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      • KCI등재

        1900~1920년대 북미 한인유학생사회와 도산 안창호

        장규식 한국근현대사학회 2008 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.46 No.-

        Students and migrant workers were two major groups of the early Korean community in America. Especially the first generation students including Dosan Ahn Chang-ho were the pioneers of founding the Korean community of North America in 1900s. Dosan came to San Francisco in 1902 to study. There lived about 20 students and ginseng merchants at that time. Along with them, Dosan established the Korean Fellowship Society in September of 1903, which became the first Korean organization in North America. The Korean Fellowship Society was developed into the United Korean Association (共立協會) in April of 1905, which proclaimed the beginning of the Korean national movement in North America. Besides Dosan, Rhee Syng-man and Park Yong-mahn arrived in America as students in the mid-1900s. Syngman Rhee distanced himself from the Korean community and concentrated on his own studies. But Park Yong-mahn moved on to Denver of Colorado and Lincoln of Nebraska, where he established the Boys’ Military Academy during his study and initiated a foundation for the Korean independence movement in the Midwestern US. The majority of the Korean students stayed in both California and Nebraska during the 1910s, mainly because there were two major centers for them: the Korean Student Center in Claremont of Southern California, and the Boys’ Military Academy in Hastings of Nebraska. The Claremont Student Center was established by the Korean National Association(大韓人國民會) in order to produce future Korean leaders through education. The Student Center opened for the first time in September 1908, taking in 10 resident students. They lived together and cultivated patriotism and freedom of thought through the weekly debate. They also attended American schools to learn English and other academic skills. The Korean National Association built a new Student Center house in Claremont and held an opening ceremony on October 14, 1911. Around that time, Dosan returned from Korea as a political exile, and the Student Center became instrumental in carrying out Dosan’s vision for the national movement. Meanwhile in Nebraska, the student activities were centered on the Boys’ Military Academy(少年兵學校) which was established by Park Yong-mahn. Park trained the young students for the independence war against Imperial Japan. He opened the Military Academy within a farm in Kearny, Nebraska in June 1909 and moved it to Hastings College in the following year. The school continued its operation, training 30 students every year for two months in summer until 1914. It was notable that the Korean Students’ Alliance was formed on the basis of the school in December of 1912, which was the first Korean students’ association united in North America. Many of these students in 1910s went on to become middle-management leaders in the Korean National Association of North America and the Young Korean Academy(興士團). Furthermore, they also sponsored Korean independent movement. Korean students during the 1920s were different a lot. These students came with official permission from the Japanese colonized government, vis-à-vis the students in exile from the previous decade. These newly arrived ones were highly educated, and they entered colleges or college preparatory schools. There were only 70 college students in 1919, but by 1930, the number grew to 300. With the increase of college student population, in Chicago and New York areas in particular, the dynamics of the student activities in the US changed. In April 1921, the students sought to build a new coalition in support of the March 1st independence movement back in the homeland. The student group formed "The Korean Student Federation of North America" and held its first Convention in Chicago in 1923. Around the time when the student organizations became properly active, Dosan left for