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      • KCI등재

        <쌍화점>의 장소성과 대화 맥락

        신재홍 한국시가문화학회 2024 한국시가문화연구 Vol.- No.53

        This paper attempted a more detailed examination of the specific contents and characteristics of <Ssanghwajeom>, which was considered a representative example of the sexual relationship between man and woman. The aim was to reveal the nature and significance of the poem by focusing on ‘placeness’ and conversation context. The skipping of meaning between poetic lines is a characteristic of the poem. The refrain between the third and fourth lines, the fourth and fifth lines, and the fifth and sixth lines of each stanza briefly breaks the progress of the meaning. The sexual affair briefly present and then move on to control the rumor from the first to fourth line. When fifth and sixth lines are combined, the second speaker appears and announces her intention to join, and the first speaker offers words of caution. Through leaps of meaning between the lines and between the first and second halves, the subject matter of affair and word, sexual relation and rumor is expressed. The affair and word is shaped through the process of amplifying and synthesizing the meaning of the place where each stanza begins. As the poetic thoughts unfolds, three meanings are intertwined and added: first, a place that performs its original function, second, a place where sexual intercourse takes place, and third, a place where people talk and listen about the affair. In terms of the spread of words, places have a wide network of connections. The reason why the second speaker tried to join in after listening to the tip given by the first speaker was because the connection between places was assumed. The spatial network was also applied to the audience of the poem at the banquet, and they would have appreciated it with interest in the affair and alertness against rumors. In the context of a conversation, when viewed through the dialogue style of the second half of the poem, the monologue style of the first half is also accepted as part of the conversation. The first half of first to fourth line is what the first speaker told the second speaker. In response to this, the second speaker responds in fifth line, and the first speaker responds again in sixth line, saying, “There is no overgrown and rude place like that place.” This was realized through an intimate relationship between the two speakers, who are probably courtesans or female servants. In terms of dialogue, the appearance of fantastic beings and personified objects in the third and fourth stanzas is understandable. The four stanzas of the poem are structured in a series of settings, such as an exotic reality situation, a religious reality situation, a fantasy situation, and a mixed situation between reality and fantasy. By expanding the poetic situation from reality to fantasy, the effect of heightening the entertain- ment atmosphere would be achieved. 본고는 남녀상열지사의 대표 격으로 여겨진 <쌍화점>의 구체적 내용과 성격에 대해 좀 더 세밀한 고찰을 시도하였다. 장소성과 대화 맥락에 초점을 두어 작품의 성격 및 의의를 드러내고자 하였다. 이 작품은 행간에서 의미의 건너뜀이라는 특징을 보여 준다. 각 연 제3행과 제4행, 제4행과 제5행, 제5행과 제6행 사이의 여음구는 앞뒤 행의 의미 진행을 잠시 끊어 준다. 제1・2행과 제3・4행의 발단부와 전개부는 사건을 간략히 제시한 데에서 소문이 나지 않게 입단속하는 것으로 넘어간다. 제5・6행이 결합하면서는 제2화자가 등장하여 동참 의사를 밝히고 제1화자가 경계의 말을 한다. 행간과 전・후반부 사이에서 의미의 비약을 통해 사건과 말, 성관계와 소문이라는 제재를 표현하고 있다. 작품의 제재인 사건과 말은 각 연의 시작인 장소의 의미가 증폭, 종합되는 과정에서 형상화된다. 시상 전개에 따라 장소는 첫째, 원래의 기능을 하는 곳, 둘째, 남녀의 성관계가 벌어진 곳, 셋째, 사건에 관한 말이 나며 들며 하는 곳 등 세 가지 의미가 얽히며 더해진다. 말의 전파라는 점에서 장소는 넓은 범위의 연결망을 갖는다. 제1화자가 해 준 귀띔을 듣고 제2화자가 동참하려 한 것은 장소와 장소의 연결이 전제되었기 때문이다. 공간적 연결망은 연회석의 청중에게도 적용되어 남녀 관계에 대한 흥미와 함께 소문에 대한 경계심을 품으며 감상했을 것이다. 대화의 맥락에서 작품 후반부의 대화체를 통해 보면 전반부의 독백체도 대화의 일부로 수용된다. 제1∼4행의 전반부는 제1화자가 제2화자에게 귀띔한 내용이 되는 것이다. 이에 대해 제5행에서 제2화자의 반응이 나오고 다시 제1화자가 제6행의 “그 잔 데같이 덤불져 거친(무성히 무예한) 곳이 없다.”라고 대답한다. 이는 두 화자의 친밀한 관계에서 이루어졌는데 아마도 그들은 기녀 또는 여자 하인인 듯하다. 이러한 대화의 상황에서 제3, 4연의 환상적 존재와 의인화된 사물은 말로만 표현된 것이라고 이해할 수 있다. 전 4연은 이국적 현실 상황-종교적 현실 상황-환상적 상황-현실과 환상의 혼합 상황 등이 설정된 기승전결의 구조인데 시적 상황을 현실에서 환상으로 넓힘으로써 유흥적 분위기를 고조하는 효과를 얻고 있다. <쌍화점>은 성관계에 대한 호기심과 그 소문에 대한 경계, 전・후반부의 대화체 방식, 기승전결의 연 구성 등이 어우러진 작품이다. 사건과 말이라는 제재를 향락과 경계, 욕망과 절제의 긴장 속에 즐길 수 있어 연향에 적합한 성격을 갖추고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        대화유형에 따른 질문에 대답하기 교체지점에서의 쉼 특성

