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        제국시기(1871-1914) 프로이센 실업·직업교육제도의 형성

        유진영 한국독일사학회 2010 독일연구 Vol.- No.19

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Umwandlungsprozess des beruflichen Ausbildungswesens von der traditionellen Handwerkslehre zum modernen Ausbildungswesen im Königreich Preußen untersucht. In der Hochindustrialisierungsphase zwischen 1871 und 1914 erlebte das technische Ausbildungswesen auf verschiedenen Gebieten, wie dem Handel, der Industrie und dem Handwerk und der Kunst, durch die Einführung der Fachausbildung einen stetigen Wandlungs- und Anpassungsprozess. Diese Arbeit untersucht in diesem Zusammenhang nicht nur die wichtigen Beiträge von staatlicher Seite, sondern auch folgende zivile Beiträge: die Begleitung des Industrialisierungsprozesses, private Initiativen zur Gründung und individuellen Entwicklung gewerblicher Schulen, Fachmännerversammlungen, -verbände und -organisationen, pädagogische Prozesse in der Berufspädagogik, Förderung des staatlichen Interesses. Seit Einführung der Gewerbefreiheit 1810 in Preußen wurde die Atmosphäre zunehmend liberaler. Das spielte eine wichtige Rolle, denn diese Stimmung war eine Voraussetzung für derartige freiwillige gewerbliche Schulgründungen. Unter den genannten Umständen wuchs der Bedarf der Industrie an Ausbildung von qualifizierten Fachleuten, und es entwickelten sich dementsprechend neue Formen von Ausbildungsstätten. In Preußen war es vor allem notwendig, das niedere und mittlere gewerbliche (berufliche) Ausbildungswesen wie Fortbildungs- und Fachschulen zu reformieren. Deshalb strebten Verwaltungsbeamte, Politiker, Unternehmer, Handwerker, Pädagogen und Schulmänner vereint nach Leistungssteigerung, Konkurrenzfähigkeit und Sinn für handwerkliche und technische Qualität. Das heutige duale Ausbildungssystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist das Ergebnis einer langjährigen, tief in den Traditionen der einzelnen Verbände verwurzelten Entwicklung. In diesem Sinne leistet die Untersuchung der Entwicklung im Königreich Preußen in der hochindustrialisierten Zeit des Kaiserreichs (1871-1914) einen Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis des dualen Systems.

      • 독일 산업자본주의 발달과정에서 기업의 인력양성 교육문화의 형성에 관한 연구

        유진영 문화사학회 2012 역사와 문화 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 19세기 독일의 산업자본주의 발달과정과 국가의 산 업화 인력양성 지원방안에는 어떤 것들이 있었는지, 더불어 산업계에서는 이 를 어떻게 수용하고 해결방안을 모색했는지 알아보기로 한다. 당시 대기업으 로서 산업화의 시작을 알리며 중심축을 형성했던 여러 기업 중에 철도 기계 분야의 대기업인 보르지히(Borsig), 전기 분야의 대기업인 아에게(AEG)와 지 멘스(Siemens)에서는 어떤 자사 인력양성 모델이 있었는지 살펴보겠다. 끝으 로 이런 산업자본주의 시대의 당대 기업의 인력양성현상이 오늘날의 독일의 인력양성에 어떤 영향을 미치며 또 연속성을 갖는지가 검토될 것이다. This paper studies the vocational education culture in enterprises, which emerged in the rapid capitalized industrialization period in Germany in 1871-1918. During this time, companies began establishing their own vocational systems. In Germany, this industrial-educational cooperation between schools and companies through a vocational and educational system has been promoted for a long time as an education tradition in society. After the secondary education I system, students receive theoretical education in vocational schools and three-year practical education in the schools’ partner firms or institutions, with which the schools’ students sign a contract at the start of their practical education. This is the so-called “dual system.” This dual system deserves to be not only in the secondary education system, but also in the university system, that is, the higher education system. In this traditional way, enterprises such as Borsig, AEG, Siemens, Volkswagen, etc. make a lasting and faithful contract with students, their future workers. Companies are interested in their future qualified workers because they want to reduce the cost of educating and training the youth to adopt new structures and new work. This enterprise education culture has persisted for over 100 years now.

