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      • Endoscopy and Imaging Modalities/Basic Science of Gastrointestinal Disorders/Miscellaneous : Changing Pattern Of Digestive And Liver Disease In Korea, 1990-2006 Year; A Single Center Study

        ( Jung Hyun Kwon ),( Sang Woo Kim ),( In Sik Chung ),( Myung Gyu Choi ),( Kwan Woo Nam ),( Jung Pil Suh ),( Jae Hyuck Chang ),( Won Haing Hur ),( Yu Kyung Cho ),( Jae Myung Park ),( In Seok Lee ) 대한소화기학회 2007 SIDDS Vol.9 No.-

        Background/Aims: Westernization in many Asian countries have changed lifestyles and diets, so once rare diseases have now become prevalent. The aim of this study is to investigate the changing pattern of digestive and liver disease in Korea, from 1990 to 2006. Methods: We extracted data specific gastrointestina (GI) disease based on the International Classification of Diseases code from the in-patients records at the Kangnam St. Mary`s Hospital in 1990, 1996 and 2006. This hospital is a tertiary-care hospital in Seoul, Korea, which has a capacity of 800 beds. Results: The admission rate for GI disease increased between 1990 and 2006. Overall in-patients were 1,623 persons in 1990, 2,368 persons in 1996 and 4,166 persons in 2006. The mean age of in-patients increased as time went by. A stomach cancer was the most common diagnosis during all periods, but its prevalence has decreased. Colon cancer ranked the 7th in 1990, but markedly increased and now ranks the second. The third was a hepatocellular carcinoma. The bile duct and gallbladder cancer, pancreas and esophageal cancer ranking followed with little interval change. In cases of cancer patients, a regular admission dramatically increased for chemotherapy. The number of patients admitted with pre-malignant neoplasm of stomach and colon increased remarkably with the development of endoscopy. The liver transplant, inflammatory bowel discase, and reflux esophagitis emerged form mid-1990s with greater frequencies, yet much below the levels found in the West. The admission rate for peptic ulcer, especially ulcer bleeding remained relatively stable, despite a decreased rate for ulcer perforation. Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis with cholecystitis-cholangitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoid and gastritis all decreased. Conclusions: The stomach cancer is the leading cause of admission, despite a recent decline. Colon cancer showed a marked rise. The liver transplant, inflammatory bowel disease and reflux esophagitis were new diagnosis with an increased tendency.

      • KCI등재

        Lowe 증후군 환아의 전신마취를 이용한 치료증례보고

        장우혁,이긍호,최영철 大韓小兒齒科學會 2002 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.29 No.2

        Lowe 증후군 또는 안뇌신증후군(oculocerebrorenal syndrome)은 X-염색체와 관련된 유전성 질환으로, 반성열성유전양상을 나타낸다. 선천성 백내장과 녹내장 등의 증상, 근긴장 저하, 건반사감소 등의 근신경계 증상, 신장 기능이상이 가장 특징적인 임상증상이며, 이외에도 정신 지체, 성장지연, 전두부 융기, 가늘고 성긴 모발, 돌출된 귀, 골질환 등이 발생할 수 있다. Lowe증후군 환자는 정신지체로 인해 치과치료시 전신마취하에서의 처치가 요구되나, 대사성 산증, 악성고열의 발생위험과 사용약제의 의한 부작용 등이 위험요소로 작용할 수 있으므로, 필요한 경우 내과 또는 소아과 의료진이 참여된 협진체제 하에서 가능한 짧은 시간 진행되어야 한다. 이러한 치과적 처치의 어려움으로 Lowe증후군 환자에서 치과질환의 예방이 좀더 강조되어야 하며, 이를 위해 보호자의 주위의 적극적 관리가 요구된다. Lowe syndrome, also known as oculocerebrorenal syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder involving eyes, kidney and nervous system, and occurs predominantly in mostly males. The patients with Lowe syndrome are charac-terized with prominent forehead, thin and sparse hair, protruding ears, congenital cataracts, glaucoma, mental retardation, stunted growth, hypotonia, decrease in muscle mass and tendon reflexes, renal tubular dysfunction, and metabolic bone disease. A 6-year-old boy with Lowe syndrome was admitted to our clinic, with multiple caries and a chief complaint of intermittent pain on the left mandibular molar area. Because of difficulty in management of behavior and his medical problem, general anesthesia was performed for dental care. No specific complication was noticed during dental treatment procedure under general anesthesia and also during periodic recall-checks. General anesthesia itself, however, could be a potentially life-threatening procedure due to patient's biomed-ical problems. When a dental procedure under general anesthesia is to required in patient with Lowe syn-drome, it may be advisable being teamed with physicians, and general anesthesia duration should be as short as possible.

