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      • KCI등재

        한일대학생의 상대국가·상대문화에 대한 관심도에 관한 연구(3) ―한일대학생 비교고찰―

        황혜경 한국일본문화학회 2024 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.101

        本研究は韓日大学生を対象として相手国家・相対文化に関する認識調査を比較分析したものである。 第一に、相手国家・相対文化の関心度において韓日大学生の両方とも関心が高いことが分かったが、韓国の大学生の場合は日本のアニメ、旅行、ゲーム、祭りに関心が高く、日本の大学生の場合は韓国のドラマ、食べ物 、音楽、ファッションに興味が高いことがわかった。 第二に、国家レベルでの韓日関係において、現在の韓日関係に対しては韓日大学生とも否定的に考えており、その原因として歴史問題と政治問題を挙げた。未来の韓日関係においては、日本の大学生が韓国の大学生よりも肯定的に見ていることが分かった。 第三に、国家イメージ及び民間レベルでの韓日関係において、韓日大学生とも現在、韓国と日本は先進国であると考えており、特に韓国はIT強国であると考えられている。韓日関係の悪化時、韓国人・日本人に対する影響として、韓国の大学生の場合は影響を及ぼす、及ぼさないと断定して言えず、日本の大学生の場合は影響を及ぼすことが分かった。日本の大学生は、国家レベルの一般的な韓国人と民間レベルの個人交流の韓国人とは完全に別々に分けて判断することを考察することができた。 This study is a comparative analysis of surveys conducted among Korean and Japanese university students to assess their awareness of their respective countries and cultures. First, both Korean and Japanese students are found to be very interested in each other’s countries and cultures. Korean students are particularly interested in Japanese animation, travel, games, and festivals, while Japanese students are interested in Korean dramas, music, food, and fashion. Second, regarding Korea-Japan relations at the national level, all Korean-Japanese university students have a negative perspective, which is attributed to historical and political issues as the main reasons. Regarding future Korea-Japan relations, Japanese university students appeared to have a more positive view than Korean university students. Third, in terms of national image and Korea-Japan relations at the private level, both Korean and Japanese students currently think that Korea and Japan are advanced countries and that Korea is an IT powerhouse. Whether worsening Korea-Japan relations will affect Korean students' viewpoints cannot be predicted with certainty. However, this was found to affect Japanese college students. This data suggests that Japanese students judged Koreans differently at the national and private levels.

      • KCI등재

        대조 연구를 통한 한국어 문법 교육 방안 연구 - 일본어 피동과의 대조를 중심으로

        허경행 한국언어문화교육학회 2016 언어와 문화 Vol.12 No.1

        Japanese students who study Korean as a foreign language have an advantage in learning Korean compared to other students because of their similarities of Korean and Japanese. But even Japanese students have difficulties in learning Korean passive form.Korean passive form and Japanese passive form have differences in meaning and usages as well as similarities. Both Korean and Japanese have passive form as a counterpart of active form. But there are differences in usages of Korean passive form and Japanese passive form in some ways. In meanings, Korean passive form represents the actions completed and the actions done by someone. And Japanese passive form represents receiving the actions and the actions done by someone. Some of Japanese passive forms expresses the meanings of possibilities and respects according to the meanings of verbs. Korean passive form mainly represents the actions completed and Japanese passive form mainly explains the performers and the action done by them. So Korean passive forms connects with ‘-아/어 있다’ frequently and Japanese passive forms connects with ‘-てしまう’ frequently. In usages, there are some Japanese intransitive verbs which are expressed in passive way in Korean. In the other way, there are some Korean transitive verbs which are expressed in passive way in Japanese also. Therefore some of Korean passive forms could be translated into intransitive verbs of Japanese to present same meaning. In the other way, some of Japanese passive forms could be translated into transitive verbs of Korean to present same meaning. For the effective teaching of Korean passive form, we should approach the method of teaching the passive forms with the understanding of differences of Korean and Japanese passive forms.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전후 北京의 留學環境과 韓人學生 현황

        이재령 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government runing schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor’s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party’s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students’ majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police’s or consulate’s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected. 이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구 신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        재일청년 학도의용군 6・25전쟁 참전과정 분석과 보훈선양 방안 연구

