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      • KCI등재

        형광등과 자연광의 광도에 따른 실내조경식물의 생육반응과 도입 방안

        최경옥,이상우,Choi Kyoung-Ok,Lee Sang-Woo 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.4

        This study was carried out to obtain fundamental information of growth response of interior landscape plants under a fluorescent lighting, a sunlight at indoor. Ficus elastica Roxb. vu. decora Hort, Spathiphyllum 'Clevelandii', Codiaeum variegatum Blume var. pictum Mvell. Arg. 'Exalant' and Cordyline terminalis Kunth var. red edge Hort were examined under 100lux, 500lux, 1,000lux and 2,000lux light intensity consisted of fluorescent lighting and sunlight at indoor condition. Result of experiments are as follows; 1. A Ficus elastica Roxb. var. decora Hort plant growth status was better showed under fluorescent lighting than sunlight. A plant growth status showed the best result under 2,000lux light intensity of fluorescent lighting in cases of all conditions. 2. A Spathiphyllum 'Clevelandii' showed the best effective adaptations under law intensity among experimental plants. A Spathiphyllum 'Clevelandii', plant growth status was better showed under fluorescent lighting than sunlight. A plant growth status showed the best result under 1,000lux light intensity of fluorescent lighting in cases of all conditions. 3. It need the best high establishment of fluorescent lighting among experimental plants for good plant growth. A Codiaeum variegatum Blume var. pictum Mvell. Arg. 'Exalant' plant growth status was better showed under fluorescent lighting than sunlight. A plant growth status was better showed under high light intensity in case of same light source. A plant growth status showed the best result under 2,000lux light intensity of fluorescent lighting. 4. A Cordyline terminalis Kunth var. red edge Hort plant growth status was better showed under fluorescent lighting than sunlight. but, A plant growth status was better showed under $500lux\sim1,000lux$ than 2,000lux in cases of all intensity of fluorescent lighting. while, A plant growth status was better showed under $1,000lux\sim2,000lux$ in cases of all intensity of sunlight.

      • KCI등재

        Estimation of Growth and Yield for Single-stemmed Rose ‘Vital’ in a Single Stem System

        여경환,조영열,이용범 한국원예학회 2011 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.52 No.5

        In ornamental crop production, growth models as a function of environmental factors can be used as a valuable tool for predicting the timing of a phenological event for the average of a population, for the optimization of environmental conditions inside a growing system, and for making cultural decisions for increasing crop production. The feasibility of an expolinear growth equation was evaluated by predicting the crop growth of single-stemmed rose ‘Vital’ in a single stem system using recirculating nutrient solution. The objectives of this study were to determine a suitable environmental variable and growth parameters, i.e. maximum crop growth rate (C_m), maximum relative growth rate (R_m), and the lost time (t_b) for expolinear growth equation using biomass data obtained from 4 experiments with different seasons [cut on Oct. and Nov. in 2004 (Expts. 1 and 2), and Apr. and Jun. in 2005 (Expts. 3 and 4)] and then to predict the crop growth based on an empirical model as a function of the environmental variable and plant density (plants/m2) using estimated parameters of the expolinear growth equation. The growth parameters were estimated by fitting the expolinear growth equation as a function of time, thermal units (TUs, ℃・d),or daily incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, MJ・m^(-2)・d^(-1)) to observed the biomass per unit area (m^2) using a nonlinear regression procedure with Gauss-Newton method. The use of TUs as a variable of expolinear growth equation improved the accuracy of the model and gave a better estimate of growth parameters as compared with those of time or incident PAR integral. Although the fitted expolinear growth equation effectively described the measured fresh and dry mass per unit area, we concluded that TUs was an appropriate variable of expolinear growth equation for single-stemmed rose ‘Vital’ considering some advantage, such as a cheap and easy way for growers to measure the microclimate inside a greenhouse for cut-flower rose production. This study also investigated the effects of TUs and plant density (67, 89, and 107plants/m^2) on the growth of single-stemmed rose ‘Vital’ in a single stem system by adjusting the expolinear equation. The growth parameters, C_m, R_m, and t_b were estimated by fitting the expolinear growth equation to the measured dry mass measurements obtained from 3 experiments (Expts. 1, 2, and 3) at three different plant densities. Parameters C_m and t_b showed a curvilinear relationship with plant density over three experiments and were fitted to the quadratic function. The R_m was substituted with the mean value of the estimated values at each plant density, 0.0082, because there were no significant differences in R_m values among plant density treatments. The estimation of dry mass per unit area by the expolinear growth equation as inputs of TUs and plant density agreed well with the validation data, but the model tended to overestimate dry mass per unit area. The measured dry mass showed a linear relationship with fresh mass regardless of plant densities. The shoot fresh mass per m2 was estimated by an empirical relationship between shoot fresh mass and dry mass using the estimated shoot dry mass. The estimated and measured shoot dry mass and fresh mass showed a reasonably good fit with 1.142 (R2 =0.988) and 1.168 (R2 = 0.976), respectively.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Stimulate Vegetative Growth and Asexual Reproduction of Kalanchoe daigremontiana

