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      • KCI등재

        1920년대 출판경영인 崔永澤과 『立身冒險談』번역

        최희정(Choi, hee-jung) 부산경남사학회 2017 역사와 경계 Vol.103 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 3.1운동 전후 『태서문예신보』에서 『매일신보』에 이르기까지 최영택의 행적과 활동을 성공주의를 유포한 자조론 계열 지식인으로서 검토하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 최영택이 『매일신보』에 번역·연재한 『자조론』아류 서적인 『입신모험담』과 메이지 후기 일본에서 생산된 원전 『입신모험담』을 비교하여 그 첨삭된 항목과 내용을 중심으로 양자를 분석하였다. 또 메이지 후기 일본과 1920년대 식민지 조선이라는 양자의 다른 사회적 상황과 조건 아래 성공주의 전파가 가지는 사회적 기능과 효과의 차이도 논의하였다. 최영택은 『태서문예신보』를 통해 등단한 ‘무명시인’으로 알려져 있었는데, 이 연구를 통해 그가 이 잡지의 사생첩 기자로도 활동한 새로운 사실을 밝혔다. 이에 더하여 1920년대 초 『여자시론』창간과 경영에 참여한 최영택과 동일 인물이라는 점 또한 밝혔다. 무엇보다 최영택을 비롯한 『태서문예신보』의 주요 집필진들이 성공담론 유포에 적극적이었으며, 이 잡지가 육당의 『자조론』이 출간된 1910년대 말 식민지 지성계의 새로운 경향을 반영한 잡지로서의 성격을 가졌음을 제시하였다. 한편 1920년대 초 최영택이 여성전문잡지 『여자시론』 『부인계』의 창간을 주도하면서, 가족경영의 출판사 문창사에서 잡지경영인으로서 활동한 것을 식민지 사회에서 출판업으로 입신성공하려는 그의 지향성 및 『입신모험담』번역의 배경으로 파악하였다. 최영택이 번역한 『입신모험담』은 1920년대 초 조선총독부 식민정책의 충실한 전파 매체였던 『매일신보』의 번역·연재물로서 기획된 것이었다. 원전 『입신모험담』은 러일전쟁 시기 일본 국내 입신출세의 길이 원활하지 않은 상황에서 청년들의 해외 식민지 진출을 종용하는 『자조론』아류 서적류에 속했는데, 이것은 일본의 제국주의 확장에 기여하는 논리를 제공해주었다. 한편 1920년대 초 『매일신보』의 번역·연재물로서 기획된 『입신모험담』을 통한 성공주의 전파는 일본의 식민정책에 협력하는 사회적 효과를 가졌음을 시사하였다. 이 연구는 3.1운동 이후 1960∼70년대에 이르기까지 한국사회에서 장기간 생명력을 유지한 세속적 성공주의와 그것의 전파에 기여한 지식인의 계보를 찾으려는 노력의 일환이다. 이 연구에서 제시한 세속적 성공주의 전파에 기여한 이른바 자조론 계열 지식인과 이들에 대한 고찰은 우파 식민지 지식인 연구에 새로운 轉機가 될 수 있을 것이라고 기대한다. The purpose of this paper focuses on the study of, Choi young-taek, a translator and magazine editor who was trying to succeed in the colonial Korea in the 1920’s. I examined that he had belonged to a right-wing intellectual who accepted Self–Help in colonial Korea. He was influenced by Self–Help or something similar and then began to serialize a translated book, Adversity leads to one’s success(『立身冒險談』) that tells stories about successfully challenged people in The Daily Newspaper. I compared differences in social function between a original book had affected youths in the late Meiji Japan and 「Adversity leads to one’s success」 series in The Daily Newspaper in 1920’s Korea. I think that his conduct of translation expressed a drive to succeed. He wrote poems in the journal of literature and the arts(『泰西文藝新報』) in the late 1910’s and had been known to be not a famous poet. I found that he played an important role in the journal of Literature and the arts as an editor and reporter. It wasn’t simply to introduce western literature and the arts but reflected the point of view of Choi nam-sun in the late 1910’s. Choi nam-sun translated Self-help into Korean in 1918. As you know, It was a turning point in change of the social meaning of ‘self-help’, the keyword of Self-help to be used national ideology that was translated into Korean in the late of Great Han empire. Choi young-taek was an editor and reporter in the women’s discourse(『女子詩論』), a public magazine of Chosen women’s education center, and he published Women’s world(『婦人界』) his own company in the early 1920s. His experience of the journal of literature and the arts at the time of the late 1910’s probably had affected him to be a magazine publisher in the early 1920s. He was a member of munchangsa(文昌社), the family-owned publisher which had been founded in the early 1920s and published magazines. I think that his conduct to have a job as a publisher was related to the will to succeed. As I said before, He serialized a translated book, Adversity leads to one’s success. The source of translation, stories of people who successfully challenged by adversity, was a type of Self-help in Japan. As we know, Self-help was a kind of books which have to be read for a purpose of the success of an individual. In conclusion, Choi’s translation of stories about successfully challenged people realized a value of Self-Help, it would have helped Japanese imperialism to rule colonial Korea. I believe that it is need to study right-wing Korean intellectuals like Choi young-taek who accepted Self-help in modern Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        2003년 국내 중증급성호흡기증후군 진료 현황 및 문제점 분석

