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        정치 담화에 나타나는 ‘통속어’에 대한 언론의 담론 구축 양상 연구

        백승주 ( Baek Seung-joo ) 한국기호학회 2017 기호학연구 Vol.52 No.-

        이 연구는 노무현 대통령과 박근혜 대통령의 발화에 대한 언론의 담론 구성 과정을 ‘통속어’의 개념을 중심으로 살펴보는 것을 목표로 한다. 통속어는 단순한 어휘나 표현의 문제가 아닌 언어 표준 또는 표준어와의 관계 속에서 파악되어야 하는 개념으로, ‘일상성’, ‘통속성’, ‘구어성’이라는 특징을 갖는다. 이렇게 통속어는 실제 우리 생활 속에서 가장 많이 사용되는 언어 양식이지만 표준어보다 낮은 위세를 가졌기 때문에 일반 언중들은 자신들이 이러한 언어 양식을 사용하고 있다는 사실을 인지하지 못한다. 즉 한국 사회에서 ‘국어’란 모든 성원이 모든 장면에서 동일한 언어를 사용하는 ‘단일’하고 ‘균질한’ 언어 체계로 표상되는데, 이러한 표상 아래 통속어를 비롯한 실제 언어생활에서 사용되는 언어 변이형들은 은폐된다. 그런데 이렇게 은폐된 통속어가 한국인들에게 다시 발견되는 일이 일어났다. 이 발견은 노무현과 박근혜 두 대통령의 발화를 통해 이루어졌는데, 본고에서는 한국의 언론들이 통속어를 사용한 대통령들의 발화에 대해 어떻게 담론을 구축하는지 살펴보았다. 분석 결과 노무현 대통령의 통속어 사용은 ‘통속성’이 많이 드러났는데 언론에서는 이러한 노무현 대통령의 발화 양식을 그의 계급적 정체성과 연결시켜 그가 통치자로서 자질이 없음을 부각시켰다. 박근혜 대통령의 통속어 사용의 경우는 구어성이 두드러졌다. 언론에서는 구어성을 인지적 결손(deficit)의 표지로 가공한 후 박근혜 대통령을 정상적인 언어를 가지지 못한 미성숙한 여성으로 타자화시켰다. 두 대통령의 발화에 대한 언론의 담론 구성 양상은 한국 사회의 언론이 국어라는 헤게모니 장치의 일부로 기능한다는 점을 보여준다. This study aims to examine the process of constructing the discourse of the media on the utterances of President Roh Moo-hyun and President Park Geun-hye, focusing on the concept of “vernacular”. Vernacular is a concept that should be grasped in relation to a language standard or a standard language, and has characteristics of ‘everydayness’, ‘popularity’, and ‘orality’. In addition, vernacular refers to the form of speaking rather than to vocabularies or expressions. This is the most commonly used language form in our lives, but it has lower prestige than the standard language, so ordinary people do not realize that they are using this language form. But what happened was that concealed vernacular was found in Koreans. This discovery was made through the speeches of two presidents, Roh Moo-hyun and Park Geun-hye. In this article, I examined how Korean media constructs discourses about presidential utterances. As a result of the analysis, President Roh Moo-hyun’s use of vernacular has revealed popularity aspect of vernacular. The media has linked the speech style of President Roh with his class identity and emphasized that he is not qualified as a ruler. In the case of President Park Geun-hye, many characteristics of spoken language were found in vernacular forms used by president Park. In the media, Park’s speech, which show a lot of spoken characteristics, are presented as evidence of cognitive deficits. Based on this, the media made President Park Geun-hye as an immature woman who does not have a normal language. The aspects of the discourse of the media about the speeches of the two presidents shows that the media in Korean society functions as a part of a hegemonic device called ‘national language’.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        『외국인을 위한 한국어 학습자 사전』에 수록된 시각기호의 기능과 양상 : 기호학적 관점을 중심으로

        백승주(Baek Seung-joo) 한국사전학회 2009 한국사전학 Vol.- No.14

        This paper aims to examine semiotic architectures of the visual signs contained within the Learner’s Dictionary of Korean. In order to understand the functions of visual signs in dictionaries, I introduce the key concepts of semiotic theoriesancrage, relais, entropy, redundancy, istopie, and motivation. These theoretical concepts provide the base criteria for analysis of visual signs in dictionaries. First, I discuss the term ‘ancrage’, and ‘relais’, which were originated by Barthes. He insisted that linguistic elements in a text can serve to ‘anchor’ the meaning of and image. Conversely, an image can anchor a verbal text. This is the reason why visual signs in learners’ dictionary should be considered an essential factor. Second I examine charts, illustrations, and photos in the Learner’s Dictionary of Korean through the model of semiotic architecture. In many cases, inappropriate use of visual signs can cause a problem with understanding due to their size, shape or color. To conclude, this investigation provides concrete criteria for the development of visual signs in language learners’ dictionaries.

