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        미로슬라브 볼프 작(作) “알라”의 선교신학적 함의(含意)

        소윤정 ( So Youn Jung ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2017 복음과 선교 Vol.38 No.-

        2016년 1월 4일 한국 IVP(Inter Varsity Press)에서 번역 출간된 미로슬라브 볼프(Miroslav Volf)의 책 『알라』는 2011년 미국에서 Allah : A Christian Response라는 제목으로 출판된 이후 미국에서 적잖은 논란속에 기독교내 화제가 되었다. 이를 반영이라도 하듯이, 이미 예견된 듯 하지만 한국에서 번역 출간된 볼프의 책 『알라』는 출간이후 한국에서도 적잖은 논란속에 회자되고 있다. 정치신학적 입장에서 전략적으로 기술된 것이라는, 이슬람의 `알라`가 기독교의 하나님과 같다는 볼프의 입장은 종교다원주의와 종교혼합주의를 우려하는 복음주의 신학적 입장에서 본질적 문제를 간과한 무분별한 발상이라고 치부되고 있는 현실이다. 이는 선교학 입장에서 복음의 본질인 `Text`를 중시할 것이냐 복음의 증거를 위한 전략적 차원에서 `Context`를 중시할 것이냐의 문제로 일축할 수 있을 것이다. 한마디로 이슬람권 선교를 위한 상황화신학적 이슈로 보아야 할 것이다. 필자는 이에 볼프의 『알라』에 대한 선교신학 연구로 상황화신학 측면에서 본 논제를 다루었다. 먼저는 볼프의 『알라』에 대한 신학적 배경에 대하여 살펴보았고, 이슬람의 `성령`론적 관점에서 기독교의 삼위일체 신관과 성령을 중심으로 본질적 차이가 있음을 규명하였다. 그의 정치신학적 담론에서 비롯된 『알라』가 상황화신학 관점에서 명백한 본질적 차이 문제가 있음에도 불구하고, 기독교 복음주의 운동의 대표격인 로잔신학에서 강조하고 있는 `온전한 복음`을 증거 한다는 차원에서 고려할 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 무엇보다도 하나님 자신의 영인 성령의 측면에서 삼위일체 신관을 조명하여 기독교의 하나님이 이슬람의 알라와 본질적으로 같을 수 없으며 소위 정치신학적 측면에서 이슬람의 알라가 기독교의 하나님과 유일신적 관점에서 같다고 할 경우 발생되는 선교적 상황화신학의 문제점들에 대하여 언급하였다. 볼프의 『알라』에서 이야기 하고 있는 그의 정치신학담론은 바티칸선언문을 기초로 하고 몰트만의 `희망의 신학`을 배경으로 하고 있는 종교 다원주의적 사회주의 해방신학이라고 볼 수 있겠다. 우병훈 교수는 볼프가 『알라』에서 보여주고 있는 삼위일체론은 그의 또 다른 책, 『삼위일체와 교회』에서 이야기 하고 있는 것과 상당한 차이가 있다고 지적하고 있다. 볼프는 『삼위일체와 교회』에서 삼위(三位) 안에 세 개의 의지가 존재하는 사회적 삼위일체론을 이야기한다. 무엇보다도 사회적 삼위일체론에 있어서 볼프는 이슬람의 영인 꾸란의 `성령`이 신성이 아닌 인간의 자유의지로 인식될 수 있다고 한다. 『알라』의 서두에서 바티칸 선언문을 언급하면서 기독교와 이슬람의 신은 동일한 예배대상이라고 강조한 바 있는데, 여기서 볼프가 사회적 삼위일체론이 아닌 유일신론을 언급한 것은 사회적 삼위일체론에서 이슬람의 영, 꾸란의 `성령`을 신성이 아닌 인간의 자유의지로 인식했기 때문에 삼위(三位) 안에서 세 개의 의지가 존재하지만 결국 신성은 하나라고 보아 유일신론을 이야기 하고 있을 가능성이 있어 보인다. 그러므로 볼프의 『알라』는 `성령`을 기독교의 삼위일체적 신성으로 이해하지 않고 인간의 자유의지로 인식하여 기독교와 본질적으로 다른 `하나님`을 이슬람교의 `알라`와 동일시 하였을 뿐만 아니라 동일한 예배대상으로 보아 궁극적으로 무슬림을 복음증거의 대상으로서가 아닌 공존의 대상으로 인식하도록 하고 있다. 이는 상황화에 있어서 무엇보다 우선적으로 고려되어야 할 복음의 본질을 훼손하는 것으로, `알라`의 신명칭 역사마저도 고려하지 않고, 이슬람교가 태동할 때 기독교의 아람어 `알라`에서 무분별하게 신명칭을 차용한 후 현재까지 삼위일체를 부정하면서도 사용하고 있는 이슬람교의 부적절한 상황화 현상으로, 볼프의 『알라』는 기독교 선교신학적 입장에서 혼란을 가중시키는 신학적 입장이라고 볼 수 있다. The book 『Allah』, translated and published by IVP (Inter Varsity Press) Korea on January 4, 2016, was written by Miroslav Volf and first published in 2011 in the US under the title “Allah : A Christian Response.” Since the first publication, it has become a subject of no small dispute in the Christian community of the US. Possibly reflecting such an atmosphere, and as might have already been anticipated, 『Allah』, the Korean version of the Volf`s book, has been a subject of considerable dispute in Korea also since its publication. From the viewpoint of evangelical theology, which worries about religious pluralism and religious syncretism, Volf`s standpoint that the book was strategically written from a political theological viewpoint, and that the `Allah` of Islam is same as the God of Christianity, is cur-rently considered an indiscreet way of thinking that overlooks fundamental problems. From the standpoint of missiology, these problems could be briefly summarized as the problem of whether emphasis should be placed on `Text,` which is the plain foundation of the gospel, or strategically on `Context` to facilitate sharing the gospel. Therefore, in short, it would have to be considered a theological contextualization issue for missions to the Islamic block. Accordingly, the writer studied as a contextulizing mission theological approach to the Volf`s book 『Allah』 on the topic. First, a review