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      • KCI등재

        김조규 시에 나타난 여성상 변모 양상 연구

        신선옥 중앙어문학회 2019 語文論集 Vol.78 No.-

        By analyzing Kim Joh Kyu’s poetry, this study aims to show the evolution of female images in Kim’s poetry. Kim’s poems were analyzed in chronological order: poems created before 1945, from 1945 to 1953, and from 1954 to 1989 were analyzed, respectively, on the ground that female images in Kim’s poems created before Korea’s liberation from Japan’s rule and those created after the division of the Korean Peninsula display different characteristics. In Kim’s poems, women are not only individuals who have witnessed history and participated in the construction of their own country but also symbols of their motherland. Women portrayed in Kim’s poems from before 1945 were from the farmer families before the Korean Peninsula was colonized, embodying women’s primitiveness and motherhood. After the outbreak of the Korean War on June 25, 1950, Kim’s poems highlighted women’s role in wars, demonstratin g their subjectivity through their active roles in history. Since the division of the Korean Peninsula, Kim used factories as stages for women, suggesting their subjectivity in the construction of their country and in work. Therefore, from the colonial period to the 1980s, the female images depicted in Kim Joh Kyu’s poetry have shifted from the embodiment of the male speaker’s homesickness to the laborers 321 김조규 시에 나타난 여성상 변모 양상 연구who have camaraderie with male speakers. Rather than emphasizing only such grand historical narration as the Korean War and the socialist construction of North Korea, this study traces the historical memory and personal experience of the women in modern-day Korean Peninsula, providing important references for reconstructing Korean women’s history. 본고는 『김조규 시 전집』을 연구 대상으로 하여 김조규 시에 나타난 여성상 변모 양상을 고찰하고자 한다. 이에 본고에서는 김조규의 시를 1945년 이전, 1945-1953년까지, 1954-1989년까지 세 단계로 나누어 살펴볼 것인데, 이유는 김조규 시에 나타난 여성이 광복 전후와 분단 후 조국이라는 시공간 속에서 서 로 다른 이미지로 구현되었기 때문이다. 김조규 시에서 여성은 조국 대지를 상 징하는가 하면, 역사를 경험하고 조국을 건설하는 개인으로 등장하기도 한다. 1945년 이전의 김조규 시에서 여성은 전근대적인 농가에 배치되면서 여성의 모성이 강조되었고, 광복 후 6·25전쟁시기의 시에서 여성은 전쟁터에 배치되 면서 역사를 경험하는 주체로 구현되었으며, 분단 후의 시에서 여성은 각종 일터에 배치되면서 조국의 건설자와 일하는 주체로 구현되었다. 그러므로 식민 지시기에서부터 20세기 80년대에 이르기까지의 김조규 시에서 여성은 남성인 시적 화자의 향수의 대상으로부터 남성과 동지적 감정을 공유하는 노동의 주 체로 변화하는 양상을 보여주었다. 이런 연구는 한반도의 근현대사와 6·25전 쟁 및 북한의 사회주의건설 등 거대한 역사적 기억이 강조되는 시점에서 여성 의 역사적, 개인적 체험을 뒤돌아보게 한다.

      • KCI등재

        『朝天航海錄』에서 山東省의 노선과 그 주변 지역의 산악 문화 고찰

        신선옥(申先玉),유함함(劉涵涵) 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.38

        By investigating the travelling route on land in Shandong Province recorded in 『Jo Chun Hang He Rok』(the record from July 3rd, 1624 to October 5th, 1625)and the mountain culture of the surrounding areas, this study tries to explore the tourist route featuring mountains and the important role played by Qianfo Mountain in China-Korea communication and exchange. With this aim, this paper focuses on the analysis of the scenery, historical sites and customs in Shandong. Through this study, not only can mountain-focus sightseeing route be found, but also the role of medium and value of 『Jo Chun Hang He Rok』 in tourism development.

