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      • KCI등재

        중국인 학습자의 한국어 파열음 발음에 대한 조사 연구

        ( Zheng Yihan ),원미진 ( Won Mijin ) 국제어문학회 2021 국제어문 Vol.- No.91

        한중 파열음 대조 연구를 살펴보면 중국어의 무기 파열음이 한국어 평음과 유사하고 한국어 경음과 같은 음이 없다고 보는 견해와 중국어 무기 파열음은 한국어 경음과 유사하고 중국어 파열음 체계에 한국어 평음과 같은 음이 없다는 서로 다른 견해가 존재한다. 이 연구는 한중 파열음에 대한 두 관점의 근거를 재검토하고 학습의 주체인 학습자들의 인식을 바탕으로 선행연구에서 나타난 결과를 재정리하는 데에 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 이를 위해 먼저 선행연구에서 나타난 두 가지의 관점의 근거를 검토하여 근거의 타당성을 살펴 보았다. 그 다음으로 한국어의 평음과 경음에 대한 중국인 학습자의 인식을 조사하였다. 또한 실제 발음 실험을 통해 학습자가 어떤 음의 발음을 더 자연스럽게 하고 있는가를 실험하였다. 연구 조사 결과 중국인 학습자들은 대체로 중국어의 무기음을 한국어 경음과 더 유사하게 여기는 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나 실제 발음 실험 결과는 유사하다고 인식한 경음의 발음에 더 어려움을 겪고 있는 것으로 나타났는데 이런 결과는 선행연구에서 중국인 학습자들이 나타내는 경음 발음의 오류 양상과 일치되는 경향임을 확인하였다. Previous studies generally present two opinions on Korean-Chinese plosive contrast: Chinese plosives are similar to plain Korean plosives or Chinese plosives are similar to tense Korean plosives. This study investigates the correspondence between Chinese plosives and plain Korean plosives and tense Korean plosives based on Chinese learners’ perceptions. First, the rationale for the two viewpoints in previous studies was reviewed. A total of 48 Chinese learners of Korean in the middle and advanced levels were selected and their perception and speech production were assessed. The results revealed that learners thought Chinese plosives were more similar to tense Korean plosives than plain plosives. In addition, it was revealed Chinese Korean learners performed well in terms of plain Korean plosives compared to tense plosives.

      • KCI등재

        한국어와 중국어 모어 화자가 발음하는 한중 파열음 발음 차이 연구

        서춘란 ( Xu Chun Lan ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2019 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.52 No.-

        This study aims to compare Chinese speakers` production of word-medial Plosives with those of Korean speakers`. Plosives is a universal sound in the world language. voice onset time (VOT) and closure duration CD are important parameters for distinguishing Plosives. In the word-medial position, the measured voice onset time (VOT) and closure duration (CD) values of tense stops, produced by both Korean and Chinese speakers. Korea language has three series /ㅂ,ㄷ,ㄱ/, /ㅃ,ㄸ,ㄲ/, /ㅍ,ㅌ,ㅋ/ while Chinese language has two series /p/,/t/,/k/,/p<sup>h</sup>/,/t<sup>h</sup>/,/k<sup>h</sup>/ There are some differences in the VOT and CD between Korean and Chinese. Two Korean speakers and two Chinese speakers participated in the phonetic experiment. Through acoustic experiments, we found that. Chinese students' Plosives CD were generally longer than Korean students' Plosives CD. This paper believes that the Chinese and Korean plosives is different because of the Chinese syllable fusion degree. The degree of syllable fusion in Chinese is higher than that of Korean, So Chinese students don't have Korean plosives /ㄷ,ㅂ,ㄱ/. (Yanbian University)

      • 인도네시아어의 파열음의 발성유형 연구

        전태현,박한상,Chun Taihyun,Park Hansang 대한음성학회 2004 말소리 Vol.52 No.-

        The present study investigates phonation types of the plosives in Bahasa Indonesia in terms of VOT, F0, durations of intervocalic closure, the preceding vowel, and the following vowel. The results showed that two speaker groups have distinct phonation types. Speaker Group I was characterized by a short voice lag for voiceless plosives and a considerable amount of voice lead for voiced ones. Speaker Group II was characterized by a short lag for both voiceless and voiced plosives. Although both groups showed a significant difference in F0 and the durations of individual segments between voiceless and voiced plosives, they had a remarkable difference in the temporal structure of the segments. Speaker Group I had temporal compensation between the intervocalic closure and the surrounding vowels across voice, such that the shorter the intervocalic closure the longer the surrounding vowels, while Speaker Group 2 didn't. This means that there are two different phonation type systems within a language.

