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      • 소방공무원 공·사상자의 사고 사례별 위험 예방에 관한 연구 : -119구조대원 중심으로-

        김진태 강원대학교 산업과학대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 248653

        소방공무원은 각종 재난현장에서 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하고 공공복리와 질서유지를 위하여 열과 성을 다하고 있다. 그러나 안타깝게도 업무 수행 중 목숨을 잃거나 부상을 당하는 소방공무원은 2014년 한해 순직 7명, 공상자 325명으로 총 332명에 이르고 있다. 하지만 이와 같은 소방공무원의 순직과 부상은 사회는 물론 소방 내부에서조차 간과되고 있으며, 체계적인 연구 및 제대로 된 조사조차 이루어지지 않고 있다. 또한 국가로부터 숭고한 희생에 대한 합당한 예우를 받지 못하고 있거나, 유사한 사례 재발 방지를 위한 제도개선이나 예방대책이 수립되고 있지 않아, 아직까지 업무수행 중 다치거나 순직한 소방공무원의 현실에 대해 깊이 있게 인식하지 못하고 있는 듯하다. 본 연구에서는 사고와 관련 있는 이론적 배경을 갖는 기존 문헌, 소방 현장 활동 사고사례, 국민안전처 2014년 소방행정자료 및 통계, 학위논문, 언론 및 신문보도자료, 소방 교육기관 교재 등의 자료를 토대로 종합적으로 연구하여 소방 공무원의 순직·공상사고를 예방하기 위한 연구를 하였으며, 자료 분석은 외국 및 국내의 사례분석 등을 활용하였다. 최근 5년간(2010~2014)의 소방공무원의 순직 및 공상자 현황을 업무활동 원인별, 유형별 등으로 분석 하였으며 119구조대원의 화재, 구조, 구급, 수난, 산악 기타 현장에서 발생한 순직·공상자 사고 사례를 분석하여 안전사고를 예방하기 위한 방안을 연구 하였다. 우리나라 소방공무원 공·사상자의 실태를 파악하고, 미국과 일본의 공·사상자 현황을 비교하는 한편, 우리나라 재난현장에서 소방공무원의 인명피해를 최소화할 수 있는 방안을 찾아보고자 하며, 사례 분석을 통한 연구결과 소방공무원 및 119구조대원의 현장 활동 중 순직·공상자 발생을 예방하기 위한 방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소방인력 보강 및 전문화이다. 현장 활동 인력의 부족은 지휘관이 지휘·통솔력의 약화와 팀웍이 무력해지는 직접적인 원인이 되고 있다. 둘째, 위험예지 훈련의 생활화와 구조 훈련의 효율화이다. 이 훈련은 소방 활동이나 훈련·연습 중에서 위험요인을 발견할 수 있는 것으로 개인 수준에서 팀 수준으로 감수성을 높이는 훈련으로 위험예지 훈련을 강화하여 재난 현장에서 적극적으로 대응하고 안전사고를 줄임으로써 현장 활동 소방대원 및 119구조대원의 순직· 공상 사고를 예방하는 데 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다. 셋째, 현장안전관리 강화로서 구조대원 안전을 위협하는 위험노출 이력 관리이다. 각종 재난사고 현장 활동 및 고도의 훈련과정에서 구조대원의 건강에 영향을 미치는 위험요소에 노출되는 개인별 위험노출 이력을 체계적으로 관리 감독하여 대상 위험별 노출되는 회수·강도 등을 지속적으로 누적 기록하고 기록과 관찰을 바탕으로 과학적 건강관리를 하는 것이다. 넷째, 체력관리 프로그램 정비이다. 이러한 체력은 자신이 극한 상황에 처해 도 자력으로 위험에서 탈출 할 수 있는 정신적·육체적 멘탈을 키우는 것이다.

