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      • KCI등재

        자유주제 : 현대시 화자(persona) 교육에 관한 시학적 연구

        정끝별 ( Keut Byul Jeong ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2011 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.35

        본고는 20세기 시학의 주요 장치였던 화자(persona)라는 개념이 21세기 시학에서도 여전히 유효한 시적 전략으로 작동할 수 있는지에 대한 가능성을 검토하기 위해 기획되었다. 먼저, 화자의 개념 정립을 위해 화자와 유사한 시인·자아·주체 개념들과의 변별적 개념 확립에 주안점을 두었으며, 그와 인접한 목소리·어조·태도·발화·언표·발성·언술(담론) 등의 개념을 검토하였다. 또한 화자의 시적 기능과 시 교육적 의미를 연동시켜 고찰하였다. ``허구화``와 ``관점의 적절성``은 시 창작 교육의 측면에서, ``비유화``와 ``경험의 간접화``는 시 감상 교육의 측면에서 강조하였다. 이러한 이해 과정을 토대로 본고의 목표인, 화자가 시 감상과 창작에 어떻게 작용하는가에 대한 실제적인 이해를 도모하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 시 감상 및 창작 교육의 학습모형을 구안하였으며, 학습목표와 효과는 물론 적절한 지도법을 제시함으로써 실제적인 교수법을 모색하였다. 화자에 대한 이해에서 새로운 화자의 발견으로, 감상(이해)에서 창작(표현)으로 나아가는 단계별 화자 교수법들을 통해 학습자들 스스로가 화자는 물론 세계에 대한 이해의 지평을 넓힐 수 있을 것이다. This paper`s project has been to examine a possibility of which the persona as a major strategy of poetics in 20th century will be able to operate effectively as a poetical strategy even in 21th century as usual. For establishing the concept of persona, this paper has put a principal focus on to set up a distinctive point between the concept of persona and its similar concepts of poet, self, and subject, and has analyzed its adjoining concepts of voice, tone, attitude, speech, utterance, enunciation, and discourse. These have been also considered by connecting with the poetic functions and educational meanings of the persona. Of these functions, this paper has emphasized the fictionalization and the approtriateness of viewpoint on the side of education of creating poetry, and the figuration and the making indirect experiences on the side of education of appreciating poetry. On these understandings, this paper has tried to have a practical understanding how the persona has been operating on the appreciating and creating poetry. This purpose has led to contrive a model of learning for the education of appreciating and creating poetry, and to grope for its practical teaching method by presenting not only the goal and effect of learning but also a suitable method of guidance. By stages of such pedagogic methods that process step by step from understanding the persona to discovering new persona, and from appreciating(understanding) the modern poetry to creating(expressing) new poetry, learners will be on themselves able to enlarge the range of their understandings about the world as well as the persona.

      • KCI등재

        퍼소나 사진 유형에 대한 선호도와 활용방법

        배세영 ( Bae Se-yeong ),강하영 ( Kang Ha-young ),윤재영 ( Yun Jae-young ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회(구 시각디자인학회) 2019 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.67 No.-

        사용자 경험 디자인에서 퍼소나는 다양하게 활용되고 있다. 퍼소나의 기본 구성 요소인 사진, 이름, 나이, 사용자의 목표, 직업 등에 관해서는 국내외에서 연구가 이루어지고 있지만, 각 요소들을 심층적으로 조사한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 퍼소나의 주요 요소인 퍼소나 사진유형과 효과에 대해 2차에 걸쳐 조사한다. [연구 1]에서는 퍼소나의 사례들을 수집하여 7가지 유형(이미지 콜라주 형, 배경이 묘사된 유형, 전신사진 유형, 연예인/유명인 유형, Stuff in Bag유형, 일러스트/삽화 유형, 텍스트 형)으로 나누었고 각 유형의 선호도를 조사하였다. [연구 2]에서는 [연구 1]에서 가장 높은 결과가 나온 이미지 콜라주 유형을 5가지로 나누어 다시 선호도 조사를 하였다. 결과적으로 퍼소나를 제작할 시 ‘이미지 콜라주 형’을 활용하고, 이 때 이미지 콜라주에 활용되는 보조이미지는 퍼소나의 관심사를 잘 보여주는 소품, 행동을 결합한 사진을 사용하는 것이 효과적이었다. While analyses and experiments have been consistently conducted on the importance and framework often components of persona, studies on persona photo has been unsystematic and incomplete. By focusing on ‘photo’ among the existing elements of persona, this study seeks to examine the preference on types and characteristics and propose a proper usage of photos when using persona in UX design and service design. The research method was divided into 2 steps to examine the preference on the types of persona photo, the core of this paper. Step 1 collected the examples of persona and divided them into 7 types and examined the preference of the 7 types. Step 2 divided image collages with the highest results from Step 1 into 5 and conducted another preference investigation. The study concluded that it is efficient to use an image collage when applying a persona to a project, especially a photo that combines items and behaviors clearly showing the persona’s interests assistive image used in the image collage. This study will help the proper persona's photo and able to provide positive experience.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Developing User Persona Based on the Factors of Visitor Recreation Activities in Hongneung Experimental Forest

