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      • KCI등재

        한국고대목간의 형태와 종류

        윤선태 한국역사연구회 2007 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.65

        Due to the presence of Four regional ruling bodies that had been dispatched from the Chinese Han dynasty to the Korean peninsula, the culture of creating and using the so-called ‘wooden tablets(목간)’ were introduced to the Korean peninsula around B.C. 1st century. And during A.D. 3rd and 4th centuries, file-type, tablets-bound book materials(편철간형식전적류) and wooden tablets used as documents(문서목간) were used and circulated inside the Goguryeo and Baekjae societies, as a tool of enhancing the Koreans’ understanding of the Chinese culture and reinforcing the governments’ ruling authorities. One of the characteristics of the wooden tablet culture thrived in the ancient societies of Korea, is that multi-sided wooden tablets(多面木簡) seem to have been used much more frequently, than they were in ancient Japanese societies(as they are being excavated in much larger quantity in Korea than in Japan). While China is famous for its ‘file-type bound-tablets(편철간)’ of the Han dynasty period, and Japan shows its own ‘small size wooden tablets(短冊形木簡)’, Korea can be said to have had a unique culture of ‘multi-sided wooden tablets’. These multi-sided wooden tablets show us what kind of status the Korean culture would have occupied in the ancient East-Asian culture of wooden tablets. Once all the important elements and information regarding the forms and usages of the wooden tablets are inventoried under a specific system, we can trace the entire life-span of a specific wooden tablet, from its creation to its abolishment. From the ancient history of Korea, various types of wooden tablets including file-type bound-tablets, multi-sided tablets, cylinder-shaped tablets, square-shaped tablets, tag-like tablets, and tablet fragments have been found and recognized. These various types of tablets are believed to have been used as books, documents, portable materials, inventory tags and also for miscellaneous purposes.

      • KCI등재

        雁鴨池 木簡과 新羅 宮廷의 日常

        이경섭 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2010 新羅文化 Vol.35 No.-

        In Comparison with any other materials or references, the wooden tablets which were excavated in 1975 from Anapji of Kyoungju province illustrate abundant appearance of the Kingdom of Silla’s ancient palace. At the beginning of the research, scholars focused on estimating the age of the wooden tablets and debating about Setaek(洗宅). However, they could not make rapid progress on their research due to the difficulty of decoding the ink on the tablets and the lack of people’s interest on these wooden tablets. Since the late 1990s, more wooden tablets have been excavated, which has freshened and revived the study of the wooden tablets from Anapji. Based on the study of Japanese wooden tablets, the publications of wooden tablets of Anapji, studied by Lee, Sung-si, who mentioned the possibility of more wooden tablets of Anapji, also supported by Yoon, Seon-tae and Lee, Yong-hyeon shed new light on the wooden tablets of Anapji. Nevertheless, there was a limit as to how much scholars could decipher ink letters on the tablets, since their interpretation was made through the direct reading of the tablets. The book Ancient Wooden Strip with Inscription in Korea, published in 2004, introduced infrared photographs and influenced the former study on the wooden tablets. This allowed them to correct their research methods and re-examine the tablets of Anapji. The new method of research produced several breakthroughs in understanding the usages of the Anapji tablets, such as the following: (i) wooden tablets for receipts of goods, such as foods or keys; (ii) wooden tablets for receipts of tributary payments or taxes, which were collected and moved to Naesung(內省) (iii) wooden tablets in which the names of palace gates and guards, for palace security matters, were written (iv) wooden tablets for prescriptions; and (v) wooden tablets related to the information exchange between administrative offices. This outcome of the research offers evidence that in the late 7th century and its aftermath, there were diverse daily works in the palace of Silla, and the Anapji wooden tablets were used for daily life at that time. However, it is difficult to ascertain whether the wooden tablets were used for document-related administration in the time of wooden tablet culture, since during the so-called Anapji era, people started using papers for administrative works after Silla’s unification of three kingdoms. Nonetheless, the wooden tablets were widely used for various purposes beyond document-related administration because of their well-preserved, characteristic material, wood.

