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        외래어 수용과 언어 자원 관리에 관한 소고

        황용주 ( Hwang Yongju ),김아영 ( Kim Ayoung ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원 2021 언어사실과 관점 Vol.54 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the acceptance patterns of loan words introduced into the Korean language, and to show the need to manage loan words as language resources by assigning grades to them. For this purpose, it is needed to examine the definition of loan words in existing research. When managing loan words in a policy way, a wide range should be considered regardless of the degree of assimilation. As the number of loan words in the Korean dictionary is increasing and the perception of the use of loan words in the language is changing, loan words cannot be excluded unconditionally, and it is necessary to present a list of basic loan words that can be used in public language life. To this end, a loan words acceptance index can be developed based on whether it is listed in the Korean dictionary, the year of appearance, the attitude of the words, and whether or not there is an alternative words. Using this indicator, loan words can be classified into three stages, and loan words can be managed as language resources by using the graded loan words for compiling a Korean dictionary, developing basic vocabulary for education, and judging the target language for purification.

      • KCI등재

        漢語 音變構詞와 通假字의 상관관계 및 유형 연구

        염재웅(Yum, Jae-Ung) 중국문화연구학회 2018 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.41

        본 연구에서는 漢語의 通假字와 音變構詞를 비교하여 上古漢語의 語彙生成方法을 비교 고찰하고자 하였다. 이 두 종류의 어휘는 예전부터 큰 범주에서 通假字의 개념 안에서 혼용 되어왔다. 이러한 까닭에 通假字를 수록한 사전에는 音變構詞 어휘들이 대량으로 수록되어 왔다. 또한 상고한어 시기부터 생성된 성격이 유사한 이 두 어휘는 상고한어 시기에 출현한 동일하거나 유사한 문헌증거를 가지고 通假字인지, 音變構詞인지를 판단하고 있다는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 通假字와 音變構詞는 어휘의 활용과 어휘의 파생이라는 서로 다른 층위의 속성을 가지고 있기 때문에, 비록 이 어휘들 고증할 때 서로 유사하거나 동일한 문헌증거를 사용할 수 있다. 그러므로 단순한 本字와 借字은 단순한 假借關係만 있을 때는 通假字로 보아야 하지만, 原始詞와 滋生詞의 엄격한 音義關係가 존재할 때는 더 이상 通假字로 혼동하지말고 音變構詞로 보아야 한다. 둘째, 通假字를 詞義 발전 양상의 관점에서 쌍향성이 있는 유형과 단향성이 있는 유형의, 두 가지 유형으로 나누었다. 본 논문 通假字에서 쌍향성(雙向性)을 가지는 용례는, “疑”字와 “擬”字의 通假字, “福”字와 “富”字의 通假字, “直”字와 “值”字의 通假字이며, 通假字에서 단향성(單向性)을 가지는 용례는, “之”字와 “志”字의 通假字, “采”字와 “菜”字의 通假字, “直”字와 “植”字의 通假字이다. 셋째, 音變構詞의 原始詞와 滋生詞, 通假字의 本字와 借字 사이의 대응관계는 두 가지 유형으로 나눌 수 있는데, 본 논문에서 音變構詞와 通假字의 대응관계를 논할 수 있는 용례들은 모두 音變構詞의 原始詞가 通假字의 借字로 대응하고, 音變構詞의 滋生詞는 通假字의 本字로 대응하는 관계였다. The purpose of this study is to compare the vocabulary generation methods of the ancient Chinese by comparing the Chinese Pronunciation-Change Words and the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters. These two types of vocabulary have long been mixed in the concept of the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters in a large category. For this reason, the dictionary containing the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters has been stored in large quantities in the Chinese Pronunciation-Change Words. In addition, these two vocabularies, which are similar in characteristics to each other, are judged to be the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters or the Chinese Pronunciation-Change Words with the same or similar documentary evidence that emerged during the Ancient Chinese period. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, it is possible to use similar or identical documentary evidence when these vocabularies are identical, since the vocabulary and the sound dative have attributes of different levels of vocabulary use and vocabulary derivation. Therefore, a simple main character and a borrower should be regarded as the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters when there is a simple transitive relation. However, when there is a strict Phonetic and semantic relation between primitive and derivative words, they should not be confused with the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters but as the Chinese Pronunciation-Change Words. Second, from the viewpoint of the direction of the development of acceptation, we divided those words into two types: a bi-directional type and a univocal type. In this paper, the examples of bi-directional type are “疑”字: “拟”字, “福”字: “富”字, “直”字: “值”字. the examples of unidirectional type are “之”字: “志”字, “采”字: “菜”字, “直”字: “植”字. Third, the correspondence relationship between the primitive and derivative words in the Chinese Pronunciation-Change Words, and the original character and borrowed character in the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters can be divided into two types. In this paper, we just have one type that the primitive word of the Chinese Pronunciation-Change Words corresponds to the borrowed character in the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters, and the derivative word of the Chinese Pronunciation-Change Words corresponds to the original character character in the Chinese Phonetic Loan Characters.

