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        최씨 훅을 이용한 복강경 버찌씨 수술

        김영혜 ( Young Hye Kim ),박준선 ( Jun Seon Park ),최상준 ( Sang Joon Choi ),송창훈 ( Chang Hoon Song ),한세준 ( Sei Jun Han ),정혁 ( Hyuk Jung ) 대한산부인과학회 2006 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.49 No.6

        Objective: Burch operation has been effective method for the treatment of stress incontinence. Burch operation is a well-accepted procedure for treating stress urinary incontinence secondary to urethral hypermobility without intrinsic sphincter deficiency and is the reference standard with which other procedures are compared. This study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Choi`s hook in laparoscopic Burch operation. Methods: This study included 47 patients who had undergone laparoscopic Burch operation from October 2000 through March 2005. Of these 47 patients, 27 patients underwent traditional laparoscopic Burch operation (Group 1) and 20 patients underwent laparoscopic Burch operation with Choi`s Hook on anchoring the endopelvic fascia to the Cooper`s ligament (Group 2). Results: The mean age of patients of Group 1 was 55.6±9.37 years of age and that of Group 2 was 56.0±5.93 years of age. There is no difference in the mean age of patients (P>0.05). The mean operating time was 90.5±15.32 minutes for Group 1 and 38.5±10.14 minute for Group 2. The mean operating time was shorter in Group 2 than Group 1 (P<0.05). There was no difference in recurrence rate and complication rate between Group 1 and Group 2 (P>0.05). Conclusion: We performed laparoscopic Burch operation with the Choi`s Hook on anchoring the endopelvic fascia to the Cooper`s ligament. When we compared traditional laparoscopic Burch operation with laparoscopic Burch operation with Choi`s Hook, we could shorten the operation time using the Choi`s Hook.

      • KCI등재

        포퍼의 과학철학과 그 교육학적 수용에 대한 비판적 검토

        최훈 ( Choi¸ Hoon ) 한국교육철학학회(구 교육철학회) 2020 교육철학연구 Vol.42 No.4

        경험과 학문적 인식(과학적 지식)의 관계에 관한 포퍼의 논의는 현대 과학철학의 토대를 마련한다. 포퍼는 수정 칸트주의와 반증주의에 기초하여 학문적 인식 모델을 발전시킨다. 포퍼의 과학철학이 의도하는 것은 한편으로 학문과 비학문을 엄격하게 구분하는 것이고 다른 한편으로 실재를 합리적으로 설명하고 통제하는 것이다. 본 연구의 목적은 포퍼 과학철학의 핵심적인 논리 구조를 분명하게 드러내고 이 논리 구조의 교육적 전환 방식을 비판적으로 검토하는 데에 있다. 제시된 목적에 도달하기 위한 본 연구의 내용과 방법은 다음과 같다. 우선 2절에서는 포퍼 과학철학을 특징짓는 학문적 인식의 방법이 논의된다. 인식의 발생과 인식의 정당화 사이의 연속적 순환이 학문적 인식의 성장을 설명하는 기본 원리로 제시된다. 3절에서는 사회공학, 즉 포퍼 과학철학의 사회과학적 적용이 사회적 실천의 합리화의 관점에서 논의된다. 가치 자유의 공준을 충족시키기 위해 시도되는 가치의 방법적 통제가 가치 개념에 대한 체계적 분석에 의존하고 있음이 밝혀진다. 마지막 4절에서는 포퍼 과학철학과 알베르트 사회공학의 교육학적 전환에 관한 논의가 시도된다. 이를 통해서 교육에 대한 인과적 이해가 교육을 자의적 활동으로 만들고 학생을 수동적 존재로 격하시킨다는 사실이 확인된다. Popper laid a foundation of modern philosophy of science by examining the relationship between experience and scientific knowledge. Popper developed a model of scientific knowledge on the basis of revised Kantianism and falsificationism with the intention of strictly distinguishing between science and non-science, and of reasonably explaining and controlling reality. The purpose of this study is to reveal the basic logical structure of Popper’s philosophy of science and critically review how this logical structure can be received in educational studies. To this end, the study proceeds as follows. First, in Section 2, the methods of scientific knowledge that characterize Popper’s philosophy of science are discussed. The continuous circulation between the generation of knowledge and its justification is presented as the basis for explaining the growth of scientific knowledge. In Section 3, social engineerinh, that is, the application of Popper’s philosophy of science to social science is discussed in the context of the rationalization of social practices. It is explained that the methodical control of value in an attempt to realize the value-freedom postulate relies on a systematic analysis of the concept of value. Finally, in Section 4, it is attempted to critically review the way of the educational reception of Popper’s philosophy of science and Albert’s social engineering. Understanding education on the basis of the cause and effect framework faces inevitably criticism htat such a view, in the end, makes education an arbitrary activity and degrades students into passive beings.

