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      • 공결유량에 따를 Orifice의 설계계수와 유량계수와의 상관관계에 관한연구

        구명회 충남대학교 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        To find the relation between flow rate and discharge coefficient, water test were performed. Experimental variables were orifice diameter, length/diameter ratio. pressure drop and orifice entrance smoothness. Followings are the results of this Study. 1. Flow rate varies irregulally for the pressure drop range between 0~3 kgf/㎠ but beyond that point flow rate was increased almost linearly to pressure drop. 2. The discharge coefficient was 0.6~0.7 for the pressure drop more than 3 kgf/㎠ but the value were irregular for the pressure drop less than 3kgf/㎠. 3. Discharge coefficient were increased from the range of 0.6~0.7 to the range of 0.88~0.93 when chamfered the □rifi□□ □□treance.

      • 연구비관리 인증평가에 대한 메타평가 모형의 설계 및 적용

        구명회 서울시립대학교 도시과학대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        그 동안 일부 대학 및 출연연구기관 인증 평가 담당자들은 2007년도에 본격 도입되어 실시되고 있는 연구비관리 우수기관 인증평가가 평가절차, 평가기준, 평가지표, 평가위원 등에 문제가 있다는 지적을 하였고, 평가수행기관(KISTEP) 및 정부에서는 이를 개선하기 위해 노력하였다. 그러나 인증평가의 평가툴 자체에 대해서는 심도 있는 연구가 이루어지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구는 연구비관리 우수기관 인증평가에 대한 종합적인 분석·평가를 통해 현재 인증평가가 어떻게 이루어지고 있으며, 이러한 평가과정에서 나타난 문제점은 무엇이고, 그 문제점을 개선하는 방안이 없는지 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위한 분석방법으로 인증평가에 대한 메타평가 모형을 설계하고 설계된 메타평가 모형을 인증평가에 적용하여 분석하여, 인증평가시스템에 대한 종합적인 진단을 통해 바람직한 인증평가시스템을 만들고자 하였다. 본 연구의 내용과 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구비관리 우수기관 인증평가시스템 개선을 위한 인증평가에 대한 메타평가 모형을 설계하였다. 본 연구에서는 우선 메타평가와 정책평가에 대한 기존연구들을 검토하여 인증평가에 적합한 개념을 설정하고 인증평가에 대한 메타평가를 위하여 선행연구에서 사용한 평가요소, 평가항목, 평가지표를 고려하여 메타모형을 설계하였다. 체제론적 입장에서 볼 때 공공정책의 메타평가는 일정한 환경 하에 투입, 전환, 산출을 통해 활용에 이르는 순환과정을 거치게 된다. 이러한 인식하에 인증평가를 평가환경(evaluation environment) 하에서 평가투입(evaluation input), 평가수행(evaluation process), 평가결과(evaluation output), 평가활용(evaluation utilization) 5단계의 순환과정으로 파악하고, 주요 구성요소의 머리글자를 따 인증평가에 대한 메타평가 모형을 “EIPOU 모델”이라고 명칭을 붙었다. 둘째, 인증평가의 메타평가를 하기 위해 평가지표 개발을 하였다. 평가지표 개발은 국내·외 선행연구를 분석하여 각각의 연구에서 사용되어진 평가항목 및 평가지표들을 메타평가의 5개 구성요소에 따라 분류하였으며, 전문가 자문을 통해 인증평가의 특성에 공통적으로 적용 할 수 있는 측면을 고려하여 평가의 전 과정에 필요한 5개의 구성요소와 12개의 평가항목 및 48개의 평가지표(안)을 개발하였다. 이론적 논의 및 전문가 자문을 통해 설정한 메타평가 모형 및 평가지표에 대한 타당성 검증을 위해 전문가 설문을 실시하였다. 설문은 12명의 인증평가전문가와 1명의 메타평가 전문가를 대상으로 실시하였으며, 모두 중앙값(3.0)보다 높게 평가되어 타당성이 입증되었다. 다음으로 타당성이 입증된 평가지표에 대하여 2011년과 2012년 인증 평가위원으로 참여한 37명에 대하여 신뢰도 검증을 실시하였다. 총 31명의 설문 답변 결과 Cronbach’s α값이 평가항목 및 평가요소에서 .60이상 이었으며, 전체적으로 .933으로 신뢰도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 본 연구에서는 평가항목의 객관성과 중요도를 분석하여 반영하기 위해 평가요소와 평가항목에 대한 가중치를 산정하였다. 가중치 산정은 AHP기법을 사용하여 분석한 결과를 적용하였고, 분석결과 일관성 지수는 0.1이하로 나타나 조사자의 일관성은 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 최종 확정된 메타평가 모형을 적용하여 인증평가에 대한 메타평가 및 실증분석을 하였다. 그 동안 인증 평가위원으로 참여한 전문가 85명과 피 평가기관 인증담당부서장 및 부서원 30명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였고, 총 65개의 설문지를 분석하였다. 메타평가 결과, 종합적으로 100점 만점 중 82.55로 나타나 ‘우수’한 것으로 입증되었다. 