        설진명,전희숙 한국언어치료학회 2018 言語治療硏究 Vol.27 No.4

        Purpose : The characteristics of pauses found in the transitional reference place by types of conversation with adults teaches them how to converse efficiently and provides useful material that can be applied to interventions of fluency disorder. Methods : The subjects of this study included 100 undergraduates and office workers aged 18 to 30. The researcher collected utterances from their conversational situations including familiar conversations as well as controversial conversations and analyzed the frequency of filled pauses, types of filled pauses, and length of pauses. Results : First, more filled pauses are found in process-type questions than in result-type questions and in controversial conversations rather than familiar conversations. Second, interjections are found more often than repetitions or interjections and repetition clusters both in familiar conversations and controversial conversations. Also, among the types of interjections, exclamations are found more often than adverbs in all cases. Third, both in familiar conversations and controversial conversations, filled pauses are longer than unfilled pauses. Also, among the types of filled pauses, interjection and repetition clusters are found to be the longest in both types of conversations. Conclusions : In controversial conversations, which demand more creativity and cause more cognitive pressures in answering than in familiar conversations, filled pauses are found more often in answering process-type questions than result-type ones, and repetitions are found more often than exclamations. Filled pauses are found to be the longest when interjection and repetition clusters appear. The results imply that it is necessary to provide interventions for teaching fluency in consideration of the characteristics of disfluency in the transitional relevance place according to types of conversation. 목적 : 성인을 대상으로 대화유형별 교체지점에서 나타나는 쉼 특성을 파악하여 효율적으로 대화하는방법을 지도하고 유창성장애인의 중재 활동에 적용될 수 있는 유용한 자료를 제시하고자 한다. 방법 : 본 연구에서는 만 18세 이상 30세 미만 대학생 또는 직장인 100명을 대상으로 친밀한 대화, 논쟁의대화에서 발화 표본을 수집하여 채워진 쉼의 빈도, 채워진 쉼의 유형 및 쉼의 길이를 분석하였다. 결과: 첫째, 친밀한 대화보다 논쟁의 대화에서, 결과형 질문보다 과정형 질문에서 채워진 쉼이 많이나타났다. 둘째, 친밀한 대화 및 논쟁의 대화에서 모두 삽입이 반복이나 삽입과 반복 군보다 많이나타났다. 또한 삽입 중에서 모두 감탄사가 부사보다 많이 나타났다. 셋째, 친밀한 대화 및 논쟁의 대화모두 채워진 쉼의 길이가 채워지지 않은 쉼보다 길게 나타났다. 또한 채워진 쉼 중 두 대화유형에서삽입과 반복 군의 길이가 가장 길게 나타났다. 결론 : 친밀한 대화보다 대답의 창의성이 높고 인지적부담감이 있는 논쟁의 대화에서, 결과형 질문에 대답할 때보다 과정형 질문에 대답할 때 채워진 쉼이많이 나타나며, 반복보다 감탄사 삽입이 많이 나타났다. 채워진 쉼의 길이는 삽입과 반복이 군으로나타날 때 가장 길었다. 이러한 결과는 유창성 지도에서 대화유형에 따라 교체지점에서의 비유창성특성을 고려하여 중재하여야 함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Criticism on The Knowledge View of Technical Rationality: Oakeshott’s Educational Philosophy and Its Implications