        Youn-Sun Jang,Rhee-Hwa Yoo,Jeong-Hee Lee 인간식물환경학회 2019 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        Much research has been conducted on user behavior by taking surveys and interviews to plan the green space effectively. However, there is a limitation in understanding detailed user characteristics such as personalities and values. This study applied the Persona-based Scenario Method (PSM) to Hongneung Experimental Forest to understand the detailed needs and behaviors of the users in the forest recreation area. The PSM is a user experience modeling technique, which tries to understand the users by describing the type of users as real people. This study 1) extracts the factors of visitor recreation activities in Hongneung Experimental Forest based on the results of the survey, 2) develops user personas based on the results of survey and comes up with activity factors, and 3) designs user scenarios. As a result of applying the PSM, 64 factors of visitor activities were derived from the observation survey in 14 sites of Hongneung Experimental Forest and 25 key factors of visitor activities were chosen through observer’s brainstorming. Second, three types of personas were developed considering the key factors and the results of user characteristics with quantitative and qualitative analysis. Lastly, context scenarios were designed by applying the key factors of visitor recreation activities to the persona model. We identified the design problems of the space and design requirements through the scenarios. This study has significance in that it takes an approach from the user perspective and was applied to the forest recreation area, which was mainly used in product design. The developed personas could be used for deriving design elements and setting the direction for planning considering detailed needs, behaviors and characteristics of users.

      • KCI등재

        Developing User Persona Based on the Factors of Visitor Recreation Activities in Hongneung Experimental Forest

        장윤선,유리화,이정희 인간식물환경학회 2019 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        Much research has been conducted on user behavior by taking surveys and interviews to plan the green space effectively. However, there is a limitation in understanding detailed user characteristics such as personalities and values. This study applied the Persona-based Scenario Method (PSM) to Hongneung Experimental Forest to understand the detailed needs and behaviors of the users in the forest recreation area. The PSM is a user experience modeling technique, which tries to understand the users by describing the type of users as real people. This study 1) extracts the factors of visitor recreation activities in Hongneung Experimental Forest based on the results of the survey, 2) develops user personas based on the results of survey and comes up with activity factors, and 3) designs user scenarios. As a result of applying the PSM, 64 factors of visitor activities were derived from the observation survey in 14 sites of Hongneung Experimental Forest and 25 key factors of visitor activities were chosen through observer’s brainstorming. Second, three types of personas were developed considering the key factors and the results of user characteristics with quantitative and qualitative analysis. Lastly, context scenarios were designed by applying the key factors of visitor recreation activities to the persona model. We identified the design problems of the space and design requirements through the scenarios. This study has significance in that it takes an approach from the user perspective and was applied to the forest recreation area, which was mainly used in product design. The developed personas could be used for deriving design elements and setting the direction for planning considering detailed needs, behaviors and characteristics of users.