평가요소별로는 평가결과요소(84.48)가 ‘매우우수’로 가장 높은 평가를 받았으며, 그 외 평가환경요소(83.42), 평가투입요소(80.11), 평가수행요소(82.76), 평가활용요소(82.00)도 80점 이상으로 ‘우수’로 평가되었다. 또한, 평가집단과 피 평가집단 간 차이분석 결과(t-test), 평가요소에서는 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났고, 평가항목 중에서는 ‘평가자료의 충실성’에서 유의수준 p<.05에서 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 평가집단내에서 전문기관, 출연연구기관, 대학 간 차이를 분석할 결과(one-way ANOVA), 평가요소 중에서는 평가결과요소에서 유의수준 p<.05에서 차이가 나타났고, 평가항목 중에서는 평가과정의 적절성, 평가보고서의 충실성, 평가결과의 공개성에서 유의수준 p<.05에서 차이를 나타냈다. 한편, 본 연구는 최초로 인증평가에 대한 메타평가 모형을 설계하고 적용하였다는 점, 인증평가 특성을 반영하여 메타평가 지표를 개발하였다는 점과 본 연구는 사업평가나 기관평가에 대한 메타평가가 아닌 다른 영역에 속하는 내용에 대하여 메타평가를 수행 했다는 점에서 타 메타평가와 차별성에서 큰 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 향후 본 연구가 인증평가와 유사한 평가시스템을 구축하고 운영하는데 하나의 모델이 되었으면 한다. 주요어 : 연구비관리 인증시스템, 연구비관리 인증평가, 메타평가, 인증평가 Since 2007, R&D Fund Management Certification System for Excellent Institution has been implemented and evaluators from universities and government-funded research institutes have pointed out that this system has some problems in terms of evaluation such as evaluation procedures, criteria, indicators, and evaluators. Accordingly, KISTEP, assessment executive institution, and Korean government have tried to improve evaluation system. There is no discussion on evaluation tool for certification, however. In this regard, the aim of this study was to analyze and evaluate R&D Fund Management Certification System for Excellent Institution comprehensively. Overall procedures of evaluation were discussed to find out problems and to suggest solutions. To establish desirable evaluation system for certification, this study designed a metaevaluation model and applied it to assess current system . The contents and results of this research were as follows: First, this research designed a metaevaluation model. Based on the literature review about policy evaluation and metaevaluation, a metaevaluation model was designed. In the process of designing, evaluation components, items, and indicators were taken into account. In a systematic point of view, metaevaluation on the public policy shows a circulation of inputs, processes, outputs under the constant circumstances. Based on this perspective, this study considered certification evaluation as a circulation process of input, process, output, and utilization under the environment. Initials of these 5 phases formed the word EIPOU, which was the name of a metaevaluation model on this study. Second, this research developed evaluation indicators. According to 5 components of an EIPOU model, this study sorted out evaluation items and indicators extracted from the literature review. The first draft was reviewed by evaluation experts and some items and indicators suitable for applying certification evaluation were chosen. Finally, the final draft which was made up of 5 evaluation components, 12 evaluation items and 48 evaluation indicators was developed. In order to verify the validity of the model, experts survey was conducted by 12 certification evaluation experts and one metaevaluation expert. As a result, mean values of all evaluation indicators appeared higher than median(3.0) and therefore the validity of this model was proved. With indicators that the validity was proved, the reliability of the EIPOU model was examined by experts who attended certification evaluation in 2011 and 2012. 