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        우리나라 행정계획 및 관련 법제의 쟁점과 몇 가지 개선방안

        성중탁 한국행정법학회 2023 행정법학 Vol.25 No.1

        현대국가에서의 행정은 많은 부분 계획행정으로 구성되고 있는바, 행정계획은 소위 ‘인프라 행정’의 핵심수단이자 법치국가에서 국가활동의 초석이 된다. 일반저으로 행정계획은 그 목표를 달성하기 위한 수단을 선택함에 있어 광범위한 자율성을 가지는바, 입법적으로도 행정계획법규는 전문기술성과 즉응성, 유연성의 필요에 의해 관계 행정청에게 그 수단선택에 있어 광범위한 재량을 부여할 수밖에 없다. 그런 연유로 필연적으로 행정계획법은 목적과 수단 구조로 규율되어 입법을 통한 사전규율이 미흡할 수밖에 없으며, 사후적으로도 법원 등에 의한 사법적 통제에서도 일정한 한계가 뒤따른다. 그럼에도 불구하고 4차산업혁명시대를 맞이한 지금 행정계획법제는 ‘지속가능한 발전과 사회적 자연적 환경과의 조화’라는 모멤텀이 바탕이 되어야 한다. 4차산업 혁명시대에 행정계획법제가 부응하고자 4차산업의 핵심기술이라고 할 수 있는 인공지능, 빅데이터, 증강현실 등의 융합과 활용을 위하여 행정계획법제에서도 공간정보의 활용, 국토모니터링제도, 스마트커뮤니티 등이 도입되고 있지만, 앞으로 우리나라가 지향해야 할 선도형 경제나 포용사회의 국가전략에 따른다면, 종래의 추격형 경제와 같은 대단위 개발사업보다는 좀 더 촘촘하고 효율적이며 지속가능한 관리가 되는 행정계획법을 수립하고 시행할 필요가 있다. 한편 이러한 행정계획법규 내지 행정계획에 대한 적절한 통제수단도 반드시 마련되어야 할 것인바, 행정계획에 대한 적절한 사법적 통제가 이루어지기 위해서는 계획특유의 통제법리의 구성도 필요하다. 이와 관련하여 계획에 대한 처분성 확장, 계획재량이론, 형량명령이론 및 형량하자이론, 예방적 금지소송, 계획보장 및 폐지청구권의 보장 등의 법리를 구성한 것은 행정법이론의 큰 발전으로 평가할 수 있으며 이러한 사법적 통제의 확정 이전에 계획확정단계에서부터 참여 민주적 사전 통제가 이루어져야 함이 상당하다. Administration in modern countries is largely comprised of planned administration, and administrative planning is a key means of so-called ‘infrastructural administration’ and the cornerstone of state activities in a country ruled by law. In general, administrative planning has a wide range of autonomy in selecting the means to achieve its goals, and legislatively, administrative planning laws and regulations require the relevant administrative agencies to select the means due to the need for technical expertise, responsiveness, and flexibility. There is no choice but to grant broad discretion. For that reason, the Administrative Planning Act is inevitably governed by a purpose-and-means structure, so prior regulation through legislation is bound to be insufficient, and there are certain limitations in judicial control ex post by the courts, etc. Nevertheless, as we enter the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the administrative planning legislation must be based on the momentum of ‘sustainable development and harmony with the social and natural environment.’ In order for the administrative planning legislation to respond to the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the use of spatial information, national land monitoring system, smart Although communities, etc. are being introduced, if we follow the national strategy of a leading economy or inclusive society that our country should pursue in the future, the Administrative Planning Act will enable more detailed, efficient, and sustainable management than large-scale development projects such as the conventional catch-up economy. There is a need to establish and implement. Meanwhile, appropriate control measures for these administrative planning laws and administrative plans must be prepared, and in order to achieve appropriate judicial control over administrative plans, it is necessary to construct planning-specific control laws. In this regard, the formation of legal principles such as the expansion of the disposition of plans, planning discretion theory, sentencing order theory and sentencing defect theory, preventive prohibition lawsuits, planning guarantees, and guarantees of abolition claims can be evaluated as a great development in administrative law theory. It is significant that participatory democratic prior control should be implemented from the plan confirmation stage before legal control is confirmed.

