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        김규동의 시세계 연구

        김은영(Kim Eun-young) 국어국문학회 2010 국어국문학 Vol.- No.156

        Kim, Gyu-Dong is a very unusual poet who has transformed into a dynamic process about his poetry. He was a very well known modernist when he took an active part of the 1950's modernism coterie 'Hubangee . However, in the 1970's, he changed himself as a socialized poet. I took care that realistic attitude he had shown in the 1950's and studied about it. I found the special point where the modernist Kim, Gyu-Dong had met the realist himself is shown in the connection between the poetry and the film. As everyone knows, Kim, Gyu-Dong prefer the automatism of surrealism as a method writing poem. And Kim, Gyu-Dong also had an inclination for the film Avant-Garde. Because the automatism of surrealism and the film Avant-Garde have the common theoretical base with the Freud's psychoanalysis. A lot of poems written by Kim. Gyu-Dong in the Korean war period show us special feature taking surrealism technique and the sense of the film Avant-Garde. He tried out express about the desperation and pain of the Korean people lived in that same period with his poems. But unfortunately, some several poems lost the critical mind and fell to nihilism. Kim, Gyu-Dong wanted to resist to the Korean social contradictions and conflicts continuedly. So he of course chose the more realistic writing method and concerned with the film Neo-Realism. He described some kind of the Nee-Realism character and circumstance in his poems for example 〈acrobat〉, 〈small hand〉. He described them as like using camera of the Neo-Realism film for presentation the problem of Korean 1950's society and community. And That's why he was very interested on the film Neo-Realism. So we can realize the true that his 1950's poetry had obvious inclination of realism already. It explains us about the connection between Kim, Gyu-Dong s 1950's poetry and 1970's poetry.

      • 내시경 겸자 생검으로 진단된 위점막 이형성증의 치료 방침

        김은영,김진조,김병욱,박승만,Kim, Eun-Young,Kim, Jin-Jo,Kim, Byung-Wuk,Park, Seung-Man 대한위암학회 2010 대한위암학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        목적: 위점막 이형성증은 "위선암과 연관이 있거나 침습성 위선암으로 발전할 가능성이있는 명백한 종양성 상피"로정의되고 있으며 만성위염에서의 암 발생기전에서도 전암성 병변으로 여겨지고 있다. 이에 저자들은 내시경 겸자 생검에서 위점막 이형성증으로 진단된 환자에 대한 적절 한 치료방침을 결정하고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2006년 1월부터 2008년 12월까지 3년 동안 내시경 겸자 생검으로 위점막 이형성증으로 진단받고 내시경 점막절제 또는 내시경 점막하 박리술을 시행한 148예를 대상으로 하였으며 내시경 겸자 생검 결과와 최종 조직병리 결과를 비교하였다. 결과: 148예의 환자 중 고도 이형성증 63예, 저도 이형성증 85예였으며 최종 병리 결과 위선암 49예(33.8%), 고도이형성증 40예(27.0%), 저도 이형성증 59예(39.9%)였다. 고도 이형성증으로 진단된 63예는 최종 조직병리 결과 위선암34예(54.0%), 고도 이형성증 20예(31.7%), 저도 이형성증 9예(14.3%)였으며 저도 이형성증으로 진단된 85예는 위선암 15예(17.6%), 고도이형성증 20예(23.5%), 저도이형성증 50예(58.8%)였다.결론: 내시경 겸자 생검 결과 위점막 이형성증으로 진단된 경우 고도 이형성증의 경우는 내시경을 이용한 점막절제 또는 점막하 박리술을 통한 절제술을 시행하고 저도이형성증의 경우 주기적인 감시 및 재생검 뿐 아니라 정확한 진단을 위한 내시경 점막절제 등이 고려되어야 할것이다. Purpose: Gastric epithelial dysplasia (GED) was defined as "unequivocally neoplastic epithelium that may be associated with or give rise to invasive adenocarcinoma" and GED also represents a direct precursor of intestinal type adenocarcinoma of the stomach. The recommended treatment guidelines for GED in the medical literature are endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or surgery for high grade dysplasia (HGD) and annual endoscopic surveillance with biopsy for low grade dysplasia (LGD) The aim of this study was to determine the treatment plan for GED that is diagnosed by endoscopic biopsy. Materials and Methods: We enrolled 148 patients who were treated by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or endoscopiccsubmucosal dissection (ESD) for GED: there were 63 patients with HGD and 85 patients with LGD and all of them were diagnosed by endoscopic biopsy from January 2006 to December 2008. The results of the final histopathologic reports after EMR or ESD were compared with the results of the endoscopic biopsies. Results: The final histopathologic results of the 148 patients with GED showed 49 (33.1%) patients with adenocarcinoma, 40 (27.0%) patients with HGD and 59 (39.9%) patients with LGD. Among the 63 patients with HGD, 34 (54.0%) patients had adenocarcinoma, 20 (31.7%) patients had HGD and 9 (14.3%) patients had LGD. For the 85 patients with LGD, 15 (17.6%) patients had adenocarcinoma, 20 (23.5%) patients had HGD and 50 (58.8%) patients had LGD Conclusion: Complete resection, including EMR or ESD, is needed for patients with GED diagnosed by endoscopic biopsy and they have HGD. For patients with LGD, EMR or ESD may be needed in addition to endoscopic surveillance with biopsy for making the correct diagnosis and proper treatment because of the possibility of adenocarcinoma.