31 of 37 the experts who were requested a response to the survey answered and the reliability was high. Cronbach's alpha was over .60 in evaluation components and items, and the overall reliability was .933. Also, to reflect importance of the evaluation components items, this study calculated the weight values by means of AHP analysis. The survey of 13 evaluators showed that the consistency ratio was less than or equal to 0.1. Third, given the guaranteed adequacy of this research's metaevaluation model, this research applied the model to test the current certification evaluation system. The survey was requested to 85 evaluation experts who participated in the certification evaluation and 30 managers and members of evaluated institutions. There were 65 responses that were used to analyze. As a result of metaevaluation, certification evaluation system was evaluated 'good' in overall with 82.55 out of 100 points. Regarding the scores of each evaluation component, evaluation output(84.48) got the highest score and was evaluated 'very good'. Evaluation environment(83.42), evaluation input(80.11), evaluation process(82.76), and evaluation utilization(82.00) got higher than 80 points and were evaluated 'good' respectively. T-test analysis showed that there was no difference between evaluator groups and evaluated groups with regard to evaluation components. Among evaluation items, 'fidelity of evaluation materials' showed significant differences between the two groups at 5% significance level(p< .05). One-way ANOVA analysis was conducted to test differences among professional institutions, government-funded research institutes, and universities. It turned out that 'evaluation output' in evaluation components, 'relevance of evaluation process', 'fidelity of evaluation report', 'publicity of evaluation output' in evaluation items showed significant differences among groups at 5% significance level(p< .05). The implications of this study were as follows. First, this study designed a metaevalution model and applied it to certification evaluation for the first time. Second, the characteristics of certification evaluation was considered when metaevaluation indicators were developed. Third, this study broadened the application range of metaevaluation beyond the fields of program or institution evaluation by applying the metaevaluation to certification evaluation. The researcher hopes that findings and implications of this study pave the way for future researches and practices as a role model to establish and operate the evaluation system similar to certification evaluation. Key words : R&D Fund Management Certification System, R&D Fund Management Certification Evaluation, Metaevaluation, Certification Evaluation

