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      • KCI등재

        파킨슨씨병 환자에 있어서 자가부신수질 이식술

        정상섭,박상근,오성훈,김선호,윤도흠,박정수,양우익,최인준,안영수,김경환,박창일,김진수,이현철 대한신경외과학회 1988 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.17 No.6

        Recent experimental studies and clinical cases have suggested that grafting tissue from the adrenal medulla into the brain may alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Autologous adrenal medullary grafts into the striatum was performed stereotactically in two patients with Parkinson's disease. Both patients were bedridden preoperatively, but 4 months after the surgery both became ambulatory and one was even capable of returning to his job. Even though the number of cases was small⑵ and the follow-up period was short, this study shows that adrenal medullary transplantation into the striatum may have some beneficial effects in patient with Parkinson's disease. Further experimental and clinical trials are necessary to see whether this procedure will be a recommendable surgical treatment for patients suffering from Parkinson's disease.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 韓國農村 새마을 運動의 社會學的 評價

        鄭喆洙,朴宗祐 慶北大學校 東洋文化硏究所 1975 東洋文化硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        The New Village Movement in Korea was initiated in 1970 to bring about the modernization of Korean rural society through innovations of various kinds. The movement, that is social change, is not an immanent change arising from the social system itself but a contact change from the outside of the system. Nor is it a selective contact change but a direct contact change or a planned change by the government. More than five years have passed since its initiation. Therefore, this paper aims at present to evaluate the present status of the New Village Movement and to measure cultural, technological, and environmental changes, if any, of rural society. Consequently, the study is concerned with the sociological and social psychological examination of the present status of adoption of the innovations within the community. The methods utilized for aquiring data are: formal or informal interviews with the persons concerned, examination of the existing records and the previous studies available, and finally a survey of 439 households. The survey was conducted in February 1975. The sample approximates a systematic random sample of 430 farm households within the boundary of North and South Kyungsang Provinces (220 from Community Development village, 210 from Non-Community Development village), with 420 households sufficiently complete to process. Major findings of the study are summarized as follows: (1) Among the farmers in general, the adoption rate of agricultural innovation programs encouraged by the agricuiture supervising authorities seems to be very high. 18 items were used for this measure such as the planting of recommended seeds, the practice of seed sterilization, the use of weed spray before making the rice seed-bed, the use of vinyl cover on the rice seed-bed to keep the bed warm, the use of fertilizer at a proper time after transplantation, the spraying of preventive chemicals after transplanting, the spraying of a proper amount of preventive chemicals prior to the occurrence of large numbers of insects, the use of compost for rice growth last year, the practice of testing the degree of the acidification of the soil, early plantation of the rice plant, the renewal of rice seeds every three years, a deep plowing of the paddy-field, the adjustment of the amount of the use of nitrogenous fertilizer to prevent rice plant fever, the planting of bean plants along ridges between paddy-fields, and so on. In these 19 items, the rate of adoption of the innovations was higher than 70% for 13 items, and more than a half of the farmers respsnded positively for all of the items above except one, the practice of testing the degree of the acidification of the soil. In addition, the rate of the adoption of agricultural innovations is higher among the members of C·D village than members of Non-C·D village. (2) Farmers' living conditions seem to have been improved. Four of the six items such as replacement of thatch rooves by slate, fence and road repairs, and the modernization of the kitchen were adopted by more than a half of the farmers. Especially, more than 80% of the farmers showed favorable attitudes toward the items for the replacement of thatch rooves by slate and road repairs. And members of C·D village than those of Non-C·D village in general show a higher adoption rate for improving in their living conditions. (3) The rational life index measured by 16 items for the use or non-use of the farming plan mannual, subscription of a magazine on farming, listening to radio programs on farming, etc. seemed to be considerably high among the farmers surveyed in general. More than a half of the farmers adopted all the items. Higher rates of adoption of rational life techniques are seen among the members of C·D village. (4) The standard of living of the majority of the farmers has been improved since 1970. Higher improvement is seen among the members of C·D village. (5) Although 84.8% of the farmers have favorable attitudes toward family planning(C·D village: 88.1%, Non-C·D 81.2%), the proportion of actual practice of family planning among the farmers is much lower campared to their attitude. By camparison of two villages in terms of the knowledge about, attitude toward, and practice of family planning, much higher proportion of members of C·D village than those of Non-C·D village keep positive values. (6) Among the farmers, a great gap is found between the attitudes toward and practice of standardized and abridged procedures of family rites which are highly encouraged by the government. That is, most of the farmers regardless of the members either of C·D or Non-C·D, show a favorable attitude toward it, but a significant part of them hesitate to practice it. (7) Approximately 90% of the farmers participate at least in one group activity. (the rate of participation is slightly higher among tne members of C·D village than Non-C·D village.) (8) Achivement motivation in general is higher among the members of C·D than those of Non-C·D village. (9) Great change is seen in the farmers' traditional value orientation. Greater changes were found in C·D village than in Non-C·D village. This was measured by the examination of their attitudes toward such items as: fatalism, kinship ties, locality consciousness, dependency upon kinsmen, traditional distinction between the sexes, family determined marriage, preferential attitude toward boys, devination to decide if a proposed marriage is possible, seniority the idea of putting government officials above the citizens, the idea of distinction between the gentry and peasantry, dominance of men over women, magic, etc, Of the 12 items there has been least change in those items concerned with attitudes toward seniority and family determined marriage. (10) The rate of adoption of innovations among the farmers both cultural and technological is highly correlated with their acreage under cultivation. (11) Farmers who have a higher rate of adoption of innovations are more likely than those with a lower rate to have favorable attitudes toward improvement in their living conditions, rationalization of their daily life, and the participation in group activities. They also have a higher achievement motivation than those of the less adopting group. (12) When farmers were asked the meaning of the few Village Movement, the majority of them replied that it meant improvement in the living environment and an increase in income. (13) More than 90% of the farmers responded positively to the New Village movement since they were certain that it greatly contributed to development of their community.