      • KCI등재

        Integrated Waste Collection And Treatment System In The Housing Complex

        Kim, Eun-Young(김은영),Kim, Jung-Bin(김정빈) 한국도시설계학회 2013 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        한국은 도시에 집중된 인구로 인해 발생한 대량의 생활폐기물을 처리하기 위해 대규모 주거단지 내에 자동집하시설을 기반으로 한 자원회수시설을 적용 확대하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 새로운 폐기물 시설이 지속가능한 환경 인프라로써 국내에 정착 가능성을 측정하고자 한다. 객관적으로 유효한 분석 결과를 위해 국내의 은평 뉴타운과 성공적인 사례로 알려져 있는 하마비 허스타드를 비교한다. 구체적인 비교의 틀로서 지속가능성을 평가하는 캠벨의 ‘계획가의 삼각형’ 이론을 차용한다. 삼각형을 구성하는 세 가지 요소인 환경, 사회, 경제적 기준으로 개발실행 결과 보고서와 전문가 인터뷰를 참고하여 연구한다. 결론적으로 비교연구를 통해 첫째, 환경부문에서는 자원회수시설의 다양성 추구를 통해 폐기물 절감과 에너지 창출의 이중혜택을 극대화할 수 있다. 둘째, 경제부문에서 젒분한 재원조달을 위해 다양한 재정지원 프로그램의 중요성을 알 수 있다. 셋째, 사회부문은 예산집행과 혜택분배 등 경제부분과 상젒되어 갈등 발생의 가능성이 있다. 따라서 관련 이익관계들의 교류를 적극적으로 장려하고 투명한 예산집행이 원활하고 지속가능한 폐기물 시설 개발을 위한 개선방안이 될 수 있다는 것을 사례비교를 통해 유추할 수 있다. In Korea, application of resource recovery facilities utilizing automatic collection system is expanding to address the concentrated occurrences of household wastes in apartments. This study aims to assess the feasibility of a new waste system adopted into the cities of Korea as sustainable eco-infrastructure. In order to analyze the objective results, a domestic case of Eun-Pyoung New Town and a successful case of Hammarby Sjostad were compared. For analytical framework, we followed ‘Planner’s Triangle’ presented by Campbell to evaluate the sustainability of this system. The ‘triangle’ consists of three components: environmental, societal and economic criteria. We reviewed development result reports and expert interviews based on the three criteria. The results were as follows. First, environmentally, the diverse resource recovery facilities maximize dual benefits of reducing wastes and producing energy. Second, economically, the importance of various financial assistance programs becomes apparent. Third, societally, conflicts may result from contradicting interests such as budget execution and profit distribution. These results implied that communication among interests and transparency of budget execution are key for improvement methods to be sustainable waste system.

