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        『史記』 「貨殖列傳」을 통해 본 ‘富’와 權力의 關聯樣相

        김원중 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2017 東洋學 Vol.66 No.-

        This paper focuses on the close correlation between ‘wealth’ and ‘power’ seen from the economic viewpoint of Sima Qian. It deals with the gain of individual authority resulted from the accumulation of ‘wealth.’ It also deals with the view of Sima Qian that ruling a country also results in the matter of the public well-being. The viewpoint of Sima Qian on the power of “wealth” is more dramatic and unconventional than any other thinkers, and it is basically derived from the emphasis on practicality rather than justification, and this logic comes from his viewpoint that the material matter dominates the mental matter. His viewpoint is, furthermore, clearly revealed in his remarks that the power of the person who has accumulated a great wealth comes close to that of the king or the feudal lord. The main motive of this research is that what implications the issues raised by Sima Qian would give us in dealing with the problem between the moral and ethical issues of the wealth, which still exists today. Reviewing 「Biographical Records on Money-Making」, this paper examined causes of the formation of Sima Qian’s consistent economic view that prioritizes individual wealth over national wealth. Sima Qian strongly insisted on the accumulation of wealth through the use of the changes of the times, the flow of the times, and eccentric strategies, and with his view on gaining power depending on wealth, he made it clear that a state should not attempt to control individual wealth. Of course, the view that the authority is precisely proportional to the accumulation of wealth, and that, depending on the degree, it is possible for a person to climb to the class of a king or a feudal lord can be regarded as mammonism. However, Sima Qian also finalizes his viewpoint on wealth, putting utmost importance on long-term plan of education foreseeing 100 years ahead to cultivate excellent human resources. He emphasizes on the importance of people pursuing wealth, but he insists that the very rich should give wealth back to society, practicing virtue after getting very rich. With the wealth explained by the insight and logic of Sima Qian, the main purpose of this paper was to bring us up to a topic to consider over the issue of empowered wealth today, provided that human beings are selfish beings. 본고는 사마천의 경제관에 있어서의 ‘富’와 ‘勢’의 긴밀한 상관관계에 주목한 논문으로, ‘富’의 축적을 통한개인의 권력의 획득 문제를 다룬 것이며, 국가의 통치도 결국 백성들이 잘사는 문제로 귀착된다는 사마천의 시각을 검토한 것이다. ‘富’의 권력화에 대한 사마천의 시각이야말로 기존의 그 어떤 사상가보다도 획기적이고파격적인 것으로서, 이는 기본적으로 명분보다 실질을 중시한 데서 생겨난 것이며, 이런 사마천의 관점은 물질적인 문제가 오히려 정신적인 문제를 지배한다는 논리에서 본고는 출발하고 있다. 여기에서 한 걸음 더 나아가 거대한 부를 축적한 사람의 권세가 왕이나 제후들과 버금갈 수 있다는 사마천의 발언에서 더욱 극명하게드러난다. 오늘날에도 존재하는 ‘富’의 도덕성과 윤리성사이의 갈등양상에서, 사마천이 제시한 논점이 우리들에게 어떤 시사점을 던져줄 것인가 하는 점을 주요한 연구동기로 삼고, 개인의 ‘富’가 국가의 그것보다 우선시한다는 사마천의 일관된 경제관의 형성 원인을 『史記』 「貨殖列傳」을 중심으로 살펴본 것이다. 사마천은 시대의 변화, 시대의 흐름, 기이한 전략 등의 활용을 통한 富의 축적을 외쳤고, ‘得勢’는 결국 ‘富’에 달려 있다는인식을 가졌기에, 국가가 개인의 ‘富’를 제어하려 해서는 안 된다는 경고의 메시지를 분명히 드러냈다. 물론 권세란 ‘富’의 축적량에 정확히 비례하며, 그 정도에 따라 제후나 왕의 등급까지도 오를 수 있다는 시각은 배금주의란 측면으로 폄하될 소지가 있기는 하다. 그러나 사마천은 교육의 100년 대계는 인재양성에 있다고 하면서人物 그 자체를 최고의 가치로 규정하면서 자신의 ‘富’觀을 마무리하고 있으니, 제아무리 ‘부’를 추구하는 것이중요하다고 하지만, 그것을 추구하는 것이 인간이기에 거부가 되면 ‘德’을 베풀어 부를 사회로 환원해야 한다고외친 것이다. 만일 인간이 이기적 존재임을 받아들인다면 사마천이 간파하고 논거를 들어 설명한 ‘富’의 권력화의 문제는 오늘날 우리에게 어떤 화두를 던져 줄 것인가가 본고의 주요한 작성이유다.