        임영언,박갑룡 한국보훈학회 2015 한국보훈논총 Vol.14 No.1

        6․25전쟁 당시 조국을 구하고자 참전했던 재일동포 청년학도의 실상은 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 본 연구는 6․25전쟁에 참여한 재일청년 학도의용군의 참전과정을 분석하고, 이들에 대한 보훈선양 방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 국내외 출간 자료들에 대한 내용분석을 시도하여, 재일청년 학도의용군의 모집과 참전과정, 귀환문제, 보훈과 선양사업을 역사학적인 관점에서 해석코자 하였다. 분석결과, 첫째, 6․25전쟁 발발 당시 재일동포 사회는 극도의 혼란 속에 전쟁에 대한 시각이 민단과 총련(조련), 그리고 일본 내 공산당간 크게 달랐던 것으로 나타났다. 민단은 조국에 대한 위기의식, 총련은 축제 분위기로 북한의 승리를 예측하였다. 둘째, 6․25전쟁 발발 직후 재일동포 단체들은 조국을 전쟁의 위기에서 구하고자 한국정부-미군과 협의하여 재일청년 학도의용군을 모집하여 참전시켰다. 그러나 미군과의 사전협의 부족으로 전쟁 직후 재학군은 일본 귀환자와 미귀환자로 양분되었다. 이 문제는 미일 샌프란시스코 강화조약에 따른 한일 간 국적문제로 빚어진 또 하나의 비극이었고 오늘날까지 미해결 과제로 남아 있다. 셋째, 6․25전쟁 이후 한․일 양국에서 재일청년 학도의용군동지회가 결성되어 이후 보훈과 선양사업을 주도한 것으로 나타났다. 일본 귀환자의 경우 재일코리안 사회의 지도자가 되어 재일동포 사회의 정신적인 버팀목 역할을 담당하였다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 본 연구는 현재 고령화에 돌입한 재일청년 학도의용군에 대한 6․25전쟁 참전 기록물의 보존, 관리, 수집 연구의 긴급성을 제시하였다. 동시에 재일청년 학도의용군의 보훈과 선양사업 관련 몇 가지 방안에 대해 논의하였다. The Korean War broke out in the Korea Peninsula 64 years ago, but it is not known well to Korea society about history of Japanese-Korean students participants in the war. The purpose of this study is to grasp the Korean War tendency of Japanese-Korean and problem of participation in the war of Japanese-Korean Student Volunteer Force during the Korean War (JKSVF). The results of this study are as following: First, Japanese-Korean society Mindan, Chongryon, Japan Communist Party were in different confused situation during the korean War. Especially, positions and correspondence were complicated. Second, Japanese-Korean Student Volunteer Force during the Korean War(JKSVF) decided participation in war without hesitation for motherland that is confronted with crisis through the nation distinction that is no country from Japanese colonialism. Also, Japanese-Korean Student Volunteer Force during the Korean War (JKSVF) is divided into returnee and nonrepairate and remains by unresolved state until today after the Korean War. Third, Japanese-Korean Student Volunteer Force during the Korean War (JKSVF) organized the association after the war and took charge of spiritual leader's role of Japanese-Korean society. There are two outcomings of this study, first of all the lack of proper interest of Korean society on Japanese-Korean Student Volunteer Force and secondly, their spiritual inheritance succession is still insufficient.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전후 북경(北京)의 유학환경과 한인학생(韓人學生) 현황

        이재령 ( Lee Jaeryoung ) 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다. 중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government running schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor`s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party`s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students` majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police`s or consulate`s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 중학생의 시민성 관련 태도와 학교 교육에 대한 인식 비교