      • KCI등재

        신라·백제목간의 비교 연구

        이경섭 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2014 新羅文化 Vol.44 No.-

        Ancient wooden tablets of Korea have consistently been reported since the excavation of wooden tablets at Seongsan Mountain Fortress. Today they hold an important position as a material in ancient history of Korea. There are 561 Silla wooden tablets and 214 Baekje wooden tablets excavated so far, but no research has compared them based on the characteristics of Korean wooden tablets. This study thus set out to compare and examine Silla and Baekje wooden tablets for their formal characteristics and traced the development patterns of ancient wooden tablet culture. In Silla, they made broad use of multi-sided and circumferential wooden tablets across many areas including documents by the 7th century. In Baekje, the uses of such wooden tablets were restricted to practice books in the 7th century with the rectangular plate type being standardized and refined. There were also differences in the location and number of grooves in groove-type wooden tablets between Silla and Baekje. Those findings indicate that there are certain differences in wooden tablet culture between Silla and Baekje, where the wooden tablet culture seems to have developed in close relation to the arrangement and development of national institutions and the development of character culture. Considering the progress of wooden tablet culture, Baekje was ahead of Silla in the phase of the 7th century. It is estimated that Baekje's wooden tables had direct influences on the wooden table culture of ancient Japan since the 7th century.

      • KCI등재

        고대 동아시아 세계의 목간을 통해서 본 한국 목간의 형태와 내용 분류에 대한 연구

        李京燮(Lee, Kyoung-sup) 신라사학회 2013 新羅史學報 Vol.0 No.27

        In ancient Korea, the origin of the origin of the wooden tablets culture began with the introduction of the Chinese culture of bamboo and wooden slips after the establishment of Lao ? lang Commandery. Due to the vegetation in the northwestern region of the Korean Peninsula where it was difficult to obtain bamboos those days, the wooden tablets culture developed with bamboo slips excluded. In early Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, they naturally used wooden tablets as a transcription material in character life. It was a Korean-style transformation of the Chinese culture of bamboo and wooden slips. Bamboo slips were a transcription material mainly for books or large volumes of records and thus in no demand in the early character life of ancient Korea and Japan. In case of Korean wooden tablets, they developed the characteristics of independent wooden tables owing to the shortage of historical experiences with file-type bound-tablets. In ancient Korea, they would also make wooden tablets of multi-sided of circumferential type in order to include much information in one wooden tablet. As the development of nation and institution resulted in the increase of information, wooden tables were gradually replaced by paper documents to hold much information of importance. Korea wooden tablets can be classified as wooden tablets of documents under the category of documents and records(book, totals, slips, and others), as wooden tablets for receipts categorized into wooden tablets for receipts of tributary payments of taxes and wooden tablets for receipts of goods, and as wooden tablets for other purposes including incantation ceremonies, document covers, and practice books.

      • KCI등재

        함안 성산산성 출토 신라 하찰목간의 형태와 제작지의 검토

        전덕재(Jeon Deogjae) 한국목간학회 2009 목간과 문자 Vol.3 No.-

        본 논고는 함안 성산산성에서 출토된 목간의 형태와 아울러 그것의 제작지에 대하여 살펴본 것이다. 함안 성산산성 출토 하찰목간은 크게 단책형과 V자형의 홈이 파져 있는 것으로 구분되며, 전자에 비하여 후자가 많은 편이었다. 목간들을 상호 비교한 결과, 전체적으로 형태상 일정한 정형성을 추출할 수 없었는데, 이는 국가 또는 上州에서 목간의 규격이나 형태에 대하여 규제하지 않았음을 반영한 것이다. 목간의 묵서는 대체로 상단부에서 하단부로 내려가면서 표기한 것이 대 부분을 차지하였다. 행정촌의 명칭인 仇利伐, 及伐城, 甘文, 仇伐, 買谷村이라는 지명이 표기된 목간들의 형태와 서체를 상호 비교한 결과, 지명이 같은 목간의 경우 형태상에서 일정한 정형성이 발견된다거나 서체가 동일하였음이 확인되었다. 또한 자연촌명이 묵서된 목간의 서체가 일부 행정촌명이 보이는 목간의 서체와 일치되는 경우가 여럿 발견되었다. 이러한 사실들을 통하여 중고기에 행정촌 단위로 목간을 제작하고 書寫하였음을 알 수 있다. 아마도 자연촌의 주민들이 직접 자기가 납부할 곡물을 자루나 상자에 넣어 행정촌에 가지고 갔고, 문척과 같은 행정촌의 관리들은 그들에게 정확한 거주지와 더불어 곡물의 종류, 수량 등에 대하여 물어본 다음, 그 내용을 미리 제작한 목간에 묵서한 것으로 짐작된다. 그 후 행정촌의 관리들은 수취물에 부착한 목간 이외에 동일한 내용의 목간을 검수용으로 하나 더 제작하여 상위의 행정기관인 上州 또는 상산산성에 이송하거나 또는 그것들에 관한 정보를 종이문서에 적어 상주 또는 성산산성에 보냈을 것으로 추정된다. The purpose of this research was investigating shapes and manufacturing location of Silla’s Wooden tablets for name list of supplies which were excavated from the Haman Seongsan mountain fortress. The Wooden tablets for name list of supplies could be divided as the single volume style and the V groove style. The latter have more numbers than the former. Comparison of the Wooden tablets resulted that there was no standardized pattern in shape. This result also indicated that there was no regulation for the Wooden tablets from the government or Sangju. Most of the black writing on the Wooden tablets were written from the top to bottom. The Wooden tablets from the same adminstrative village were compared in terms of the shape and the writing style. The result confirmed that the Wooden tablets which have the same name of the location shows the same style of shape and the same writing style. In addition, in many cases, the Wooden tablets which has the natural village shows the same writing style with the administrative village. Through these factors, the Wooden tablets was manufactured according to the administrative village unit in the Middle ancient period. It seems that the natural village people brought their tax payment in boxes and bags to the administrative village, and the government official such as Munchuk wrote their exact location, the kind, and the quantity on the previously manufactured Wooden tablets. These inferences could lead to the further assumption that the government officials made the same Wooden tablets to recheck beside the attached Wooden tablets on the received tax payments. These additional Wooden tablets or its paper written informations might send to the higher administrative office such as Sangju or Seongsan mountain fortress.