        문달(Da Wen),김회용(Hoy Yong Kim) 한독교육학회 2016 교육의 이론과 실천 Vol.21 No.1

        본 논문은 기술적 이성(technical rationality)으로서의 지식을 오우크쇼트의 교육철학을 통해비판함으로써 그의 교육철학이 갖는 가치와 현대 교육에 주는 함의를 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 일반적으로 이성주의에서 ‘이성’은 도구적 혹은 기술적 이성을 의미한다. 이러한 이성을 주장하는 이성주의자들의 주장에 따르면 교육 활동에서 지식은 한 가지의 정보로서만 존재하게 되며, 이 (기술적ㆍ도구적) 지식을 습득하기 위한 방법은 오직 문서화된 교과 내용을 암기하거나 (반복된 활동이나 동작을) 훈련하는 것이다. 이러한 관점에서 교육자들은 기술적 지식을 습득하기만하면 교육에 관한 모든 활동을 통제할 수 있다고 믿게 된다. 이때 교육활동은 일종의 행동 강령을 준수하게 함으로써 (교육이) 특정한 사상 체계, 즉 이데올로기를 띄게 되고, 이는 (점점 교과내용을 절대 진리로서 주입해야 할 대상이 되도록 함으로써) 교육이 교조화되고 경직되도록 하는 폐해를 낳는다. 이런 폐해를 극복하기 위해 오우크쇼트는 교육에 대한 비판적 성찰을 통해다음과 같은 견해를 제시한다. 첫째, 교육의 본질적 목적은 사회인이 아니라 인간을 기르는 것이므로 인간으로서 지켜야 할 것을 깨닫도록 하는 데 중점을 두어야 한다. 둘째, (그러므로) 기술적 이성 지식관만으로는 인간을 교육할 수 없으며 기술적 지식(technical knowledge)과 실천적 지식(practical knowledge)의 공존성을 바탕으로 교육을 설계해야 한다. 셋째, 기술적 지식과실천적 지식의 공존을 전제하면, 지식은 실재적 활동과 함께 학습될 수 있으므로 효과적 학습을위한 (학습 방법에 있어서) 학습장(a place of learning)이 필요하며, 이 학습장을 통해 자아 해방을 위한 인성적 지식을 추구해야 한다. 넷째, 교육 방법의 하나로 ‘대화’(conversation)와 (실제적 활동 안에서의) ‘암시’(intimation)는 매우 중요하다. 이러한 교육목적, 지식 이론, 학습방법, 교수방법의 네 가지 관점으로부터 형성된 오우크쇼트의 교육철학은, 교육자들이 전통과 배경에근거해 학습장을 세울 것과 (교육적) 대화의 방법으로서 ‘암시’와 ‘상상’(imagination)의 중요성을깨닫고 실제 교육 활동에 적극 활용해야 할 필요성을 시사해 준다. The philosophy of education is an important part of Oakeshott’s thought. The object of this paper is to clarify the meanings and implications of Oakeshott’s educational philosophy through his critiques of the knowledge view of technical rationality. To be specific, this paper preliminarily discusses the views of Oakeshott’s educational philosophy from four perspectives (that is, the educational object, theory of knowledge, way of learning and educational method). Firstly, for students, the ultimate goal of education aims at the cultivation of learning to be a human being; secondly, in the theory of knowledge, he makes sharp comments on the knowledge view of technical rationality and advocates the coexistence of technical knowledge and practical knowledge; thirdly, in the way of learning, he proposes the concept of a “place of learning”, and then, emphasizes the pursuit of human knowledge for self-liberation; fourthly, in educational method, he stresses the “conversation” and “intimation” in educational activities. Based on the above four points, some implications of Oakeshott’s educational philosophy for the reform and development of contemporary education are as follows: firstly, educational innovation should be based on the traditions; secondly, educators should establish a “place of learning” where thoughts and ideas can be interacted with each other; most importantly, students should pay more attention to the roles of “imagination ”and “intimation” in a educational conversation.

