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      • KCI등재

        명시적인 어휘적 연어 지도가 문법적 연어 능력에 미치는 영향

        김낙복(Kim, Nahk Bohk) 한국영어어문교육학회 2010 영어어문교육 Vol.16 No.3

        This study aims to analyze the effects of explicit lexical collocation instruction on grammatical collocation knowledge, by focusing on the preposition collocations. The forty participants consisting of twenty men and twenty women are currently freshmen English majors in college. They responded to the questionnaire on their basic lexical learning strategies in pre-post tests, and carried out a lexical collocation test and a preposition collocation test as pre-post tests. They took the open class on the lexical collocations(LC) 5 times, but they did not concretely study any grammatical collocations(GC). Each test is analyzed and compared with pre-post tests by SPSS 12.0. From all the analyses, it was first revealed that most students who didn’t know about the concepts, types and uses of collocations became aware of them after the class. The effects of the lexical collocations on the lexical collocation knowledge were quite revealing. Second, the correlations between the lexical collocations and grammatical collocations were not significant, although relations among the lexical collocations were quite significant. Finally, some suggestions for methods of mixed lexical chunks instruction are made for students’productive skills. Also, it is suggested that more profound attention should be paid to giving direct instructions on the basis of the lexico-grammatical continuum between LC and GC.

      • KCI등재

        The Relationship of Collocation Competence with Reading and Writing Skills

        김희영,배정옥 한국영어교육학회 2012 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.67 No.3

        This study investigated the relationship of collocations to reading and writing skills. Eighty-six Korean university students were given a collocation knowledge test, followed by a reading test; both lexical and grammatical collocations in the collocation test were extracted from the passages in the reading test. Subsequently, the students were given a writing test, and its topic was related to the content of the reading passages; both lexical and grammatical collocations appearing in their compositions were counted based on the classification criteria provided in The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English. The findings are as follows. There were no significant correlations between the students’ collocation knowledge and reading skills. However, a significant correlation was found between writing quality and collocation use. Good and poor readers were similar on average in both grammatical and lexical collocations, which corroborates the nonsignificant relationship between reading and collocation knowledge. In contrast, good and poor writers showed significant differences in the use of both grammatical and lexical collocations, thus substantiating the significant correlation between writing quality and collocation use. The group difference was more pronounced in grammatical collocations. Across good and poor writers, lexical collocations were used much less than grammatical collocations. Taken together, these results support a need for EFL writers to learn both grammatical and lexical collocations to improve writing quality. The results also caution not to overgeneralize the influence of collocation knowledge on reading performance.

      • KCI등재

        연어(collocation)의 어휘 교육적 활용 방안 탐색

        김규훈,이준영,김혜숙 한국국어교육학회 2013 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.95

        이 연구는 어휘 사용 능력 신장을 위해 ‘연어(collocation)’를 활용한 어휘 교육의 방안을 탐색하는 작업이다. 이를 위해 연어와 어휘 교육에 관한 기존 연구를 검토하고 이들을 결합적으로 논의하였다. 연어는 의미가 투명하고 빈번하게 결합하는 어휘소의 공기 관계이다. 이에 연어는 국어교육의 텍스트 소통 과정에서 어휘 사용 능력을 함양하기에 적합한 어휘 자료이다. 어휘 교육 검토를 통해 설정한 연어 활용의 내용 범주는 ‘창조적인 어휘 사용’, ‘어휘의 맥락적 이해와 표현’, ‘어휘적․문법적 의미 탐구’이다. 이 연구에서는 이들 내용을 적용할 수 있는 교수-학습 활동을 구안하였다. 이를 위해 연어의 유형인 ‘어휘적 연어’와 ‘문법적 연어’를 바탕으로, 어휘적 연어의 경우 ‘어휘 의미 이해와 창조적 표현’에, 문법적 연어의 경우 ‘호응 관계 탐구와 문장 쓰기’에 관한 교수-학습 활동을 예시해 보았다. 일련의 연구는 학습자가 텍스트를 소통하는 과정에서 실제적인 어휘의 사용을 유도하는 연어 활용 어휘 교육 방안을 제시하였다는 점에 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to find ways of vocabulary education using collocations for improving a learner’s vocabulary using competence. In order to accomplish this research purpose, the previous research about the “collocation” and the “lexical education” were searched, and these two are converged. Collocation is a co-occurrence lexeme relation with transparency and frequency. So collocation is an appropriate material with Korean language educational text communication. Contents categories of collocation using are “creative vocabulary using”, “contextual understanding and expression of vocabulary”, “the lexical․grammatical meaning inquiry”. Following to these contents categories of collocation using in vocabulary education, the teaching & learning activities could be set. Based on the type of collocation, “lexical collocation” and “grammatical collocation”, the activities are proposed from these two types. These are, “understanding vocabulary meanings and creative expression” in lexical collocation, and “agreement-collocation and sentence writing” in grammatical collocation. This study has a meaning to approach an authentic educational way of vocabulary using in text communication.

