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      • KCI등재

        번역이라는 고투(苦鬪)의 시간 : 염상섭의 번역과 초기 소설의 문체 변화

        손성준(Son Sung Jun) 한국문학회 2014 韓國文學論叢 Vol.67 No.-

        This research examines the original works and translations of Western novels by Korean writer Yom Sang-seop(廉想涉, 1897–1963) to show how the change of style in his novels in the 1920s was deeply influenced by his experience as a translator. As seen in the trilogy written in his early days, Yom's sentences in his earlier novels featured heavy usage of words written in Chinese characters, even compared to other up-and-coming writers at that time, among whom the use of such words was prevalent. However, his style went through a drastic change. The novel Sunflower, which was his first novel written solely in native Korean without any Chinese characters, seems to have emerged due to the media condition as a series in the Dong-A Ilbo. However, we also need to understand the author's concurrent effort to pioneer his own novel language in order to understand this stylistic change. Before writing Sunflower, Yom had expanded the boundaries of the Joseon (Korean) language by translating three Western novels. These translations used significantly fewer words in Chinese characters than original novels written in Korea at that time, which likely influenced Yom's own original style. As this study shows, he moved from the use of the gender-neutral third-person pronoun “彼(he)” to the use of “그(he)”, a change which represents a break from the stylistic influence of Japanese novels and which appeared first in his translation of the novel Four days(四日間) instead of Teacher E(E先生), as has previously been understood. Furthermore, Yom learned the present-tense first-person narrative technique used in the process of adapting Graveyard(墓地) to Mansejeon(萬歲前) through his experience translating Meeting(密會). From the perspective of bringing novelty to the vocabulary of one's mother language, translation is located at the extreme opposite position from censorship, which blocks the same act. However, from the perspective of language, translation is an endless task of self-censorship. Translation forces the translator to distance himself from his own language under the demands of an external criterion, namely the original text. Thus, when Yom Sang-seop found impure elements in Joseon-language novels, he parted from them without hesitation. Obviously, this may not have been an easy process, and for Yom, in fact, translation was a process of struggle. However, it was this struggle that allowed him to rediscover the Joseon language and establish the style of his novel. 본 연구는 염상섭의 케이스를 중심으로 1920년대 소설의 문체 선회 현상에 작가들의 번역 체험이 핵심 변수로 놓여있었다는 것을 밝히고자 했다. 초기 3부작이 보여주듯, 염상섭의 초기 소설 문장은 당대의 신진 문인 중에서도 극단적이라 할만큼 한자어 비중이 높았다. 하지만 그의 소설 문체는 급격히 변화해간다. 염상섭이 최초로 선보인 순국문체 소설 는 일견『동아일보』연재라는 매체적 조건으로 인해 출현한 듯 보이지만, 이러한 판단에는 스스로의 소설어를 개척했던 개인의 노력에 대한 이해가 더해져야한다. 염상섭은 이전에 이미 세 차례에 걸친 서양소설의 번역 체험 속에서 자신이 구사하던 조선어의 경계를 확장시켜나가고 있었다. 그가 발표한 번역소설의 한자어 비중이 동시기의 창작 소설보다 현격히 낮았다는 것이 이를 반증한다. 아울러, 본 연구는 일본소설의 문체적 영향으로부터의 탈피를 대변하는 3인칭 대명사'彼'에서'그'로의 변화가 종래의 이해처럼 이 아니라 번역소설 에서 먼저 나타난 것이며, 에서 으로의 개작 과정에서 확인되는 1인칭 서술에서의 현재시제 활용이 의 번역 체험 속에서 획득되었다는 것을 제시했다. 자국어 언어장 속에 새로운 것을 가져온다는 측면에서,'번역'이란 그것을 차단하는'검열'과는 대척점에 있다. 하지만 언어적 측면에서'번역'은 끊임없이 자기를 '검열'하는 작업 그 자체이도 하다. 번역은 역자로 하여금 저본이라는 외적 준거를 통해 자기 언어와의 거리를 강제한다. 그렇게 자기 언어에서 조선어소설로서의 불순물을 발견한 염상섭은, 과감히 그것들과 결별했다. 이 과정에 쉬웠을리 만무하다. 염상섭에게 번역은'고투의 시간'이었다. 그러나 이 시간을 거치며 그는 조선어를 재발견하고 자신의 소설 문체를 확립할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대소설과 번역·창작의 복합주체