      • 障碍人基本權保障에 관한 硏究

        구명회 昌原大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Currently in Korea, there exist six laws related to the disabled welfare promotion. Specifically there are the Disabled Welfare Law, the Disabled Employment Promotion Law, the Special Education Law for the Disabled, the Disabled & Senior Citizen & Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers Welfare Promotion Law, the Promotion of Transport Accommodation for Disadvantaged, and the Promotion Law for Disabled Activity in Business Enterprise. People with handicaps in Korea are dynamic in participation and promotions of their rights, and with their active support for securing rights as a citizen, they are at a point where their voices are gaining force and momentum. As such, as of 2006, they have been very active in demanding enactment or revising of law that includes Anti Discrimination Law, Disabled Pensions Act, Adult Guardian Policy Act, Disabled Education Act, Severely Disabled Employment Law, Independent Life Assistant Law, and others. Application of these laws or policies, we hope, will further the goals of people with handicaps. This study, by looking at the basis of constitutional rights for handicapped people and foreign examples on handicapped person's rights, as well as identifying problems and suggesting proposals to improve the disabled welfare law, aims to contribute to the firm establishment of laws for handicaps and to promote the awareness of handicapped person's rights and difficulties and to educate general publics on this matter. The focal point of disabled welfare law is to secure national and society level welfare mechanism where -handicapped people can improve their quality of their life just as non-handicapped people can. Accordingly, its welfare law includes the development and implementation of policies that include concerns for education, career, leisure, family, health and medicine that will allow handicapped people to enjoy the life just as much as non-handicapped people. As such, only through comprehensive and full scale implementation can these policies be effective. This study will look into what constitutes ,handicapped people types, meaning and characteristics of basic rights and after analyzing the related framework and proclamation of international laws, as well as other countries' operative laws and pertinent policies, and by comparing it to Korea's current welfare laws, I will provide some solutions to existing problems and recommend directions for improvement. First, even though Disabled Welfare Law currently supports handicapped people in regard to their livelihood, there exist many inadequacies. Accordingly, I must segment specific requirements that will meet the needs of handicapped people . Second, the Disabled Employment Promotion Lawmust provide clear distinctions what constitutes employment discrimination and increase the awareness of its guidelines for handicapped people, employers and citizens, making the law clear and unambiguous. Third, public and private organizations must enact policies that will allow handicapped people to receive college level education equally as non-handicapped people. They need assistance mechanism that assist handicapped people in their study and in their mobility. In addition, related organizations must provide sign language interpreter for hearing-impaired, and specially made learning materials, including large print type book, Braille book, audio book for the sight-impaired and so on. Thus, government must increase the financial support for such education policies and additionally reduce the finance burden for handicapped people. Fourth, for Disabled&Senior Citizen&Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers Welfare Promotion Law, by establishing the disabled accommodation facility regionally, its local organization must promote the construction of facility for the disabled, execute follow-through management and perform examinations and formulate plans to facilitate the activities of people with handicaps. Fifth, before the enactment of the promotion of transport accommodation for disadvantaged, as there were mutual complementary relationships between the existing accommodation law, every handicapped people has the right to use the public building and its facilities and must be protected by the law. Upon infringement of this law, there exists penalty of 10 million won for who do not abide to the instruction as specified by the authority within the designated time and 10 million won for any person or organization who do not comply to the demand for report or who provide falsified report and who refuse or obstruct building and facility inspections. However, given the fact that there are no independent organizations that can inspect and enforce the said laws, it is imperative that separate and independent organizations be established in order to enforce the said laws. Sixth, for the Promotion for Disabled Activity in Business Enterprise, the Korean Disabled Enterprise Association has established Disabled Employment Support Center to promote the activity of handicapped people in business ventures . Similar to the functions of existing Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled, its only distinction is that it targets business owners. However, although does receive financial support from government, it does not have any say in regard to the collection of support as stated by the Disabled Employment Promotion Law and as it is neither governmental agency nor private companies and its functions are strictly based on consigned relationship, there exist possibilities that it will not execute their responsibilities in aggressive manner. As such, it is imperative that governmental enacts policies that will allow governmental agency to oversee the matter and promote the long-term welfare of handicapped people.

      • 중년기 여성의 밸런스워킹PT 참여동기가 심리적 행복감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향