      • KCI등재

        문법적 연어의 개념 정립을 위하여

        임근석(Lim, Geun-seok) 형태론 2005 형태론 Vol.7 No.2

        국어 연어 연구는 어휘소와 어휘소의 결합을 그 연구의 중심에 두어왔다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 어휘소와 문법소의 위계적 결합이 연어적 특성을 보여주는 예들이 많이 발견되는데, 이에 대한 언어학적 고찰이 아직 제대로 이루어지지 않았다고 할 수 있다. 그리하여 본고에서는 문법적 연어의 개념을 새로이 정립하는 것을 그 목적으로 삼고 있다. 본고는 연어를 광의의 연어와 협의의 연어로 나눈 후, 협의의 연어를 다시 어휘적 연어와 문법적 연어로 나누었다. 협의의 연어는, 광의의 연어의 공기어가 가지지 못한 특성으로 구성 요소의 2항 관계성, 구성요소의 선택의 제약성,단위성 등을 가진다. 문법적 연어가 어휘적 연어와 구별되는 특징으로는, 첫째 연어핵과 연어변의 어휘적 특성이 어휘적 연어의 그것과 다르다는 점, 둘째, 문법적 연어의 구성요소들이 서로 강한 인접성을 갖는다는 점, 셋째, 문법적 연어의 연어핵이 연어변을 선택할 때의 특성이 어휘적 연어의 그것과 다르다는 점, 넷째, 문법적 연어 구성 전체가 하나의 문법소적 기능을 수행하거나 연어변에 의해 연어핵의 문법적 기능이 제한된다는 점 등을 제시하였다. The study of Korean collocation has focused on combinations of content words, but there are examples consisting of a content word and a function word that show the features of collocation and yet have not been investigated linguistically. The primary aim of this study is a classification of collocations in terms of their own characteristics. Collocation can be divided into ‘collocation in the bread sense’ and ‘collocation in the narrow sense’. Collocation in the narrow sense ca be further sub-divided into lexical collocation and grammatical collocation. This study demonstrates the conceptual difference between lexical collocation and grammatical collocation.(Mokwon University).

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Teaching Activities for Collocations in English

        Kwon, Yeon-Jin 새한영어영문학회 2009 새한영어영문학 Vol.51 No.3

        The problem for the learners of English is that there are no collocation rules that can be learned. Native speakers of English intuitively makes correct collocations. Non-native speakers, however, have a more limited experience. This is why collocations are indispensable and problematic for foreign language learners. Learning collocations is one of efficient ways to improve learners' language fluency and native-like selection of language. We suggest several activities which help learners to improve their collocation competence. First, we review types of collocations and properties of collocations. Next, we discuss collocations in teaching by focusing on the importance of learning collocations and difficulties with collocation learning. Finally, we present several activities such as collocation grid, collocation map, collocation extension, and collocation pelmanism.

      • KCI등재

        Effectiveness of Collocation Learning Through a Web-Concordancer in a Korean EFL University Course

        강남희 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2019 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.22 No.1

        This study aims to explore an effective learning and teaching collocation model for lower-level EFL learners in a general English course integrating two approaches: deductive and inductive data-driven learning. Twenty-four Korean university students were exposed to deductive collocation learning in class and then submitted inductive collocation assignments for one semester. A treatment group did the assignments through Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and a control group through their own resources. Both groups' five writings were illustrated that lexical collocations outnumbered grammatical collocations and the treatment group wrote more collocations that increased gradually in a series of the writings. Also, a pre- and a post-TOEIC scores implicated the collocation learning model was statistically meaningful toward general English proficiency. However, assignment tools didn't tell statistically significant differences presumably because of pre-exposed collocation learning in class and collocation-based online dictionaries that most control group referred to. Student logs, a survey, and interviews showed the model motivated self-regulated learning, exposure to diverse contexts, full comprehension of contexts based on part of speech. Especially, the treatment group took an advantage of authentic and colloquial contexts, but lack of them seemed to cause the control group not to keep motivating their learning in the end.

