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      • KCI등재

        유산균 발효 꽃송이버섯 혼합물의 이화학적 성분과 항산화 활성

        이재준,손혜영,최영민,조재한,민정기,오희경 한국식품저장유통학회 2016 Food Science and Preservation Vol.23 No.3

        The objective of this study was to investigate the nutritional composition and antioxidant activity of a mixture of rice bran and bodies of Sparassis crispa fermented with lactic acid bacteria (LAB). LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture had higher water, crude lipid and crude ash content than that of S. crispa. Insoluble dietary fiber contents of the dried powder of S. crispa and LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture were 46.13% and 33.46%, respectively. β-glucan was higher in dried S. crispa (38.03%) than in LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture (5.44%). Dried S. crispa contained mainly fructose and glucose instead of containing sucrose in LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture. No significant differences in the total polyphenol contents were found in between dried S. crispa and LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture. Total flavonoid content was significantly higher in LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture than in dried S. crispa. No significant differences were found in the DPPH radical scavenging activity and in the antioxidant index between dried S. crispa and LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture. Finally, ABTS radical scavenging activity of LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture was significantly higher than that of dried S. crispa. These results may provide the basic data for future studies for a better understanding of the biological activities of LAB-fermented S. crispa mixture.

      • KCI등재

        유산균 및 홍국균 발효 꽃송이버섯 추출물과 잔사의 식이섬유와 베타 글루칸의 함량

        임창완(Chang Wan Lim),강경규(Kyoung Kyu Kang),유영복(Young-Bok Yoo),김병희(Byung Hee Kim),배송환(Song-Hwan Bae) 한국식품영양과학회 2012 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.41 No.12

        본 연구에서는 식이섬유와 β-glucan이 풍부한 꽃송이버섯을 발효한 후 추출하여 이들 성분의 함량을 보다 증가시킨 추출물과 잔사를 제조하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 열풍 건조한 꽃송이버섯 자실체의 분말을 유산균(L. brevis)과 홍국균(M. pilosus)으로 각각 발효한 후 열수와 수용성 에탄올(50, 70, 90%, v/v)로 추출하여 추출물과 잔사를 제조하고 이들의 수용성, 불용성 및 총 식이섬유와 β-glucan의 함량을 버섯원물의 추출물과 잔사의 각 성분의 함량과 비교하였다. 홍국균 발효 버섯의 총 식이섬유 함량은 74.4 g/100 g으로 버섯원물(64.4 g/100 g)과 유산균 발효 버섯(66.1 g/100 g)의 총 식이섬유 함량에 비해서 유의적으로(p<0.05) 높았다. 버섯원물, 유산균 발효 버섯, 홍국균 발효 버섯의 β-glucan 함량(21.9∼24.4 g/100 g) 간에는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 추출물의 경우, 홍국균 발효 버섯의 열수 추출물에서 총 식이섬유(21.6 g/100 g)와 수용성 식이섬유 함량(19.3 g/100 g)이 가장 높았으며 버섯 원물의 열수 추출물의 총 식이섬유(16.4 g/100 g)와 수용성 식이섬유 함량(14.6 g/100 g)보다도 유의적으로(p<0.05) 높았다. 홍국균 발효 버섯을 열수 추출하고 남은 잔사의 총 식이섬유 함량은 90.5 g/100 g이었고 이들의 대부분이 불용성 식이섬유로 구성되어 있었으며, β-glucan 함량은 버섯 원물이나 홍국균 발효 버섯보다 높은 31.0 g/100 g이었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 제조한 홍국균 발효 꽃송이버섯의 열수 추출물과 잔사는 각각 액상과 분말 형태의 건강기능식품 및 가공식품 소재로 개발될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Sparassis (S.) crispa is an edible mushroom abundant in dietary fiber and β-glucan. The aim of this study was to prepare extracts and residues of the fruit bodies of S. crispa fermented with Lactobacillus (L.) brevis and Monascus (M.) pilosus and to measure the remaining dietary fiber and β-glucan. Dried powder of S. crispa containing 64.4 g/100 g total dietary fiber (2.6 g/100 g soluble and 61.8 g/100 g insoluble dietary fibers) and 24.0 g/100 g β-glucan was used as the starting material for the extraction. Raw and fermented S. crispa were extracted with hot water and three kinds of aqueous ethanol (50, 70, and 90%, v/v), respectively. A hot water extract from S. crispa fermented with M. pilosus had greater soluble dietary fiber content (19.3 g/100 g) than that from raw S. crispa with 14.6 g/100 g soluble dietary fiber or that from L. brevis-fermented S. crispa with 8.2 g/100 g soluble dietary fiber. The yield of the extract was 16.6% of intial weight of dried S. crispa. After hot water extraction of S. crispa fermented with M. pilosus, residues containing 90.5 g/100 g total dietary fiber (1.3 g/100 g soluble and 89.2 g/100 g insoluble dietary fibers) were obtained, and the yield was 69.6% of intial weight of dried S. crispa. The residue (31.0 g/100 g) contained more β-glucan than raw S. crispa or M. pilosus- fermented S. crispa (24.4 g/100 g). The resulting hot water extract and residue from S. crispa fermented with M. pilosus would be suitable for use in preparing liquid and powdered health functional foods, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        꽃송이버섯의 구성성분과 약리효과에 대한 리뷰