      • KCI등재

        노인외상환자의 예후 인자

        문철규,전정민,최성혁,문준동,이성우,홍윤식 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: It has been documented that certain prognostic factors may affect the outcomes of the old aged victims by trauma. Considering that trauma is the sixth most common cause of death in people over the age of 65 years and there is a rapid growth of elderly population, it is paramount to understand the prognostic factors when dealing with geriatric trauma patients. Hypothesis and Goals: It can be hypothesized that the prognostic factors should be determined independently between populations being consisted of different races, countries, socio-economic states, cultures, or so on. Thus, the study was designed to evaluate the factors affecting the outcomes of elderly Korean trauma patients. Methods: One hundred forty six patients aged over 65 years were retrospectively reviewed, who visited the Emergency Center of Korea University from January, 1997 to June, 1998. Of 146 patients, 7 were excluded due to discharge against advice or transfer to the other hospitals. Parameters analyzed were age, sex, mechanism of injuries, body region injured, Injury Severity Score (ISS), previous medical illness, hospital morbidity, duration of hospital stay, and cost. Each patient was classified into improved or not-improved group depending on the outcomes, and young-old or old-old group depending on the age. The factors affecting the hospital stay in improved patients were analyzed in the parameters of previous medical illness, hospital morbidity, multiple injuries, ISS, and age. All statistical tests were conducted with two-tailed levels of 0.05. Results: Of 139 patients, the mean age was 74±7.1 years, mean ISS 9.3±7.26, mean hospital stay 27±27.1 days. Most commonly injured body region was the extremities due to fall from a level surface. Rate of previous illness showed 0.94 medical diseases per person and were aggravated after trauma in 39 patients (60.9%). Hospital morbidity rate was 0.46 incidents per person. There were no differences in age and duration of hospital stay between the improved and the not-improved group. Substantial differences were noted in affected body region, incidence of previous illness, and hospital morbidity between the groups (p=NS). Not-improved group had higher ISS(p<0.05). ISS, previous illness and hospital morbidity affected the duration of hospital stay in the improved group. Hospital stay was 40±25.1 days in patients with ISS over 6 while 6±8.6 days in those with ISS 5(p<0.05). Hospital stay in the improved was 26±26.9 days while 31±24.8 days in the improved old-old group (p=NS). Hospital stay in the young-old minor trauma (ISS5) patients with previous illness and hospital morbidity was 26±10.1 days while 4±7.3 days in those without previous illness and hospital morbidity (p<0.05). Conclusion: Previous medical illness and hospital morbidity, not age, are predictive of outcomes of geriatric trauma patients with respect to hospital stay. As most of the hospital morbidity was a trauma-induced aggravation of previous medical illness and hospital morbidity contributing poor outcomes can be potentially avoidable, routine aggressive care for the geriatric trauma patients with previous medical illnesses is needed.

