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      • KCI등재

        장회소설(章回小說)의 새로운 독법(讀法)을 위하여 ―≪유림외사(儒林外史)≫를 중심으로

        홍상훈 한국중국어문학회 2007 中國文學 Vol.53 No.-

        到了≪儒林外史≫問世, 從“四大奇書”開始的中國古代文人敍事轉入到新局面了。 吳敬梓把章回小說和史傳、 筆記、 類書等的傳統敍事樣式集成到這部巨作, 而創新了一個可謂“獨門絶招”的敍事模式。 因此, ≪儒林外史≫成爲了一部又有意思又有意味的, 而且需要文人靜思閱讀的敍事巨作。吳敬梓通觀兩千年“士林”歷史和淸代士紳社會的細情, 而看破了積年層累的制度矛盾所産生的知性落墮落和處在?死的士文化現局。 他看來, 喪失傳統原本之社會使命感却有?自在的淸代士人集團早已變成爲一群“多余”的、 无所用的“社會病根”了。 所以他解剖了這個无望的士人社會, 而抽出了種種典型的“病根標本”――這些標本, 那可以歸納于四大門類: 八股士、 假名士、 賢人、 奇人。 然后他通過文學的形象化工程來“加工”這些標本, 而把?在精心計劃的“自然史博物館”――≪儒林外史≫里展示了。而且, 在這一部連綴“?談”的敍事巨作里, 他對于那些漂泊于“道義”與“勢利”之間, 因而銷盡心靈、 无奈衰落的“士而非士、 儒而非儒”的“多余人群”, 一面暴露他們的丑惡而反諷, 又一面表示同情。 耐人尋味, 吳敬梓自己也通過化爲一個故事人物(杜儀)而成爲一種暴露和反諷 、 同情的對象。 結果, ≪儒林外史≫別有成就了敍事模式上又創新又高雅的一個水平: 在形式方面?近于“說部”, 而在實質上已遠于現成的“說部”――因爲那里面的“話法”和“文法”比較文人化了; 在“作意”方面?近于“史傳”, 而在實質上逈異于現成的“史傳”――因爲那里面的故事大多屬于?章回小說一樣的虛構故事。 所以, 吳敬梓只得給他命了別個新名字――“外史”。

      • KCI등재

        알코올 섭취량에 따른 한의변증설문(DSOM)의 타당성에 대한 연구

        홍상훈,김정은,김성환,박상은,수현,강창완,이인선,Hong, Sang-Hoon,Kim, Jung-Eun,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Park, Sang-Eun,Hong, Su-Hvun,Kang, Chang-Wan,Lee, In-Sun 대한한방내과학회 2009 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.30 No.1

        Purpose : This study was conducted to find the possibility of DSOM (Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine) as a diagnostic method according to alcohol intake. Method : 49 men who drink alcohol over 40g per day and whose AUDIT scores were over 12 were allocated to the drinker group. 30 men who do not drink alcohol at all were allocated to the control (non-drinker) group. The study period was from June 15, 2006 to September 30, 2008. All of both groups were analyzed using DSOM. Result : There were some differences between the drinker group and the non-drinker group in stagnation of Ki(氣滯), deficiency of Yin(陰虛), insufficiency of Yang(陽虛), heat syndrome(熱), dryness (燥), and lung(肺). A group whose gamma-GTP is over twice the normal condition shows meaningful difference in stagnation of Ki(氣滯), heat syndrome(熱), dryness(燥), and insufficiency of Yang(陽虛). Conclusion : We found out that DSOM can be a diagnostic method on alcoholic liver disease patients. However, other studies to supplement it should be continued.

