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      • KCI등재

        개화기 시가의 계몽주의 수사학

        김영철(Kim, Young-chul) 한국시학회 2014 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.40

        This study focused on the enlightmentary rhetoric of Korean poetry in the enlightened period. Especially this study focused on the overstatement, personification and antithesis used by the important rhetorical strategy of that poetry. The overstatement was the product of heroism widely favored in that period. That age brought about the heroism for the restoration of sovereign rights. The overstatement was spread over the object, behavior, people and affairs. That poetry put the personification to practical use for the effect of the enlightment of people. The personification made plans to carry out the communication through the personification of the animal, plant, affairs and the abstract concept. The object of personification was generally the animal, plant, concept but used occasionally the life material of the liquor, tobacco and the money. The personification took aim at the communication of people through the stimulus of excitement by the personification of life materials. The antithesis was the product of Chinese poetry because antithesis was the basis of writing Chinese poetry. That poetry put the antithesis to practical use for the effect of the enlightment of people through the comparative form. The comparative form gave an impetus to interest of people. The antithesis used the comparative method of nature and human affairs. The antithesis of that poetry used the shape, sound, time, space, action color and morality. The overstatement, personification, antithesis of that poetry were the effective method of not simple rhetorical equipment but the enlightment of people. Those rhetoric were the basic method maldistributed over the journalism of that period. The distinguishing mark of enlightmentary property had an influence on the rhetoric of the poetry of that period.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 국어 어휘의 변화에 관한 일고 -한자어의 폐어화를 중심으로-

        복보경 한국일본어문학회 2016 日本語文學 Vol.70 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to analyze extreme changes in vocabulary, specifically modernization of it, during the 1890s, through the process of quantifying obsolescence of Chinese-based words during the said period. Whereas many studies thus far on the modernization of Korean language have focused on studying neologisms stemming from the introduction of Western civilization during the Enlightenment period, the present study looks at dead vocabularies abandoned by the general Korean-speaking public in order to highlight the nature of language changes in the late 19th century. There is a total of 1024 Chinese character words in the “commentary” section of the 1st to the 10th issue of 'THE INDEPENDENT ', and a total of 385 words once you eliminate the overlaps. Of these, 59 words or 15.3% are considered dead by collating against title words. Obsolescence of Chinese-based words that do not promote a simpler and easier-to-understand form of expression, preferred by the contemporary Korean language, can be categorized into “obsolescence due to disappearance of Chinese-based words” or “obsolescence due to consolidation of synonyms”.

      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기 국어 교과서에 실린 한글 학습 자료의 특징

        김은솔 ( Kim Unsol ),한영균 ( Han Younggyun ) 고려대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2021 한국어문교육 Vol.34 No.-

        한글 학습 자료가 포함된 근대계몽기의 국어 교과서는 『초학언문』(1895), 『초학언문』(1896-7), 『신정심상소학』(1897), 『초등소학』(1906), 『국문쳡경』(1906), 『국문쳡경』(1907), 『국어독본』(1908), 『신뎡 국문쳡경』(1908), 『초학쳡경』(1908), 『최신초등소학』(1908), 『신찬초등소학』(1909), 『초등소학』(연대미상), 『몽학필독』(연대미상) 등이 있다. 이 연구는 근대계몽기 국어 교과서에 실린 한글 학습 자료의 특징을 학습 요소, 학습 요소의 제시 순서, 학습 보조 자료의 사용 양상에 따라 살펴보고자 하였다. 근대계몽기의 한글 학습 자료는 음운, 음절, 단어, 문장 단위를 학습 요소로 삼고자 하였다. 자료에 따라 음운이나 문장이 제외되기도 한다. 대부분의 교과서는 음운, 음절, 단어, 문장의 학습이 순차적으로 이루어지도록 구성되어 있으며 음절과 단어, 단어와 문장을 함께 학습하도록 하기도 한다. 한글 학습 자료에서 학습 보 조 자료로 사용된 것은 그림, 한자, 영어 등이 있다. 이들은 주로 단어 학습에서 단어의 의미를 나타내기 위해 사용 되었다. 『국문쳡경』(1907)는 다른 교과서와 달리 그림, 한자와 함께 영단어를 제시한 것이 특징적이다. This study aims to examine the features of Hangul learning materials in the Korean textbooks from the Enlightenment Period. It analyzes these features according to learning elements, the presentation order of learning elements, and aspects of the use of learning aids. These features were found in 13 of the Korean textbooks from the Enlightenment Period. The learning elements of Hangul learning materials from the Enlightenment Period included phonemes, syllables, words, and sentences. Phonemes or sentences were excluded depending on the textbooks. Most textbooks were structured for students to learn in the order of phonemes, syllables, words, and sentences. However, syllabary was presented after learning words or sentences as an exception. Some textbooks required students to learn syllables and words or word and sentence together. Pictures, Chinese characters, and English were used as learning aids in these Hangul learning materials. These were mainly used to show the word meanings at the word-learning phase. Among all these textbooks, Koomoonchyubkyung(1907) is recognized as a distinctive one as it presented English words as well, along with pictures and Chinese characters.