        손성준(Son, Sung-Jun) 한국현대문학회 2015 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.47

        이 연구는 염상섭과 현진건의 통속소설 번역에 주목하여 그들의 창작세계 형성과 소설관의 유동을 새롭게 해석해보고자 한것이다. 두 인물은 활동 초기부터 통속소설의 번역을 병행했지만 번역의 태도는 다르게 나타난다. 염상섭은 번역을 통해 통속소설에 대한 적극적 평가에 이르게 되는 반면, 현진건은 통속적 신문연재소설을 번역하는 경우에는 일회성 필명만을 내세우며 거리두기로 일관하였다. 이후 두 작가의 행보는 엇갈린다. 염상섭은 소설의 통속성을 자신의 문예주의 노선에 결합시킴으로써, 당대의 대표적인 장편작가이자 다작(多作)의 문인으로서 자리매김한다. 한편 현진건의 경우 일찌감치 기교와 묘사 방면에 강점을 지닌 작가의 위상을 얻었지만, 갈수록 침묵의 문인으로서 기억되었으며 특히 장편의 생산에 많은 난관을 겪게 된다. 두 문인이 보여주는 이러한 엇갈림의 이면에는 소설의 통속성에 대한 그들의 관점 차이가 놓여 있었으며, 통속소설의 번역은 그러한 관점을 지닌 주체를 형성하는 데 중요한 계기를 제공했다. 훗날 염상섭과 현진건은 각기 자신의 문학적 도정에 결핍되어 있던 것들을 비판적으로 성찰하며 새로운 변화를 꾀한다. This study intends to newly interpret the formation of Yeom Sang-seop"s and Hyun Jin-geon"s creative worlds and the transition of their perspectives on fiction, paying attention to their translation of Tongsok Soseol (popular fiction,). Although the two figures were involved in the translation of foreign popular fiction from their early literary activities, they showed different attitudes in relation to the translation. While Yeom Sang-seop came to make a positive evaluation of popular fiction in the course of translating it, Hyun Jin-geon consistently kept his distance from it, using a temporary pen name whenever translating a low-brow novel serially in a newspaper. Afterwards, the two writers trod different paths. Yeom Sang-seop established himself as a representative novelist and prolific writer of the time by integrating the popular nature of fiction into his own literary tendency. On the other hand, in the case of Hyun Jin-geon, although he early gained status as a writer having strengths in techniques and portrayal, he was increasingly remembered as a literary man of silence, and in particular, he had much difficulty in producing long novels. Behind such a discrepancy between the two writers lie differences in their viewpoints on the popular nature of fiction. The translation of popular fiction provided important momentum in the formation of their such subjective viewpoints. Later on, Yeom Sang-seop and Hyun Jin-geon attempted new changes, reflecting critically on what were lacking in their respective literary journey.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트의 시차와 공간적 재맥락화

