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      • KCI등재

        柳希齡의 「遊俗離山錄」 고찰

        김용남 한국어문교육연구회 2020 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.48 No.3

        This thesis studies Yusongnisanrok(「遊俗離山錄」) written by Yu, Hee-ryeong, a writer in the early days of the Joseon Dynasty. Yusongnisanrok is the earliest literary work in Songnisanyugi(俗離山遊記) that have ever known. It is published as a compilation book and long compared to others. It deals with a 5-day and 4-night Songnisan travel from April 17th through 21st in 1511. And it consists of three stages: preface, preparation and practice of a travel, and review. It looks harmonious because a yusansi(遊山詩) can be found between one yusangi(遊山記) and another one. Among its poems and proses, yusangi describes what he saw and heard and people he met during the travel very specifically. Especially, it contains much information of several hermitages, so that it is a very useful guidebook as well as exploration record for people who want to visit hermitages during the climb. Even if it is a little too long, it is a valuable material because it is based on only the facts. Meanwhile, 24 yusansi provide readers with much pleasure and vivid realism of the travel. In the poems, Songnisan is symbolized by sun world(仙界). Therefore, Songnisan is a best place for its travelers to wash away every secular problem and keep a pure and undefiled heart as well as to feel like a sinseon(神仙) or a truly free wanderer. In addition, it is an appropriate place to visit lots of hermitages, meet monks, interact with them by exchanging poems, and be free from worldly things. 김용남, 2020, 유희령의 「유속리산록」 고찰, 어문연구, 187 : 333~359 이 글은 조선전기의 문인 柳希齡의 「遊俗離山錄」에 대하여 살펴본 것이다. 이 작품은 필자가 현재까지 확인한 俗離山遊記 중 가장 이른 시기의 작품으로, 1511년 4월 17일부터 21일까지 4박 5일의 俗離山 유람에 대한 이야기이다. 서문에 이어 유람의 준비․실행․총평 등 3단계의 서술 방식을 취하였으며, 遊山記 사이사이 遊山詩를 삽입하여 전체적으로 산문과 시가 어우러진 구성을 보인다. 이 중 遊山記는 노정에 따라 보고 들은 것과 유람 과정에서 만난 사람들의 이야기를 매우 구체적으로 기술하였다. 특히 여러 암자를 탐방하며 얻은 많은 정보를 담고 있는 이 작품은, 속리산을 오르며 암자를 방문하려는 이들에게 매우 유익한 踏査記이다. 한편 24수의 遊山詩를 통해 본 속리산은 仙界로 상징된다. 그리하여 속리산은 한번 유람하는 것만으로도 세속의 번뇌를 씻고 청정한 마음을 간직하기에 더할 수 없이 좋은 산이며, 擬仙의 기분에 사로잡혀 진정 자유로운 방랑의 유람을 이룰 수 있는 곳이다. 또한 속리산은 수많은 암자를 탐방하며 스님과의 詩交를 통해 脫俗의 세계에서 정신적 자유를 얻을 수 있는 곳이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        N,N'-Oxalylbis(2-pyridyl-3'-sulphobenzoylhydrazone)을 이용한 구리의 분광광도법 및 미분 분광광도법 정량