      • KCI등재

        극장시설을 통해서 본 원도심 상징공간 재생과 장소성의 의미

        강은기(Kang, Eun Ki) 동국대학교 영상미디어센터 2016 씨네포럼 Vol.0 No.24

        멀티플렉스의 등장은 한국영화 산업의 불황을 극복하는 견인차 역할을 하기도 했지만, 이러한 긍정적 효과와 함께 영화산업 및 문화의 획일화라는 문제를 야기 시키기도 했다. 멀티플렉스의 등장으로 인해 도시 맥락적 측면에서도 획일화된 도시 구조와 도심 공동화현상이 문제점으로 나타나고 있다. 우리나라에서도 원도심 내부의 도시 공간활성화 문제는 무엇보다 시급한 문제이다. 기존의 원도심에 위치한 유휴공간으로 남아있거나 기타 상업시설로 전용된 영화관시설은 근대화를 통해 발전해온 우리 도시문화역사를 보여주는 중요한 도시기억요소이다. 이러한 기억 요소들은 상징공간을 형성하고 그것이 장소성으로 나타나게 된다. 이글에서는 이론적 배경으로서 렐프의 상징공간 개념과 알도로시의 유형의 개념을 알아본다. 이를 통해 현재의 원도심 영화관과 주변 도시 조직의 현실에 대한 이해를 장소성이라는 시각을 통해 확장하는 기회를 갖는다. 또한 영화관의 기억적 요소와 원도심이라는 상징공간의 장소성의 측면에서 도시조직을 어떠한 방식으로 재생 시킬 것인가에 대한 논의를 해보고자한다. 소형의 문화가 대두되는 현 시점에서 거대 프로젝트가 아니더라도 작은 건축적 차원의 재생방법이 더욱 큰 영향력을 발휘 할 수 있을 것이다. 극장 시설을 통한 원도심 재생은 그 가치를 크게 두고 장기적인 계획을 세워야 할 것이다. Wondosim area was indeed declining as the shift the axis of urban development from wondosim to the new downtown center. As a result, the urban commercial facilities and the main facilities in Wondosim also show a tendency to lose their competitivity. In these circumstances of the change, the difference between methods of reaction that appear in each urban case soon leads to the loss of the city maintenance and contextual structure. Multiplex produces various events and circulations in the space utilization. However, it generates uniformity both of the film industry and urban structure. Wondosim movie theaters are important elements of city memory and placeness showing the history of our urban cultural and commercial development through modernization. This urban memory elements make the symbolic place and they offer placeness. This article struggles to revisit the concept of the symbolic place of Relph and placeness of Aldo Rossi as a theoretical background. This has the opportunity to expand the understanding of the realities of the current Wondosim movie theaters in our cities and around city organization. The article also discusses how to regenerate the urban fabric in the urban space through the symbol elements of cinema and placeness of Wondosim symbolic place. One small architectural gesture of urban regeneration will be able to exert greater influence on the contemporary urban environment. Wondosim regeneration through the movie theaters needs long-term plan both of architectural field and of Filmland.

