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        이정민 한국경제연구원 2018 한국경제연구원 세미나자료 Vol.18 No.3

        한경연 권태신 원장은 인사말을 통해, “우리도 시급히 벤처를 新성장 동력으로 삼아 경제에 활력을 불어넣고 전통 산업에서 이탈하는 인력을 새로운 성장 산업으로 흡수해야 한다. 이를 위해 스타트업이 손쉽게 창업하여 성장하고 다시 M&A를 통해 한 단계 더 도약·발전하는 구조가 정착되어야 한다.”고 강조했다. 20대 국회에서 청년미래특별위원회 간사이고, 과거 NHN과 웹젠 등을 이끌며 우리나라 IT 산업을 선도한 바 있는 더불어민주당 김병관 의원은 축사를 통해 “1997년 벤처특별법 제정 이후 20년이 흐른 만큼, 지금부터의 벤처 정책은 과거 양적 성장 위주에서 벗어나 벤처생태계 전체의 질적 성장을 가져와야 한다.”면서, “이를 위해 부실벤처 양산 우려가 있는 벤처확인제도를 전면 개편함과 동시에, 투자 중심 창업생태계 조성을 위해 모태펀드 역할을 재정립하고 벤처 M&A시장도 활성화해 나가야 한다.”고 강조했다. “국내 벤처생태계 영향과 대기업의 역할”을 주제로 발제를 맡은 혁신벤처정책연구소 이정민 부소장은, 스타트업 기업들이 한 단계 더 도약할 수 있는 기회가 기업공개(IPO) 아니면 대기업에 의한 M&A라면서, 소위 ‘벤처 대박’이라 할 수 있는 M&A 사례가 많이 나와 주어야 벤처기업들도 시장에서 고사(枯死)되지 않고 살아남아 지속적인 성장을 이어갈 수 있다고 설명했다. 대기업에 의한 M&A가 벤처기업 입장에서는 바람직한 출구전략(Exit)이라는 것이다. 무엇보다 대기업의 글로벌 시장 지배력과 충분한 자본력을 활용한 신규 투자가 뒷받침될 수 있다면, 청년들의 창업 열기도 더욱 활성화되어 건전한 벤처 생태계가 조성될 것이라고 강조했다. 김영태 중소기업벤처부 국장은 “우리 벤처 생태계가 획기적으로 도약하기 위해서는 국내외를 막론하고 벤처기업에 대한 활발한 M&A가 일어나야 한다. 이를 위해서는 매수 세력이 충분한 매력을 느낄 수 있는 과학기술 관련 벤처 기업의 창업이 활성화되어야 하고, M&A 시장에서는 이를 중개할 수 있는 법률, 회계, IB 등의 분야에 다양한 전문가가 확충되어 있어야 한다.”고 밝혔다. 남대일 고려대 경영학과 교수는 대기업의 투자가 민간자금 형성에 중추적인 역할을 한다면서, M&A를 통한 벤처기업의 계열사 편입도 중요하지만 벤처기업의 경영권을 유지해주면서 일부 지분만 투자해서 동반 성장해 나가는 방법도 활용해봐야 한다고 강조했다. 실제로 구글, 인텔 등 많은 글로벌 기업들은 기업벤처캐피털(CVC: Corporate Venture Capitalist)을 설립해 펀드를 운용하거나 다른 펀드에 지분 참여를 한다고 소개했다. 홍경표 한화 드림플러스 센터장은 한화그룹도 2014년부터 CVC나 엑셀러레이터를 스타트업에게 투자하고 있다고 소개하면서, 다만 유망 벤처기업을 M&A 해서 계열사로 편입시키게 되면 이후부터 계열사 간 부당지원 문제가 발생한다고 지적했다. 특히 2015년 7월, 정부가 벤처기업의 대기업집단 편입 유예를 당초 3년에서 7년으로 연장하긴 했으나, 유예기간 중에 있는 기업들이 더 이상 벤처기업 인증을 받지 못하는 점이 문제라고 설명했다.