      • KCI등재

        골프장설치를 위한 토지수용

        정연주 한국공법학회 2015 공법연구 Vol.43 No.3

        This article addresses the theories regarding whether the expropriation for Golf Course can be allowed and, if yes, what constitutional conditions must be required. The Case of the Constitutional Court (2011. 6. 30. 2008HunBa166) triggers this debate. In the Case, the petitioners claimed that the pertinent clause of the Act concerning the Planning and Use of Land which permits the expropriation of the land by private corporations is unconstitutional. The Court held the pertinent clause of the Act is constitutional because the Article 23 Clause 3 of the Constitution does not confine taker of property rights for public use to the state or public institutions. However, the Clause of the Act does not satisfy the constitutional conditions for the permission of the expropriation because the Clause violates the principle of durable realization of public interests in the light of the lack of the guarantees for durable realization of public interests. Therefore, the Case cannot be justified. In the article, the conditions for the permission of the expropriation by private corporations are presented in the aspect of the guarantee of the property rights according to the Article 23 of the Constitution and the principle of the public necessity. 오늘날 많은 공익사업이 사기업에 의해 시행되고, 이러한 추세는 더욱 확대되고 있다. 여기서 해당 공익사업의 실현을 위해 토지 등 재산권의 수용이 불가피하다면 그 사기업을 위해서도 재산권수용이 허용될 수 있는지, 허용된다면 어떠한 조건하에서 허용될 수 있는지가 문제된다. 이와 관련하여 헌법재판소는 2011. 6. 30. 2008헌바166 등 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률(이하 ‘국토계획법’이라 함) 제2조 제6호 등 위헌소원 사건에서 원칙적으로 사기업도 수용의 주체가 될 수 있다는 것을 인정하면서도, 해당 사기업을 통한 공익의 계속적 실현을 위한 보장책이 마련되어 있어야 하는 등 보다 엄격한 헌법상의 허용조건에 대하여는 판단하고 있지 않다. 또한 골프장의 경우에는 예외적으로 그 운영의 결과 부수적으로 일정한 공익이 실현된다면 그 공익실현을 위한 토지수용이 허용될 수 있음에도 불구하고 처음부터 골프장의 공공성을 부정하여 그 설치를 위한 토지수용의 가능성을 배제하고 있다. 이러한 헌재의 견해는 타당하다고 보기 어렵다. 그러나 다른 한편 국토계획법상 토지수용이 허용되는 기반시설의 종류로서 체육시설을 규정하면서 체육시설의 구체적인 내용을 아무런 제한 없이 대통령령에 위임한 것은 기반시설로서의 체육시설의 구체적인 범위를 결정하는 일을 전적으로 행정부에게 일임한 것으로서 포괄위임금지의 원칙에 위배된다고 판시한 것은 공공필요의 원칙과 법률유보의 원칙상 타당한 결정이라고 하겠다. 무릇 공용침해의 경우, 특히 사기업을 위한 토지수용의 경우 공용침해의 전제조건을 엄격히 준수할 때에 비로소 본래의 목적인 공익사업의 원활한 수행과 국민의 재산권의 보장이 조화롭게 실현될 수 있다. 따라서 입법자는 관련법규의 제정 시 이점을 유념하여 해당 법규에 엄격하고 세밀한 공용침해의 허용조건을 적시해야 하고, 관할 행정청은 수용재결 시 이러한 법규에 따른 허용조건의 충족 여부 확인과 계속적 공익실현을 담보하는 보장책의 부과를 해태해서는 아니되며, 헌재도 이 점을 유념하여 보다 엄격한 헌법적 잣대로써 관련 법규의 위헌 여부를 심사해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 회사갱생절차상 해고 관련 판례 평석

