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        다니엘 디포우의 『몰 플랜더즈』와 18세기 여성의 모성적 태도

        송은영 ( Song¸ Eun Young ),정정호 ( Chung¸ Chung Ho ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2012 영어권문화연구 Vol.5 No.2

        This thesis discusses eighteenth-century’s maternal attitude from social perspective through the Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders. The crimes caused by a side effect for growth of economy occurred in the eighteenth-century Britain. Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders well reflects a phase of social life at that time. The novel is the story of female protagonist, Moll Flanders, who as a low class woman has a sense of value of middle class. She committed crimes for money too; swindle, prostitute, robbery, thief etc. As well as those crimes, however, infanticide and child abandonment often happened in the eighteenth-century. Those crimes are related to each other because women who committed infanticide or abandonment were low class women, and most abandoned children(or killed children) were bastards or foundlings. Defoe, in Moll Flanders, shows with indirect expression that infanticide and abandonment had happened in the part of the society. Most women in eighteenth-century did not bring up a child with her care but hired a wet nurse instead. Unlike rich women, poor women sent their children to a distant country because they had to hire wet nurses more cheaply. In that process, many children were sick or died due to poor condition. Also, some parents did not bring back their children and often give fostering expenses. Moll also sent her children to a wet nurse, and she did not bring her children back. In this novel, she hardly shows maternal sense and act. For that reason, Moll's maternal attitude has been criticised as immoral and unnatural by critics. However, Defoe’s intention shows that widely spread wet nurse custom in eighteenth-century society was used as a method of infanticide and abandonment. Moll's maternal attitude represents many low class women’s attitude. Moll seemed to give priority to economic aspect rather than maternal instinct and we thus have to discuss Moll Flanders with historical and social context in order to get a full picture of maternal attitude in the novel.

      • KCI등재

        This paper reads Moll Flanders’ performativity as a way by which she displays her self-imposed authority while regarding her lack of coherence and sensibility as the repercussions of her performativity as well. Moll’s disguises have been the object of cri

        ( June Young Oh ),( Hye Soo Lee ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2014 근대 영미소설 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper reads Moll Flanders’ performativity as a way by which she displays her self-imposed authority while regarding her lack of coherence and sensibility as the repercussions of her performativity as well. Moll’s disguises have been the object of critical castigation for their inconsistency and insensibility. Yet creating a role to play and taking various identities mean more than just a survival tactic to Moll. Moll affirms her authority over her own identity and becomes autonomous through performativity, shifting through diverse identities she were not allowed to have. As she survives and thrives out of secrets, however, Moll has a problem of being disconnected from any meaningful relationships. In the end, Daniel Defoe has Moll go back to America and empowers her as much as to escape from the dark side of her performativity in her working relationship with Jemy. By delineating Moll as a vivacious character who enjoys her autonomy, which is hard earned by performativity and with a little bit of cost, Defoe celebrates the power of performativity in individualism while still being ambiguous to its dark side.

      • KCI등재

        Moll As a Masculine Woman: A Reading of Daniel Defoe`s Moll Flanders

        ( Moon Soon Kang ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2015 현대영어영문학 Vol.59 No.1

        This paper studies the role, imposed by society, of Moll Flanders, the heroine in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders. She is unusual in that she escapes from the conventionally imposed role as a woman and proceeds to become a woman, more specifically, a masculine woman, who adopts so-called masculine features to survive in a male-dominated society. In order to obtain the means to sustain, she deserts her own children, take advantage of men, steals, and deceives, using her courage, slyness, intelligence, or business strategy. While pursuing her ways to survive, she gets hardened to her guilt, through showing off her pride in or proving her ability, even when she has obtained enough fund to live. Finally she gets caught and incarcerated. In jail, she alters and repents on what she has done. She reassumes her feminine values and becomes a new person who can feel and love. Through the process of her repentance Defoe reveals his belief in the balance of the masculine and the feminine in making this world livable. Defoe demanded society be reformed so that woman did not have to be a masculine woman to survive in society.(Hannam University)