      • KCI등재후보

        근세 초상화에 나타난 서양복식의 상징적 특성에 관한 연구

        김종숙 한국니트디자인학회 2010 패션과 니트 Vol.8 No.1

        This research examines the changes and progress of portraits through such painters as Hans Holbein the Younger in the Renaissance, and Peter Paul Rubens, Harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt, in the Baroque, and Francois Boucher in the Rococo. The symbolic characteristics are divided into power and wealth and the spirit of the times. As the result of examination of the symbolic characteristics which is classified by power and wealth and the spirit of the times. These symbols were involved in costumes that included the desire for showing off. Particularly, costume in a society which has different classes becomes the symbol of rank and stratum of society, so that costume is an indicator of power, social position, and wealth. It is believed that the costumes of Henry the Eighth who was a man of power in the Renaissance and Marie de Mdedici who was the queen of Henry the Fourth, were resplendent and coercive by overemphasizing human body and brilliant decoration in not only making a display of their power of absolute monarchy and great wealth, but also parading dignity and authority, in order to show their strong and steady power as ruler. The seventeenth century catered for the period of enlightenment. The protestants who held the reigns of the Netherlands claimed for social reform and freedom of religion, as well as participation in politics. Moreover, they were thrift and diligent for virtues while the occupation of morality was stressed. Madame de Pompadour who was Louis Fifteenth's mistress and the best supporter for the artists in that period. with a great understanding in the ideology of enlightenment. In this way, it is considered that Henry the Eighth, Bourgeois of the Netherlands and Madame de Pompadour cleared showed ideology of each time period majestically, steadily or with intellectual and functional aspects.

      • KCI등재

        동도서기론자의 ‘民富國强’론과 민중 인식 ≪한성주보≫를 중심으로

        박은숙 한국근현대사학회 2008 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.47 No.-

        DongDo-SeoGi(東道西器, Eastern morality and Western technology) theorist wanted construct the modern independent state successfully as a attaining MinBu-GukGang(民富國强, people is rich and nation is strong), in order to overcome the crisis of the nation and defend the aggression of the outside power. They considered seriously the role of the people in the modern society and thought that there is not a possibility of accomplishing a national wealth and power without MinBu(民富). They thought the people of Korea that to be foolish is dumb, therefore they did not consider that people immediately there is a possibility becoming the master of MinBu(民富). They accordingly educated the people and after changing with the modern worker, the people becoming the master of MinBu. They opposed the hereditariness of slaves and criticized the status system in compliance with the blood inherits. But they did not assert the abolition of slave system and status system. They considered the people with the master of MinBu(民富), it’s point was as a charge person in the economic side, did not consider as a charge person in the democratic institution and the right to vote side. But they regarding the people as the master is very important in historically. DongDo-SeoGi(東道西器, Eastern morality and Western technology) theorist wanted construct the modern independent state successfully as a attaining MinBu-GukGang(民富國强, people is rich and nation is strong), in order to overcome the crisis of the nation and defend the aggression of the outside power. They considered seriously the role of the people in the modern society and thought that there is not a possibility of accomplishing a national wealth and power without MinBu(民富). They thought the people of Korea that to be foolish is dumb, therefore they did not consider that people immediately there is a possibility becoming the master of MinBu(民富). They accordingly educated the people and after changing with the modern worker, the people becoming the master of MinBu. They opposed the hereditariness of slaves and criticized the status system in compliance with the blood inherits. But they did not assert the abolition of slave system and status system. They considered the people with the master of MinBu(民富), it’s point was as a charge person in the economic side, did not consider as a charge person in the democratic institution and the right to vote side. But they regarding the people as the master is very important in historically.