      • KCI등재

        ‘공간’의 재발견을 통한 교양교육으로서의 글쓰기 사례 연구

        박현이 한국문학이론과비평학회 2007 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.37 No.-

        This paper focused on effective composition education for university students and teachers. Effective composition education can be practiced by communication with conversational community's writing study subjects. Dialogical and collaborative writing activity that can be applied to real university composition class in each stage. This paper is progressed writing about theme ofWriting of space and place’. These writing have two solution strategies of writings. First, proposed effective development program of writing. And then, tried to meta-interpretation based on the result of students’ writing development program of writing. The chapter 3 is proposed development program of writing aboutspace’. These program is developed based on Ham Min-bok’s poem,「Room above the rooftops」and Ki Hyung-do’s poem,「Thinking about Mom」, Yoon Sung-Hee’s short story,「A road」and Yoon Dae neyoung’s short story,「Sunshine’s footsteps」. Study subjects of writing in conversational community are progressed dialogue and collaborative writing centering on these program in chapter 4. As a result, writing study subjects tries to critical writing about people of today and searching for myself looked through another person. So far, this paper study of composition education for space’s rediscovery. Through the solution strategy,spacetransferplaceaccording to writing subject’s special experience. This paper will provide opportunities to differently approach for composition for cultural education.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재 대화 구성에 관한 사회언어학적 연구 -전화대화 구성을 중심으로-

        방혜숙 이중언어학회 2008 이중언어학 Vol.36 No.-

        This study analyzes telephone conversations that appear in 10 Korean language textbooks. Telephone conversations are a routine and indispensable part of daily communication among people. The telephone conversations in the 10 Korean language textbooks can be classified into topics, scenes, places, times, levels, numbers of agents, the relationships between callers and receivers, genders, and, turn-takings. In order to compare and analyze the content and organization of the various telephone conversations that appear in the textbooks and in real life, a survey of the Korean native speakers and the foreign students who are learning Korean as a foreign language are conducted. The survey consists of three parts. First, it collects personal information of Korean native speakers and foreign students. Second, it investigates questions related to the respondents' usage of telephone. Finally, it examines topics in telephone conversations and the usage of expressions in the beginning and the ending stages of telephone conversations using the DCT (Discourse Completion Test). The results of the survey are carefully discussed, compared, and analyzed with reference to the telephone conversations in the Korean language textbooks. This study will contribute to the further improvement of the organizational structure as well as the colloquial content of the telephone conversations in Korean language textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        사회언어적 능력의 관점에서 본 「본문 회화」의 실제와 과제

        이순형(Lee Soon-Hyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.27

        This study will serve as a previous step taken for offering “Syllabus for building Sociolinguistic competence”, in which the conversation extracts from Japanese textbooks being used in University were reflected and analyzed. The important implications are as follows. (1) 60.2% of cases are impossible to discern what the characters’ relationship is, while 39.7% are discernable through the context. (2) Places of conversations taking place are not detailed as 71.1% of the total. (3) In the case of conversational patterns and topics appearing in textbook, the conversation form, conversational partners taking their turns, takes up 83.3%, whereas one-side Q & A form, one side asking question to the other and yet not vise versa, is shown only 16.7%. And more than 60% of topics are adopted from places and everyday staff regardless of the conversation patterns of textbooks. (4) As for the formality level of conversations in textbooks, Des · Mas forms are found the most as 82.5%, followed by non-Des · Mas form employed partly as 11.0%, and then non-Des form and non-Mas form are seen, accounting for 4.5%. Finally level shift as in Des · Mas form into non-Des · non-Mas (that is, from more formal form to less formal form and vise versa) comes out as merely 2.0%. Inflecting the status quo the above, it brings us to a point at which we need to consider the further issues as follows. (1) It is necessary that the relationships between the characters in conversation involve the degree of acquaintance, closeness, hierarchy as well as their genders in more detailed fashion. Especially, just not simply revealing surname and given name for suggesting genders, more male and female languages should be imbedded in conversation in an appropriate manner, leading to more learning experiences. Furthermore, when it comes to degree of closeness, there should be a list defining clear and accurate descriptions such as “very close or not that close” And, last but not least, there is the need that we consider and create a balance in terms of social or age-related hierarchical relationship. (2) There is the need to increase opportunities to practice the gaps of Japanese expressions depending on where conversations take place in the public place or private place, not to mention the specific place name. (3) It is assumed that the adjustment in using Des · Mas form or non-Des · Mas form is significantly critical in accordance with conversational partners so that their usages may be appropriate.