      • An Optimality Analysis of Syllable Adjustment of English Loan Words in Korean

        Han-gyoo Khym 한국영어교육연구학회 2011 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.42

        The goal of this paper is to discuss the syllable structure change of English loan words in Korean under Optimality Theory(Prince & Smolensky 1993). First, by analyzing some familiar English loan word data with consonant(s) in Coda and in Onset, I explore the constraint hierarchy that can explain syllable structure change of English loan words in Korean. Second, motivated by some English loan words that show Korean-like syllabification in the coda position, we further refine the established constraint hierarchy for English loan words so that it can cover syllabification of pure Korean words as well. In doing so, we show that the universal fundamental constraint hierarchy for syllabification such as PARSE(Seg/F) >> FILL >> Onset, -Coda may be kept the same for the syllabification of both English loan words and pure Korean words. I also show that the difference in the syllabification between English loan words and pure Korean words can be captured by employing different ranking of ALIGN-R. For English loan words for which vowel epenthesis is dominant when they are borrowed in Korean, ALIGN-R is ranked lower than PARSE(F). On the while, for English loan words that show Korean-like Coda neutralization and for pure Korean data in which deletion of stray consonant(s) is obligatory, ALIGN-R is ranked as high as NoComplex and Coda-Cond which are inviolable constraints.