      • KCI등재


        ?波(Zhang Bo),金昌?(Kim, Chang-Gyeong) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.63

        Bakuhan is unique social system of modern Japan is different in China"s ancient unified social system, and different from Europe"s system of separation of powers, It is the organic combination of the centralized power of the shogunate and the decentralization of various vassal states, is the unification of the supreme emperor and the supreme strong general, it is also a unique social system on the eve of the modernization of Japanese history, so there are a lot of discussions and arguments on the view of the Bakuhan system in the historians, and all of them have aroused the attention of the scholars from its connotation and essence, its formation reasons and the social influence brought by the characteristics of power. The tokugawa shogunate with absolute superiority of power, why not completely overpower the emperor, completely suppress the daimyo, the establishment of a more powerful than the “centralized feudal state” absolute monarchy, why the group of vassal states willing to submit to the minister of the tokugawa, how the emperor in the tokugawa regime under the decree of the law to maintain the eternal. The separation of the shogunate from the court, the shogunate from the vassal states, leading to the separation of power from authority, power from wealth,a political system that looks like this looks like a decentralized system, but it can achieve a peaceful and unified Japan. A locked, closed and seemingly stagnant society created a period of prosperity and development. In the face of drastic social change, the rapid change of political power can be achieved in an almost peaceful way,as the bakuhan system of Japan on the eve of modernization, what has been prepared for the modernization reform, all of these arouse the attention of scholars and explain its true meaning.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of the Financial Crisis on the Wealth Distribution of Korea’s Companies

        임규승,김수용,Todd Swanson,김주연 한국물리학회 2017 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.70 No.3

        We investigated the distribution functions of Korea’s top-rated companies during two financial crises. A power-law scaling for rank distribution, as well as cumulative probability distribution, was found and observed as a general pattern. Similar distributions can be shown in other studies of wealth and income distributions. In our study, the Pareto exponents designating the distribution differed before and after the crisis. The companies covered in this research are divided into two subgroups during a period when the subprime mortgage crisis occurred. Various industrial sectors of Korea’s companies were found to respond differently during the two financial crises, especially the construction sector, financial sectors, and insurance groups.

      • KCI등재후보

        유길준의 ‘한국 독립’ 인식

        현광호 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2008 人文硏究 Vol.- No.55

        서구 열강은 중국의 영토를 침범했다. 이 때 유길준은 한국, 중국, 일본이 공동운명체라고 주장했다. 그는 유교 문화와 한국의 독립을 유지하고자 동아시아의 협력을 강조했다. 중국은 임오군란 이후 한국에 대한 침략정책을 강화했다. 이에 유길준은 중국을 경계하기 시작했다. 유길준은 일본이 중국의 진출을 저지하고, 한국의 독립을 보호하고자 한다고 인식했다. 그러므로 유길준은 일본정부와 협력하면서 개혁을 추진했다. 한국의 독립을 추구하는 그의 키워드는 ‘동아시아 협력론’과 ‘문명론’이었다. 그런 의미에서 일본에의 의존은 필연적인 선택이라 할 수 있었다. ‘동아시아 협력론’과 ‘문명론’은 일본이 한국을 침략하기 위하여 마련한 논리였다. 유길준은 일본 측의 논리를 ‘신의론’에 입각하여 별다른 의심없이 수용했다. Western Powers propelled encroachment upon the territory of China. That time Yu Kil Jun argued Korea and China and Japan formed a natural community with a common destiny. He emphasized cooperation of East Asia on the ground of conservation of Confucian culture and Independence of Korea. China reinforced aggressive policies toward the Korea after Im O Gun Ran(壬午軍亂). Yu Kil Jun became more cautious China. Yu Kil Jun took notice of Japan as guarantee state for Independence of Korea in addition to defend China's advance. As a result, Yu Kil Jun propelled reform by coalition of Japanese Government. After outbreak of Russo-Japanese War, Yu Kil Jun emphasized cooperation with Japan on the ground of conservation of Independence of Korea. He concluded Japan would restore sovereignty of Korea if Korea would strive for national wealth and power. He concluded international relations was faithful. From this point of view, He could not read Imperialism.