        Park, Yong-Soon,Park, Kyungseok,Kloepper, Joseph W.,Ryu, Choong-Min The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2015 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.31 No.3

        Certain bacterial species associate with plant roots in soil. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) stimulate plant growth and yield in greenhouse and field. Here, we examined whether application of known bacilli PGPR strains stimulated growth and asexual reproduction in the succulent plant Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Four PGPR strains B. amyloliquefaciens IN937a, B. cereus BS107, B. pumilus INR7, and B. subtilis GB03 were applied to young plantlets by soil-drenching, and plant growth and development was monitored for three months. Aerial growth was significantly stimulated in PGPR-inoculated plants, which was observed as increases in plant height, shoot weight, and stem width. The stimulated growth influenced plant development by increasing the total number of leaves per plant. Treatment with bacilli also increased the total root biomass compared with that of control plants, and led to a 2-fold increase in asexual reproduction and plantlet formation on the leaf. Collectively, our results firstly demonstrate that Bacillus spp. promote vegetative development of K. daigremontiana, and the enhanced growth stimulates asexual reproduction and plantlet formation.

      • KCI등재

        도시공원 조경수목 식재 평가 및 평가등급 적용 방안 - 인천광역시 송도 해돋이공원을 대상으로 -

        한봉호 ( Bong Ho Han ),조훈검 ( Hun Gum Cho ),곽정인 ( Jeong In Kwak ),박석철 ( Seok Cheol Park ) 한국환경생태학회 2014 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        본 연구는 인천광역시 송도 해돋이공원의 공간기능에 따른 식재개념 적정성 검토, 식재구조 현황, 공간별 식재된 수목에 대해 형태평가와 생육평가를 통해 현재 식재되고 있는 조경수목의 형태 및 생육상태 문제점을 도출하고, 이를 개선하기 위한 평가 적용 체계를 제안하고자 수행하였다. 공간기능에 따른 식재개념 적정성 평가 결과 녹음기능이 필요한 공간 중 29.5%만 녹음식재지이었고, 58.7%는 시각적 경관식재지, 11.8%는 완충식재지이 었다. 이는 시설물 중심 공간구성에 따른 식재면적 부족과 녹음기능을 수행할 수 없는 어린 수목을 식재하였기 때문인것으로 판단되었다. 식재구조 현황에서는 식재기능 향상을 위해서는 각 식재개념에 따른 적정한 식재종, 식재 구조, 밀도, 규격, 생육 상태 등을 고려한 식재가 필요할 것으로 판단되었다. 조경수목 평가 조사는 완충공간에서 22종 209주, 녹음공간에서 8종 71주, 시각적 경관공간에서 16종 266주, 생태적 경관공간에서 4종 54주로 총 28종 600주의 조경수목을 대상으로 수목평가를 실시하였다. 수목평가 결과 수목 형태평가 점수는 평균 56.6점, 수목 생육평가 점수는 평균 76.0점으로 평가되었다. 수목평가 점수는 모두 점수별로 등급화하였고 공간별, 수종별로 통계 처리하여 유의성을 검증하였다. 본 연구에서는 수목평가 결과를 활용하여 공간기능별 수목 기준 도출 및 적정 식재개념을 적용하였다. 공간별 수목 형태평 가 결과를 식재개념에 적용하면 완충식재는 기능성이 강조되므로 형태평가 등급이 가장 낮은 E등급, 생태적 경관식재는 다양성과 자연성이 강조되므로 D등급, 녹음식재는 이용성이 강조되므로 주간에서 분지된 가지의 높이를 고려한 수종 선택으로 C등급, 시각적 경관식재는 미적가치성이 강조되므로 A등급과 B등급을 각각 적용할 수 있었다. 공간별 수목 생육평가 결과를 식재개념에 적용해 보면 식재기반을 기준으로 양호와 불량으로 구분하여 완충식재, 시각적 경관식재, 생태적 경관식재에서는 생육평가 A등급부터 E등급까지 식재가 가능하였고, 녹음식재에서는 A등급부터 C등급까지 식재가 가능하였다. This study aims to present an evaluation scheme to improve the problems in tree shapes and tree growth which were identified through shape and growth assessments of landscape trees currently planted in Haedoji Park, Songdo, Incheon Metropolitan City after plant structure status and propriety review for funtion of space and concept of planting. Suitability the planting concept was evaluated according to function of space. The result indicated that the shade planting areas accounted for 29.5% of the the shade spaces area. 58.7%, respectively planting areas of visual landscape. And 11.8%, respectively planting areas of buffer. Because the planting areas was lacked according to the park established spatial configuration of central facilities and the result of plant young trees. Plant structure status required consideration with plant structure, density, size, growth status for improve planting function. The tree assessment was performed on a total of 28 species and 600 trees of which 22 species and 209 trees