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      • KCI등재

        현대 여자수의 겉옷 디자인 개발 제안

        이춘희,강혜승 한국기초조형학회 2015 기초조형학연구 Vol.16 No.5

        한국의 장례문화는 유교사상의 효를 중시하고, 내세사상이 내포되어 있다. 죽음을 새로운 시작으로 보는 견해도 있어, 고인과의 이별은 수의를 최상의 제품으로 장만하여 입혀 드리는 것을 마지막으로 고인에 대한 가족들의 정성이라고 생각한다. 부모 또는 형제나 자매, 자녀의 죽음을 맞이할 때 획일화된 수의가 형태가 아닌 다양한 디자인과 다양한 소재의 선택이 가능한 현대 여자수의가 선행 연구 되었다. 현재는 수의 겉옷으로 원삼이 입혀지는 것을 관행적으로 생각되고 있으나현대수의에 적합한 수의 겉옷의 차별화된 개발은 아직 미비하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 선행 연구된 현대 여자수의의 겉옷을 디자인Ⅰ에서 디자인Ⅳ까지 4 개의 디자인을 개발하여 도식화, 소재와 색상, 제도 치수를 제시하는 것을 목표로 한다. 현대 여자수의 겉옷의 디자인을 개발하기 위하여 조선시대부터 현재까지 여자수의 겉옷의 종류를 문헌과, 출토복식을 통하여 이론을 고찰하고, 현행 여자 수의 겉옷에 대한 현황을 인터넷 사이트와 대형 장례식장의 영안실을 조사하여 겉옷의종류와 형태, 색상과 소재를 비교하여 분석한다. 현대수의 겉옷의 소재를 다양화 하고, 폭이 넓은 원단을 사용하여 재단과재봉의 시간을 최소화 시키고, 색상을 다양하게 선택하여 기존의 수의 겉옷의 색상과 차별화 한다. 고인의 마지막 모습이아름답게 간직 될 수 있고, 현대 장묘 문화에 적합한 현대적인 디자인을 표현함으로써, 수의 선택의 폭이 넓어 질수 있도록 현대수의 겉옷 디자인을 제안 한다. The funeral culture of Korea puts importance in filial duty of Confucianism and contains the concept of afterlife. It also sees the death as another new start which makes it reasonable to think that family of the dead who are preparing the best quality of the shrouds for the dead is an act of paying the respect. Preceding research was conducted on the various designs and materials of the modern shrouds to choose from for the death of the parents, siblings, sons and daughters, which was different from traditional shrouds that all look the same. Nowadays it is believed that wearing Ceremonial Robe as the outer for the shroud is considered as a practice but the distinct development for the outer of the modern shroud is incomplete. As a result, this research aims to suggest schematizing, variety of materials and colors, measuring the size by developing the design for the 4 shrouds from Design I to Design IV from the preceding research. In order to develop the designs, literature reviews from the Joseon Dynasty period to present and theory consideration through excavated costume are used. Through Internet researches, various designs, forms, colors, and materials for present women’s shroud outer are compared and analyzed. It diversifies the materials for the modern shroud, and by using wide fabrics, the amount of time for cutting and sewing the shroud outer is minimized, and the choice of the colors is diversified, which distinguishes itself from the traditional shrouds. I suggest that the design of the outer for modern shroud in order to make it possible for the appearance of the dead can be maintained beautiful, and to express the modern design that is appropriate to fit the modern funeral culture and to give large variety of choice of the shrouds to choose from.

      • A Study on the Items and Shapes of Korean Shrouds

        Nam, Min-Yi,Han, Myung-Sook The Costume Culture Association Department of Clot 2000 Fashion, industry and education Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this research was to understand changes in Korean shrouds and to enhance practical usage of them by examing the items and shapes of Korean shrouds classified into two categories, traditional and current. We first examined the history of shrouds and funeral ceremonies from the prehistoric age to the Cho □n dynasty, and second, examined the items and shapes of traditional and curren shrouds. As for the items, no big changes were recognized though there had been some changes in the way of using Keum(食), Po(袍), and Kwadu(裏두□). Overall, the items had became somewhat simplified. The traditional shapes of shrouds are relatively well-maintained despite some changes in current shrouds Aksu, Yeomo(女帽), etc, which had been made easier to put on.