      • KCI등재

        멀티미디어 어휘 주석과 학습자 인지 양식이 우연적 한국어 어휘 학습에 미치는 영향

        백승주 ( Seung Joo Baek ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2011 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.14 No.3

        This study examines the differential effect of four types of annotation on Korean incidental vocabulary learning in a multimedia reading setting and the interaction between learner`s cognitive style and annotation type by adult intermediate Chinese learners of Korean as a second language(N=43). As for the type of annotation, four groups were formed: A text annotation group, a picture annotation group, a text-picture mixed annotation group and a control group. And as for learners` cognitive style, it was divided into the visualizer and verbalizer. After dividing the entire into 4 groups, homogeneity pretest, reading comprehension test, unannounced immediate vocabulary posttest were conducted. The study found that the text-picture mixed group and the picture annotation group outperformed the text annotation group and the control group on the vocabulary test. However, there was no significant interaction between annotation type and cognitive style. The results showed that text-picture mixed annotation and picture annotation facilitate incidental vocabulary learning and that they can be used as an complementary method to incidental learning of enormous amounts of low frequency vocabulary which cannot be sufficiently covered in current KSL curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육에서 대화 분석 방법론의 수용 양상과 발전 가능성

        백승주(Baek, Seung-joo) 중앙어문학회 2015 語文論集 Vol.61 No.-

        이 연구는 한국어교육 연구 분야에서 ‘구어 담화’ 연구의 경향을 살펴보고 대화분석론(Conversation Analysis)이나 대화문법론(Dialogue Grammar)과 같은 대화분석론이 한국어교육 연구 분야에서 어떻게 수용되었는지 살펴보고 향후 발전 가능성을 고찰하는 것에 목적이 있다. 한국어교육 분야에서 구어 담화는 ‘화행 연구’, ‘담화표지 연구’, ‘담화 및 구어문법’ 연구를 중심으로 이루어져 왔다. 이러한 연구는 많은 성과를 거두었으나 화행을 의사소통의 기본 단위로 설정하거나 실제 상호 작용이 배제된 자료를 연구 대상으로 삼는다는 점에서 태생적 한계를 가지고 있었다. 다음으로 대화분석론(CA)과 대화문법론의 수용 양상을 살펴보았는데, 대화분석론의 경우 한국어 대화의 구조를 파악하는 구체적인 방법틀로 기대되었던 것과 달리 몇몇 개념만 단편적으로 수용되는 양상을 보이고 있었다. 그러나 대화분석론의 분석도구는 조사나 어미 같은 문법범주가 행위가 어떻게 연결되는지 보여줄 수 있다는 점에서 재발견될 필요가 있다. 대화문법론의 경우 한국어교육에 대화문법론의 방법론을 적용하려는 시도는 소수의 연구자들에 머무르고 있다. 그러나 최근 여러 연구자들에게 ‘대화원형’의 개념이 ‘실제성’과 관련하여 주목받고 있다. 또한 대화문법론은 언어교육학의 이론적 배경 중 하나인 화행론을 대체할 수 있는 언어 이론으로서의 가능성을 가지고 있다. The aim of this study is to examine the acceptance aspects and development potential of the conversation analysis methodology in Korean language teaching. This study is organized as follows. In the first section, a review of oral discourse studies in Korean language teaching is conducted to determine the trends and limitations of these studies. The second section explores how conversation analysis (CA) is perceived in Korean language teaching, and the potentials of CA in Korean language teaching. The third section investigates the features of studies based on the methodology of dialogue grammar. Finally, the discussion in the third section shows that dialogue grammar can be substituted for speech act theory, which is used as a theoretical background in language education studies.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육에서의 실제성 연구를 위한 구어의 특징 재고

        백승주 ( Seung Joo Baek ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2016 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.44 No.-

