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      • KCI등재

        전남 서남해안의 섬관광: 성찰과 제안

        이진형 ( Jin Hyung Lee ),강신겸 ( Shin Kyum Kang ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2014 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.26 No.4

        Island tourism in warm water locations such as the Caribbean, Mediterranean, and Indian Oceans have been explored in many respects over that last 40 years. However, as Baldacchino(2006) indicated, island tourism in cold water location is a new area that only started from the late 2000s. The situation is not so different from the island tourism case studies in Korea. Island tourism studies in Jeju Island, located in the most warmest location in Korea, started in late 1970s and evolved over last 25 years. However, island tourism research in the cold water of Jeonnam Province, where two-thirds of Korean islands is located, started only since the Korean central and provincial government started to invest tax money for island tourism development in the late 2000s, as part of the balanced regional development policy. The purpose of this study is to critically review the historical process of Jeonnam province``s island tourism development, and to propose future directions with regards to its sustainable island tourism development. For this purpose, previous researches in island tourism policy, development and business were reviewed in order to investigate the issues of island tourism in cold water locations. The researches suggested that island tourism in cold water location could provide an exceptional form of an outdoor, adventurous, natural and cultural tourism. Review of the historical development process of island tourism of Jeonnam province also showed that the island tourism pattern in the region has changed from watching the fantastic shape of rocks in Hong Island and experiencing cultural tourism in Bogil Island to walking in the Cittaslow city of Chungsan Island. It also proposed that branding islands such as the National Park, UNESCO natural heritage, or cittaslow city were all very effective policies that boosted up island tourism. Based on the findings of this study, future directions of island tourism development in Jeonnam province were proposed under the context of sustainable tourism development.

      • KCI등재

        전남지역의 MICE산업 구축전략에 관한 연구

        심재희(Jae-Hee Shim),백형엽(Hyung-Yeop Baek) 한국산업경제학회 2012 산업경제연구 Vol.25 No.5

        이 연구의 목적은 학술논문, 정책보고서, 통계자료 등의 자료와 문화체육관광부, 한국관광공사, 전라남도 등의 홈페이지를 통해 수집된 자료들을 활용하여 국내외 MICE산업의 동향과 사례 및 전남지역의 MICE산업 잠재력 등에 대해서 분석하고 이를 토대로 전남지역의 MICE산업 구축전략 수립을 위한 대안을 제시하는 데 있다. 분석결과 제시된 전남지역의 MICE산업 구축전략은 다음과 같다. 첫째, MICE산업 복합단지를 지정하여 숙박, 식음료, 쇼핑, 엔터테인먼트 등 MICE 관련시설들이 집적되어 MICE 인프라가 구축될 수 있도록 적극 유도해야 한다. 둘째, 전남의 관광산업과 지역산업의 발전 및 지역경제 활성화, 일자리 창출 등을 위해서는 무엇보다도 MICE산업을 전남의 성장동력산업으로 육성하려는 강한 정책적 의지가 중요하며, 이와 함께 다양한 지원활동을 강화해야 한다. 셋째, MICE산업을 고부가가치산업으로 육성하기 위한 효율적인 지원을 위해 MICE산업 전담체제를 구축하고 전문인력을 시급히 양성해야 한다. 넷째, MICE 관광객이나 컨벤션 참가자들의 유치를 통해 MICE산업을 효과적으로 육성하기 위해서는 특색 있는 관광상품과 프로그램들을 개발하여 지역산업 및 지역축제 등과 연계시키는 전략이 필요하다. 마지막으로, 지역의 특성을 고려한 MICE산업 마케팅전략 수립과 정보시스템 구축을 통해 통합 마케팅활동을 적극적으로 전개해야 한다. This paper suggests the strategy for building MICE industry in Jeonnam region using the secondary data collected by homepage of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Korea Tourism Organization, and Jeollanam-do. The strategy for building MICE industry in Jeonnam region is as follows: First, the local government of Jeonnam must set MICE industry complex in order to induce the facilities related to MICE to be clustered there. Second, in order to develop the tourism and industry of Jeonnam, above all the local government of Jeonnam must have the strong willpower to promote MICE industry as Jeonnam"s driving industry, and enhance the various activities to support MICE industry. Third, in order to support MICE industry effectively, the local government of Jeonnam must build a complete system and foster professional manpower fast. Fourth, in order to promote MICE industry effectively by attracting MICE tourists and convention participants, the local government of Jeonnam have to develop the specific tour programs, and link them to the regional industry and festivals of Jeonnam. Finally, the local government of Jeonnam must progressively activate an integrated marketing by establishing marketing strategy and information system adjusting to the economic environments of Jeonnam.