      • KCI등재

        <안개>(1967)와 모더니즘 영화 논의에 대한 비판적 검토

        김은영(Eun-Young Kim) 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회 2017 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 Vol.32 No.2

        영화 <안개>(1967)는 한국영화로서는 드물게 모더니즘 경향을 탑재한 영화로 손꼽힌다. <안개>는 김승옥의 「무진기행」(1964)을 원작으로 한 ‘문예영화’로서, 당시의 지식인 사회에서 인정받았을 뿐만 아니라 흥행에도 성공한 영화였다. 김승옥이 직접 각색에 참여했기 때문에 원작의 ‘모던함’도 비교적 잘 보존되었다. 소설의 감수성과 미학적 자의식도 무리 없이 이전되었다. 2000년대 이후 <안개>를 재조명한 연구들은 그 시각적 실험에도 주목하여 이 영화가 네오모던 시기의 영화작가들이 성취한 모더니즘 영화에 속한다고 주장해왔다. 그러나 <안개>는 근대적 주체가 경험한 일상을 통속적인 멜로드라마의 틀 안에 가두고 주체의 불안과 갈등을 남녀의 문제로 축소한 영화이기도 했다. 통속성은 모더니즘 소설이 내재하고 있던 새로움까지도 약화시켰다. 요컨대 <안개>는 1960년대 유럽의 예술영화를 동경한 한국 영화생산자들이 예술적 정당성을 인정받으려한 기획예술영화였지만, ‘문예’와 ‘모던’사이를 넘나들면서 관객의 기호와 타협한 대중영화이기도 했다. The Mist, which adapted Seung-Ok Kim’s A Trip to Mujin(1964), has been recognized as one of the most remarkable Korean Modernist films as well as literary films in Korea. It was an ambitious film that tried to obtain the legitimacy as an art. The story has contained the invisible anxiety of an unstable middle-class man who came to his hometown from Seoul. It also made some achievements in terms of the aspects for visualizing feelings of uneasiness and contradictory situations of the modern life. These Modernist elements have originated from A Trip to Mujin and the script written by Seung-Ok Kim himself. However, throughout the filmmaking the Mist has transformed into a typical popular melodrama that dealt with an short affair between man and woman. Therefore the Modernist characteristics has weaken and distorted. It was far from the cinematic heritage of the Neo-modern period in the West. As a matter of fact, Modernist filmmakers have always attempted to create their own new pieces that had never been produced before. In conclusion, even though The Mist had tried innovative visual experiments, it was a film that had strived for popular success rather than artistic achievement.