was made concerning the theological background of the Volf`s book 『Allah』, and intrinsic differences were identified between Islamic `pneumatology` (Jinn - created spirit) and Christian trinitarian theology, especially with regard to the Holy Spirit (God - creator himself). Then an investigation was made to see if, in spite of the problems of such evidently intrinsic differences from the contextual theological viewpoint, the book 『Allah』, which basically is his political theological arguments, can be considered to be facilitating the witness of `the whole gospel` that is emphasized by Lausanne theology, which is the theology of a representative Christian evangelical movement. Most importantly, by illuminating the trinitarian doctrine of God, particularly with regard to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God himself, it was pointed out that the God of Christianity cannot in nature be same as the Allah of Islam; while the prob-lems of missiological contextual theology were also described that occur by assuming from the monotheistic viewpoint that the Allah of Islam in the aspect of so-called political theology is same as the God of Christianity. Volf`s political theological arguments in his book 『Allah』 could be taken as a socialistic liberation theology of religious pluralism, based on Vatican declaration and rooted in Moltmann`s `theology of hope.` Professor Woo Byeonghoon pointed out that the trinitarian theology shown in the Volf`s book 『Allah』 is much different from that shown in his another book 『The Trinity and the Church』. In 『The Trinity and the Church』, Volf describes the social trinitarianism that involves the existence of 3 wills in 3 persons. Most notably, he claims that according to social trinitarianism, `the holy spirit` written in the Quran, the spirit of Islam, can be interpreted as human free will, not as deity. Whereas at the beginning of 『Allah』, with a mention about Vatican declaration, he emphasizes that the God of Christianity and the god of Islam are the same object of worship. In this part of the book, however, he refers to monotheism rather than social trinitarianism. A possible reason for this is that he cognized `the holy spirit` written in Quran, the spirit of Islam, as human will according to the social trinitarianism and therefore that regardless of the existence of 3 wills in the 3 persons, he considered there ultimately exists only one deity. Thus, by interpreting `the holy spirit` written in the Quran as human will and not as the trinitarian deity of Christianity, in self-contradiction Volf`s 『Allah』 not only considers the `Allah` of Islam as `a god` that is intrinsically different from the God of Christianity, but also, by considering them as the same object of worship, ultimately misleads the readers to cognize Muslims as the object of coexistence rather than the object of sharing the gospel. This mutilates the essence of the gospel, which must be considered above all in contextualization-without even considering the history of the god`s name `Allah.` This name was indiscreetly adapted from Christianity when Islam was founded, as `Allah` was the Aramaic word for `God` that had been used in the Christian world even before the foundation of Islam. Since then Islam has been using `Allah` as the name of its god, but still denying the Trinity of Christianity. Thus, from the standpoint of Christian mission theology, Volf`s 『Allah』 is an improper contextualization of the gospel for the Islamic bloc, with a standpoint causing worse confusion.

