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        예수의 목마름(요 19:28)에 관한 연구

        권해생(HaeSaengKwon) 한국복음주의신약학회 2021 신약연구 Vol.20 No.2

        십자가 위에서 예수께서는 성경을 성취하기 위해 “내가 목마르다”는 말씀을 남기셨다(요 19:28). 시편 69:21(70인경 68:22) 이 가장 적절한 성경 성취 본문이다. 왜냐하면 요한복음 19:28-29과시편 69:21(70인경 68:22)에는 목마름의 모티프와 신포도주(ox; oj) 제공이 공통으로 나오기 때문이다. 시편 69편은 세 가지 차원의 고통을말한다. 가장 기본적으로 육체적으로 목마른 고통이다. 또한 사람들로부터 모욕과 수치를 당하는 고통이다. 그리고 하나님께로부터 오는 고통인데, 그것은 고통 중에 부르짖는 시인에게 하나님께서 그의얼굴을 가리시는 것이다. 예수께서도 십자가에서 이러한 삼중 고통을 당하셨다. 피와 땀을 쏟은 후 목마른 고통을 겪으셨고, 사람들로부터 수치와 모욕을 당하셨다. 그리고 하나님께로부터 진노의 심판을 받으셨다. 예수께서는 십자가에서 왜 이런 고통을 당하셨을까? 그것은 그를믿는 자를 목마름의 고통에서 해방하시기 위함이다. 그가 사람들을대신해서 목마름의 고통을 당하시므로, 그를 믿는 자는 목마름의 고통을 당하지 않는다. 그런데 요한복음에서 목마름의 해소는 예수의성령 주심과 관련 있다(4:10-14; 7:37-39). 십자가에서 목마름의 고통을 당하신 예수는 부활하여 성령의 생수를 주시므로 그를 믿는 자의목마름을 해결하신다. 따라서 목마름 해소를 위해서는 두 가지가 필요하다 - 예수의 십자가와 성령 수여. 이것이 요한복음에서 목마름의주제가 드러내는 십자가와 성령을 통한 신자의 영생이다. Jesus said “I thirst” on the cross. This was to fulfil Psalm 69:21 (LXX 68:22). There is a common reference to sour wine(o;xoj), which was provided to Jesus while he thirsted, both in John 19:28-29 and in Psalm 69:21 (LXX 68:22). Psalm 69 presents three sorts of sufferings. The psalmist basically appeals physical thirst. And the antagonists insult and dishonor him. Moreover, the Lord hides his face from and seems not to listen to him. Likewise, Jesus suffers threefold pain on the cross. He is extremely thirsty after severely sweating and bleeding. He is insulted and dishonored by the people. Finally, he is judged by God with wrath. Why did Jesus receive this kind of suffering? The reason is to release the believers from their thirst. By his thirst on the cross, they never thirst again. On the other hand, Jesus Christ quenches the people’s thirst by imparting the Holy Spirit to them in the Gospel of John (4:10-14; 7:37-39). Thus, both Jesus’ cross and Holy Spirit are necessary for the people to be liberated from the suffering of thirst. It is believer’s eternal life through the cross and the Holy Spirit which the thirst motif in the Gospel of John displays.