      • KCI등재

        버려진 아이 위로하기: 『몰 플랜더즈』의 (영유)아동기 외상과 해리화된 기억

        최유진 ( Yoo Jin Choi ) 한국18세기영문학회 2018 18세기영문학 Vol.15 No.2

        This paper aims to investigate the (early) childhood trauma and the division of personality shown in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders (1722). Through the dual lens of the theory of structural dissociation of personality and adoption studies, Moll Flander’s autobiographical narrative is explored as that of an adoptee and childhood trauma survivor. Moll’s autobiographical narrative excludes her (early) childhood traumatic memories of being relinquished as a baby and (presumable) child abuse, which signifies loss in the memory of her apparently normal personality, ANP. The parts of Moll’s personality that are positioned within her past as a ‘poor desolate girl without help’ engender the abandoning birthmother and her own life as thief, both of which are constructs of her emotional personality, EPs. This study delves into unearthing Moll’s EPs--which demand due acknowledgement as well as consolation―enabling her to relive traumatic experiences that haunt her ANP. The analysis pinpoints sites of conflict where the divided parts of Moll’s personality contend before they can be integrated into a unified personality.

      • KCI등재

        Moll As a Masculine Woman: A Reading of Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders

        강문순 한국현대영어영문학회 2015 현대영어영문학 Vol.59 No.1

        This paper studies the role, imposed by society, of Moll Flanders, the heroine in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders. She is unusual in that she escapes from the conventionally imposed role as a woman and proceeds to become a woman, more specifically, a masculine woman, who adopts so-called masculine features to survive in a male-dominated society. In order to obtain the means to sustain, she deserts her own children, take advantage of men, steals, and deceives, using her courage, slyness, intelligence, or business strategy. While pursuing her ways to survive, she gets hardened to her guilt, through showing off her pride in or proving her ability, even when she has obtained enough fund to live. Finally she gets caught and incarcerated. In jail, she alters and repents on what she has done. She reassumes her feminine values and becomes a new person who can feel and love. Through the process of her repentance Defoe reveals his belief in the balance of the masculine and the feminine in making this world livable. Defoe demanded society be reformed so that woman did not have to be a masculine woman to survive in society.

      • KCI등재

        초기근대 런던의 도시공간과 여성의 혼령주체 -이저벨라 휘트니의「유언장」을 중심으로

        이시연 ( Si Yeon Lee ) 영미문학연구회 2013 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.34

        Despite rigorous policing, women``s presence on the streets of early modern London was far stronger than in comparable European cities. A legion of plebeian urban females-hucksters, maidservants, prostitutes, and cutpurses- literally walked the streets and sought a viable self as well as livelihood out of their distinctively female relationship to urban space, amidst London``s changing topography. The Great Fire of London in 1666 and the subsequent urban rebuilding and expansion fundamentally altered Londoners`` perception and representation of the cityscape, with the Renaissance perspective of a walled city giving way to the post-Fire grid-like depiction of sprawling streets. The famous street scenes in Moll Flanders(1721)aptly trace the protagonist scuttling around the labyrinthine post-Fire streets, where she quickly learns to turn her “houseless” status into a fluid and flourishing existence across the extra-domestic street space. A similary “houseless” status confronts the “serviceless” woman in Isabella Whitney``s autobiographical “Wyll and Testament”(1573). But to different consequences. In Tudor London, being “serviceless” portends that on leaving the former master``s house, a transitional domestic space for single women between the father``s and the husband``s house, she may be instantly branded as a “loose” woman according to the Poor Law. In the mock-testament upon her forced departure/death, the “serviceless” woman offers a lingering “survey” of London streets she frequented as servant, which in contrast to Moll``s fleeting images, renders the sense of a vibrant but ordered urban life, in a imilar manner to John Stow``s 1598 Survey of London or Braun and Hogenberg``s 1572 London map. The ordered “survey” hides a paradox, though, for it is enabled only by the mock-testator``s willfully disembodied subject, whose last wish/will not to have a grave seals her renunciation of the l(e)ast spatial right, in the city denying her living body.