were planted in the buffer zone, 8 species and 71 trees in the shade zone, 16 species and 266 trees in the visual landscape zone, and 4 species and 54 trees in the ecological landscape zone. The trees were divided into grades based on their assessment score and were statistically grouped by the functional zone in where they are planted and by tree species to verify their significance. The tree shape assessment was an average of 56.6 points and the tree growth assessment was an average of 76.0 points. Using the results of the tree assessments, the tree standards for each functional space were identified and a concept of optimum planting and cultivating was applied. When applying the shape assessment results by zone to the concept of planting, since trees for buffering require high functionality they received E’s, the lowest grade; as trees for ecological landscaping require diverseness and naturalness, they received D’s; since trees for shading require utilization, they received C’s as trees with branching at the main stems were considered; and since trees for visual landscaping required aesthetical value, they received A’s and B’s. When applying the growth assessment results by zone to the concept of planting, based on planting foundations of favorable and poor, for buffering, visual landscaping, and ecological landscaping, trees from grades A to E could be planted, and for shading, trees from grades A to C could be planted. For a cultivation plan that could improve the growth of the trees, we proposed that the topography of the land be selected considering the tree’s characteristics and that a method of pot seeding be used. Also, to improve the shape of the trees, we proposed that poles be used to improve the growth of vertically-straight stems, an appropriate planting density be applied for reasonable branch growth, manage tree shape to maintain good crowning, and better manage fertilization to maintain a reasonable crown density.

      • Image based algorithm for growth prediction of pennywort plant grown in a plant factory

        이슬람수마이야 ( Sumaiya Islam ),레자나심 ( Nasim Reza ),초두리밀론 ( Milon Chowdhury ),키라가샤피크 ( Shafik Kiraga ),정선옥 ( Sun-ok Chung ) 한국농업기계학회 2021 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        Plant growth prediction typically relies on the estimation of changes in plant structure and size. The leaf is one of the visual structures of plants, which has a significant impact on growth. The objective of this study was to predict pennywort plant growth using an image processing algorithm. Pennywort plant was grown in the plant factory, where ambient environmental variables were maintained precisely. The experiment was carried out for four weeks. RGB images of the plant were captured by a digital camera from the top of the plants everyday. In the image processing algorithm, the images were converted to grayscale and then binary masking was applied to classify each pixel as belonging to the region of interest. The masked images were segmented from the background. Then the region filling technique was applied to fill out the leaf region. We calculated the total pixel number in the image leaf area and calculated the leaf area using reference object. Actual plant leaf area was also continuously measured by a leaf area meter with specific time intervals without hindering plant growth. Our proposed algorithm demonstrated a high correlation of 0.954 between the actual and image-based leaf area measurements. A linear regression curve was found and growth was predicted using the desired cultivation period on the regression equation. Growth prediction model showed the potentiality to estimate plant growth cultivated in controlled environment.