      • KCI등재후보

        생명과학기술, 생명윤리, 그리고 생태학적 관점의 관계 고찰 - 로이스 로리의 『더 기버』를 중심으로

        최훈 ( Choi¸ Hoon ),김대영 ( Kim¸ Dae-young ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2015 영어권문화연구 Vol.8 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between bio-technology and bio-ethics through ecological perspectives and to find examples in literature for the inter-relationships and activating public’s ethical discourse. This study explores complementary relationship between bio-technology and bio-ethics because if our human society ignores bio-technology’s positive fruits due to some faults, it will lack elements of human’s fundamental quality of life as well as the uncertainty of our survival. Therefore, our human society needs various resources to sustain its quality of life through diverse discourses, from different viewpoints such as ethics and literature as well as science-technology. This study tries to explore the relationship between technological effectiveness and biodiversity and to connect them to bio-ethics' possibility based on an ecological perspective. To find the social control's problems of human society, First, this study analyzes biodiversity decreases. Also, it relates biodiversity to the absence of bio-ethic consciousness. With these theoretical basis, this study suggests that Lois Lowry's work, The Giver, exemplifies inter-relationships among bio-technology, bio-ethics, and ecological perspectives. The reason to find this inter-relationship in the literature is that the literary works can easily connect each disciples and interpret each other. In addition, because literature can also have relations with the pubic audience, it can widen some discourses in the public. With this interdisciplinary aspect among bio-tech, bio-ethics, and literature, this study would like to reveal new approaches to a variety of problems in human society, to have some discussion, and to find proper reponses for these problems.

      • KCI등재

        국내 스마트페이 서비스 품질 개선 우선순위 도출을 위한 Kano, 고객만족계수, PCSI 모형 연구

        최재훈(Choi, Jae-hoon),김판수(Kim, Pan-soo) 한국경영교육학회 2020 경영교육연구 Vol.35 No.4

        [연구목적] 스마트기기의 보급에 힘입어 가까운 시일 내 가장 급변한 분야 중 하나는 금융 분야일 것이다. 전자 금융 분야에 있어서 가장 괄목할 만한 현상은 ‘스마트폰’으로 대변되는 모바일 장치를 활용한 새로운 전자 지급 수단의 출현을 들 수 있다. 하지만, 해외 선진국에 비해 국내의 도입은 상대적으로 늦었기에 스마트페이의 기능과 역할에 관한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내 보급된 ‘스마트페이’를 대상으로 실제 소비자들이 어떠한 요인과 기능을 중요시하는지에 대해 실증적으로 검증함과 동시에 향후 스마트페이 발전 방향성에 대해 제안함으로써 스마트페이 산업의 발전에 방향과 속도의 향상에 대한 기여를 하고자 하였다. [연구방법] 데이터는 선행연구에서 다룬 ‘스마트페이’ 기능을 중심으로 실제 소비자 면담을 통해 가장 많이 중복되는 23개의 기능을 추출하였으며 다시 이를 바탕으로 기능 및 의미가 중복되는 문항 3가지를 제외하여 최종적으로 선정된 20개 문항을 바탕으로 Kano 모델을 측정 하였다. 또한, Kano 모델이 지니는 단점을 보완하기 위해 추가로 고객 만족 계수와 PCSI 지수를 통해 통계적 단점을 보완하였다. [연구결과] 결론적으로 KANO 품질은 일원적 5가지 요인, 매력적 2가지 요인, 당연적 8가지 요인, 무관심 5가지 요인으로 분류되었으며 PCSI지수를 바탕으로한 서비스개선 우선순위는 사용가능 매장 수, 결제 속도, 보안 정보 인증 절차, 사용 가능 시간대, 결제내역 알림, 기기 호환성, 결제 난이도, 사용 가능 지역, 결제 금액 오류, 정보 보안성, 어플내 이벤트, 할인 및 혜택 쿠폰(오프라인), 기술적 문제, 보안 정보 등록 절차, 브랜드 인지도, 등록 가능 계좌 수, 부가혜택(앱), 스마트페이 UI, 설치 난이도, 사용시 배터리 소모율 순으로 나타났다. [연구의 시사점] 하지만 해당 수치는 얼마나 개선할 수 있는지에 대한 소비자 관점에서의 참고자료로써 실제 개선순위는 현재 보유 및 활용 가능 자산, 산업의 분위기 그리고 미래 운영 방향성에 따라 적용 되어야 할 것이다. 또한, 본 연구의 결과를 통해 스마트페이 분야 자체가 일반적인 서비스 시장보다 폐쇄적인 환경으로써 서비스 개선이 매우 어려운 산업 분야임을 확인할 수 있었고 서비스 개선의 효과가 단기간에 직접적으로 나타나기는 어려운 환경이기에 무리한 개선보다는 현재 가지고 있는 기능들의 안정적인 강화가 적합할 것이라는 점을 시사한다. [Purpose] With the spread of smart devices, one of the most rapidly changing fields in the near future will be in the financial field. The most remarkable phenomenon in the field of electronic finance is the emergence of a new electronic payment method that utilizes mobile devices represented by ‘smartphones’. However, since domestic introduction is relatively late compared to overseas advanced countries, research on the function and role of smart pay is insufficient. Therefore, in this study, by empirically verifying what factors and functions are important to actual consumers for ‘smart pay’ distributed in Korea, and suggesting the future direction of smart pay development, the direction and speed of the development of the smart pay industry. It was intended to contribute to the improvement of. [Methodology] The 23 most important factors were extracted through consumer interviews. Here, the Kano model was finally measured based on 20 items, excluding 3 items with overlapping meanings. In addition, in order to compensate for the shortcomings of the Kano model, the statistical shortcomings were supplemented through the customer satisfaction coefficient and PCSI index. [Findings] Quality classification was conducted through the KANO model, and the effect of service improvement was finally quantified through PCSI and priorities were selected. [Implications] Through the results of this study, it was confirmed that the smart pay field is an industrial field that is very difficult to improve service as it is a closed environment than the general service market. Therefore, it is difficult to see the effect of service improvement in a short period of time, so it would be better to reinforce the current functions rather than an excessive improvement.