      • KCI등재

        현행 삼베수의의 등장배경 및 확산과정 연구

        최연우(Choi Yeon-Woo) 한복문화학회 2017 韓服文化 Vol.20 No.2

        Currently, the hemp cloth[麻布] shroud is firmly established in the tradition culture under the name of ‘original tradition of Korea’, and the original traditional Korean shrouds using the high quality fabric are in danger of disappearing. Therefore, this study examines the process of establishing and spreading the hemp cloth shroud in modern Korea and its background. The results of the study are as follows. The Imperial Japan had a desire to complete the imperialist state by occupying the Chinese mainland on the basis of Joseon after forcing Joseon to be occupied in 1910. For this, the people of the colony Joseon cultivated a sense of cultural inferiority to guarantee the cause of the rule of government and, on the other hand, tried to lay the foundations for economic revival and war preparations for Japan through detainment of resources in the Joseon Dynasty. Among the many systems and regulations enacted by the Imperial Japan government for effective governance and detention, there was the use of the hemp cloth shroud. It seems that the hemp cloth shroud was completely rooted in the Joseon society while the Imperial Japan forcibly imposed the hemp cloth shroud policy. This phenomenon continued even after the Liberation in 1945, and it has already spread considerably in the 1960s. In the 1980s and 1990s, the proliferation of funeral industries and the influx of Chinese products enhanced the trend to become completely universal. As described above, the hemp cloth shroud, which was worn to reveal the prisoner in the Joseon dynasty, emerged as a means of realizing the colonial policy during the Imperial Japan colonial period. In the process of its spreading to the present, the distorted myths (俗說) about the hemp cloth shroud and other material shrouds come to appear. That was an attempt to justify the use of the hemp cloth shroud at the time, which eventually led to a culture of rejecting other material shrouds. Although the myths advocating hemp cloth shroud is all unfounded and inconsistent with the phenomenon that is actually happening, the hemp cloth shroud culture has become a solid background for sustaining the culture.

      • KCI등재

        여자한복 변화에 따른 현대 수의디자인 개발-여자 수의 저고리, 치마, 속옷 연구를 중심으로-

        이춘희,강혜승 한국기초조형학회 2013 기초조형학연구 Vol.14 No.6

        한복은 한반도의 역사와 문화, 민족성, 한 민족 고유의 얼이 담긴 전통 의복이다. 한복은 평면적인 재단으로 구성되었고, 저고리에는 섶, 깃, 고름을 달고, 치마에는 주름을 잡고, 속옷을 받쳐 입음으로 입체적인 옷이 된다. 이러한 한복에 기초하여 전통적인 수의가 만들어 졌다. 현대인들은 수의를 선택할 때 전통적인 옛것을 고수하고, 수의 재질도 삼베를 선호 한다. 그러나 국내에서 재배되는 삼베는 드물고 고가이며, 제작되어 판매되고 있는 수의도 전통 수의형태가 변형된 실정이다. 대부분 사람들이 이러한 수의를 선택하는 이유는 수의 디자인의 개발의 부족과 수의에 대한 바른 인식의 부재에 있음으로, 연구자는 여자 옷을 중심으로 한복의 변화에 따른 수의 디자인 개발을 주제로 연구 목적을 설정했다. 첫째, 조선시대부터 현대까지 여자 한복의 변화를 분석하여 현대 한복의 착용이 간소화 된 것과 같이 수의 품목을 간소화하는 것이다. 둘째, 생활한복 디자인을 분석하여 기존 수의보다 제작 방법이 용이하고 입히기 쉬운 수의디자인을 개발하고 실제 완성된 수의 작품을 제시하는 것이다. 수의는 염과 습에 사용되는 물품을 포함하나 본 연구는 저고리와 치마, 속옷으로 한정시켜 디자인을 개발하였다. 수의 재질은 거친 삼베가 아닌 구하기 쉬운 천연소재의 원단을 사용하였고, 여자 현대수의를 상의, 하의, 속옷으로 구분하여 개발하였으며, 작게는 25벌에서 많게는 100벌까지 착장을 제안하여, 현대 수의가 장례의식에서 고인을 보다 편안하고, 고인의 모습이 가족들에게 아름답게 기억될 수 있도록 다양하고 체계적인 디자인을 제안하였다. 향후 연구의 과제는 본 연구에서 검토하지 못한 여자수의겉옷 디자인의 개발이다. 소재, 색상 등 보다 현실적인 패턴으로 다양화한 디자인의 후속 연구를 기대한다. Korean traditional dress, Han-Bok, contains history of Korea along with national characteristics and soul of Korean people. The composition of Han-Bok is two-dimensional with its straight cuts but as a gusset and a collar are added to Jeogori (the upper garment of Korean traditional dress) and by wearing underclothes to plaited skirt, Han-Bok becomes three-dimensional. Based on these characteristics of Han-Bok, traditional shrouds are made. Nowadays, when people are choosing shrouds, they try to maintain traditional shrouds and they prefer hemp cloth for shrouds. However, hemp cloths are rare and expensive, and the shrouds that are manufactured and sold are modified from the traditional designs. The reason most of the people choose those shrouds is in lack of effort to disseminate shroud designs and lack of correct understanding of shrouds. Therefore, researcher set the purpose of the study to develop shroud designs that is appropriate and that suits for modern days. First, by analyzing the changes of the design of women’s Han-Bok from Joseon Dynasty to modern days, simplify the items of shrouds as reformed Han-Bok were simplified. Second, by analyzing designs of reformed Han-Bok, develop simple shroud designs and actually present complete form of those shrouds. Shrouds include all the items that are needed for cleaning and shrouding corpses, but this study puts its boundaries to Jeogori, skirt, and underskirt in development the shroud designs. This study suggests that instead of using hemp cloth, which is ruff to wear, use cloths that are made of natural materials, simplify the items for shrouds so it would be easier to make and wear the shrouds. This study develops women’s modern shrouds by developing Jeogori’s, skirts, underskirts, and underpants separately, which makes 25 to 100 possible designs of shrouds. In suggesting various and systematic modern shroud designs, the ones who are departed would be comfortable and beautifully remembered by their families