Shanghai to set up the Provisional Government for Republic of Korea in April 1919 and he wasn’t di... Students and migrant workers were two major groups of the early Korean community in America. Especially the first generation students including Dosan Ahn Chang-ho were the pioneers of founding the Korean community of North America in 1900s. Dosan came to San Francisco in 1902 to study. There lived about 20 students and ginseng merchants at that time. Along with them, Dosan established the Korean Fellowship Society in September of 1903, which became the first Korean organization in North America. The Korean Fellowship Society was developed into the United Korean Association (共立協會) in April of 1905, which proclaimed the beginning of the Korean national movement in North America. Besides Dosan, Rhee Syng-man and Park Yong-mahn arrived in America as students in the mid-1900s. Syngman Rhee distanced himself from the Korean community and concentrated on his own studies. But Park Yong-mahn moved on to Denver of Colorado and Lincoln of Nebraska, where he established the Boys’ Military Academy during his study and initiated a foundation for the Korean independence movement in the Midwestern US. The majority of the Korean students stayed in both California and Nebraska during the 1910s, mainly because there were two major centers for them: the Korean Student Center in Claremont of Southern California, and the Boys’ Military Academy in Hastings of Nebraska. The Claremont Student Center was established by the Korean National Association(大韓人國民會) in order to produce future Korean leaders through education. The Student Center opened for the first time in September 1908, taking in 10 resident students. They lived together and cultivated patriotism and freedom of thought through the weekly debate. They also attended American schools to learn English and other academic skills. The Korean National Association built a new Student Center house in Claremont and held an opening ceremony on October 14, 1911. Around that time, Dosan returned from Korea as a political exile, and the Student Center became instrumental in carrying out Dosan’s vision for the national movement. Meanwhile in Nebraska, the student activities were centered on the Boys’ Military Academy(少年兵學校) which was established by Park Yong-mahn. Park trained the young students for the independence war against Imperial Japan. He opened the Military Academy within a farm in Kearny, Nebraska in June 1909 and moved it to Hastings College in the following year. The school continued its operation, training 30 students every year for two months in summer until 1914. It was notable that the Korean Students’ Alliance was formed on the basis of the school in December of 1912, which was the first Korean students’ association united in North America. Many of these students in 1910s went on to become middle-management leaders in the Korean National Association of North America and the Young Korean Academy(興士團). Furthermore, they also sponsored Korean independent movement. Korean students during the 1920s were different a lot. These students came with official permission from the Japanese colonized government, vis-à-vis the students in exile from the previous decade. These newly arrived ones were highly educated, and they entered colleges or college preparatory schools. There were only 70 college students in 1919, but by 1930, the number grew to 300. With the increase of college student population, in Chicago and New York areas in particular, the dynamics of the student activities in the US changed. In April 1921, the students sought to build a new coalition in support of the March 1st independence movement back in the homeland. The student group formed "The Korean Student Federation of North America" and held its first Convention in Chicago in 1923. Around the time when the student organizations became properly active, Dosan left for Shanghai to set up the Provisional Government for Republic of Korea in April 1919 and he wasn’t directly in...