      • KCI등재

        Quality of Life of Survivors of Thyroid Cancer Is Not Inferior to That in Subjects without Cancer: Long-Term after Over 5 Years

        이정민,이윤주,임동준,이정민,장상아,김민희 대한내분비학회 2022 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.37 No.4

        Background: Patients with thyroid cancer undergo less extensive surgery and additional therapies compared to those with othercancers. We aimed to compare the quality of life (QoL) between patients with thyroid cancer and healthy subjects using representative data from Korea. Differences in QoL of thyroid cancer survivors according to the duration after cancer diagnosis was also evaluated. Methods: This population-based cohort study included 50,278 subjects who participated in the Korea National Health and NutritionExamination Survey between 2007 and 2017. QoL was compared between patients with thyroid cancer and healthy subjects usingself-reported data from the EuroQoL (EQ)-5 dimension (5D) and EQ-visual analog scale (VAS). Propensity score matching wasused to match thyroid cancer survivors to healthy subjects (1:5 matching). Results: Linear regression with univariate analysis showed that the presence of thyroid cancer was positively correlated with betterEQ-5D index scores (β-coefficient=0.010, P=0.046). After adjusting for multiple covariables, statistical significance was maintained. EQ-VAS fails to demonstrate any significant correlation. Among the EQ-5D categories, patients with thyroid cancer showedbetter self-care than healthy subjects. Thyroid cancer duration did not correlate with the EQ-5D index score. In subgroup analyses,compared to patients with thyroid cancer duration of <5 years, no significant difference was observed in the correlation between theEQ-5D index score and survival duration in those with thyroid cancer duration of 5 to 9 years and ≥10 years. Conclusion: Using a large-scale nationwide population-based database, our study demonstrated better QoL, especially in terms ofself-care, among thyroid cancer survivors than among healthy subjects without cancer.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring the Association between Thyroid Function and Frailty: Insights from Representative Korean Data

        이정민,이윤주,김민희,임동준,이정민,장상아 대한내분비학회 2023 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.38 No.6

        Background: This study investigates the association between thyroid function and frailty in the old patients using representative data. Methods: The study was conducted using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted from 2013 to 2015. The study population included 2,416 participants aged 50 years and older with available thyroid function test data. Frailty assessment was performed using the Fried frailty phenotype. The prevalence of frailty was analyzed across different thyroid diseases and thyroid function parameters. Results: The significant association between thyroid dysfunction and frailty was observed in overt hyperthyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism. After adjusting for various factors, the association between thyroid dysfunction and frailty remained significant. On the other hand, overt hypothyroidism did not show a significant association with frailty in the adjusted analysis. For individuals with overt hyperthyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism, higher levels of free thyroxine (FT4) were significantly associated with an increased risk of frailty (aOR >999; 95% CI, >999 to 999). Among individuals with overt hypothyroidism, lower level of FT4 levels and high thyrotropin (TSH) levels showed a significant association with frailty risk (FT4: aOR, <0.01; TSH: aOR, 999). In participants with subclinical hypothyroidism, there were no significant associations between parameters for thyroid and frailty risk. Conclusion: These findings suggest that thyroid dysfunction, particularly overt hyperthyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism, may be associated with an increased risk of frailty in the old patients.

      • KCI등재

        동북아의 전략적 부상과 미래전의 유형 : 한반도에 미치는 영향을 중심으로 Implications for Northeast Asia and Korea

