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      • KCI등재

        한·중 양태표현의 대조적 고찰 -한국어 '-(으)ㄹ 수 있다'와 중국어 '能'의 대조를 중심으로-

        엄녀 이중언어학회 2008 이중언어학 Vol.36 No.-

        This paper reviewed the modal expression systems of Korean and Chinese, especially contrasted the modal expression '-(으)ㄹ 수 있다' and '能', which mean 'possibility' and compared their meaning and negative patterns. (1) The representative modal expressions in Korean are the pre-final endings, final endings and periphrastic constructions); the representative grammatical form of modal expressions in Chinese are the modal auxiliary verbs and modal particles. (2) The meanings of Chinese modal auxiliary verb could be interpreted as the periphrastic construction modal expressions in Korean. The meanings of Korean modal endings hardly correspond to Chinese modal expressions. On the contrary, it is difficult to present the domain of Chinese modal particles with simple grammatical patterns in Korean. (3) In Korean, '-(으)ㄹ 수 있다' indicates [capability], [permission] or [sporadic] of the subject in the obligatory modality and supposition of cognitive modality, while '能' does not imply the supposition of epistemic modality and sporadic of obligatory modality, but it implies [be good at] which '-(으)ㄹ 수 있다' can not. (4) '-(으)ㄹ 수 있다' has its negative form '-ㄹ 수 없다', however, when it implies the supposition of epistemic modality and sporadic of deonic modality, the negative form could not be actualized. The negative forms of '能' are '不能, 不能不, 能不’ etc. Among them, the double negative form of '不能不' makes affirmative, and '能不' is used in interrogative sentences, it is close to the character of rhetorical affirmative sentences.

      • KCI등재

        양태 표현의 다의성과 구조적 중의성

        신서인(Shin, Seo-in) 우리말글학회 2017 우리말 글 Vol.72 No.-

        이 논문은 다의성을 가지는 양태 표현이 사용된 문장이 구조적 중의성을 가짐을 확인하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 양태 표현이 명제 양태와 사건 양태의 두 가지 의미를 가져 다의성을 가지는 경우 그 양태 표현이 사용된 문장은 구조적 중의성을 가지게 된다. 이러한 양태 표현이 사용된 문장의 중의성이 구조적이라는 것은 조사, 부사, 동사와 형용사, 시제 요소, 부정소의 결합이 서로 다르다는 사실로부터 확인할 수 있다. 즉 명제 양태의 의미를 가지는 경우에는 양태 표현이 서술어가 이끄는 구성 전체에 결합하고 사건 양태의 의미를 가지는 경우에는 양태 표현이 서술어에만결합한다. 지금까지의 양태 연구는 양태 표현의 의미에만 천착한 경향이 있다. 본고의 시도를 통해 양태 표현이 사용된 문장에 대한 구조적 연구가 활발해지기를 기대한다. This study aims to show polysemous modal expressions that cause structural ambiguity of sentences. When a modal expression has two different modal meanings, i.e. propositional modality and event modality, it creates ambiguity in a sentence in which the modal expression is used. This paper demonstrates that the ambiguity is a structural one by showing differences in syntagmatic relations from the perspective of postpositions, adverbs or adverbials, predicates, tense, and negation. While the modal expression with the propositional modal meaning is combined with phrases which express the proposition, the modal expression with the event modal meaning is combined with predicates. The results of this study can further serve as a basis for close examinations of the structural features of sentences with modal expressions.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어의 양상(Modality) 관련 표현에 대한 일 고찰

        안기섭 중국인문학회 2011 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.47

        What I discussed in this paper as follows. 1. I do not think that we can establish a grammatical category called 'modality' in modern Chinese. In languages allowing modality as a grammatical category, expressions of modality basically depend on a structure of form or syntax, or a structure of a grammaticalized specific group of words. But this kind of orderly grammatical mark is not observed in the expressions of modern Chinese Mandarin corresponding to expressions of modality. Each grammatical repertory consisting of a grammatical category of each language is not established until it has a certain grammatical mark. If we take a corresponding grammatical item as a category only with a simple correspondence in meaning, not only we cannot rightly establish a grammatical system of each language but also the meaning of a typological research seeing grammatical differences between each language is diluted. 2. In modern Mandarin, the meanings corresponding to the expressions of morality of other languages basically depend on the meanings of individual words, their combinations, and contexts. Any orderly boundary is not found in these words or their combinations when we compare related words in each type. So, to use 'lexical means' indicating a way of expressing modality can cause a misunderstanding that Chinese allows modality. This is why we should be careful when we use this term. 3. Following the traditional way of classification, I classified modality into proposition and event modality. Next, I classified proposition modality into epistemic and evidential modality, and classified event modality into deontic and dynamic modality. In this classification, I found Chinese expressions corresponding to them, took related key words out of them, and analyzed them. The results of analysis were presented in the last of the chapter three. In Chinese, there is no grammatical mark making a distinction between realis and irrealis morality. Also, there is no opposition realis vs irrealis based on a distinction between indicative and subjunctive mode. This research shows, even in the grammatical category of modality, that Chinese as a conceptual language strongly has a character of an isolated language.