      • KCI등재

        Governance and Autonomy: Chen Fuliang’s Political Theory

        송재윤 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2017 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.27

        In 12th century Southern Song China, the renowned Yongjia examination master and political thinker Chen Fuliang (1137-1203) redefined good government in opposition to the visions of state activism. He was among a large number of Southern Song literati who developed the new constitutional visions of a limited yet strong state. By reinterpreting the ancient classics, Chen Fuliang systematically argued that good government consists in the elaborate checks and balances between the central and local governments, state institutions and social organizations, public and private realms, and military power and economic resources. By developing his own constitutional theory of tension and balance, Chen Fuliang contributed toward shifting the paradigms of good government from “wealth and power” (fuqiang 富强) to “governance and stability” (zhi’an 治安).

      • KCI등재

        문치주의와 대칭적 경세론에서 본 《경연일기(經筵日記)》

        오항녕 ( Hang Nyeong Oh ) (사)율곡연구원(구 사단법인 율곡학회) 2014 율곡학연구 Vol.28 No.-

        본고에서는 율곡의 『경연일기』를 중심으로, 『경연일기』가 갖는 제도사, 사상사의 의미를 찾아보았다. 정확히 말하자면 『경연일기』라는 자료가 탄생한 배경을 제도사적으로 살펴보는 것이고, 『경연일기』의 내용에서 율곡 이이가 이해하는 경세론과 권력의 특징을 대칭성 모델로 해석해보자는 취지이다. 『경연일기』는 ‘經筵에서 일어난 일을 기록한 日記’로, 조선 문치주의의 산물인 史官 시스템의 결과였다. 즉 홍문관 관원이 사관을 겸하면서 작성하게 되어 있는 기록이 경연일기였다. 물론 율곡은 홍문관 관원만이 아니라 다양한 관직을 거쳤다. 하지만 홍문관 이외의 관직도 모두 兼春秋의 관직이었다. 즉 『경연일기』는 바로 조선 문치주의의 한 축을 이루었던 사관제도의 산물이기도 하다. 이런 이해는 자칫 율곡의 자질로 환원시켜버릴 수 있는 『경연일기』의 산출 배경을 좀 더 역사적 지평에서 이해할 수 있게 해준다. 본고의 두 번째 관심은 율곡이 『경연일기』에서 전하고자 했던 사상과 경세론이었다. 하나는 上下의 관계를 어떻게 설정할 것인가 하는 문제, 즉 정치권력의 문제이고, 다른 하나는, 그 권력을 통해서 해당 사회의 삶을 어떻게 조직, 경영할 것인가를 다루는 경세론의 측면이다. 修身에서 治國으로의 확장은 儒家의 공통적인 관심이지만, 조선의 경우 그 특징적인 변화는 율곡에 의해 이루어진 것을 보인다. 요순시대를 모범으로 한 이상 경세론과 권력에 의해 행사되는 정책 역시 專制가 아닌 損上益下, 不與民爭利라는 王道政治의 원리로 수렴할 것을 요구받는다. 비대칭적 위계 속에 존재하는 국가권력의 정점에 있는 왕권이, 학문과 토론을 통해 쌓은 經世의 구체성 속에서는 다시 聖人의 가치로 구현할 것을 율곡 이이는 요구하였다. 이러한 대칭성의 논리 속에서 사림은 소통을 통해서 국왕을 믿고 백성을 교화하며, 백성들은 민생안정을 통해서 국왕과 사림을 믿는 것이다. I studied the Diary of Royal Lecture (the DRL) of Yulgok YiYi On the Perspective of the Literati and the Symmetry of Governance. The literati of governance means that the birth of the DRL was examined by the institutional approach and the Symmetry of governance means that the logic of the DRL was examined by the political and anthropological perspective. The DRL was producted on the basis of the literati of governance Troica, the Royal Lecture, the Censorate and the Court Diarist. First of all, YiYi wrote the DRL as a royal lecturer. Secondly, he wrote the DRL as the part-time court diarist such as a censorate, a diplomat, etc., I suggested in this article. YiYi was always a officer of the Office for Annals Compilation during the period which was included in the DRL This means the DRL was a cultural product of the system rather the work of a genius. My second concern was the logics of the symmetry of governance that were founded in the DRL. Especially I focused on the right execution of the political power and the possession and distribution of the wealth and power. The extension from the cultivation of the self to the ruling the state was the common these of the confucian scholars. However the characteristic change of it in Joseon society was happened in the DRL. On the basis of the Yo-Soon model who were considered as the chiefdom of the primitive communities, YiYi emphasized the sage-learning of the king that transformed the asymmetry of political power, the king-subject relation, into the literati governance. In the possession and distribution of the national wealth, YiYi insisted the non-competition policy between the government and the people. This idea also was adopted to the tax system so radical that the king and the rulers had a duty to take the rich and to give to the poor. In this symmetry, the literati believe in the king and cultivate the people on the one hand, the people give the legitimacy to the king and his subject.