      • KCI등재


        李炳萬(Lee Byungman) 동아시아일본학회 2021 일본문화연구 Vol.- No.77

        본고에서는 외래어가 어떻게 일본어에 침투해 가는지를 여중고생이나 여대생이 많이 읽고 있는 패션잡지를 통해서 의의를 분류했다. 그리고 설문 자료를 사용하여 외래어가 어느 정도 일본어에 정착했는지, 일상에서 어느 정도 외래어를 사용하고 있는지, 외래어에 대하여 어떻게 생각하고 있는지, 즉 외래어의 사용상황에 대하여 고찰하였다. 그 결과 역시나 패션잡지여서 그런지 패션관련 어휘가 가장 많았다. 다음으로 동작 항목이 많았지만, 패션관련 항목과는 크게 차이가 나지 않았다. 이것으로 보아 패션과 동작은 깊은 관련성이 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 외래어의 정착도에서는 전체의 기준에서 인지율이 90%를 넘는 말을 순서대로 보면 전체(특히 60세 이상)에서 가장 인지율이 높았던 말이 「リストラ」라는 말이었다. 버블 붕괴 후의 불황의 일본경제의 세태가 잘 나타나 있는 것 같다. 그 밖에 상위를 차지한 말은 「リストラ」, 「ストレス」, 「ボランティア」, 「リサイクル」, 「プライバシー」로 현대사회가 앉고 있는 문제를 명시하고 있어, 사회현상과 말, 특히 외래어가 어느 정도 깊이 관여하고 있다는 것을 여실히 반영하고 있다. 사용빈도는 「台所」가 가장 높고, 연령과 성별에 따라 차이가 보였다. 「ぶどう酒」보다 「ワイン」을 사용하는 사람의 비율은 연령층이 높아짐에 따라 낮아지지만, 그렇다고는 해도 과반수를 넘기고 있었다. 「スーツ」와 「背広」에서는 「スーツ」를 주로 사용하는 비율은 여성이 높았고, 연령별에서는 젊은층일수록 「スーツ」를 사용하는 비율이 높았고, 10대와 20대에서는 80%이상을 보이고 있었다. 한편, 「背広」는 50세 이상에서 「スーツ」보다 사용률이 높게 나와 있었다. 외래어의 사용상황에서는 성별, 연령별을 보아도 “자주 사용한다”는 비율은 남성 40대보다 높은 연령층에서 60%를 넘겼고, 반대로 여성 30대에서는 50% 이하를 보였다. 또한 “사용한다”의 비율은 남성 40대에서 91.3%로 가장 높게 나타났고 여성 60세 이상에서 80.9%로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 그렇다고는 하지만, 어느 쪽이든 80% 이상으로 높은 비율을 보이고 있다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 본다면 많은 일본인이 현재 사용하고 있는 외래어가 과인 사용되고 있다고 느끼는 점도 알 수 있었다. This essay discusses how the loan words spread in the fashion magazines widely read by the junior high school and high school girls, to comprehend several features of the use of the loan words. Further, the results of the questionnaire survey are used to consider the situation of the use of the loan word: how the loan words are popularly used, how the loan word are used in the daily life, and how Japanese think about the loan words. As a result, “ファッション関係” is the most popularly used, like the fashion magazines as they are. The secondary popular loan word belongs to a category of “action”, but there is not a large difference in the frequency of use these two categories. In the survey of the spread of the loan word, if the words of the recognition rate of over 90% based on the whole, “リストラ” is the word whose recognition rate is the highest. The sad result must reflect the economic recession of Japan after the burst of bubble economy. Further, the words of the high recognition rate are “リストラ”, “ストレス”, “ボランティア”, “リサイクル”, and “プライバシー”, all of which clearly suggest the problems of the contemporary society and realistically reflect the relation of the social phenomenon with the words, especially loan words. The word of the most highest frequency of use is “台所”, although there is a difference of the frequency of use among the ages and sexes. Compareing the rates of the use “ワイン” and “ぶどう酒”, the rate of the use of the “ぶどう酒” becomes higher in the high age group, but the people more than 50% uses “ワイン”. According to “スーツ” and “背広”, the women uses “スーツ” much more than the men. By age, the young generation uses “スーツ” much more than the other generations, and more than 80% of the young generation prefer using “スーツ”. In the generation of 50 years old or more, “背広” is popularly used than “スーツ”. Concerning to the situation of use of the loan words, the rate of people who answered “I use frequently” is more than 60% in the generation of 40s or more of men, and 50% or less in 30s of women. Further, the rate of people who answered “I use” is 91.3% in 40s of men, which is the highest value, and 80.9% among the 60 years old or more women, which is the lowest. Both of the two values, however, are more than 80%, which shows the high frequency of use. The results of this essay indicates that a lot of Japanese are worried about the overuse of the loan words.

      • An Optimality Analysis of Syllable Adjustment of English Loan Words in Korean

        Han-gyoo Khym(김한규) 한국영어교육연구학회 2011 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.41

        The goal of this paper is to discuss the syllable structure change of English loan words in Korean under Optimality Theory(Prince & Smolensky 1993). First, by analyzing some familiar English loan word data with consonant(s) in Coda and in Onset, we explore the constraint hierarchy that explains syllable structure change of English loan words in Korean. Second, motivated by some English loan words that show Korean-like syllabification in the coda position, we further refine the established constraint hierarchy for English loan words so that it can cover syllabification of pure Korean words as well. In doing so, we show that the universal fundamental constraint hierarchy for syllabification such as PARSE(Seg/F) >> FILL >> Onset >> -Coda may be kept the same for the syllabification of both English loan words and pure Korean words. We also show that the difference in the syllabification between English loan words and pure Korean words can be captured by employing different ranking of ALIGN-R. For English loan words for which vowel epenthesis is dominant when they are borrowed in Korean, ALIGN-R is ranked lower than PARSE(F). On the while, for English loan words that show Korean-like Coda neutralization and for pure Korean data in which deletion of stray consonant(s) is obligatory, ALIGN-R is ranked as high as NoComplex and Coda-Cond which are inviolable constraints.

