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      • 융합적 사고 함양을 위한 과학소설 읽기 연구

        김제훈 ( Kim Jehun ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2023 先淸語文 Vol.52 No.-

        This study aims to redefine the concept of ‘convergent thinking’ that has not been materialized at the level of teaching and learning in literature departments, and devise science fiction education that can cultivate it for learners. With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the influence of science and technology on human life is increasing, and educational discourse centered on “convergence” is also increasing. However, literature education has not been able to participate independently in this trend. Based on this awareness of the problem, this study redefined the concept of science fiction and convergent thinking in relation to the characteristics of science fiction. Darko Ronald Suvin defined science fiction as the literature of ‘Estrangement and Cognition’. The science fiction composes the world through novum, extrapolation, and complex situations so that combines the aspects of “Cognition” and “Estrangement” and makes readers aware of Relationship between human-nature-social-science-technology. This is also in line with Bruno Latur's actors' networks theory. Based on this, this study redefined convergent thinking as ‘recognition of symmetry between human-nature-science and technology’, ‘relational thinking premised on the actor network’, and ‘imagination of new translability and alternative networks’. Based on this, the principle of reading science novels to cultivate convergent thinking was devised. Learners who read science fiction pay attention to science and technology inside and outside the work and other actors in a new way different from the daily or academic level through the novum in science fiction. In addition, they follow the narrative of science fiction and recognize the interaction patterns in the network including science and technology as a whole based on the extrapolation underlying it. Based on this, learners acquire a point of view of problem-solving by predicting and discovering new problem situations or seeking solutions through complex situations embodied in the work. This study is meaningful in that it redefined the concept of convergent thinking through science fiction and designed teaching and learning based on it, suggesting the possibility of education that embodied convergent thinking at the level of literary education. In addition, it can contribute to the study of science fiction education in that it focuses on teaching and learning of science fiction education based on the learner's response data to science fiction.