      • KCI등재

        일본 近代佛敎의 北美지역 布敎

        윤기엽 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.48 No.-

        This research looked into the propagation of the Japanese Buddhism in North America which had become one of the modern developments of Buddhism in Japan. The propagation of Japanese Buddhism in Asia was carried out in the process of Japanese imperialistic invasion, but on the other hand the propagation in North America was done due to Japanese immigrant workers who went over to Hawaii and America. The propagation of Japanese Buddhism in North America is an important field of study which should be researched in order to grasp generally the foreign propagation of the modern Japanese Buddhism, to understand its launching into the Western nations. The propagation in North America by several Buddhist denominations were developed actively because the Japanese immigrants increased suddenly in accordance with Meizi(明治) government's foreign emigration policies and the tendency of preferring Japanese laborers to Chinese ones in Hawaii and America. However, the expulsion agitation against Japanese took place and immigration laws on Japanese exclusion was legislated due to the growing Japanese immigrants. The Japanese Buddhist denominations propagating in North America were Shinshu(眞宗) Honganji Sect(本願寺派) and Otani Sect(大谷派), Zyoudoshu(淨土宗), Nichirenshu(日蓮宗), Soutoushu(曹洞宗), Rinzaishu(臨濟宗), Shingonshu(眞言宗) and so on, and they have been leading Buddhist denominations in the country. Honganji Sect assigning propagators to Hawaii and America in 1898∼1899 embarked on the formal propagation in North America, and after that it has led the North American propagation. Zyoudoshu started the Hawaiian propagation at first in 1896, and Oriental Seon(禪) was propagated for the first time in America through Chicago's International Religion Congress in 1893. Especially, Shaku Soyen(釋宗演) and his disciples made efforts to propagate Seon to white people in America. Though the various forms of propagation by several denominations had been suspended by the outbreak of Pacific War in 1941, it was resumed just after the war came to an end. After the end of the war, the North American propagation was diversified and developed as new religion of Buddhist line starting with Soka Gakkai International(創價學會) set about the propagation. Shinshu Honganji Sect celebrated the 100th anniversary of the North American propagation in 1999. 본고는 일본불교의 근대적 발전 중 하나로 거론되는 海外布敎의 실상을 北美지역에 한정하여 살펴본 것이다. 아시아 지역의 포교가 日帝의 아시아 침략과정에서 수행되었다면, 北美지역의 포교는 하와이와 美대륙으로 건너간 일본인 勞動移民이 증가하면서 이루어졌다. 일본인의 미국 移民史와 연계되어 전개된 북미지역 포교는 일본불교의 해외포교 전반을 파악하거나, 동아시아 불교의 西歐진출 과정을 이해하기 위해서도 반드시 연구해야 할 분야이다. 불교 각 宗派의 포교활동은 메이지정부(明治政府)의 해외이민 장려책과 하와이·미국에서 중국인 대신 일본인 노동자를 선호하게 되어 일본인 이민이 증가하면서 활발히 전개될 수 있었다. 하지만 일본인 이민의 급증으로 인해 미국 내에서 排日運動이 일어나고, 排日移民法이 제정(1924)되기도 하였다. 북미지역의 포교에 참여한 종파는 일본 내의 유력 종파인 眞宗 本願寺派와 大谷派, 淨土宗, 日蓮宗, 曹洞宗, 臨濟宗, 眞言宗 등이었다. 북미지역의 포교를 주도한 종파는 진종 본원사파로서 1898∼1899년에 開敎使를 파견하며 공식적인 포교를 시작하였고, 淨土宗은 하와이 포교에 가장 일찍 착수하였다(1896). 그리고 동양의 禪이 미국에 처음 전파된 것은 1893년 시카고 萬國宗敎大會를 통해서였고, 臨濟宗의 샤쿠 소우엔(釋宗演)과 그의 제자들은 특히 백인사회에 禪을 전파하는데 힘썼다. 北美지역에서 각 종파가 행한 다양한 형태의 포교활동은 1941년 12월 태평양전쟁의 발발로 開敎使와 신도들이 억류되면서 중단되었지만, 종전 후에는 그것이 거의 재개되었다. 大戰 후 북미지역의 포교에는 創價學會(SGI)를 위시한 佛敎系의 新宗敎도 참여하게 된다. 진종 본원사파는 1999년 미국포교 100주년을 맞았다.

      • KCI등재후보

        특별기고논문(特別寄稿論文) : 일본 근대불교(近代佛敎)의 북미(北美)지역 포교(布敎)

        윤기화 ( Ki Yeop Yoon ) 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.48 No.-