      • KCI등재

        肺痿와 上消의 관계에 대한 小考 : 『黃帝內經』과 『金匱要略』을 중심으로

        백유상(Yousang Baik),김도훈(Do-Hoon Kim) 대한한의학원전학회 2020 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Objective: 본 논문에서는 『黃帝內經』과 『金匱要略』에 나오는 肺痿를 서로 비교하고, 이를 통하여 肺痿와 上消의 상관성을 살펴보았다. 또한 肺痿를 일으키는 심리적 요인들이 어떻게 上消를 야기하는지에 대한 病機를 고찰하였다. Method: 『金匱要略·肺痿肺癰咳嗽上氣病脈證治』와 『素問·痿論』의 조문 내용을 여러 기타 주가들의 의견을 바탕으로 분석하고 肺痿의 病因, 病機 및 消渴과의 관계에 대하여 살펴보았다. Result: 『金匱要略』에서 설명한 肺痿는 上焦의 熱이 肺로 들어가 肺가 마르는 병증을 말하며, 『素問·痿論』에 나오는 肺痿는 痿의 증상을 동반한다는 점에서 차이가 있으나 양자의 기전은 서로 동일하다. 『金匱要略』의 肺痿는 消渴로부터 나타나기도 하며, 반면 肺痿가 오래되어 虛한 상태에서 消渴이 동반되기도 한다. 『素問·痿論』에서 肺熱이 발생하는 이유는 주로 자신이 소유한 대상을 상실하였거나 바라던 무언가를 얻지 못하는 등의 심리적 요인에 의하여 나타난다. 肺痿뿐만 아니라 心痿, 肝痿까지 범위를 넓혀서 본다면, 消渴 가운데 上焦에서 나타나는 上消는 큰 슬픔을 당하거나 욕구불만으로 쾌락을 추구하는 것까지 원인이 될 수 있다. Conclusion: 당뇨와 消渴은 서로 일치하지는 않으나 당뇨의 치료와 관리를 위하여, 消渴의 辨證을 활용함으로써 개별 환자에 적합한 맞춤식 치료가 가능하다. 특히 당뇨 또는 消渴의 원인 가운데 최근 들어 비중이 높아지고 있는 스트레스와 情志의 이상에 대하여, 『素問·痿論』에서 제시된 五臟辨證을 활용함으로써 치료 효과를 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Objectives : In this paper, lung atrophy syndrome[肺痿] in 『Huangdineijin(黃帝內經)』 and 『Jinguiyaolue(金匱要略)』 were compared, followed by examining its relation with upper wasting thirst[上消]. Also, ways in which psychological factors that contribute to lung atrophy syndrome could cause upper wasting thirst were studied. Methods : Verses from 『金匱要略·肺痿肺癰咳嗽上氣病脈證治』 and 『素問·痿論』 were analyzed based on various annotators s opinions to determine the cause and mechanism of lung atrophy syndrome and its relationship with upper wasting thirst. Results : In 『Jinguiyaolue(金匱要略)』, lung atrophy syndrome is described as the heat of the upper body entering the lungs to dry it out. The description in 『Suwen(素問)』 differs in that it accompanies atrophy symptoms, but the mechanism is the same. Lung atrophy syndrome in 『Jinguiyaolue』 could come from wasting thirst, while wasting thirst can be accompanied in deficiency caused by chronic lung atrophy syndrome. Heat in the lungs is caused by psychological factors where the person has lost its subject of possession or was unable to attain what was desired. When expanded to include heart atrophy syndrome[心痿] and lung atrophy syndrome[肝痿], the reason for upper wasting thirst could include immense sadness or excessive indulgence in pleasure due to unmet desires. Conclusions : Although diabetes and wasting thirst are not identical, application of wasting thirst pattern differentiation to diabetes treatment and management could lead to tailored treatment of each patient. Moreover, the five zhang pattern differentiation from the 『Suwen(素問)』 could increase treatment efficacy when applied to conditions caused by stress and emotional disorder, which are increasingly playing larger roles in causing wasting thirst, or diabetes.