      • KCI등재

        공정거래법상 일감 몰아주기 규제에 관한 검토

        서 정 법무부 2024 선진상사법률연구 Vol.0 No.107

        일감 몰아주기는 최광의, 광의, 협의로 구분하여 정의할 수 있는데, 공정거래법상 부당지원행위 금지규정은 광의의 일감 몰아주기를, 부당이익제공행위 금지규정은 그 중에서도 편법적 부의 이전이 수반되는 협의의 일감 몰아주기를 주된 규율대상으로 한다. 일감 몰아주기에 대해서는 내부보조 가설, 빼돌리기 가설, 합리적 거래 가설의 경제이론이 제시되고 있는데, 이러한 이론들은 공정거래법상 부당지원행위 내지 부당이익제공행위 금지규정의 입법과 집행에 영향을 미쳤다. 공정거래법 제45조 제1항 제9호의 부당지원행위 금지규정은 내부보조 가설을 기반으로 제정되었고, 공정거래법 제47조 제1항의 부당이익제공행위 금지규정은 빼돌리기 가설을 기반으로 제정되었다. 그리고 공정거래법 제47조 제2항은 기업의 효율성 증대, 보안성, 긴급성 등 거래의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 불가피한 일정한 일감 몰아주기 거래에 관해서는 공정거래법 적용을 제외하고, 부당지원행위의 경우에도 판례상 정당화 사유가 인정되는데, 이는 합리적 거래 가설의 입장을 일정 부분 수용한 것으로 이해된다. 부당지원행위 금지규정에 불확정개념이 많이 사용된 관계로 일감 몰아주기가 규제의 대상인지, 그리고 기업집단 내부의 빼돌리기성 거래도 동규정으로 규율할 수 있는지에 관하여 논의가 있었는데, 법원은 전자에 관해서는 적극적인 입장을 취하고 후자에 관해서는 소극적인 입장을 취하였다. 이에 국회는 기업집단 내부의 빼돌리기 문제에 직접 대응하기 위하여 부당이익제공행위 금지규정도 신설하였고, 여기에는 일감 몰아주기를 직접 규율하는 내용도 포함시켰다. 위와 같은 경위로 일감 몰아주기에 관한 부당지원행위와 부당이익제공행위의 성립요건은 상이하다. 구체적으로 부당지원행위의 경우 행위자 요건이 광범위하고, 행위 요건에서 보조의 규모, 즉 과다한 경제상 이익 제공 여부를 검토해야 하며, 부당성 요건에서 시장경쟁의 저해 내지 경제력집중과 관련하여 고려하여야 하지만 편법적 부의 승계는 고려대상이 아니다. 부당이익제공행위의 경우 행위자 요건을 통하여 공시대상기업집단 내부의 거래로 적용범위를 한정하는 대신, 행위 요건에서 합리적 고려나 비교의 절차의 존부 등 기업 내부의 의사결정 과정의 존부를 따지며, 부당성 요건에서 시장경쟁의 저해나 경제력집중의 우려는 고려대상이 아니고 편법적 부의 이전 여부를 중심으로 판단을 하여야 한다. 따라서 부당지원행위 금지규정과 부당이익제공행위 금지규정은 병렬적 관계라고 보아야 할 것이고, 부당이익제공의 이익의 범위를 유형적, 재무적인 것에 한정할 것은 아니며, 과다한 이익이 반드시 존재해야만 하는 것도 아니다. So-called “favoritism in trade volume” can be defined as the broadest, broad and narrow concept. The prohibition of unfair assistance under the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (“MRFTA”) is aimed at the broad form of favoritism, while the prohibition of provision of undue benefits is aimed at the narrow form of favoritism that involved illicit wealth transfer. The economic theories of the internal assistance hypothesis, the tunneling hypothesis, and the rational transaction hypothesis have been proposed to explain favoritism in trade volume, and these theories have influenced the legislation and enforcement of the prohibition of unfair assistance and provision of undue benefits. Article 45(1)(9) of the MRFTA prohibits unfair assistance based on the internal assistance hypothesis, and Article 47(1) of the MRFTA prohibits provision of undue benefits based on the tunneling hypothesis. In