      • KCI등재

        텔레비전 방송 프로그램명의 외래어 사용 실태 연구

        양세희 ( Se Hui Yang ) 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2013 한국어문교육 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the use of loan words in the titles of television programs. Television is medium which can have a considerable impact on the use of Korea for the people and also it is based on the real world and thus, it can demonstrate the patterns of Korean use by the people, Focusing on such characteristics of Korean use by the people, Focusing on such characteristics of televisions, the use of loan words in the titles of television program is investigated to figure out the current situation with the use of the loan words. The titles of programs aired between 1999 and 2009 on the terrestrial broadcasting, KBS1, KBS2,MBC and SBS were compared for analysis. First, the title of programs were analysed by the language type. The classification system for the language type was divided into five including the native language, Chinese characters, mix of native language and Chinese characters, loan words and foreign language and the hybrid combined with all language types. Based on such criteria, the title of the programs were examined to see by how much the use of loan words has increased for each broadcasting corporation and which loan words are mainly used to see the pattern. Secondly, the title of the programs were analysed by letters. They were divided into the title consisting of Korean, Roman letters and those mixed with Korean and Roman letters. Thirdly, the title of programs were analysed by genre, The programs were diviked into news (broadcasting), current affairs and culture, drama, entertainment and recreation, sports and children`s programs and by broadcasting corporation to see in shich genre the percentage of loan word use has increased. Genre the percentage of loan word use has increased. Lastly, errors in the loan words on the title of television programs were examined. By researching the use of loan words on the title of television programs, this study is significant in that we can be aware of the issues with increase in the use of loan worde and reflect upon the problem.

      • KCI등재

        방언에 유입된 외래어에 대한 연구 - 『우리말샘』의 표제어를 중심으로

        장승익(Jang, Seungick) 중앙어문학회 2020 語文論集 Vol.84 No.-

        이 글은 방언에 유입된 외래어의 양상을 『우리말샘』에 실린 표제어를 중심으로 확인해 보고 이를 토대로 방언 외래어의 설정 기준을 모색하는 데 목적이 있다. 각 방언의 어휘에 고유어나 한자어가 있는 것처럼 외래어가 있는 것 또한 자연스러운 일일 것이다. 그런데 방언 외래어에 대한 관심은 고유어나 한자어에 비해 상대적으로 부족하였다. 방언 어휘를 모아 편찬하는 방언사전에서도 외래어는 극히 일부만 올라가 있다. 2장에서는 『우리말샘』에 올라가 있는 방언 외래어의 자료적 성격을 정리하였다. 방언 항목 중 어원 정보가 있는 것(한자어 제외)을 찾아 288개의 외래어를 추출하였다. 방언 외래어의 품사는 대부분 명사였다. 그리고 어원으로는 일본어, 영어, 중국어의 순이었다. 이때 영어계 외래어도 대부분 일본을 거쳐 들어온 것이기 때문에 방언 외래어의 거의 대부분을 일본어계가 차지하였다. 그리고 방언 지역마다 지리적, 역사적인 이유로 유입된 언어가 달리 나타나기도 하였다. 3장에서는 국어 외래어의 기준을 설정하는 ‘동화의 조건’, ‘쓰임의 조건’이 방언 외래어에는 어떠한 식으로 구체화될 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 먼저 동화의 조건으로는 ‘1)해당 방언의 음운 현상 반영, 2)과도교정형 출현, 3)새로운 단어 형성, 4)의미 분화, 5)다양한 변이형 존재’와 같은 5가지 조건을 제시하였다. 쓰임의 조건으로는 ‘1)지리적으로, 해당 방언 전역에서 쓰이는 것, 2)사회적으로 노년층 자료, 3)시간적으로 30년 이상의 편차를 보이는 복수의 방언 자료에서 확인되는 것’과 같은 3가지를 제시하였다. This article is a study of loan-words in dialect. There are loanwords just as there are native and sino-Korean in each dialect vocabulary. However, interest in loan-words in dialect was relatively low compared to that in native or sino-Koreans. Even in dialect dictionaries, loan-words are only partially listed. Therefore, in Chapter 2, we searched for loan-words in dialect in Urimalseam and extracted 288 words. These were mostly nouns. Many words were borrowed from Japanese. Most of the loan-words in English also came via Japanese. Thus, most of the loan-words in dialects came from Japanese. In Chapter 3, we set the criteria for setting the range of loanwords in dialects. First, there are five conditions for assimilation. 1) Reflections of phonological phenomena in the dialect, 2) Existence of hypercorrection type, 3) Forming a new word, 4) Meaning changing, and 5) Existence of various variants. Next, there are three conditions of using loan-words: 1) Any loan-words identified in the dialect, 2) The data surveyed by the elderly, 3) Words found in both sets of data with a 30-year gap.