      • John Steinbeck의 作品 속에 投影된 東洋 思想 照明 : 人本主義, 自然 親和 思想, 老莊思想, 空思想, 禪思想, 慈悲를 中心으로

        장 웅상 建國大學校 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 232286

        The aim of this paper es in illuminating Oriental Thoughts revealed in the Works of John Steinbeck. Of course, it is not likely that Steinbeck wrote a novel on the ground of Oriental Thoughts. Only the central contents revealed in his works are connected with Oriental Thoughts. The real interest of John Steinbeck lies in man. He deals with a literature in the light of Humanism. This Humanism is said to be coulected with Humanism of confucian ideas. The description of Nature comes in the works of John Steinbeck, and his description of Nature is connected with Harmony with Nature in the Orient and Taoism that think highly of Nothingness. The Works of John Steinbeck can be accessed in the light of Buddhism. The central meanig Projected in The Pearl, which reveals that all mortal things come to nothingness, is connected with Emptiness of Buddhism. The process that the hero obtains a new perception is very similar to the Zen Buddhism of the Orient. Also, the expression that All that lives is holy projected in the Grapes of Wrath is said to be connected with Mercy, which means Universal Love that covers a lower animal. Of course, there are two difficulties in completing this paper. Firstly, I cannot find a reference book and a paper that describe the Works of John Steinbeck in the light of Oriental Thoughts. Secontlly, it is not likely tllat he wrote a novel on the ground of Oriental Thoughts, although the Works of John Steinbeck is a little oriental. I can say that the contents projected in the Works of John Steinbeck are similar to the Oriental Thoughts. I think it is very meaningful to illuminate the Works of John Steinbeck through the instruction of Oriental Thoughts.