        이진수,김은실,정문현,백제중,정선화,안주희,최영화,이선희,고철우,김성범,김민자,박승철,기현균,송재훈,최상호,김양수,이상오,조용균,박영훈,정숙인,김연숙,이흥범,손창희,장성희,정희진,김우주 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.3

        목적 : 2002년 말 중국에서 SARS가 발생한 이후 국내에서도 2003년 10월까지 총 3명의 추정환자, 17명의 의심환자가 보고되었다. 향후 추가적인 SARS의 유행이 우려되는 상황에서, 그간의 SARS 환자 진료에 있어서의 실질적인 준비사항, 진료 현황 등에 대한 조사를 통해 문제점을 파악하여, 향후 더 나은 대비가 될 수 있도록 개선점을 제시하고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : SARS로 의심되는 환자를 진료 경험이 있는 병원의료진을 대상으로 2003년 10월에 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문에는 SARS 환자 진료 시의 실질적인 조치, 진료 현황, 병실, 응급실 및 외래에서의 격리 시설과 준비사항, 보건당국의 관리와 지원에 관한 사항을 포함하였다. 결과 : 대상이 되는 22개 병원 중 17개(17/22, 77.2%) 병원이 설문에 응하였다. SARS 환자를 위한 격리실은 응급실, 외래, 일반병실 및 중환자실에서 각각 9개(9/17, 52.9%), 5개(5/17, 29.4%), 15개(15/16, 93.7%), 4개(4/16, 25%) 병원에서 음압처리가 되어있지 않은 일인실 혹은 다인실이 사용되었고, 1개(1/16, 6.3%) 병원에서만 일반병실에서 음압격리실이 운영되었다. 입원환자의 진찰 시 개인보호구의 착용은 거의 모든 의료기관에서 이루어졌다. 보건당국에서 SARS지정병원의 시설 등을 사전에 확인한 곳은 1곳(1/12, 8.3%)이였고, 14개 병원(14/15, 93.3%)에서는 보건당국에 의뢰한 검사결과를 통하 받지 못하였다. 결론 : 의료기관에서 SARS 환자용 격리실뿐만 아니라 기존의 격리실 설비 등이 미흡하였으며, 특히 중환자실 및 외래의 준비가 더욱 부족하였다. 보건당국의 의료기관에 대한 종합적인 지원이 부족하였고, 병원과의 원활한 연계가 잘 이루어지지 않았다. SARS 만이 아닌 격리를 필요로 하는 질환의 적절한 진료를 위해 향후 병원 시설의 정비와 정부차원에서의 보다 구체적이고 실질적인 대책마련이 필요하다. Background : There was an worldwide outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) originated from China in late 2002. During that period three cases of suspected SARS and 17 cases of probable SARS were reported in Korea. With the concerns about the reemergence of SARS-coV transmission, it is important to be prepared for any possibility. So, this study is aimed to analysis the past measures in managing SARS and propose the amendatory plans to improve the preparedness. Materials & Methods : Questionnaires were collected among clinicians with any experience in managing the probable or suspected SARS cases in Oct. 2003. 17 out of 22 hospitals responded to the questionnaire. The contents in the questionnaire were practical activities, personal equipments, response plans, isolation facilities in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards and intensive care units, and relationship with the public health department. Results : The dedicated isolation rooms in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards, and intensive care units were prepared in 9 (9/17, 52.9%), 5 (5/17, 29.4%), 15 (15/16, 93.7%), and 4 (4/16, 25.0%) hospitals, respectively. Except for one hospital that newly made negative pressure room for SARS, single or multi-bed rooms without airborne infection control were used in all the other hospitals. The personal precaution principles were kept quite well in general wards. Before the designation of SARS hospital by the public health department prior evalution to see if the hospital was suitable for managing SARS was conducted in only 1 (1/12, 8.3%) hospital. The results of laboratory diagnosis were reported back in 1 (1/15, 6.6%) hospital. Conclusions : The isolation facilities which can control airborne infection were almost deficient not only for SARS but also for other respiratory transmissible diseases. For the infection control of transmissible diseases including SARS, more investment is needed on medical facilities and comprehensive support from the public health department required.