      • KCI등재

        정연규(鄭然圭)의 과학소설 『이상촌』(1921) 연구

        모희준 중앙어문학회 2019 語文論集 Vol.77 No.-

        It might be said that the term “science fiction” has officially been known by the public since 1923. Hugo Gernsback first presented this term in Science and Invention, for which he was a chief editor. Since then, the meaning of “science fiction” has undergone many transformations and has become an axis of genre literature. There may be many differing opinions about the origin of science fiction, but you cannot tell except Thomas More’s Utopia (1516). According to Ko Jang‐won’s view of Utopia as a category of science fiction, even as it was influenced by Plato’s Politeia, goes beyond the dimension of simple quaint traveling abroad, and projects ideas of sophisticated social engineering, regardless of the age‐old ideas and values of the time, into the vision for a new society.” On the one hand, George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Jack London’s The Iron Heel, among others, are also futuristic novels. These novels, which appeared mainly in the Cold War era, depict a dystopian world view that expresses hope for a utopia. In this context, Ideal Village, which Jeong Yeon‐gyu published in 1921, could be considered a work of science fiction published in the earliest period of science fiction in Korea. It is interesting that in the year that Hugo Gernsback coined the term “science fiction,” 1923, Jeong Yeon‐gyu’s Ideal Village was not simply a “science fiction” title, but a novel complete with all the various components that science fiction should have. This study attempts to explore Ideal Village, a novel by Jeong Yeon‐gyu, and compare it with Edward Bellamy’s “Backing Backward” from 1888, which may have influenced Jeong Yeon‐gyu’s works. Jeong Yeon‐gyu published Ideal Village using the pseudonym Mabu (馬夫) rather than his real name. Ideal Village is set in the year 2023, and has some tendencies of an “alternative history novel,” which are used to describe the present time in a circular way; this type of novel is often used in genre literature, especially in science fiction. Ideal Village is a full‐length novel that was published in 1921, eight years earlier than Kim Dong‐in’s Doctor K’s Study, which was published in 1929. Thus, although there are some doubts as to whether Ideal Village was an adaptation of Bellamy’s work, to date, it can be said to be the first work ofscience fiction published in Korea. This study attempts to analyze an author, Jeong Yeon‐gyu, who is not widely known in Korea, and the science fiction features that appear in his novel, Ideal Village. 과학소설(Science Fiction)이라는 용어가 공식적으로 대중들에게 알려지게 된 것은 1923년부터라고 할 수 있다. 휴고 건스백은 당시 자신이 편집장으로 있던 『과학과 발명』에서 처음 이 용어를 제시했다. 이후 ‘과학소설’의 의미는 다양한 형태로 변용되어 장르문학의 한 축을 이루었다. 과학소설의 시초에 대해서는 다양한 의견이 있을 수 있겠으나, 토머스 모어의 『유토피아』(1516)를 빼고는 이야기할 수 없을 것이다. 『유토피아』를 과학소 설의 범주로 보는 고장원의 견해에 따르면 “플라톤의 ‘공화국’에서 많은 영향 을 받은 작품답게 ‘유토피아’가 단순히 진기한 이국 방문기 차원을 넘어서 당 대의 기성관념과 가치관에 구애받지 않는 정교한 사회공학을 새로운 사회에 대한 비전에다 투영시켰기 때문”이다. 한편으로는 조지 오웰의 『1984』, 올더스 헉슬리의 『멋진 신세계』, 잭 런던의 『강철군화』, 역시 미래소설의 계보를 잇고 있다. 주로 냉전시대에 등장한 이 미 래소설들은 유토피아를 표방한 디스토피아적 세계관을 그려내고 있다. 이와 같은 맥락에서 정연규가 1921년 발표한 『이상촌』은 국내에 등장한 과 학소설 중 가장 이른 시기에 발표 된 과학소설이라 할 수 있다. 휴고 건스백이 ‘과학소설’이라는 용어를 명명한 것이 1923년이라는 것을 생각해 본다면, 정연규의 『이상촌』은 ‘과학소설’이라는 표제만 존재하지 않을 뿐, 과학소설이 갖춰 야 할 다양한 구성요소들은 모두 갖춘 소설이다. 본고에서는 정연규의 작품 중 『이상촌』을 살펴보고, 정연규가 영향을 받았 을 것으로 추정되는 에드워드 벨러미의 1888년 작품인 『뒤돌아보며 : 2000년 에 1887년을』과 비교해보고자 한다. 정연규는 이 작품을 자신의 본명이 아닌 ‘馬夫’라는 필명을 이용하여 출간했다. 『이상촌』은 2023년을 배경으로 하고 있으며, 일부 ‘대체역사소설’적 성향도 가지고 있다. ‘대체역사소설’의 특성은 현 시대를 우회적으로 묘사하기 위한 수단으로 장르문학, 그중에서도 과학소설에서 종종 사용되어 온 방법이다. 『이상촌』은 1921년에 발표된 장편소설로써, 1929년에 발표된 김동인의 『K 박사의 연구』보다 8년 먼저 출간되었다. 따라서 『이상촌』이 벨러미 작품에 대 한 번안 의혹이 있으나, 현재까지는 한국에서 발표된 최초의 과학소설이라 할 수 있겠다. 본고는 국내에 그리 많이 알려지지 않은 정연규라는 작가와 그의 장편소설 『이상촌』에 나타나는 과학소설 적 양상에 대해 살펴보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 후기 중국 공상과학소설 속 비극성에 관한 고찰

        권혜진 영남중국어문학회 2022 중국어문학 Vol.- No.89

        Comparing Chinese science fiction in the 1980s and 1990s, it should be said that works in the 1980s were at a clear opposite point to the 1990s trend of work, which was exposed to the active trend of reform and opening up. This is because if Chinese science fiction empirically shows futility in the 1980s, socialist ideals, and Confucian traditional values disappear and pluralistic values begin to emerge in the 1990s. Therefore, the 1990s can be regarded as the starting point for announcing the new literary trend of Chinese science fiction. Nevertheless, since modern times, Chinese science fiction has not easily escaped the shadow of the perception that it is a means of enlightenment for the transfer of scientific knowledge. However, because the story of criticizing the country or system is still taboo amid the ever-increasing censorship and control of the Internet in China, and that many Chinese science fictions originate from the Internet, it is not enough to simply lead to a political position. In short, since the 1980s, Chinese science fiction has outlined various aspects amid the inevitable influence on public cultural factors. However, despite international interest in Chinese science fiction, related research in China is mainly focused on late Qing China works, and considering the works themselves, it is understood that Western academia has been actively conducting research. Then, if we have to overcome the difficulties faced by the Chinese science fiction community, which is in self-conflict today, and seek the development of Chinese science fiction, where should the discussion begin? The researcher believes that an integrated analysis should precede the interrelationship between Hong Kong and neighboring Taiwan, considering the nature of today's literature and China's special cultural and social background that crosses boundaries. This process can be a useful way to reflect on the literary location and meaning of Chinese science fiction and to grasp the limitations and significance revealed in Chinese science fiction. It has been pointed out as a regret that the works of Taiwanese and Hong Kong artists cannot be found in numerous Chinese science fiction books published on the Chinese continent so far, and the public comparative review of the three regional works appearing in different cultural backgrounds is of great significance in many aspects. First of all, this discussion aims to derive awareness of the ideological framework of nature and myths in these works and analyze how the artist tried to resolve the corresponding ecological relationship between humans and nature. This is no different from exploring the intrinsic way of thinking of the Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        『연려실기술』을 활용한 대학 글쓰기 수업의  의미와 방안 고찰