        방로데,이영종 대한본초학회 2019 대한본초학회지 Vol.34 No.6

        Objective : Sparassis crispa has been recognized for its therapeutic value since the late 20th century because of its high β-glucan content. Since then, researches have been conducted on the pharmacological effects but most of these are individual studies on the effects of β-glucan from S. crispa and the comprehensive reviews are lacking. The purpose of this study was to review the compounds composition and pharmacological effects of S. crispa. Methods : This review analyzes the papers about chemical and nutritional composition and pharmacological effects of S. crispa. The data in this review is based on selected papers after reviewing all studies containing the keyword “sparassis crispa” for PubMed, NDSL, and J-Stage published before February 2019. Results : S. crispa is composed of protein, lipids, and carbohydrates. Most of the compounds are carbohydrates and the highest content is β-glucan. More than 40% of the dried fruiting body of S. crispa is composed of β-glucan. In addition, it contains polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenoids and phthalide-based compounds. Broad spectrum of its pharmacological actions have been established which include immunomodulatory, anticancer, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antiobesic and neuroprotective effects. Conclusion : The most studied fields have been shown to have immunomodulatory and anticancer effects by inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells and angiogenesis and increasing hematopoitic responses. Unique structure and characteristic of high molecular weight β-glucan are considered to have high immunomodulatory effects of S. crispa. And low molecular fractions or phthalides of S. crispa also have antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anticancer effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        꽃송이버섯 추출물의 화장품소재로서의 가능성 평가

        장영아,김한나,양재찬,이지원,김보애,이진태 한국유화학회 2015 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        본 연구는 꽃송이버섯 추출물의 화장품소재로서 활용 가능성을 확인하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 꽃송이버섯 에탄올 추출물의 Straphylococcus epidermidis, Straphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans 균주로부터 항균효능을 확인하였으며 항산화효과 및 염증관련인자인 NO저해율을 확 인하였다. 또한 꽃송이버섯 에탄올 추출물을 함유한 에멀션 제형의 물리적 안정성을 평가하기 위해 pH, 점도, 에멀션 입자를 관찰하였다. 그 결과 paper disc 실험의 경우 Straphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans 균주로부터 항균효능을 나타내었으며, 에멀션 제형 평가의 경우 안정한 점도와 pH를 나타내었 다. 현미경으로 유화물 입자 관찰 시 추출물의 유무와 상관없이 제형 분리 현상은 확인되지 않았다. 이 러한 결과는 꽃송이버섯 추출물의 화장품 소재로서의 가치를 제안할 수 있다. We conducted this study to investigate possibilities of applying cosmetic material about extrats from Sparassis crispa. The extracts of Sparassis crispa conducted a antibacterial activity against Straphylococcus epidermidis, Straphylococcus aureus, Escheri chia coli, Candida albicans by the paper disc method and antioxidative effect and Nitric oxide production inhibitory activity were performed in Raw 264.7 cells. Also, we evaluated of pH, viscosity, particle observation stability of emulsion that are applied of extracts from Sparassis crispa. The antimicrobial activity showed by the paper disc method against Straphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans. The physical stability were stable of pH, viscosity in emulsion included extracts from Sparassis crispa. Emulsion containing Sparassis crispa extracts did not change particles into optical microscope. These results suggest that extracts from Sparassis crispa may have value as the potential cosmetic formulations.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Cloning and Molecular Characterization of β-1,3-Glucan Synthase from Sparassis crispa