        박남수,권오현,심정보 한국사회교과교육학회 2012 사회과교육연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to compare the Korean and Japanese middle school students?citizenship related attitude and awareness about school education. Through this process this study also examines possible directions citizenship education can take. The findings of this study are as follows;First, in Korean and Japanese students alike, the trust in governing bodies was generally low and the Korean students had lower trust. However, students of both countries were positive of immigrant and women’s rights. Second, students of both countries had negative attitudes towards politics and Korean students had more negative attitudes. Korean students were found to be more interested in politics than their Japanese counterparts. Also, the most frequently used sources of information on politics for the students were TV news, newspapers, and radio in this order. The students of both countries exhibited low willingness to participate in political activities in the future with Japanese students particularly showing lower willingness. Third, students of both countries had positive attitudes towards necessity of democratic participation and learning experience of multicultural society, however, they had negative evaluations on the openness of the class, with Korean students showing more negative assessment than Japanese students. With regards to the citizenship education in Korea, these findings indicate that the following educational issues need to be addressed; First, improvement of students’ critical perspective in political organizations and activities; Second, the teacher’s active role in conjunction with the family; Third, enhancing students’ critical acceptance and production capacity to information media; Forth, learning experience needed in multicultural society; and Fifth, securing openness of class to encourage critical thinking. 본 연구는 한국과 일본 학생의 시민성 관련 태도와 학교교육에 대한 인식을 비교하여 그 특징을 밝히고, 이를 통해 시민성 교육의 방향 모색을 위한 시사점을 얻고자 하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한·일 중학생의 정치 조직에 대한 신뢰는 낮으며, 한국 중학생의 신뢰가 더 낮았다. 그러나 양국의 중학생들은 여성과 이주자의 정치, 경제적 권리에 대해 긍정적인 태도를 보였다. 둘째, 한·일 중학생의 정부의 정치활동에 대한 태도는 부정적이었으며, 한국 중학생의 태도가 더 부정적이었다. 정치문제에 대한 이해와 관심은 한국 중학생이 일본 중학생에 비해 더 높았으며, 정치와 관련한 대화 상대는 부모, 친구, 교사의 순이었다. 또한, 정치문제에 대한 정보원은 텔레비전 뉴스, 신문, 라디오 뉴스의 순이었다. 장래 정치 활동에 대해 양국 중학생의 참여의지는 낮았으며, 일본 중학생이 더 소극적이었다. 셋째, 양국의 중학생들은 학교에서의 민주적인 참가의 필요성 및 다문화 사회에서 요구되는 학습경험에 대해서 긍정적으로 인식하고 있었지만 교실 수업의 개방성에 대해서는 부정적으로 인식하고 있으며, 특히 한국 중학생이 더 부정적이었다. 이러한 결과들은 한국에서의 시민성 교육과 관련해서 첫째, 정치 조직과 정치 활동에 대한 학생들의 비판적 시각 육성, 둘째, 정치 및 시사문제에 대한 가정과 학교의 적극적인 역할, 셋째, 다양한 매체를 통한 정보의 비판적 수용과 생산 능력 증진, 넷째, 다원적인 민주사회에 요구되는 다양한 경험 제공, 다섯째, 교실 수업의 개방성 확보와 같은 과제의 해결이 필요함을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 초등학생의 다문화 태도 비교 연구

        정문성 ( Jeong Moon Seong ),전영은 ( Jeon Young Eun ),김정균 ( Kim Jeong Gyun ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2017 교육문화연구 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구는 한국과 일본 초등학생의 다문화 태도 비교를 통해 양국 초등학생의 다문화교육에 시사점을 얻기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 양국의 초등학교 5학년(한국은 경기도 소재 초등학생 116명, 일본은 도쿠시마현 소재 초등학생 119명 총 235명)을 대상으로 설문조사와 면접을 실시하였다. 5점 척도 다문화 태도 검사지를 분석한 결과, 전체적으로나 인지, 정의, 행동적 영역 모두에서 한국 초등학생(3.98)이 일본 초등학생(3.64)보다 다문화 태도가 개방적이었다(p < 0.001). 다만 양국 모두 정의적 영역, 행동적 영역으로 갈수록 개방적 태도의 정도가 낮아지는 모습을 보였다. 다문화 경험의 부족 때문인 것으로 보인다. 변인별로는 학교 다문화교육경험 유무, 다문화 관심 유무에 따라 다문화 태도에 차이가 나타났다. 그러므로 다문화에 대한 관심과 학교에서의 다문화교육의 필요성이 확인된다. 다문화에 대한 인식에서는 다문화사회의 장점은 문화교류(한국: 56.3%, 일본: 46.5%)가 가장 높게 나타났고, 외국어를 배움(한국: 21.9%, 일본: 35.8%)이 다음으로 나타나 비율의 차이를 보였다. 단점에 대해서는 삶이 불편함(한국: 61.6%, 일본: 57.7%)이 가장 높게 나타났고, 사회통합의 어려움(한국: 18.0%, 일본: 20.2%)이 다음으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to examine the similarities and differences of the attitude towards the multicultural society between Japanese and Korean primary students. For this study, 119 Japanese and 116 Korean fifth-grade students from Tokushima in Japan and Gyeonggi-do in Korea, were surveyed. As a triangulation process, 5 Japanese and 5 Korean students were interviewed extensively in a focus group interview session. The questionnaire based on Munroe & Pearson (2006)`s MASQE (Multicultural Attitude Scale Questionnaire) were adapted to include knowledge (know), empathy (care) and active experience (act) derivations about the multicultural society. Summary of the results from the both quantitative and qualitative research are as follows: First, Korean students showed the more positive attitude towards the multicultural society than Japanese students. This result explains different attitudes among Korean and Japanese students` responses. Whereas Korean students viewed the multicultural society in the universal perspective, Japanese students took the realistic stance. Second, Korean students, who participated in the multicultural education, revealed more positive attitude. Also, both Korean and Japanese students, who were interested in the multicultural society, had more positive multicultural attitudes. These results affirm that the inclusion of multicultural education in school curriculums would be substantial. Third, both Korean and Japanese students` multicultural attitudes were more skewered in knowledge (know) than empathy (care) and active experiences (act) derivations. One explanation for this result is that majority of respondents rarely had real-life exposures in a multicultural situation.