      • Monitoring of the earth using space-based observations

        홍상훈 한국항공우주학회 2012 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2012 No.11

        인공위성으로부터 관측된 원격탐사 위성정보는 지구 관측을 위한 다양한 분야에서 널리 활용되고 있다. 주 활용분야는 지도제작, 안보 감시, 자연재해 감시, 기상, 지질, 해양 등이다. 인간의 눈과 유사한 가시광선 영역 이외에 적외선, 마이크로파 대역의 전자기파를 이용한 원격탐사 정보는 지구에 대한 보다 잘 이해하는데 도움을 준다. 한국항공우주연구원은 인공위성 연구개발뿐만 아니라 위성정보로부터 얻을 수 있는 다양한 이차 정보 등을 해석 연구하고 있으며, 이 논문에서는 다양한 지구관측 위성자료 활용 현황에 대해 알아볼 것이다. Space-based observations have been widely used to monitor earth surfaces for several application areas such as cartography, security & surveillance, natural disaster monitoring, weather, geology, oceanography, agriculture, environmental monitoring, etc. Satellite information with different orbit configuration and various electromagnetic spectrum like infrared, microwave, etc, can be useful to understand earth’s surface. Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) is playing a key role in the satellite as a hub of the nation’s space development. KARI has developed and launched successfully a series of KOMPSAT (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite). In this paper, the status of application using earth observation satellite will be reviewed.

      • 멀티미디어 SoC에 적용되는 임베디드 메모리 구조 및 동향

        홍상훈 경희-다반 ASIC 설계교육센터 2006 경희-다반 ASIC센터 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        SoC 설계의 성공 요소는 빠른 시간 내에 새로운 기능을 효율적으로 구현하는 것으로서, 모듈화되고 검증된 IP를 통합하는 방법이다. 멀티미디어 성능 향상에 따라, 계산량이 많이 요구되는 IP들이 모바일용 SoC에 탑재됨에 따라서 전력소모가 증가되어 battery 사용시간 문제가 크게 대두되었다. 현재 파워소모를 줄이면서 동작성능을 저하시키지 않은 방법으로 clock gating 과 같은 회로 측면의 방식과 다양한 threshold를 갖는 트랜지스터를 사용하는 소자 측면용 소프트웨어를 같이 고려한다면 임베디드 메모리를 사용하여 내부의 프로세서-메모리 대역폭을 증가 시키므로써, energ/transaction을 줄이는 방법이 전체 시스템의 파워소모를 줄이는 가장 효과적인 방법이다. 본 논문에서는 멀티미디어 SoC에 사용되는 높은 대역폭이 가능한 임베디드 메모리 구조들의 장단점 대하여 설명하고, 모바일 응용에 적합한 DRAM 기반 임베디드 메모리 구조 및 설계 방법에 대해서 구체적으로 설명한다.

      • KCI등재

        Parallel Computing on Intensity Offset Tracking Using Synthetic Aperture Radar for Retrieval of Glacier Velocity

        홍상훈 대한원격탐사학회 2019 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.35 No.1

        Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) observations are powerful tools to monitor surface’s displacement very accurately, induced by earthquake, volcano, ground subsidence, glacier movement, etc. Especially, radar interferometry (InSAR) which utilizes phase information related to distance from sensor to target, can generate displacement map in line-of-sight direction with accuracy of a few cm or mm. Due to decorrelation effect, however, degradation of coherence in the InSAR application often prohibit from construction of differential interferogram. Offset tracking method is an alternative approach to make a two-dimensional displacement map using intensity information instead of the phase. However, there is limitation in that the offset tracking requires very intensive computation power and time. In this paper, efficiency of parallel computing has been investigated using high performance computer for estimation of glacier velocity. Two TanDEM-X SAR observations which were acquired on September 15, 2013 and September 26, 2013 over the Narsap Sermia in Southwestern Greenland were collected. A total of 56 of 2.4 GHz Intel Xeon processors (28 physical processors with hyperthreading) by operating with linux environment were utilized. The Gamma software was used for application of offset tracking by adjustment of the number of processors for the OpenMP parallel computing. The processing times of the offset tracking at the 256 by 256 pixels of window patch size at single and 56 cores are; 26,344 sec and 2,055 sec, respectively. It is impressive that the processing time could be reduced significantly about thirteen times (12.81) at the 56 cores usage. However, the parallel computing using all the processors prevent other background operations or functions. Except the offset tracking processing, optimum number of processors need to be evaluated for computing efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        《홍루몽》에 나타난 꿈의 성격