      • KCI등재

        교과서 학습 텍스트의 양태 표현 양상에 대한 비판적 고찰

        김정은 한국국어교육학회 2020 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.124

        Purpose:The purpose of this study is to suggest that it is necessary to consider the relationship between text grammar and modality expressions in order to provide systematic modality expressions education. This study identified the problem by critically examining the patterns of use of modality expressions on rhetorical writing, expository text and text types of proposal in elementary, middle and high school textbooks. Methods:Based on the list of typographical patterns of modality expressions in the three types of text grammar in Korean textbooks for elementary, middle and high schools based on the analysis of prior studies. Results:The analysis showed that the patterns of the patterns used were related to the text grammar and the modality expressions. And there was a form expression used strategically in a particular text grammar. Conclusion:An in-depth review of modality expressions used in textbook and the need for modality expressions education was confirmed, taking into account the relevance of the text grammar and modality expressions. 목적:이 글은 초, 중, 고등학교 교과서의 텍스트 갈래 중 주장하는 글, 설명하는 글, 제안하는 글의 양태 표현 사용 양상을 비판적으로 고찰하여 문제점을 확인하고, 체계적인 양태 표현 교육을 하기 위하여 텍스트 갈래와 양태 표현의 관련성을 고려하는 것이 필요함을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 방법:선행 연구를 분석하여 유형화한 양태 표현 목록을 바탕으로 초, 중, 고등학교 국어 교과서에 수록된 세 유형의 학습 텍스트에 사용된 양태 표현 양상을 분석하였다. 결과:분석 결과 텍스트 갈래 특징과 양태 표현에 관련성이 있었다. 또한 텍스트 갈래 특징과 전략적으로 사용되는 양태 표현의 관련성을 통해 양태 표현이 원활한 의사소통의 단서로서 활용됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 결론:이 글을 통해 교과서 학습 텍스트에 사용된 양태 표현에 대한 심도 있는 검토와 텍스트 갈래 특징과 양태 표현의 관련성을 고려한 양태 표현 교육의 필요성을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        추측과 의지의 양태 표현 '-겠'과 '-(으)ㄹ 것이다'의 교육 방안 연구

        강현주 이중언어학회 2010 이중언어학 Vol.43 No.-

        Kang, Hyunju. 2010. 6. 30. A Study on modal expression ‘-겠-’ and ‘-(으)ㄹ 것이다’ and their teaching method. Bilingual Research 43, 29-53. This study aims to define the meaning of Korean modal expression ‘-겠-’ and ‘-(으)ㄹ 것이다’. These two expression are categorized in conjecture and intention modality. Therefore Korean learners have difficulties to learn and use these expression properly. For this reason meaning and function, and restriction of these expression and typical context that they are used are investigated. ‘-겠-’is proven to be a modal expression with high frequency. It has been discussed to capture the meaning of ‘-겠-’ and this study insists that it has the following; conjecture,intention, and schedule. Each meaning plays a role of prediction, plan, and notice. When it express an intention, the first person should be the subject of the sentence. When it comes to the usage, ‘-겠-’is frequently used as the meaning of intention in written context. and in speaking ‘-겠-’ as a conjecture is used. This implies that it is beneficial to teach the conjecture ‘-겠-’ before the other meanings are presented. In addition to this, the basic meaning and usage can be delivered to the novice learners and the chunk expression related to ‘-겠-’ such as in conditional and reporting clause could be given to advanced learners. When investigating the meaning of ‘-(으)ㄹ 것이다’, this study focus on the difference between ‘-겠-’and ‘-(으)ㄹ 것이다’. The difference comes from vividness of statement. In other words, ‘-겠-’is more vivid expression when it express one’s prediction. (Korea University)

      • KCI등재

        일본어 표현구조의 차이에 나타나는 배려적 의미

        윤상실 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2016 인문과학연구논총 Vol.37 No.1

