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      • KCI등재

        패션전공 대학생의 전공인식과 진로결정 자기효능감이 진로미결정에 미치는 영향 -경기권 2년제 대학생을 중심으로-

        홍성순 ( Sung Sun Hong ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2012 패션 비즈니스 Vol.16 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to examine in influence on the effect of understanding their major and career self-efficacy on career indecision of the community college students majoring in fashion and is intended to provide useful resources on career education and guidance of students through this research. In order to achieve the objective of study, 349 college students in Gyeonggido were selected for the questionnaires for the understanding major, career self-efficacy, and career indecisions survey. The survey data was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS 12.0 and this was followed by the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results were as follows; First, career indecision factors of the college students majoring in fashion were extracted 5 valuables that were ``insufficiencies vocational information``, ``an undeceivable character``, ``the lack of self well-defined``, ``the lack of needs for job`` and ``external barrier for the career``. Second, the subordinate valuables of understanding major which is ``social cognition for the major``, ``satisfaction on the major course``, and ``satisfaction on the major skill``, had positive effect on career self-efficacy. Third, understanding of major and the subordinate valuables of career self-efficacy which is ``making goal for the career``, ``career information``, ``career plan for the future``, ``alternative searching``, and ``overcoming difficulties`` had negative effect on career indecision. Forth, understanding major and career self-efficacy had medicated in career indecision.

      • KCI등재

        미용전공 여대생의 현장실습만족, 직무이해, 진로의식성숙의 상관관계

        한명숙,김의형 한국미용학회 2022 한국미용학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        This study attempted to unveil the influence of satisfaction with field training on job understanding and career maturity. In terms of the effects of satisfaction with field training on job understanding in college women majoring in cosmetology, ‘satisfaction with field training experience’ and ‘satisfaction with field training courses’ had a positive effect on ‘job understanding’, ‘understanding of job type’ and ‘understanding of occupational outlook’ with statistical significance. Regarding the influence of satisfaction with field training on career maturity, ‘satisfaction with field training experience’ and ‘satisfaction with field training courses’ had a positive effect on ‘determination’, ‘planning’, ‘propensity’ and ‘compromise’ with statistical significance. Concerning the influence of job understanding on career maturity, ‘understanding of occupational outlook’ was an important factor in ‘determination’. In ‘planning’, on the contrary, ‘understanding of occupational outlook’, ‘understanding of job type’ and ‘job understanding’ were critical. In ‘propensity’, ‘understanding of occupational outlook’ and ‘understanding of job type’ were important factors. In ‘compromise’, lastly, ‘understanding of occupational outlook’ and ‘job understanding’ were crucial. It is anticipated that the study results would be available as basic data in developing programs for job understanding and career maturity through field training.

      • KCI등재

        셀프리더십 프로그램이 여대생의 진로준비행동과 진로정체감에 미치는 영향

        허정철 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.6

        The Effects of a Self-leadership Program on Career PreparationActivity and Career Identity of Female College StudentsJeoungcheoul Heo Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect self-leadership program had on career preparation behavior and career identity in female college students. The subjects of the study were 60 female college students attending to the K women’s university. They had pre and post tests after the program was given. As a result, it was discovered that the self-leadership program was significantly different results in social efforts to achieve goals, information collection activity and activity to get necessary tools as sub-variables of career preparation behaviors. Also it had significantly differences in self-understanding, career understanding and confidence in competency as sub-variables of career identity. The results above showed that the self-leadership program had statistically significant effects on career preparation behaviors and career identity in the subjects. In the future, to enhance career preparation behaviors and career identity in female college students, local organizations should actively connect self-leadership program to community resources so that college students can be encouraged to acquire information needed for career and to be practically prepared for career. Colleges should support students to find their advantages, talents and career through diverse career education programs. Key Words: Self-leadership Program, Career Preparation Activity, Career Identity, Self-understanding, Career Understanding 셀프리더십 프로그램이 여대생의 진로준비행동과 진로정체감에 미치는 영향허 정 철** 연구 목적: 이 연구는 셀프리더십 프로그램이 여대생의 진로준비행동과 진로정체감에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구 방법: K여자대학교 60명을 대상으로 프로그램 사전・사후 검사를 실시하였다. 연구 내용: 셀프리더십 프로그램은 여대생의 진로준비행동의 하위 영역 가운데서 목표달성을 위한 사회적 노력, 정보수집활동, 필요한 도구를 갖추는 활동에서 유의미한 차이를 나타냈다. 또한 셀프리더십 프로그램이 여대생의 진로정체감 하위 요인 가운데 자신 이해, 직업 이해, 능력 자신감에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 결론 및 제언: 셀프리더십 프로그램이 여대생의 진로준비행동과 진로정체감에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 앞으로 여대생들의 진로준비행동과 진로정체감을 향상시키기 위해서는 지역사회 자원들을 적극적으로 연계하여, 지역사회에 있는 기관들을 방문하여 진로에 필요한 정보들을 습득하고 실질적으로 진로준비를 할 수 있도록 도와야 할 것이다. 그리고 대학에서는 다양한 진로교육 프로그램을 통해서 대학생들이 자신의 성격의 강점과 재능을 발견할 수 있도록 돕고 자신과 맞는 진로를 찾을 수 있도록 지원해야 할 것이다. 핵심어: 셀프리더십 프로그램, 진로준비행동, 진로정체감, 자신 이해, 직업 이해 □ 접수일: 2022년 11월 6일, 수정일: 2022년 11월 22일, 게재확정일: 2022년 12월 20일* 본 연구는 2022학년도 광주여자대학교 교내연구비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음. ** 광주여자대학교 사회복지학과 부교수(Professor, Kwangju Women’s Univ., Email: jcheo@kwu.ac.kr)