      • KCI등재

        음운론적 대립 유형과 음성학적 유형에 따른 한국어 파열음 인식 양상 연구

        권성미 한국국어교육학회 2019 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.118

        Purpose:The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of phonological types and VOT types of learners’ L1 on the perception of Korean three-way plosives. Methods:61 beginning Korean learners who have Russian, Swedish, English, Chinese, Turkish, and French L1 background that are different in terms of phonological types and VOT types were observed. Accuracy of identification and confusion patterns were compared. Results:First, there was a significant difference in accuracy in perception between the two phonological groups, but they did not display different patterns in a confusion matrix. Second, there were the following characteristics according to VOT types. Lead-short and lead-long groups showed different patterns from the short-long group both in accuracy and in confusion patterns. Lead-short and lead-long groups had difficulty in perceiving tense and lenis, and the short-long group had difficulty in perceiving lenis compared to tense and aspirated. Results:There seemed to be more explanatory power with VOT types in interpreting perceiving patterns of Korean plosives compared to that of phonological types. 목적:본 연구의 목적은 한국어 학습자의 L1의 음운론적 대립 유형과 음성학적인 VOT 유형이 한국어 3중 대립 파열음 체계 인식에 미치는 영향을 조사하는 것이다. 방법:음운론적인 유형과 VOT 유형면에서 상이성을 보이는 러시아어, 스웨덴어, 영어, 중국어, 터키어, 프랑스어가 L1인 초급 학습자 61명을 대상으로 한국어 파열음에 대한 인식 실험을 실시하여, 인식 정확도와 오지각 양상을 조사하였다. 결과:첫째, 음운론적 대립 유형에 따른 집단들은 평경격음의 인식 정확도에 있어서 집단 간 유의한 차이가 있었으나, 오지각 양상에 있어서는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 둘째, VOT 유형별로는 다음과 같은 특징이 있었다. short-long 집단은 lead-short, lead-long 집단과 인식 정확도와 오지각 양상에 있어 다른 양상을 보였다. lead-short, lead-long 집단은 경음과 평음 인식 난이도가 높으며, short-long 집단은 평음 인식 난이도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 결론:L2로서 한국어 파열음 인식은 음운론적 대립 유형보다는 VOT 유형에 따라 유형화된 양상을 보이며, VOT 유형에 기반한 언어 간 대비가 파열음 습득 양상에 대한 설명력을 가짐을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        영어와 한국어 자연발화 음성 코퍼스에서의 무성 파열음 연구

        윤규철 한국음성학회 2019 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.11 No.4

        The purpose of this work was to examine the factors affecting the identities of the voiceless plosives, i.e. English [p, t, k] and Korean [ph, th, kh], from the spontaneous speech corpora. The factors were automatically extracted by a Praat script and the percent correctness of the discriminant analyses was incrementally assessed by increasing the number of factors used in predicting the identities of the plosives. The factors included the spectral moments and tilts of the plosive release bursts, the post-burst aspirations and the vowel onsets, the durations such as the closure durations and the voice onset times (VOTs), the locations within words and utterances and the identities of the following vowels. The results showed that as the number of factors increased up to five, so did the percent correctness of the analyses, resulting in 74.6% for English and 66.4% for Korean. However, the optimal number of factors for the maximum percent correctness was four, i.e. the spectral moments and tilts of the release bursts and the following vowels, the closure durations and the VOTs. This suggests that the identities of the voiceless plosives are mostly determined by their internal and vowel onset cues.

      • KCI등재

        자동 음성인식 처리 기술의 한국어 파열음 인식 오류에 관한 연구

        김아름 ( Areum Kim ) 영주어문학회 2021 영주어문 Vol.49 No.-

        본고의 목적은 자동 음성인식(Automatic Speech Recognition) 처리 기술의 한국어 파열음 인식 양상을 확인하고, 음절 구조 및 파열음의 음절 내 위치와 선·후행 모음 환경 요소에 따른 유사 음소를 제시하는 것이다. 인간의 음성을 텍스트로 변환시키는 음성인식 처리 기술에서는 음성 신호에서 추출한 음향 특질을 인식의 기본 단위로 사용하는데, 파열음의 경우 산출 과정 중 ‘폐쇄-지속’ 단계에서는 음소를 변별한 만한 음향 특성이 거의 드러나지 않는바, 음성인식에 있어서 많은 오류를 유발하는 요인이 된다. 본고에서는 이와 같은 파열음의 음성인식 오류 양상을 음운론적으로 관찰하여, 어떠한 음운론적 환경에서 인식 오류가 주로 발생하는지, 또 이때 오인식되는 음소는 어떤 특성을 가지는지에 대해 음성인식 환경별 ‘유사 음소’ 개념을 바탕으로 분석하고자 하였다. 이와 더불어 단음절 음성인식 상황에서 파열음의 인식 오류에 영향을 주는 음운 현상을 특정하고 그 양상을 기술하였다. In this paper, I explained how Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) processing technology recognizes the Korean plosives and presented the similar phonemes according to the syllable structure and various positions of Korean plosives. In ASR, which converts human speech into texts, sound characteristics extracted from sound signals are used as basic units of speech recognition. In the ‘closure’ stage during the plosive production, many errors occurred in ASR due to the weak characteristics of sound. I observed the aspect of ASR errors of Korean plosives and analyzed the circumstances in which ASR errors frequently appeared and the characteristics of phonemes through the concept of ‘similar phoneme’.