        함복희 중앙어문학회 2019 語文論集 Vol.77 No.-

        It might be said that the term “science fiction” has officially been known by the public since 1923. Hugo Gernsback first presented this term in Science and Invention, for which he was a chief editor. Since then, the meaning of “science fiction” has undergone many transformations and has become an axis of genre literature. There may be many differing opinions about the origin of science fiction, but you cannot tell except Thomas More’s Utopia (1516). According to Ko Jang‐won’s view of Utopia as a category of science fiction, even as it was influenced by Plato’s Politeia, goes beyond the dimension of simple quaint traveling abroad, and projects ideas of sophisticated social engineering, regardless of the age‐old ideas and values of the time, into the vision for a new society.” On the one hand, George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Jack London’s The Iron Heel, among others, are also futuristic novels. These novels, which appeared mainly in the Cold War era, depict a dystopian world view that expresses hope for a utopia. In this context, Ideal Village, which Jeong Yeon‐gyu published in 1921, could be considered a work of science fiction published in the earliest period of science fiction in Korea. It is interesting that in the year that Hugo Gernsback coined the term “science fiction,” 1923, Jeong Yeon‐gyu’s Ideal Village was not simply a “science fiction” title, but a novel complete with all the various components that science fiction should have. This study attempts to explore Ideal Village, a novel by Jeong Yeon‐gyu, and compare it with Edward Bellamy’s “Backing Backward” from 1888, which may have influenced Jeong Yeon‐gyu’s works. Jeong Yeon‐gyu published Ideal Village using the pseudonym Mabu (馬夫) rather than his real name. Ideal Village is set in the year 2023, and has some tendencies of an “alternative history novel,” which are used to describe the present time in a circular way; this type of novel is often used in genre literature, especially in science fiction. Ideal Village is a full‐length novel that was published in 1921, eight years earlier than Kim Dong‐in’s Doctor K’s Study, which was published in 1929. Thus, although there are some doubts as to whether Ideal Village was an adaptation of Bellamy’s work, to date, it can be said to be the first work ofscience fiction published in Korea. This study attempts to analyze an author, Jeong Yeon‐gyu, who is not widely known in Korea, and the science fiction features that appear in his novel, Ideal Village. 본 연구의 목표는 『연려실기술』에 실린 이야기 자료를 대학 교양교육 글쓰 기에 활용하는 의미와 방안을 고찰하는 것이다. 이 연구는 인문고전을 글쓰기 에 활용함으로써 대학의 글쓰기와 읽기 교육이 질적으로 발전하는 데 기여하 고, 국역 『연려실기술』의 의미와 가치를 현대적으로 계승하는데 도움이 되는 방안을 고찰하는데 목적이 있다. 현재 우리나라 대학은 교양교육 과정에 글쓰기와 읽기, 말하기 관련 과목을 두어 대학생들이 지식이나 정보를 명료하고 논리적으로 표현할 수 있도록 돕 고 있다. 이때 텍스트가 매우 중요하기 때문에 교수자는 어떤 텍스트를 선정할지에 대한 고민을 깊이 한다. 본 연구는 『연려실기술』 에 실린 인물 이야기를 대상으로 한다. 이는 인물 이야기에 인문정신이나 철학, 리더십을 엿볼 수 있는 내용들이 있기 때문이다. 이러한 내용을 통하여 대학생들이 인문정신을 내면 화 한 글쓰기를 할 수 있을 것이다. 고전 국역(國譯) 자료는 지속적으로 계승되 어야 그 의미가 완성된다는 점을 고려할 때 대학생을 대상으로 한 교양교육에 서 국역 자료를 활용하는 것은 매우 의미 있다. 이 연구는 『연려실기술』에 실린 인물 이야기가 대학생 글쓰기 자료로 왜 의 미 있는지를 다룰 것이며, 학습자가 텍스트를 읽은 후 생각하고 이야기를 나누 고 글로 쓸 수 있는 포괄적 방안 탐색이 논의의 초점이 될 것이다. 고전국역 자 료를 글쓰기 텍스트로 활용함으로써 학습자는 다양한 관점에서 사유하는 능력 을 기르고 디지털 시대에 필요한 인문정신을 함양하게 된다. 『연려실기술』은 이긍익이 엮은 야사(野史)이며, 조선 정종에서 숙종에 이르 기까지 30여 년 동안 21개의 왕조별 이야기를 주제별로 편찬한 것이다. 400여 종류의 야사와 문집 등을 참고하여 사건과 인물을 엮었기 때문에 역사서지만 이야기가 많고 다양한 인물군상의 입체적 모습을 살필 수 있다. 이 점이 본 연 구에서 글쓰기 텍스트로 『연려실기술』을 주목하는 이유이다. 이 연구에서는 인 물들이 지닌 리더로서의 면모나 반면교사로 삼아야 할 점, 본받을 만한 태도나 성품 등을 담은 일화를 추출하여 수업 자료로 삼는다.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁 이후 아동 과학소설 전집의 장르문학으로서의 가능성 연구- 해동출판사와 아이디어 회관 전집을 중심으로 -