      • 제10장『진로와 직업』과목의 영역별 교육내용 및 활동 체계 분석

        김혜경 ( Hye Kyeong Kim ),정찬기오 ( Chan Gi Oh Chung ),김훈희 ( Hun Hee Kim ) 경상대학교 중등교육연구소 2011 현대교육연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 중학교『진로와 직업』과목의 영역별 교육내용 및 활동 체계를 분석하는 것이다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면,『진로와 직업』과목의 영역별 교육내용은「나의 발견」,「직업 세계의 이해」,「진로의 탐색」,「진로 의사 결정 및 계획」으로 구분할 수 있다. 「나의 발견」영역의 내용 체계는 삶·진로·직업의 의미 탐색, 나의 특성 탐색, 나에게 적합한 장·단기 진로의 탐색이 중심이 된다.「직업 세계의 이해」영역의 내용 체계는 직업 세계의 다양성과 미래의 직업 세계 탐색, 직업 세계 탐색의 방법 검토, 직업과 관련한 편견 및 고정관념의 극복이 중심이 된다. 「진로의 탐색」영역의 내용 체계는 중학교 이후의 교육 경로 탐색, 잠정적인 진로에 관한 정보의 탐색과 분석, 다양한 직업인의 역할 모델 탐색, 성공적인 직업생활을 위한 조건과 직업윤리 탐색이 중심이 된다.「진로 의사 결정 및 계획」영역의 내용 체계는 진로의사 결정 방법 및 자기 책임감 탐색, 나의 희망 진로와 직업 선택 및 탐색, 중학교이후의 구체적인 진로 계획의 수립, 진로 계획 실천과 평생 학습의 의미 이해가 중심이 된다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents and activities in Future Career and Occupation. Based on reason and purpose of this study, it can pose the following detailed questions; First, what are the contents and activities of Finding Myself?, Second, what are the contents and activities of Understanding World of Work?, Third, what are the contents and activities of Exploring for Career?, Fourth, what are the contents and activities of Planning and Deciding of Future Career? The main resources used for this study are as follows; 2009 Revision National Curriculum Introduction(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2009a) as Proclamation No. 2009-41, Explanation of 2009 Revision National Curriculum Introduction(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2009b), Middle School Future Career and Occupation Curriculum(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2009c: Annex 16), Explanation of Middle School Future Career and Occupation Curriculum(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2010). As a result of analyzing the contents and activities in Future Career and Occupation, the following findings were given; The contents of Finding Myself consist of lifeness, future career, exploring meanings of occupations, discovering my characteristic, searching for suitable short-and long-term career. The contents of Understanding World of Work compose of various jobs, investigating the world of future vocations, examining the ways to search work, and getting over prejudice and stereotype about vocations. The contents of Exploring for Career deal with searching for ahead educational courses after middle school, concerning and analyzing of provisional career, looking for various role models, and conditions and professional ethics for successful career. The contents of Planning and Deciding of Future Career makes up of decision making methods for career, building up sense of responsibility, gaining informations of desirable jobs and making a decision, planning a specific career after junior high school, practicing the career plan, and understanding of lifelong study. Given the findings of the study, the following conclusions were reached; The education of Finding Myself should be focused on searching individual`s interest, aptitude, values, personality based on scientific data such as psychological test related to occupations and future careers and setting up short-and long-term goals for desirable job. The education of Understanding World of Work should be focused on investigating various jobs and the world of future vocations, examining the ways to search work, and getting over prejudice and stereotype about vocations. The education of Exploring for Career should be focused on searching for ahead educational courses(different types of high schools) after middle school, concerning and analyzing of provisional career, looking for various role models, and conditions and professional ethics for successful career. The education of Planning and Deciding of Future Career should be focused on decision making methods for career, building up sense of responsibility, gaining informations of desirable jobs and making a decision, self-initiated establishing a specific career after middle school, modifying and complementing the future career plan, practicing the career planning and understanding of lifelong study.