      • KCI등재후보

        해방 이후 호남지역 서원·사우의 복설과 신설

        윤선자 한국중앙사학회 2009 중앙사론 Vol.30 No.-

        After liberation, 79 Seowon-Sawoo were established restoratively and 52 ones were established newly at Jeonbuk Province till 2004. At most areas, the number & rate of restorative establishments are higher before liberation. As for newly establishments, the number of ones is few after liberation than before at Gunsan·Namwon·Muju·Iksan. It's because Gunsan was center of modernization after the opening of the port & center of plundering during Japanese Rule, and Namwon & Iksan had many restorative establishments. After liberation, 106 Seowon-Sawoo were established restoratively with 114 new establishments at Gwangju-Jeonnam Province. Among 23 cities·districts of Gwangju-Jeonnam, the number & rate of restorative establishments after liberation are lower than before at only 6 areas, and it's because the number of restorative establishments was considerably higher before liberation, and the number of new establishments was higher after liberation at these areas. As for new establishments, only Jindo has one place less after liberation than before. As the result of comparing Gwangju-Jeonnam with Jeonbuk, Gwangju-Jeonnam have higher restorative establishments of about 34% and new establishments of 119% than Jeonbuk. This is regarded it has much to do with the population change & regional development of Gwangju-Jeonnam and Jeonbuk after liberation. Not only at Jeonbuk but at Gwangju-Jeonnam, restorative establishments were done in 1946 and new establishments in 1945. The reason that new establishments were done previously than the restorative is thought that preparation & procedures of the restorative were more complex than the new. If inspected the situation of the restorative & the newre done previous at Gwangju-Jeonnam and Jeonbuk after liberation in the chronological order, it has decreased rapidly since 1990s, and the reason of it is change of values & decrease of Confucian population. After liberation, among Seowon-Sawoo established restoratively·newly, the persons enshrined most are the particular surnames, or ancestors of a family. Because they were government officials, loyalists & outstanding scholars, they were enshrined by their descendants. The person enshrined most at Seowon-Sawoo established restoratively·newly is Lee Soonshin. There are 5 Seowon-Sawoo established restoratively which enshrined Lee Soonshin at Gwangju-Jeonnam, 3 Seowon-Sawoo establiched newly, and 3 Seowon-Sawoo established restoratively at Jeonbuk with one Seowon-Sawoo establiched newly. The construction of Seowon-Sawoo which enshrines Lee Soonshin is related to deification of Lee Soonshin from political power since 1960s. And, the supports from the government caused a boom of restorative & new establishment of Seowon-Sawoo to enshrine persons related to Imjin war(the Japanese Invasion of 1592), Manchu Invation·Jeongyu Invation. It's because they were all persons of defending fatherland. In addition, at Honam, many Seowon-Sawoo were established restoratively & newly for the reason of enshrining persons of defending fatherland. In the mean time, among Seowon-Sawoo established newly at Gwangju-Jeonnam and Seowon-Sawoo established restoratively & newly at Jeonbuk, there are ones to enshrine loyal troops in late Yi Dynasty & independence activists. They are 3 Seowon-Sawoo established restoratively at Jeonbuk, 13 Seowon-Sawoo established newly at Gwangju-Jeonnam, and 7 Seowon-Sawoo established newly at Jeonbuk. However, it was reduced rapidly or stopped after 1980s because they were buried at the National Cemetery or their descendants were in poor surroundings.