      • KCI등재

        독일 통일 후 구동독(신연방주) 직업교육훈련의 변화 - 1990년대를 중심으로

        유진영 한국독어독문학교육학회 2021 獨語敎育 Vol.82 No.82

        Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf den Bereich der beruflichen Bildung unter den sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland nach der Vereinigung. Insbesondere möchten wir die Veränderungen in Ostdeutschland berücksichtigen, da die Vereinigung zu raschen Veränderungen in Ostdeutschland geführt hat. Die beiden deutschen Staaten haben sich nach dem Berufsbildungssystem erstmals unter das gleiche System des dualen Systems begeben, aber seit den 60er Jahren haben sie ihre berufliche Umgebung und das Berufsbildungssystem verändert, aber auch die Form ihrer Arbeitsplätze. Diese Unterscheidung in der Berufsausübung war auf die unterschiedliche Entwicklung der Volkswirtschaften beider Länder zurückzuführen, und das duale System der beruflichen Bildung war ein System, das eng mit der Wirtschaft verbunden war. Das Berufsausbildungssystem Ostdeutschlands ist also nicht das gleiche wie das Westdeutschlands, sondern ein anderes. Das größte Problem, das nach der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands in der Region Ostdeutschland aufgeworfen werden kann, ist die Inkonsistenz zwischen der Wirtschafts- und Industriestruktur und der Beschäftigungsstruktur. Die Massenarbeitslosigkeit wurde natürlich bereits im Zuge der Entscheidung über die Vereinheitlichung angekündigt. 본 연구에서는 통일 후 나타난 사회, 경제적 변화 가운데 직업교육훈련의 분야를 중점으로 다루고자 한다. 통일 직후 1990년대 상황에서 동, 서독의 통합으로 구서독의 변화보다는 구동독의 변화가 급격하게 나타났으므로 동독에서의 변화에 주목하고자 한다. 지금까지 통일 이후 동독에서의 직업교육훈련의 변화를 다룬 국내 선행연구로서 이병준(1999), 강일규(2000), 홍선이(2002), 권오현(2006), 강구섭(2009), 정미경(2016) 등의 연구가 다수 있다. 본 연구는 국내의 선행연구에서 고찰한 연구내용과 문제점을 정리하면서 최근 독일의 연방직업교육연구소(BIBB)에서 출간한 연구(2015) 및 독일연방문서보존소의 사료를 중심으로 기존의 연구에서 밝혀지지 않은 당시의 학교 상황과 구동독에서의 움직임을 보다 상세하게 고찰하고자 한다. 특히 통일 후 개교한 학교의 현장에서 나타난 불안정한 상태와 동서독 직업교육 책임소재기관에서 곧 닥칠 흡수통합을 대비한 상황 등을 살펴봄으로써 통일 직후의 상황에 대해 이해할 수 있다. 이처럼 동서독 간의 준비과정이 있었음에도 불구하고 통일 이후 10여 년간 불안하고 안정화되지 못했던 직업교육상황을 고찰함으로써 우리나라의 통일계획 가운데 교육 분야, 그 가운데서도 직업교육 분야와 청년실업의 문제가 어떻게 전개될지를 고민해보는 계기를 마련하고자 한다. 특히 동서독 통일과정에서 다른 분야도 그렇지만 청소년들이 직업선택에 있어서 느끼는 심리적 차별은 컸던 것으로 보인다. 국가체제가 바뀌고 자격이 바뀌고 교육과정이 변화하면서 2등 국민으로 느꼈을 당대 청소년의 심정을 짐작할 수 있다. 2장에서는 통일 이후 구동독의 일반적인 사회 경제적 변화를 살펴보고 3장에서 구동독의 직업교육의 변화 및 문제점을 들여다보았다. 이를 통해 통일이후 초반인 1990년대 동독의 사회경제 변화가운데 직업교육통합과정에서 나타난 다양한 실업문제와 사회문제 등을 추적하였다.

      • KCI등재

        First-pass Stress Perfusion MR Imaging Findings of Apical Hypertrophic ardiomyopathy: with Relation to LV Wall Thickness and Late Gadolinium-enhancement

        유진영,전은주,김여군,최상일,최동주 대한자기공명의과학회 2014 Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Vol.18 No.1

        Purpose : To evaluate the prevalence and pattern of perfusion defect (PD) on first-pass stress perfusion MR imaging inrelation with the degree of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and late gadolinium-enhancement (LGE) in patients with apicalhypertrophic cardiomyopathy (APH). Materials and Methods: Cardiac MR imaging with first-pass stress perfusion, cine, and LGE sequence was performed in26 patients with APH from January 2008 to December 2012. We analyzed a total of 416 segments for LV wall thicknesson end-diastolic phase of cine images, and evaluated the number of hypertrophied segment and number of consecutivehypertrophied segment (NCH). We assessed the presence or absence of PD and LGE from all patients. If there was PD, wesubdivided the pattern into sporadic (sporadic-PD) or ring (ring-PD). Using univariate logistic method, we obtained theindependent predictor for presence of overall PD and ring-PD. Results: PD on stress perfusion MRI was observed in 20 patients (76.9%), 12 of them (60%) showed ring-PD. Maximal LVwall thickness and number of hypertrophied segment were independent predictors for overall PD (all, p < 0.05). NCH withmore than 3 segments was an additional independent factor for ring-PD. However, LGE was not statistically related withPD in patients with APH. Conclusion: About three quarters of the patients with APH showed PD, most of them represented as ring-PD. LVH degreeor distribution was related with pattern of PD, however, LGE was not related with PD. Therefore, the clinical significanceof PD in the patients with APH seems to be different from those with non-APH, and further comparison study betweenthe two groups should be carried out.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김나지움교사 양성제도의 형성 (19-20세기 초)

        유진영 한국독일사학회 2014 독일연구 Vol.- No.27

        With the establishment of gymnasiums in the early 19th century, gymnasium teachers were introduced as national civil servants. Starting from teacher education at Gedike’s Gymnasium in Berlin, gymnasium teachers emerged as new workers, separate from the existing group of theologians. This occupational group of teachers, which were referred to as “academic educators,” represented the educated class called “educated class citizens (Bildungsbügertum).”This teaching job was born through the state’s career initiative. The teacher exam was introduced according to Humboldt’s model, “Examen pro facultate docendi” in 1810. Gymnasium teacher candidates completed the first and second tests in the early 19th to 20th centuries. This paper defines the history of gymnasium teachers as the history of the test system and considers how such test system developed. The first test was formulated based on Humboldt’s test in 1810. It included questions from the university studies and general questions. The second test was composed based on the training course in the gymnasium after the university studies and on the seminar, which consisted of the year of seminar (Seminarjahr) and the year of the pilot (Probejahr). Later on, Prussian teacher education directly reflected the two-track system of schools, which persists today.

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