        본고는 일본불교의 근대적 발전 중 하나로 거론되는 海外布敎의 실상을 北美지역에 한정하여 살펴본 것이다. 아시아 지역의 포교가 日帝의 아시아 침략과정에서 수행되었다면, 北美지역의 포교는 하와이와 美대륙으로 건너간 일본인 勞動移民이 증가하면서 이루어졌다. 일본인의 미국 移民史와 연계되어 전개된 북미지역 포교는 일본불교의 해외포교 전반을 파악하거나, 동아시아 불교의 西歐진출 과정을 이해하기 위해서도 반드시 연구해야 할 분야이다. 불교 각 宗派의 포교활동은 메이지정부(明治政府)의 해외이민 장려책과 하와이·미국에서 중국인 대신 일본인 노동자를 선호하게 되어 일본인 이민이 증가하면서 활발히 전개될 수 있었다. 하지만 일본인 이민의 급증으로 인해 미국 내에서 排日運動이 일어나고, 排日移民法이 제정(1924)되기도 하였다. 북미지역의 포교에 참여한 종파는 일본 내의 유력 종파인 眞宗 本願寺派와 大谷派, 淨土宗, 日蓮宗, 曹洞宗, 臨濟宗, 眞言宗 등이었다. 북미지역의 포교를 주도한 종파는 진종 본원사파로서 1898∼1899년에 開敎使를 파견하며 공식적인 포교를 시작하였고, 淨土宗은 하와이 포교에 가장 일찍 착수하였다(1896). 그리고 동양의 禪이 미국에 처음 전파된 것은 1893년 시카고 萬國宗敎大會를 통해서였고, 臨濟宗의 샤쿠 소우엔(釋宗演)과 그의 제자들은 특히 백인사회에 禪을 전파하는데 힘썼다. 北美지역에서 각 종파가 행한 다양한 형태의 포교활동은 1941년 12월 태평양전쟁의 발발로 開敎使와 신도들이 억류되면서 중단되었지만, 종전 후에는 그것이 거의 재개되었다. 大戰 후 북미지역의 포교에는 創價學會(SGI)를 위시한 佛敎系의 新宗敎도 참여하게 된다. 진종 본원사파는 1999년 미국포교 100주년을 맞았다. This research looked into the propagation of the Japanese Buddhism in North America which had become one of the modern developments of Buddhism in Japan. The propagation of Japanese Buddhism in Asia was carried out in the process of Japanese imperialistic invasion, but on the other hand the propagation in North America was done due to Japanese immigrant workers who went over to Hawaii and America. The propagation of Japanese Buddhism in North America is an important field of study which should be researched in order to grasp generally the foreign propagation of the modern Japanese Buddhism, to understand its launching into the Western nations. The propagation in North America by several Buddhist denominations were developed actively because the Japanese immigrants increased suddenly in accordance with Meizi(明治) government`s foreign emigration policies and the tendency of preferring Japanese laborers to Chinese ones in Hawaii and America. However, the expulsion agitation against Japanese took place and immigration laws on Japanese exclusion was legislated due to the growing Japanese immigrants. The Japanese Buddhist denominations propagating in North America were Shinshu(眞宗) Honganji Sect(本願寺派) and Otani Sect(大谷派), Zyoudoshu(淨土宗), Nichirenshu(日蓮宗), Soutoushu(曹洞宗), Rinzaishu(臨濟宗), Shingonshu(眞言宗) and so on, and they have been leading Buddhist denominations in the country. Honganji Sect assigning propagators to Hawaii and America in 1898∼1899 embarked on the formal propagation in North America, and after that it has led the North American propagation. Zyoudoshu started the Hawaiian propagation at first in 1896, and Oriental Seon(禪) was propagated for the first time in America through Chicago`s International Religion Congress in 1893. Especially, Shaku Soyen(釋宗演) and his disciples made efforts to propagate Seon to white people in America. Though the various forms of propagation by several denominations had been suspended by the outbreak of Pacific War in 1941, it was resumed just after the war came to an end. After the end of the war, the North American propagation was diversified and developed as new religion of Buddhist line starting with Soka Gakkai International(創價學會) set about the propagation. Shinshu Honganji Sect celebrated the 100th anniversary of the North American propagation in 1999.