        Electrolytic reduction runs of 0.6 kg scale-simulated oxide fuel in a Li<sub>2</sub>O-LiCl molten salt using metal anode shrouds

        Choi, Eun-Young,Lee, Jeong,Heo, Dong Hyun,Lee, Sang Kwon,Jeon, Min Ku,Hong, Sun Seok,Kim, Sung-Wook,Kang, Hyun Woo,Jeon, Sang-Chae,Hur, Jin-Mok Elsevier 2017 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS Vol.489 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Ten electrolytic reduction or oxide reduction (OR) runs of a 0.6 kg scale-simulated oxide fuel in a Li<SUB>2</SUB>O-LiCl molten salt at 650 °C were conducted using metal anode shrouds. During this procedure, an anode shroud surrounds a platinum anode and discharges hot oxygen gas from the salt to outside of the OR apparatus, thereby preventing corrosion of the apparatus. In this study, a number of anode shrouds made of various metals were tested. Each metallic anode shroud consisted of a lower porous shroud for the salt phase and an upper nonporous shroud for the gas phase. A stainless steel (STS) wire mesh with five-ply layer was a material commonly used for the lower porous shroud for the OR runs. The metals tested for the upper nonporous shroud in the different OR runs are STS, nickel, and platinum- or silver-lined nickel. The lower porous shroud showed no significant damage during two consecutive OR runs, but exhibited signs of damage from three or more runs due to thermal stress. The upper nonporous shrouds made up of either platinum- or silver-lined nickel showed excellent corrosion resistance to hot oxygen gas while STS or nickel without any platinum or silver lining exhibited poor corrosion resistance.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Electrolytic reduction runs of a 0.6 kg scale-simulated oxide fuel in a Li<SUB>2</SUB>O-LiCl molten salt at 650 °C were conducted using metal anode shrouds. </LI> <LI> Each metallic anode shroud consisted of a lower porous shroud for the salt phase and an upper nonporous shroud for the gas phase. </LI> <LI> The upper nonporous shrouds made up of noble metal-lined nickel showed excellent corrosion resistance to hot oxygen gas. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        반려동물 수의(壽衣) 시장현황과 반려인의 수의 선호도 조사연구