      • Language Attitude Towards Foreign Loan Words

        Kim, Kyung-Ryung 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2009 한국어와 문화 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate Koreans' language attitude toward the usage of loan words and language policy. This research examines Koreans' usage of Chinese, Japanese and English loan words and compares the result between two foreign loan words following age, education, and social status. Korean's thought about language refinement policy towards foreign loan words was also examined based on age, education and social status. There were 2.039 subjects from every regional area -Seoul, south and north Gyeongsang provinces, north and south Jeolla provinces, Gangwon province, Jeju island and etc- were participated for this study. Among them, male speakers were 982 and 1052 were female speakers. In order to get reliable results, various factors such as living area, gender, educational background, social status, income, etc were seriously considered when finding participants. Based on a pilot stage, reliable survey questions were designed. An abundance of data were systematically analyzed by using excel and SPSS 10.0 program. This research found that there exists different attitudes toward the usage of Chinese, Japanese and English loan words. Participants generally show negative and critical attitudes toward Japanese loan words while opposite to English loan words. Participants especially show diverse attitudes depending on various factors like age, social status and educational background towards English loan words. Most of the participants are aware of language policy and understand its importance. Subjects who have higher educational backgrounds and higher social status seem to be more generous at using English loan words and show passive attitudes towards 'language refinement policy'.

      • KCI등재


        한용수,류준방 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2014 中國學論叢 Vol.45 No.-

        There is not a kind of language was developed just only by itself. Languages are usually affected more or less by some other languages and there are loan words in them. We can not only get the idea of the influence from foreign languages, but also can observe the reaction of themselves by studying their loan words. Because when a language borrows words from another foreign language, they usually assimilate them with their own phonologic rules, written system and grammatical patterns. Both Korean and Chinese have a lot of loan words. We try to contrast the methods of assimilating foreign languages. That would be a special way to contrast the linguistic characteristics of Korean and Chinese. We hope it would be helpful to the language education as a second language of each other, and also be useful to the translation and interpreting of Korean and Chinese. The definitions, categories and types of loan words in Korean and Chinese are the subjects of this paper. There are some arguments about the categories of loan words both in Korean and Chinese. The category argument of Korean is focus on loan words, foreign languages, domesticating loan words and borrowing words. And category argument of Chinese is free-translation words, hanji from Japan and letter words. We analyse them and try to find out the reasonable classification. Then we choose the most definite types ― phonetic translation words and phonetic&semantic translation words to contrast the loan words of Korean and Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        ‘외래어+하다/する’에 관한 한일 대조 연구 ―원어가 같은 외래어를 중심으로―

        이은조(李恩兆) 한국일본문화학회 2023 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.96

        This study examines the similarities and differences between loan words in Korean and Japanese, which are used in “loan word+hada/suru” sentence patterns, focusing on those that loaned the same original words. Specifically, this study compared “hada” and “suru” and reviewed original and loan words in Korean and Japanese in terms of their parts of speech. Furthermore, to identify the different characteristics between the two languages, we examined how intransitive and transitive verbs are matched in the two languages and how often case particles appear in the connection. The two languages show the same aspects in the way loan words are combined with verbs and the frequency of case particle appearance. Conversely, they exhibit different aspects in the parts of speech of “hada” and “suru” and the way loan words are paired with intransitive and transitive verbs in the two languages. In particular, unlike previous studies, this study has newly discovered that there are some cases in which “loan word+hada/suru” isn’t affected by the original words’ part of speech when used as a verb. This result is meaningful in that it suggests a new direction for studies on the transformation of parts of speech of loan words. In addition, this study will be helpful for future research because it derived the similarities and differences in the current situation in which there are few comparative studies on “loan word+hada/suru” in Korean and Japanese.

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