      • KCI등재

        진로결정수준과 진로결정 자기효능감의 관계에서 진로교육의 매개효과 분석

        이보람(Bo-Ram Lee),김혁주(Hyeok-Ju Kim) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2017 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 대학 저학년 시기부터 진로결정에 영향을 줄 수 있는 직업이해교육, 역량강화교육, 경력지향성교육의 영향력을 살펴보고 이를 반영한 효과적인 취업전략을 수립을 위한 진로교육의 필요성을 강조하고자 한다. 이에 진로를 결정하는 수준과 직업교육의 관계에서 진로결정에 대한 자기 신념인 진로결정 자기효능감이 어떠한 매개효과를 나타낼지 살펴보고자 한다. 진로교육의 직업이해 교육, 경력지향성 교육, 역량강화 교육이 진로결정수준에 따른 진로결정효능감에 대한 매개효과의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 직업이해 교육의 매개효과 분석결과를 보면 진로결정수준의 자기명확성 부족에 대한 직업이해교육은 진로결정 자기효능감에 대한 통계적 유의 수준에서 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 진로를 결정할 중요한 지표가 되는 경력지향성을 향상시키기 위한 교육은 진로결정 수준 하위요인과 진로결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향에 대해 매개효과가 조건에 만족하지 않아 매개효과가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 직업정보가 부족한 대학생에게 역량강화교육은 진로결정 자기효능감 향상에 완전매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 자기명확성 부족에 대한 역량강화교육은 진로결정 자기효능감에 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the necessity of career education for establishing an effective employment strategy that reflects the influence of career - oriented education, capacity -building education and career. In determining the level of career and self-belief in the career decision in relation to vocational education and want a career decision self-efficacy is not represented at any mediating effect. Career Education career interests education, career orientation training, capacity-building training is a result of the mediating effect on the efficacy of the career decision career decision levels are as follows. First, look at the results showed the mediating effect of job analysis to understand educational career decision level of professional training for self-understanding is that there is a lack of clarity partial mediating effect on the level of statistical significance in the career decision self-efficacy. Second, education is subordinate factors in career decision level to improve career orientation which is the main indicator to determine the course was found to have no effect parameters do not meet the conditions mediated effects on the impact on career decision self-efficacy. Third, job information for college students lack of empowerment is education showed that full-mediated effect on career decision self-efficacy enhancement, empowerment training for his lack of clarity was found that the partial mediation effect on career decision self-efficacy.

      • KCI등재

        진로 교육 프로그램이 여대생의 진로 자기 이해와 진로 불안에 미치는 영향

        이숙정 한국산학기술학회 2024 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.25 No.3

        This study investigated the effects of career education programs on career self-understanding and career anxiety of female college students. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental study was conducted, after dividing the research participants into contrast and experimental groups. Of the total of 70 participants, 35 participants were assigned to each of the contrast and experimental groups. The career education program was conducted for 2 hours a week for a total of 8 weeks. Using the collected quantitative data, descriptive statistics and analysis of group differences were performed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) 25.0 program. Frequency and content analyses were conducted for responses to open-ended questions. The results demonstrated that: (1) The career education program had a significant effect on career self-understanding and career anxiety, and (2) With respect to career anxiety, the participants were most worried about ambiguity and were anxious about their identity and career aptitude. Among the career-related programs, there was a high demand for career and aptitude exploration programs. These results raise the need for qualitative internalization and detailed policies for college career education programs. Thus, a variety of active and individual psychological intervention programs at the university level should be provided upon initiation of college studies to enable college students to develop sustainable careers.