        이주성(Lee Ju-Seong),모희준(Moo Hee-june) 한국문화융합학회 2018 문화와 융합 Vol.40 No.4

        한국 현대소설 가운데 과학소설은 문학의 서브 장르 정도로 취급되어 충분한 연구가 이루어지지 않았으며, 현재도 그 연구가 미비하다고 할 수 있다. 과학소설에 대한 연구가 제대로 이루어지지 않은 가장 큰 이유로는 과학소설이 한국 문학에서 일종의 하위 장르(Sub Genre)로 인식되어 왔으며, 이는 과학소설이 대중문학이라는 범주 안에서, 그 중에서도 특히 아동이나 청소년들을 대상으로 한국에서 발전했기 때문이라고 볼 수 있다. 다른 장르의 소설들과는 달리, 과학소설은 작가들이 창작한 소설이나, 해외의 과학소설들을 소개할만한 지면이 여의치 않았다. 무엇보다 창작과학소설을 쓸 수 있는 작가들이 한정되어 있었고, 그래서 일반적으로 과학 잡지에는 한 편의 창작과학소설과 두 세 편의 번역 소설들을 싣는 형식으로 구성이 되었다. 따라서 이 무렵 전집류의 등장은 과학소설사에 있어 의미심장한 부분이라고 할 수 있다. 독자적인 단행본의 형태로 출간이 어려웠던 당시의 상황에서, 잡지 이외에 창작 과학소설을 대중들에게 소개할 수 있는 방법은 다른 나라의 번역된 과학소설과 함께 전집에 포함시키는 방법 밖에는 없었기 때문이다. 한편 한국전쟁이 끝난 이후, 정부에서는 제도적으로 과학교육을 육성하려는 시도를 보인다. 이는 냉전시기 이후 헤게모니를 장악하기 위해서는 과학기술의 역할이 지대하며, 막 전쟁이 끝나 국가재건의 상태에 놓여있던 한국도 과학기술의 발전에 대한 필요성을 느낀 것은 당연하였고, 과학 잡지 및 세계의 과학소설을 모아 놓은 전집의 출판은 이러한 과학강국으로 나아가기 위한 일환이었다. 본 연구는 한국전쟁 이후 출간되어 1970년대 번성했던 과학소설전집들을 대상으로 과학소설이 한국의 문학장르사에서 어떤 역할을 가지고 있었으며, 현대에 이르러 SF소설이라는 하나의 문학 장르로서 발전하기 까지 어떤 가능성을 지니고 있었는지에 대한 탐구이다. 근래 들어 과학소설에 대한 연구가 조금씩이나마 이루어지고 있으며, 비록 독자층의 한계가 있었지만 과학소설이 대중들에게 널리 알려지게 된 계기는 과학소설 전집의 보급 때문이라 할 수 있다. 실제로 ‘한국 SF작가협회’는 기존의 어린이·청소년을 대상으로 한 계몽성에서 한 단계 더 나아가 사실상 한국에서 처음으로 만들어진 순수 과학소설 동호회 적 성격을 가지고 있었으며, 그 이면에는 해동출판사와 아이디어 회관에서 출간된 과학소설전집들의 역할도 있었음을 알 수 있을 것이다. Among Korean modern novels, science fiction is treated as a sub-genre of literature, and sufficient research has not been done yet. Science fiction has been recognized as a kind of sub genre in Korean literature because science fiction has been recognized as a popular genre in the field of popular literature, It is because it developed in Korea. Unlike other genres of novels, science fiction was not enough to introduce novels created by writers or science fiction abroad. Above all, there were a limited number of writers who could use creative science novels, so science magazines generally consisted of one creative science novel and two or three translation novels. Therefore, the appearance of the whole collection at this time is a meaningful part of science fiction. In the context of the time when it was difficult to publish in the form of independent monographs, the only way to introduce creative science fiction to the public in addition to magazines was to include them in the collection along with translated science fiction from other countries. Since the end of the Korean War, the government has attempted to foster scientific education systematically. It is obvious that the role of science and technology in controlling the hegemony after the Cold War was great, and Korea, which had been in the state of reconstruction after the end of the war, felt the need for the development of science and technology. Was a part of this publication to go to such a scientific power. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of science fiction in Korean literary genres and to develop the literary genre of science fiction. It is a quest for what you have. In recent years, research on science fiction has been carried out little by little, and the reason that science fiction has become widely known to the public is due to the spread of the collection of science fiction books, though there is a limit to the readership. In fact, the SF Writers Association of Korea was one of the first pure science fiction groups in Korea, which was one step further from the enlightenment for the existing children and youth, and behind it was published in Haedong Publishing House and Idea Hall You can see that there was also the role of science fiction books.