      • 뇌경색증의 급성기에 발생한 변비에 대한 연구

        최윤이,김소이,김성은,정혜경,김태헌 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2015 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.38 No.1

        Objectives: The prevalence of constipation is high after stroke. Multiple factors such as long-term bed-ridden status, comorbidity, medical illnesses are combined in this condition. However, the change of bowel movement during the early stage of stroke remainsuncertain. Methods: Patients with first stroke who admitted in a single institute from 2008 to 2009 were reviewed retrospectively and 36 patients were enrolled. As a control group, 47 consecutive orthopedic patients needing bed rest without surgery in the same period were enrolled. Data of stroke associated factors, frequency of BM (bowel movement) during 5 weeks, use of gastrointestinal medications, and outcomes were collected from the medical records. Results: The cumulative incidence of decreased (<3/week) and severely decreased BM (<1/week) were 80.6% and 69.4% in stroke patients and 53.2% and 14.9% in control group (P<0.05). The cumulative incidence of increased BM (>3/day) was 38.9% in stroke and 14.9% in control group. In acute stroke, 58% of patient showed severely decreased BM in first week, and the proportion was rapidly decreased below 15% from second week. However, laxative use increased with hospital days. The occurrence of severely decreased BM in stroke patients was associated with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS; P=0.004). Severely decreased BM was not associated with poor outcomes including death, morbidity, and stroke recurrence. Conclusion: Decreased BM is common in acute stroke. The occurrence of severely decreased BM is associated with NIHSS. However, the severe manifestation occurred mainly in the first week, and considered to be well controlled by laxatives.

      • T Cell Receptor Rearrangement in NKT Cells Differentiated from Cord Blood CD34+ Cells

        정윤재,우소연 이화여자대학교 의과대학 2003 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.26 No.2

        Objectives: To investigate the time of rearrangement of the TCR gene in the process of NKT cell differentiation from CD34+ human cord blood cells in vitro. Methods : We isolated the CD34+ human cord blood cells and induced the differentiation of NKT cells by liquid culture including IL-15, FL and SCF for 30 days. In order to detect the time of TCR gene rearrangement in differen-tiated NKT cell, we performed PCR for TCR-rearrange-ment excision circles (TRECs) with isolated DNA. Results : Signal joint TREC first appeared on day 4 or day 8 and continuously existed until day 30. Between day 9 and day21, cells showed high output of coding joint TRECs after signal joint rearrangement. Conclusion : In differentiated NKT cells, TCR gene rearrangement started within a week after culture started and mostly occurred in 2 to 3 weeks after culture started. 목적: 제대혈에서 분리한 CD34 양성세포를 사이토카인을 이용하여 NKT 세포로 분화시키는 과정에서 T 림프구의 수용체(TCR) 유전자의 재배열이 어느 시기에 나타나는지 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 제대혈에서 분리한 CD34 양성세포에 IL-15, Flt3-L와 stem cell factor를 첨가하여 액체 배양하였다. 일주일 간격으로 세포를 수거하여 DNA를 분리하고, 이것을 TCR 유전자 재조합의 결과로 생겨나는 TCR-rearrangement excision circles (TRECs)을 검출하는 시발체(primer)를 사용하여 중합효소연쇄반응을 시행하였다. 결과: 배양 시작 4일째부터 TREC이 검출되어 배양 후 30일까지 검출되었으나, 배양 시작 2~3주에 그 정도가 가장 높았다. 결론: 제대혈에서 분리한 CD34 양성세포에서 분화하는 NKT 세포의 TCR 유전자 재조합은 배양 개시 후 일주일 이내에 시작되어 배양 개시후 2~3주에 활발히 일어난다.