      • KCI등재

        근대 계몽기의 국어 교과서 『국문쳡경』에 대한 연구 -서지 사항과 내용 구성의 비교를 중심으로-

        김은솔 ( Kim¸ Un-sol ) 우리어문학회 2021 우리어문연구 Vol.69 No.-

        『국문쳡경』은 근대 계몽기에 간행된 국어 교과서 중 하나다. 저자인 한승곤은 국문을 배우기에 쉬운 교재가 필요하여 『국문쳡경』을 저술하였다고 밝혔다. 당시 대부분의 국어 교과서에서 학습 대상으로 삼은 것은 국한혼용문이었다. 이에 반해 _국문쳡경_은 한글 학습의 비중이 크다는 점과 순한글로 쓰인 읽기 자료를 제시하고 있다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 『국문쳡경』은 1906년에 일권 1907년에 이권이 출판되었으며, 1908년에는 일, 이권의 합집이 출판되었다. 세권의 『국문쳡경』은 언어 단위에 따라 학습 요소를 순차적으로 제시했다는 점과 각 과의 본문을 구성할 때 학습이 선행된 음절만을 본문에 사용했다는 점이 특징적이다. 『국문쳡경』 (1906)과 『국문쳡경』(1907)은 각각 ‘국문쳡경 일권’, ‘국문쳡경이권’으로 쓰였으나 내용에 연속성은 없다. 『신뎡국문쳡경 일이합부』(1908)에 실린 _국문쳡경_ 일권과 이권은 『국문쳡경』(1906), 『국문쳡경』(1907)와는 구성이나 내용면에서 같은 교과서라고 볼 수 없다. 『국문쳡경』(1906)은 음운, 음절, 단어 순의 구성을 보이며 삽화 등을 사용되지 않았다. 이러한 구성은 발음중심 지도법과 관련이 있다. 『국문쳡경』(1907)은 음운, 음절, 문장 순의 제시를 보이며 단어는 삽화와 함께 제시되어 발음 중심 지도법과 의미 중심 지도법의 절충적 구성을 보인다. 『국문쳡경』(1907)에 추가된 일러두기나 본문 중간에 있는 교수자에게 당부하는 말은 교수자용 교재의 필요성에 따른 것으로, 『국문쳡경』(1907)이 학습자용과 교수자용을 겸하게 하였다. 또한, 교수자용 글에서 삽화의 교육적 효과에 대한 인식을 분명하게 드러내고 있다. 『신뎡국문쳡경 일이합부』(1908)는 음절, 단어, 문장, 글 순으로 구성되어 낱자의 음가를 학습한 후 읽기 학습이 이루어지도록 한다. 문장이나 글을 제시할 때 학습 내용과 관련있는 그림을 실어 학습자의 흥미를 유발한다. 『국문쳡경』(1907)과 『신뎡국문쳡경 일이합부』(1908)에는 한자가 쓰이기도 하였으나 이때 한자는 학습 대상이 아니라 단어의 의미를 나타내는 보조적 수단이었을 뿐이다. 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(國文捷徑, Korean Shortcut) is a Korean textbook that was published in Enlightment Period. The author is SeungGon Han who was a pastor. Referring to the preface, _Kookmoonchyubkyung_ is for people who are learning Korean for the first time. The first volume was published in 1906, was followed by the second volume in 1907. The bound volume of the first and second volume was published in 1908. 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1906) is composed of the preface and the body. Explanatory notes start with ‘the way to teach’ was added in 『Kookmoon chyubkyung』(1907). 『Bound Volume of Revision Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1908) is composed of the preface, the body and end mark of the first volume, the preface(explanatory notes), and the body and end mark of the second volume. The first and second volume that published in 『Bound Volume of Revision Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1908) are different to 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1906) and 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1907) in the respect of the compositions and contents. 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1906) is the first volume and 『Kookmoon chyubkyung』(1907) is the second volume, but they are not a series. The body of 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1906) is organised to learn in order of phoneme, syllable and word. 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1907) is organised to learn in order of phoneme and sentence, and present words with illustrations. 『Bound Volume of Revision Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1908) does not include an explanation about syllable components. The body of the first volume includes syllable, word, sentence, and reading materials in order and the second volume consists of syllabary and reading material. The illustrations were used in 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1907) and 『Bound Volume of Revision Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1908). The illustrations were used to represent the meaning of words, while they only propose reading materials and related objects in 『Bound Volume of Revision Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1908). Hangeul and Chinese characters are used in 『Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1907) and 『Bound Volume of Revision Kookmoonchyubkyung』(1908), but Chinese characters are not a learning object and it was just used to support people to understand the meaning of words.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 교과서 속의 세계와 역사