      • 노인의 영적 간호요구

        최미혜,김경희,김귀옥,김기숙,김수강,김정신,김춘숙,노흥진,박지연,성혜연,오명선,이선희,이원옥,이윤영,이현수,장명재,차혜경,채정선,홍상희 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was designed to exam the aged's needs for spiritual nursing care. The purpose was to serve as a basis for the development of spiritual nursing practice. The major findings are as follows : 1. The degree of needs for spiritual nursing care as area was that needs of love and relationship mean 22.0, needs of meaning and object mean 28.2, needs of forgiving mean 13.5. Total needs for spiritual nursing care mean 63.7, which was on the upper middle level. The needs of meaning and object was rated highest. 2. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of love and relatiohship wasn't significanlty different. 3. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, needs of meaning and object was significantly different according to two factors : age(F=7.260, p=0.001), religion(F=5.275, p=0.001). Higher needs of meaning and object was possessed by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other. 4. Among the general characteristics of the subjects, four factors made a significantly difference to needs of forgiving : sex(t=-2.851, p=0.006), age(F=8.201, p=0.001), religion(F=6.928, p=0.000), disease(t=2.327, p=0.024). Higher needs of forgiving was possessed by man than woman, by the older than the younger, by the one who have religion than the other, by the one who have disease than the other.

      • 췌장 선방세포암 1예

        이화정,지준호,박승찬,박정철,최은정,서혜진,이원식,이정림,배병조,손경락,이경희 영남대학교 의과대학 2008 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.25 No.2

        Acinar cell carcinoma is a rare tumor that represents 1~2% of al1 pancreatic cancers. Clinical and radiologic findings are inconclusive in this disease Acinar cell carcinoma is characterized by rapid progression and early metastasis, which lead to its poor prognosis. A 41-year-o1d man was admitted to our hospital for abdominal pain. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) showed a splenic mass, which was being invaded by a pancreatic tail mass and which had increased ^(18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake Primary radical distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy were performed. Pathologic findings revealed an acinar cell carcinoma of the Pancreas The patient underwent a total gastrectomy three months later because of gastric recurrence Four months later, multiple hepatic metastases were discovered, and the patient underwent a left hepatectomy During treatment with capecitabine, there was no evidence of tumor progression for 14 months. We report a case of metastatic pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma, which did not progress for an extended period while the patient was being treated with capecitabme.