addition, Article 47(2) of the MRFTA excludes the application of the MRFTA to certain transactions that are inevitable to achieve the purpose of the transaction, such as increasing the efficiency, security, and urgency of the enterprise, and the court recognizes justification in the case of unfair assistance, which is understood to be a partial acceptance of the position of the reasonable transaction hypothesis. Due to the use of indeterminate concepts in the prohibition of unfair assistance clause, there were discussions on whether favoritism in trade volume is subject to regulation and whether tunneling type transactions within a business group can be regulated by the same clause, and the courts took a positive stance on the former and a negative stance on the latter. In response, the National Assembly enacted a new clause prohibiting provision of undue benefits to related parties to directly respond to the problem such as favoritism in trade volume within a business group. As mentioned above, the requirements for establishing the unfair assistance and the provision of undue benefits are different. Specifically, the actor requirement is broader in the case of unfair assistance, the scale of the assistance, i.e., the excessive economic benefits, must be examined in the conduct requirement, and the unfairness requirement must be reviewed in relation to inhibition of market competition or concentration of economic power, but the illicit transfer of wealth is not considered. In the case of the provision of undue benefits, the MRFTA limited the scope of application to transactions within the business group subject to disclosure through the actor requirement, and requires the existence of an internal decision-making process, such as the existence of a process of rational consideration or comparison, through the conduct requirement, while the unfairness requirement does not consider concerns about inhibition of market competition or concentration of economic power, but focuses on whether there is an illicit transfer of wealth. Therefore, the prohibition of unfair assistance the prohibition of provision of undue benefits should be viewed as a parallel relationship, and the scope of the benefit of undue benefit provision is not limited to tangible or financial, nor is the existence of excessive benefit required.