        박승두(Park, Seung-Du) 한국노동법학회 2014 노동법학 Vol.0 No.51

        In recent, the Tokyo District Court made a decision on the case of JAL’s laying- off(hereinafter called as “This Case”) where the reorganizing trustee of the company that applied for corporate reorganization proceedings laid off employees. This is the first case that brought controversy over the legitimacy of redundancy dismissal made by trustee based on reorganizing plan. This may help us get the clear picture of redundancy dismissal case of SSangyong Motors on corporate reorganization proceedings in Korea. Followings are what Japanese academic field views on the This Case, and my own interpretation. First, it is agreeable that laying-off is unavoidable in corporate reorganization proceedings. However, this doesn’t mean that all companies can freely lay off employees. They should consider the necessity of laying off and take various factors into account for the magnitude of layoff. Second, massive severance pay can be an obstacle to corporate reorganization, or, it can be an infringement of creditor’s property rights. It may cause the rejection of reorganizing plan due to objections from the creditors. Third, This Case implies that age and disease are reasonable standard for designating the workers who are to be laid off. However, age should be excluded to be the standard for it violates the constitutional rights of equality. Fourth, we have to apply the flexible principle of interest balancing as there are time limits for reorganization proceedings. Fifth, according to Corporate Reorganization Act, reorganizing plan has the same effect as the final ruling. Thus, when they lay off employees based on their regulation they made, it must be considered as final decision. Considering the factors mentioned above, This Case can be seen as agreeable in general, but it must be invalid as it violates the constitutional rights of equality when they apply age as a standard for designating the workers who are to be laid off. Although laying off was inevitable for the company in reorganization proceedings, and agreeable because it was done based on the reorganizing plan which has the same effect as the final ruling, there must be some people who laid off and fell victims because the standard of designating the workers who are to be laid off is unconstitutional. Thus, This Case must be invalid as it violates the constitutional rights for humanlike life and work and equality.

      • KCI등재

        콘텐츠를 이용한 정보보호의 효율적 홍보 방안 연구

        진승현(Jin, Seung-Hyun) 한국영상제작기술학회 2011 영상기술연구 Vol.- No.15

        The purpose of this study is to announce an importance of publicity for the publicity of information security which is considered as the most valued assets while the information society is started. Because of the development of communication, we are living in the convenient period the sending/receiving of information is possible in our hands, but the serious problem is that information can be leaked or damaged more easily. Therefore, for not only countries and companies but also individuals, an importance for information security is emphasized importantly as much as the importance of value for individual information. However, most of people excluding experts know about the seriousness of information security, but they cannot but help. being neglect that information is leaked and damaged because they don"t know the method or do insufficient measures. Information securitymeansthat the behavior conducted as administrative·technical measures for preventing information"s damage, changing, leak, etc. during the information"s collection·process·storing·search·receivi ng and this study intends to emphasize both importance of information security and necessity of information security"s necessity. Also, it intends to analyze current situation and problems of information security"s publicity conducted at present and strengths/weaknesses of information security by characteristics of each media and suggest the measures to publicize information security efficiently. Finally, this study will synthesize people"s awareness and various opinion for information security"s publicity through the result of "an inspection of the responses for information security"s publicity for the public" conducted in 2010 and draw the conclusion for measures and counterplans for the efficient publicity of information security through the results.

      • KCI등재

        1945~1948년 북한 소비조합 정책의 전개

        이주호(Lee, Joo-ho) 한국역사연구회 2015 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.96