      • KCI등재

        대학생 진로ㆍ취업교육을 위한 비대면 수업 사례 연구: 퍼소나 기반 시나리오 방법론을 중심으로

        임상훈 ( Sanghoon Im ) 한국교육정보미디어학회(구 한국교육정보방송학회) 2021 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.27 No.1

        대학생 진로ㆍ취업교육에 관한 관심이 증가함에 따라 각 대학은 진로ㆍ취업교육을 위한 전문부서를 설치하고 교과 및 비교과 차원의 다양한 교육프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 특히 교과 차원에서 진로ㆍ취업교육은 학생들에게 입사서류 및 면접 준비와 같은 단발적 처방이 아니라 졸업 후 미래에 대한 성찰을 바탕으로 체계적인 진로 설계를 도울 수 있다는 측면에서 그 중요도가 높다. 본 연구는 코로나 19 사태 이후 비대면 수업 상황에서 이러한 진로ㆍ취업교육 수업이 어떻게 이루어질 수 있는지를 충청에 있는 A대학교에서 진행된 <취업전략> 수업의 사례를 통해 제시하고자 한다. 이 수업은 퍼소나 기반 시나리오 방법론을 바탕으로 문제해결 방법론을 일부 적용하는 형태로 개발되었다. 학생들은 자신의 전공에 보편적으로 존재할만한 가상의 인물을 퍼소나의 형태로 도출하고, 그 퍼소나를 취업시키기 위해 어떤 전략이 필요할 것인지 제시하였다. 이 과정은 LMS, 실시간 화상회의 도구, 메신저 등을 온라인 커뮤니케이션 도구를 활용하여 협력적으로 수행되었다. 한 학기 수업이 종료된 이후 성찰일지를 통해 수업의 성과를 질적으로 확인하였다. 비대면이라는 상황적 한계가 있었지만, 수업을 수강한 학생들은 대체로 만족스러운 반응을 보였으며, 자신이 취업을 위한 준비가 잘 되어 있지 않음을 깨닫고, 새로운 각오를 다지는 기회가 되었다. 본 연구는 대학별의 특성이 반영되지 못하고, 전공별로도 차별화되지 못한 채로 천편일률적으로 진행되고 있는 진로ㆍ취업교육 교과목에 대한 재고를 요구한다. 내용적 측면에서 비교과 프로그램과 차별화된 수업, 방법적 측면에서 학생 스스로 자신에 대한 이해와 성찰을 기반으로 능동적인 진로 개척을 할 수 있는 역량을 키워줄 수 있어야 할 것이다. As interest in career development education for college students increases, each university establishes a specialized department for career development education and operates various educational programs at the curriculum and extracurriculum level. In particular, career development education is of high importance in that it can help students design a systematic career based on reflection on their future after graduation, rather than single-step prescriptions such as job documents and interview preparation. This study aims to present how these career development education classes can be conducted in the context of non-face-to-face classes after the COVID-19 incident in the case of the “employment strategy” class held at A University in Chungcheong Province. This class was developed and operated based on the Persona-based scenario method. Students drew a fictional character that would be universally present in their majors in the form of Persona and suggested what strategies would be needed to get the persona employed. The process was carried out in cooperation with LMS, real-time video conference tools, and instant messaging using online communication tools. After the end of one semester, the results of the class were confirmed qualitatively through the reflection log. Although there was a limited number of non-face-to-face situations, the students who took the class generally responded satisfactorily, realizing that they were not well prepared to get a job, and making new resolutions. This study requires reconsideration of career development education subjects that are being conducted uniformly without reflecting the characteristics of each university and being differentiated by major. In terms of content, students should be able to develop their ability to actively pursue careers based on their understanding and reflection on themselves in terms of extracurriculum programs, differentiated classes, and methodologies.