      • KCI등재

        영화 <박쥐, Thirst>를 통해 본 시네마의 뉴미디어 되기

        안근영,윤준성 한국기초조형학회 2014 기초조형학연구 Vol.15 No.6

        In the paper, we set up a hypothesis that the cinema has sustainable expanding possibility asthe new media. Historically, the cinema have changed and developed forms. As the new mediarollovers its status following the new appearance of the media, the cinema called the new mediain the past is overturned its status by digital media. But the cinema turns over a new formthrough re-mediation. This phenomenon can be understanded as ‘becoming-the new media’of cinema based upon Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s Becoming theory. Becoming-the newmedia generates new cinema through breaking down other media’s boundaries, transformingand accepting them. The attempt to re-establish a new mode of cinema has a significance as atheory in proving the hypothesis of this study. This study chooses the Korea feature film <Thirst>for a way of demonstration. The film <Thirst> is a vital clue to show ‘becoming-the new mediaof cinema.’ The film is becoming the new media of cinema to reveal the duplicity of cinema’sessence both that is changing its nature and that resist to be changed. Thus, in the paper,we discuss becoming the new media of cinema to use the characters with desire of the filmmetaphorically. 본 논문은 뉴미디어 시대의 시네마가 변화하며 발전되는 일련의 과정이 뉴미디어로써 지속가능한 확장 가능성을지닌 매체로써 설명될 수 있다는 가설에서 출발한다. 뉴미디어가 새롭게 등장하는 매체에 따라 그 지위가 전복되는 역설적인 용어인 것처럼, 과거에는 뉴미디어로 다루어진 시네마는 디지털 미디어에 의해 그 지위가 다시 전복된다. 그러나 시네마는 새로운 매체의 등장 때마다 각각의 매체들을 재매개함으로서 새롭게 거듭났다. 이러한 현상은 질 들뢰즈와 펠릭스 가타리의 ‘되기’이론을 토대로 설명될 수 있고, 이를 통해 시네마의 뉴미디어-되기는 설득이 가능하다고 판단된다. 시네마의 뉴미디어-되기는 시네마가 타 미디어들을 변용하고 수용하는 가운데 미디어들의 경계를 허물어 새로운 시네마로 생성되는 것이다. 시네마가 새로운 형식으로 재정립되는 것은 본 연구의가설을 입증하는 하나의 이론으로써 그 의의가 있다. 이를 논구하기 위해, 본 연구는 한국영화 <박쥐, Thirst>를선정하였다. 영화 <박쥐>는 시네마의 본질이 뉴미디어 시대에서 뉴미디어-되기로써 어떻게 감응되는가를 보여주는 중요한 단서이다. 영화 <박쥐>는 시네마가 변화하지 않으려는 본성과 변화되고 있는 본성의 이중성을 드러내는 시네마의 뉴미디어-되기이다. 본 연구는 욕망을 지닌 <박쥐>의 캐릭터를 시네마의 뉴미디어-되기의 은유로 해석하여 이들을 병치하여 논구한다.


        Mechanisms Controlling Feed Intake in Large-type Goats Fed on Dry Forage

        Sunagawa, K.,Ooshiro, T.,Murase, Y.,Hazama, R.,Nagamine, I. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.8

        An intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of somatostatin 1-28 (SRIF) was used as a thirst-controlling peptide antagonist to investigate whether or not thirst-controlling peptides are involved in the significant decrease in feed intake during the initial stages of feeding large-type goats on dry forage. A continuous ICV infusion of SRIF was conducted at a small dose of $4{\mu}g$ ml/h for 27 h from day 1 to day 2. Goats (n = 5) were fed roughly crushed alfalfa hay cubes for 2 h twice daily and water was given ad libitum. Feed intake was measured during ICV infusion of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) and SRIF. The feed intake during SRIF infusion increased significantly compared to that during ACSF infusion. In comparison to the ACSF treatment, plasma osmolality during the SRIF treatment significantly decreased during the first half of the 2 h feeding period. The factor causing the decrease in plasma osmolality during the ICV infusion of SRIF was a decrease in plasma Na, K, Cl, and Mg concentrations. In comparison to the ACSF infusion treatment, parotid saliva secretion volumes during the 2 h feeding period in the SRIF infusion treatment were significantly larger. While there was no significant difference in cumulative water intake (thirst levels) between the SRIF and the ACSF treatments upon conclusion of the 2 h feeding period, based on the plasma osmolality results it is thought that thirst level increases brought about by alfalfa hay cube feeding in the first half of the feeding period were reduced. It is thought that the somatostatin-induced increases in feed intake during the 2 h feeding period in the present experiment were caused by decreases in plasma osmolality brought about by the somatostatin infusion. As a result, it is suggested that the significant decrease in feed intake during the initial stages of feeding in large-type goats given roughly crushed alfalfa hay cubes, was due to the actions of thirst-controlling peptides.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        말기신부전증 환자에서 혈액투석액 나트륨 농도가 혈압, 투석간 체중증가 및 갈증에 미치는 영향