        김용남,최규성,최승춘,정유진,Kim Yong-Nam,Choi Kyu-Seong,Choi Seung-Choon,Chung Ryou-Jin 대한화학회 1993 대한화학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        A water-soluble chromogenic reagent, N,N'-oxalylbis(2-pyridyl-3'-sulphobenzoylhydrazone) has been synthesized. Spectrophotometric and first-and second-derivative spectrophotometric methods for the determination of copper with the reagent have been developed. Determination has been performed by measuring the absorbance and the first-and second-derivative values of the copper complexes in aqueous solutions (pH 1.89) at 379, 395, 363 and 421 nm, respectively. The method allows the determination of 0.12-1.20 ${\mu}g$ /ml of copper and has been applied to the analysis of aluminium alloy samples. The best results have been obtained from the measurements of the second-derivative values at 421 nm. 수용성 발색시약인 N,N'-oxalylbis(2-pyridyl-3'-sulphobenzoylhydrazone)을 합성하여 분광광도법 및 1, 2차 미분 분광광도법에 의한 구리의 정량법을 개발하였다. 정량은 구리착물 수용액(pH 1.89)의 흡광도 및 1,2차 미분값을 379, 395, 363 그리고 421nm의 파장에서 각각 측정함으로써 수행되었다. 정량 가능한 구리의 농도 범위는 0.12~1.20${\mu}g$ /ml 였으며 이 방법을 알루미늄 합금시료의 분석에 적용하였다. 2차 미분 분광광도법으로 421nm에서 측정했을 때가 가장 좋은 결과를 나타내었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한강 「채식주의자」 속 이미지 연구 - 폭력적 이미지를 중심으로

        김용남 단국대학교(천안캠퍼스) 한국문화기술연구소 2018 한국문화기술 Vol.24 No.-

        If images are powers that drive the changing reality, not their reproduction or copies, and exercise to experience sympathy, the viewpoint of this article is that studies on images must be done to be more than studies by reproduction of things or reappearance of consciousness. For this article, Chapter II examines how images appear and how characters are changed by powers of the images, Chapter III explains characters’ various characteristics with twofold characteristics of images. Through them, the study tries to explain the point that images are power that drives narratives beyond the rhetorical and symbolic levels and main exercise that changes characters’ behaviors in 「The Vegetarian」. Images in the world of 「The Vegetarian」 do not stay at reproduction (représenté) of the reality or copy (摹寫). The images are strong power that derives the changing reality and sometimes, the reality itself. It is useless to discuss the reality and its reproduction in the world of this novel. If the images divide, capture, and accept the connected word through instant images, the images do not copy the world but capture slices of the world. Therefore, the images are not illusion, fakes, and copies. So to speak, the images are not the In other words, the images cannot be the entire part of the existence (Substance) but they can be part of it. This article begins from the perception that the point shown in the world of The Vegetarian is this fact. The methods that we can understand the characters whose real life is dramatically changed by fantastic and unrealistic dreams and images can be created when there is the perception that reality and dreams are not different from each other. 「The Vegetarian」 shows that the images which represent dreams and fantasy can actually drive us by the more powerful force than those of reality. The world of 「The Vegetarian」 crosses the boundary of all types of division into two parts (二分) like Yeong-hye who is between the boundary. The level of fasting (無食) beyond meat eating and vegetable diets, the level of life beyond men (Animals) and women (Plants), the level of images beyond dreams and reality, the level of violence beyond doing harm (Predation) and damage (Being preyed). Going beyond all these levels of division in two parts does not mean deception or concealment of somethings (For example, violence). This article tries to look at it differently through discussions of binarity, for example, patriarchal violence, the fixed perception of animal nature (Meat eating culture) and vegetable property, the definition of typical personality of characters, and the concept that the images are expanded by causes and effects of accidents. And this study tries to examine the system of the images shown at the level of action and reaction among the characters beyond the study on the images that stay at the material/symbolic level through it.