        After the liberation, the North Korean society was facing full-scale changes. The Socialists were starting to create a new order, based upon the North Korean Labor Party and the newly established People’s Committees. Changes, which the Joseon people had never before experienced, started to affect the North Korean people’s lives at the most minute levels, not only in Pyeong’yang but also in the most remote corners of the country. Such changes are even sometimes referred to as the “North Korean Revolution.” But this “revolution” never progressed in a gradual fashion, and it was not like a change which had already begun smoothly entered a final phase. How it really progressed, during the so-called “People’s Democracy Phase,” and how the North Korean society actually changed as a result, should be the primary question in future studies, in order to determine the nature of the lives of people who lived above the 38<SUP>th</SUP> parallel line, before the division of the Korean peninsula was finalized. The North Korean state was established in February 1946, when the North Korean Provisional People Committee was formed. It is still unclear, and of course not sufficiently studied, what kind of social and economic changes accompanied such process. So in this study, with the intention to properly address the subject, the establishment of North Korean Consumer cooperatives is examined. They appeared as part of the new economy of North Korea, and previous studies also took notice of that. They tried to determine their roles in the North Korean government’s economic policy, and their status in North Korean economy in general, but most of those studies resorted to a conclusion that those new elements in the new North Korean economy could not have grown due to all the ideological barriers planted within North Korean economic policies. Actually, the Soviet model of a Consumer cooperative was fully embraced and employed in North Korea, as cooperative associations have already become a norm since the liberation thanks to certain experiences that came directly from colonial days. Changes in political and economic conditions since the liberation also enabled new entities like the consumer cooperatives to enter the market. North Korean leadership may have blindly adopted the Soviet model out of an ideological initiative, but under the handling of the North Korean Socialists, they were bound to evolve, or, of course, not. The North Korean government intended to reorganize the entire circulation system(especially in the area of daily necessities) using these new Consumer cooperatives. And so it intended to have such reorganization supplement the Controlled Economy plan. Unfortunately, in this study, the consumer cooperatives of North Korea are only examined as tools of the government’s policy. The problem should be overcome in future studies.

      • KCI등재

        보건의료발전계획 수립의 시급한 필요성

        박은철 ( Eun-cheol Park ) 한국보건행정학회 2019 보건행정학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        Although 19 years have passed since the enforcement of the Framework Act on Health and Medical Services, the Plans for Development of Health and Medical Services has not been established. This Plan is a 5-year basic long-term plan that covers the whole of health and medical services. This Plan should point to the direction of 30 long-term plans of healthcare, and this Plan should serve as a combination and coordination of 30 long-term plans and 22 related laws. The United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan have established long-term healthcare plans (4-, 10-, and 20-year plans, respectively). The long-term health plan of the United States has been approached bottom-up, those of the United Kingdom and Japan have been approached top-down. The rapid environmental changes that Korea is and will be experiencing emphasize urgently the need for establishing the Plan for Development of Health and Medical Services.