      • KCI등재

        白一圭의 민족운동과 재미한인단체 연합활동

        김선아 한국민족운동사학회 2020 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.105

        From the mid-1910s to the mid-1920s, Paik Il Kyu took on a variety of practical duties at the Korean National Association, including being an academic attendant and Vice President and later Vice President of the General Assembly of the Korean National Association. He majored in economics at the University of Berkeley, and he was so much interested in economics that he left behind a book titled Korean Economic History. This naturally influenced the direction and course of his national movement, and he worked actively in the Korean American community to raise and distribute funds in person. His academic background and activities at the Korean National Association of North America became later the driving force to lead the Korean American community as the general president of the Association. Paik Il Kyu, who served as the general president of Korean National Association of North America from 1926 to 1934, worked hard for the development of the Korean National Association of North America and supported for the Korean provisional government despite the global economic depression and the increase of the second generation of Korean Americans who were less interested in national movement of Korean Independence. In particular, in the wake of the Japanese imperial invasion of Manchuria, he organized the United Korean Association of America to unite the different forces of the Korean American Community and to concentrate the capacity of the independence movement as the Korean provisional government. He continued to publicize the issue of unity in the Korean American community. Paik Il Kyu tried to provide many pages related to the Korean American Social Sciences Research Group in Shinhanminbo for students who belonged to the Group which had a socialist inclination. It was for the unity of Korean Americans. In the 1940s, he served as the promoter and president of Independence, the newspaper of the North America Branch of the Korean National Revolutional Party. Through Independence, he criticized the unreformed tendencies among the people of the Korean National Association of North America and the Young Korean Academy in the United Korean Committee in America. However, he criticized the conservatives in the name of Paik Il Kyu, as a member of the Korean National Association of North America. Paik Il Kyu, who served as the general president of Korean National Association of North America for a long time, worked in the progressive camp, calling himself a critical supporter of the Korean National Association of North America in order to accelerate Korean independence through unity. As such, Paik Il Kyu is significant as a person who contributed to the vitalization of the Korean national movement in America by continuing the flow of unity activities in the Korean American community. 백일규는 1910년대 중반부터 1920년대 중반까지 대한인국민회에서 북미지방총회 학무원, 북미지방총회 부회장, 중앙총회 부회장 등 다양한 실무를 도맡았다. 그는 버클리대학에서 경제학을 전공하고, 한국경제사를 남길 정도로 경제학에 대한 관심이 높았다. 이는 자연히 그의 민족운동의 방향과 진로에 영향을 끼쳤고, 한인사회에 직접 뛰어들어 직접 자금을 모으고 배분하는 일에 힘썼다. 그의 학문적 배경과 대한인국민회 활동은 이후 총회장으로서 미주 한인사회를 이끌어가는 원동력이 되었다. 1926년부터 1934년까지 국민회 총회장을 맡은 백일규는 세계경제대공황과 민족운동에 관심이 적은 한인 2세의 증가 속에서도 국민회의 발전과 임시정부 후원을 위해 노력했다. 특히 일제의 만주침략을 계기로 미주 한인사회의 단결과 임시정부로 독립운동 역량 집중을 위해 미주한인연합회를 조직했다. 그는 지속적으로 미주 한인사회의 통일 문제를 공론화시켰다. 백일규는 사회주의적 성향의 단체인 재미한인사회과학연구회 학생들에게 신한민보에 재미한인사회과학연구회와 관련된 많은 지면을 제공하려고 노력했다. 미주 한인의 연합을 위한 것이었다. 1940년대에는 조선민족혁명당 북미총지부의 기관지인 독립 발기인, 사장으로 활동했다. 그는 독립을 통해 재미한족연합위원회 내 국민회 세력과 흥사단의 비개혁적을 성향을 비판했다. 다만 자신을 국민회 회원 백일규라는 이름으로 보수세력을 비판했다. 오랫동안 국민회 총회장을 맡았던 백일규는 연합을 통해 독립을 앞당기기 위해 국민회의 비판적 지지자를 자칭하며 진보진영에서 활동했다. 이처럼 백일규는 미주 한인사회에서 지속적으로 연합활동의 흐름을 이어나가며 미주 민족운동의 활성화에 기여한 인물로서 의미를 지닌다.

