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      • 원로과학기술자의 증언 2-박동길박사편

        박동,Park, Dong-Gil 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1979 과학과 기술 Vol.12 No.3

        과학자가 되려면 다른 학문에 비해 어렵고 특히 기초과학연구를 하는 과학자의 경우는 더욱 어려운 공부를 계속하여야 한다. 그러나 이것은 과학자 스스로 택한 고난의 길이기에 이들은 한결같이 과학자가 된 것을 만족하게 생각하고 있다. 과학자가 되기위해 험난한 인생의 가시밭길을 무수히 헤치고 살아온 박동길박사. 박동길박사는 약관 20세에 도일, 과학자가 되기 위해 살을 여의는 듯한 고생을 무릅쓰고 오직 학업에만 열중했다. 박동길박사가 과학기술에 관심을 갖고 지금까지 걸어온 배경과 지질학을 연구하게 된 동기를 알아보는데는 까마득한 박박사의 어린시절로 돌아가야 할 것 같다. 이래서 본지는 이번호부터 박동길박사를 모셨다. <편집자주>

      • KCI등재

        미용 서비스가치와 헤어 디자이너의 이미지, 선호 헤어스타일 이미지가고객만족에 미치는 영향

        박동은,전홍신 한국미용학회 2018 한국미용학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        This study’s purpose is to present substantial data for the marketing strategy of the hairdressing industry by analyzing customer preferences of hair style images and suggesting useful images to the hair designers. This study used the data of 296 cases on men and women of ages from 20 to 60, who visits hair shops in the Chungnam region. The data was collected using the SPSS 20.0 software and the statistic technique used was frequency analyzation, main cause analyzation, credibility analyzation and OnewayANOVA. The results suggest the following. First, the main cause analyzation of customer satisfaction showed performance, credibility, and response to be the main factors. Second, variant analysis done to find out customer satisfaction according to hairdressing service value showed meaningful difference in the ‘performance’ area. Third, variant analysis done to find out customer satisfaction according to the designer’s image showed the ‘credibility’ factor to be the highest. Fourth, variant analysis done to find out customer satisfaction according to preferred hair style image showed the ‘performance’ factor to be the highest. Henceforth the customer satisfaction of the hairdressing industry is hoped to be increased through the improvement of the hair designers’ images.

      • KCI등재

        朱熹의 自我觀과 生死觀

        박동인(朴東仁) 한국동양철학회 2015 동양철학 Vol.0 No.44

        본 연구의 목적은 서구의 自我觀念을 준거로 삼아 宋代理學의 집대성자인 朱熹의 自我觀과 그가 그것을 정당화시키기 위해 構成한 宇宙發生論및 죽음관(死觀)에 대해 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 통해 우리가 알 수 있었던 것은 서구가 思惟主體로서의 理性을 自我로 규정함으로써 나 밖의 존재들을 死物化시킨 것과는 달리, 朱子는 道德主體로서의 性과 思惟主體로서의 心을 구분함으로써 이상과 현실을 동시에 고려했음을 목도할 수 있었다. 性을 통해서는 인간이 지향해야 할 이상적 목표를 확정하고, 心을 통해서는 本性(性)의 純善性을 인식하고 그것을 달성하기 위해 부단히 工夫할 수 있도록 한 것이었다. 그가 구성한 우주론이나 죽음관도 이러한 관점을 정당화하고, 또 강화하는 것에 다름 아니었다. 이를 통해 朱子가 획득하고자 했던 것은 다름 아닌 宇宙自然의 本原인 太極의 原理가 個體는 물론이거니와 社會ㆍ國家에도 작동하게 하는 것이었다. 그리하여 이른바 봉건적 도덕윤리인 삼강오륜을 통해 사회ㆍ국가적 질서를 구축하여 잃어버린 中原을 회복하고 나라를 부강하게 하며 민생을 안정시키고자 했던 것이다. 本研究的目的在于以西方的自我观念为根据,研究宋代理学集大成者朱熹的自我观和他为了将其正当化所构建的宇宙发生论和生死观。研究发现与我们了解的西欧将思维主体的理性规定为自我,我之外的存在都看做死物不同,朱子区分道德主体为性和思维主体为心,同时考虑了理想和现实。 通过性,人确定所志向的理想的目标, 通过心,人认识到本性的纯善性,以及人为了做到这些,而不断学习。他构建的宇宙论和生死观,正是正当化和强化了上述观点。通过这些,朱子想得到的是将宇宙自然的本源—太极的原理,不仅作用于个体,也作用于社会和国家。因此,通过封建的道德伦理—三纲五伦来构筑社会和国家的秩序,光复失去的中原地区,使国家富强,使民生安定。

      • KCI등재

        조선 왕실의례에 나타난 불자(黻字)연구

        박동일(朴桐一) 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.53

        This paper aims to look into the origin and meaning of embroidered letters(Bulja, 黻字) in the Joseon"s Royal protocols and their cultural implications. It attempted to inquire into the special meaning of ancient embroidered letters in the Joseon"s Royal protocols in terms of characters and culture. First, Examined basic data, dictionary meaning and definition to consider the substantial truth of ancient embroidered letters and their implications. It was found that Daehanwhasajeon (大漢和辭典) defines the letter Bul(黻) as “fortune of happiness and wealth (茀祿福也).” Second, Carefully looked into the historical origin and cultural evidence of embroidered letters through the data presented. It confirmed the fact that the origin of ancient embroidered letters also supports this through Gongjagaeo(孔子家語). Through literature, it was revealed that the Yellow Emperor(黃帝) first made clothes embroidered with letters and institutionalized them. Thus, these embroidered letters began from about five-thousand years, and the origin is very old and left as a legend and myth, which were a historical truth. It was noted that during the Joseon Dynasty, embroidered letters were used only in royal costume, and they appeared in King’s, Queen’s and Crown Prince’s costumes. Third, Looked into Joseon Royal Book Gyujanggak Uigwe how embroidered letters appeared and were used in the state funeral during the Joseon Dynasty. The roof of the large bier and good for funeral ceremonies, Bulsap(黻翣) around the large bier and the shield Bangsangsi(方相氏) is holding, which are the biggest and representative goods for funeral ceremonies in Joseon’s state funeral protocols had embroidered letters. By looking into the cultural evidence and records about embroidered letters in the state funeral protocols, their full account could be understood. This shows that the transmission system of embroidered letters continued working in the Korean royal culture, and the execution system of embroidered letters was clearly working from the royal costume of the Joseon Dynasty to the large bier, Bulsap and Bangsangsi in the state funeral. To sum up the above discussions, embroidered letters are a historic construct holding Korean history and culture simultaneously, implying very special cultural implications. Since the ancient emperor prepared an ideological system with profound implications for the first time, they have been with Koreans for five thousand years, which means that embroidered letters have had great symbolisms and implications. Thus, embroidered letters are empirical evidence that clearly contains Korean values and goals of life. It seems that there are no other symbols implying complex history, culture, ideas and knowledge systems yet in Korean history. Therefore, embroidered letters are the symbol of the first ever penetrating the essence of Korean spiritual culture and can be evaluated as a representative example showing powerful cultural transmission of ancient Korean culture.

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