        김영훈(Young Hoon Kim) 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 2010 비교문화연구 Vol.16 No.2

        The Enlightment Period has become a major focus among social scientists today in Korea. The significance of the period is increasingly discussed among scholars for it being the origin of Korean modernity. Expecially, beginning in the late 1990s, a gro Kng number of studies have focused on diverse aspects of early modernity at the turn of 19th century. In this study, the Enlightment Period is considered to be critical because a new wave of information and knowledge about others began to be introduced to Korean public for the first time. I take the period as the first ``anthropological`` knowledge started to be dispersed among Koreans. The question is then how the early students in the Enlightment Period understood the world and its history. To answer to this initial question, I selected the early textbooks of world history and world geography of the period and analyzed their characteristics both in contents and forms. The followings are three main findings found among the selected textbooks. First, the textbooks of the period display a distinctive discontinuity compared to the previous age. By incorporating a modern historicity, the textbooks deny the previous China-centered worldviews and introduce new perspective to measure the progress of human civilization. World civilization was consistently defined by Social Evolutionism of the day. Secondly, the textbooks of Enlightment Period were heavily influenced by Japanese counterparts. The authors of textbooks of the period were, in most cases, trained in Japan and consequently reiterated Japanese worldview without much reflections on the issue of positioning Korean history properly in the World history. Finally, the Enlightment Period textbooks display several characteristics of modern printing culture. Instead of writing only in classical Chinese in the earlier period, Korean intellectuals began to use the kukhanmun style. The primary school textbooks between 1896 until 1910 were nearly all published in kukhanmun, which established this style as the standard wirtten form of Korea. However, this change was rather gradual, its impact on educating the public was cannot be overemphasized. Kuhanmun and virtually Kungmun script along with visual designs increased the circulation of modern knowledge and are considered to contribute the very emergence of modern notions of mass society.

      • KCI등재

        The Study of Children`s Costumes Historical in Enlightment Period of Korea

        ( Jin Kim ),( Hee Soon Sohn ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2006 패션 비즈니스 Vol.10 No.6

        This study was aimed at reviewing kinds and characteristics of children`s costumes in consideration of their social and cultural backgrounds and particularly, those of children`s costumes during the period of Enlightenment following Chosun dynasty and thereafter. Namely, this study focused on children`s costume history in view of not adults` costume miniatures but their own concept. It is deemed very significant to review the history of our traditional costumes and thereby, express their decorative features with our contemporary sense. It is results can be summed up as follows; Strictly speaking, the period of Enlightenment can be defined as the one from Gwangwhado treaty in 1876 through annexation of Korea by Japan in 1910, but it may well extend until our emancipation from Japan in 1945. By 1890`s, children`s costumes remained almost traditional, but since then, the Chimas as well as Jeogori and breast tie began to be narrower. Particularly, Children`s Jeogori began to be narrower with their breast tie disappearing gradually. By 1910`s, children`s costumes had changed much, with the breast tie replaced by the buttons and the longer Jeogoris.