      • KCI등재

        全南 東部地域 1~5世紀 住居址의 變遷樣相

        박미라 호남고고학회 2008 湖南考古學報 Vol.30 No.-

        This study aims to examine the transition aspect of the dwelling sites from the 1st century to the 5th century in the eastern Jeonnam province. The dwelling sites can be divided into three districts and into four periods. Period Ⅰ, late 1st century to late 2nd century, maintains previous round shaped plan of dwelling sites with wide use of hard plain pottery. Dwellings are distributed widely on the eastern region along the riverside or the seaside. Period Ⅱ, early 3rd century to late 3rd century, is time of expansion in the distribution of the dwellings and rapid change from hard plain potteries to beating patterned potteries. The southwestern part of the eastern area show steep rise in the number of square shaped plan. In Period Ⅲ, early 4th century to late 4th century, dwelling sites are most actively built and so the density increased with occasional appearance of four-post type. Production technique of pottery standardized during period Ⅲ but diversified by the end of the century. By period Ⅳ, 5th century, four-post type dwelling sites are found all over the eastern region with the introduction of Gaya pottery. Most of the dwelling are distributed by the seashores. The ratio of hard greyish blue potteries rise and various types of pottery emerge, especially potteries that are likely to be from Gaya, Baekje and Japan are abundant. As discussed in this paper, the dwellings in eastern Jeonnam province are distinct round shaped plan is maintained until the late period with limited number of four-post type and underdeveloped fireplace. Another special aspect is that hard plain potteries lasted until the late 3rd century.

      • KCI등재

        5・18 전남도경찰국 복원의 정당성과 활용 근거: 안병하 위민정신

        정병곤,이건근 인문사회 21 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.5

        The Government should secure the legitimacy in restoring The Old Jeonnam-Province- Police-Station Buildings, whose restoration work will be completed in 2020, into their original forms and discuss the utilization policies because they have been damaged more seriously compared to The Old Jeonnam-Province-Hall. This paper looks for the justifying properties in the late Commissioner Ahn Byungha’s spirit of loving people and suggests the methods of democratic education for transferring it to the future generation. For the purpose, this research observes the spirit of loving people that Ahn fulfilled during the 5・18 Democratization Period and the penance that he suffered. It seeks the questions at issue to be used for the civil education that should embrace skepticism and objection. This methodology is far from that of the taxidermized display and the lopsided cramming education found commonly in other historic sites. Through the analysis, Ahn’s idea shows respecting citizens’ intentions, thinking much of citizens’ security, keeping political neutrality, and sympathizing with citizens. Also, the debating points to be used effectively are the adequacy of Ahn’s first action, the relationship between the removal of arms and the incapacitation of policing power, whether to include the police’s action of that time into the democratization efforts, and comparing Ahn with other chief officers. This study is expected to contribute to raising the democratic awareness of the police and making the utilization methods of the restored building of the old police station. 정부는 2022년 복원공사가 완료될 옛 전남도경찰국 건물들이 옛 전남도청에 비해 훼손의 정도가 심한 상태여서 이를 원형복원해야 할 정당성을 확보해야 하고, 완공된 경우의 활용방안을 미리 논의해야 한다. 이 논문은 그 정당성을 안병하 국장의 위민정신에서 찾고, 그것을 미래세대에 계승할 수 있는 민주시민교육 방법을 제시한다. 이를 위해서 5・18 민주화운동 당시 안병하 국장이 실천한 위민정신과 그것으로 인한 고행을 고찰하고, 다른 사적지들에서 보인 박제화된 전시와 일방적인 주입식 교육형태에서 벗어난 회의와 반론을 포용하는 민주시민교육을 위한 논점을 모색한다. 그 결과, 안병하 국장의 위민정신은 시민의 의사 존중과 안전 중시, 정치적 중립 견지, 시민과의 교감, 고통의 감내로 표현된다. 그리고, 효과적으로 사용할 수 있는 논점은 초동대처의 적절성, 무기 소산과 경찰력 무력화의 관계, 당시 경찰 활동의 민주화운동 포함 여부, 다른 공직자들과의 비교이다. 이 연구는 경찰의 민주주의 의식 제고와 원형복원될 옛 경찰청 건물의 활용방안 마련에 기여할 것이다.

      • 全南地方 鐵器時代 住居址硏究

        최미숙(Choi Mi-sook) 역사문화학회 2001 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.4 No.2