        홍상훈 한국중국어문학회 2012 中國文學 Vol.72 No.-

        從內容較爲簡單的`柏枕幻夢`等六朝志怪小說, 到明末淸初那充滿神秘色彩的多樣夢幻類小說, 中國古代夢幻類小說的敍事也隨之發展起來。 大多數夢幻類小說的敍事都將虛構的夢幻情景與現實相融合, 給讀者展現了一個又一個的似夢非夢, 眞眞假假的奇觀。 淸初《紅樓夢》的作者(們)集傳統夢幻類故事的寫作技巧之長, 用全新的手法, 爲我們展現了一種獨一無二的夢幻境界。 他在《紅樓夢》中將神話與夢幻合二爲一, 同時, 爲了體現 “空-色-情-色-空”的夢幻結構和揭示深刻的主題思想, 又在這種合二爲一的大?架中設置了多層的“夢中夢”情景。 靑?峰?石先是化身爲神瑛侍者到仙界中“神游”了一番, 在他游于太虛之境時, 與絳珠草産生了一段鬚“換淚”的情債史。 當他回到靑?峰之後, 靜極思動, 不免動了凡心。 後來, 在僧道二仙的幇助和警幻仙姑的按排下, 他的靈魂與肉體分離, 分別化爲了“通靈寶玉(本質, 精神)和賈寶玉(肉體, 現象)”。 靑?峰?石後又以“通靈寶玉―賈寶玉”的身分進入了?一個夢幻世界, 卽俗世的賈府。 在賈府中, 他又進入一個“夢中夢”的世界―大觀園。 他在這個世俗的夢幻世界中, 不僅與被分開的“兼美”(林黛玉和薛寶?)上演了一場催人淚下的愛情悲劇, 而且還看到了因禮敎的束縛, 縱欲喪身, 興衰榮辱等世俗情狀所産生的千紅一哭, 萬艶同悲的慘劇。 當嘗遍了世間酸甛苦辣, 看盡了世間百態, 他終于領悟到了窮極色空的眞諦, 而後飄然而去。 從《紅樓夢》中所描寫的多層次多形態的夢, 夢中夢的情境中, 我們不難發現傳統夢幻類敍事中夢境所起到的幾種基本作用。 那便是: (一)預示作品中人物的命運, 推動故事情節的發展; (二)深化人物的性格; (三)隱喩作品的主題等。 ?外, 作者(們)爲整部作品營造出了一種神秘而又玄妙的夢幻色彩, 這不僅極大地提高了故事情節的緊?感和整個故事結構的有機性, 而且還通過似夢非夢, 眞眞假假的故事深刻體現了作品主題思想的哲理性。 總而言之, 《紅樓夢》爲我們描?了一個充滿敎訓性的, 長篇的夢境。 在這個夢境中又有無數的夢中夢。 ?外, 該書還向我們揭示了一個具有夢幻性的哲理: 一切夢幻都是虛虛實實, 眞假莫辨。

      • 경계표현법을 기본으로 한 특징형상 모델러의 개발

        홍상훈,서효원,이상조 대한기계학회 1993 대한기계학회논문집 Vol.17 No.10

        By virtue of progress of computer science, CAD/CAM technology has been developed greatly in each area. But the problems in the integration of CAD/CAM are not yet solved completely. The reason is that the exchange of data between CAD and CAM is difficult because the domains of design and manufacturing are different in nature. To solve this problem, a feature based modeller is developed in this study, which makes it possible to communicate between design and manufacturing through features. The modeller has feature, the concept of semi-bounded plane is introduced, and implemented as a B-rep sheet model using half-edge data structure. The features are then created on a part by local modification of the boundary on a part based on feature template information. This approach generalizes the modelling of features in a geometry model.

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