      • KCI등재

        교잡종 찰옥수수에 대한 연구 III : Ⅲ. 국내 옥수수 유전자원 수집종에 대한 주요 특성 분포

        서정은,주현민,최윤표,홍범용,조양희,주정일,지희정,이희봉 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2007 농업과학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        2006년 국내 각 지역으로부터 수집된 재래종옥수수 유전자원을 관행방법에 의해 파종하고 주요특성별로 분포도를 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 수집된 유전자원에 대한 발아율은 대부분 80∼100%이상의 분포를 보였으나, 일부 수집계통에는 30% 미만의 극히 저조한 발아율을 보였다. 2. 수집자원에 대한 초기생육을 살펴보면 극히 생육이 저조한 것이 40% 정도를 보였고, 극히 우수한 자원은 3%미만으로 나타났다. 3. 간장은 대부분이 150∼199cm범위에 55%가 분포하고 있었으나, l00cm이하가 5%, 250cm이상이 8%로 나타나 수집종간에 큰 차이를 보였다. 4. 주당 분얼수는 1개 미만이 40%의 분포를 보였으나, 일부 수집종에서 2 내지 3개의 분얼수를 보이는 계통이 확인되었다. 5. 개화소요일수는 61∼64일의 범위에서 40%, 57∼60일의 범위에서 30%의 분포를 보였으며, 특히 일부 수집종의 경우 55일 이하의 극조생종도 10% 정도의 분포를 보였다. 6. 이삭길이는 대부분 11∼15cm범위에 60%가 포함되어 있으나, 일부계통에서 5cm미만이 2%, 16∼20cm의 이삭길이도 10%가 분포하였다. Germination ratio on the 300 collected genetic resources showed 80 to 100 percentage, but those of some accessions were very low as below 30 percentage. Early growth phase of most of these lines were very poor while some collected lines were very vigor. Range of stem height showed from 150 to 199cm, but that of some accessions showed below 100cm as five percentage and some of them was over 250cm as eight percentage. Number of tillers per plant appeared less one but some collected lines have two to three tillers per plant. In days to tasseling, some accessions showed more four per plant. Ear length of these accession showed above 60 percentage as 11 to 15cm, while that of some collected lines showed over 10 percentage as 16 to 20cm.

      • KCI등재
      • 원발성 후복막 점액낭샘암종 1예

        지준호,이화정,박승찬,박정철,최은정,서혜진,이원식,이정림,배병조,손경락,이경희 영남대학교 의과대학 2008 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.25 No.2

        Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma is a very rare malignancy, and little is known concerning its Pathogenesis, optimal treatment, and prognosis. A 29-year-o1d pregnant woman (21 weeks) Presented with abdominal discomfort CA 19-9, CA 125, and CEA were normal Abdominal CT scanning revealed a 19x15x13 cm retropentoneal tumor Exploratory laparotomy and tumor excision were performed. Mucinous retropentoneal implants were removed as completely as possible Histologically, the tumor showed focal areas of capsular invasion, but free resection margins The uterus and both ovaries were normal in appearance No adjuvant therapy was pursued. Six months later, Peritoneal and bilateral ovarian metastases were discovered. Hence, we report the details of this case of primary retroperitoneal mucinous Cystadeno-carcinoma and present a review of the literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        2007년 대한감염학회 권장 성인 예방접종 권장안

        강진한,김홍빈,손장욱,이상오,정문현,정희진,최영화,최정현,최준용,최희정 대한감염학회 2008 감염과 화학요법 Vol.40 No.1

        In 2007, the Korean Society of Infectious Diseases recommended an immunization schedule for adults residing in Korea. This recommendation includes four categories: standard immunization for healthy persons, supplementary immunization for persons with underlying illnesses, recommendations for health-care personnel and for international travelers. The Standard Immunization Schedule consists of universal vaccination (tetanus-diphtheria/tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Td/Tdap); hepatitis A vaccine for persons aged 20s; human papilloma virus vaccine for women under 26 years old; meningococcal vaccine for military recruits and college students in dormitories; influenza vaccination for persons aged 50 years or more and pregnant women; and pneumococcal vaccination for persons aged 65 years or more) and catch-up vaccination (hepatitis A vaccine for persons aged 30s; hepatitis B vaccine, varicella and MMR vaccines for persons who have uncertain specific immunities). The Supplementary Immunization Schedule recommends 4 vaccines, i.e., pneumococcal, influenza, meningococcal, and Haemophilus influenzae type b, appropriate to the underlying illnesses, and confirmation of the presence of antibodies to hepatitis A and hepatitis B. The Recommendation for Health-Care Personnel includes universal vaccination (influenza and pertussis) and catch-up vaccination (hepatitis B, measles-mumps-rubella and varicella for seronegative health-care personnel). The Recommended Immunization for International Travelers focuses reinforcement of vaccinations for healthy persons and includes certain immunizations necessary for international travel (yellow fever, meningococcal, plaque, tick-borne encephalitis, and cholera). These guidelines can be seen at www.ksid.or.kr.

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