      • KCI등재

        초창기 과학소설의 두 갈래 양상 『철세계』와 『비행선』

        최애순 ( Choi Ae-soon ) 우리어문학회 2020 우리어문연구 Vol.68 No.-

        초창기 도입기 과학소설에서 드러나는 것은 과학의 이중성이다. 과학을 누가 이용하느냐에 따라 과학은 국가를 부강하게 하는 순기능으로 작용할 수도 있고, 자국을 무너뜨리는 무서운 파괴력의 상징으로 인식될 수도 있다. 본 논문은 초창기 과학소설에 드러나는 과학의 이중성에 주목하여, 1908년부터 1910년대 초반까지의 국력이 쇠해지고 일본의 침략으로 식민지가 된 조선 대중이 품었던 과학과 제국주의가 충돌하는 지점을 보여주고자 한다. 과학이 실제화 되기가 힘들었던 근대 초입기에 허무맹랑하고 황당무계한 꿈에 미래를 담은 조선 대중에게 ‘공상과학’은 과학과 신비의 세계인 주술(도술)을 연결시켜 주는 징검다리였다. 더불어 근대 초기 과학은 국가의 기획과 보존에 이득이 될 때는 밝은 미래를 위해 발전시켜야 할 가치이지만, 국가(지배) 이데올로기에 반하는 경우는 ‘적’으로 상정하는 상대적인 개념과 이중성을 내포하고 있음을 보여주고자 한다. 1908년에서 1910년대 서구 제국주의 열강들은 인종주의와 문명, 계몽을 내세우며 식민지 논리를 펴고 있었다. 『철세계』는 자신의 국가가 인종 전쟁에서 이기는 것이 과학기술의 발달에 달려 있음을 보여준다. 『철세계』를 받아들이는 각국의 입장 차이에 따라 ‘과학’이 곧 힘의 지배를 좌우한다는 의식을 볼 수 있다. 일본에서 『철세계』는 서구와 동아시아의 대결로 읽힐 수 있으며, 동아시아의 중심에 일본을 두고 있어서 서구가 동아시아와 대척점에 있긴 하지만 결국 따라가야 할 과학기술의 세계로 인식되었다. 그러나 우리에게는 일본과 식민지 조선과의 대결로 읽히며, 과학기술의 발전으로 식민지에서 벗어나 부국강병을 이루고픈 희망으로 읽힌다. ‘철세계’의 강철과 무기제조 과학기술에 대한 이중적인 인식은 1908년에서 1910년대 일본과 우리에게 지향하는 바가 다른 상태로 혼재되어 있었다. 이는 『비행선』에서도 마찬가지로 나타난다. ‘과학’에 대한 각국의 이중적인 잣대는 서양 제국주의 시선에서 훨씬 강하게 드러난다. ‘서구=과학=문명’과 ‘동양=신비(주술)=야만’이라는 공식은 ‘과학’으로 키우는 꿈도 서구를 통해서만 가능하다는 것을 역설하고 있다. 과학기계의 발명=문명=서양으로 이어지는 서양에 대한 동경은 조선 민족이 각성하기 위해서는 유학을 떠날 수밖에 없었고, 이상의 실현은 서양을 통해서만 가능한 것으로 인식되도록 했다. 과학은 청년들의 미래이자 꿈이었지만 식민지 조선에서는 불가능한 것이었다. 1908년에서 1910년대 초기에 유입된 초창기 과학소설 『철세계』와 『비행선』은 식민지시기 과학소설 계보의 출발점의 위치에 놓인다. 두 작품은 각각 1920년대 미래과학소설에서 제시하는 이상사회의 건설과 1930년대 발명, 발견학회로 이어지는 식민지 지식인의 발명과학의 꿈으로 이어지게 된다. 식민지 조선의 공상과학의 영역은 1908년 『철세계』로 이상사회를, 1912년 『비행선』을 통해 과학발명의 기대를 드러냈다. 『철세계』를 통한 이상사회에 대한 기대는 1920년대 미래과학소설에서 꿈꾸는 이상사회 건설, 유토피아 담론으로 이어졌으며, 『비행선』을 통한 과학발명에 대한 기대는 이광수의 『개척자』에서부터 김동인의 「K박사의 연구」를 거쳐 1930년대 발명학회로 이어지게 되었다. 본 논문에서는 첫 시발점에 놓였던 초창기 과학소설의 두 갈래에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 그리고 이상사회 건설과 발명과학이라는 두 갈래의 양상이 결국 부국강병에 대한 꿈으로 귀결되는 과정을 보여주고자 한다. 초창기 유입된 과학소설 『철세계』와 『비행선』은 공상과학과 모험을 주로 펼치는 서양의 제국주의 시선이 짙게 깔린 소설이다. 본 논문에서는 『철세계』와 『비행선』에서 과학으로 문명제국을 이룩한 서구를 닮아가고픈 부국강병에 대한 대한제국 말기와 식민지 하에서 조선인의 욕망이 어떻게 드러나는지도 함께 살펴보았다. It is the duality of science that is revealed in science fiction in the early days. Depending on who uses science, science can act as a pure function to make the country rich, or it can be recognized as a symbol of the terrifying destructive power that destroys the country. This paper focuses on the duality of science revealed in early science fiction, and attempts to show the point at which the science and imperialism of the Joseon masses, which were colonized by the Japanese invasion, and the national power declined from 1908 to the early 1910s collided. “Science fiction” was a stepping stone that connects science and magic, the world of mystery, to the Joseon public, who embraced the future in an empty and absurd dream in the early modern period when science was difficult to actualize. In addition, science in the early modern period shows that when it is beneficial to the planning and preservation of