      • 초미세 마이크로 소성성형 가공시스템 기술 개발

        이낙규,최태훈,이혜진,최석우,박훈재,나원기 한국공작기계학회 2005 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2005 No.-

        In this paper Research development about a micro metal forming manufacturing system has been developed. A micro forming system has been achieved in Japan and it's developed micro press is limited to single forming process. To coincide with the purpose to be more practical, research and development is necessary about the press which the multi forming process is possible. We set the development of the equipment including micro deep drawing, micro punching and micro restriking process to the goal. To achieve this goal, Research about micro forming process to be related to multi process forming must be preceded first. Material selection and analysis about micro forming process are accomplished in this paper. And the basis research to make actual system is accomplished.

      • KCI등재

        압축성 코드에서 예조건화 코드로의 이진

        한상훈(Sang-Hoon Han),김명호(Myeong-Ho Kim),최정열(Jeong-Yeol Choi) 한국항공우주학회 2007 韓國航空宇宙學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        이차원 범프 유동에 대한 다양한 예조건화 행렬의 수렴 특성을 살펴 Choi와 Merkle의 예조건화 행렬을 선택하여, 압축성 및 예조건화 Roe의 Riemann 해법의 수치 소산항을 수학적으로 비교하였다. 이 결과 코드의 구조는 동일하게 유지한 채, 고유치의 작은 수정만으로 압축성 해법을 예조건화 해법으로 이전할 수 있는 방법을 알 수 있었다. 아울러 점성 유동 영역에서의 안정성 및 정확성을 향상시키기 위하여 von Neumann 안정 조건 및 점성 자코비안을 고려하였으며, 개발된 코드는 표준 검증 문제에 적용하여 검증을 수행하였다. Comprehensive mathematical comparison of numerical dissipation vector was made for a compressible and the preconditioned version Roe's Riemann solvers. Choi and Merkle type preconditioning method was selected from the investigation of the convergence characteristics of the various preconditioning methods for the flows over a two-dimensional bump. The investigation suggests a way of migration from a compressible code to a preconditioning code with a minor changes in Eigenvalues while maintaining the same code structure. Von Neumann stability condition and viscous Jacobian were considered additionally to improve the stability and accuracy for the viscous flow analysis. The developed code was validated through the applications to the standard validation problems.