      • KCI등재

        場所を表わす助詞「に」と「で」の使い分けの状況(2) ー韓国人日本語学習者(専攻·非専攻者)の比較·対照を通してー

        이종은 대한일어일문학회 2018 일어일문학 Vol.77 No.-

        Japanese particles “ni(に)” and “de(で)” that expresses location correspond to Korean particles “(e)에” and “eseo(에서).” This one-to-one correspondence (“ni” and “e,” and “de” and “eseo“) matches more than 99% of the time. Lee (2017) discusses two tendencies to the usage of “ni” and “de” that expresses location for Japanese learners in Korea that they pick up the usage from fixed sentences learned during education period or recall the forms “location+ni” and “place+de.” Lee (2017) backed up the preceding research on this selection of particles by testing in November 2013 on the relation between misuage of particles “ni” and “de” that expresses location with the influence on education and mother tongue (Respondents: 72 Japanese major students from P University in Pusan). This study compares the usage of Japanese particles “ni” and “de” that expresses location by Japanese major and non-major students and examines the cause of misusage in Lee (2017)’s perspective. Respondents for this test is 73 non-major students in K University in Pusan and follows the same test method of that conducted by Lee (2017) in November 2013. Four major tendencies for the usage of particles “ni” and “de” to express location can be drawn from the comparison of Lee (2017)’s study Japanese major students with non-major students. 1. Difference between major and non-major students: Japanes major students scored more correct answers than non-major students. 2. Difference in education period: The percentage of correct answers relate to the education period of major students, however, the percentage does not equally relate to that of non-major students despite the length of education. 3. Influence on education: Both major and non-major students tend to answer more correct answers on beginner level questions that can be answered based on fixed sentences, grammars, and forms like it is mentioned by Ozeki (2007)’s research results. 4. Influence on mother tongue: Regardless of the education period of Japanese major or non-major students in Korea, their Korean mother tongue highly influenced their usage of “~sumu(住む)” and “~tomaru(泊まる) especially for intermediate and advanced learners than beginner level learners. The results draw many discrepancies from Ozeki (2007)’s opinions.

      • KCI등재

        Situated Writing: Writing Practice through Process of Korean·Chinese·Japanese Students in an English Department

        ( Lee Younghwa ),( Park Chaehee ) 한국현대언어학회 2017 언어연구 Vol.33 No.1

        This study investigates three aspects of students` writing practice, namely process, focusing on self as author and discourse-based self, and samples three cultural groups being Korean, Chinese and Japanese, respectively. The data comprised of students` written texts and interviews with the twelve students. The findings showed that the Chinese students used their L1, whereas Japanese students established the longest writing process. The Korean students did not show any cultural tendencies in their writing. While all the Chinese and Japanese students expressed excitement and took pleasure in English writing, the Korean ones showed negative attitudes toward writing. This study suggests that to improve students` writing practice teachers should develop students` identities through pedagogic practices in multicultural classrooms by acknowledging students` experiences and cultural backgrounds. (Sun Moon University)

      • KCI등재후보

        한국과 일본의 한자어 비교 연구 -초급 한자어를 중심으로-

        허경행 한국언어문화교육학회 2008 언어와 문화 Vol.4 No.1

        Japanese students who study Korean as a foreign language have advantage in learning Korean compared to other students. One of these is similarities in vocabulary especially in Chinese character words. The Chinese character words are very helpful for studying and teaching Korean. However, Korean Chinese character words are not always coincides with Japanese Chinese character words. The teachers of Korean as a foreign language and the students learning Korean as a foreign language should have knowledge of Korean Chinese character words and Japanese Chinese character words. The purpose of this study is to provide a list of Chinese character words which can be used at beginning level of Korean. This study can be helpful for learning Korean as a foreign language as well as it can be easily applied to Korean language instruction.

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