      • KCI등재

        세포외 Protease를 생산하는 내염성 Bacillus sp. SJ-10 균주의 분리 동정 및 효소 특성

        김은영,김동균,김유리,최선영,공인수,Kim, Eun-Young,Kim, Dong-Gyun,Kim, Yu-Ri,Choi, Sun-Young,Kong, In-Soo 한국미생물학회 2009 미생물학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        오징어 젓갈로부터 호염성 균주를 분리하여 형태적, 생리 생화학적 특성 및 분자계통학적 분석을 통하여 동정하였고, 이 균주가 세포외로 생산하는 호염성 protease를 정제하여 그 특성을 분석하였다. 본 균주는 NaCl 0~14%, $20\sim55^{\circ}C$ 및 pH 5~8에서 성장하였으며, $35{\pm}5^{\circ}C$, pH 7 및 5% NaCl에서 최적으로 성장하였다. 주요 지방산 조성은 anteiso-$C_{15:0}$ (44.70%), anteiso-$C_{17:0}$ (15.76%) 및 $C_{16:0}$ (13.91%)이었고, menaquinone은 MK-7이었으며, DNA G+C 함량은 50.58 mol%였다. 16S rRNA 유전자 염기서열을 통한 계통분석 결과 Bacillus이었으며 Bacillus sp. SJ-10으로 명명하였다. SJ-10 균주 배양액으로부터 40% 황산암모늄 침전과 Mono Q 컬럼크로마토그래피 과정을 거쳐 collagen과 gelatin을 특이적으로 분해하는 약 40 kDa의 세포외 protease를 정제하였다. 이 효소는 $35{\pm}5^{\circ}C$, NaCl $5{\pm}1%$ 및 pH 8에서 최적 활성을 나타냈으며, pH 5~10 범위에서 안정하였다. A bacterium producing the halotolerant extracellular protease was isolated from squid jeotgal, and was identified as Bacillus sp. SJ-10 based on morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics, as well as phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA gene sequence. The strain grew at $20^{\circ}C\sim55^{\circ}C$, pH 5~8, and 0%~14% NaCl and optimal growth conditions were $35{\pm}5^{\circ}C$, pH 7, and 5% NaCl. The major cellular fatty acids were anteiso-$C_{15:0}$, anteiso-$C_{17:0}$, and $C_{16:0}$ DNA G+C content was 50.58 mol% and menaquinone consisted of MK-7 Phylogenic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that SJ-10T belongs to the genus Bacillus. About 40 kDa of the salt-tolerant protease was purified by 40% ammonium sulfate saturation and Mono Q column chromatography. The optimal activity of the protease was pH 8 and stable at pH 5~10. The optimum temperature and NaCl concentration were $35{\pm}5^{\circ}C$ and $5{\pm}1%$, respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        동결-융해된 인간 배반포기 배 유래의 배아 간(幹) 세포 배양

        김은영,남화경,이금실,박세영,박은미,윤지연,허영태,조현정,박세필,정길생,임진호,Kim, Eun-Young,Nam, Hwa-Kyung,Lee, Keum-Sil,Park, Sae-Young,Park, Eun-Mi,Yoon, Ji-Yeon,Heo, Young-Tae,Cho, Hyun-Jung,Park, Se-Pill,Chung, Kil-Saeng,Lim, Jin 대한생식의학회 2001 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.28 No.1

        Objective: This study was to establish the human embryonic stem (ES) cells derived from frozen-thawed blastocyst stage embryo that were destined to be discarded after five years in routine human IVF-ET program. Methods: Frozen-thawed and survived human blastocysts were treated by immunosurgery, and recovered ICM cells were cultured onto STO feeder cell layer and ICM colony was subcultured by mechanical dissociation into clumps. To identify ES cell, alkaline phosphatase staining and expression of Oct4 in replated ICM colonies were examined. Also, to examine the possibility of ES cell differentiation, retinoic acid (RA), basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF), nerve growth factor (NGF) were added in culture medium. In addition, to classify the specific cell type, differentiated cells were stained by indirect immunocytochemistry. Results: One ICM colony recovered from frozen-thawed six blastocysts was subcultured, continuously replated during 40 passage culture duration without differentiation. Subcultured colonies were strong positively stained by alkaline phophatase. When the expression of Oct4 in cultured ES colony was examined, Oct4b type is more clearly indicated than Oct4a one although there was not detected in embryoid body or differentiated cells. In differentiated cardiomyocytes from ES colony, cells were beaten regularly (60 times/min). In differentiated neural cells from ES colony, neurofilament (NF) 200 kDa protein, microtubule associated protein (MAP) 2 and ${\beta}$-tubulin of specific marker in neurons, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) of specific marker in astrocytes and galactocelebrocide (GalC) of specific marker in oligodendrocytes were confirmed by indirect immunocytochemistry. Also, muscle cells were detected by indirect immunocytochemistry. In addition, ES colonies can be successfully cryopreserved. Conclusion: This study suggested that establishment of human ES cells can be successfully derived from frozen-thawed blastocysts that were destined to be discarded, and obtained specific cell types (cardiomyocytes, neurons and muscle cells) through the in vitro differentiation procedures of ES cells.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 ADHD 경향이 우울에 미치는 영향: 대인관계 문제의 매개효과를 중심으로