        This study aims at the examinations on the dwelling sites of the Iron Age which were excavated in the Jeonnam Province. The dwelling sites which were examined in this study are divided by two regions such as the western part and the eastern part. And then, the western part is subdivided into three regions such as the west coast area, the upstream area of Yeongsan River, the downstream area of Yeongsan River, the eastern part is subdivided into two regions such as the Boseong River basin, and the Seomjin River basin. Firstly, the dwelling sites which were excavated in the Jeonnam Province are classified into three periods according to the location, the constructional characteristic of the dwelling sites and the character of the remains which had been excavated. The first period corresponds to the era from the 2nd century B.C. to the 1st century A.D.. It is the stage where the new culture of the Iron Age had flowed in the existing culture of the Bronze Age. As for the form of plane, it appeared that a round shape was taken for the most part. The area was small sized. The hearth was located at the center. As for the remains, kinds of plain coarse pottery and the arrowhead without tang were confirmed. The second period is the era from the 2nd century A.D. to the 3rd century A.D.. They were located at the upper part of hills and on the slopes. The shape of plane was rectangular type. The area ranged from 5㎡~15㎡. The direction of long axis was related with the location. The hearth was the style that had no facilities, and it was made at the one side of the wall side to be used. The bottom was tamped with fire or clay. As for the remains, friable earthenwares that had low plasticity temperature have been being confirmed. Some kinds of accessories like jade started to be excavated. The third period corresponds to the era from the 4nd century A.D. to the 5th century A.D. As for the location of dwelling sites, they were built at the flat land. The area ranged from 10㎡~25㎡. The trace of round holes of 4 column style appeared. The hearth was the type that had no facilities, and it was made to be inclined toward the one side of the wall side. As for the remains, they became to belong to the point of time when the attribute of the second period continued partially, and new forms of earthenwares appeared at the same time. The capacity of kinds of earthenwares became to be large compared with that of the previous stages. And the excavated rate of the hard earthenwares became high, too. In addition, the kinds of earthenwares became diverse, and the funerary objects of tombs were excavated as well. Next, the regional characteristics were investigated by dividing into two regions such as the western part and the eastern part. The western part which included the west coast area, the upstream and the downstream area of Yeongsan River was distributed at the ridge, slope and flat ground of hills. As for the form of plane, square or rectangular types showed the high rate of possession. But, the round style including oval shape was extremely very few. The area ranged 5㎡~25㎡, which showed even distribution. The large-sized dwelling sites of more than 100㎡ were also being confirmed. The direction of long axis was distributed according to the location of dwelling sites. The hearth was showing the typical tendency which used one side of the north wall. The facility of wall drains were confirmed at more than 50% of the total dwelling sites. The Jar with double mouth rim among the excavated relics, was being excavated at the remains of the west cost area and the upstream area of Yeongsan River. The hole jar with wide mouth was the unique element which could be seen only in this region. The eastern area including the basin of Boseong River and the basin of Seomjin River were all located at the basin type of flat land. As for the shape of plane, the square or rectangular type took the main part, however, the round or oval type co

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전남 행복마을 한옥의 평면유형 연구

        김지민 대한건축학회지회연합회 2014 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.16 No.5

        최근에 들어 한옥에 대한 관심이 중앙 정부나 지방자치단체, 그리고 개인에 이르기 까지 폭넓게 높아지고 있다. 특히 전라남도에서는 최근 7~8년 사이에 1,000채 정도의 한옥이 살림집 용도로 건립됐다. 하지만 건립수에 비해 건축적 완성도(평면계획, 구조 및 설비 등)가 수요자의 기대치에 크게 못 미치고 있다. 특히 평면에 대한 불만족이 크다. 따라서 본 연구는 기존 신축 한옥의 평면형을 분석, 그에 대한 문제점을 밝혀내고 이를 근거로 좀 더 발전된 이상적인 평면형 개발에 연구목적이 있다. 평면 형식은 크게 ‘ㅡ자’형과 ‘ㄱ자’형으로 양분된다, 2007~8년 한옥 보급 초기에는 ‘ㅡ자’형이 많았으나 최근 3-4년 부터는 ‘ㄱ자’형 보급이 더 늘고 있다. 이러한 현상은 초기에는 우선 수요자 뿐 만 아니라 공급자(설계, 시공)도 한옥하면 조선시대부터 있었던 이 지역 ‘ㅡ자’형 한옥을 연상 했고 그로 인해 결국은 ‘ㅡ자’형 타입이 초기에 많이 건립됐다. 최근에 들어 ‘ㄱ자’형 요구가 늘게 된 원인은 외형이 주는 아늑함과 멋을 인지했고 또 한 안방을 날개 쪽에 독립적으로 배치하려는 건축계획적 의도도 있다. Hanok is a Korean housing which has fitted Korean nature for a long time. This is the study on architectural characteristics and social and cultural meanings of Hanok through approximately 1,200 recently established Hanok housings in Jeonnam Province. Most of the Hanok plane type is “ㅡ-shaped” or “ㄱ-shaped”, and its structure is the one-story gambrel roofed house. In the early days of Hanok establishment, “ㅡ-shaped” one was dominant but gradually “ㄱ- shaped” one became popular. This is because “ㄱ-shaped” one is superior for its coziness, beauty, and convenience. “ㅡ-shaped”: It includes 6-7 rooms in, occupying 85-100 square meters. In terms of its plan composition, it is so-called “living room-centered type” which rooms and kitchen surround the living room upward and downward. “ㄱ-shaped”: Most “ㄱ-shaped” ones includes 7-8 rooms and are “living room-centered type” like “ㅡ-shaped ” one. It usually occupies 100 square meters and has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. People sometimes make an upper floor at the end of the house, but this is inadvisable because it is hard to maintain.