        김미경,박혜자,장은정,조남미 성인간호학회 2000 성인간호학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Hemodialysis(HD)-associated hypotension is a frequent complication, but it is difficult to manage. Until now, several maneuvers have been tried to prevent the HD-associated hypotension. Of these, the sodium content of dialysate was regarded as an important factor for maintaining blood pressure during HD. In this study, we evaluated the effect of hypertonic dialysate on blood pressure, interdialytic weight gain and the incidence of thirst. The study was done for 6 weeks successively with 3 different groups. Each patient was dialysed with 3 different dialysates for 2 weeks: Group Ⅰ(Conventional HD: sodium concentration: 137 mEq/L), Group Ⅱ(Hypertonic HD: 147 mEq/L) and Group Ⅲ(Sequential HD: from 147 to 140 mEq/L). Hemodynamic parameters(blood pressure, pulse rate and ultrafiltration rate), biochemical parameters(hematocrits, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, osmolality, sodium, potassium, chloride, fasting blood sugar) and complications(interdialytic weight gain & thirsty sensation) were compared among 3 groups. The results were as follows: 1. Decline of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure at the time of a 3 hour check during hemodialysis was lower in the Group Ⅱ than Group Ⅰ and Ⅲ(p=0.002; p=0.012). and decline of diastolic blood pressure at the time of a 4 hour check during hemodialysis was lower in the Group Ⅱ and Ⅲ than Group (p=0.04). 2. Incidence of hypotensive episodes during dialysis was significantly lower in Group Ⅱ than Group Ⅰ(p=0.0287). 3. The ultrafiltration in Group Ⅲ at the time of 1 hour, 2 hour and 3 hour check during hemodialysis was higher than that in Group Ⅰand Ⅱ at the time of 1 hour, 2 hour and 3 hour check during hemodialysis respectively (p=0.0001; p=0.0001; p=0.0004). 4. Interdialytic weight gain was higher in Group Ⅱ(3.1±0.8) than Group Ⅰ(2.8±0.8) and Ⅲ(2.9±0.9) (p=0.0422). 5. Hematologic and biochemical results were not significantly different among 3 Groups. 6. Frequency of thirst was different in Group Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ, 0.05±0.12, 0.41±0.24 and 0.22±0.29 respectively(p=0.0259). The results suggest that hypertonic HD was effective in preventing HD-associated hypotension but interdialytic weight gain and thirst sensations were increased as compared with a conventional method. In this situation, sequential HD seems to be an alternative method to minimizes the side effect of hypertonic HD.

      • KCI등재

        냉수 가글링과 젖은 거즈를 이용한 구강간호가 비강수술 환자의 갈증 및 구강상태에 미치는 효과 비교

        이인선,심명숙,나은희,강재연,김지혜,황민영,윤계숙,성영희 병원간호사회 2006 임상간호연구 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose: This study researched the comparison of oral care methods between the wet gauze and the water gargling for nasal surgery patients. It executed to find out more effective method to relieve thirst. Method: We divided two groups; the wet gauze and the cold water garaling. We assessed patient's oral cavity state and sebjective oral dryness for three times; firstly before the intervention, secondly 15 minutes after 1st intervention and thirdly 15 minutes afrer 2nd intervention. Result: As the intervention, there was no difference on oral condition subhectvely, but there was a difference on thirsty reduction objectively. As the aral dryness has relieved through both methods. It showed the repeated gargling helps more to relieve oral dryness effectively than the wet gauge. At PACU, post nasal surgery patient's oral dryness was decreased with gauze more than two times, patient's oral dryness was relieved. Whereas the dryness was relieved after applying the cold water gargling for just one time. Conclusion: The water gargling is more effective intervention than the wet gauze. Especially, oral dryness was improved in the section of objetive oral assessment index.