      • KCI등재

        개화기(開化期) 근대 해양경찰의 등장과 역사적 함의

        최선우 한국해양경찰학회 2014 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.4 No.2

        개화기의 개항장(1876~1910)은 우리에게는 ‘근대사회로 진입하는 초입'으로서 전 통과 근대를 이어주는 다리와 같은 중요한 역할을 하였다고 볼 수 있다. 개항장에 일본 및 서구의 근대 경제구조, 교통인프라, 위생과 의료기관, 그리고 경찰과 같은 치 안조직이 빠르게 개항장을 통해서 이식되었기 때문이다. 따라서 근대경찰이 우리나라 에 도입된 것은 종래의 치안제도(예, 조선시대의 포도청 등)에서 벗어나 서구의 경찰 제도와 이념이 직‧간접적으로 영향을 미치는 개화기라고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 점에서 근대경찰의 출발점은 바로 개화기의 ‘개항장 해양경찰’이라 할 수 있다. 그리고 주목할 것은 개항장에 설치된 해양경찰의 근대성은 비단 우리나라에만 국한되는 것은 아니라는 점이다. 당시에 일본 역시 유사한 과정을 이미 경험하였기 때문이다. 한편, 개항장의 해양경찰을 논의 할 때, 감리서(監理署)를 함께 거론하지 않을 수 없다. 근대적 관세징수 기관인 해관(海關, 오늘날의 세관)이 설치되었고, 이 러한 해관업무의 관리감독을 위하여 감리서가 개항장에 설치되었기 때문이다. 이러한 감리서가 개항장에 설치된 이후, 해관업무가 증대됨에 따라 감리서 업무 역시 확대되 었는데, 이러한 과정에서 ‘경찰관’(警察官)이라는 명칭이 보이기 시작하였다는 점이다. 비록 당시 감리 임명 당시에는 경찰관이라는 직책은 공식적으로 보이지 않기 때문에 그 임명시기가 명확하지는 않지만, 1884년 내부 공문에서 부터 경찰관 임명에 관한 기록이 보이고 있다. 그리고 이후 경찰관서(警察官署)에 대한 내부 기록이 보이고 있다. 그러나 당시의 해양경찰은 오늘날과 같이 전문화된 경찰업무를 업무를 수행하였다고 보기는 어렵다. 해양경찰 업무 외에도 경찰활동과 무관한 수많은 감리의 보조업무 를 수행하였기 때문이다. 더욱이 당시 개항장은 치외법권(治外法權)이 광범위하게 허 용되었기 때문에 온전한 형태의 경찰권을 행사하지 못하였다는 한계를 가지고 있음은 물론이다. 그러나 당시 개항장이라는 공간적 특성과 해양경찰 관련 치안활동을 담당 하였다는 것을 인식하는 것은 매우 중요한 역사적 의미를 가지고 있다고 본다. The open port(1876~1910) as 'a entrance to enter the Modern Society' in the Enlightment Period had played an important role like the bridge which link the traditional to the modern for us. At that time, the modern economic structure, traffic infra, hygiene and medical service, and security organization like 'the Police' had been spread out through the open port. Therefore, I think the time that the modern police had been introduced to our nation is the Enlightment period which been abolished the traditional security system, ie, Joseon era's Podocheong(捕盜廳) and adopted the West police system and idea directly or indirectly by outside power. So, the starting point of modern police are 'the open port maritime police'. And remarkable things that the modernity of the maritime police established in the open port are not confined in our situation. Japan also had been experienced the similar process before by the outside power at that time. In addition to, when discuss the maritime police at open port, we can not help dealing with the Gamriseo(監理署) which established at there for management and supervision about the business of maritime customs(海關, today's customhouse). After the Gamriseo had been established at open port, the job of its are enlarge in proportion to the business of maritime customs. In these process, the term 'Police' had been appeared. Although at that time the appointment of Gamri(監理) who responsible for the Gamriseo, the duties of the police were not exist officially. So. the time of appointment of the police are not definite. But the document can be find at the inner official papers since 1884. And after that time, the documents about the establishment of police office can be find also. But at that time, it is difficult to consider that the maritime police accomplish the specialized tasks like today's police. Because the maritime police did many assistance service for the Gamri which are irrelevant to the police' job absolutely. In addition, because the open ports were permitted 'extraterritoriality' by outside power, the maritime police couldn't exercise the police power properly. But, it is very important historical meaning to recognize the spacial features of open port and the maritime police activities(related to police's job) of there.

