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      • KCI등재

        디지털 게임에 나타난 자아와 세계의 상호작용 연구

        한혜원(Han Hye-won),안보라(An Bo-ra) 한국어문학회 2009 語文學 Vol.0 No.104

        Digital technology has influenced on the way of writing and reading narrative. Especially in online digital game, its narrative is created not by one writer but by multiple game players. Digital game narrative based on collective creation is influenced by player’s desire, relationship between players, storytelling environment, etc. It means narrative of digital game has grown through remediation of oral literature’s characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to analyze digital game narrative with an oral literature theory of Cho Dong-il. Because self and world are essential elements of narrative, analysis focuses on self, world and their interaction. The result of analysis shows us that digital game’s self and world are divided into inner self, outer self, inner world and outer world. Inner self plays a fictional role and outer self watches inner self’s action. Inner self’s existence and action depend on outer self’s existence and decision. Inner world is composed of fictional space, non-player characters and other characters which are objects of interaction. World also have its own special features. Inner space is constructed as a permanent one and player can experience this world concretely. Outer world includes 2D web as well as real space and interacts with inner world. These self and world make a confrontation in game. Outer self and inner world lead a strained relation in game narrative. Self-world confrontation causes continuous changes of self and world instead of conflict resolution. As a general rule, change of world is an instant event. However, when game developers update game’s contents due to player’s need, the change of world is lasting. In the web site related to online digital game, the relationship between self and world shows us a different aspect. On the game web, there are many articles which give information about game world. In that articles, the matter of world is more important than self’s desire. This kind of information can change player’s action and contribute to abundance of digital game narrative.

      • The Influence of Factors on the Level of Digitalization of World Economies

        Pyroh, Olha,Kalachenkova, Kateryna,Kuybida, Vasyl,Chmil, Hanna,Kiptenko, Viktoriia,Razumova, Oleksandra International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.5

        The advanced development of the world's economies requires a detailed study of the impact of factors on the level of digitalization, to ensure economic growth and promote the use of information and communication technologies in the digital economy. Digitalization of the world's economies is ensured through the implementation of relevant regulations and policy decisions to implement public policy and strategy of the digital economy. The purpose of the study is to establish the pattern of the impact of factors on the level of digitalization of world economies by conducting a regression analysis to reflect the dependence of the impact of factors on the level of digitalization in 25 economies (by IMD digital competitiveness), to check the level of digitalization of the world's economies. It is necessary to analyze the ranking of countries in the world according to the DiGiX Index, IMD, and DESI Digital Competitiveness Rating. Research methods: information synthesis method; regression analysis; systematization, and generalization. Results. It was found that because of regression analysis, the value of the coefficient of determination indicates that the regression model by 78% explains the relationship between future readiness of countries to implement digital technologies and information and communication technologies, but there are still a small number of other factors not included in the regression model. It is determined that the greatest progress among EU member states for the period 2015-2020 according to the DESI index belongs to Ireland, the Netherlands, Malta, and Spain. It is established that Estonia, Spain, and Denmark are in the lead in the DESI rating, in terms of e-government implementation. The study found that the impact of factors on the level of digitalization of world economies contributes to solving current economic problems through further implementation of information and communication technologies and improving legislation in the digital economy, which will ensure the implementation of effective digital policy. It is established that ensuring the appropriate level of digitalization of the world's economies should solve the problems in the digital economy sector faced by governments and businesses, which requires the implementation of measures to regulate and ensure the continued operation of the digital economy.