      • KCI등재후보

        佛敎의 修行位次에 관한 고찰

        김용남 동양철학연구회 2003 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.34 No.-

        현대를 살아가는 인류는 너나 할 것 없이 불안한 삶을 살고 있다. 이것은 물질이라고 하는 형상에 치우쳐 살아온 삶의 결과라 하지 않을 수 없다. 이와 같은 상황하에서 만약 인류뿐만 아니라 모든 생태계를 회복하는 길이 있다면, 우리들은 누구나 그 일에 동참해야 할 것이다. 불안한 삶에서 벗어나는 길은 여러 방법이 있겠지만, 대체로 일시적인 해결책에 불과하다고 할 수 있다. 비록 시간이 걸릴 지라도 보다 근원적이고 적극적인 방법이라 할 수 있는 길은 사람이 변하는 것이다. 사람들 각자가 내면으로부터의 혁명을 일으키지 않는다면 미래의 행복은 보장할 수 없기 때문이다. 내면의 혁명은 수행을 통하지 않고는 불가능하다. 수행은 보다 더 근본에 접근해 가는 방법임에 틀림없다. 불교에서의 수행은 여러 분야에서 다루어지고 있다. 그러나 비교적 체계적으로 잘 정리되어 있는 것은 역시 唯識學이다. 유식학에서 말하는 수행은 불효의 근본교리에서 말하는 戒·定·慧의 수행을 보다 구체적으로 정리한 것이라 할 수 있다. 六祖 慧能의 말대로 ‘마음 바탕에 그릇됨이 없는 것이 戒이며, 마음 바탕에 어지러움이 없는 것 定이며, 마음바탕에 어리석음이 없는 것이 慧이다. 이것을 한 마디로 줄여서 말한다면 自性에서 이탈하지 않는 것이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 셋은 하나인 동시에 셋인 것이다. 自性이라고 하는 것은 생명의 실상이요 中道이며, 우주의 에너지이다. 그 에너지의 흐름을 악기로 연주하면 음악이다. 그 실상의 자리에 머무는 것이 歡喜이며 행복인 것이다. 끝으로 수행의 마지막 位次인 究竟位에 이르렀다는 말은 곧 법계의 모든 만물과 하나가 되어 서로 공명한다는 말이므로 이 세상에 울려 퍼질 수 있는 가장 장엄한 협주곡이라 할 수 있다. Humankind living in the modern world is unstable and we are all in the same boat. It can be said that this can be resulted from material-dominated life. Under this circumstance, if we have any ways co recover all ecosystems, we should take part in these efforts. Even though there are many kinds of ways to free ourselves from unstable life, these are only temporary means of settling a trouble. Only basic and positive solution is the change of a human being, but it will take some time. Without any inner revolution of men by themselves, future happiness can not be guaranteed. Furthermore, inner revolution can only be achieved by self-discipline. There is no doubt that self-disciple is a basic means to approach the origin. Self-discipline in Buddhism is dealing with many kinds of areas. On the other hand, Wei-shi Xue′(唯識學) also puts our thoughts in order mare systematically rather than any other areas in Buddhism. Self-discipline in We′i-shi′ Xue′is more in details for Discipline(戒)ㆍMeditation(定)ㆍWisdom(慧), which are said in the origins from Buddhism. The six patriarchs of the cha′n, Huj、-ne^ng said, “Jie、 means no mistakes; Ding means no disorder; and Hui、 means no foolish in our mind. It os only said that self-discipline is no breaking away from Own nature(自性). Accordingly, the above three elements are sometimes united one or divided three. Self-examination is real life in reality, the mean, and energy in the universe. The flow of the energy is like music by playing a musical instrument. The stay in real space is delight and happiness. On balance, the saying that we are arriving The supreme stage(究竟位) as the final stage of self-discipline means fairness each other on the basis of unity of all things in Buddhism; and it is the best impressive concert that can be gained ground in the world.

      • KCI등재

        지역문화자원을 활용한 문화도시 조성 방안

        김용남,권기창 한국멀티미디어학회 2019 멀티미디어학회논문지 Vol.22 No.1

        This study was conducted to explore ways to create a cultural city using local cultural resources. To that end, the qualitative case study was applied. As the original city center had been declining due to the expansion and changes of city space caused by the changes of city function and social change, the old downtown of Andong city was selected as an example. For the result, research shows that the region’s historical resources and culture have to blend and develop together with abundant cultural resources, such as contents development, city’s symbolic space settings, differentiated cultural and artistic establishment, comfort in living, utilization of cultural infrastructure, and supporting facilities which are suitable for cultural diversity. In particular, we found that the importance of establishing a new city image that leads local residents willing to participate and of forming a consensus among tourists. Therefore, for the implementation of a cultural city, policies, undertaking, and administrative support that meet to the city's conditions and environment are required, and a further study on that issue is needed.

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