, 2001年再復活了. 2001~2002年的考試都是30個題, 以40分爲滿, 整個題用選擇答案的方法進行的. 漢語課不是所有考生考的課. 而是志愿者才能考的. 本고基礎資料「大學入學學力考試」和「大學修學能力考試」的分析標准在于「言語技能」與「言語材料」. 因爲타們都是在高中敎育課程里的標准, 用這個標准來看大入考試, 可以知道曆代考試是否保持敎育課程的目標和敎育內容. 本硏究把言語技能分成廳·說·讀·寫的四個技能, 把語言材料分爲發音·詞匯·語法和句型·資料文. 經過語言技能的結合, 我們可以溝通意見, 獲得知識, 所以語言技能和溝通能力的培養是語言敎育最重要的目標, 可是分析的結果說明了曆代告試不太重視語言技能和溝通能力. 聽力考試從來沒有實施過, 說話有關的考試也只是以簡接方式進行, 所以不能說眞正地評价了說話能力. 而且有關讀的內容太多, 對詞匯知識和語法知識的問題也超過了40%. 最近兩年, 有關寫的問題都是選擇型問題, 所以不會知道考生不能寫漢字和漢語병音寫得正確. 這樣的事實就證明了曆代考試不太遵守敎育課程的目標, 沒有充實反映了敎育內容. 同時, 因爲大部分考的內容是獨立的語言知識, 不能評价實際語言的使用能力. 大入告示應該克服這些問題而包括敎育課程的評价要素, 對高中敎育産生了好影響. 爲此, (1) 要進行聽力考試. 發音, 漢語병音和文字的關係, 通過聽力考試又直接又正確地評价了. (2) 說話有關的評价, 無可奈何地以書面方式而進行, 然而積極地采用各種各樣的資料文, 問題方式才能解除타的限制, 比如說, 用照片和地圖之類的視覺資料, 讓考生說明타的內容. 讀一部分的說話, 讓考生想想타的結構而完成了整個對話. (3) 詞匯和語法等的閱讀評价, 必須理解資料文以后才能深求答案. 因爲使用語言時我們不把這樣的語言材料分開, 接受了"一塊語言". (4) 寫方面的評价, 尤其直接寫出答案, 不要濫用選擇答案的方式. 타要與有關聽·說·讀的評价結合, 讓大入考試更接近我們溝通意見的方式. (5) 對發音, 語法和句型, 首先要進行漢語和韓語的比較, 以比較內容爲基礎啓發考試. (6) 考試資料文的素材求于考生的生活方面, 利用韓中文化關的內容, 加强理解文化背景. (7) 一般語言評价的重点在于語言使用的熟練, 不在于語言使用的正確. 雖然大學考試是評价語言的正確, 但是在一般課堂敎學里爲了熟練地掌握語言能力, 讓學生積極地參加敎學活動. 通過以上的硏究, 希望大入考試更加接近敎育課程的內容, 以高中漢語課加强語言溝通能力.

      • KCI등재

        인삼 지상부를 첨가한 사료 급여가 닭에서 나타내는 효과

        박소연,이광열,조영재,박보경,김기주,이나래,김동건,김영희,한태욱,Park, Soyeon,Lee, Kwang-Yeal,Cho, Youngjae,Park, Bokyoung,Kim, Kiju,Lee, Na-Rae,Kim, Dong-Gun,Kim, Young-Hee,Hahn, Tae-Wook 대한수의학회 2015 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.55 No.1

        Ginseng has been widely used in Korea as a natural medicine due to its saponin contents. Although the total amount of ginseng stem and leaf saponins (GSLS) is 4~5 times higher than that of saponin in the root, the root is mainly used. This is due to two reasons: nervous system-stimulant activity of GSLS and pesticide residues in GSLS. In this study, residual agricultural pesticides were removed from GSLS using two types of bacterial treatments. Two GSLS treatment groups of chickens (GSLS-1 and GSLS-2) were established. The chickens were fed 0.4% GSLS-1 or GSLS-2 mixed with crop. We then evaluated the effects of GSLS on bodyweight and several immune parameters. At the end of the experiments, chickens fed GSLS-1 and red ginseng saponin had significantly higher growth rates (16.6% and 8.0%, respectively) compared to the vaccine control group treated with Noblis Salenvac-T. The group fed GSLS-1 also had the highest IgG titer that was significantly different at the end of experiments compared to the other groups. These findings imply that GSLS-1 is a good candidate feed additive for the chicken industry.