      • KCI등재

        Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Stimulate Vegetative Growth and Asexual Reproduction of Kalanchoe daigremontiana

        박용순,박경석,Joseph W. Kloepper,류충민 한국식물병리학회 2015 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.31 No.3

        Certain bacterial species associate with plant roots in soil. The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) stimulate plant growth and yield in greenhouse and field. Here, we examined whether application of known bacilli PGPR strains stimulated growth and asexual reproduction in the succulent plant Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Four PGPR strains B. amyloliquefaciens IN937a, B. cereus BS107, B. pumilus INR7, and B. subtilis GB03 were applied to young plantlets by soil-drenching, and plant growth and development was monitored for three months. Aerial growth was significantly stimulated in PGPR-inoculated plants, which was observed as increases in plant height, shoot weight, and stem width. The stimulated growth influenced plant development by increasing the total number of leaves per plant. Treatment with bacilli also increased the total root biomass compared with that of control plants, and led to a 2-fold increase in asexual reproduction and plantlet formation on the leaf. Collectively, our results firstly demonstrate that Bacillus spp. promote vegetative development of K. daigremontiana, and the enhanced growth stimulates asexual reproduction and plantlet formation.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        고추의 생장에 미치는 Azospirillum brasilense 및 Methylobacterium oryzae 접종 효과

        김병호 ( Byoung Ho Kim ),사동민 ( Tong Min Sa ),정종배 ( Jong Bae Chung ) 한국환경농학회 2011 한국환경농학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        BACKGROUND: Rhizosphere bacteria may improve plant growth and productivity both by supply nutrients and hormonal stimulation. Although many experiments have shown improvements in plant growth with inoculation of bacterial cultures to the rhizosphere, the main obstacle in the applications of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in a large scale is the inconsistency of the results. We tested the growth promoting effects of Azospirillum and Methylobacterium strains on red pepper plant. METHODS AND RESULTS: Red pepper seedlings were grown for 25 days in a growth media inoculated with A. brasilense CW903 or M. oryzae CBMB20. The seedlings were transplanted and grown for 45 days in pots with soil in a greenhouse, at half the recommended level of fertilizer. Bacterial culture, 4.0×109 for A. brasilense CW903 and 5.8×108 CFU for M. oryzae CBMB20, was applied in root zone soil periodically every 10 days during the experiment. Inoculation of M. oryzae CBMB20 significantly increased the red pepper plant growth in terms of leaf number, height and mass of shoot, or root mass compared to uninoculated control plants. Although beneficial effects of A. brasilense on plant growth of many crops were observed, the growth- promoting effect of A. brasilense CW903 on red pepper plant was not found in this study. CONCLUSION(s): The factors responsible for the irregularities in plant growth promoting of rhizobacteria are difficult to elucidate. Extensive inoculation experiments in the greenhouse and in the field should enable us to define the factors critical to obtain successful application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria.

      • KCI등재

        Revegetation of a Lakeside Barren Area by the Application of Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria

