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        호리 다쓰오「루벤스의 위작」의 ‘현실’과 ‘심상’

        유재진 한국일본학회 2008 日本學報 Vol.74 No.-

        本稿では堀辰雄の初期作品である「ルウベンスの偽畫」を通して彼が追求した「現実よりももっと現実」という 認識の内実を明らかにした。また、「ルウベンスの偽画」定稿の執筆時期を堀のアンリ・ポアンカレ受容を補助線 に考察して、ポアンカレの科学思想が作品にどのように反映されているのかを考察した。 この作品には‘現実’(対象)を捉える認識行為において、もはや対象そのものと‘心像’(概念)は同一のもので はなく、むしろ創り上げられた不透明な心像を介してしかその対象の普遍性を捉えることができない認識主体の危 うさが描かれている。科学の法則が仮説にすぎないように、認識主体によって作り上げられた心像もやはり虚構に すぎない。しかし、認識主体によって捉えられた対象の普遍的本質によって創り上げられたこの虚構は、現実の 対象とは異るけれども、認識主体にとっては現実の対象に劣らず、自ら作り上げた<現実>なのである。「ルウベ ンスの偽画」の初稿にはないこのような認識主体の造型には、ポアンカレの影響が窺え、「ルウベンスの偽画」 定稿の後半部は、ポアンカレの科学思想の受容があったからこそ完成できたのである。

      • KCI등재

        천리안 위성영상을 이용한 일조시간 분포 추정에 관한 연구

        유재진,박종철,장동호 건국대학교 기후연구소 2016 기후연구 Vol.11 No.4

        This study estimated sunshine duration in South Korea using cloud detection images; the 2 class and 5 class images of Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS). The images were preprocessed and then compared with the observed sunshine duration from the Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS). Based on the result of comparing yearly and monthly sunshine duration, the results of the 5 class were better than the results of the 2 class. In the case of comparing daily sunshine duration, the results of the 5 class also showed relatively better outcome than the 2 class images. The simulation performance of the sunshine duration observed by ASOS and the sunshine duration calculated by COMS were evaluated using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) technique. The 5 class data showed relatively high efficiency. RMSEs were relatively lower in the 5 class than the 2 class image in all years (2011-2014). Therefore, the 5 class data among the COMS satellite images could provide meaningful information at the points where there is no observation of sunshine duration.

      • KCI등재

        무라타 사야카의 『편의점 인간』을 읽다-「근대적 자아」의 종언-

        유재진 한국일본언어문화학회 2018 일본언어문화 Vol.43 No.-

        The 155th Akutagawa prize for literature goes to 36-year-old Sayaka Murata. Her novel is called “Konbini Ningen,” which means “Convenience Store People.” For that the media latched onto the author’s background rather than the novel itself. Murata continues to work part-time as a convenience store clerk, and gains inspiration for characters and plots from her work environment. The novel itself is really about how extraordinary people have to become average in order to survive. The protagonist, Keiko Furukura, has always been viewed as “strange” by others, including her family, who once thought she required treatment. She doesn’t react to circumstances the way “normal” people do, but she recognizes her differences and tries her best to fit in. In order to become a “regular person,” she begins working at a convenience store. There, she studies and copies other people. Convenience stores are the perfect place for this sort of project because they are run according to a job manual issued by management. Working there, she feels she has “become part of the machine of the world.” In truth, she is still the same person, but now “disguised as a member of society.” The protagonist, Furukura’s final choice to become ‘manualized human being’ rather than an individual human being leaves us to think about an Ethical problem in contemporary Japanese literature and its surrounding. 村田沙耶香の「コンビニ人間」が第155回芥川賞を受賞することになった。韓国や日本での本作への関心は作家本人が約18年間コンビニアルバイトと続けており、受賞した当初もバイトを続けているという作家の得意な履歴へと向かわれた。特に韓国での関心は本作が「コンビニエンスストア」を題材にしていることが浮彫りになって注目されている節がある。一方日本での反響は作品から読み取られるリアリティへの共感を高く評価した書評と主人公の造形が非現実的であり、「自意識」を欠落している主人公に対する否定的な評価に二分される。 しかし、何よりもこの作品が日本で大きな反響を呼んだのは、得意な主人公の人物造形にあるだろう。主人公古倉恵子は、既存の日本近代文学には描かれたことのない、「近代的自我」が欠落している人物であり、彼女によって日本近代文学が深化してきた「近代的自我」は一つの終焉を向かえ、歴史的事象となってしまった。社会という共同体と対地する地点を見出せる「内面」或は「近代的自我」を持ち得ない共同体その自体を一つの「虚構」にしてしまい、このような作品からは以後日本社会が進むべき道は見えてこないのである。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        멀티 카메라와 SfM 기법을 활용한 해식애 모니터링 적용가능성 평가

        유재진,박현수,김동우,윤정호,손승우 한국지형학회 2018 한국지형학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        This study used aerial and terrestrial images to build a three-dimensional model of cliffs located in Pado beach using SfM (Structure from Motion) techniques. Using both images, the study purposed to reduce the shadow areas that were found when using only aerial images. Accuracy of the two campaigns was assessed by root mean square error, and monitored by M3C2 (Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison) method. The result of the M3C2 in closed areas such as sea cave and notch did not express the landforms partly. However, eroded debris on sea cliffs were detected as eroded area by M3C2, as well as in captured pictures by multi-camera. The result of this study showed the applicability of multi-camera and SfM in monitoring changes of sea cliffs.

      • KCI등재후보


        유재진 고려대학교 일본연구센터 2007 일본연구 Vol.7 No.-


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