      • KCI등재후보

        형용사의 경험주 논항 처리 방안 : 심리형용사에서 성상형용사, 성상형용사에서 감각형용사로의 전용에 대하여

        정연주(Jeong Yeon ju) 한국사전학회 2011 한국사전학 Vol.- No.17

        There are four types of meanings in theme-argument-taking adjectives. First type demands two arguments necessarily: an experiencer and a theme argument. Second type is used typically as a two-place predicate but can also be used as a one-place predicate. This meaning indicates a psychological judgement which can be shared by many people. Third type is used typically as a one-place predicate but can also be used as a two-place predicate. This meaning indicates a judgement which can be judged by a certain sensual experience. Fourth type is used only as a one-place predicate and sometimes can introduce a judgement subject as a topic in the pragmatic level. Pre-existing Korean dictionaries fail to cope with sentence pattern informations consistently for the second and the third type among the four types. This paper aims to offer one solution to present sentence pattern informations consistently without exception.

      • KCI등재

        토크쇼에서의 순서 교대(turn taking) 양상

        김미선(Kim, Mi-seon) 중앙어문학회 2012 語文論集 Vol.51 No.-

        Ths study, with talk shows as a reference, examines the transition relevance place of turn-taking, the aspects of turn-taking in talk shows. Especially to clarify the conversational tactics used by talk show hosts in order to secure their place on the floor. This study divided the conversational tactics carried out by talk show hosts in order to gain their place on the floor into six categories. It is easier for a host, who has prior information about a guest, to gain the floor during questions and answer sessions. ‘Transitioning’ into another topic of conversation is usually done by the main host of a talk show. With the aid of prepared questionnaires, the main host introduces another topic and thereby gains the floor. ‘Corrections’ and ‘additional explanations’ are the means of gaining the floor by correcting or complementing an invalid remark of a guest. ‘Expressions of sympathy’ or ‘negative responses’ are the cases where a host shows emotional response to a guest’s remark to gain the floor. Generally in talk shows, one gains the floor not by criticism but by supporting or sympathizing with another.

      • KCI등재후보

        형용사의 경험주 논항 처리 방안 - 심리형용사에서 성상형용사, 성상형용사에서 감각형용사로의 전용에 대하여

        한국사전학회 2011 한국사전학 Vol.- No.17

        <P>There are four types of meanings in theme-argument-taking adjectives. First type demands two arguments necessarily: an experiencer and a theme argument. Second type is used typically as a two-place predicate but can also be used as a one-place predicate. This meaning indicates a psychological judgement which can be shared by many people. Third type is used typically as a one-place predicate but can also be used as a two-place predicate. This meaning indicates a judgement which can be judged by a certain sensual experience. Fourth type is used only as a one-place predicate and sometimes can introduce a judgement subject as a topic in the pragmatic level. Pre-existing Korean dictionaries fail to cope with sentence pattern informations consistently for the second and the third type among the four types. This paper aims to offer one solution to present sentence pattern informations consistently without exception.</P>

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