      • KCI등재

        고대 동아시아 서예자료와 월성 해자 목간

        정현숙 한국목간학회 2018 목간과 문자 Vol.0 No.20

        This paper is to explore the calligraphic characteristic of the Wolseong Moat wooden tablets of Silla, to find out the calligraphic relationship with two village documents of the United Silla, and to search for the calligraphic influence to the wooden tablets of Aska, Japan. First, calligraphy of the document wooden tablets among all the Wolseong Moat wooden tablets shows round turning brush and square turning brush, fluidness and strongness, and change and restraint. Especially, by the end of the 6th century the Northern Wei style showing the changeable process from the ancient Silla style to the Chinese style clearly appears on the tag wooden tablets. The Northern Wei style of Wolseong Moat wooden tablets is more fluent than that of Iseongsanseong Fortress wooden tablets of the early 7th century. It tells us that the writing of capital officials is superior to that of local officials. Next, the regular and running scripts on the two village documents of the United Silla from the late 7th to the early 8th century are more advanced than those of Wolseong Moat wooden tablets of Silla. It reveals the calligraphic change of Silla for more than one hundred years and means that calligraphy culture was transmitted from the Silla to the United Silla. Lastly, we can confirm that the calligraphy of wooden tablets of Aska, Japan, in the 7th century was influenced by that of Baekje and Silla. Especially, the Northern Wei style on Hujiwarakyo wooden tablets in the early 8th century seems to be the influence of Silla. Ancient Japan produced numerous wooden tablets compared to ancient Korea. It means that the administrational documents using wooden tablets were actively used. Nonetheless, the writing of wooden tablets of Aska in the late 7th century does not reach that of Wolseong Moat wooden tablets of Silla in change and skill. Wolseong Moat wooden tablets showing the excellent writing by capital officials are outstanding calligraphic materials holding a dominant position in the history of East Asian calligraphy. 본고는 신라 월성 해자 목간 글씨의 특징을 살펴보고, 그것과 두 종의 통일신라 촌락문서 글씨와의 연관성을 알아보고, 일본 아스카 목간 글씨와의 비교를 통해 그 영향관계를 고찰함으로써 월성 해자 목간 서예가 동아시아 서예사에서 차지하는 위상을 살피기 위한 것이다. 먼저 월성 해자 목간 가운데 문서 목간 글씨는 원전과 방절, 유려함과 힘참, 변화미와 절제미 등 다양한 모습을 보여 준다. 특히 6세기 말경 하찰 목간에 북위풍이 나타나 신라의 서풍이 고풍에서 중국풍으로 변화되는 과정을 알 수 있다. 그 북위풍은 7세 초 이성산성 목간의 북위풍보다 더 능숙하여 왕경 관리의 글씨가 지방 관리의 글씨보다 우월하다는 것을 말해 준다. 다음으로 7세기 말, 8세기 전반의 것으로 추정되는 통일신라의 두 촌락문서 해서와 행서의 노련함과 출중함은 월성 해자 목간 글씨를 한 단계 발전시킨 것이다. 이는 100년 신라 서예의 진전을 보여 주는 것으로, 서예가 신라에서 통일신라로 계승되었음을 증명한다. 마지막으로 7세기 일본 아스카 목간은 문장의 양식이나 글씨에서 백제, 신라를 계승한 사실을 확인할 수 있다. 특히 8세기 초의 후지와라경 목간에는 북위풍이 쓰여, 이는 100여 년 전 신라에서 성행한 북위풍이 전승되었음을 말해 준다. 고대 일본은 고대 한국보다 출토 목간의 수가 월등히 많아 목간을 통한 문서 행정이 활발하게 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 7세기 후반 아스카 목간의 글씨는 6세기 후반 월성 해자 목간 글씨의 변화무쌍함과 능수능란함에는 미치지 못한다. 따라서 신라 왕경 관리 글씨의 출중함을 그대로 드러낸 월성 해자 목간은 동아시아 서예사에서 우위를 점하는 서예 자료라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 고대 목간문화의 기원에 대하여