the state, it is a value that must be developed for a bright future, but when it is contrary to the state (dominant) ideology, it is shown that it contains a relative concept and duality that is assumed to be 'enemy'. From 1908 to 1910, the Western imperial powers were advocating racism, civilization, and enlightenment, and their colonial logic was unfolding. The Iron World shows that winning the race war depends on the development of science and technology, depending on the differences in the position of each country, we can see the consciousness that 'science' directly governs power. In Japan, The Iron World can be read as a confrontation between the West and East Asia, and it was recognized as a world of science and technology that should be followed, although the West is on the opposite side of East Asia because Japan is placed at the center of East Asia. However, to us, it is read as a confrontation between Japan and colonial Joseon, and as a hope of becoming independent from the colony through the development of science and technology and achieving a strong and rich country. The dual perception of steel and weapons manufacturing science and technology in the The Iron World was mixed in a state where the aims of Japan and Korea were different from 1908 to 1910. The early science fiction introduced from 1908 to the early 1910s led to the construction of an ideal society suggested by future science fiction in the 1920s, inventions in the 1930s, and the dream of invention science of colonial intellectuals leading to the discovery society. The field of science fiction in colonial Joseon was the ideal society in 1908 with The Iron World, and the expectation of scientific invention through Airship in 1912. It led to the construction of an ideal society dreamed of and the discourse of utopia, and the expectation for scientific invention through Airship went from Pioneer by Lee Kwang-soo to The Research of Dr. K by Kim Dong-in, and then to the Invention Society in the 1930s. In this thesis, I would like to examine the two branches of the early science fiction that were at the beginning. And I would like to show the process of the two-pronged aspects of the construction of an ideal society and the science of invention eventually leading to a dream of becoming a rich country. The science fiction novels The Iron World and Airship, which were introduced in the early days, are novels with a strong perspective of Western imperialism, mainly focusing on science fiction and adventure. However, as it entered the country, the end of the Korean Empire and colonial Joseon revealed a dual desire for the rich and powerful who wants to resemble the West, which achieved civilization through science, along with the recognition of the powerless Eastern country compared to the West. Let's look at how the duality of science is revealed in The Iron World and Airship.

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