      • KCI등재

        뱀파이어라는 타자에 대한 상상―주객 인식론의 전통과 脫전통

        강정구,김종회 한국비평문학회 2011 批評文學 Vol.- No.40

        This study focuses on the representation of vampire in the cinema of after 1990’s. This paper is accepted J. Derrida’s criticism of logocentrism in the Western culture, so shows the comparison Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, with Thirst. Firstly, vampire in the Bram Stoker’s Dracula repeats tradition of Western culture, such as Dracula. vampire in the cinema represents evil incarnate, which is repeats binary of good/evil. Secondly, vampire in the Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles overturns tradition of Western culture. A vampire doubts value of good/evil, and ask evil is truly evil. And Sang―hyeon as vampire in the Thirst is ambiguous man who is not human and vampire. This cinema shows a point of deconstruction in the tradition of the Western culture. In conclusion, the representation of vampire in the cinema of after 1990’s is complex other, and other represents and deconstructs human subject. 뱀파이어라는 타자에 대한 영화적 상상력은, 1990년대 이후 주객인식론의 전통과 탈전통이 충돌하는 포스트모던 시대의 상황을 잘 보여줬다. “단단한 모든 것이 녹아 날아”가버린다는 마르크스(Marx)의 표현을 근대성(modernity)의 경험으로 설명한 마샬 버먼(Marshall Berman)의 말은, 서구문화의 이분법적인 전통과 탈전통이 혼재함을 드러낸 뱀파이어 영화에도 해당되었다. 서구문화의 로그스 중심주의와 이분법적인 전통은 데리다에 따르면 상당히 오래되고 근원적이며 ‘단단한’ 것인데, 그러한 전통이 1990년대 이후 유지⋅반복되면서 동시에 전복⋅해체되는 독특한 양상이 세 편의 영화 속에 드러났다. 이 세 편의 영화를 연결시키는 가장 중요한 공통점은 뱀파이어라는 장르적인 소재였다. 뱀파이어는 인간 주체의 인식론을 성찰하게 만드는 매개라는 점에서 주목되었다. 인간이 뱀파이어를 바라보고 인식 속에 포섭하는 방식을 살펴본 본 연구는, 인간 주체의 인식론적인 구조를 선명하게 보여줬다. 영화 「브람 스토커의 드라큘라」, 「뱀파이어와의 인터뷰」와 「박쥐」에 나타난 뱀파이어는, 모두 인간 주체가 자신의 경계선을 설정하고 나름대로 합리화하기 위해서 타자를 상상하는 방식을 잘 나타낸 것이었다. 이때 타자를 상상하는 방식은 크게 두 가지였다. 하나는 영화 「브람 스토커의 드라큘라」 속의 뱀파이어를 상상하는 경우로 서구문화의 주객 이분법적인 전통을 반복한 방식이었다. 이 경우 드라큘라라는 타자는 주체의 경계 바깥에 놓여 있는 존재였다. 주체로서의 인간과 타자로서의 뱀파이어는 선/악=사랑/복수의 이분법적인 인식 속에서 재현되었다. 드라큘라는 <그림 1>에서 보이듯이, 신에 대한 개인적인 복수심 때문에 절대적인 악의 화신인 뱀파이어가 되었다. 그의 끓어 넘치는 분노는 그가 신과 대립된 악마라는 대립항으로 이분법화⋅위계화됨을 분명히 보여줬다. 그리고 <그림 2, 3>에서도 드라큘라는 인간인 미나를 동류의 뱀파이어로 만든 악마였지만, 미나는 드라큘라를 사랑으로 구원한 선한 존재로 표현되었다. 이 점에서 이 영화는 인간이 선⋅사랑⋅피해이고 뱀파이어가 악⋅복수(증오)⋅가해라는 서구문화의 이분법적인 전통을 반복하고 있었다. 다른 하나는 영화 「뱀파이어와의 인터뷰」와 「박쥐」 속의 뱀파이어를 상상한 경우로 서구문화의 주객 이분법적인 전통이 전복⋅해체되는 방식이었다. 이 경우 뱀파이어라는 타자는 주체의 경계를 흐릿하게 만들거나 허물어버리는 존재였다. 뱀파이어는 신앙/不신앙 혹은 선/악의 이분법적인 경계를 전복시켰다. 먼저, 영화 「뱀파이어와의 인터뷰」에서는 인간이 절대화하고 이분화⋅위계화한 선/악의 가치가 뱀파이어에 의해서 근본적으로 회의되었다. 루이가 뱀파이어가 되는 선택은 삶의 허무 앞에서 행하는 실존적인 것이어서 신앙적⋅종교적⋅윤리적인 선/악의 가치 판단을 비켜나 있었고, “존재 의미”라는 질문이나 악에 대한 알만드의 주장은 선/악의 이분법에 대한 가치의 전도⋅무화⋅부정⋅회의를 담은 전통전복적인 것이었다. 또한, 영화 「박쥐」에서는 뱀파이어임에도 뱀파이어답지 못한 삶을 살아가는 상현의 우연적이고 모호한 존재성을 문제 삼으면서, 인간/뱀파이어가 선/악=피해/가해로 구조화된 서구문화의 이분법적인 전통이 해체되는 지점을 잘 보여줬다. 상현이 뱀파이어가 된 과정이나 뱀파 ...