      • KCI등재


        신선옥 중국어문연구회 2019 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.96

        Hu Mingshu’s literary works cover various genres, such as novel, poetry, prose, fairy tale and review. However, there has not been adequate research on him; the reason is that his works embody salient features of the age and consciousness of resistance. In the1930s and 1940s, Hu Mingshu found two literary magazines, Poetry Monthly and Poetry; but there are huge gaps in the study of his poetics and poems. Poetics refers to the literary theory or literary criticism of poetry, reflecting a poet’s consciousness and conception of poetry composition. By publishing Poetry, a monthly started in the 1930’s, Hu Mingshu made considerable contribution to promoting the development of modern theory of literature and art in China and was actively involved in the construction of modern Chinese poetics. The literature on Hu’s poetics has revealed the features of the evolution of modern poetry theories in China, bearing significant reference value for the research of new poetics in China. With an attempt to unfold the development path of modern poetics in China, this paper has reconstructed Hu’s modern poetics, shedding light on Hu’s thought for poetry and redefining his position in the history of modern Chinese literature. This paper provides a reference for the construction of a theoretical system of Chinese poetry, thus enriching the existing research findings of modern Chinese poetics.

      • KCI우수등재

        黃鋼의 북한 소재 작품집 『리신자꾸우냥』 연구

        신선옥 국어국문학회 2023 국어국문학 Vol.- No.202

        Taking Young Lady Li Sinja, the collected works of Huang Gang, as the research object, this paper presents the image of North Korea created by Chinese in the 1960s and discusses the significance of Huang Gang’s works to today. First, Huang Gang’s critiques of the opera Bulgeun seondongwon started with his interpretation of the policies issued by North Korea for literature and art. With the trend of adapting Marxism to Chinese context, Chinese literary society regarded Mao Zedong’s Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art as the theoretical basis and guidelines of literary creation and critiques. Against such background, Huang Gang interpreted Korea’s policies for literature and art and illustrated how North Korean writers created literary works in the language system worked out by the central committee of Korean Workers’ Party, so as to show his view that literature was created for revealing truth and facilitating ideological fights. Second, this paper is showing the spatial image of North Korea portrayed by Huang Gang in his reportage. As an observer with clear purpose, Huang Gang described North Korea as a society with high labor productivity and integrated his views into the description. North Korea was also portrayed by him as a cosmopolitan, modern, industrialized and advanced country. Such a characteristic of North Korea symbolizes the image of a socialist country that China wanted to build. Finally, in the conclusion part, the significance of Huang Gang’s writings to the present is expounded. Huang Gang visited North Korea as a member of a Chinese cultural delegation, making an observation of every aspect of this country and putting it into writing. His writing conformed to China’s national strategy then, reflecting the characteristics of regional and national studies that Chinese academic society focuses on today. Therefore, North Korea-related writings by Huang Gang needs to be re-examined to avoid being misunderstood as a tribute to socialism. 본고는 黃鋼의 작품집 『리신자꾸우냥』을 연구 텍스트로 하여 1960년대 중국인에 의하여 구축된 북한의 이미지를 살펴보면서 현재 시점에서 黃鋼의 텍스트가 나타내는 의미를 논의하였다. 먼저, 희곡 작품 『붉은 선동원』에 대한 黃鋼의 평론은 북한의 문예 정책에 대한 독해로 전개되었다는 점을 분석하였다. 그 당시 중국 문학계에서는 중국의 마르크스주의 중국화 사조 속에서 마오쩌둥의 “옌안강화”를 문학 창작과 비평의 이론적 근거와 지도적 사상으로 확립하였다. 이런 배경하에 黃鋼은 북한의 문예 정책을 독해하고 로동당중앙의 언어체계하에 문학 창작을 하는 북한 작가들의 행위를 서술함으로써 현실과 정치적 투쟁을 위하여 문학 창작을 해야 한다는 이념을 얻게 되었다. 다음, 黃鋼의 보고문학 작품을 중심으로 그가 구성한 북한의 공간적 이미지를 살펴봤다. 黃鋼은 목적 지향이 뚜렷한 관찰자로서 보고문학 작품에서 북한을 생산적이고 효율적인 노동 현장으로 구성하였으며 그 공간에 관념과 이론을 관통시켜 북한을 세계적, 현대화, 공업화, 도시적, 선진적 등으로 특징화했다. 이렇게 특징화된 북한은 그 당시 중국에서 건설하고자 하는 사회주의 나라의 모습을 상징한다. 마지막으로, 결론 부분에서는 黃鋼의 텍스트가 현재 시사하는 바가 무엇인지 논의하였다. 黃鋼은 중국문화대표단의 일원으로 북한을 방문하여 북한의 이모저모를 관찰하고 문자화하였는데 이는 그 당시 중국의 국가적 전략에 따른 글쓰기였다. 이런 점은 오늘날 중국 학계에서 주로 다루고 있는 지역과 국가별 연구의 특징을 드러내고 있다. 따라서 黃鋼의 북한 관련 텍스트는 자칫 사회주의 칭송문으로 오해받을 처지에서 벗어나 새롭게 살펴볼 가치가 있다.