        김은영,김은주,Kim, Eun Young,Kim, Eun Joo 한국디지털정책학회 2021 디지털융복합연구 Vol.19 No.10

        본 연구의 목적은 대학생의 ADHD 경향과 우울의 관계에서 대인관계 문제의 매개효과를 살펴보는 데 있다. 자료수집 기간은 2020년 10월부터 11월까지로 1개월 소요되었다. 대학생을 대상으로 ADHD 경향, 우울, 대인관계문제 척도로 이루어진 설문조사를 실시하여 자료를 수집하였다. 총 201부의 통계분석을 위해 SPSS와 AMOS 프로그램을 적용하여 구조방정식 분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 대학생의 ADHD 경향, 우울, 대인관계 문제 변인 간에는 유의미한 정적 상관을 보였다. 그리고 대학생의 ADHD 경향이 우울에 미치는 영향에서 대인관계 문제는 완전 매개를 나타냈다. 이러한 연구 결과는 대학생의 ADHD 경향이 우울에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 것이 아니라 ADHD 경향이 대인관계 문제를 매개로 우울이 나타나는 것을 시사했다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 상담 및 임상 현장에서 대인관계 문제를 감소시키는 전략이 ADHD 경향을 가진 대학생의 우울의 예방 및 정신건강을 증진시키는데 도움이 될 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of interpersonal problem on the relationship between ADHD tendency and depression in college students. Data collection started from October to November in 2020 and the duration of data collection was about 1 month. College students were administered questionnaires of ADHD tendency, depression, and interpersonal problem scales. Data from 201 college students were analyzed with structural equation model using SPSS and AMOS program. The results indicated that there were significant positive correlations among ADHD tendency, depression, and interpersonal problem in college students. And there was a full mediation effect of interpersonal problem on the relationship between ADHD tendency and depression in college students. The result suggests ADHD tendency do not directly influence on depression but ADHD tendency influence on depression through interpersonal problem in college students. Current findings can contribute to the counseling and clinical field by providing the strategy of reducing interpersonal problem to prevent the depression and enhance the psychological health of those who have ADHD tendency in college students.

      • 소아의 소장 중첩증의 치료 : 자연 정복 vs 수술적 치료

        김은영,정규환,박태진,박귀원,정성은,김현영,Kim, Eun-Young,Jung, Kyu-Whan,Park, Tae-Jin,Park, Kwi-Won,Jung, Sung-Eun,Kim, Hyun-Young 대한소아외과학회 2010 소아외과 Vol.16 No.2