        Even if any sentence having an equivalent meaning, but it differs in its expression type, so an expresser (speaker/writer) selects the most proper method of many possible expression types and express that. Due to the expresser’s selection of an expression type, the difference of expression structure occurs. The difference of expression structure accompanies a syntactic, semantic difference, furthermore, it accompanies difference in pragmatic difference as well. Considerate expression indicated in linguistic activity appears in various forms and methods, recent studies focus on the pragmatic field. This article tried to analyze and consider correlation in difference of expression structure and considerate meaning on the premise that ‘considerate expression’ can be reflected at the expression structure of a sentence from a different viewpoint. As a result of analyzing a phase considerate expression is contained to the expression structure of grammatic category called Voice and Modality, it was clarified that in Voice, considerate expression is contained when Marked Forms such as 「(1) passive sentence, (2) transitive verb: intransitive sentence, (3) practicable sentence, (4) giving, receipt, assistant verb sentence」 is supported by context. Also it was clarified that in Modality, considerate expression is contained when forms like 「う/だろう/と思う/かもしれない/ようだ」 and 「ませんか/たいと思う」 act as Marked forms and has circumstantial conditions.

      • KCI등재

        감정 양태의 의미와 담화적 특성에 관한 문법 교육적 접근

        김정은 한국문법교육학회 2023 문법 교육 Vol.47 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to refine the semantic domain and sub-meanings of emotive modality, analyze the discourse characteristics of emotive modality, and present the related directions of grammar education. Therefore, in Chapter 2, several problems related to the meaning of emotive modality are critically reviewed to refine the categorical characteristics and sub-meaning of emotive modality, showing that the semantic domain of the emotive modality and the category of the emotive modality can be set by comparing the meaning and form of epistemic and act modality expressions and the meaning and form of emotive modality. Next, emotive modality was divided into two types, one expressing an evaluative attitude toward a proposition or situation and one that verbally realizes various types of emotions. Chapter 3 seeks to describe the discourse characteristics of emotive modality by setting reader/listener factors based on SFL and genre grammar and adducing a mechanism for selecting emotive modality. Lastly, the possibility of how the discourse characteristics of emotive modality can be implemented in grammar education is proposed. This study is significant in drawing educational attention to emotive modality as a grammatical resource to verbally express emotions.

      • KCI등재

        条件表現に現れる遂行モダリティの条件形態 ‒日本語と韓国語の対照の観点から‒

        김경혜 한국일본근대학회 2014 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.46

        This study is studying Performativity modality focusing on Japanese expressional intension in conditional sentences. In usual, [ba・tara] are found in Performativity modality sentence, corresponding to Korean 「-myeon」 and 「-geodeun」. In Performativity modality which has conditional expression, the more closer the relationship between antecedent clause and following clause, the higher the realistic possibility of following clause becomes. Sentences with this feature has a high possibility of [tara]. It is one of the conditions which makes the possibility of materialization of conditions higher for [tara] to have practical scope of meaning. In this case, there's no limitation of using the corresponding 「-myeon」, because it is the form that can require action regardless of the situation of the speaker or listener. However, for 「-geodeun」, there is the condition for the speaker, <the agent of conditional expression≠the speaker=the agent>, and <the agent of conditional expression≠the listener=the agent> for the condition for the listener. Moreover, there's limitation on the Performativity expression that the intentional expression related to the speaker is not possibile in the following clause. [nara] can be used with both objective and Performativity modality and suggest not only the information of the listener but the information of the speaker as a condition according to the sentence. The form of [ba・to・tara・nara] in Japanese conditional expression can occur with both objective and Performativity modality. [nara] is in the dependent clause in a variety of expressions and has the difference with [ba・to・tara] in the aspect of tense expression. Its corresponding Korean 「-myeon」can occur with both objective and Performativity modality, however, it's only limited to the conditional expression. Moreover,「-geodeun」occurs with Performativity modality that doesn't have the subjunctive mood and has limitation on the Performativity expression. 본고는 일본어 조건문의 표현의도에 초점을 맞추어 대인적 모달리티를 중심으로 고찰했다. 대인적 모달리티 문에는 주로 [ba・tara]가 나타나고, 한국어는 「-면・-거든」이 대응한다. 조건형태가 나타나는 대인적 모달리티 문에서는 선행절과 후행절의 관계가 긴밀할수록 후행절의 실현가능성이 높아진다. 이러한 성격을 갖는 구문에는 [tara]의 출현빈도가 높다. [tara]가 명제내용영역에 나타나는 것도 조건성립 가능성을 높이는 조건에 든다. 이 경우에 대응하는 「-면」은 화자와 청자의 사정이나 상황과는 관계없이 행위를 요구할 수 있는 형태이므로 사용제한이 없다. 그러나 「-거든」은 화자에 관한 사항의 경우는 <조건절의 주체≠화자=행위자>, 청자에 관한 사항의 경우는 <조건절의 주체≠청자=행위자>의 등식이 조건이고, 후행절에는 화자와 관계된 의지표현 등이 가능하지 않다는 인칭의 제한이 있다. [nara]는, 대사적 모달리티와 대인적 모달리티 모두와 함께 나타나며 청자 측의 정보 뿐 아니라 문 환경에 따라서는 화자 측의 정보도 조건으로 제시할 수 있다. 일본어 조건표현에 나타나는 형태 [ba・to・tara・nara]는 대사적 모달리티와도 대인적 모달리티와도 함께 나타나는데, [nara]구문은 다양한 표현의 종속절이 나타나고, 시제표시 면에서도 [ba・to・tara]와 다른 면을 가지고 있다. 대응하는 한국어 「-면)」은 대사적 모달리티와도 대인적 모달리티와도 함께 나타나지만 조건표현만을 나타낸다. 그러나 「-거든」은 조건표현에서도 가정성이 없는 대인적 모달리티와만 함께 나타나며 인칭제한이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어(韓國語) 양태표현(樣態表現) 체계(體系)에 따른 중국어(中國語) 표현(表現)의 특징(特徵)