      • KCI등재

        노인 행위 시나리오 기반한 주택개조 매뉴얼 개발

        권오정 ( Kwon Ohjung ),이용민 ( Lee Yongmin ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.3

        (Background and Purpose) The elderly want to live in their homes and communities if possible, even if aging progresses, and to realize these elderly people's need for Aging in Place, home modification which reflects the aging charateristics is essential. However, the implementation of home modification for the elderly has not been activated. Therefore, recognizing the need to develop a home modification manual for the elderly to enhance the effectiveness of home modification for the elderly, the researchers of this study developed a home modification manual based on the scenario of elderly behaviors in their housing. The purpose of this study is to show the specific process of developing this manual. (Method) Effective home modification requires an integrated approach to the behavior characteristics and physical space. A one-on-one interview survey and an observation survey for identifying elders’ behaviors in a residential area were conducted to collect data, such as the situation and problems of the elders' behavior, in order to develop a persona-based scenario. Persona-based scenario method was applied to identify various situations in older residents’ space use and difficulties in performing their behaviors. The home modification factors were derived to cope with the pain point of each behavior (Results) Through these data, the researchers defined 4 levels of independence(independence, semi-independence, semi-dependence, dependence) and characteristics of each behaviors. A cluster analysis was performed based on the level of independence. The cluster analysis result was grouped into six groups. Six type of elderly personas were developed based on the six groups. The scenarios for six personas described sub-behaviors to complete the eight behaviors in a series of processes. Finally, eight behavioral scenarios of six personas were developed, with a total of 48 scenarios being developed. Pain points and context factors were derived from the perspective of home modification by scenarios. Home modification factors were proposed for responding to difficulties and problem factors by specific behaviors, and modification elements were proposed to help performing behavior on their own as much as possible and reduce the burden of their caregiver. (Conclusions)The purpose of this study was to provide information applicable to the project sites so that the home modification could be carried out through analysis of the situation according to the detailed behavior of the elderly. There is also a meaningful significance that the approach in this study showed a shift in the home modification paradigm from architectural perspective to residential-oriented improvements by applying an approach that improves spatial performance to support the behavior of residents, rather than the performance and design improvements of the architectural elements themselves.

      • KCI등재

        인클루시브 패션디자인 교육을 위한 페르소나/시나리오 툴킷 개발

        이지현,이은지,김민지,허지원,김지은 한국복식학회 2023 服飾 Vol.73 No.5

        This study aimed to create a Persona/Scenario (P/S) toolkit for promoting inclusive fashion design. The development of the P/S toolkit drew inspiration from Lamb and Kallal's FEA model for fashion design planning, integrating various factors such as disabilities, body types, social contexts, and diverse situations. Additionally, its design concepts consider the identities, social roles, practicality, personal tastes, and psychological needs of the user. Based on participant interviews, the P/S toolkit goes beyond conventional fashion design methods by encouraging designers to consider the diverse characteristics of users while maintaining conceptual consistency. Moreover, the P/S toolkit effectively facilitates team communication within projects focused on inclusive fashion design. As a result, the P/S toolkit has the potential to serve as an educational resource for teaching inclusive design principles, emphasizing a comprehensive understanding of diverse user attributes. Additionally, it provides guidance for maintaining design consistency and enhancing team communication throughout the fashion design process.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전문 배우들의 디롤링(De-roling) 기법에 대한 유효성 평가와 간편형 적용 모델의 구축 인식

        김정섭 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2023 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.17 No.3

        Many actors/actress are suffering from “De-roling” disorders every time they finish acting. Based on the research design that reflects this situation, in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 leading professional actors to find the best solution. As a result, most of the respondents did not experience de-roling education in school, theater, or production, so they strongly wanted to introduce the system. First, Bailey and Dickinson’s “9 techniques” and Valente and Fontana’s “4 techniques” were evaluated integrally by them. The effectivness of the de-roling was high in the order of complex application of the two models, sequential application of space separation and movement, and step-out and character taking-off. Second, they derived “the simplfied de-roling models” for Korean theater world by reconstructing existing models. It consists of six methods: separating acting space from stand-by, rest, and living space, neutralizing emotions and physical status through exercise and breathing, taking off character by distinguishing names and organizing props, consider the character as a friend and keep a distance, performing a ritual to start and end acting, and the active use of art except acting, Finally, it was suggested as four considerations of the counselor when the actor receives expert (doctor, counselor, and drama therapist) help: listening and empathy attitudes of counselors, respecting the actor’s special identity and self-esteem, solid privacy protection, and priority healing of the urgent actor’s sense of loss. This study is meaningful in that it has established a foundation for a scientific actor care system comparable to the high status of K-culture.

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