        이정민 한국전략문제연구소 1999 전략연구 Vol.6 No.3

        The central objective of this paper is to examine the potential impact of information warfare and the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) in Northeast Asia and Korea. Significant debate has already taken place relating to emerging spectrums of conflict, the growing threat posed by information or cyber warfare, and the impact of the RMA. Nonetheless, only limited research has been conducted within Korea on the relationship between the RMA and information warfare. In an effort to broaden the domestic debate on potential future directions for the ROK armed forces, ie., in the post-unification era, this paper assesses the following issues. First, an analysis of emerging conflicts with a particular emphasis on the rise of "hyrbid conflicts" or conflicts that often have multi-dimensional and or transnational characteristics. Second, the role of asymmetric strategies and potential implications for future conflict in the region. Third, key characteristics of information warfare and the RMA. And fourth, major strategic trends in Northeast Asia and Korea and implications for long-tenn defense planning. In essence, although regional forces have begun to selectively adopt RMA technologies, most of the armed forces of Northeast Asia are just beginning to analyze the role of information warfare and the RMA in shaping the conflict spectrum of the 21st century. Nonetheless, the region could witness a significantly different strategic environment over the next 20-30 years if the RMA truly begins to influence and shape strategic thinking, force modernization, and defense planning priorities. China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, and selective ASEAN states are in the process of upgrading their respective forces with varying degrees of emerging technologies. Stand-off weapons, advanced surveillance and reconnaissance technologies and platforms, smart munitions, cruise and ballistic missiles as well as an array of other RMA-driven weapons systems will gain increasing prominence in the years and decades ahead. However, as Paul Bracken and others have argued, if an increasing number of Northeast Asia's armed forces acquire these systems, it could spur a new arms race in the region. If more and more regional countries acquire increasingly sophisticated power projection capabilities including cruise and ballistic missiles and "conventional" weapons of mass destruction, it could also result in a new security dilemma for the regional powers. For the time being, none of the Northeast Asian powers have the political, economic, or technological capabilities to take a commanding lead in RMA related sectors. Nonetheless, assuming that China is able to maintain relative social and political stability over the next two decades, that Japan continues to modernize the SDF, and that Korea also incorporates elements of RMA-driven technologies, key forces in the region will become increasingly shaped by RMA driven imperatives. Although the incorporation of new defense and information technologies is an important issue, a crucial condition for successfully adopting RMA and information warfare technologies lies in developing coherent and matching doctrines and strategies. To sum up, the paper argues that the ROK has no choice but to incorporate RMA technologies into its force structure, particularly in light of the growing importance of air and sea power in the 21st century. While the current force structure is dominated by the anny given the predominance of the North Korean military threat, the ROK has to seriously examine how best to develop a "balanced force" including a major redistribution of resources into its air and naval forces. In order for such a development to take place, however, significant hurdles remain including the need to enhance "jointness" in battle management, weapons acquisition, and doctrinal modernization. Nevertheless, Korea's strategic and political interests will be best served in the long run by emphasizing the primacy of air and naval power and information dominance technologies.

      • KCI등재후보

        국가기록원 어린이 교육용 온라인 기록정보콘텐츠 현황 및 개선방안에 관한 연구

        이정민,김수정 전북대학교 문화융복합아카이빙연구소 2023 디지털문화아카이브지 Vol.6 No.1

        양질의 교육 콘텐츠에 대한 수요가 높아지면서 기록기관에서 교육용 기록정보콘텐츠를 제공해야 할 필요성도 증가하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 국외 중앙기록물관리기관의 교육용 기록정보콘텐츠를 분석하여 시사점을 제시하고, 국가기록원의 어린이 교육용 온라인 기록정보콘텐츠의 현황을 분석한 후 개선방안을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 선행연구로부터 교육용 기록정보콘텐츠 평가 기준을 도출하였고, 이 기준을 바탕으로 영국, 미국, 호주의 3기관(TNA, NARA, NAA)에서 제공하는 교사 및 학생을 위한 교육용 기록정보콘텐츠와 국가기록원의 ‘어린이 콘텐츠’를 콘텐츠, 검색, 인터페이스 측면에서 분석하였다. 그리고, 국가기록원의 어린이 교육용 온라인 기록 정보콘텐츠 개선방안을 콘텐츠 수 확대, 교과과정과의 연계, 콘텐츠 포맷의 일관성 향상, 검색 기능 및 인터페이스 강화 등으로 제시하였다.

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