      • KCI등재
      • Effect of Dynamic Position Changes on Adenoma Detection During Colonoscope Withdrawal: A Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial :

        Lee, Seung-Woo,Chang, Jae Hyuck,Ji, Jeong-Seon,Maeong, Il Ho,Cheung, Dae Young,Kim, Joon Sung,Cho, Young-Seok,Chung, Wook-Jin,Lee, Bo-In,Kim, Sang-Woo,Kim, Byung-Wook,Choi, Hwang,Choi, Myung-Gyu American College of Gastroenterology 2016 The American journal of gastroenterology Vol.111 No.1

        <P>OBJECTIVES: Adequate luminal distension is essential for improving adenoma detection during colonoscope withdrawal. A few crossover studies have reported that dynamic position changes maximize luminal distension and increase adenoma detection rates (ADR). We designed a multicenter, randomized, parallel-group trial to verify the effect of dynamic position changes on colonic adenoma detection. METHODS: This study was conducted at the six hospitals of the Catholic University of Korea. Patients aged 45-80 years who underwent a colonoscopy for the first time were included. In the position change group, the position changes during colonoscope withdrawal were as follows: cecum, ascending colon, and hepatic flexure: left lateral position; transverse colon: supine position; splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum: right lateral position. In the control group, the examinations were performed entirely in the left lateral position during colonoscope withdrawal. The primary outcome measure was the ADR, which was defined as the proportion of patients with >= 1 adenoma. RESULTS: A total of 1,072 patients were randomized into the position change group (536 patients) or the control group (536 patients). The ADR was higher in the position change group than in the control group (42.4 vs. 33.0%, P=0.002). More adenomas were detected per subject in the position change group (0.90 vs. 0.67, P=0.01). Increases in the number of adenomas were observed in examinations of the transverse colon (0.22 vs. 0.13, P=0.016) and the left colon (0.37 vs. 0.27, P=0.045). A significant increase in the ADR was observed for endoscopists with a relatively low detection rate. For endoscopists with a high detection rate, non-significant changes in the ADR were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic position changes during colonoscope withdrawal increased the ADR.</P>

      • The Korean Society of Gastroenterology & SIDDS 2028 : Slide Session ; S-LG-01 : Lower GI Tract ; Effect of Dynamic Position Change in Colonic Adenoma Detection during Colonoscope Withdrawal: A Randomized Controlled Trial

        ( Jeong Seon Ji ),( Seung Woo Lee ),( Jae Hyuck Chang ),( Il Ho Maeong ),( Dae Young Cheung ),( Joon Sung Kim ),( Young Seok Cho ),( Sang Woo Kim ),( Hwang Choi ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2014 No.1

        Background:Adequate luminal distention is essential to maximize adenoma detection during colonoscope withdrawal. There was a few single operator studies reporting dynamic position change improves luminal distension and has the potential to improve adenoma detection rate. We designed a randomized, controlled multicenter trial to verify the effect of dynamic position change in colonic adenoma detection. Methods:This study conducted at the six hospitals of the Catholic University of Korea. Patients aged 45 to 80 years who underwent colonoscopy for the fi rst time were included. In the position change group, position changes during colonoscope withdrawal were as follows: cecum, ascending colon, and hepatic fi exure: left lateral position; transverse colon: supine position; splenic fi exure, descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum: right lateral position. In control group, examination was performed entirely in left lateral position during colonoscope withdrawl. The primary outcome measure was adenoma detection rate in the two groups, defi ned as the proportion of patients with =1 adenoma. Results: A total 1034 patients were randomized to position change group (517 patients) and control group (517 patients). Adenoma detection rate was higher in the position change group compared with left lateral alone (42.4% vs 33.0%, P=0.002). Most of the apparent improvement in adenoma detection appeared to occur through supine positioning for examination of the transverse colon (15.1% and 8.6% in the position change group and control group, respectively, P=0.001). Position change colonoscope also detected a higher number of adenomas per subject (0.90 vs 0.67, P = 0.038). Conclusions: Dynamic position change during colonoscope withdrawal increased adenoma detection rate.

      • KCI등재후보

        Crystal structure of unphosphorylated Spo0F from Paenisporosarcina sp. TG-14, a psychrophilic bacterium isolated from an Antarctic glacier

        Chang Woo Lee,Sun-Ha Park,Chang Sook Jeong,Chang Sup Lee,Jong Wook Hong,Hyun Ho Park,Hyun Park,HaJeung Park,Jun Hyuck Lee 한국구조생물학회 2018 Biodesign Vol.6 No.4

        Spo0F is a response regulator that modulates sporulation, undergoes phosphorylation for phosphorelay signal transduction, and interacts with various regulatory proteins; however, the mechanisms through which phosphorylation induces structural changes and regulates interactions with binding partners remain unclear. Here, we determined the unphosphorylated crystal structure of Spo0F from the psychrophilic bacterium Paenisporosarcina sp. TG-14 (PaSpo0F) and established a phosphorylation-state structural model. We found that PaSpo0F underwent structural changes (Lys54 and Lys102) by phosphorylation and generated new interactions (Lys102/Gln10 and Lys54/Glu84) to stabilize the β4/α4 and β1/α1 loop structures, which are important target-protein binding sites. Analysis of Bacillus subtilis Spo0 variants revealed movement by BsSpo0F Thr82 and Tyr84 residues following interaction with BsSpo0B, providing insight into the movement of corresponding residues in PaSpo0F (Thr80 and Tyr82), with further analysis of BsSpo0F/BsRapH interaction revealing alterations in the β4/α4 loop region. These results suggest that phosphorylation-induced structural rearrangement might be essential for PaSpo0F activation and expand the understanding of Spo0F-specific activation mechanisms during sporulation.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Mg Suppressor Layer on the InZnSnO Thin-Film Transistors