        This study is an in depth look at the characteristics of spoken language, and how these characteristics can effect the authenticity of Korean textbooks. The results of this study can be divided into four parts: 1) the differences between the productive units ``intonation units`` and ``sentences``. 2) the function of the regulatory unit 3) the function of constructional schema 4) spoken grammar as procedural knowledge. The first part of this study discusses the features of the intonation unit. The Intonation unit performs the function of a productive unit of verbal utterances. But dialogues in Korean textbooks are written in sentences which can lead to serious problems in authenticity. Second, the function of the regulatory unit is examined. The regulatory unit plays an important role in managing the flow of information in conversations. Third, it was determined that constructional schema is related with interaction and CTRP(complex transition relevance place). Fourth, analysis showed that spoken grammar should be considered dynamic and procedural knowledge, not declarative knowledge. The result of this study can be applied to researching the authenticity of Korean language textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        대학 강의 담화에 나타난 관여 유발 전략 -마이클 샌델 교수의 “정의: 무엇이 옳은 것인가?” 강의를 중심으로-

        백승주 ( Seung Joo Baek ) 한국화법학회 2015 화법연구 Vol.0 No.29

        The aim of this study is to provide an analysis of strategies for eliciting involvement in the discourses of college lecture. In order to initially determine what these strategies might be, the lecture “Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do” with Michael Sandel at Harvard University was analyzed. The data analyzed using the methodology of classroom conversation structure analysis. Within the context of this study, involvement strategy can be divided into two categories: macro-elicitation and micro-elicitation. In this study, macro-elicitation involvement strategies such as “a topic as a medium-setting strategy”, “topic and theme construction strategy”, etc. were directly related to the way of presenting, developing, and maintaining pedagogical themes. Also, the results showed that lecturers utilized narrative strategy, dramatization frame strategy, and other similar micro-elicitation involvement strategies in their lectures. Narrative strategy can be considered an efficient way to present a vivid situation that relates to a pedagogical theme. Lecturers also used dramatization frame strategy to make their conversations with students into a scene, thus creating a pedagogical theme. The research showed that these strategies helped elicit student involvement in the contents of the lecture.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        야기 가즈오와 가모다 쇼지 작품 비교 연구

        우관호(Woo, Kwan-Ho),백승주(Baek, Seung-Joo) 한국조형디자인학회 2008 조형디자인연구 Vol.11 No.3

        Yagi Kazuo (1918–79) and Kamoda Shoji (1933-1983) are two of the greatest names representing contemporary ceramic arts in Japan. Yagi Kazuo is considered the father of avant-garde ceramics, who coined ‘obuje-yaki (kiln-fired object),’ the Japanese term for non-functional ceramics. Kamoda Shoji is considered the artist who opened up a new horizon of ceramic arts by bringing two aspects of ceramics – utilitarian purpose and beauty – into perfect harmony. This paper seeks to compare the personal backgrounds, characteristics of works, and philosophies of art and life of these two most influential potters, Yagi Kazuo and Kamoda Shoji, and confirm the validity of evaluations on them by the Japanese ceramic art community today. Studies on the interrelationship between Yagi and Kamoda are based on papers by art critics and curators including Matsuhara Ryuichi, Kaneko Kenji, and Unagami Masaomi. The studies are summarized as follows: First, according to Matzuhara and Kaneko, both Yagi and Kamoda always understood the structural frames of their works and learned earlythat ceramic art was not simply an art of clay and fire. It is far more. Accordingly, Matzuhara and Kaneko assumed that the two potters shared common ideas about working with clay deep inside themselves. Second, Kaneko concluded that both Yagi and Kamoda were not interested in accidental effects or miraclesbrought by fire fluctuations in a kiln, which had long been sought after by Japanese potters, and such antithesis naturally followed as ‘logic for new shapes’. Third, Unagami found that the two potters are psychologically similar, based on case studies on ‘A Walk of Mr. Zamura’ by Yagi and ‘Jar’by Kamoda Shoji. Unagami related Yagi’s A Walk of Mr. Zamura to a novel by Franz Kafka, and found similarities between Kamoda’s Jar and a painting by Gustav Klimt. Based on the psychological states of the two potters, Unagami deduced correlations between their works. Yagi’s accomplishment can be recognized as bringing big changes in the thinking of the Japanese by breaking away from the entrenched perception of ceramics as only utilitarian vessels, while Kamoda made a great contribution to advancing the conventional thinking of the Japanese ceramic art community.

      • KCI등재

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