      • KCI등재

        진로가치명료화프로그램이 여대생의 진로의식성숙과 진로의사결정에 미치는 영향

        허정철 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2023 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.28 No.11

        In this paper, we would like to propose how the career value clarification program effects the maturity of career consciousness and career decision-making of female college students. The subjects were 70 attending to K Women’s College and pre-and post tests of the program were conducted to them. The results were presented: The career value clarification program had a significant effect on career determination, career involvement, career independence, and career dispositionality and in particular, was significant in reasonable type as one of career decision making variables. The results mentioned above indicate that the career value clarification program had a statistically significant effect on career maturity and career decision-making. To positively enhance career maturity and career decision-making in the subjects, the career value clarification program should encourage college women students to visit diverse institutes and organizations in their community to identify licenses and activities needed for career and be prepared for actual career. Colleges should actively invite related experts and give students opportunities to understand the definition of and values pursued in their career.

      • KCI등재

        자기표현으로서 페이퍼토이 제작을 통한진로 탐색 학습 방법 연구 - 중학교 자유학기제를 중심으로 -

        심영옥,문희성 한국조형교육학회 2016 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.58

        As the importance of career guides in the field of job seeking is emerging over the world and also in our country free-semester system is fully realized from 2016, this study examine how to find one’s career in the field of art, focusing on different educational policies for career guides from teen-age and examine. Particularly, the revised art curriculum(2015) shows the career teaching as one of the academic achievement to help students find their own ability and character and transfer to higher quality of education to raise students thinking ability. However, it is the case that students are not given the opportunities of specific career guides to help them choose the careers to fit their own characters with their own firm believes about their future. Therefore, with awareness the importance of giving students the easy and interesting job searching, this study has developed an educational program to connect making paper-toy and career-seeking to help their interesting career searching. As the result to apply the ‘career searching program through paper-toy making’ to raise objectivity and reliability of this study, there were positive effects that the students found the goals of their career and improve the efficacy of career decides that they just vaguely thought. Especially, when it extends to the drama activity by using paper-toy, it was found that the expecting mind about the future became higher. Though these career education might be treated by various methods in all kinds of subjects, if concrete programs are developed through expression, appreciation, and experience, effective career education can be practiced for students. For these purposes, information collecting methods by teachers and various teaching methods possible to practice should be developed first, and the opportunities of students to think of their career need to be expanded. 본 연구는 급변하는 직업세계에서 진로교육의 중요성이 전 세계적으로 대두되고 있고, 우리나라에서도 2016년부터 자유학기제를 전면 실시하는 등 청소년 시기부터 진로 선택을 위한다양한 교육정책에 주안점을 두고 미술교육에서의 진로 탐색 방법을 모색한 것이다. 특히2015 개정 미술과 교육과정에서는 학생들로 하여금 자신의 적성과 재능을 발견하고 사고력을키우는 질 높은 교육으로의 전환을 모색하는 교육의 방향에 부합할 수 있도록 진로교육을 성취기준으로 제시하고 있다. 그러나 실질적으로 학생들이 자신의 미래에 대한 확고한 신념을가지고 자신의 적성에 맞는 진로 선택을 할 수 있는 구체적인 진로교육의 기회가 제공되지못하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 이러한 교육 현장의 요구와 교육 정책적 측면에서 학생들에게 쉽고 재미있는 진로 탐색 기회를 제공하는 것의 중요성을 인지하고, 미술교육에서 흥미로운 진로 탐색활동이 이루어질 수 있도록 페이퍼토이 제작을 통해 자신의 진로 탐색 과정을 연관시켜 볼수 있는 교육 프로그램을 개발하였다. 또 본 연구의 객관성과 신뢰도를 높이기 위해 서울시와 경기도에 있는 중학생을 대상으로 ‘페이퍼토이 제작을 통한 진로 탐색 프로그램’을 적용한결과, 막연하게 생각하던 진로 결정의 효능감을 향상시키고 진로에 대한 구체적인 목표도 수립하게 되는 등 진로교육에 대한 긍정적 효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 이러한 진로교육은 모든 교과들에서 여러 방법으로 다뤄지겠지만 미술교육의 표현, 감상, 체험 활동 등을 통해서 구체적인 프로그램들이 개발된다면 학생들에게 효과적인 진로교육을 실시할 수 있을 것이다. 이를위해서는 무엇보다 교사의 진로 정보 수집 및 적극적으로 반영될 수 있는 다양한 교수방법이개발되어야 하고 학생들에게 사전에 진로 탐색에 대한 기회를 확대해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        여고생의 진로인식 및 자기이해에 대한 탐색적 연구: 포커싱 아트 작업을 중심으로