      • KCI등재

        한낙원의 과학소설에 나타나는 냉전체제 하 국가 간 갈등 양상 -전후 한국 과학소설에 반영된 재편된 국가 인식을 중심으로-

        모희준 우리어문학회 2014 우리어문연구 Vol.50 No.-

        Rak‐won Han (韓樂源, 1924‐2007), beginning to publish science fictions from the late 1950s, has exerted an enormous influence on the development of science fictions in Korea. Born in Pyeongannam‐do, Rak‐won Han came over to South Korea in December 1950 and took a unique career path, working as a civilian official in charge of translation at the Operation Division of the ROKAF 1st Fighter Wing, and doing jobs related to translation and broadcasting at the Bureau of Public Information and Education of the Psychological Operation Division of the United Nations Command and at the Korean Civil Assistance Corporation. Later he began to translate Western dramas or to write science plays, and serializing People Living on Mars on Saebeot in 1959, he began to commit himself to science fiction writing and since then he had created numerous science fictions until the 1990s. Rak‐won Han is the person who opened a new horizon of science fictions in Korea, which had been a barren land in terms of science fictions. Despite his distinguished achievements in the history of Korean science fictions, however, there have been few studies on Rak‐won Han in Korea. Thus, this study purposed to fill a gap in the history of Korean science fictions by examining two of Rak‐won Han’s early stories A Lost Boy and Venus Expedition, which have been undervalued through having left notable footprints in the history of Korean science fictions. It is simple to explain why the two texts were selected. They were the most representative works that brought fame to Rak‐won Han and entitled him ‘science fiction writer’ or ‘children’s story writer,’ and at the same time, they showed the postwar situation of Korea caught between conflicts between world powers during the period from the late 1950s to early 1960s and exhibited why the country had to grow into a powerful state. Accordingly, this study explored Rak‐won Han, not just as a science fiction writer for children but focusing on the pattern of confrontation and completion among nations under the Cold War system using the genre characteristic of science fictions. 한낙원(韓樂源, 1924~2007)은 1950년대 후반부터 과학소설을 발표하기 시작하여 이후 우리나라의 과학소설 발전에 적잖은 영향을 준 인물이다. 평안남도 출신이었던 한낙원은 1950년 12월 월남하여 공군 제1 전투비행단 작전처 번역 문관, 유엔군 심리작전처 공보교육국, 한국민사원조처 등에서 주로 번역 및 방송관련 업무를 맡아서 했던 독특한 이력을 가지고 있다. 이후 그는 서양의 방송극 등을 번역하거나, 과학방송극 등을 발표하기 시작하였고, 『화성에 사는 사람들』을 1959년 『새벗』에 연재하면서 본격적인 ‘과학소설’을 창작하기 시작하여 1990년대까지 수많은 과학소설을 창작하였다. 한낙원은 과학 소설의 변방에 위치해 있던 우리나라에서 처음으로 과학소설을 창작하여 활로를 개척한 장본인이다. 이러한 한낙원이 우리나라의 과학소설사에 남긴 업적과는 달리, 우한낙원에 대한 연구는 쉽게 찾아보기 힘든 형편이다. 따라서 본고는 우리나라 과학소설사에 큰 족적을 남겼음에도 저평가를 받고 있는 한낙원의 초기 소설 중 『잃어버린 소년』과 『금성 탐험대』 두 편을 중심으로 살펴보면서 한국 과학소설사의 빠졌던 틈 하나를 끼워 넣어보고자 한다. 이 두 편의 텍스트를 선정한 이유는 단순하다. 한낙원이라는 이름이 세상에 알려지고, 그에게 ‘과학소설 작가’, 혹은 ‘아동작가’라는 타이틀을 붙여 준 가장 대표적인 작품들이면서, 1950년대 후반부터 1960년대 초반까지의 국가 간 대립관계를 통해 당시 전후 상황에 놓여있던 우리나라의 현실적 위치와 강대국으로 성장해야 할 명분을 보여주는 작품들이기 때문이다. 따라서 한낙원이라는 작가가 비단 아동을 대상으로 한 ‘과학소설 작가’이기 이전에 ‘과학소설’이라는 장르적 특성을 이용하여 냉전체제 하에서 국가 간 대립과 경쟁의 양상을 살펴보도록 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        한낙원의 과학소설에 나타나는 냉전체제 하 국가 간 갈등 양상 -전후 한국 과학소설에 반영된 재편된 국가 인식을 중심으로-