        구명회 중앙대학교 교육대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 중년기 여성의 밸런스워킹PT 참여동기, 심리적 행복감, 생활만족도의 우선순위를 분석하고, 이들의 참여동기가 심리적 행복감과 생활만족도에 미치는 영향을 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 위하여 전국의 보건소, 복지관, 문화센터, 평생학습관, 주민센터 등에서 밸런스워킹PT 강좌를 수강하고 있는 40세 이상의 중년기 여성 250명을 임의로 표집하여 구글폼을 통한 비대면 설문조사 및 설문지를 배포하였고, 회수된 총 247부의 설문지 중 응답이 불성실하다고 판단되는 무기입 또는 이중 기입된 설문지 23부를 제외한 224부의 설문지를 최종 자료분석에 사용하였다. 통계처리는 SPSS/WIN 통계프로그램 22.0을 활용하였으며 요인분석, 빈도분석, 기술통계분석, 일원변량분석, 단순상관관계분석, 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 밸런스워킹PT에 참여하는 중년기 여성은 내적 동기에 의해 참여하고 있었으며, 참여를 통해 유능감이 높아짐에 따라 심리적 행복감과 생활만족도를 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 중년기 여성의 밸런스워킹PT 참여동기가 심리적 행복감에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과, 참여동기는 심리적 행복감에 부분적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 중년기 여성의 밸런스워킹PT 참여동기가 생활만족도에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과, 참여동기는 생활만족도에 부분적으로 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the priorities of participation motivation, psychological happiness and life satisfaction, and to determine the impact of middle-aged women's motivation to participate in Balance Walking PT on their psychological happiness and life satisfaction. For this purpose, we randomly sampled 250 middle-aged women aged 40 or older who were taking Balance Walking PT courses at public health centers, welfare centers, cultural centers, lifelong learning centers, and community centers across the country, and distributed non-face-to-face surveys and questionnaires through Google Forms. Of the total 247 questionnaires collected, 224 questionnaires were used in the final data analysis, excluding 23 unfilled or double-filled questionnaires whose responses were judged to be insincere. SPSS/WIN statistical program 22.0 was used for statistical processing, and factor analysis, frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, one-way analysis of variance, simple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were drawn. First, middle-aged women who have joined in Balance Walking PT were participated by intrinsic motivation and have felt psychological happiness as self-efficacy was increased and life satisfaction throughout participating Balance Walking PT. Second, as a result of analyzing the impact of middle-aged women's motivation to participate in Balance Walking PT on psychological well-being, the motivation for participation was found to have a partially positive effect on psychological well-being. Third, as a result of analyzing the impact of middle-aged women's motivation to participate in Balance Walking PT on life satisfaction, the motivation for participation was found to have a partially positive effect on life satisfaction.