      • 멸치액젓의 휘발성 향기성분에 관한 연구

        차용준,박지영,장성민,김훈,김소정 창원대학교 생활과학연구소 1998 생활과학연구 Vol.- No.2

        Volatile flavor components in salt-fermented anchovy sauce were analyzed by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction/gas chromatography/mass spectormetry. Ninety-eight compounds were detected in sample. These compounds were composed mainly of aldehydes(13). ketones(6), alcohols(16), aromatic compounds(21), N-containing compounds(7), esters(5), S-containing compounds(5) and miscellaneous compounds(25). Among these, 3-(methythio)propanal, 2-ethyl-3.5-dimethylpyrazine, dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide having high odor values were supposed to be playing to be a major role in the overall aroma of salt-fermented anchovy sauce.

      • 뇌실외 배액술 관리에 대한 이해 및 업무수행 실태

        김정숙,윤미선,송소이,이지은,문경선,고지운,임분남,김경희,박경숙 중앙대학교 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.2

        The objective of this study was to investigate the managing realities of EVD and provide a descriptive survey with the attempt to obtain basic data needed for the standardization of EVD management. For that purpose, 220 questionnaire copies were distributed to those nurses who were working with intensive care units at university hospitals, general hospitals, semi-general hospitals in Seoul, Kyongki-de and local areas. Of 158 returned questionnaire copies, 139 were used for analysis. Data were collected during the term of academic seminars of Neurosurgery Nursing Committee and KICA (Korea Intensive Care Association), ranging from Oct. 26 through 27. 2000. The tools utilized a structured questionnaire form consisting of 21 questions on general characteristics, the level of understanding, the level of work performance, standard management guidelines, etc. The data collected were analysed with frequency, percentage, mean vague, chi -square test using the SPSS 10.0 program Findings were revealed, as follows: For managing the prevention of EVD infection, aseptic technique was found to be of the most importance (48.9%),'the technique should be carried out at an operation room'(92.8%), but it was actually performed at intensive care units (over 51.5%). 'The term of antibiotics use should be less than 7 days' (81.8%), while it was actually executed for less than 7 days (49.5%). 'The proper time of quittance from it should be within less than 7 days'(74.1%) but actual quittance was executed only by 51.1%. 'Set exchange is needed' by 54.0% but actual exchange was implemented merely by 28.1%. 'The subject of management should be nurses' was reflected by 40% but actually 52.0% were carried out. As a result of hating analysed the understanding of the management of EVD by general characteristics, a significant difference was found in the necessity for set exchange by hospitals, in the time of quittance of a catheter, and in ablution items by work experience. The result of hating analysed the work performance levels of EVD management by general characteristics revealed that a significant difference in administration facilities of medicine by the classification of hospitals, especially the use of antibiotics and the quitting time of a catheter by the classification of intensive care units, and in the use of antibiotics and ablution items by the standard management guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        제1유구치의 조기 상실로 인한 공간 변화에 대한 3차원적 분석