        모희준 ( Hee June Mo ) 우리어문학회 2014 우리어문연구 Vol.50 No.-

        Rak.won Han (韓樂源, 1924.2007), beginning to publish science fictions from the late 1950s, has exerted an enormous influence on the development of science fictions in Korea. Born in Pyeongannam.do, Rak.won Han came over to South Korea in December 1950 and took a unique career path, working as a civilian official in charge of translation at the Operation Division of the ROKAF 1st Fighter Wing, and doing jobs related to translation and broadcasting at the Bureau of Public Information and Education of the Psychological Operation Division of the United Nations Command and at the Korean Civil Assistance Corporation. Later he began to translate Western dramas or to write science plays, and serializing People Living on Mars on Saebeot in 1959, he began to commit himself to science fiction writing and since then he had created numerous science fictions until the 1990s. Rak.won Han is the person who opened a new horizon of science fictions in Korea, which had been a barren land in terms of science fictions. Despite his distinguished achievements in the history of Korean science fictions, however, there have been few studies on Rak.won Han in Korea. Thus, this study purposed to fill a gap in the history of Korean science fictions by examining two of Rak.won Han`s early stories A Lost Boy and Venus Expedition, which have been undervalued through having left notable footprints in the history of Korean science fictions. It is simple to explain why the two texts were selected. They were the most representative works that brought fame to Rak.won Han and entitled him ‘science fiction writer’ or ‘children`s story writer,’ and at the same time, they showed the postwar situation of Korea caught between conflicts between world powers during the period from the late 1950s to early 1960s and exhibited why the country had to grow into a powerful state. Accordingly, this study explored Rak.won Han, not just as a science fiction writer for children but focusing on the pattern of confrontation and completion among nations under the Cold War system using the genre characteristic of science fictions.

      • KCI등재

        Case Study of Using Science Fiction for interdisciplinary Education with Never Let Me Go in a Liberal Arts Course

        손나경 한국교양교육학회 2018 교양교육연구 Vol.12 No.1

        This article examines the theoretical background and the case study about the use of science fiction as a tool for interdisciplinary research. Science fiction learning is also presented as part of a liberal arts course, with the possibility of designing the former as an independent course. Science fiction is a literary form that emerged with the rise of modern science and has made remarkable progress since the early 20th century. From the beginning of this genre, the possibility that science fiction could be used for various educational purposes has been predicted. Science fiction has already been part of the education in the West, and since the 1970s, its applicability to interdisciplinary education and the case studies about it have steadily increased. On the other hand, it was regarded in the past as children’s literature under “imaginative science fiction” in Korea. However, many universities in Korea are now using it as part of literary classes, and several liberal arts courses deal with science fiction, too. This study examines the outcomes of the classes of Never Let Me Go in the course called British and American Literature through Visual Media in order to explore the potential of science fiction for education. During a one-month period in a semester, the students studied the text of Never Let Me Go and its movie version dealing with human clones, as well as several science fiction works related to human creation. In this paper, the contents of the lectures and various class activities are examined. From the survey results, it is concluded that science fiction will be read by students in relation to bioethics, scientific education, and so on, and these data have been used to build a framework for designing an independent liberal arts course on science fiction.