      • 함허 선사의 불교사상과 그 시적 형상화 연구

        김명옥 동방문화대학원대학교 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 232269

        본 논문의 목적은 함허 선사(1376~1433)의 유교·불교·도교의 회통사상, 공사상, 정토사상이 그의 깨달음을 얻어가는 과정, 깨달음을 증득한 후의 보림(保任)과 교화과정, 그리고 ‘방하착(放下着)’과 충만의 선심을 노래한 시문학에 어떻게 반영, 형상화 되고 있는가를 살펴보는데 있다. 선의 깨달음은 어떠한 언어로도 표현하기가 어렵기 때문에 불립문자를 표방한다. 하지만 선은 언어문자를 완전히 배제할 수 없다. 선사들이 깨침의 세계를 남들에게 드러내 보이거나 설명하기 위해서는 문자를 의존하지 않으면 안 되기 때문이다. 이러한 모순으로 인해 선적 사유의 언어는 지극히 압축되고 고도의 상징과 비유, 그리고 상식을 뛰어 넘는 역설적인 언어를 사용하게 된다. 이러한 맥락에서 보면 선시 역시 탈속 무애한 상즉상입의 세계를 추구하고 있으며, 이러한 경향은 함허 선사의 시문학 세계에도 잘 형상화 되고 있음을 살필 수 있다. 그것은 시선일여(詩禪一如)로 시가 언어 가운데 가장 선지에 부응하는 살아 있는 형식이고, 압축적이며 비약과 함축을 가장 잘 표상하는 가능성의 언어이기 때문이라 할 수 있다. 함허 선사는 조선 초기 강력한 숭유억불의 정책이 실시된 상황에서 논리정연하고 체계적인 이론으로 불교의 정체성을 변호하며 반박 담론을 적극적으로 펼치며 위기에 처한 불교를 수호하고자 하였다. 특히 그는 󰡔현정론󰡕과『유석질의론』등을 저술하여 유가들의 일방적 불교비판과 공격에 대한 반론을 제기함은 물론 그들의 불교에 대한 잘못된 이해를 해소하고 불교의 진정한 의미를 널리 알리고자 하였다. 이와 같이 함허 선사는 불교와 유교의 근본적인 가르침이 다르지 않기 때문에 상호 대립보다는 이해와 회통의 길을 모색하고 나아가 유·불·도 삼교회통을 주창하였다. 이러한 맥락에서 함허 선사는 마음이 만법의 뿌리임을 내세우며 마음을 고요히 하여 진리의 실상을 관찰함으로써 자성을 찾고, 또한 풍부한 선적 상상력을 기반으로 한 함축적인 이미지와 언어로 그의 수행정진과 깨침의 세계와 교화의 방편을 시문학으로 담아내고 있다. 여기에는 선적 직관으로 사물을 정관하며 맑고 텅 빈 무심의 경지에서 유유자적하며 걸림 없이 살아가는 그의 수행의 세계가 잘 표출되고 있다. 이와 같이 본성을 깨닫기 위해 치열한 구도와 마음을 맑히고 비우는 보림의 수행에서 빚어진 그의 시문학은 ‘선심(禪心)’의 시심화(詩心化)라 할 수 있다. 그것은 곧 시심(詩心)과 선심(禪心)이 같다는 ‘시선일여’의 시적 미학을 표상하고 있다 할 수 있다. 따라서 연구자는 본 논문에서 함허 선사의 이러한 시적 세계를 연구하기 위해 우선, 선시의 기원과 전개 과정, 선시의 유형과 특징을 살피고, 이어 함허 선사의 간략한 생애와 그의 사상의 핵심인 호불사상, 삼교 회통사상, 공사상, 정토사상의 특징과 그것이 그의 시적 세계에 어떻게 형상화 되고 있는가를 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 함허 선사의 선적 사유의 세계를 구도와 깨달음의 시적 형상화, 자연교감을 통한 물아일여(物我一如)의 시적 형상화, 방하착과 비움의 충만, 즉 공만일여(空滿一如)의 시적 형상화, 그리고 ‘선다일여(禪茶一如)’의 시적 형상화를 통해 선심의 시심화를 집중적으로 검토하였다. 뿐만 아니라 함허 선사의 정토사상의 시적 형상화를 아미타여래의 공덕과 극락세계의 공덕을 중심으로, 그리고 염불을 통해 왕생하는 공덕을 찬양한「미타찬」「안양찬」「미타경찬」등과 유생이나 승려에게 보낸 서신 등을 중심으로 조명하였다. The purpose of this dissertation is to trace the characteristic of Samgyohoitong(Unification of three religions), Śunya thought, Pureland thought of Seon master Hamheo(1376~1433), and to look into how they are reflected and transformed in his poetic world produced in the process of attaining Enlightenment, of refining his enlightenment and saving sentient beings, and of depicting 'letting it go’ and fullness. Actually, Seon is difficult to express in any language or sign, so it presents 'Bulipmunja'(No dependence on words and letters). But it cannot completely exclude words and letters. In this vein, Seon masters, after attaining enlightenment, have no choice but to depend on words and letters in oder to show or reveal his enlightenment to others. Owing to this contradict, the language of Seon takes an extremely condensed, brief and paradoxical language or highly symbols and metaphors transcending a common sense. This tendency of "Poetry and Seon is the same one" which stresses brevity and implication is well revealed in Hamheo's poetic world. In the era of early Joseon Dynasty, under the crisis of Buddhism, Seon Master Hamheo tried to defend and protect Buddhism, especially by writing Hyeonjeonron. Above all, the core of Hyeonjeongron lies in not only correcting the injustice on anti-Buddhism theory and but also in correcting Confucianists' misunderstanding on Buddhism by establishing the identity of Buddhism and by widely spreading it. In this context, he asserted Samgyohoitong(Unification of three religions). Asserting that the mind is the root of everything, Hamheo tried to seek the original nature focusing on Samatha-vipassana rather than an ideology. In the course of seeking after the Truth and Enlightenment, he expressed his state of Seon-mind and poetic mind in more simple, condensed, clear and succinct poetic diction and images. Consequently, his Seon mind and poetic imagination, based on the mutual interacting with nature, is even more vividly and lyrically well expressed in his poetic world. Futhermore, Hamheo tried to see into and contemplate all things as they are, with the empty mind. That's the very poetic description of Seon mind and 'Poetic mind and Seon mind is the same one.' That's the very poetic description of Seon mind and 'Poetic mind and Seon mind is the same one.' In addition, I tried to examine the poetic transformation of Hamheo's Pudreland thought focusing on Amitabha Buddha's merit and Paradise's merit, and also to look into 'Mitachan', 'Anyangchan', 'Mitakyungchan' praising the majesty of nirvana and the benefits of the person going to Nirvana after death as well as delivering a message to Confucianists and Buddhist venerables.