      • KCI등재

        만성 정신분열병 환자에서 향정신약물에 의한 지속발기증 1례

        김영철,정우식,우행원 大韓神經精神醫學會 1996 신경정신의학 Vol.35 No.3

        Haloperidol·thioridazine등의 향정신약물을 오랜동안, trazodone을 간헐적으로 복용해 오던 30세 미혼 남자 만성 정신분열병 환자에서 지속발기증이 생겨 비뇨기과에 응급으로 입원한 증례를 경험하였다. 지속발기증은 이들 약물이 발기감퇴(detumescence)에 필요한 말초 교감신경의 알파 아드레날린성 차단효과에 의해 생기기 때문에 이들 약물을 복합 사용할 시에는 지속발기증의 유무에 대해 관심있게 확인해야 한다. 심각한 부작용을 방지하기 위해서는 약물의 위험성을 알고있어야 하며 증상이 있으면 즉시 약물을 중단하고 비뇨기과 처치를 해야할 것으로 생각한다. Priapism is a rare but serious adverse effect of psychotropic medication from their peripheral alpha-adrenergic blocking action, perhaps directly blocking the sympathetic impulse for detumescence. Ont patient with chronic schizophrenia who admitted at urologic department developed this side effect during treatment with oral antipsychotics, thioridazine, haloperidol and antidepressant, trazodone. Awareness of these association and serious consequences of this disorder may be helpful to clinician in choosing psychotropic medication that minimize the risk of developing priapism.

      • KCI등재

        응집공정에 적합한 In-Line 정적혼화기를 이용한 혼화공정의 개선

        정철우,강민수,최시환,정수일,손인식,강임석 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The rapid mixing process for coagulation is a critical component in a water treatment plant. However, at the present time a detailed understanding of the rapid mixing by in-line mixer or generally accepted criteria for the design of in-line static mixer are not available. The aim of this work is therefore to improve the understanding of how the in-line static mixer works and how to better utilize it in coagulation process in water treatment. To investigate the performance of static mixer, coagulation experiments were conducted to compare the static mixer to the traditional backmixer under several coagulation conditions. Experiments were also performed to compare the coagulation efficiency of different mixing type of static mixer which were made using different flow rates and the number of elements equipped in a pipe. The static mixer performed better than the backmixer for all coagulation and mixing conditions tested. Especially, the static mixer was very effective in the surface charge neutralization, as showing higher reduction of negative charge with increasing mixing intensity. However, little difference was observed in the performance of the static mixer equipped with 2, 3, and 5 elements. Also, in a series of bench-scale studies of rapid mixing, the in-line static mixer performed better than the traditional backmixer for both adsorption and charge neutralization (A/N) mechanism and sweep coagulation mechanisms. Especially, the static mixer was more efficient at producing A/N mechanism conditions as a result of its fast and uniform dispersion of the coagulant.