      • KCI등재

        세계유교문화박물관 디지털 아카이브 구축에 관한 연구

        이주강(Lee, Joo-gang) 영남퇴계학연구원 2020 퇴계학논집 Vol.- No.27

        본 논문은 유교문화 전공자가 세계유교문화박물관의 디지털 아카이브에 탑재될 디지털 유물 수집을 담당하는 한국국학진흥원 팀에 속해 사업 초기에 과업을 진행하는 과정에서 겪었던 경험을 바탕으로, 실무상으로 적합한 아이디어와 유관 사업에 유용한 시사점을 제공하는 것을 목표로 한다. 라키비움[Larchiveum]은 도서관[Library]·기록관[Archives]·박물관[Museum]의 합성어로서, 과거에 별도로 존재하던 세 기관의 기능을 융합하여 이용자에게 다양한 정보자원을 제공하는 통합형 수집기관이다. 세계유교문화박물관은 처음부터 라키비움의 형태를 지향하여 설계되었으며, 수장고가 없는 디지털 박물관이라는 특징을 지닌다. 이럴 경우 박물관과 아카이브 등 서로 다른 영역의 충돌을 사전에 방지하고, 유물 수집 비용을 크게 절감하는 등의 장점이 있다. 한편 아카이브에는 크게 순수 아카이브와 박물관형 아카이브가 있는데, 순수 아카이브가 ‘유일성’을 강조한다면 박물관형 아카이브는 ‘복제 가능성’의 경우도 중요시한다. 세계유교문화박물관의 아카이브는 박물관형 디지털 아카이브에 해당하며, 디지털 유물을 ‘배타적으로 획득’하는 대신, ‘민주적으로 공유’하는데 초점을 둔다. 다시 말해서 세계유교문화박물관 아카이브에 탑재된 디지털 유물은 다른 아카이브에서도 동일하게 볼 수 있으며, 디지털 유물 수집 또한 타 기관 소유 디지털 유물의 적극적 공유 방식으로 이루어진다. 그리고 본 아카이브의 독자성은 어떤 유물을 소장하고 있느냐가 아니라, 소장하고 있는 유물을 어떤 방식으로 분류하고 체계화하며 나아가서 end-user가 다양하게 활용할 수 있게끔 도울 수 있느냐에 따라 결정된다. 본 연구물은 향후 세계유교문화박물관 디지털 아카이브가 장기적으로 고려해야 할 사항으로서 크게 두 가지를 다루었다. 첫째, 세계유교문화박물관은 보편적인 유교문화를 다루지만, 동시에 지역 박물관에 해당한다. 장기적으로 박물관과 아카이브가 세계의 여타 유교 박물관들과 경쟁하기 위해서는 자기만의 고유한 정체성과 브랜드가 필요하다. 본 연구는 이를 위해, 세계유교문화를 광범위하게 다루되 출발점이자 중심점을 안동으로 두는 방안을 제안했다. 둘째, 아카이브의 이용자가 수동적 고객에서 적극적 참여자로 변화하는 21세기의 트렌드에 맞춰, 세계유교문화박물관의 아카이브 또한 이용자의 ‘민주적 참여’를 확대하는 방향으로 진화하는 편이 장기적으로 볼 때 바람직하다는 점을 지적했다. 이를 통해 세계유교문화박물관은 보편을 다루면서도 특수로서의 정체성을 잃지 않고, 실물로는 지역 박물관이지만 디지털 아카이브를 통해 세계의 이용자들을 참여시킬 수 있게 된다. This paper firstly aims to find practical ideas on how to build the digital archive which belongs to the digital lachiveum in the early stage. Larchiveum is a compound word of library archives and museum. It is an integrated cultural information centers unifying functions of Archives, Libraries and Museums. This cultural complex also provides various information and resources. The World Confucian Cultural Museum was designed with the concept of lachiveum from the beginning, and it is a virtual museum without the real artifacts. In this vein, the World Confucian Cultural Museum has at least two advantages: first, there was no conflict between different sections such as museums and archives. Second, it can save time and cost for collecting artifacts which are digitalized. Meanwhile, there are two types of archive in a broad sense: pure type archive and museum type archive. The former emphasizes ‘originality’ while the latter embraces the importance of “replicability.” The digital archive of the World Confucian Cultural Museum corresponds to the museum type archive, and it focuses on ‘democratic sharing’ instead of ‘exclusive acquisition.’ That is to say, digital artifacts which are on the archives of the World Confucian Cultural Museum can be shown to the other archives. At the same time, the way to collect digital artifacts is done by active sharing them with other organizations. And the identity of this archive is achieved not by possessing rare relics, but by categorize and systematize the shared data in its own way. This paper deals with two practical considerations for the good of the World Confucian Cultural Museum in the long term. First, although this lachiveum deals with universal issues about Confucian culture, it is actually a local museum. That is, without cooperation with local society and local government, it can hardly survive. At the same time, the World Confucian Cultural Museum should have its own identity and brand to compete other Confucian museum worldwide. Henceforth, we offered the solution that the structure of the lachiveum should start from the Confucian legacy of An-dong city and then extend its boundary to the world Confucian culture. Second, users of archives nowadays change from the passive guests to the active participants. Following this trend, the World Confucian Cultural Museum archives should evolve to widen the possibility of user‘s democratic participation. With these two achieved, the World Confucian Cultural Museum can be both local and universal. And it also let users from all around the world participate in the archive in spite of its locality.