        Chang-Woo Song,Kyung-Hyun Kim,Ji-Woong Yang,Dae-Hwan Kim,Yong-Jin Choi,Chan-Hwa Hong,Jae-Heon Shin,Hyuck-In Kwon,Sang-Hun Song,Woo-Seok Cheong 대한전자공학회 2016 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.16 No.2

        We investigate the effects of magnesium (Mg) suppressor layer on the electrical performances and stabilities of amorphous indium-zinc-tin-oxide (a- ITZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs). Compared to the ITZO TFT without a Mg suppressor layer, the ITZO:Mg TFT exhibits slightly smaller field-effect mobility and much reduced subthreshold slope. The ITZO:Mg TFT shows improved electrical stabilities compared to the ITZO TFT under both positive-bias and negative-bias-illumination stresses. From the Xray photoelectron spectroscopy O1s spectra with fitted curves for ITZO and ITZO:Mg films, we observe that Mg doping contributes to an enhancement of the oxygen bond without oxygen vacancy and a reduction of the oxygen bonds with oxygen vacancies. This result shows that the Mg can be an effective suppressor in a-ITZO TFTs.

      • KCI등재

        Antigenicity of HM10760 in Guinea Pigs

        Woo Hyuck Choi,Sung Hak Lee,Michael Lee,Moon-Ku Chung,Se Chang Kwon,Gwan Sun Lee,Jae Yong Han,Woo Suk Koh 한국독성학회 2005 Toxicological Research Vol.21 No.3

        HM10760 is a recombinant human erythropoietin that has been developed as a drug for anemia. In this study, antigenic potential of HM10760 was examined by active systemic anaphylaxis in guinea pigs and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in a guinea pig-guinea pig system. HM10760 was subcutaneously administered at 0, 2, and 20 ㎍/㎏ and also as a suspension with adjuvant (20 ㎍/㎏ + FCA). Ovalbumin as a suspension with adjuvant was administered to induce positive control responses. In the active systemic anaphylaxis test, no symptoms except rubbing or licking nose and urination that were considered as physiological phenomena were observed at 0 ㎍/㎏. Four of 5 animals at 2 ㎍/㎏ and all the 5 animals at 20 ㎍/㎏ showed cyanosis and lying on side. All animals in the adjuvant mixture group showed relatively mild symptoms such as rubbing or licking nose, urination, and evacuation. In the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis test, 0/5, 3/5, and 5/5 serum samples from the animals immunized with 0, 2, and 20 ㎍/㎏, respectively, showed positive reactions against HM10760. All 5 sera collected from the animals immunized with an adjuvant mixture contained HM10760-specific antibodies. These results suggest HM10760 have antigenicity in guinea pigs.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Change of Clostridium difficile Colitis during Recent 10 Years in Korea

        Lee, Yune Jeong,Choi, Myung Gyu,Lim, Chul Hyun,Jung, Woong Ryong,Cho, Hyun Sun,Sung, Hye Young,Nam, Kwan Woo,Chang, Jae Hyuck,Cho, Yu Kyung,Park, Jae Myung,Kim, Sang Woo,Chung, In Sik The Korean Society of Gastroenterology 2010 대한소화기학회지 Vol.55 No.3

        <P>Background/Aims: Our clinical experience and recent published literatures suggest that Clostridium difficile colitis (CDC) has become more common and potentially more pathogenic in recent years. The aim of study was to evaluate changes in the epidemiological features of CDC in hospitalized patients in Korea. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all patients of CDC diagnosed at Kangnam St. Mary Hospital from 1998 to 2007. CDC was defined as having a positive C. difficile cytotoxicity assay, or endoscopic or pathologic evidence of CDC. Results: A total of 189 cases (male 73, female 116, mean age 63.3 years) of CDC were diagnosed during the study period. The prevalence of CDC increased from 1.9/10,000 patient admissions in 1998-1999 to 8.82/10,000 patient admissions in 2006-2007. One hundred sixty three indication for cases (86.2%) of patients identified a prior use of antibiotics in the 2 months preceding diagnosis. The most common antibiotic use was prophylactic use during perioperational period (33.3%) followed by pneumonia (23.3%). The overall response rate to initial antibiotics was 82.7%. One hundred seventy two (91%) patients were initially treated with metronidazole. The response rate was 84.3%. All patients with initial failure to metronidazole were successfully treated by vancomycin. The response rate of vancomycin as first treatment was 80%. Three deaths were associated with CDC despite the use of combination of metronidazole and vancomycin. Conclusions: The prevalence of CDC in hospitalized patients in Korea significantly increased from 1998 to 2007.</P>

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