      • KCI등재

        시대 변화에 따른 한국군 무기체계 소요기획 방법의한계와 개선방안에 관한 연구: 수요견인/기술주도 이론을 중심으로

        천종웅,정석재 (사) 한국전략문제연구소 2019 전략연구 Vol.26 No.3

        The development of science and technology heralds the emergence of a new weapons system that will change the war paradigm. And the confusion of the main enemy concept with political change demands different weapons systems planning methods than ever before. The South Korean military, however, still applies its traditional military strategy-leading weapons system planning methods. In an environment where the technology development speed is rapid and the main enemy concept is confused, it is limited that the required forces with little knowledge of the technology establish the How-To-Fight concept against the enemy in a timely manner. The way to develop weapons systems after perfecting the concept of operation in the war on high technology takes a long time to develop. Also, technology has become obsolete, making it difficult to be competitive not only in the real battlefield but also in the weapons market. This study aims to present the limitations of the Korean Army's weapons system planning methods and ways to improve it in this period situations. For this purpose, the demand pull /technology-push theory, a key paradigm for measuring innovation and project success, was applied. The South Korean military is focusing on excessive demand-pull planning method, which is caused by North Korean military threats and military strategy changes, etc. To overcome this, the technology-push planning method should be applied harmoniously. From the stage of the required planning, ADD and developers must be actively engaged In addition, the government should reinforce scientific and technological staff and organizations that can provide technical advice to the armed forces and the MND, and adopt an open process for planning system. 전쟁 패러다임을 바꿀 새로운 무기체계의 출현을 예고하는 과학기술의 발전과 정치적 변화에 따른 주적개념의 혼돈은 지금까지와 다른 소요기획 방법을 요구한다. 그러나 한국군은 이러한 급격한 시대적 변화의 상황에서도 여전히 지나치게 소요군 중심의 군사전략 선도형 소요기획방법을 적용하고 있다. 기술발전 속도가 빠르고 주적개념이 혼돈되는 상황에서 기술에 대한 지식이 상대적으로 부족한 소요군이 적을 상대로 하여 첨단기술을 활용한 운용개념을 적시에 정립하는 것은 제한된다. 첨단기술에 대한 전쟁에서의 운용개념을 완벽하게 수립 후 소요를 제기하고 개발을 하는 방식은 전력화 기간을 장기화하고 기술이 진부화되어 실제 전장에서뿐 아니라 무기시장에서도 경쟁력을 갖기 힘들다. 본 연구는 이런 시대 상황에서 한국군 소요기획의 한계를 살펴보고 개선방안을 제시하기 위해 기술혁신과 프로젝트의 성공을 가늠하는 핵심패러다임인 수요견인/기술주도 이론을 적용하였다. 한국군은 주로 북한군 위협, 군사전략변화, 기존무기체계의 노후(결함) 교체 필요성 등에 의해 무기체계 소요가 발생하는 지나친 수요견인형 소요기획방식에 치중해 있으며 이를 극복하기 위해 기술주도형 방식을 조화롭게 적용해야 한다. 이를 위해 소요기획 단계에서부터 ADD와 개발 업체들의 적극적인 참여 보장, 소요군과 국방부 등에 기술적인 조언이 가능한 과학기술 참모조직 보강, 기존 소요기획 프로세스와 구분된 개방형 소요기획 프로세스를 채택해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        농어촌지역의 생태관광지 육성을 위한 계획모형 2 : 경남 창녕군 우포지역에서의 사례연구

        유기준,이경재,오구균 한국환경생태학회 1998 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 우포지역에 적합한 생태관광 기본계획을 수립하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 기 수행된 연구에서 제시된 생태관광계획모형의 순차적 단계에 따라 사례연구로서 수행되었다 우포지역에서의 자연환경 및 인문환경을 비롯한 제반여건을 분석한 결과, 우포지역에서의 친환경적인 생태관광지 조성의 필요성과 당위성이 인정되었다. 이에 따라 기초환경 조사 결과를 토대로 생태관광 주제를 설정하고 이에 적합한 시설 및 프로그램에 대한 공간계획안을 제시하였다. 그러나 본 연구에서 제시된 계획안은 개념적 계획안으로서 실제 적용을 위해서는 법률적, 행정적, 재정적 한계 등 공공부문의 제약요인에 대한 체계적인 검토가 요구된다. The objective of this study was to develop an ecotourism planning model for Woopo area in Changryoung-Gun, Korea. To accomplish this objective, Ecotourism Planning Framework that was established from a previous study was applied into the study area as a case study. As a result, there was proved the necessity and justification of ecotourism development in Woopo area. Based on results in the basic environment survey, ecotourism themes were determined, then, space planning for proper facilities and programs was presented in this study. However, difficulties from public sections such as administrative, legal, and financial limitations must be considered in order to apply a master plan presented in this study into Woopo area.

      • KCI등재

        민간기업의 골프장건설을 위한 수용의 허용성

        전극수(Jeon Guksoo) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2014 江原法學 Vol.43 No.-