      • KCI등재

        메타버스 시대, 도시의 디지털 공공외교 추진 방향

        문인철 국가안보전략연구원 2021 국가안보와 전략 Vol.21 No.4

        The COVID-19 pandemic has been an opportunity to further accelerate the pace of the 4th industrial revolution. In particular, COVID-19 has heightened interest in ‘Metaverse’. The Metaverse is not just a virtual world. The virtual world is just one world that makes up the Metaverse. The Metaverse is largely composed of augmented reality, life logging, mirror world, and virtual world. The Metaverse is a very broad concept in which the real world and the virtual world are organically composed of the ‘digital world’ or ‘digital earth’. Gradually, the world will become a Metaverse, and we will live in this Metaverse era. According to various reports from reputable national and international organizations, about 68% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050. And this urbanization phenomenon will intensify. At present, the international competitiveness of the country is being replaced by the competitiveness of the city from the national competitiveness. In the Metaverse era, all public diplomacy will soon become digital public diplomacy. City digital public diplomacy in the Metaverse era is not just another means or a simple option for the state. City digital public diplomacy in the metaverse era should be approached as the core for the survival of the nation, not public diplomacy using digital means. 코로나19 팬데믹은 4차 산업혁명의 속도를 한 층 더 높이는 계기가 되었다. 특히, 코로나19는 ‘메타버스’에 관한 관심을 고조시켰다. 메타버스는단순한 가상세계가 아니다. 가상세계는 메타버스를 구성하는 하나의 세계에 불과하다. 메타버스는 크게 증강현실, 라이프로깅, 거울세계, 가상세계로 구성된다. 메타버스는 ‘디지털 세상’ 혹은 ‘디지털 지구’로 현실세계와가상세계가 유기적으로 구성된 매우 광범위한 개념이다. 점차 세계는 메타버스화 될 것이고, 우리는 이러한 메타버스 시대에 살게 될 것이다. 공신력있는 국내외 기관의 각종 보고서에 따르면 2050년까지 전 세계 인구의 약68%가 도시에 살게 된다. 그리고 이러한 도시화 현상은 더욱 심화될 것이다. 현재 국가의 국제경쟁력은 국가경쟁력에서 도시경쟁력으로 대체되고있다. 메타버스 시대에는 모든 공공외교가 곧 디지털 공공외교가 될 것이다. 그리고 메타버스 시대의 공공외교는 도시 디지털 공공외교가 중심이될 것이다. 메타버스 시대의 도시 디지털 공공외교는 국가의 또 다른 수단이나 단순한 선택 사항이 아니다. 메타버스 시대의 도시 디지털 공공외교는 디지털을 수단으로 한 공공외교가 아니라 국가의 생존을 위한 핵심으로접근해야 할 것이다.

      • 서사텍스트의 가능세계에 대한 서사공학적 연구 -소설 서사와 디지털 게임 서사의 수용 과정 비교를 통하여-

        최성민 ( Sung Min Choi ) 시학과 언어학회 2013 시학과 언어학 Vol.25 No.-

        The Narratology is a study for researching how the story is formed and delivered. Narrative is made of Character, Event and Setting. The author of a novel develops narrative by creating characters, describing settings and connecting events with written language. And by reading the written language, the reader of the novel can meet the created characters, imagine settings and recognize events. The ``Possible World`` is the place where the author and the reader encounters his own inner narrative. The concept of ``possible world`` has been developed continuatively in novel. And the modern literature theory has been moved from the author`s side to reader`s side. It must be the most important thing; the reader will sustain his or her reading behavior only when he or she feels strong reality or is immersed in the possible world. In the digital games, the possible world is represented in image. The player of the game should proceed the narrative of a game by his or her active behavior. Also, the player will sustain his/her behavior only with immersion or feeling reality. And the feeling of reality or immersion is based on objective sympathy and co-recognition. The possible world of digital games needs more objective representation than the possible world of novels. That`s why the possible world of digital games is based on sensible experiences. Players of digital game make narratives. Receivers of digital game narrative have taken on greater importance than receivers of novel narrative. Nowaday digital games do not imitate the real world but make a big impact on the real world.