        이경섭 진단학회 2011 진단학보 Vol.- No.113

        한국의 木簡문화는 樂浪郡의 簡牘문화에서 기원하였다. 彩篋塚木牘, 정백동 364호분에서 출토한 論語 竹簡과 戶口簿 목독은 중국 漢代의 간독문화가 낙랑군에서도 그대로 향유되었음을 확인할 수 있는 문자유물이다. 그러나 낙랑군의 간독문화는 중국 고대 專制國家의 역사적 산물이었기 때문에 고대국가로의 발전을 이루지 못했던 당시에는 고대 한국에 직접적으로 수용되지 못하였다. 이후 낙랑과帶方郡을 비롯한 중국왕조와의 교류 속에서 고구려와 백제, 신라의 순서로 -이는 고대국가의 발전과밀접한 관련이 있다.- 목간의 문화가 수용되어 전개되었던 것으로 생각된다. 특히 간독문화가 처음도입되었던 평양을 중심으로 한 한반도 서북부 지역은 죽간으로 사용할 수 있는 대나무를 구하기 어려웠기 때문에 목간이 사용되었다. 이것이 향후 고대 한국에서 죽간이 사용되지 않고 목간이 사용되었던 이유였으며, 초기에 多面 및 圓柱形 목간이 많이 사용되었던 배경이라고 할 수 있다. 죽간이 배제되면서 전개된 목간문화는 편철간이 아닌 단독간을 지향하면서 전개되었던 것이다. 그리고 7세기를전후해 국가제도가 보다 성숙하면서는 다면목간 외에도 본고에서 살펴본 궁남지․쌍북리목간과 같은整形化된 長方板形 목간을 활용한 문서목간의 형태들도 등장하게 되었다. 그리고 이러한 목간문화는일본의 목간에 직접적인 영향을 주었던 것으로 보인다. The culture of wooden documents in korea derived from the culture of wooden and bamboo script in Lo-Rang Jun(樂浪郡). Wooden tablets excavated from Chaehyeopchong (彩篋塚) and bamboo tablets for Analects of Confucius(論語) or wooden tablets for household book(戶口簿) excavated from Jongbaekdong no. 364 Tomb confirmed written relics that the Han Dynasty's culture of wooden and bamboo script had been enjoyed at Lo-Rang Jun. But, because Lo-Rang Jun's culture of wooden and bamboo script was historical product of ancient chinese despotic kingdom, the ancient korean period did not received directly Lo-Rang Jun's culture when Lo-Rang Jun did not developed into the system of the ancient nation. It seems to me that culture of wooden tablets in ancient korean had been developed in regular sequence at Koguryo, Baekje, and Silla Kingdom -as related to the ancient nation system - through cultural exchange between three ancient kingdoms in korea and chinese dynasties, including Lo-Rang Jun and Daebang Jun. Especially, In different to Pyeongyang as the center that introduced the culture of wooden and bamboo scripts, it was difficult for the northwest areas of korean peninsula including Pyeongyang to get the bamboo, so that these areas could use wooden tablets. For this reason, ancient korea did not used bamboo scripts but wooden tablets for the next times. Moreover, as one of these reasons It seems that in order to write many contents into a set of wooden tablet, ancient korea should use many of multifaceted or cylindrical wooden tablets in the initial stages.