      • KCI등재

        Advanced Education in North Korean Studies outside the Asia Pacific: Findings from the Americas, Europe and Beyond

        Richard W. Shannon(리챠드 W. 새넌) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.68

        North Korea represents a broad variety of challenges for many nations in major issues, including nuclear weapons, human rights, and international crime. To make sense of these issues, North Korean studies has evolved over several decades. This research surveys the present state of the field, within the context of Korean studies, in several regions beyond the Asia Pacific: North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The main research questions are, first, what is the broad state of the field of North Korean studies in regions beyond the Asia Pacific? Second, from the survey and case studies, what can be uncovered about international and area studies? Third, in these regions, how can the application of relevant anthropological approaches and insights help to improve teaching and learning in North Korean studies? After the survey of Korean and North Korean studies in major world regions, the third section examines several brief case studies from the Americas/the United States (the University of Washington at Seattle), Europe/the United Kingdom (the University of Central Lancashire) and Eurasia/Russia (St. Petersburg State University). The conclusion presents major findings from the survey and case studies on the study’s research questions. Utilizing world systems theory, the paper concludes that even though the influence of South Korean funding is pervasive in Korean studies throughout these regions, there is no South Korea-dominated “world system” of Korean studies beyond the Asia Pacific. The research also finds no evidence of intentional limitations placed on the development of North Korean studies in these various world regions. The conclusion also notes significant perspectives from anthropology, on human rights, cultural globalization, language-informed area studies and other issues, that offer exciting opportunities to reinvigorate North Korean studies and other area studies fields.

      • KCI등재

        북한 유년기 아동물에 나타난 미국 표상

        최윤정 ( Choi Yoonjeong ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2021 동화와 번역 Vol.42 No.-

        이 글은 북한 유년기 아동물에 나타난 미국 표상을 고찰하고, 북한의 아동들이 미국을 절대 악의 대상으로 내면화하는 과정을 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 만 4∼5세의 어린 아동을 대상으로 한 북한의 유년잡지 『꽃봉오리』는 6·25 전쟁을 비롯한 과거의 모든 역사적 사건을 소환하여 미국을 침략자로 규정하면서 이에 대한 적개심을 강화하고 있다. 특히 인간백정에 가까운 잔인한 학살자로서의 ‘미제국주의’의 모습을 강조하고 있다. 이러한 표상은 어린이들에게 분노와 적개심을 넘어 공포와 두려움의 대상이 될 수도 있다는 측면에서 주목을 요한다. 북한 사회에서 ‘승냥이 미제’는 대표적인 미국 표상이다. ‘승냥이’는 아동 교양물에서도 다양한 각색과 변주를 통해 계급교양 목적으로 활용된다. 특히 어린이들은 동화와 우화의 의인화된 동물이야기를 통해 승냥이의 성격과 특징을 내면화하게 된다. 그리고 이는 곧 미국에 대한 표상으로 연결된다. 본 연구는 미국에 대한 극단적인 적개심만을 강조하는 이러한 교육 방식에 대해 문제를 제기한다. 특히 북한 당국의 규제에도 불구하고 북한의 일상에 파고드는 외래문화의 유입은 새 세대들에게 교육과 현실의 괴리를 느끼게 할 것이다. 북한이 지향하는 사회주의 체제의 완성을 위해서라도 이에 대한 대안이 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the representations of America in publications for children in North Korea and examine the process of North Korean children of internalizing America as an absolute evil. In North Korea, Kkotbongori is a children’s magazine that targets young children between four and five years old. The magazine defines America as the invader and reinforces the children's hostility towards America by summoning all the historical events of the past, including the Korean War. There is a special emphasis on the aspects of American imperialism as a brutal slayer close to a butcher of people. This representation requires attention as it can instill anger and hostility in children and further become an object of fear and horror. In North Korean society, the Dhole, American Imperialism is one of the most typical American representations. The Dhole is used for class education in children's books as cultured reading through various adaptations and variations. Children internalize its character and features, especially through the stories of personified animals in children's stories and fables, and it is connected to the representations of America. This study raises questions about this educational approach that emphasizes extreme hostility toward America. Following the inflow of foreign culture penetrating into the daily life of North Korea despite the regime's regulations, the new generation of North Koreans will feel a gap between education and reality. There should be alternatives, even in the goal of North Korea to complete a socialist system.