      • KCI등재후보

        디지털은 우리에게 무엇이 되는가? : 디지털 세계의 마음들 Minds in the digital world

        윤완철 한국기독교교육정보학회 2004 기독교교육정보 Vol.8 No.-

        As it is widely recognized that digital technology is the new foundation upon which future culture is about to be built, many futurologists have conjectured, either optimistically or pessimistically, how 'being digital' may affect human life, and possibly even mind. The influences of digital technology as we witness today are so diverse that people apt to rely on superficial and incoherent observations to foretell the plausible outcomes of the ongoing changes. Such improvisation is frequently subject to a tunnel vision or undue extension of short transient trends, only augmenting our sensed impressions. In this paper, the underlying current of digital civilization at the scientific and engineering depth is examined to identify the elements and motivations of technical thrust, since it may provide a better insight on the long-term direction of digital civilization. Computer science, human-computer interaction, network and virtual technologies, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, cognitive science and engineering are reviewed to reflect how those disciplines participated in forming the digital world. Two most typical and important types of large-scale systems, that are dynamic plant systems and enterprise systems, are compared in terms of their changes in the fashion of human-system interaction since mid-20th century. It is observed that the systems, as being digitalized, are logically integrated so that human decision-making tasks are growingly supported by computer and automation technology. The most conspicuous aspects of this supported interaction are the logical certainty of operations, which are more often given in declarative forms now, and a feel of control, or being in command, in the integrated level It is then argued that the certainty of control is a necessity in the teleological relationship between the human and the world but the feel of control, if used to illusively become an autonomous master of universe, may hamper the relationship between God and the human, or entire civilization. A dialectic task-artifact cycle is observed in the transformation of both types of system, which works in a gravity field of seeking prosperity and power, raising doubt regarding the human's true command of own civilization. Digital society is heavily networked and information abundant, where individuals are entirely responsible for the selection and adoption of attitudes and thoughts that are advocated through the cyberspace. To cope with, the church should devise proper means to equip its youth with a solid Christian worldview, some of which are suggested in the conclusions based on the author's teaching experience with technology-oriented students.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 디톡스의 필요와 혜택에 대한 검토

        변현수 한국경영컨설팅학회 2017 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.17 No.1

        디지털 문명에서 살아가고 있는 현대인들을 위해 수많은 디지털 정보 기기와 소프트웨어가 끊임없이 개발되고 있다. 그런데 이러한 디지털 기기의 사용과 의존이 심해지면서 디지털 치매, 디지털 중독, 디지털 스트레스 등 심각한 부작용 또한 나타나고 있다. 이에 이러한 부작용을 줄이고 디지털 기기의 현명한 사용을 위해 디지털 디톡스에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 디지털 디톡스의 등장 배경과 이를 완화하기 위해 등장한 여러 가지 방법들, 그리고 디지털 디톡스를 통한 혜택 등을 살펴 보았다. 디지털 디톡스란 마치 단식을 통해 몸에 있는 독소와 노폐물을 제거하듯이 각종 디지털 매체와 애플리케이션에 노출된 현대인들에게 있어서 디지털 기기 사용을 잠시라도 중단하고 내면의 모습을 되돌아보자는 데에 주안점을 두는 일종의 치료법이다. 디지털 디톡스의 가장 큰 목적은 전자 기기의 사용을 무조건 배제하는 것이 아니라 현명한 사용을 통해 디지털 세상에 대한 올바른 인식을 가지고 더 나은 삶을 사는 것을 지향한다. 이를 통해 앞으로도 꾸준히 지속될 디지털 세상에서 주체적인 삶을 살아갈 수 있는 방법을 스스로 찾아 삶의 균형을 이룰 필요가 있다. Numerous digital devices and softwares are continually being developed for contemporary people in a digital world. Due to such dependency on those digital devices, severe side effects such as digital dementia, digital addiction, and digital stress, are appearing now. Hence, there is a growing interest in digital detox for smart use in digital devices. In the present study, the author examined the reasons of digital detox, the processes through digital detox, and the benefits of digital detox. Detox is a process of removing toxin and body wastes by fasting. Digital detox is a kind of therapy refraining from using digital devices and meditating on the self for contemporary people surrounded by various digital media and applications. The main purpose of digital detox is not to exclude the use of digital devices but to live a better life by recognizing a digital world properly. The author opined that people should find ways on their own to live in this digital world and need to keep work-life balance with the help of organizational participation.