      • KCI등재

        울산 반구동 유적 출토 목간

        김현철(Kim Hyun Chuel) 한국목간학회 2009 목간과 문자 Vol.4 No.-

        이 글은 울산 반구동 유적에서 출토된 목간 자료를 소개할 목적으로 작성하였다. 목간이 출토된 울산 반구동 유적은 2007년 아파트신축현장에 대한 구제 발굴조사를 통해 항구의 배후시설과 울산의 중심지 역할을 한 유적으로 세상에 알려졌다. 발굴조사에서는 통일신라시대의 목책시설과 목조우물, 고려시대 토성, 조선시대 溝 등의 유구와 연화문수막새, 중국제자기, 목간 등의 유물이 출토되었다. 목간은 통일신라시대~고려시대에 속하는 성격이 불분명한 수혈유구에서 출토되었다. 목간은 소나무를 이용하며 윗부분이 뽀족한 圭頭形으로 만들었다. 묵서는 앞 뒷면에 있는데 앞면 16字, 뒷면 16字로 총 32字이다. 묵서의 내용은 명확하지는 않지만 누구에게 물품을 어떻게 보낸다는 뜻으로 이해된다. 목간의 용도는 묵서의 내 용과 형태로 볼 때 물품의 荷札로 추정되며, 목간의 제작시기는 출토 유구의 시기와 묵서의 특징을 통해 고려시대로 보았다. 목간자료는 반구동 유적에서 출토된 수많은 유물 가운데 하나이지만 구체적인 사실을 알 수 있는 명문자료라는 점에서 의미가 크다. 또한 통일신라시대에 비해 그 위상이 작아졌다고 할 수 있는 고려시대의 반구동 유적을 이해하는 데도 중요한 자료이다. 이 글을 통해 반구동 유적에서 출토된 목간의 정확한 판독과 목간의 성격에 대한 연구가 이어지길 기대한다. The purpose of this report is the presentation of wooden tablets which were excavated from the Bangu-dong Archeological Site, Ulsan. The Bangu-dong Archeological Site where excavated the wooden tablets, at a new construction field of apartment in 2007, became known for background of port and the center of Ulsan. In digging investigation excavated relics and artifacts, a wooden barricade and a wooden well of the Unified Silla, a earthen ramparts of Koryo period, a ditch of Joseon period, Roof-end tile with lotus design, earthenware, Chinaware, wooden tablets and so forth. The wooden tablets from the Unified Silla to Koryo period were excavated from uncertain pit remain. The species of trees of the wooden tablets are pine trees and the part of upper made a pointed. The black writing has the front on 16 letters and the back on 16 letters. The letters total 32 letters. The contents of the black writing isn't clear but consider that the object was sent by someone. According to content and shape of the black writing, a use of wooden tablets consider Wooden tablets for name list of supplies and a work period of wooden tablets estimated Koryo period judging from the period of pit remain and black writing. The data of wooden tablets is one of the many remains and relics that excavated from the Bangu-dong Archeological Site. It is the data of excellent composition that is for us to know the concrete fact. Also, the position is lower than the Unified Silla. But it is important to understand the data of the Bangu-dong Archeological Site of Koryo period. It is expected to continue on the study about the exact decipherment and the character of the excavated wooden tablets.

      • KCI등재

        태안 침몰선 고려 목간의 문서양식과 운송체계

        김재홍 한국중세사학회 2016 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.47

        Wooden tablets from the Goryeo era can be categorized into several groups according to its figures, and especially by whether or not it has a groove in it. Such distinctive figure is actually a key element in determining what group the wooden tablet in question would belong to. Admittedly most of them have grooves, and those could be labelled as ‘Type 1,’ but there are also other rectangular ones which do not have grooves(‘Type 2’), and there are tablets with pointed ends, which are also without grooves(hence, ‘Type 3’). In the meantime, wooden tablets all share basically the same contents:Year, Point of origin(+Sender), Recipient, Item, Seal(印, or Enveloped[封]), Personnel who shipped it, [the personnel’s] Signature(Hwa’ab[花押]),’ etc. Defined by purpose and function, there are “Sword(檢)-shaped” wooden tablets which also served as packages, and there were “label(楬)-like” wooden tablets which served as inventory manifests or freight tags. Seals and signatures are also found, and in case of “hwa’ab” signatures, ones from superior figures are done so in a “Chag’ab(着押)” fashion, while ones done by juniors are done in a “Chakmyeong(着名)” fashion, showing how documents were approved in this period. Whenever a tax was collected from a local resident, a ‘Tag’ that indicates “Destination(name of place), Collector’s name, [Type of] Grain,” information all dictated and verified by the taxation register, would be hung to the material. Next, for the process of moving that item from local regions to the nearest warehouse designated as “Jochang,” a wooden tablet indicating the ‘Year, Personnel to receive the item, Type and Number[or amount] of the collected item, Seal(印, or Enveloped[封]), Place of origin, Signature’ would be created. And finally, when the warehouse personnel was to load the cargo on ships, a wooden tablet indicating the ‘Year, Point of origin, Personnel to receive the item, Type and Number[or amount] of the collected item, Seal(印, or Enveloped[封]), Personnel who shipped the item, and Signature,’ was issued. It is believed to have been the local influentials(鄕吏) who would have overseen all document-based administration in local regions, as their names are featured heavily in wooden tablets as senders or shippers. The Goryeo administration or orders seems to have primarily been based upon paper, and was then complemented by the usage of wooden tablets.