      • 金剛經의 菩薩思想 硏究

        김수경 동국대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 232222

        This thesis investigates how the thought and way of the bodhisattva, which is the symbol of Mahāyāna Buddhism, are embodied in the Vajracchedikā- prajñā-pāramitā Sūtra, the principle sutra of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. The Vajracchedikā-prajñā-pāramitā Sūtra is arranged as a dialogue between Subhūti and the Buddha. Members of the gathering consisted of around 1250 monks and many Bodhisattva-mahāsattvas(菩薩摩訶薩). Subhūti asked the Buddha how good men and good women, who have set out in the Bodhisattva-vehicle(菩薩乘), should abide, how should they progress, and how should they control their thoughts. A Bodhisattva-mahāsattva takes a vow to lead all living beings to Nirvāṇa. And although innumerable beings have been led to Nirvāṇa, in a Bodhisattva, the notion of a self(ātma-saṃjñā, 我想), the notion of a being(sattva-saṃjñā, 衆生想) the notion of a soul (jīva-saṃjñā, 壽者想) or the notion of a person (pudgala-saṃjñā, 人相) should not take place and a Bodhisattva should practice charity without attachment, Bodhisattvas who are wholly devoid of any conception of separate selfhood can truly be called bodhisattvas, those who have left behind all notions(想) are called Buddhas. The teaching in the Vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā Sūtra that those who have left behind all notions(想) are called Buddhas, shows a transition from Nirvāṇa and Arhat in the early Buddhism to the attainment of Buddhahood in Mahāyāna Buddhism. When a Bodhisattva has realized emptiness he or she is able to abide without any notions and attachments. Emptiness(śūnyatā, 空性) is the key concept of Mahāyāna, this is expressed by means of a negative logic; χ is not χ but it is merely called χ (χ a-χ tena ucyate χ), in the Vajracchedikā- prajñā-pāramitā Sūtra. Here the negation is the negation of unchanging entities. Because everything exists by Dependent arising(pratītya-samutpāda, 緣起)that is dependent upon each other, thus it is non-self(anātman, 無我) and empty(śūnya, 空). Therefore everything is assumed some nomenclature which is called prajñapti(假名, 假施設). In this manner, the thought of non-self which was emphasized in the early Buddhism is newly renovated through the negative logic which means emptiness. Likewise emptiness, which is described by the negative logic, is used to correct an erroneous thought of Abhidharma Buddhism(Sarvāstivādins, 說一切有部) that the dharma exists, through the method of negation, it reveals the non-substantiality of the dharmas(dharma-nairātmya, 法空). Here it is invest- igated to try to wholly inherit the fundamental teachings of the Buddha This Sūtra describes that a Bodhisattva should vow to save all beings and have no perception of a self, of a being, of a soul, of a person and practice the Paramita(波羅蜜) without attachment, dedicating the merits to all sentient beings. The phrase ‘although innumerable beings have been led to Nirvāṇa, but no being at all has been led to Nirvāṇa’ implies the vow(praṇidhāna, 願), the practice(caryā, 行) and transference of merits of the Bodhisattva. These practices are possible when the wisdom of emptiness, that everything is selfless and empty, becomes the foundation. The Sūtra also emphasized that if a woman or man had filled with the seven precious things as many world systems as there are grains of sand in those Ganges rivers, and would give them as a gift to Tathagatas, Arhats, fully Enlightened Ones, and then another man or woman had taken from this discourse on dharma but one stanza of four lines and were to recite, study and illuminate it to others, then the latter would beget a still greater heap of merit, immeasurable and incalculable than the former. Furthermore it states that in the place which one takes up, bears in mind, preaches this Sūtra beings cannot be hurt by men or ghosts, nor can they be injured by them, except as a punishment for their past deeds. Because this Sūtra makes the spot of earth where it is, into a true pagoda for beings, worthy of being worshipped and adored with gifts of flowers, and the Buddha or a Sage dwell. Here it is shown that the faith in the Buddha’s relics and Pagoda of early Buddhism is changed to the faith in Buddhist Scriptures, emphasizing that one should practice and attain enlightenment by depending of the Buddha’s teaching. It is said like this in the Vajracchedikā-prajñā-pāramitā Sūtra that the Bodhisattva-mahāsattva should vow to lead all beings to the supreme goal, to perfect Nirvāṇa, give away all notions, practice the six Paramita without attachment, reach the utmost, right and perfect enlightment(anuttarā-samyak- sambodhi, 無上正等覺), return the merit to beings and the truth, that is the way for the Bodhisattva-vehicle, to practice and to construct the Buddha’s Pure Land, and that is the ideal image of the Bodhisattva-mahāsattva.