      • KCI등재

        소프트웨어 중심 에듀테크 개발: 디지털 미디어 역사학의 구성과 의미

        최원재 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 2023 한국디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.24 No.10

        This study proposes that digital media history is a branch of history using digital methodology. Digital media history has a distinct curriculum of video image production in more detail than in the existing digital history. It largely comprises two areas: database building and video image production. In digital media history, learners first secure in-depth and diverse domainknowledge by establishing a framework of historical awareness on the subject through historical databases. They then use digitalvideo editing software such as VFX and 3D modeling to generate ideas and produce realistic video images. Today, theseimmersive video images are used as materials for virtual worlds. If history learners develop their capabilities as digital videomedia producers, they can develop content production techniques that can be used in the digital virtual world. Therefore, in digitalmedia history, learners can develop the ability to live in the digital virtual world by forming historical awareness through mediaand producing it with digital media by maximizing their historical-digital narrative capabilities.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        디지털 시대에서 그리스도인의 자유

        최경석 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2023 기독교사회윤리 Vol.57 No.-

        알고리즘과 빅데이터를 통한 인공지능의 발달은 세상을 새롭게 변화시켰다. 기존의 사람들이 경험하지 못한 이런 디지털 기술의 발달은 미래에 대한 예측을 하기도 어렵게 만들었다. 자유의 경계도 모호하다. 디지털 기술은 자유를 확장시키기도 하지만, 억제할 수도 있다. 기독교윤리적 입장에서 자유는 하나님과 인간들 사이의 책임 속에서 이행되어야 한다. 디지털 세상을 살아가는 그리스도인들을 위해서 기독교의 시각에서 자유를 책임적으로 바라보는 윤리적 성찰이 필요하다. 그럼에도 디지털 기술을 부정하는 것은 아니다. 오히려 이를 통해서 다음 세대까지 지속가능한 삶이 가능한지에 대한 물음이 필요하다. 성서의 증언과 루터의 신학은 자유를 이웃을 사랑하는 책임적 자유로 이해한다. 이 논문은 이웃사랑의 책임적 자유가 알고리즘과 빅데이터를 통한 인공지능의 디지털 세상으로 대변되는 오늘날 우리의 시대에 어떻게 적용될지를 고민한다. 특히 성서의 십계명을 우리의 현실에 맞게 재해석하면서 하나님의 창조세계의 연장선으로 디지털 시대를 경작하는 책임적 자유인으로서 그리스도인의 자유가 중요하다. The development of artificial intelligence through algorithms and big data has changed the world. The development of digital technology that people have never experienced has made it difficult to predict the future. The limits of freedom are also vague. Digital technologies can expand freedom, but they can also constrain it. From a Christian ethical standpoint, freedom must be fulfilled within the responsibility between God and humans. Ethical reflection is required for Christians living in the digital world to view freedom responsibly from a Christian perspective. However, this does not mean denying digital technology. Rather, we must ask ourselves whether a sustainable life is possible for the next generation. The testimony of the Bible and Luther's theology are to understand freedom as a responsible freedom to love one's neighbor. This article explores how the responsible freedom of charity can be applied to our times, represented by the digital world of artificial intelligence through algorithms and big data. Particularly important is Christian freedom as a responsible, free human being who cultivates the digital age as an extension of the world God created while reꠓinterpreting the Ten Commandments of the Bible to adapt them to our reality.

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