      • Mycobacterium fortuitum-chelonei complex 균체항원의 민감성과 특이성

        이현우,최철순,정상인,양용태 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1985 中央醫大誌 Vol.10 No.1

        Antigenic preparations were made from seven strains of Mycobacterium fortuitum-chelonei complex(MFCC) extracted with phosphate buffered saline(PBS extracts), with 10%, trichloroacetic acid solution (TCA extracts) and with veronal buffered saline solution containing 0.1% Triton X-100(Triton extracts). Serologic reactivities of the antigenic preparations were assayed for immune precipitation by Ouchterlony double diffusion in-gel technique against antisera of rabbits immunized with M. fortuitum TMC 1529 and M. chelonei TMC 1544. Antigenic relationships between Triton extracts of M. fortuitum and M. chelonei were analyzed by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis(2D-IE) and fused rocket immunoelectrophoresis(FRIE). The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Of antigenic preparations of PBS extracts, TCA extracts and Triton extracts, the Triton extracts and the PBS extracts proved to be active for immune precipitation, but the TCA extracts was inactive. The precipitation reaction of Triton extracts was more sensitive than PBS extracts, and the precipitation reaction of Triton extracts was enhanced by disintegration of cells with sonification, but the cross reaction was also increased. 2.' The Triton extracts of 5 strains of M. fortuitum exhibited 9 common precipitinogens with reference serum against TMC 1529 and one common precipitinogen with reference serum against TMC 1544. but the antigens of TMC 1544 with or without disintegration of cells gave a specific precipitinogen with reference serum against TMC 1544 in addition to a common precipitinogen. 3. Although the electrophoretic patterns of Triton extracts obtained from different strains and species were not demonstrated, 7 strains of the MFCC could be divided into four groups by the relative electrophoretic mobilities(REM) of the antigens with respect to bovine serum albumin(REM value); group Ⅰ(REM =0.18) 2 strains, group Ⅱ(REM = 0.27) 2 strains, group Ⅲ (REM = 0.38) 2 strains and group Ⅳ(REM = 0.49) 1 strain, but the existence of any significant relationship between the REM value and species was not recognized. 4. By means of FRIE, the presence of 3 to 5 common precipitinogens and 1 to 2 species-specific precipitinogens were observed in the Triton extracts of M. fortuitum and M. chelonei. 5. By the use of the reference antisera with a titre of at least 1 : 80 against M. fortuitum TMC 1529 and M. chelonei TMC 1544, the strains of M. fortuitum and M. chelonei could be differentiated by FRIE. In conclusion, this study established that the Triton extracts of the MFCC proved to be active for immune precipitation and contained species-specific procipitinogens, and reproducible amounts of such an antigen for immunodiffusion test could be easily prepared with one plate of heavy cultures.

      • 백서에서 신 허혈성 손상에 미치는 칼슘 길항제의 효과

        문철웅,정종훈,박천국,이승일,배학연,장경식,김만우,정춘해,홍순표,이병래,김호중 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1993 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.18 No.1

        Renal ischemia is one of the most common causes of acute renal failure. Four factors related to the pathogenesis of acute renal failure are vasoconstriction, decreased glomerular filtration rate, tubular back leak of filtrate, and intratubular obstruction. The cellular response to renal ischemic insults include decreased content of adenosine trihosphate, lipid peroxidation induced membrane degradation, alteration in cellular pH, and calcium or phospholipase induced mitochondrial dysfunction. Much attention has been given to the role of increased cellular calcium as a pathogenetic contributor to cell injury during ischemia. Author studied the protective effects of calcium antagonists on cellular injury during renal ischemia in rat. To investigate the protective role of these agents, author measured the amount of malondialdehyde(MDA) and the enzyme activities of free radical scarvengers-superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase from non-pretreated group and calcium antagonists pretreated groups in control, ischemia and reflow subgroups. The results were summerized as follows: 1) The amount of MDA in non-pretreated group was higher in the reflow compared with the control(<p<0.01). But, in all pretreated groups, there was no statistically difference in the amount of MDA. 2) The SOD activity in non-pretreated group was lower in both the ischemia and the reflow compared with the control (P<0.05). But, in both verapamil and trifluoperazine-pretreated groups, there was no statistically difference in the SOD activity. 3) Both catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities in non-pretreated group were lower in both the ischemia and the reflow compared with the control (P<0.05). But in all pretreated groups, there was no statically difference in both catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities. These results suggest that free radical mediated ischemic injury by renal artery clamp in rat can be protected by intraperitoneal pretreatment with calcium antagonists. As trifluoperazine has a protective effect in renal ischemia, the calcium activated calmodulin dependent enzyme may play a role in renal ischemic injury.

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