      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기 한글 학습서의 표기와 음운 현상 - 『초학언문』의 세 가지 이본을 중심으로

        김은솔 ( Kim Unsol ),한영균 ( Han Young-gyun ) 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2020 人文科學 Vol.120 No.-

        본고에서는 근대 계몽기에 한글 학습서로 사용된 『초학언문』을 대상으로 하여 판본에 따른 내용, 표기 및 음운 현상의 변화를 살펴보았다. 『초학언문』은 미국인 감리교 선교사 마가렛 벵겔(Margaret J. Bengel)이 저술한 초학자용 한글 학습서다. 1895년 초간본 발간 이후 여러 차례 수정 간행되었으며 현재 전해지는 판본은 초간본 외에 연세대학교 국학자료실 소장의 연대미상 8판과 한국학중앙연구원 한국학도서관 소장의 1909년판이 있다. 연대미상본과 1909년본은 초판(1895)의 내용에 한글 학습 자료 두 공과와 읽기자료네 편이 더해졌다. 추가된읽기자료는 성경이야기한 편과설명문 세 편인데 설명문은 모두 국한혼용문으로 되어 있는 『신정심상소학』(1896)에 실린 이야기를 순한글로 바꾼 것이다. 연대미상본과 1909년본 사이에는 내용이 달라진 것이 없다. 다만, 행정 구역을 설명하는 글에서 평안북도 감영의 위치와 항구를 관장하는 관원명의 수정이 이루어지는데 이로 보아 연대미상본은 1896년과 1897년 사이 어느 시기엔가 간행된 것으로 추정된다. 『초학언문』의 표기상의 특징으로 ‘ㆍ’의 표기, 어두 ‘ㄴ’과 ‘ㄹ’ 표기, 경음의 표기, 어중 ‘-ㄹㄴ-’의 표기, 종성의 표기, 종성 체언의 표기, 치찰음 아래에서 이중 모음의표기를 살펴보았다. 같은 시기에 발행된 국한혼용문 국어 교과서에서 ㅅ계 합용 병서와 ㅂ계 합용 병서를 사용한 것과 달리 『초학언문』에서는 ㅅ계 합용 병서만 쓰였다. 또한 ‘ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ, ㅎ’ 종성을 중화음[ㄷ]이 아닌 ‘ㅅ’으로 표기한 것이 특징적이다. 주로 분철 표기가 이루어졌으나 일부 중철과 재음소화 표기 방식이 사용되었다. 표기의 변화에서 가장 큰 비중을 차지하는 것은 ‘ㆍ’의 변화지만 변화 양상에서 어떠한 경향성을 도출하기는 어렵다. 다만, 『초학언문』(1895)보다 『초학언문』(1909)에서 더 일관성 있는 표기를 보인다. 음운 현상으로 구개음화, 원순모음화, 고모음화, 전설모음화, 탈락을 살펴보았다. 구개음화가 거의 이루어지지 않은 것이 특징적이다. 원순모음화는 실현형과 미실현형이 공존하며 고모음화와 전설모음화는 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 탈락은 이 유지된 형태와 탈락된 형태가 모두 나타난다. This study examined changes in contents, transcriptions, and phonological phenomena based on Chohakeonmun, a Hangul textbook for beginners written by Margaret J. Bengel, an American Methodist missionary. This is written in Hangul and was used as a textbook at Pai Chai College. The surviving publications are the first edition (1895), eighth edition (publication dates unknown), and a version published in 1909 (edition unknown). The eighth edition and the one published in 1909 contain two more chapters for studying Hangul and four more reading materials than the first edition (1895). The additional reading materials are one episode from the Bible and three pieces of expository prose, all of the latter being drawn from the Shinjungsimsangsohak (1896) and translated into Hangul. There is no difference in the contents of the eighth edition and the one published in 1909 except for the location of Gamyeong (the seat of the provincial government) in North Pyongan Province and some names of positions in a text explaining the administrative district. Therefore, the publication date of the eighth edition is estimated between 1896 and 1897. Transcriptions of “ㆍ,” an anlaut “ㄴ” and “ㄹ” a hard consonant, a word-medial “-ㄹㄴ-” and a final consonant, and a diphthong after sibilants are transcription features of Chohakeonmun. Chohakeonmun used only “ㅅ” consonant clusters, while other Korean textbooks written in mixed scripts and published during the same period used “ㅅ” consonant clusters and “ㅂ” consonant clusters. Also, there is the feature of writing final “ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ, and ㅎ” as “ㅅ” instead of [t ̚]. Separate spellings were mainly used, but there were some cases of double spelling and double phoneme writing being used. The largest change in transcriptions is the change in “ㆍ” However, it is hard to determine tendencies from this change. Finally, the 1909 edition shows more consistent transcriptions than the first edition. We examined palatalization, vowel rounding, vowel raising, vowel fronting, and “ㄷ” dropping as phonological phenomena. One feature is that “ㄹ” palatalization rarely occurred. Vowel rounding consists of both applied and unapplied forms, and vowel fronting rarely occurred. “ㄹ” dropping appears with forms inwhich “ㄹ” is both maintained and eliminated.

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