      • KCI등재

        뱀파이어라는 타자에 대한 상상 : 주객 인식론의 전통과 脫전통

        강정구(Kang Jeong-gu),김종회(Kim Jong-hoi) 韓國批評文學會 2011 批評文學 Vol.- No.40

        This study focuses on the representation of vampire in the cinema of after 1990’s. This paper is accepted J. Derrida’s criticism of logocentrism in the Western culture, so shows the comparison Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, with Thirst. Firstly, vampire in the Bram Stoker’s Dracula repeats tradition of Western culture, such as Dracula. vampire in the cinema represents evil incarnate, which is repeats binary of good/evil. Secondly, vampire in the Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles overturns tradition of Western culture. A vampire doubts value of good/evil, and ask evil is truly evil. And Sang―hyeon as vampire in the Thirst is ambiguous man who is not human and vampire. This cinema shows a point of deconstruction in the tradition of the Western culture. In conclusion, the representation of vampire in the cinema of after 1990’s is complex other, and other represents and deconstructs human subject.

      • KCI등재후보

        혈액투석 환자의 투석간 체중증가에 미치는 Angiotensin 전환효소 억제제의 효과

        김미경(M . K . Kim),윤태득(T . D . Yoon),서달덕(D . D . Su),이진연(J . Y . Lee),김용근(Y . K . Kim),이형걸(H . G . Lee),김태익(T . Y . Kim),최영선(Y . S . Choi),공진민(J . M . Kong) 대한내과학회 1997 대한내과학회지 Vol.52 No.5

        Objective: To determine the efficacy of ACE inhibitor on reducing the interdialytic HW gain of patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Methods: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled crossover study, consisting of one 4-week baseline period and two 4-week treatment periods, which were interposed by a 2-week washout period, was conducted on 21 non-diabetic ESI4D patients on hemodialysis. During the treatment periods, patients were given either fosinopril 10 mg/day or a placebo. Interdialytic BW gain was recorded during the study period and BUN, plasma Na, osmolarity and the agiotensin II level were measured at the end of the baseline and treatment periods. Results: Eight patients were excluded from the study due to incompliance to medication and 13 patients remained in the study. During the baseline period, no correlation was found between interdialytic weight gain and BUN, Na, osmolarity and angiotens in II. There was no difference in the interdialytic weight. increment between the fosinopril-treated (1.0±0.1kg/day, mean±SE) and placebo-treated period (1.0±0.1), The weight increment in both periods was significantly less than that in the baseline period (1.2±0.2), suggesting a psychological influence of both medications on thirst. However, in 8 patients who gained 1.0 kg/day or more during the baseline period, the interdialytic HW increment in fosinopril-treated period (1.3±0.1) was significantly less than that in the placebo period (1.4±0.1, p<0.05 by paired t test). Of these patients, 6 patients gained less and 2 patients showed no difference in the fosinopril period compared with the placebo period. Conclusion: ACE inhibitor may reduce interdialytic BW gain in hemodialysis patients with moderate to high interdialytic weight increment.

      • KCI등재

        박찬욱의 작품에 나타난 오이디푸스 신화 —<올드보이>, <친절한 금자씨>, <박쥐>를 중심으로

        조미영 문학과영상학회 2010 문학과영상 Vol.11 No.3

        Classic mythology is considered eternal, not only because they are adapted into new perspectives and reinterpreted from different points of view, but also because the intrinsic meaning inherent in mythology continues to create new meaning in a contemporary context. The Oedipus myth addressed in this paper is reinterpreted with new meaning, transcending times and generation, which is not merely attributable to the power inherent in mythology. Rather, it is because people link stories with their own lives, creating important meaning for themselves. My paper examines what are highlighted in adapting the Oedipus myth and how new meanings are added, rather than focuses on the repetition of traditional story elements. My paper deals with films directed by Park Chan-Wook including Old Boy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, and Thirst. The focus of examination is put on how the Oedipus myth is incorporated and transformed in these works. The mythology of Oedipus the King unfolds the inevitable realization of an oracle, highlighting the limits of human knowledge and the tragic fates of individuals based on a plot revolving around the three processes of miscalculation, perception, and self-decision. People make the choice to avoid a predetermined fate. However, this choice reproduces another fate. Individuals who are doomed to a tragic fate appear in Park Chan-Wook’s movies. This paper explores human desires inherent in the Oedipus mythology of Park Chan-Wook’s films.

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