      • KCI등재후보

        연어적 구성을 통한 한국어 교육용 어휘 구성 방안

        유해준(Yoo Hae-Jun) 중앙어문학회 2010 語文論集 Vol.43 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate what lexical and grammatical features collocations manifest with winch foreigners learning Korean language are often encountered and to separate lexical and grammatical items having collocations used in teachingKorean language. For this purpose, we will point out problems in selecting lexical and grammatical items in teaching Korean language so far, and then describe the necessity of construction of hierarchical educational contents through collocations. Recently, the analytical approach of linguistics becomes easierdue to the application of data and the development of computer technology. This parer will handle with data based on corpus, For this purpose, criteria for extracting collocations are limited to lexicons which take on collocation construction. Therefore, this paper extracts primary lexical collocation patterns using speech information and classifies the lexicons for teaching Korean language by applying the criteria of collocation construction using the aforementioned patters. This lexical information can be used as conditions to establish hierarchy of learning lexicons in the education of Korean language.

      • KCI등재

        용언형 연어의 문법범주

        한정한(Jeong Han Han) 한국어학회 2010 한국어학 Vol.49 No.-

        The purpose of this paper lies in investigating lexical and syntactic categories of the Korean verbal collocations. Collocation means a kind of restricted concurrence relation between lexis and lexis or between grammeme and lexis; and oddly enough they have double characteristics behaving as a lexical item in the lexicon on the one hand, and as a phrase in the syntax on the other hand. In chapter 3, we process the syntactic experiments of representative 331 verbal collocations which are selected for the educational purpose in Korean as a foreign language. With the assistance of the Sejong modern Korean language corpus(2007), we experiment on the 331 collocation the following syntactic transformations; such as pronominalization, adverb insertion, modification by adjective, modification by adjective clause, and argument structure changing. In doing so, we have realized that the verbal collocations are "collostructions" which have graded syntactic distribution restrictions depending on their lexical properties. In chapter 4, we have provided 5 reasons why the Korean verbal collocations believe to be the lexis, and four reasons why the verbal collocations believe to be phrases in the syntax. In sum, we have concluded that not only the syntactic terminal node (X0), but also a phrase(XP), and sometimes a sentence(S) can be a lexis in the lexicon. And the syntactic distributions of the verbal collocations in the real sentences are gradually restricted according to the degree of lexical linkage.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육에서의 연어 교육 양상 연구

        이정현(Jung-Hyun Lee) 한국중원언어학회 2010 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.16

        This paper investigates the aspects of collocation distribution from the beginning level to the advanced level Korean language text books for non-native speakers. The objectives of this paper are as follows. First, Korean collocation is more widely distributed in the advanced level than the beginning level. There are more examples of Korean collocation in the advanced text books than the beginning level. Second, the advanced value of collocation relatively shows higher ones. Also, the lower value of collocation relatively reveals lower ones. To empirically verify that this is right, I has reviewed 6 series books published by Yonsei University Press. In this vein, the amounts and variety collocation of the text books are calculated and the collocation of every chapter of the text books are further examined.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 연어 연구의 전개와 쟁점에 대하여

        임근석 국어학회 2011 국어학 Vol.61 No.-

        This paper aims to show the aspect of the development and issues of Korean collocation studies from the perspective of the phraseological and corpus-driven approaches. Despite the criticism that was given by some scholars standing in the corpus-driven approach, we tried to make clear that Korean collocation studies keep pace with the international collocation studies. In the mean time, we dealt with the development of the phraseological and corpus-driven approaches, and the influence from the international studies to Korean collocation studies. In conclusion, we suggest that the phraseological studies and corpus-driven studies on Korean collocation are not exclusive but complementary.

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