        ( Yun Hui Yang ),( Hyeon Woo Kang ),( Hyeon Su Ro ) 한국균학회 2014 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.42 No.2

        A β-glucan synthase gene was isolated from the genomic DNA of polypore mushroom Sparassis crispa, which reportedly produces unusually high amount of soluble β-1,3-glucan (β-glucan). Sequencing and subsequent open reading frame analysis of the isolated gene revealed that the gene (5,502 bp) consisted of 10 exons separated by nine introns. The predicted mRNA encoded a β-glucan synthase protein, consisting of 1,576 amino acid residues. Comparison of the predicted protein sequence with multiple fungal β-glucan synthases estimated that the isolated gene contained a complete N-terminus but was lacking approximately 70 amino acid residues in the C-terminus. Fungal β-glucan synthases are integral membrane proteins, containing the two catalytic and two transmembrane domains. The lacking C-terminal part of S. crispa β-glucan synthase was estimated to include catalytically insignificant transmembrane α-helices and loops. Sequence analysis of 101 fungal β-glucan synthases, obtained from public databases, revealed that the β-glucan synthases with various fungal origins were categorized into corresponding fungal groups in the classification system. Interestingly, mushrooms belonging to the class Agaricomycetes were found to contain two distinct types (Type I and II) of β-glucan synthases with the type-specific sequence signatures in the loop regions. S. crispa β-glucan synthase in this study belonged to Type II family, meaning Type I β-glucan synthase is expected to be discovered in S. crispa. The high productivity of soluble β-glucan was not explained but detailed biochemical studies on the catalytic loop domain in the S. crispa β-glucan synthase will provide better explanations.

      • KCI등재

        꽃송이버섯의 단목봉지재배 기술개발

        유영진 외 한국버섯학회 2010 한국버섯학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        꽃송이버섯은 다른 버섯에 비해 1.3-β-Dglucan 함량이 높은 식용버섯이다. 이 버섯은 면역, 항암효과가 높은 버섯이며, 일본과 한국에서 최근 재배방법이 개발되었다. 하지만 재배방법이 대부분 특허 출원되어있는 실정이다. 그리고 꽃송이버섯의 재배방법이 확립되어있지 않다. 본 연구는 꽃송이버섯의 봉지 단목 재배방법개발하기위해 균사배양 및 원기형성 조건을 조사하였다. 단목 재배에 사용한 수종으로는 낙엽송, 해송, 리기다소나무, 상수리나무 단목을 사용하였고, 리기다소나무 단목에서 자실체 수량이 가장 양호하였다. 그리고 리기다소나무 단목을 생이스트 5%에 8시간동안 침지하고 생육조건은 온도 및 습도를 각각 90~95%, 23~25℃처리에서 자실체발생이 가장 양호하였다. Sparassis crispa(Cauliflower mushroom) was an edible mushroom that shows remarkably high contents of 1.3-□-Dglucan compared to other edible mushroom. The mushroom was known to give high antitumor and immunology activated, and then this mushroom was recently cultivated in Japan and Korea. However, cultivation methods ware becoming kept in secret or patents by some companies with complicated procedures. And it was not established cultivation methods of Sparassis crispa up to now. This study was conducted to solve the problem by short-log cultivation method of Sparassis crispa. Some factors effecting on the mycelial growth and primordial formation of Sparassis crispa were investigated. We could produce the mushroom using short-woods of Larix leptolepis, Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida and Quercus acutissima. We get to high yield fruit-body on short-log cultivaiton of Pinus rigida. And soaking for 8hours in water solution containing 5% uncooked yeast with short-wood of Pinus rigida. The optimal moisture content and temperature were 90~95% and 23~25℃, respectively.