      • KCI등재

        아동 과학소설에 형상화된 어린이:기억 전달자의 유토피아/디스토피아를 중심으로

        강규한 한국영미문학교육학회 2015 영미문학교육 Vol.19 No.1

        Although science fiction may have appealed to many young readers for quite a long time, it was not until the late nineteenth century that children’s science fiction appeared and distinctions between children’s science fiction and adults’ one began to be drawn with any kind of precision. Since then children’s science fiction has been widely received by a large number of young readers and deeply examined by some critics. Perry Nodleman, among others, brought up a significant problem concerning the basic structure of children’s science fiction. According to Nodleman, there can be a generic conflict between children’s literature and science fiction, considering that in children’s stories, typical protagonists take their adventures that excite them but that nevertheless teach them the inadequacy of the adventurous life, and happily return home again, while science fiction has appealed to readers with such qualities as curiosity, imagination, denial of tradition and hope for the future. Nodleman suggests that the future protagonists in children’s science fiction stories try to move into after escaping from the inadequate high-technology community is much like the present time of their readers. The Giver, one of the representative contemporary science fiction texts for children and young adults, can serve as a touchstone to examine Nodleman’s argument and to further clarify the genre of children’s science fiction. The protagonist of The Giver, Jonus, escapes from his community that seems utopian but is more like a dystopia in reality and then is depicted as moving forward to “Elsewhere” in the last scene of the story. Unlike Nodleman’s analysis, Jonus’s advancement into the future that will be constructed by his bravery and creativity must be different from the mere return to the troubles and pain of the past, which can mean present time to the readers. It is also worth noting that the role of developing the vision for the community is assigned to Jonus, a young man, not to an adult. It can be concluded, therefore, that The Giver raises the possibility of children’s literature and science fiction being meaningfully merged into children’s science fiction, rather than clashing with each other.