        Unreduced small bowel intussusception requires operative treatment although the rate of spontaneous reduction is 60 to 70 %. The aim of this study is to compare clinical characteristics and outcome between spontaneous reduction and operation group and to analyze factors related to decisions to treat small bowel intussusceptions. The records of 25 patients with small bowel intussusceptions treated in Seoul National University Children's Hospital from January 1999 to August 2009 were reviewed respectively. Spontaneous reduction group (n=12, 48 %) had signs and symptoms of vomiting, abdominal pain, currant jelly stool, abdominal distension, fever, increased CRP but no rebound tenderness. One of them had been diagnosed with Henoch-Schonlein purpura and no one displayed pathologic leading point by image study. Operation group (n=13, 52 %) consisted of patients who had primary surgery. Their signs and symptoms were similar to spontaneous reduction group. Seven of them had underlying diseases such as Crohn' disease, ALL, Lymphoma, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (n=3), post-transplanted state of liver and 2 of them displayed Peutz-Jeghers polyp and Meckel's diverticulum as pathologic leading point by preoperative ultrasonography. Mean relieve interval (interval between onset of symptoms and reduction/operation) was 1.78 days in spontaneous reduction group and 2.25 days in operation group (p=0.341). Seven of operation group had manual reduction and 6 out of 7 received segmental resection of the small bowel. No one of them underwent manual reduction and all of them underwent segmental resection were found to have pathologic leading points [Peutz-Jeghers polyp (n=3), Meckel's diverticulum (n=2), lymphoma (n=1)] during operation. In conclusion, 48% of small bowel intussusceptions resolved spontaneously. Patients' symptoms and relieve intervals were not related to the operative decisions. We therefore recommend significant factors for determining treatment plan such as change of clinical symptoms, underlying disease or pathologic leading point by imaging.

      • KCI등재후보

        태음인 청폐사간탕이 lipase 활성저해 및 db/db mouse의 체중감량, 혈장지질, UCP 1, 2 발현에 미치는 영향

        김은영,설유경,최재중,전수형,김훈,김종원,Kim, Eun-Young,Sul, Yu-Kyung,Choi, Jae-Jung,Jeon, Soo-Hyung,Kim, Hoon,Kim, Jong-Won 사상체질의학회 2007 사상체질의학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        1. Objectvies This experimental study was designed to investigate the effect of cheongpesagan-tang extract on the obstruction of the lipase activity and weight, plasma, UCP1, 2 mRNA in db/db mouse. Material and Methods: The body weight loss, food intake, feeding efficiency ratio, weight of the internal organs (liver, kidney, epididymal fat, brown adipose tissue), plasma glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, white adipose tissue, adipocyte size distribution, expression of UCP1, 2 mRNA were measured in db/db mouse administered Cheongpesagan-tang extract for 6 weeks. These were then compared with those of control groups administered the diet. 2. Results 1) Inhibitory effect against lipase activity was Kilgyung(81.7%), Nabokja (73.1%), Seungma(73.0%), Daewhang (68.4%), Kalgeun (55.3%), Kobon(34.5%), Hwanggeum(4.2%). 2) In the sample group, the body weight was significantly decrease than that of control group. 3) In the sample group, the weight of epididymal fat showed significantly decrease than that of control group. 4) In the sample group, triglyceride showed significantly decrease than that of control group. 5) In the sample group, distribution of adipose tissue showed significantly larger than that of control group. 6) In the sample group, UCP1, 2 mRNA in BAT showed significantly increase than that of control group. 3. Conclusions These results show that cheongpesagan-tang has an effect on the treatment of obesity.

      • KCI등재

        동화(同化)와 이화(異化)의 문화정치, 1925년의 음악계

        김은영 ( Kim Eun Young ),신혜승 ( Shin Hye Seung ) 이화여자대학교 음악연구소 2021 이화음악논집 Vol.25 No.4