      • KCI등재

        전쟁과 사회: 드포의 몰 플랜더즈와 예이츠의 「내전기의 사색」

        최윤주,최유진 한국예이츠학회 2019 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.59 No.-

        The paper compares Daniel Defoe and W. B. Yeats in their attitude to the war. Defoe points out the evils of war from a social point of view while Yeats is so frustrated that he cannot get involved in the historical moment and only tries to find comfort in art. Defoe’s Moll Flanders (1722) is located at the intersection of war, society, and women’s lives. In the absence of a male family head due to the war, the situation in which family support is wholly dependant on women, which has come to be a greater pressure for poor women. Instead of blaming individuals for the origin of crime, Defoe sought to discover its roots in society. Yeats’s “The Meditations in Time of Civil War” (1923) illustrates anti-British sentiment, resistance, and the disillusionment of a helpless self in the face of a violence caused by wars in Ireland. Yeats himself finds solace in writing poetry, feeling skeptical about the limitations of not transcending reality. He, not being able to participate directly in the scene of history, finds solace for a moment while writing poetry. 이 논문은 드포(Daniel Defoe)와 예이츠(W. B. Yeats)의 전쟁과 사회에 대한 태도를 비교한다. 드포가 작품 속 인물들의 모습을 통해 전쟁의 폐해를 제시한다면 예이츠는 내전이 발생할 정도로 격렬한 갈등에 휘말린 사회 상황에 적극 참여하지 못하는 자신의 한계를 느끼며 결국 예술에서 위안을 찾는다. 18세기 초 영국, 특히 런던을 중심으로 급상승하였던 범죄는 장기간 지속되었던 전쟁에서 그 원인을 발견할 수 있다. 당대 급증했던 범죄율과 함께 여성의 범죄 또한 빠른 속도로 증가하였다. 여성범죄는 런던 빈민층에서 높은 빈도수를 보였으며, 많은 수의 남성이 참전한 시기에 더욱 급등하는 경향을 보였다. 18세기 영국의 이와 같은 시대적 상황을 담아내는 드포의 몰 플랜더스 (Moll Flanders, 1722)는 전쟁, 사회, 여성의 삶의 교차점에 위치해 있다. 「내전기의 사색」(“Meditations in Time of Civil War”)은 19세기 중반에서 20세기 초반에 걸쳐 아일랜드와 영국의 전쟁과정을 경험한 시인이 느끼는 내적 감정, 특히 반 영국 정서와 저항성의 모습을 보여준다. 시인으로서 예이츠 자신은 예술의 위대함으로 현실을 초월하지도 못하고, 역사의 현장에 직접 참여하지도 못하는 한계에 대해 회의감을 느끼며, 시를 쓰는 작업 속의 명상으로 한순간 위안을 구할 뿐이다.

      • KCI등재

        Financed Narratives: Liquidity in Defoe`s Fictions

        윤혜준 ( Hye Joon Yoon ) 한국18세기영문학회 2011 18세기영문학 Vol.8 No.1

        This essay seeks to chart the convergence of fiction and finance in Defoe`s novels, particularly the manner in which the impersonal force of “liquidity” or liquid wealth compels, inspires, and resolves the plot. Defoe`s fictions are “financed narratives” in that their crucial hinges and wedges are bolstered by a logic of finance. Roxana and Moll Flanders, in particular, take part in the emergence of a computational approach to life and society in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. This language of figures has close affinity with the ascendency of financial capitalism in London, which Defoe`s fictions adopt in the form of a logic of liquidity, of conversion of human relationship and agency into liquid wealth. Roxana the “fortunate mistress” and to a less extent Moll whose “business” it is to pocket money from others are driven by a self-authenticating pursuit of liquid wealth, often aided by institutional intermediaries of the emerging finance market, such as Sir Robert Clayton, strategically placed by the author for the benefit of his economically vigilant “Man-Woman” who are free from patriarchal ties thanks to their financial fortune. Finance in Defoe`s narratives leads to a unique encounter of human life story with the inhuman logic of liquidity, whose bold, rigorous, unflinching explorations remain unique in both literary and economic histories.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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