      • 金屬間化合物TiAlの高溫クリ-プ變形に關する硏究

        구명회 東京工業大學 1991 해외박사

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        금속간화합물 TiAl은 우주항공용 내열재료로서 우수한 고온특성을 지니기 때문에 주목을 받고 있으나, 상온에서 연성이 없기 때문에 현재까지 대부분의 연구노력 이상 온연성의 개선에 집중되어 왔다. 이 때문에 정작 고온재료로써 사용될 때에 매우 중요 한 고온 크립변형에 관한 정보는 매우 적다. 따라서 본 연구는 TiAl의 고온크립 변형 거동을 조사하여 그 기본특성을 명백히함을 목적으로 하였다. TiAl의 크립변형 거동에 대해 수행된 과거의 연구는 대부분이 소형시편을 사용한 압축크립시험에 의한 것이었 기 때문에 크립거동을 파악하기 위해 기초가 되는 크립곡선의 신뢰도가 낮았다. 그래 서 본 연구에서는 γ단상에서 균질화 처리한 Ti-50at%Al의 시편에 대해 표준인장시편 (표점거리 30mm, 평행부 직경 6mm)을 제작하여 1073K-1173K의 온도에서 넓은 응력범위 (45-245MPa)에 걸쳐 일정 응력하에서 인장크립시험을 실시하여 TiAl의 정확한 크립곡 선을 측정하였다. 그리고 고온 크립시험도중에 응력부하 상태에서 강제냉각으로 변형 조직을 동결시켜 전위하부조직을 조사하여 크립변형 기구를 규명하였다. TiAl의 주조 상태의 시료는 고밀도의 전위를 갖는 층상조직 영역과 등축정 영역으로 구성되어 있는 데, 주조상태의 시료는 γ단상의 균질화된 시료에 비해 크립속도가 천이역에서 특히 크게 나타났다. 이것은 주조 상태에서 층상조직에 존재하는 다량의 전위가 크립변형 초기에 움직여서 소모되기 때문인 것이 밝혀졌다. 따라서 TiAl의 크립거동을 파악하기 위해서는 전위밀도가 낮은 γ단상의 균질화된 시료를 사용해야 한다고 제안하였다. γ단상의 균질화 처리된 TiAl의 고온크립곡선은 천이역과 가속역으로 구성되어 있고 정상역은 존재하지 않았다. 최소크립속도를 나타내는 시점에서의 전위하부 조직의 관 찰결과, 1/2<110]의 보통전위로 구성된 아결정립계가 관찰되었고, 아결정립내의 전위 도 대부분이 1/2<110]의 보통 전위이었다. 따라서 TiAl의 고온크립변형은 보통전위의 상승운동에 의해 율속되는 것으로 추론 하였다. 그리고 가속역이 크립수명의 90%이상 을 차지하며, 크립파단 연신율이 50%로 비교적 큰 것은 보통전위의 상승운동에 의해 아결정립이 연속적으로 생성되고, 이에 이어서 동적재 결정이 형성되기 때문인 것을 규명하였다. TiAl의 최소크립 속도의 응력지수는 항복응력 이하에서는 3이며, 항복응 력 이상에서는 8까지 증가하였다. 이것은 항복응력 이상에서는 고응력 일수록 아결정 립이 발달하여 이것이 크립강도를 저하시키기 때문임을 밝혔다. TiAl의 크립의 활성화 에너지는 항복응력 이하에서는 350KJ/mol이며, 항복응력 이상의 응력에서는 600KJ/mo l로 증가하였다. 이와 같이 고응력에서 크립의 활성화 에너지가 증가하는 원인은 고온 일수록 부하시에 많은 소성변형이 생김으로 과잉된 전위가 도입되어 이들 전위가 가동 화 함으로써 크립속도를 상대적으로 증가시키는 것이 하나의 원인임을 밝혔다. The global nuclear nonproliferation regime (the NPT regime), based on the NPT, the IAEA, the UN, and the NSG, tends to rely on the supply-side strategic options such as export controls, diversion controls, and punitive sanctions. However, in spite of its remarkable achievements, the NPT regime reveals its limitations in halting nuclear proliferation. In this situation, the demand-side strategy, based on the strategic bargaining for reducing the aspirations of a proliferator for nuclear weapons, emerges as an alternative to nuclear nonproliferation, The North Korean case of nuclear proliferation (from mid 199 1 to December 1995) is an exemplary one which showed the potential of the demand-side strategy. As the NPT regime failed to fully dissuade North Korea from going nuclear, the U.S. and South Korea stroke several bargaining deals with North Korea in order to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. North Korea tried to protect or promote its national interests by using its nuclear proliferation option as bargaining leverage. Meanwhile, the U.S. and South Korea adopted diverse strategic options which could affect the incentives and disincentives of North Korea for nuclear weapons. North Korea, South Korea, and the U.S. as bargaining parties faced a variety of uncertainties which they had to cope with in order to enhance the procedural or substantive rationality of their strategic choices. In the strategic bargaining to resolve the North Korean nuclear dispute, the patterns of uncertainty management (uncertainty ignoring, uncertainty reduction, uncertainty accommodation, and uncertainty overlooking) influenced the strategic choices of North Korea, South Korea, and the U. S.(conceding strategy, demanding strategy, and compromising strategy). Moreover, the patterns of uncertainty management also affected the bargaining outputs (conflict, cooperation, and capitulation) by influencing the combination of strategic choices of bargaining parties. Uncertainty as a critical variable had a significant impact on the dynamicity of the strategic nuclear bargaining. This research has significance in three dimensions. In theoretical terms, this research contributes to developing the managerial approach to uncertainty which is newly emerging because of the limitations of the analytic approach to uncertainty. In practical terms, this research helps the understanding of the nuclear incentives, bargaining strategies, and bargaining tactics of North Korea as a nuclear proliferator. In policy terms, this research shows the weaknesses of the supply-side options of the NPT regime, especially the IAEA nuclear inspections and the UN sanctions. Meanwhile, this research reveals the limitations and potential of the demand-side strategic options which can be selected within or beyond the NPT regime. Index Words: Analytic approach, Conflict, Cooperation, Diversion controls, Export controls, IAEA, Managerial approach, NPT, NPT regime, North Korea, Nuclear Incentives, Nuclear nonproliferation, Nuclear proliferation, Punitive sanctions, Strategic choice, Supply-side strategy, UN, UN Sanctions, Uncertainty, Uncertainty management,

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