      • KCI등재

        백제 호적문서 관련 목간의 재검토

        박현숙 충남대학교 백제연구소 2018 百濟硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        The discussion of this paper begins with No. 315 Puyŏ Kungnamji(夫餘 宮南池) Wooden Tablet. Then it proceeds to examine the wooden tablets widely recognized as family registers like No. 2 Naju Pogamri(羅州 伏巖里) Wooden Tablet and No. 5 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet in terms of Baekje’s taxation system. As for No. 315 Kungnamji Wooden Tablet, it is hard at this point to affirm that the tablet is a family register. Bur it is definitely some sort of official document relating to population and land. Therefore, this tablet, one may say, contains information necessary for census and taxation. It seems that No. 2 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet is a sort of census report of the portion of population available for labor requisitions. Like No. 2 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet, No. 3 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet can be seen as a record of the labor requisitions conducted based on the existing censuses. No. 5 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet is peculiar in that it documented changes in harvests as well as properties. Unlike No. 2 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet, No. 5 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet recorded land ownerships and harvests for the imposition of tax that required information of changes in ownerships and harvests. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that No. 5 Naju Pogamri Wooden Tablet was a collection of family registers collected and submitted by either village heads or government officialsfor the classification of taxable families. In any case, the examined wooden tablets have some distinct characteristics, which makes it hard to draw a general assessment of Baekje’s taxation system. Nonetheless, this study sheds light on the way Baekje obtained information of its people and land and the meticulous aspect of its governance. So one can see that Baekje’s administration and information gathering were gradually becoming systematized. 본고에서는 <부여 궁남지 315호 목간>에서 논의를 출발해서 <나주 복암리 2호 목간>과 <나주 복암리 5호 목간>등 호적목간이라고 평가되고 있는 목간들을 재검토해 보았다. <궁남지 315호 목간>의 경우는 호적목간이라고 단언하기는 어려워 보인다. 그러나 徙民給田籍이든 포상과 관련된 給田籍으로 설명하든, 이 목간은 人(丁과 歸人 中口와 小口)과 土地와 관련된 문서목간이다. 따라서 이 문서목간은 결국 호적 작성이나 수취체제를 위한 정보를 담고 있다고 할 수 있다. <나주 복암리 2호 목간>은 요역의 징발 대상자에 대한 호구별 자료를 정리한 문서라고 보여 진다. <나주 복암리 3호 목간> 역시 <나주 복암리 2호 목간>과 같은 호구 자료에 기반하여 실제 요역을 행하고 보고한 문서목간으로 성격지울 수 있을 것이다. <나주 복암리 5호 목간>은 재산 상황과 더불어 수확량의 변화를 기록한 것이 특이점이다. <나주 복암리 2호 목간>과 달리 <나주 복암리 5호 목간>에서 토지와 수확량이 특기된 것은 收稅를 위해 그 해의 수확량과 재산 변동을 알려야 할 필요성이 있었기 때문이다. 따라서 <나주 복암리 5호 목간>은 收稅 또는 호등 산정을 위해 촌주나 관리가 각 戶에 대해 정리해 올린 호구별 문서목간이 아니었나 생각된다. 아무튼 고찰한 3개의 목간은 조금 다른 기재 방식과 특징을 보이고 있어서 통일된 백제 호적제도의 특징을 단언하기에는 아직 어려운 면이 있다. 그러나 이러한 고찰을 통해 국가의 民의 호구와 재산에 대한 파악과 백제 국가의 지방에 대한 지배력이 얼마나 강화되고 있었는지를 알 수 있었다. 또한 이 과정에서 백제의 문서행정이 체계화되고 있음도 확인할 수 있었다.

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