      • KCI등재

        근대 외국어 학습서에서의 영어 파열음 표기 ― 지석영 兒學編 을 대상으로 ―

        한수정 국어사학회 2023 국어사연구 Vol.- No.37

        근대 시기 간행된 외국어 학습서 지석영의 兒學編 에 수록된 영어 단어의 한글 표기를 분석하여 영어의 파열음의 한글 표기가 어떻게 이루어졌는지 살펴보았다. 영어의 파열음은 무성과 유성의 대립을 가지지만, 한국어의 파열음은 평음, 경음, 격음의 대립을 가진다. 兒學編 의 한글 표기는 영어의 무성 파열음을 주로 격음자 단독으로 표기하거나 중철 표기를 하였다. 유성 파열음은 ‘ㅅ’ 합용병서 표기와 평음자 표기가 혼란스럽게 나타났다. 어두에서는 ‘ㅅ’ 합용병서 표기가 우세하고, 어말과 유성음 사이 에서는 평음자 표기가 우세하였다. 무성 파열음과 유성 파열음 모두 어말에서는 받침 으로 표기하기보다 모음을 삽입하여 음절 초성자로 표기하거나 중철 표기를 하였다. 어말의 영어 파열음에서 개방이 인식되었기에 모음을 삽입하여 표기한 것으로 보인다. 무성 파열음에서 주로 나타난 중철 표기는 무성 파열음의 폐쇄 지속 시간이 길다는 점과 양음절성, 당시 우리말의 격음의 중철 표기 습관으로 나타난 것으로 보인다. This study examines how English plosives were perceived by Korean speakers by analyzing the Korean transliteration of English words in Ji-seok-young’s Ahakpyeon, a foreign language learning book published in the modern era. While English plosives have a voiceless and voiced opposition, Korean plosives have a plain, tense, and aspirated opposition. In addition, phonetic realization depending on the phonological environment and Syllable Structure Constraints differ. The Hangul transcription in Ahakpyeon corresponds English voiceless plosives to Korean aspirated sounds, and voiced plosives to tense sounds (‘s(ㅅ)’ series compound characters) and plain sounds. Voiceless plosives are transcribed in aspirated initial consonant, plain final consonant, Jungcheol(double spelling). Most of them are written as aspirated consonants because English voiceless plosives are pronounced as aspirated consonants at the beginning of the word where the phoneme discrimination is strongest. While plosive is pronounced not released at the end of syllables in Korean, released in English, so a vowel was inserted at the end of words to indicate the perceived released. The Jungcheol transcription seems to be a result of the long closure duration of voiceless plosives, their ambisyllabicity, and the tendency of Korean Jungcheol orthography at that era. Voiced plosives tended to be transcribed as ‘s(ㅅ)’ series compound characters in the initial of words, and as plain sounds in the middle and end of words. The plain plosive in Korean is pronounced as a voiceless sound in the beginning of words, and as a voiced sound between voiced sounds. Between voiced sounds in the middle of the word, voiced plosives in English and plain plosive in Korean are phonetically identical, so voiced plosives are transcribed as plain. At the end of the word, they are written as plain with inserting vowel to create a phonological condition between voiced sounds. In the beginning of words, voiced plosives are transcribed as compound characters with ‘s(ㅅ)’ because of the Phonetic difference between voiced plosives in English and plain plosives in Korean.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 종성 파열음 탈락에 나타난 중간언어의 언어적 변이 연구 - 중국어권 고급학습자를 중심으로 -