        손성준(Son, Sung Jun) 동악어문학회 2014 동악어문학 Vol.62 No.-

        본 연구는 염상섭의 초기 번역 활동에 주목하여 텍스트 선택의 경위와 그 의미를 궁구하고, 이와 염상섭 소설들의 관련 양상을 고찰한 것이다. 염상섭은 메이지 일본의 문인 후타바테이 시메이를 경유하여 러시아 소설에 접속했다. 시메이의 번역문은 그 문체적 혁신으로 말미암아 일본 문단에서 큰 권위를 확보하고 있었다. 염상섭의 선택에는 그 권위에 대한 고려가 반영되어 있었으며, 번역태도 역시 저본을 꼼꼼하게 옮겨내는 방식이었다. 하지만 내용적 측면에서는 전혀 다른 방점을 찍으며 번역소설 자체가 자신의 문제의식을 대변하게 했다. 염상섭은 가르쉰의 ?四日間?을 통해서는 조선의 전쟁 체험, 즉 3?1운동의 죽음을 재현했고, 투르게네프의 ?密會?를 통해서는 여성해방이라는 화두를 던졌다. 이는 동시기의 소설 ?萬歲前?이나 ?除夜? 등에도 삽입된 메시지들이었다. 본격적 의미에서 처음으로 세계문학과 조우하며 나온 식민지 조선의 번역들은, 염상섭의 사례와 같이 저본과는 차별화 된 시공간적 조건의 차이와 번역자 개인의 문제의식이 빚어내는 각각의 맥락을 지니고 있었을 것이다. 따라서 본 연구는 향후 다른 대상에게도 적용 가능한 방법론의 한 사례로서 일정한 의의를 획득할 수 있다. This study noticed in the early translation activity of Yeom Sang-seop, examined his choice of translation text and the meaning it contains. Also, determined the aspects of his novels as an extension of translation activity. Yeom Sang-seop accessed Russian novel through Meiji Japan"s writer, Hutabatei Simei. Simei"s translation was renowned for it"s innovative style of writing in Japan"s literary circles. Yeom Sang-seop"s choice of texts reflected this authorities, and his translation attitude was also very simple and meticulous. But on the side of novel"s content, he tried very different way, and let translated novel represents his critical consciousness by itself. Yeom Sang-seop reenacted the horror of 3?1 independence movements, Chosun"s war experience through V. Garshin"s novel, Four days(四日間), and brought up women"s liberation issue through Turgenev"s Meeting(密會). These messages were also implied in other novels of the same period, such as Mansejeon(萬歲前) and Jeya(除夜). Colony Chosun was in the beginning stage of encountering international literatures in earnest, at that time of the Chosun"s translated literatures would have their own stories consisted of difference of time-space concept condition and translator"s personal concept of history, just like the Yeom Sang-seop"s case. So this study has significance as a example of translation study methodology which is applicable to other objects hereafter.

      • CFT용 초고강도 콘크리트를 이용한 실물대 실험

        손영준,송인명,양동일,정근호,정상진,최문식 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        The column for Steel Framed Reinforced Concrete Structure (SFRCS) and the column for Reinforced Concrete Structure (RCS) could be the most common building structure. The increasing of the need for massive space hasaffected the size of building components for supporting the massive structure. However, the changing of components size makes inefficient space of building. Hence, to meet the need for acquiring efficient space comparing the budget and cost the new structure method, Concrete Filled Tube Steel (CFT), was developed. CFT is the structure for which steel tube instead of other materials such as wood for holding concrete is used. The most benefit of this one is to help in reducing the size of the building components and local buckling because of tube steel holding concrete. For this reason, this research will examine the probability of applying CFT on construction sites by using the concrete (800kg/cm2) especially for CFT through the data from the real size mock-up.

      • KCI등재

        Pseudomonas sp . EL-091S 에 의한 4-Chlorophenol의 분해 Kinetics

        손준석,이건,이상준 한국환경과학회 1993 한국환경과학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        In order to find the most fitted biodegradation model, biodegradation models to the initial 4-chlorophenol concentrations were investigated and had been fitted by the linear regression. The degrading bacterium, EL-091S, was selected among phenol-degraders. The strain was identified with Pseudomonas sp. from the result of taxonomical studies. The optimal condition for the biodegradation was as fellows: secondary carbon source, concentration of ammonium nitrate, temperature and pH were 200㎎/l fructose, 600 ㎎/l, 30℃ and 7.0 respectively. The highest degradation rate of the 4-chlorophenol was about 58% for 24 hours incubation on the optimal condition. Biodegradation kinetics model of 5 ㎎/l 4-Chlorophenol, 10 ㎎/l 4-chlorophenol and 50 ㎎/l 4-chlorophenol were fitted the zero order kinetics model, respectively.