      • Effects of <i>Sparassis crispa</i> in Medical Therapeutics: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

        Thi Nhu Ngoc, Le,Oh, You-Kwan,Lee, Young-Jong,Lee, Young-Chul MDPI 2018 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.19 No.5

        <P>In this study, we investigated the therapeutic potential and medical applications of <I>Sparassis crispa</I> (<I>S. crispa</I>) by conducting a systematic review of the existing literature and performing a meta-analysis. The original efficacy treatment of the mushroom extract is considered primarily and searched in electronic databases. A total of 623 articles were assessed, 33 randomized controlled experiments were included after the manual screening, and some papers, review articles, or editorials that did not contain data were excluded. A comparative standard means difference (SMD) and a funnel plot between control and <I>S. crispa</I> groups were used as parameters to demonstrate the beneficial effects of <I>S. crispa</I> for diabetes and cancer treatment, as well as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antioxidant activities. The meta-analysis was carried out using Review Manager 5.1 software. Although for therapeutic diabetes there was heterogeneity in the subgroup analysis (I<SUP>2</SUP> = 91.9%), the overall results showed statistically significant SMDs in major symptoms that decreased serum insulin levels (SMD = 1.92, 95% CI (1.10, 2.75), I<SUP>2</SUP> = 0%), wound rates (SMD = 3.55 (2.56, 4.54), I<SUP>2</SUP> = 40%) and contributions to an increase in nutrient intake content (SMD = 0.32 (−0.15, 0.78), I<SUP>2</SUP> = 0%). Simultaneously, the study confirmed the utility of <I>S. crispa</I> treatment in terms of not only anti-cancer activity (reduction of tumor activity and survival of cancer cells I<SUP>2</SUP> = 42 and 34%, respectively) but also anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antioxidant activities (I<SUP>2</SUP> = 50, 44, and 10%, respectively). Our findings suggest that <I>S. crispa</I> extracts are useful for prevention and treatment of human diseases and might be the best candidates for future medicines.</P>

      • KCI등재

        꽃송이버섯 추출물의 Monosodium Iodoacetate로 유도된골관절염 억제 효과

        김은남,노성수,정길생 한국생약학회 2018 생약학회지 Vol.49 No.3

        Sparassis crispa (Wulf.) is an edible/medicinal mushroom and has been reported to biological activities such as anti-tumor, anti-angiogenesis, antioxidant and wound healing. However, there have not been many researches on osteoarthritis of S. crispa. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of S. crispa extract on rats with osteoarthritis induced by MIA. Osteoarthritis is a gradually developmental disease that early stage, causes joint stiffness and complains of joint pain. In addition, it gives rise to edema and hypo-function. The results of this study, S. crispa extract effectively inhibited ROS production, increased the production of antioxidant protein SOD and catalase in knee joint cartilage tissue. In addition, S. crispa extract inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes such as NOX4 and P47phox, which are involved in the expression of COX-2, iNOS and the production of ROS. Also, S. crispa extract inhibited the destruction of synovial tissue, cartilage tissue and proteoglycans in articular cartilage in rats.

      • KCI등재

        Phylogenetic Relationships of Korean Sparassis latifolia Based on Morphological and ITS rDNA Characteristics

        류림,서홍덕,가강현,박현 한국미생물학회 2013 The journal of microbiology Vol.51 No.1

        Recent studies based on morphological characteristics and molecular analyses have revealed that the characteristics of Sparassis crispa from Asia are not concordant with those of collections from Europe and North America. Consequently, the Asian isolate was redefined as Sparassis latifolia. This study is the first report of Sparassis latifolia collected in Korea. The taxonomic relationships and replacement of Sparassis species were inferred from a comparison of the morphological characteristics and by molecular sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA regions. In particular, this study focused on the phylogenetic relationships inferred from the biogeographical distribution of isolates within the genus Sparassis.

      • KCI등재

        꽃송이버섯의 단목봉지재배 기술개발

        유영진,서상영,서경원,최동칠,조홍기,유영복,송영주,류정 한국버섯학회 2010 한국버섯학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Sparassis crispa(Cauliflower mushroom) was an edible mushroom that shows remarkably high contents of 1.3-β-Dglucan compared to other edible mushroom. The mushroom was known to give high antitumor and immunology activated, and then this mushroom was recently cultivated in Japan and Korea. However, cultivation methods ware becoming kept in secret or patents by some companies with complicated procedures. And it was not established cultivation methods of Sparassis crispa up to now. This study was conducted to solve the problem by short-log cultivation method of Sparassis crispa. Some factors effecting on the mycelial growth and primordial formation of Sparassis crispa were investigated. We could produce the mushroom using short-woods of Larix leptolepis, Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida and Quercus acutissima. We get to high yield fruit-body on short-log cultivaiton of Pinus rigida. And soaking for 8hours in water solution containing 5% uncooked yeast with short-wood of Pinus rigida. The optimal moisture content and temperature were 90~95% and 23~25℃, respectively.

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