        본고는 1920년대 문화통치기의 음악사회를 고찰하였다. 3.1운동 이후 일제는 식민통치의 방식을 무단통치에서 문화정치로 바꾸었고 조선어 신문의 발행을 허용했다. 민족주의자들은 신문 및 잡지를 정치적 담론의 공간으로 활용하는 한편, 일제에 의해 허용된 범위 내에서 문화운동을 전개하였다. 1920년대의 문화운동은 특히 일본 유학생 출신의 지식인들이 주도하였고 서구 근대예술을 모델로 하는 신문화운동의 전개와 사회주의의 영향을 받은 예술 활동을 특징으로 하고 있다. 식민지 지식인들의 문화운동에 김영환, 홍난파, 윤심덕, 한기주 등 동경 유학파 출신 음악가들의 참여도 있었다. 본고에서는 1925년의 음악회를 중심으로 1920년대의 음악사회를 고찰하였다. 1925년은 최초의 음악전문잡지 『음악계』가 출판된 해로, 홍난파는 전문음악회를 표방하였다. 그가 생각하는 “음악회다운 음악회”는 동정음악회나 자선음악회와 같은 사회구제 성격의 음악회가 아닌 ‘음악을 위한 음악회’, 다시 말해 서구음악을 주요 레퍼토리로 하는 음악회였다. 그러나 1925년의 대홍수로 한반도는 엄청난 피해를 입었고 이 사건으로 일제의 동화정책의 허구와 민족차별의 실체가 드러나게 된다. 수해구제를 위한 음악회는 경성을 넘어 전국에 걸쳐 개최되었으며 당국은 수해구제를 명시하는 음악회를 금지함으로써 음악회는 민족 공동체의 일체감을 형성하는 중요한 매개체가 된다. 1920년대 음악회의 또 다른 양상으로 음악무도의 유행이 있었다. 천도교 소년회에서 시작된 어린이/소년운동은 사회주의의 영향으로 건강한 신체의 단련을 표방했고 음악무도는 이 시대를 특징짓는 하나의 음악현상이 되었다. 음악무도의 유행은 1925년의 음악회에도 반영되어 당대의 대표적 음악가들이 참여한 가운데 어린이 및 소년회, 각 교회의 주일학교, 유치원 등에서 주최하는 경우가 많았다. 1925년의 음악회를 통해 문화통치기 일제의 동화주의 정책의 이면에는 배제와 차별의 이화(異化)가 존재했음을 확인할 수 있다. 일제가 문화통치를 위해 노린 것은 민족주의 내부의 분열과 이를 통한 친일파의 양성에 있었고 음악계도 문화통치의 영향에서 벗어날 수 없었다. This paper examines the music society under the cultural rule during 1920s. After the March 1st Movement, the Japanese changed the way of colonial rule to cultural politics and allowed the publication of Korean newspapers. Nationalists used newspapers and magazines as spaces for political discourse, while carrying out cultural movements within the limits allowed by the Japanese. The cultural movement of the 1920s was especially led by intellectuals who studied in Japan, and was characterized by the development of a new cultural movement modeled on Western modern art and artistic activities influenced by socialism. Musicians from Tokyo, such as Kim Young-hwan, Hong Nan-pa, Yoon Shim-deok, and Han Ki-joo, also participated in the cultural movement led by colonial intellectuals. This paper examines the music society during 1920s, mainly focusing on music concerts in 1925. 1925 was the year when the first music magazine ‘The Musical World (Um-Ak-Gye)’ was published, and Hong Nan-pa advocated a professional music concert. He thought of “concert-like concerts” as “concerts for music,” in other words, a concert with Western music as its main repertoire, not a concert of social relief such as sympathetic concerts or charity concerts. However, it was also the year when the great flood in 1925 that caused tremendous damage to the Korean Peninsula, revealing unsubstantiality of imperialism’s assimilation policy and national discrimination of Japan. Concerts about flood relief took place across the country beyond Gyeongseong, and by banning concerts specifying flood relief, concerts become an important medium for forming a sense of unity in the national community. There was a trend of music and dance, as another aspect of music concerts during 1920s. The children’s/boys movement, which began at the Cheondogyo Juvenile Association, advocated the training of a healthy body, and music and dance became a musical phenomenon characterizing this era. Music concerts in 1925 were hosted by children’s and juvenile associations, Sunday schools of each church, and kindergartens. The participation of all musicians active at the time stands out. Through the concert in 1925, it was confirmed that there was a politics of exclusion and discrimination behind the assimilationist policy of the Japanese colonial rule. What the Japanese imperialism aimed at for cultural rule was the division within nationalism and was to make pro- Japanese group through it, and the music community could not escape from the influence of cultural rule. History proves this.

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