      • 북미 OBD Verification 절차 이해 및 국내 적용에 대한 고찰

        손진희(Jinhee Son),정종현(Chonghyeon Cheong),이정근(Jungkeun Rhee) 한국자동차공학회 2009 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2009 No.11

        In current vehicle, OBD(On Board Diagnosis) function is installed. This OBD function monitors the vehicle of state related with emission. If there is a malfunction in the vehicle parts related with emission such as O2 sensors, OBD system turns on MIL(Malfunction Illumination Light) to make the driver repair the vehicle. OBD was adopted first in North-America from 1980s, in Europe from 2000, and in Korea from 2005. In 2013, Korea will adopt North-America’s OBD regulation(C.C.R 1968.2) in gasoline vehicle, and EURO-5 OBD regulation in diesel vehicle. North-America’s OBD regulation is more complicated and needs more time than domestic regulation. In domestic regulation, a OBD certification can be acquired by submitting a verification report and demonstrating some OBD cases before producing car. But, in North-America, 3 more verification reports must be added. One is Standard Requirement(J1699) Verification report which must be presented in 2months after producing the vehicles and the other is related with monitoring requirement defined in regulation. This verification report must be submitted within 6 months after producing car. The last one is related with in-use monitoring and must be submitted within 12 months after producing car. So, it is very helpful in coping with domestic OBD regulation change to study North-America’ the advanced OBD regulation in which the advanced technology is applied. And, understanding the difference between North-America’s OBD regulation and domestic regulation is essential to adopt North-America OBD regulation successfully without negative effect on automobile industry.

      • KCI등재

        북미 대학원의 한국사 교육과 연구 ―한국 유학생 인터뷰를 중심으로

        오상미(Sang Mee Oh) 역사비평사 2021 역사비평 Vol.- No.134

        With globalization, scholars in Korean history are grappling with the task of contributing to the larger global knowledge of Korean history as well as of exploring the ways of communicating with the world which necessitates the understanding of how Korean history is being researched outside of Korea. This article focused on the academic training of the Korean history programs in the graduate schools in North America, the most prolific site of knowledge production of Korean history outside of Korea. By interviewing seven researchers in Korean history who experienced both Korean and North American graduate schools, it examined the strengths, weaknesses, prospects of the programs and explored the possible intellectual interaction between the two academia. The article points out that the graduate students in the Korean history programs at North American universities are trained to articulate their works within the debates of the university’s broader intellectual community mostly due to their marginalized position within the university while suffering from the lack of colleagues, difficult job market, and isolation of the field itself. The article argues that intellectual interaction among the graduate students in North America and Korea can benefit both academia. The perspective gained through the academic training that emphasizes the analysis of Korean historical experiences within the larger context of global history can inspire graduate students in Korea while the rigorous examination of primary sources and the sheer amount of research in various topics can enrich the works of graduate students in North America.