        朴炳善 ( Park¸ Byungsun ) 한국어문학국제학술포럼 2009 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to arrange the Chinese expression of Korean modality for Korean education as a second language. In Korean, a modality is usually expressed by grammatical items(i.e. josa(particle) or eomi(ending)). But these kinds of grammatical items are not in Chinese. So, we should consider the difference of two languages for Korean teaching as a second language. For this, I examine characteristics of the Korean modality system with universal linguistic view. And I arrange the Korean modality system with the mood system. By this system, I arrange the Chinese expression for each modality and examine the characteristics of those Chinese expressions.

      • KCI등재

        암묵 데이터를 활용한 인문학 인풋값과 다중 모달리티의 가중치 할당 방법에 관한 연구

        이원태,강장묵 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2014 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지 Vol.14 No.4

        이용자의 감성은 그 어느 때보다 기업, 정부 그리고 개인 간의 소통에서 중요한 변수로 인식된다. 특히 수많은 연구에서 이용자의 감성을 파악하는 방법으로 음성 톤, 속도, 얼굴 표정, 몸의 이동 방향과 속도, 제스쳐 등이 사용된다. 다중 모달리티는 단일의 모달리티보다 정확도가 높은 반면 멀티 센싱에 따른 인식률 한계와 데이터 처리 부하 그리고 센싱된 값을 추론하는 우수한 알고리즘이 요구된다. 즉 다중 모달리티는 각 모달리티의 개념, 속성이 상이하여 인간의 감성값이라는 표준화된 값으로 전환하는데 오류가 발생할 수 있다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 다중 모발리티 중 관계망 분석, 문맥 파악, 디지털 필터 등의 기술을 이용하여 이용자에게 우선 순위를 갖는 감성 표현 모달리티를 추출할 필요가 있다. 특정 상황에 우선 순위를 갖는 모달리티와 그 주변을 에워싼 다른 모발리티를 암묵 값으로 처리하면 감성 인식에 있어 컴퓨터 자원의 소비 대비 견고한 시스템을 구성할 수 있다. 본 연구 결과, 암묵 데이터를 활용하여 다중 모발리티 중 가중치를 어떻게 부여할지에 대하여 제안하였다. User's sensitivity is recognized as a very important parameter for communication between company, government and personnel. Especially in many studies, researchers use voice tone, voice speed, facial expression, moving direction and speed of body, and gestures to recognize the sensitivity. Multiplex modality is more precise than single modality however it has limited recognition rate and overload of data processing according to multi-sensing also an excellent algorithm is needed to deduce the sensing value. That is as each modality has different concept and property, errors might be happened to convert the human sensibility to standard values. To deal with this matter, the sensibility expression modality is needed to be extracted using technologies like analyzing of relational network, understanding of context and digital filter from multiplex modality. In specific situation to recognize the sensibility if the priority modality and other surrounding modalities are processed to implicit values, a robust system can be composed in comparison to the consuming of computer resource. As a result of this paper, it is proposed how to assign the weight of multiplex modality using implicit data.

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