        안태석,Jong-Ok Ka,이건형,송홍규 한국미생물학회 2007 The journal of microbiology Vol.45 No.2

        The growth stimulation of wild plants by several bacterial species showing plant growth-promoting capabilities was examined in a barren lakeside area at Lake Paro, Korea. Microbial numbers and activities in the field soil were monitored for 73 days after inoculation of the bacteria. The acridine orange direct counts for the total soil bacterial populations ranged between 2.0-2.3×109 cells/g soil and 1.4-1.8×109 cells/g soil in the inoculated and uninoculated soils, respectively. The numbers of Pseudomonas spp., which is known as a typical plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, and the total microbial activity were higher in the inoculated soil compared to those in the uninoculated soil. The average shoot and root lengths of the wild plants grown in the inoculated soil were 17.3 cm and 12.4 cm, respectively, and longer than those of 11.4 cm and 8.5 cm in the uninoculated soil. The total dry weight of the harvested wild plants was also higher in the inoculated soil (42.0 g) compared to the uninoculated soil (35.1 g). The plant growth-promoting capabilities of the inoculated bacteria may be used for the rapid revegetation of barren or disturbed land, and as biofertilizer in agriculture. The growth stimulation of wild plants by several bacterial species showing plant growth-promoting capabilities was examined in a barren lakeside area at Lake Paro, Korea. Microbial numbers and activities in the field soil were monitored for 73 days after inoculation of the bacteria. The acridine orange direct counts for the total soil bacterial populations ranged between 2.0-2.3×109 cells/g soil and 1.4-1.8×109 cells/g soil in the inoculated and uninoculated soils, respectively. The numbers of Pseudomonas spp., which is known as a typical plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, and the total microbial activity were higher in the inoculated soil compared to those in the uninoculated soil. The average shoot and root lengths of the wild plants grown in the inoculated soil were 17.3 cm and 12.4 cm, respectively, and longer than those of 11.4 cm and 8.5 cm in the uninoculated soil. The total dry weight of the harvested wild plants was also higher in the inoculated soil (42.0 g) compared to the uninoculated soil (35.1 g). The plant growth-promoting capabilities of the inoculated bacteria may be used for the rapid revegetation of barren or disturbed land, and as biofertilizer in agriculture.

      • KCI등재

        Current Perspectives on the Effects of Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria

        Thien Tu Huynh Le(후인르티엔투),Sang Eun Jun(전상은),Gyung-Tae Kim(김경태) 한국생명과학회 2019 생명과학회지 Vol.29 No.11

        근권은 식물 뿌리와 토양 미생물이 서로의 신호를 주고 받으며 끊임없이 상호반응하는 역동적인 장소이다. 근권 주위에서 식물의 생장과 생산성에 유익한 토양 미생물을 식물생장촉진근권미생물(Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, PGPR)이라 칭하며, 이 PGPR은 식물 전 생장기간동안 생물학적 및 비생물학적 스트레스에 대한 저항성, 식물 호르몬 조절, 영양분의 흡수와 이용 등에 영향을 끼침으로써 식물의 생장과 발달, 면역, 생산력 등중요한 생명 과정에 관여한다. 그리고, PGPR은 식물 생장을 유도하는 2차 대사산물이나 휘발성 유기 화합물을 생산하고, 식물의 뿌리 역시 식물 유해한 인자 혹은 병원성 인자에 대항하여 자신을 보호하거나 토양 성질 개선을 위해, PGPR을 유인하고 정착시키기 위한 물질을 생산, 분비한다. 그러므로, 식물과 PGPR 사이의 상호작용은 필수적이면서도 상호의존적이다. 현재까지, PGPR에 대한 많은 연구는 직간접적 개념에 대하여 공통적 또는 다양한 조건들에서 여러 방식으로 PGPR의 기능을 밝히는 방향으로 전개되어 왔다. 본 총설에서는 세포분열과 팽창, 분화에 의한 식물의 생장과 발달의 촉진, 식물생장조절인자와 호르몬의 유도, 영양물질의 고정, 용해, 무기화를 촉진하기 위한 PGPR의 역할과 전략을 소개하였다. 또한 PGPR와 토양 미생물군의 효과에 대한 현재까지의 연구 정보를 요약하였다. The rhizosphere is the active zone where plant roots communicate with the soil microbiome, each responding to the other’s signals. The soil microbiome within the rhizosphere that is beneficial to plant growth and productivity is known as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). PGPR take part in many pivotal plant processes, including plant growth, development, immunity, and productivity, by influencing acquisition and utilization of nutrient molecules, regulation of phytohormone biosynthesis, signaling, and response, and resistance to biotic- and abiotic-stresses. PGPR also produce secondary compounds and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that elicit plant growth. Moreover, plant roots exude attractants that cause PGPR to aggregate in the rhizosphere zone for colonization, improving soil properties and protecting plants against pathogenic factors. The interactions between PGPR and plant roots in rhizosphere are essential and interdependent. Many studies have reported that PGPR function in multiple ways under the same or diverse conditions, directly and indirectly. This review focuses on the roles and strategies of PGPR in enhancing nutrient acquisition by nutrient fixation/solubilization/mineralization, inducing plant growth regulators/phytohormones, and promoting growth and development of root and shoot by affecting cell division, elongation, and differentiation. We also summarize the current knowledge of the effects of PGPR and the soil microbiota on plants.