      • KCI등재

        北美大韓人留學生總會의 조직과 활동 -1920~30년대를 중심으로-

        김선아 한국독립운동사연구소 2020 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.70

        This study aims to understand the organization and activities of the Korean Student Federation of North America, of which many members later returned to Korea after studying abroad in the United States, from the 1920s to the mid-1930s. The Korean Student Federation of North America consisted of students who went to the United States with the passport issued by the Japanese Government General from the 1920s. They were based on Christianity, and most of them went to schools in the US with the support of missionaries. The members of the Korean Student Federation of North America were spread across the eastern and midwestern and western regions of the United States and formed a human network. The network was based on the Kiho Korean National Association and the Seobuk Young Korean Academy originated from Korea. The representative activities of the Korean Student Federation of North America included publishing projects, promoting friendship by holding annual meetings, discussing major issues. The publishing business included “The Rocky” magazine which was aimed at people in Korea, and “The Korean Student Bulletin” which was published for the American society. The publication of the magazines was a way to fulfill various goals of nurturing friendship among Korean students in the US, developing virtues, encouraging academic achievement and promoting propaganda projects. The annual meetings consisted of a dinner party, a worship service, a picnic, a social gathering and discussing sessions and was a platform to exchange friendship and knowledge. In particular, the active members of the Korean Student Federation of North America in the 1920s and 1930s were later linked to the domestic and overseas Korean national movements and the political advancement after the liberation of the Korean Peninsula. Such influence was demonstrated through characters such as Lee Hoon-gu, Kim Do-yeon and Kim Yang-soo. The groups of intellectuals who went over to the United States to study already had an opportunity to experience the capitalism and the Great Depression of the United States during the colonial period and formed a human network through the Korean Student Federation of North America, and after the liberation, they took part in the process of building a capitalist nation of the Republic of Korea. It could be said that the process of elite group formation started from the Korean Student Federation of North America after the liberation. 이 논문의 목적은 1920년대부터 1930년대 중반까지 미국에서 유학을 마치고 귀국한 북미대한인유학생총회의 조직과 활동을 파악하는 데 있다. 유학생총회는 1920년대부터 총독부 여권을 갖고 미국으로 건너간 학생들이었다. 이들은 기독교에 바탕을 두고 있었고, 선교사의 후원으로 학교에 진학한 경우가 대부분이었다. 유학생총회원들은 미국 동부지역, 중서부지역, 서부지역에 분포하며 인적 네트워크를 형성했고, 그 인맥은 기호·교민단, 서북·흥사단 계열을 기반으로 하고 있었다. 유학생총회의 대표적인 활동으로는 출판사업, 연례집회 개최를 통한 친목 도모와 주요 문제 토의를 들 수 있다. 출판사업은 국내를 대상으로 한 『우라키』와 미국 사회를 대상으로 발간한 The Korean Student Bulletin(한인학생회보)가 있다. 잡지 발간은 유학생들 간의 친목, 지덕의 개발, 학술의 권장 및 선전사업 등의 목적을 수행할 수 있는 방법이었다. 연례집회는 만찬회, 예배, 야유회, 사교회, 토의 등으로 구성되었는데, 이는 친목 도모와 지식 교환의 장이었다. 특히 1920~1930년대 활동한 유학생총회원들은 국내외 민족운동의 흐름 및 해방 이후 정계 진출과 연동되어 있었다. 이러한 영향력은 이훈구, 김도연, 김양수 등과 같은 인물들을 통해 나타났다. 해방 이후 대한민국의 자본주의 국가건설 과정에 참여했던 미국 유학 출신 지식인 집단들은 일제강점기 미국의 자본주의와 경제대공황을 직접 경험하며 유학생총회를 통해 인적 네트워크를 형성하고 있었다. 해방 이후 엘리트 집단 형성과정의 출발이 바로 유학생총회였던 것이다.

      • Long-term Changes in Atmospheric Teleconnection Affecting Hydroclimate Conditions Over the Western U.S.

        Jueun Lee,Jinho Yoon 한국기상학회 2021 한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        In the recent 20 years, extreme droughts have occurred more widespread over the western U.S. causing billions dollar worth of damages and enormous in 2021. Particularly, extreme water cycle in California such as the 2013-2014 drought and 2016-2017 flood are accompanied by persistent anomalous upper-level atmospheric circulation patterns over North America. The structure of this circulation pattern is anomalous ridge near the west coast and the trough over the eastern seaboard and the location and polarity is distinctly matched with the winter stationary wave over North America which is called North America Winter Dipole (NAWD). On the other hand, its relationship to the Pacific-North American (PNA) pattern and North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) are the traditionally well-recognized patterns across North America remains unresolved. Here we report the linkage between three dominant winter atmospheric teleconnection patterns in the last 70 years. and they have remarkable relationship in recent decades and these relationship are revealed with winter hydroclimate variables over western U.S. Possible mechanisms for this phenomenon include the long-term change of the upper-level Jetstream under global warming.

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