        이수혜,이정란 한복문화학회 2022 韓服文化 Vol.25 No.3

        This study aimed to categorize companion animal shrouds and investigates the characteristics of the consumer's preference for the companion animal shrouds and the factors determining the purchase of companion animals. In addition, this study aimed to examine the perception and preference for funeral services and the shroud of companion animals. This study developed a questionnaire based on market research and conducted a survey. The companion animal shroud sold online was classified by shapes and materials. The perception of the shroud and funeral of companion animals was investigated for 202 adults who lived with companion animals or used to live with companion animals. The preference and decision-making factors for the shroud of companion animals were studied. As a result of this study, the blanket-type shroud was the highest at 38.6%, and the most preferred material was 100% cotton, which was the highest at 39.6%. The most critical factor in the purchase decision of shroud was 26.2%, accounting for the highest proportion of the price. In conclusion, companion animal owners know the need for an animal funeral, and most consider the price when deciding to purchase an animal shroud. It is hoped that the results of this study will understand the shroud of the companion animal industry and use it as helpful information. .

      • KCI등재

        수의[壽衣]현황 및 한지수의[韓紙壽衣]디자인 방향에 관한 연구

        전양배(Yang Bae Jeon),금기숙(Key Sook Geum) 한국복식학회 2011 服飾 Vol.61 No.4

        This study researches the current status of shrouds and analyzes the current status of the Hanji shrouds and sets its goal on suggesting the direction for a futuristic shroud design, suitable for the changing funeral culture. For this, the characteristics of traditional shrouds were studied, standard shrouds` and Hanji shrouds` current statuses were researched and analyzed to suggest the development diretion for design of Hanji shrouds. The results of the research showed that the Hanji shrouds are superior in cremation and burial, and the design expressions were more effective. Also the previously established shrouds were shown to have an increase in value through use of different materials, changing designs through various patterns, or through the added symbolic value. Thus the direction of shroud development designs based on the advantages of Hanji have been drawn out to as follows: First, traditional shrouds used the ceremonial dresses, such as official uniforms or wedding dresses, from the Tang dynasty which made it multicolored. Afterwards colors were limited with the use of hemp clothes shrouds but with the appearance of Hanji shrouds, the possibility for mulitcolors and patterns became larger. Second, Hanji is superior in its expression of colors and patterns, making designs with symbolic sides such as religion possible, to meet the demands of the customers. Third, Hanji shrouds are more environmentaly friendly than the standard shrouds in cremation and burial, and it presents a much better image of shrouds for the future society. Such development of Hanji shrouds design developments satisfies the distinct and gentrified demands of the customers and it looks to be able to suggest an opportunity for environmentaly friendly actions while preparing itself for the chaning market demands and values.

      • KCI등재

        수의의 구매행동 연구

        김미아,이미숙 한국생활과학회 2019 한국생활과학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the purchasing behavior of shrouds, and to identify the differences in purchasing behavior by sex and age variables and the differences between their purchasing behavior as well as their parents’ shroud. The subjects of this study were 579 male and female adults age 20s-80s. The research method was a survey and the measuring instrument consisted of the selection criteria of shrouds, their purchasing behavior (purchase cost, purchase time, purchase places, and purchasing person) as well as their parents’ shroud, and subjects’ demographics attribution. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, crossover analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan’s multiple range test. The results of this study were as follow. The subjects generally considered price, biodegradability, and material as important selection criteria for the shroud. However, design was not considered important. The subjects preferred to buy their shroud for less than 500,000 won in various purchase places. Conversely, they preferred to buy their parents’ shroud for 500,000 won to less than 1,000,000 won in hospitals, funeral halls, and traditional markets when their parents’ death is imminent. The purchase behavior of shrouds showed many significant differences by subjects’ sex and age groups. Females considered biodegradability and materials as more important selection criteria than males. Males wanted their spouse or children to buy his and the parents’ shroud at a hospital or funeral hall, while females preferred to purchase their shroud in various places. In the age group, the young age group was more concerned about design, color, material, biodegradability, and scarcity than other age groups. The young and elderly age groups wanted their children to buy the shroud at hospitals or funeral halls, while middle age people wanted to purchase the shroud from a variety of places. Thus, it is suggested that the exclusive design development plan and marketing strategies must be establish, considering the tastes and characteristics of the consumer groups segmented by sex and age variables. 본 연구의 목적은 수의의 구매행동을 조사하고, 성별 및 연령 집단에 따른 구매행동의 차이와 본인과 부모의 수의구매행동의 차이를 알아보는데 있다. 연구의 대상은 20~80대 남녀 소비자 579명으로 조사방법은 설문조사 방법으로 진행 되었으며 측정도구는 본인과 부모의 수의의 선택기준, 구매행동(구입가격, 구입시기, 구입장소, 구매자) 및 피험자의 인구통계학적 특성으로 구성되었다. 수집된 자료는 기술통계, 빈도분석, 교차분석, t-테스트, 일원배치 변량분석 및 Duncan의 다중 범위 검정을 사용하여 분석하였다. 이 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 피험자는 일반적으로 가격, 생분해성 및 소재를 수의의 중요한 선택 기준으로 생각하며 디자인은 중요하게 간주되지 않았다. 피험자들은 다양한 구매 장소에서 50만 원 이하의 본인의 수의를 구입하는 것을 선호하였다. 반면 부모의 수의에 대해서는 부모의 죽음이 임박했을 때 병원 또는 장례식장이나 전통시장에서 50만 원에서 1000만 원 이하의 수의를 구매하는 것을 선호하였다. 수의의 구매행동은 성별과 연령집단에 따라 많은 차이가 나타났는데 여성은 남성보다 생분해성과 소재를 더 중요한 수의 선택기준으로 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 남성은 배우자나 자녀들이 병원이나 장례식장에서 본인과 부모의 수의르 구매하는 것을 선호하였으며, 여성은 본인과 부모의 수의를 다양한 장소에서 본인이 직접 구매하는 것을 선호하였다. 연령집단에 따른 차이에서는 청년층은 다른 연령층보다 수의 선택 기준에서 디자인, 색채, 소재, 생분해성, 희소성을 더 중요하게 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 청년층과 노년층은 자녀들이 병원이나 장례식에서 수의를 구매하기를 선호했고, 중년층은 다양한 장소에서 수의를 구해하기를 선호 하였다. 따라서 소비자의 성과 연령집단 별 특성을 고려하여 다양한 디자인 개발 계획 및 마케팅 전략을 수립해야 한다고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Impact of Jeju Rural Area`s Changing Funeral Ritual about Shrouds