        김지연,정다운,곽소연,유승은,박기태 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 제1유구치의 조기 상실 시 공간 변화에 대한 분석을 위하여 3-Dimensional Laser Scanner를 이용하여 그 유용성을 평가하고자 하는 예비논문이다. 6세-8세 사이의 제1대구치가 맹출하여 확실한 교합 관계를 이루는 혼합치 열기 어린이 중 편측 제1유구치의 조기 발치가 필요한 6명의 발치 전 후의 모형을 이용하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. l. 유구치 공간변화는 상악은 실험군과 대조군 모두 현저한 감소를 보이지 않았고, 하악은 실험군에서 3명 중 2명에서 공간감소가 관찰되었다. 2. 치열궁 너비,치열궁 둘레는 초기모형과 최종모형에서 비슷한 값을 보였다. 3. 협설측 경사도 변화는 유견치에서는 상하악 모두 특별한 경향을 보이지 않았으며,제2유구치는 상악은 실험군과 대조군이 유사하였고,하악에서는 3명중 2명에서 실험군이 더 큰 설측경사도 변화를 보였다. 제1대구치는 하악에서 실험군이 더 큰 설측경사도 변화가 관찰되었다. 4. 근원심 경사도 변화 측정에서 유견치는 상하악 모두 특별한 경향이 관찰되지 않았고 제2유구치의 경우 하악에서 실험군이 더 큰 근심경사도 증가가 보였다. 제1대구치는 상악에서 실험군,대조군 모두 원심 경사도가 증가되었다. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a 3-Dimensional laser scanner for the space analysis after loss of a primary first molar. Six children with premature loss of a primary first molar were examined using study models taken before and after the extraction. The results were as follows: 1. There was no change in primary molar space after the extraction of a maxillary primary first molar However, 2 out of 3 children experienced primary molar space loss in extraction side of a mandibular primary first molar. 2. Arch width and arch perimeter showed no difference between initial and final model. 3. All primary canines did not show any changes in inclination. Maxillary primary second molars had similar changes in both extraction and control side. However, 2 out of 3 mandibular primary second molars in extraction side showed more lingual tipping compared to control side. Mandibular permanent first molars tipped more lingually in extraction side. 4. In angulation, primary canines showed nothing of significance. Mandibular primary second molars tipped more mesially in extraction side than in control side. Maxillary permanent first molars have increased distal angulation after extraction of primary first molars in both side.

      • KCI등재
      • Development of a Real-Time Multiplex PCR Assay with Propidium Monoazide Treatment for Simultaneous Detection of Live Salmonella, and Salmonella Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, S. Pullorum, and S. Gallinarum, in Rinse Water of Chicken Carcasses

        Youn, So Youn,Jeong, Ok Mi,Choi, Byung Kook,Jung, Suk Chan,Kang, Min Su Springer-Verlag 2017 Food analytical methods Vol.10 No.6

        <P>Salmonella is a major food-borne pathogen in humans and a cause of local or systemic disease in animals. Therefore, rapid and reliable methods to detect these poultry-associated Salmonella serotypes are necessary for efficient control of Salmonella in poultry. The present study aimed to develop a real-time multiplex PCR (MqPCR) method to simultaneously detect and/or differentiate Salmonella sp. and poultry-associated serotypes, including Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Pullorum, and Salmonella Gallinarum. A MqPCR method was designed using four specific primer pairs and probes for the detection of Salmonella sp., including S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, S. Pullorum, and S. Gallinarum. Additionally, a novel TaqMan-based MqPCR method combined with propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment was developed for the simultaneous quantification of viable cells of Salmonella sp. and these four Salmonella serotypes in rinse water of chicken carcasses. The MqPCR assay specifically detected Salmonella sp., S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, S. Pullorum, and S. Gallinarum, showing 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity. This optimized PMA-MqPCR assay could detect live Salmonella (10(0)-10(6) CFU/reaction) without enrichment in live/dead cell mixtures from spiked rinse water of chicken carcasses. The procedure for detecting live Salmonella required less than 2 h to complete. This PMA TaqMan-based MqPCR technique facilitates accurate and rapid monitoring of contamination with viable Salmonella. Also, the assay enables simultaneous identification of S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, S. Pullorum, and S. Gallinarum in rinse water of chicken carcasses. The assay developed in this study will be useful in diagnostic laboratories for improving Salmonella control in poultry and poultry products.</P>

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