        그동안 민간기업은 골프장이 체육시설로써 기반시설에 해당됨을 이용하여 골프장의 설치를 위한 도시관리계획을 신청하고, 도시관리계획이 결정되면 그 사업시행자로 지정받아서 골프장건설에 필요한 타인의 부지를 수용에 의하여 확보할 수 있었다. 그런데 헌법재판소에서 국토계획법의 기반시설 중 체육시설에 관하여 공공필요성이 있는 체육시설로 한정하지 아니하였다 하여 위헌 결정이 있었다. 그 뒤 국토계획법령이 개정되었는데, 기반시설 중 체육시설에 대하여는 공공필요성이 있는 체육시설로 한정하였다. 그런데 도시계획시설 설치 규칙에서는 민간기업이 건설하는 골프장은 공공필요성이 있는지를 따지지 않고 아예 기반시설에 포함시키지 아니하였다. 그로인하여 민간기업이 골프장을 건설하면서 더 이상 수용의 방법으로 골프장 부지를 확보할 수가 없게 되었고 결과적으로 골프장 건설이 어려워 지게 되었다. 그러나 도시계획시설 설치 규칙은 헌법재판소 판례의 취지 및 상위법령에서 위임받은 범위를 벗어나 기반시설 중 체육시설의 범위를 지나치게 좁혔으므로 그 효력이 없거나 조속히 개정이 되어야 할 것이다. 최소한 골프장 중 대중골프장은 공공필요성이 있는 체육시설에 해당하므로 도시계획시설로 결정이 될 수 있어야 하고, 민간기업이 수용에 의하여 대중골프장 부지를 확보할 수 있도록 함으로써 더 많은 대중골프장이 건설될 수 있어야 할 것이다. By the Constitution, expropriation of private property from public necessity and prescribed on Act. An urban or Gun management plan shall be decided by the relevant Mayor/Do Governor, to establishment of the infrastructure by National Land Planning and Utilization Act. The sports facilities is included in frastructure, and golf course is included in the sports facilities. Any person may implement an urban or Gun planning facility project after having been designated as an implementer by the Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, the Mayor/Do Governor or the head of the relevant Si/Gun. Any person must have the lands equivalent to not less than 2/3 of the size of lands subject to the urban planning facility project, and that the consent of persons equivalent to not less than 2/3 of the gross number of landowners are obtained. The Constitutional Court sentenced unconstitutional against such law. Thereafter the Act was amended. By the new the Act, for installing of golf course is not easy, because it is not allowed to expropriation of private property. But I hope that the Act be amended, in that case only for installing of public golf course, it is allowed to expropriation of private enterprise.

      • 감정평가 관점에서의 정당보상의 개헌과제 ― 공용제한을 중심으로 ―

        김원보 한국토지보상법연구회 2018 土地補償法硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        「헌법」 제23조제3항에서는 “공공필요에 의한 재산권의 수용ㆍ사용 또는 제한 및 그에 대한 보상은 법률로써 하되, 정당한 보상을 지급하여야 한다.” 라고 하여 공용제한도 보상을 요하는 공용침해의 한 유형으로 규정하면서 보 상은 법률로써 하도록 하여 공용제한을 규정하는 개별 법률에서 보상에 대해 규정하고 있지 않은 경우는 사실상 보상이 불가능하다는 문제점이 있었다. 1998년 개발제한구역 및 1999년 장기미집행 도시계획시설에 대한 헌법재 판소의 헌법불합치 결정으로 공용제한에 대한 보상의 일환으로 매수청구제가 도입되었으나 매수대상, 매수절차, 매수가격 등에서 문제점이 있어 현재까지 공용제한에 대한 보상방법으로 거의 역할을 하지 못하고 있다. 따라서 국민의 재산권 보장을 위하여 「헌법」 제23조제3항을 개정하여 「헌 법」을 근거로 직접 보상을 청구할 수 있도록 하는 것이 필요하다. Korean Constitution article 23 ③ stipulates that expropriation, use or restriction of private property from public necessity and compensation therefor shall be governed by Act: provided, that in such a case, just compensation shall be paid. But because Korean Constitution stipulates compensation for public restriction shall be governed by Act, in the case of individual law that stipulates public restriction does not include compensation clauses, it is very hard to be compensated substantially. To improve such problem, several laws such as 「National Land Planning and Utilization Act」 etc. induced requests for purchase clauses after Constitutional Court decision on green belt in 1998 and urban planning facility project which is not implemented over 10 years in 1999. But this requests for purchase system has not been worked well, because the objects, procedure, price of purchase were not stipulated properly in individual law. So in order to keep the guarantee of citizens' property rights, it is necessary to amend Korean Constitution article 23 ③ to ask for compensation directly based on the Constitution not by the law.

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