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      • KCI등재

        유진오 시 연구

        노용무(Noh, Yong-moo) 중앙어문학회 2012 語文論集 Vol.52 No.-

        This paper aims to perceive the spirit of poetry of Yu Jin-oh which runs through him and his poems. Some previous critical points for Yu Jin-oh hardly seem to be logic that explains his whole wrold of poetry. So some arguments were made out as following. First, previous critical points for Yu Jin-oh was focussed on campaign poems which is just a part among his whole poems, thus his spirit of poetry couldn"t be discussed appropriately. In this paper his point of view found his debut poems was considered, and his realistic sense which flows under the colonial and liberal period was described as people-centered and literary practice. Second, with the analysis of a series of campaign poems, so called poetry of propaganda or demagogy, a certain relationship between Yu Jin-oh and "Chosun Literary Men"s Alliance" and some aspects from aesthetics of form revealed in his poems were mainly considered. Yu Jin-oh not only maximized reciting places by using inversion and interrogative or asking suffix, but also tried to increase the effect of tension between speaker and listener, poet and reader. Third, Yu Jin-oh, using the motif "window", expresses the imagery of inside and outside of window, the distance between a window and another window, so finally he reveals a kind of antagonistic effect between inside of speaker in poem and reality. Yu Jin-oh could raise up the power of fighting back, building the internalization of "window". Through this study, it was concluded that the emotion of "longing"and "sympathy" which flows through his poetry was the basis for his literary practice.

      • KCI등재

        해방기 문학의 내적 형식과 길 모티프 연구-이용악의 시와 허준의 「잔등」을 중심으로

        노용무 ( Noh Yong-moo ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2005 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.26 No.-

        This study is to consider (road or journey( in Lee Yong-ak's poetry and Heo Jun's 「The Faint Light」, focused on the symbol of road as a inner form of Korean Literature in independence times. This writers made an effort for representing the meaning and impression of independence in each janre objectivly against sentimental expression. Moreover they made a inner form focused on a foreign country and a journey for returning to motherland, and then they exclued a general inspiration and excitement in independence times. Lee Yong-ak expressed their emotion for independence objectivly by moving along a journey of the people to their homeland from a foreign country, and Heo Jun pursued to represent an inner description of a scenery at a public station toward released Seoul. These aesthetic sense of modernity of Heo Jun take another meaning of the independence in Korea at that times by raising compassion like tolerant sadness be latent in human-being. On the other hand, the view of Lee Yong-ak through the political modernity or aspiration for core of world is a world of political sense in that he recognized the reality of nation. But each intention to modernity of them had not been overcome the political situation in turbidity and eventually their political direction had been toward North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        김창술 시의 근대성 연구

        노용무(Noh, Yong-moo) 한국언어문학회 2011 한국언어문학 Vol.78 No.-

        Kim Chang-sul, a poet born in Jeonju city of Chonbuk province, tried to express various conflicts in realities by writing realistic poems in 1920s and 1930s. Nevertheless, the reason few critics study on him and his poems might be in the political consciousness or unconsciousness of South Korea, which could be problematic in that the rejection is connected with his individual inclination and literary power of center and periphery in the history of literature. Thus, this paper aims to restore the meaning of the poet, Kim Chang-sul, by considering the perception of modernness and modernity in Kim Chang-sul’s poems and by tracing the correlation with his poems and his days. Kim Chang-sul’s poems show the doubleness of modernness and the contradiction of realities hidden in the modern landscapes. Most of his early poems consist of groups of individual selves, on the other hand, his later ones show the mood of collectivization and social classes. Kim Chang-sul, under the specific situation of colonial reality, reinforces national liberation and international solidarity of proletariat, which is also the poet’s trace with two aspects; one as a socialist who pursued proletarian internationalism but didn’t ignore national liberation, the other as a nationalist who desired national liberation by the midium of class liberation.

      • KCI등재

        김수영의 「어느날 고궁(古宮)을 나오면서」에 나타난 탈식민성 연구

        노용무 ( Noh Yong-moo ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2006 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.31 No.-

        The study about post-colonialsm in Kim Suyoung's 'Oneday leaving the old palace' The purpose of this thesis is to analyze about 'Oneday leaving the old palace' of Kim Suyoung and consider the intertextuality with all his works. Therefore this theses devide it into fair and narrow-minded self and the satire of self about central and outside as petit bourgeois, and also criticize each partial mean and correlationship with all his works. Kim Suyoung state clearly his intolerant tradition as 'order' in the historical and social system in those days, that is the national ideology with force. His dualism that is indignant about a matter of detail, not an important matter, cause the poetic self to resent. His petit bourgeois that expressed frankly dualism is to lively satirize himself. The subject of satire is the petit bourgeois that is indignant about a matter of detail. He demonstrates about the center and outside through self satire represented his internal dualism. It is a self-reflection about the petit bourgeois of ‘little’ through suppression and release and fascination and antipathy.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 현대시와 속도

        노용무 ( Yong Moo Noh ) 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2014 건지인문학 Vol.11 No.-

        This paper considers finding the meaning of discourse of speed within Korean modern poetry through studying some poems which show the imagery of ``speed`` and ``slow``. This work is related to the mechanism of speed which goes through modern and modern poetry in Korea. This mechanism is all the rage in modernism and modernity of nowadays Korean poetry which has a temporal context of speed and slow. Thus consideration of tracing individual poets` thoughts and the changing aspects of subjects of cognition is essential work and the basis of this work as well. From modern period till the present the discourse of sepeed is in core of the most advanced technology and most poets should admit this aspect. Moreover, the discourse of speed within Korean modern and contemporary history, or more specifically within Korean modern and modern poetry could be another frame to understand human history and the history of civilization, also a frame to read Korean modernism and its modernity. Thus this paper aims to trace the methods and meanings of individual poets who cognize the discourse of speed within Korean modernism and its modernity of the poems which show poetic imagery of speed. This work has some meanings of genealogy of speed included in Korean modern and modern poetry, and it could be completed in considering the works of individual poets and its diachronic flow as well.