      • KCI등재

        코퍼스를 활용한 영어 어휘 학습의 효과 연구

        박소연,윤현숙 한국중앙영어영문학회 2009 영어영문학연구 Vol.51 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of corpus-based approaches to vocabulary learning in high school. The study conducted a four-week long experiment where an experimental group was taught by corpus-based vocabulary learning techniques and a control group was taught by definition-based vocabulary learning techniques. After the experiment, the participants took vocabulary knowledge tests, which intended to measure the following two aspects: 1) knowledge of meaning and use of vocabulary, and 2) receptive and productive knowledge of vocabulary. As a result, the corpus-based vocabulary learning group showed better performance in the aspect of vocabulary use than the definition-based vocabulary learning. group. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the acquisition of word meaning. Also, the study found that corpus-based vocabulary learning had greater effects on the acquisition of both receptive and productive knowledge of vocabulary than definition-based vocabulary learning. Especially, the effects were found to be much more greater on productive knowledge of vocabulary than on receptive vocabulary knowledge. Implications for teaching are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        간문부 담관에서 발생한 대세포 신경내분비종양 1예

        박소연,이상협,김지연,박주희,윤혁,윤유석,김혜령 대한내과학회 2011 대한내과학회지 Vol.80 No.-

        Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the bile duct is rare, and a large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma is extremely rare. We report the first case of a large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma in the hilar bile duct. A 73-year-old woman presented with continuous dull pain in the epigastrium. We diagnosed a Klatskin’s tumor, Bismuth type II by computed tomography. An initial endoscopic cytology of the common hepatic duct showed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. She underwent an extended right hepatectomy. Histologically, the tumor was diagnosed as a large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. She received adjuvant radiotherapy for tumor involvement of the resected margin. At 12 months after surgery, lymph node metastases were present in the retroperitoneum, but she was still alive at 23 months after surgery. The role of additional therapy, such as radiotherapy, must be investigated to improve patient prognoses. (Korean J Med 2011;80:S137-S141) 담관의 신경내분비종양은 드물며, 그 중 대세포 신경내분비종양은 매우 드물다. 저자들은 상복부의 둔통으로 내원하여 전산화 단층촬영에서 간문부 담관암, 내시경적 세포진 검사에서 분화도 나쁜 선암 소견으로 수술 시행 후 간문부 담관의 대세포 신경내분비암종 진단되었고, 종양의 절제 변연 침범으로 방사선 치료를 시행한 1예를 경험하여 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재

        검색 포털들의 모바일 검색 서비스 평가

        박소연 한국문헌정보학회 2015 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.49 No.4

        This study aims to investigate information seeking behavior of mobile-based Web users, especially, college students. This study also evaluates mobile search services based on various criteria, and suggests how to improve portal’s mobile search services. The results of this study show that the most urgent improvement is needed in the contents of mobile search services. Improvements are also required in the area of interface design followed by accessibility and mobile search functionalities. The results of this study can be applied to the portal’s effective development of mobile search services. 본 연구에서는 모바일 검색의 주 이용자 계층인 대학생들을 대상으로 이들의 모바일 검색 행태를 조사하고, 설문조사와 실험을 통하여 검색 포털들의 모바일 검색 서비스에 대한 평가를 수행하고자 한다. 즉, 실제 이용자들이 실제 질의를 이용하여 모바일 검색을 수행한 후, 검색 포털들의 모바일 검색 서비스를 다양한 기준에 근거하여 평가하고, 모바일 검색 서비스에 대한 개선 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 조사 결과, 검색 포털의 모바일 검색에서 개선이 가장 시급한 분야는 컨텐츠로 나타났으며, 이어서 인터페이스, 접근성, 모바일 검색 기능 등의 순으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 포털들의 모바일 검색 서비스의 개선에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        The Stimulatory Effect of Essential Fatty Acids on Glucose Uptake Involves Both Akt and AMPK Activation in C2C12 Skeletal Muscle Cells

        박소연,김민혜,안정훈,이수진,이종호,음원식,최수영,권혁일 대한약리학회 2014 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.18 No.3

        Essential fatty acid (EFA) is known to be required for the body to function normally and healthily. However, the effect of EFA on glucose uptake in skeletal muscle has not yet been fully investigated. In this study, we examined the effect of two EFAs, linoleic acid (LA) and α -linolenic acid (ALA), onglucose uptake of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells and investigated the mechanism underlying thestimulatory effect of polyunsaturated EFAs in comparison with monounsaturated oleic acid (OA). Inpalmitic acid (PA)-induced insulin resistant cells, the co-treatment of EFAs and OA with PA almostrestored the PA-induced decrease in the basal and insulin-stimulated 2-NBDG (fluorescent D-glucoseanalogue) uptake, respectively. Two EFAs and OA significantly protected PA-induced suppression ofinsulin signaling, respectively, which was confirmed by the increased levels of Akt phosphorylationand serine/threonine kinases (PKCθ and JNK) dephosphorylation in the western blot analysis. InPA-untreated, control cells, the treatment of 500 μM EFA significantly stimulated 2-NBDG uptake,whereas OA did not. Phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and one of its downstreammolecules, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) was markedly induced by EFA, but not OA. Inaddition, EFA-stimulated 2-NBDG uptake was significantly inhibited by the pre-treatment of a specificAMPK inhibitor, adenine 9-β -D-arabinofuranoside (araA). These data suggest that the restoration ofsuppressed insulin signaling at PA-induced insulin resistant condition and AMPK activation areinvolved at least in the stimulatory effect of EFA on glucose uptake in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells.

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