      • KCI등재

        피트모스와 펄라이트 혼합상토의 용적수분함량 조절이‘설향’ 딸기의 모주 생장 및 자묘 발생에 미치는 영향

        박인숙,김대영,윤혜숙,최종명 한국원예학회 2019 원예과학기술지 Vol.37 No.4

        This study was carried out to investigate the controlling effects of volumetric water content (VWC) ina medium consisted of peat moss and perlite (7:3, v/v) on the growth of mother plants and occurrenceand growth of daughter plants in ‘Seolhyang’ strawberry propagation. The medium was treated with asolution of 20-20-20 compound fertilizer (20-20-20 + 2MgO + micronutrients) with the concentrationof 250 mg·L-1 N as a pre-planting fertilizer. Each of the square shaped containers [64.3 cm (L) × 23.5cm (W) × 17 cm (H)] were filled with the root medium and four mother plants were transplanted, thenall the containers were placed in a glasshouse. VWC of the medium was measured by GS3 moisturesensor and the treatment set-up points in VWC were 30, 39, 48, 57, and 66%. When the VWC waslower than the value set in each treatment, the nutrient solution was supplied for 5 minutes. On the 110days after the transplanting, the growth of mother plants as well as the occurrence and growth ofdaughter plants were investigated. The growth of mother plants in plant height, fresh and dry weightsall indexes except leaf width and SPAD value were significantly influenced by the VWC set-points. Asthe VWC set-points were elevated from 30% to 66%, the plant heights, petiole lengths and freshweights tended to get longer and heavier. Petiole lengths in the treatments of 57% or 66% showed 4 cmlonger than those in the treatments of 48% or lower in VWC set-points. The elevation of VWCset-points also influenced significantly on the number of daughter plants occurred from mother plantsand their fresh weights with the increasing tendencies. The drastic increases were also observed innumber and length of runners per mother plant when the VWC set-points were raised from 48% to57%. The amount of fertilizer solution supplied to each plant per day increased drastically when theVWC set-points were 48% or higher compared to 30 or 39%. In conclusion, the higher the VWC setpoints, the better the growth of mother and daughter plants. However, considering the nutrient andwater consumption, it is reasonable to control VWC set-point to 57%. 피트모스와 펄라이트를 7:3(v/v)으로 혼합한 배지의 용적수분함량 조절이 ‘설향’ 딸기의 영양생장에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 본 연구를 수행하였다. 딸기 모주 정식 전 20-20-20 복합비료를 질소 기준 250mg·L-1로 혼합상토에 기비로 첨가하였다. 사각초화박스 [64.3cm(L) × 23.5cm(W) × 17cm(H)]에 상토를 충전한 후 박스당 4주씩 모주를 정식하고 유리온실에 배치하였다. 상토의 용적수분함량(VWC)은 GS3 수분센서를 사용하여 조절하였고, 30, 39, 48, 57 및 66%로 VWC를 조절한 5처리를 두어 실험하였다. 각 초화박스에 설정된 값 보다 VWC가 낮아졌을 때 5분간 양액이 공급되도록 하였다. 정식 후 110일째모주의 지상부 생장과 런너 및 자묘의 발생 및 생장을 조사하였다. 모주의 생장은 엽폭과 SPAD 값을 제외한 모든 조사항목에서 VWC 설정에 따른 처리별로 유의한 차이를 보였다. VWC가 30%에서 66%로 높아질수록 초장, 엽병장 및 생체중이 길어지거나 무거워지는 경향이었다. 또한 VWC 57% 이상 처리구에서는 48% 이하 처리구들보다 엽병장이 4cm 이상 길어졌다. 모주 생장과 유사하게 VWC가 높을수록 총 자묘 발생수와 자묘 생체중 또한 많아지거나 무거워졌다. 모주당 발생한 런너수와 길이는 VWC 설정값이 48%에서 57%로 높아졌을 때 변화폭이 가장 컸다. 한편 식물체당 급액량은 VWC 48%부터 급격히 증가하였으며 66% 처리구는 일 평균 11L가 소요되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면 모주 및 자묘의 생장은 VWC를 높게 설정할수록우수하였으나 양액 소비량을 감안한다면 VWC를 57%로 조절하는 것이 합리적이라고 판단한다.

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