      • KCI등재

        대학 교양 글쓰기에 있어서 탈식민적 글쓰기를 위한 제언 (The proposal for the writing with postcolonial aspect in the cultural writing classes of universities)

        노용무(Noh Yong Moo) 국어문학회 2009 국어문학 Vol.46 No.-

        This paper is the essay for the writing with postcolonial aspect in the cultural writing classes of universities. Especially in this paper, writing thesis in university classes and the structural aspects are considered. Thus the aim of this paper is considering the form of thesis, called as an academic or demonstrative writing, and tracing its origin as well. Moreover, the possibility of postcolonial writing will be referred. In our society, the concept of culture and possession or nonpossession of culture could be referred with relation of the crisis of cultural sciences. Nowadays not our traditional writing styles but unified academic writing ones are remained as a exclusive style of writing. This reason could be explained in the ancient rhetoric, so called 'rhetorical device' for standardized writing. the premise for writing with culture and postcolonial writing is considering not knowledge about professional writing, but context of communicative access. In addition to those aspects, the open method like autobiographical, subjective and polyphonic writing should be pointed through words placement strategy which could enrich word lines.

      • KCI등재

        현대시의 문학적 체험과 알레고리

        노용무(Noh Yong-Moo) 국어문학회 2004 국어문학 Vol.39 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to consider about a mutual understanding structure limited that involved in the forms of expression through the relation of the text and addressee, focusing that the modern poetry uses an allegory as a rhetorical device and particular expression method. An allegory as a definition of mean involved in the text, is a rhetorical device that makes a poetry mean in coresponding or conflicting with means of addressee in a mutual understanding. An allegory in the modern poetry is expressed by breaking absurd world or is made the greatest overlapping a side of reality. When a writer uses allegory as an rhetorical device, an addressee experiences the dual transition to be a subject and at once an object. This experience of the dual transition is expressed by analozing or comparing a secondary meaning within an allegory with his own interpretation.

      • KCI등재

        이용악의 「북쪽」 연구

        노용무(noh yong moo) 국어문학회 2003 국어문학 Vol.38 No.-

        The purpose of this writing is to analyse the mutual text relationship between the concrete analysis about his one of masterpieces, 「Buk-Dzok」, and his whole works. This paper aims at researching immanently to clarify the system and structure of the poetic speech technique which is appeared in 「Buk-Dzok」 and investigate mutually through text research that connection aspect with 「Buk-Dzok」 and his whole poetic world that belong at his early in Lee Yong-Ak's references other work and vulvas. Because these work is for supplementing the existent lucubration that localize Lee Yong-Ak's whole poetic world and wish to maintain more meticulous investigation and general approach.

      • KCI등재

        한국 현대시에 나타난 전북지역 시문학의 탈식민성 연구

        노용무(Noh Yong-Moo) 국어국문학회 2007 국어국문학 Vol.- No.147

        This paper considers the postcolonialism of Jeonbuk area's poetry in the modern Korean poetry. The standpoint of regional literature in this paper is related to the dualism of modernity. Thus two kinds of value appeared naturally in the region literature. This was because Seoul or central literature built its identity through the invention of concept' region' since the point of modernization. The postcolonialism of J eonbuk area's poetry contains inside of imagination of overturn which is related to the Honam area's historical and cultural situation imaged in the poems of which topic is Donghak. This is a kind of reflection on the historical, cultural and political phenomena of Jeonbuk area. also is thought facing the reality. The way of expressing image securing the postcolonialism of Joenbuk area's poetry is 'to forget' the discomfortable past or 'to remember' the resistance against the standardization by the logic of central power. Moreover. the way of expressing image is also 'the appropriation' for strategy without abolition of superiority of ruler for colony, or privilege of central area which can't be found in peripheral area.

      • KCI등재

        김수영의 「거대한 뿌리」연구

        노용무(Noh Yong-moo) 한국언어문학회 2004 한국언어문학 Vol.53 No.-

        The end of this thesis is to analyze .The Great Root. detail and also to examine the intertextuality between .The Great Root. and his all literary work. Therefore in this thesis, .The Great Root. is divided into the first part and the last part, and the meanning or interrelation of each part is inspected. 『앉음새(The way his sits)" and "Kim Byeong-uk』expressed in the first part mean the reality of 1960's. 『앉음새(the way his sits)" and "Kim Byeong-uk』 certainly show a ideological composition at that time through dichotomy about South Korea and North Korea and mean the identity of speaker in poetry. In the last part, the text of .Bishop and Her book. show Kim Su-yeong's spritual trace by mixing the modern and the value of premodern such as history and tradition. An issue of tradition is not only his identity that Kim Su-yeong stood against cultural colonialism at that time, but also the statement of postcolonialism that the govermenet evaded dirty or disgrace history.

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