      • 온라인 마켓플레이스에서 중개자와 판매자의 신뢰 및 위험에 대한 연구 : 대리인 이론의 관점에서

        신선옥,박정연,김기문 한국경영정보학회 2017 한국경영정보학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.12

        온라인 마켓플레이스에서 소비자는 복수의 거래 대상 들(중개자, 판매자)과 상호작용하며 거래 의사결정을 한다. 그러므로 온라인 마켓플레이스를 대상으로 한 연 구에서는 중개자에 대한 신뢰 및 위험과 판매자에 대한 신뢰 및 위험을 구분하고 이러한 변수들을 연구에 포괄 적으로 반영할 필요성이 제기된다. 따라서 본 연구는 중개자와 판매자 역할과 책임의 명백한 차이를 인식하고 중개자와 판매자의 관계를 주인-대리인 관계로 설 정하여 소비자의 거래 의사결정을 설명하는 이론적 모형을 수립하고 실증한다. 연구 결과 본 연구에서 제안 한 판중방향 연구모형이 충분히 지지되는 것으로 나타 났다. 이러한 결과는 판매자에 대한 신뢰수준과 인지된 위험이 중개자의 신뢰와 위험에 영향을 미친다는 방향설정이 소비자들의 재구매의도를 설명하는 데 더 적합함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        민국시기 중국에서의 한국문학 비평 양상 연구

        신선옥(申先玉) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.56

        Based on the journals published from 1912 to 1949, this paper investigates the characteristics of Korean literary criticism published in China during the Republican Period. This study can not only advance the literary communication between China and South Korea, but also provide basic data for the longitudinal study of communication and acceptability of Korean literature in China. The existing scholarship relevant to the theme of this paper is based on modern Korean novels and poetry, merely studying Chinese translation of Korean literature and the acceptability, overlooking Chinese scholars’views and understanding of Korean literature. This is out of the fact that Korean literature, compared with Western and Japanese literature that featured realism, drew less attention from Chinese scholars. However, it was in the Republican Period that Chinese modern literature and academic studies flourished, so Korean literary criticism published then was able to reflect the heights foreign literature studies achievedin that era, and helpful to fully understand the acceptability of Korean literature within Chinese academia. Based on the variations in language for criticism, literary research methods, and textual features, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Korean literary criticism made by Chinese scholars during the Republican Period, demonstrating Chinese scholars’ different understanding, their acceptability of Korean literature and the characteristics of their researches at that time. In short, this study is of practical and referential significance for the present communication and research of Korean literary in China.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스어 섭취 동사의통사·의미속성연구

        신선옥 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2023 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.48

        The purpose of this article is to syntactically and semantically analyze and systematically describe French verbs of ingestion. To this end, the verbs of this class will be defined according to their syntactic and semantic properties, and they will be classified into more detailed subclasses, and the common properties that characterize each class will be described. Through this, ultimately, it is intended to show that this method is an effective method to provide detailed and accurate descriptions of verb vocabularies and furthermore individual vocabularies of other classes. Verbs of ingestion are verbs that refer to ‘acts of consuming substances through the mouth of humans and animals’, such as avaler, boire, chipoter, dîner, goûter, manger, and prendre. Not all of these verbs of ingestion exhibit the same semantic properties and syntactic behavior. In fact, it is syntactically realized in the form of intransitive verbs, transitive verbs, and pronominal verbs, and semantically, it shows different linguistic properties depending on the subject of ingestion, ingestion method and ingestion target. This difference in syntactic and semantic attributes shows that intake verbs should be subclassed and treated. Under this position and goal, in the following, the classes of ingestion verbs are first established, and the subclasses subdivided based on the syntactic and semantic properties of the verbs belonging to them are established to reveal the unique properties of the ingestion verbs belonging to each class.

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