      • 硬鋼線材의 高溫드로잉時 VOID 生性에 관한 硏究

        南勝義,孫榮埈 弘益大學校 1986 弘大論叢 Vol.18 No.2

        A study has been made of void formation by hot drawing at elevated temperatures. If a void were created in a hot drawing, the tensile strength and elongation of the high-strength wire rod will be diminish drastically, there fore a quality of the wire rod will be changed. In order to investigate the effect of spheroidized cementite on void initiation, a 0.68%C and 0.74%C high carbon steel wire rod were drawn, at 650℃ and 700℃. Metallographic observation have been carried out on voides associated with spheroidized cementite using a Scaning Electron Microcope. A principal mechanism of the void initiation is that the void nucleation is situated the on edge of spheroidized cementite by dislocation pile-up when the cementite particle is very hard and the matrix is soft. because elevated temperatures decrease the flow stress of Metal. Therefore, the void is created and brought up, at the interface of ferrite-cementite spheroidized when the hot Rod takes a tensile strength. The number of void and the volume percentage of cementite spheroized are crease proportionally to the amount of drawing reduction. The mechanical properties of hot drawing wire are caused by void initiation.

      • 부하변동이 존재하는 DC 모터의 속도 제어를 위한 외란관측기 설계

        김성종,신명준,손영익,김갑일,임승철,강환일 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2007 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        This paper considers a speed control problem of DC motor under load variations. In order to reduce the effect of load variation, a disturbance observer has been designed for the given system. With a cheap encoder there exists considerable measurement noise in the velocity feedback and it should be reflected in designing the disturbance observer. The authors have obtained the nominal transfer function of a DC motor and designed a disturbance observer for the control purpose. With the disturbance observer a digital controller has been implemented using a DSP(TMS32OF2812). Some experiments show the enhanced performance of the control system with the proposed method.

      • KCI등재후보

        급성 림프구성 백혈병 환자에서 발생한 침습성 국균 심내막염 2예

        신성철,백경란,정재홍,송봉근,김동희,전경만,채제욱,손준성,정숙인,오원섭,송재훈 대한감염학회 2003 감염과 화학요법 Vol.35 No.5

        국균은 호흡기를 통해 유입되며 심한 면역기능저하 환자에서 기회감염을 일으키는 진균이며 주로 혈관을 따라 폐를 침범하고 심장과 골침범은 매우 드문 것으로 알려져 있다. 저자들은 급성 림프구성 백혈병 환자에서 발생한 침습성 국균 심내막염을 2예을 경험하였다. 19세 남자환자로 동종 조혈모세포이식 후 발생한 고열과 요통의 원인으로 감염성 심내막염 진단하에 수술결과 국균에 의한 감염으로 확증되어 수술적 절제술과 liposomal amphotericin B로 치료하였으나 국균 심내막염의 재발과 국균 척추염의 악화, 뇌 출혈로 사망하였다. 23세 남자환자로 관해요법 후 발생한 고열과 요통의 원인으로 국균 심내막염과 국균 척추염 진단하에 수술적 절제술과 amphotericin B로 치료하여 1년 2개월 동안 국균 심내막염의 재발은 없었으나 지속적인 백혈병의 재발과 국균 척추염의 악화, 침습성 폐 국균증으로 사망하였다. Although Aspergillus endocarditis has rarely been reported, it can cause fatal complications in hematologic malignancy patients and allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients. We experienced two cases of aspergillus endocarditis developed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Case; A 19-year-old patient developed Aspergillus endocarditis after allogenic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation. He was treated with surgical intervention and liposomal amphotericin B. He died of recurred Aspergillus endocarditis and cerebral hemorrhage probably related with aspergillosis of central nervous system. Case 2; A 23-year-old patient developed invasive Aspergillus endocarditis after induction chemotherapy. Aspergillus endocarditis was successfully treated by surgical intervention and amphotericin B. He died of refractory neutropenic fever and sepsis after the third relapse of leukemia and repetitive chemotherapy. He probably had invasive pulmonary aspergillosis without evidence of endocarditis recurrence. Because the mortality of Aspergillus endocarditis is very high, early diagnosis and surgical intervention are very important for better outcome.

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