        주은선,김유정,류예진 한국청소년활동학회 2024 한국청소년활동연구 Vol.10 No.1

        배경: 고등학생은 성인기로의 이행을 준비하는 단계로 진로 설정을 위해 많은 노력을 기울이는 시기이지만, 지기이해의 부족으로 자신에게 맞는 진로를 인식하는데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 자신에 대한 이해를 기반으로 진로인식을 경험할 수 있는 프로그램이 필요하다. 목적: 본 연구는 포커싱 아트 진로탐색 프로그램에 참여한 여고생의 자기이해를 바탕으로 진로인식에 어떠한 변화를 경험하였는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 방법: 참여자의 진솔한 경험을 확인하기 위해 회기 보고서, 녹화본, 아트 작업물을 수집하였다. 분석은 Giorgi의 기술현상학적 분석 방법을 사용했다. 결과: 3개의 구성요소와 6개의 하위구성요소, 13개의 의미단위가 도출되었다. 구성요소는 ‘진로를 찾는 과정에서 진정한 자신을 마주하기 위한 주변정리’, ‘펠트센스에 대한 집단원들의 다양한 관점을 통해 내가 가고 있는 과정에 대한 믿음을 얻음’, ‘필요할 때 자신의 펠트센스를 만날 수 있는 이정표를 마련’이다. 시사점: 첫째, 주변정리를 통해 나를 들여다보고, 불편했던 것들을 알아차리며 진로개발을 위한 첫 발을 내딛을 수 있는 준비를 하였다. 둘째, 신체적인 감각을 담은 포커싱 아트 작업물이 표현하기 어려웠던 것들을 있는 그대로 표현하여 불편했던 감정이 정화되는 것을 경험하였다. 셋째, 포커싱 아트 작업에서 경험한 통합적인 감각이 자신이 원하는 진로를 입체적으로 구체화할 수 있도록 하였다. Background: High school students are preparing for the transition to adulthood and are putting a lot of effort into setting a career path, however they are experiencing difficulty recognizing the career path that is right for them due to a lack of personal understanding. Therefore, a program which helps high school students to experience career awareness based on their understanding of themselves is needed. Purpose: This study aims to examine high school female students’ career awareness based on their experiences of self-awareness who participated in the Focusing Art Career Exploration Program. Methodology: To confirm participants’ honest experiences, session reports, recordings, and art works were collected. Giorgi’s descriptive phenomenological analysis method was used. Findings: As a result, 3 components, 6 sub-components, and 13 meaning units were derived. The components were ‘Clearing space to face your true self in the process of finding a career’, ‘Gaining confidence in one’s process through the various perspectives of group members on felt sense’, and ‘Establish a milestone when meeting one’s own felt sense is needed’. Conclusions: First, through clearing space, participants were able to take the first step toward career development by looking into themselves and realizing uncomfortable aspects. Second, participants experienced the catharsis of uncomfortable emotions after expressing things that were difficult to express through focusing art work which are related to physical senses. Third, the ability to integrate senses experienced in focusing art work allowed them to concretely visualize the career path they want.

      • KCI등재

        중학생의 진로 교육 프로그램에 있어서 광고 활용 교육의 효과

        김병희,김지혜,손유미,이윤진 한국광고홍보학회 2018 광고연구 Vol.0 No.119

        In this study, the effects of AIE (Advertising In Education) in career education program among middle school students were analyzed. Attitudes toward future-oriented goals, self understanding, occupational consciousness, and career exploration and preparation were examined before and after the exposure of AIE program. The results of this research show that AIE program has a positive effect on future-oriented goals, occupational consciousness, and career exploration and preparation. It did not affect self understanding. Positive impacts were examined highest in career exploration and preparation, followed by occupational consciousness, and future-oriented goals. The value of this study is that it has proven the effectiveness of advertising in education empirically. 이 연구에서는 중학생을 대상으로 광고를 활용한 진로 교육 프로그램의 효과를 분석했다. 보다 구체적으로 광고를 활용한 교육 프로그램을 접하기 전후에 미래 지향적 목표, 자아 이해, 직업의식, 진로 탐색 및 준비에 대한 태도가 어떻게 달라지는지 규명했다. 연구 결과, 광고를 활용한 진로 교육 프로그램은 미래 지향적 목표, 직업의식, 진로 탐색 및 준비에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있었지만, 자아 이해에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 정도는 진로 탐색 및 준비, 직업의식, 미래 지향적 목표 순으로 나타났다. 이 연구의 의의는 광고 활용 교육의 효과를 실증적으로 규명했다는 데에 있다.

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