        왕흠범 ( Wang Xinfan ) 한국문법교육학회 2021 문법 교육 Vol.43 No.-

        The present study aims to investigate linguistic variation patterns of coda plosives deletion in L2 Korean, for which academic presentation data of Chinese-L1 advanced learners were collected in order to identify the linguistic environment that promotes or inhibits coda plosives deletion. The linguistic environment can be divided into two categories: phonological environment and grammatical environment. The former one consists of ‘coda plosive type’, ‘following phoneme type’, and ‘preceding vowel type’, while the latter one includes ‘grammatical condition’ and ‘following morpheme type’. In accordance with the results of the variable rule analysis, the ‘learner’ factor group had the greatest influence on coda plosives deletion, followed by ‘coda plosive type’ and ‘following phoneme type’. In the meantime, ‘following morpheme type’ was found to be an independent variable with the weakest effect. Regarding the coda plosives deletion variability according to the phonological environment, firstly, the learner had the highest possibility of deleting [t<sup>┐</sup>] but could properly pronounce [p<sup>┐</sup>] in various linguistic environments. Second, coda plosives are most probably deleted if a nasal or a stop follows. It is proved that glottals and monophthongs or w-diphthongs are the favorable environment for learners to properly pronounce coda plosives, with the deletion being suppressed. Third, when the syllable nucleus is a low vowel, the probability of coda plosive deletion was highest, with the remaining factors (i.e. vowel types) suppressing the deletion. Regarding the coda plosives deletion variability based on the grammatical environment, first, ‘inside a phonological word’ and ‘outside a phonological word’ were proved to be deletion-promoting factors, while the deletion probability was the lowest if the coda plosive is placed inside a simple word. Second, among the ‘following morpheme type’ factor group, although there is only the ‘vocabulary morpheme’ factor proving deletion, what can be shown is that learners almost similarly deleted in all factors due to the lowest factor weight range among the six factor groups.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 어두 유성파열음의 +VOT화와 음성교육

        민광준(閔光準) 한국일본어학회 2019 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.62

        This paper discusses the relationship between the +VOT tendency of initial voiced plosives in Japanese and it’s pronunciation education. First, the current situation of researches on the +VOT tendency of initial voiced plosives was reviewed through previous studies and this author"s own investigation. Further, the phonetic description of initial voiced plosives and the contents of explanations of pronunciations and practice methods presented in Japanese textbooks published in Korea and Japan were analyzed. In addition, we analyzed the actual states of VOT of initial voiced plosives provided by Japanese textbooks for middle and high schools in South Korea, online learning sites, and portal sites. The results are summarized as follows. First, the +VOT tendency of initial voiced plosives in Japanese is an ongoing phenomenon throughout Japan, where the effects of regions, age, sex, place of articulation and following vowels are observed. Second, the Japanese textbooks published in Korea and Japan describe the phonetic characteristics, pronunciations and practice methods of initial voiced plosives based on the characteristics of -VOT. Third, most of the audio materials provided by the Japanese textbooks for middle schools and high schools, online learning sites and portal sites show -VOT values. Based on the results of the above discussion, it was pointed out that the authenticity and effectiveness of existing teaching and practice methods of initial voiced plosives using the characteristics of -VOT should be carefully examined to prepare improvement plans, and the initial voiced plosives in Japanese provided in various Japanese textbooks and online should be replaced with audio materials having the characteristics of +VOT tendency.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 학습자가 산출한 한국어 어두파열음의 후행모음 길이 연구

        박정은 ( Park Jung-eun ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2017 언어와 문화 Vol.13 No.2

        The objective of this study is to examine the vowel duration that follow word initial-plosives in Korean language produced by Chinese learners, to identify its characteristics and propose how to use the following vowel duration for teaching pronunciation of word initial-plosives. To this end, 20 native Korean speakers from Seoul and Gyeonggido Province in their 20s and 20 Chinese speakers from Shandong Province in their 20s participated in the production experiment. They were asked to pronounce nine word initial-plosives in each sentence unit, and the vowel duration was analyzed. According to the result, native Korean speakers produced the longest sound for vowels that followed fortis, while producing shorter sounds for the following vowels of lax and aspirated. Another observation was an inverse relationship between VOT of word-initial plosives and the vowel duration. In comparison, the vowel duration produced by Chinese speakers had no differences among lax, aspirated, and fortis. Also, an inverse relationship was not observed between VOT and the vowel duration. To examine the effect of education, we taught Chinese participants that the vowel duration should vary by the phonation type of word initial-plosives. Afterwards, we asked them to read the same sentences again, and measured the vowel duration. The vowel duration produced by Chinese participants after the instruction remained different from that produced by native Korean speakers. However, compared to pre-instruction test, Chinese participants produced shorter sounds for the following vowels of lax and aspirated consonants. This suggests that the characteristics of the vowel duration by different phonation type can be applied to teaching word initial-plosives in Korean language. Teaching Chinese learners of Korean language to pronounce the vowel duration of fortis longer than the following vowel of lax or aspirated would help them make a distinction between lax and aspirated, and correctly pronounce them. (Korea University)

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