        ( Sookhee Kwon ) 한국의류산업학회 2013 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        The objective of this research is to find out status and consciousness about shrouds according to changes of Jeju`s rural funeral ritual while reviewing Jeju`s traditional shrouds. Consciousness of customs regarding tradition is much stronger in Jeju Island. Since it was said that shrouds and changes of funeral ritual have very systematic correlation according to the result of precedent researches, changes of funeral rituals of Jeju`s rural area were examined. At the same time, consciousness about traditional shrouds of Jeju people was also studied. As the result of examination through literary investigation, visits to rural homes, visits to production places of Jeju`s shrouds and interviews with grandmothers designated as human cultural assets of traditional Jeju shrouds, etc, it was found out that Jeju`s rural funeral rituals had been rapidly changed since 2000. Traditional Jeju shrouds are also disappearing. In particular, old women of Jeju have considered preparation of their own and their husbands` shrouds in advance as a virtue. However, as it gradually became more difficult to produce and prepare traditional shrouds at homes and as the space of funeral was changed from their own houses to hospitals and/or commercial funeral homes, it was found out that a ratio of people`s using general shrouds sold in market was increased and it is believed that this kind of trend will be accelerated more and more in the future.

      • 한국 상ㆍ장례 변천에 따른 현대 수의문화 연구

        곽명숙(Myung-sook Kwack) 아시아민족조형학회 2011 아시아민족조형학보 Vol.9 No.1

        The present study performed a theoretical research based upon reference materials including previous bibliography, excavated shroud remains in museums, and a comprehensive report on Korean ethnic customs, etc. in order to study shrouds in accordance with Korean funeral culture witnessing gross changes since the 21st century; carried out a survey to present proposals on modern shrouds on the basis of traditional clothes; and analyzed attitudes and appetite of consumers about funeral rites and their favored shroud types. It is deemed necessary for us to understand the nation’s traditional shrouds correctly, to change wrong recognition through this study, and not to retain the past institution of shrouds rooted in burial rituals. This study cast light on proper shroud culture as cremation is rapidly increasing. The writer expects this study to serve as a momentum to correct our wrong recognition, if any, about shrouds. Furthermore, this writer thinks that we need to exert stereotype-breaking efforts and accept various natural shroud materials including hemp cloth; and that further studies on traditional shroud design, which can be suit for modern people, such as simplifying shrouds to the extent that the design does not harm traditional composition of shrouds.

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