      • KCI등재

        초창기 과학소설의 두 갈래 양상 『철세계』와 『비행선』

        최애순 ( Choi Ae-soon ) 우리어문학회 2020 우리어문연구 Vol.68 No.-

        초창기 도입기 과학소설에서 드러나는 것은 과학의 이중성이다. 과학을 누가 이용하느냐에 따라 과학은 국가를 부강하게 하는 순기능으로 작용할 수도 있고, 자국을 무너뜨리는 무서운 파괴력의 상징으로 인식될 수도 있다. 본 논문은 초창기 과학소설에 드러나는 과학의 이중성에 주목하여, 1908년부터 1910년대 초반까지의 국력이 쇠해지고 일본의 침략으로 식민지가 된 조선 대중이 품었던 과학과 제국주의가 충돌하는 지점을 보여주고자 한다. 과학이 실제화 되기가 힘들었던 근대 초입기에 허무맹랑하고 황당무계한 꿈에 미래를 담은 조선 대중에게 ‘공상과학’은 과학과 신비의 세계인 주술(도술)을 연결시켜 주는 징검다리였다. 더불어 근대 초기 과학은 국가의 기획과 보존에 이득이 될 때는 밝은 미래를 위해 발전시켜야 할 가치이지만, 국가(지배) 이데올로기에 반하는 경우는 ‘적’으로 상정하는 상대적인 개념과 이중성을 내포하고 있음을 보여주고자 한다. 1908년에서 1910년대 서구 제국주의 열강들은 인종주의와 문명, 계몽을 내세우며 식민지 논리를 펴고 있었다. 『철세계』는 자신의 국가가 인종 전쟁에서 이기는 것이 과학기술의 발달에 달려 있음을 보여준다. 『철세계』를 받아들이는 각국의 입장 차이에 따라 ‘과학’이 곧 힘의 지배를 좌우한다는 의식을 볼 수 있다. 일본에서 『철세계』는 서구와 동아시아의 대결로 읽힐 수 있으며, 동아시아의 중심에 일본을 두고 있어서 서구가 동아시아와 대척점에 있긴 하지만 결국 따라가야 할 과학기술의 세계로 인식되었다. 그러나 우리에게는 일본과 식민지 조선과의 대결로 읽히며, 과학기술의 발전으로 식민지에서 벗어나 부국강병을 이루고픈 희망으로 읽힌다. ‘철세계’의 강철과 무기제조 과학기술에 대한 이중적인 인식은 1908년에서 1910년대 일본과 우리에게 지향하는 바가 다른 상태로 혼재되어 있었다. 이는 『비행선』에서도 마찬가지로 나타난다. ‘과학’에 대한 각국의 이중적인 잣대는 서양 제국주의 시선에서 훨씬 강하게 드러난다. ‘서구=과학=문명’과 ‘동양=신비(주술)=야만’이라는 공식은 ‘과학’으로 키우는 꿈도 서구를 통해서만 가능하다는 것을 역설하고 있다. 과학기계의 발명=문명=서양으로 이어지는 서양에 대한 동경은 조선 민족이 각성하기 위해서는 유학을 떠날 수밖에 없었고, 이상의 실현은 서양을 통해서만 가능한 것으로 인식되도록 했다. 과학은 청년들의 미래이자 꿈이었지만 식민지 조선에서는 불가능한 것이었다. 1908년에서 1910년대 초기에 유입된 초창기 과학소설 『철세계』와 『비행선』은 식민지시기 과학소설 계보의 출발점의 위치에 놓인다. 두 작품은 각각 1920년대 미래과학소설에서 제시하는 이상사회의 건설과 1930년대 발명, 발견학회로 이어지는 식민지 지식인의 발명과학의 꿈으로 이어지게 된다. 식민지 조선의 공상과학의 영역은 1908년 『철세계』로 이상사회를, 1912년 『비행선』을 통해 과학발명의 기대를 드러냈다. 『철세계』를 통한 이상사회에 대한 기대는 1920년대 미래과학소설에서 꿈꾸는 이상사회 건설, 유토피아 담론으로 이어졌으며, 『비행선』을 통한 과학발명에 대한 기대는 이광수의 『개척자』에서부터 김동인의 「K박사의 연구」를 거쳐 1930년대 발명학회로 이어지게 되었다. 본 논문에서는 첫 시발점에 놓였던 초창기 과학소설의 두 갈래에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 그리고 이상사회 건설과 발명과학이라는 두 갈래의 양상이 결국 부국강병에 대한 꿈으로 귀결되는 과정을 보여주고자 한다. 초창기 유입된 과학소설 『철세계』와 『비행선』은 공상과학과 모험을 주로 펼치는 서양의 제국주의 시선이 짙게 깔린 소설이다. 본 논문에서는 『철세계』와 『비행선』에서 과학으로 문명제국을 이룩한 서구를 닮아가고픈 부국강병에 대한 대한제국 말기와 식민지 하에서 조선인의 욕망이 어떻게 드러나는지도 함께 살펴보았다. It is the duality of science that is revealed in science fiction in the early days. Depending on who uses science, science can act as a pure function to make the country rich, or it can be recognized as a symbol of the terrifying destructive power that destroys the country. This paper focuses on the duality of science revealed in early science fiction, and attempts to show the point at which the science and imperialism of the Joseon masses, which were colonized by the Japanese invasion, and the national power declined from 1908 to the early 1910s collided. “Science fiction” was a stepping stone that connects science and magic, the world of mystery, to the Joseon public, who embraced the future in an empty and absurd dream in the early modern period when science was difficult to actualize. In addition, science in the early modern period shows that when it is beneficial to the planning and preservation of the state, it is a value that must be developed for a bright future, but when it is contrary to the state (dominant) ideology, it is shown that it contains a relative concept and duality that is assumed to be 'enemy'. From 1908 to 1910, the Western imperial powers were advocating racism, civilization, and enlightenment, and their colonial logic was unfolding. The Iron World shows that winning the race war depends on the development of science and technology, depending on the differences in the position of each country, we can see the consciousness that 'science' directly governs power. In Japan, The Iron World can be read as a confrontation between the West and East Asia, and it was recognized as a world of science and technology that should be followed, although the West is on the opposite side of East Asia because Japan is placed at the center of East Asia. However, to us, it is read as a confrontation between Japan and colonial Joseon, and as a hope of becoming independent from the colony through the development of science and technology and achieving a strong and rich country. The dual perception of steel and weapons manufacturing science and technology in the The Iron World was mixed in a state where the aims of Japan and Korea were different from 1908 to 1910. The early science fiction introduced from 1908 to the early 1910s led to the construction of an ideal society suggested by future science fiction in the 1920s, inventions in the 1930s, and the dream of invention science of colonial intellectuals leading to the discovery society. The field of science fiction in colonial Joseon was the ideal society in 1908 with The Iron World, and the expectation of scientific invention through Airship in 1912. It led to the construction of an ideal society dreamed of and the discourse of utopia, and the expectation for scientific invention through Airship went from Pioneer by Lee Kwang-soo to The Research of Dr. K by Kim Dong-in, and then to the Invention Society in the 1930s. In this thesis, I would like to examine the two branches of the early science fiction that were at the beginning. And I would like to show the process of the two-pronged aspects of the construction of an ideal society and the science of invention eventually leading to a dream of becoming a rich country. The science fiction novels The Iron World and Airship, which were introduced in the early days, are novels with a strong perspective of Western imperialism, mainly focusing on science fiction and adventure. However, as it entered the country, the end of the Korean Empire and colonial Joseon revealed a dual desire for the rich and powerful who wants to resemble the West, which achieved civilization through science, along with the recognition of the powerless Eastern country compared to the West. Let's look at how the duality of science is revealed in The Iron World and Airship.

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