      • 空思想의 格義的 理解에 관한 硏究

        장미란 동국대학교 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 215855

        Until now, we have examined the ke-Yi understanding of emptiness. In chapter Ⅱ, I described the meaning and historical background of ke-Yi. In chapter Ⅲ. I examined the relation between the concept of nothingness of Lao Zhang (老莊) and the Buddhist concept of emptiness. Chapter Ⅳ examines the ke-Yi understanding in Chaoron (肇論) and the proper meaning of emptiness. I will abridge the content of chapter Ⅱ and instead resume the content of chapters Ⅲ and Ⅳ. The content of chapters Ⅲ is as follows: the Madhyamika-karika evolues logically the meaning of emptiness based on dependent arising. All dharmas are produced as a result of many causes. Hence there is no Self and no real being. Also everything undergoes the change of time and nothing lasts forever, this is "not being-and-not-non-being". But in Lao Zhang, nothingness is the origin of all things, it is an absolute, transcendental, and eternal existence. Therein, being and non-being are not differentiated. This is the major difference between emptiness and nothingness. The similarity between the two is their denial of linguistic characterization, each denomination is only provisional. A further similarity is their undifferentiated balance, in emptiness, the middle Way is realized, whereas Laozi's 反, Zhuangzi's point to the meaning of 天均 and 道樞 , Chapter Ⅳ examines the meaning of nothingness concerning '三家義'. 心無義 is the concretization of all things, 卽色義 the concretization of manifold conditions, 本無義 is an acceptance of absolute nothingness. Sengzhao (僧肇) criticizes such a wrong understanding of emptiness, and do many efforts for the right understanding of emptiness. 心無義 and 卽色義 are criticized as eternal viewing, whereas 本無義 is criticized for being annihilative view. Also, in order to get a genuine understanding of emptiness as the middle Way being neither existence nor inexistence, dependent origination, not-being, not-nonbeing, the two truths, being and non-being are used. Thus, the similarity between emptiness and nothingness served for the ke-Yi understanding of emptiness and was the action that provided its import into China. But the fundamental difference between emptiness and nothingness was recognized as the error of ke-Yi understanding. Thus criticism arose and efforts were made for its proper understanding.

      • 20세기말 공(空)사상으로 표현된 젠(zen, 禪) 스타일

        임지영 제주대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 199455

        The purpose of this study was to comprehend Emptiness Thoughts on which Zen style is ideologically based and intrinsic meanings implied in Zen style, and ultimately to identify how Emptiness Thoughts, a philosophical concept, could be applied to the style of a dress through analyzing characteristics depicted on Zen style in the late 90's. Therefore, first of all, internal meanings of Zen and Emptiness Thoughts were investigated. Then artistic(or esthetic) features of the Emptiness on the basis of aesthetic characteristics of Zen art were classified as follows: the beauty of integration, the beauty of asymmetry, the beauty of poverty, the beauty of nature. Next, its features which could be applied into the style of a dress were respectively coded into Integration, Asymmetry, Poverty and Naturalness. Each concept was analyzed and identified according to its internal and external expression included in it. Zen and especially Emptiness Thoughts have been taken into consideration as cultural, philosophical, alternative ideas in the crisis of modem civilization and also these concepts might provide an idealogical basis to unite the East and the West. In that sense, the Zen style which was come to the fore through a fashion in the late 2OC is the representative example and serves a s a footstep to reinterpret and recover humanity in a modem society where it is lost. As a result, it is found that Zen style reflects the demand of the times and provides new vision in the 21C which multi-cultures are respected and cultural complication exists.

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