      • KCI등재

        지역 일자리에 대한 잠재적 구직자의 선호도 분석: 광양제철소 협력사를 사례로

        이정록 한국경제지리학회 2019 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        The Gwangyang City of Jeonnam Province, is one of the steel cities representing the Korea. Gwangyang Steelworks are the core of the local economy, and 59 firms of POSCO Outsourcing Partner Cooperation(POSPA) have been employed 9,300 to 9,500 peoples, and have been acted as an central incubator for job creation. POSPA, however, are suffering from the retirement of company in young age group, in their 20s and 30s. The purpose of this study is to analyze potential job seekers’ perceptions and job preferences for POSPA are suffering from job openings. In order to this research purpose, it used questionary survey, and sample groups were divided into three areas, the Eastern Jeonnam Province, Gwangju, and the Seoul metropolitan area. Potential job seekers’ perceptions for POSPA was low, and perceptions on firm and job opportunity information was lower. This characteristics were the same as those of respondents living in eastern South Jeolla Province. Potential job seekers, however, showed high preference for finding job at POSPA. A place-based policy considering the local labor market is needed to resolve the mismatch between the difficulty of finding a labor and the difficulty of finding a job. 전남 광양시는 우리나라를 대표하는 철강 도시 중 하나이다. 광양제철소는 지역경제 핵심이며, 광양제철소 협력사 59개사는 9,300~9,500명을 고용하여 일자리 창출의 인큐베이터 역할을 하고 있다. 하지만 20~30대 연령층의 지속적인 이직으로 구인난을 겼고 있다. 이 연구 목적은 잠재적 구직자를 대상으로 구인난을 겪고 있는 광양제철소 협력사에 대한 인지 및 취업 선호도를 분석하는 것이다. 이를 위해 표본집단을 전남 동부 지역, 광주권, 수도권으로 구분하여 설문조사를 통해 자료를 수집·분석하였다. 광양제철소 협력사에 대한 인지도는 낮았고, 기업·취업 정보에 대한 인지도는 매우 낮았다. 이런 낮은 인지도는 광양시를 포함한 전남 동부 지역에 거주하는 잠재적 구직도 동일하였다. 하지만 협력사 취업 선호도는 비교적 높았다. 협력사에 대한 잠재적 구직자의 낮은 인지도는 구직자에게 구직난을, 협력사에게는 구인난을 겪게 하는 배경 중 하나로 판별되었다. 구직난과 구인난 간 미스매칭을 해소하기 위한 지역노동시장을 고려한 장소기반 정책이 필요한 것으로 밝혀졌다.

      • KCI등재

        전남 환경교육 정책방안 모색

        안삼영(Samyoung Ahn),김대희(Daehee Kim) 한국환경교육학회 2013 環境 敎育 Vol.26 No.4

        This research is aimed at developing a policy framework for promoting environmental education in JeonNam province. The study looks at existing literature, and involves surveys, interviews, case studies and policy discussion, and the results are as follow: According to the findings, first, the regional government should develop a sound and practical environmental education system and programs specifically tailored to the needs of the region. Second, the framework should also emphasize the importance of establishing a support system at the societal level, in addition to promoting it in school. Third, the policy priority in school should be first to support environmental club activities, followed by supporting schools which adopt Environment as an optional subject, and in-school environmental program and then preschool environmental education program, environmental essay contests, and school-flea market. Fourth, the policy priority for promoting environmental education in society should be as follows: first, training programs for professionals in the field, followed by founding environmental education centers, and quality control and certification of environmental program and introduction of environment-point system. Fifth, the policy priority in the arena of building an infrastructure conducive to environmental education is eco-school support, followed by linkage services between school and society environmental program, DB construction and public relation, domestic and international networking support.

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