      • KCI등재

        정준상관 행렬도와 군집분석을 응용한 KLPGA 선수의 기술과 경기성적요인에 대한 연관성 분석

        최태훈,최용석,Choi, Tae-Hoon,Choi, Yong-Seok 한국통계학회 2008 응용통계연구 Vol.21 No.3

        정준상관 행렬도(canonical correlation biplot)는 정준상관분석에서 두 변수 집단에 의해서 측정된 다변량 자료에서 변수 집단 간의 관계와 개체들의 관계를 탐색하기 위한 2차원 그림이다. 이는 일반적으로 최용석 (2006, 1장)의 한 변수 집단에 의한 행렬자료에 대한 일반적인 행렬도를 두 변수 집단에 의한 행렬자료로 확장한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 최근에 Choi와 Kim (2008)은 개체들이 많은 대용량 자료에서 행렬도의 해석상 힘든 문제점을 지적하고 이를 극복하는 데 군집분석을 활용하는 방법을 제시하고 있다. 일반적인 행렬도에서 발생하는 대용량 자료에 대한문제는 정준상관 행렬도에서도 동일하게 발생하곤 한다. 본 연구에서는 2006년도 KLPGA 선수 중 상금 순위 상위 50명을 대상으로 정준상관 행렬도를 통해 기술요인변수군(평균 퍼팅수. 그린 적중율, 파 세이브율, 파 브레이크율)과 경기성적요인변수군(상금, 평균 타수)간의 관련성을 살펴보고 군집분석을 활용하여 각 선수들의 군집을 시도하려한다. Canonical correlation biplot is 2-dimensional plot for investigating the relationship between two sets of variables and the relationship between observations and variables in canonical correlation analysis graphically. In general, biplot is useful for giving a graphical description of the data. However, this general biplot and also canonical correlation biplot do not give some concise interpretations between variables and observations when the number of observations are large. Recently, for overcoming this problem, Choi and Kim (2008) suggested a method to interpret the biplot analysis by applying the K-means clustering analysis. Therefore, in this study, we will apply their method for investigating the relationship between skill and competition score factors of KLPGA players using canonical correlation biplot and cluster analysis.

      • 複合 韓藥劑 淸籬滋坎湯의 抗癌效果 및 作用機轉 糾明

        Cho, Kyung-Sam,Kim, Si-Young,Park, Jai-Kyung,Choi, Seung-Hoon,Chung, Se-Young,Yoon, Hwi-Joong 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Kyung Sam Cho¹Si Young Kim¹, Jai Kyung Park²,Seung Hoon Choi³,Se Young Chung⁴, Hwi Joong Yoon¹¹College of Medicine, ²East-West Medical Research Institute, ³College of Oriental Medicine, ⁴College of Pharmacology, Kyung Hee University,Seoul, Korea. The Anti-cancer Effect of Oriental Medicine Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang in the Mouse with Metastatic Lung Cancer. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 231-243, 1999.-The oriental medicine Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang is an herbal medicine which has been used for pulmonary diseases and known as having immune stimulatory effects. It has been known effective in lung cancer. So we studied the effects and the mechanisms of this herbal medicine it the mouse with metastatic lung cancer. The metastatic lung cancer of the mouse was produced with melnoma cell line(B16BL/6).5×10□/mouse tumor cells were injected intravenously to the CDF1 mouse via tail vein. The mice were divided 4 groups. The first group was treated with 50mg/kg extract of Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang per oral for 10 days after cancer cell injection, second group treated with saline after cancer cell injection, the third group with medicine without cancer cell, and the last group with saline only. After 10 days treatments some of the mice were scarificed and the lung and spleen was removed. The survival duration, weight change, the number of metastatic cancer nodule of the lung, the NK cell activity, the capacity of cytokines(INF-γ,INF-α,IL-2) production and the proliferation activities of mouse lymphocytes were measured. The surival times of the group 1 mice were longer and the weight loss was less than the group 2 significantly. The number of the metastatic nodule of the lung were decresed in the group 1 than the group 2. The production of INF-γ,was increase in group 2 than group 3 and 4, IL-2 production was increased in group 1 than group 2,3,4 significantly. There was no difference in TNF- α production and proliferation activity of lymphocyte in each group. The NK cell activity was significantly increased in group 1 than group 2,3,4. We conclude that the Chung-Ri-Ja-Gam-Tang has the effect of increasing the NK cell activity of the CDF1 mouse with metastatic lung cancer(B16BL/6). And it is suggested that the increased production of the IL-2 is the mechanisms of enhanced NK cell activity.

      • 판형열교환기의 설계 특성에 관한 수치적 연구

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        A numerical analysis is performed to predict performance of a plate heat exchanger (PHE) and to deduce design factors, The entrance area of the air, channel height, and corrugation number were changed for the analysis. And the results of the numerical analysis were evaluated pressure drop and heat transfer rate with Reynolds number. The results showed that the effect by the change of entrance area is small, but the effect of the change of channel height and corrugation number are large in the performance of PHE.

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