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        1920년대 전후 北京의 留學環境과 韓人學生 현황

        이재령 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government runing schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor’s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party’s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students’ majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police’s or consulate’s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected. 이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구 신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전후 북경(北京)의 유학환경과 한인학생(韓人學生) 현황

        이재령 ( Lee Jaeryoung ) 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다. 중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government running schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor`s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party`s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students` majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police`s or consulate`s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected.

      • KCI등재

        대전지역 중국 및 일본 유학생의 국적 및 거주 기간에 따른 한식 적응도와 급식 만족도

        류시현(Si-Hyun Ryu),조윤혜(Yoon-Hae Cho),한이랑(Yi-Rang Han) 동아시아식생활학회 2014 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze adaptation for Korean foods and satisfaction for university foodservice by nationality and residence period of Chinese and Japanese university students in Daejeon, Republic of Korea. Among 330 questionnaires distributed to Chinese and Japanese students, 294 complete questionnaires (89.1%) were analyzed. The questionnaire included two 5-point scales for measuring levels adaptation of for Korean food and satisfaction with university foodservice, respectively. Japanese students’ level of adaptation for Korean food (3.16) was significantly higher than that of Chinese students (2.96). As the length of residence in Korea increased, the frequency of using university lunch service per week significantly decreased. The main factor when selecting a menu item was food taste (39.8%, 22.8%) in both Chinese and Japanese students, whereas the next main factor was preference (16.4%) in Chinese students and nutrition (18.7%) in Japanese students. The preferred cooking methods for meat were stir-frying (31.6%) and roasting (25.9%). For fish, Chinese students preferred braising (32.7%), whereas Japanese students preferred roasting (26.8%). Both Chinese and Japanese students preferred sukchae (45.6%, 43.1%) for vegetables. Factor analysis grouped 17 items measuring university foodservice into four factors, ‘sanitation & employee service’, ‘physical environment’, ‘food’ and ‘customized menu & information’ and the mean scores were 3.56, 3.30, 3.20 and 3.00, respectively. Chinese students were significantly more satisfied than Japanese students with the ‘physical environment’, ‘sanitation & employee service’ and ‘customized menu & information’. These results suggest that efforts such as developing a greater variety of menu items with mild tastes and somewhat less flavor, applying preferred cooking methods, offering special menus for foreign students, providing nutrition information on menus, and offering a description of menu items in the foreign languages could improve Chinese and Japanese students levels of satisfaction with university foodservice.

      • KCI등재

        한일대학생의 상대국가·상대문화에 대한 관심도에 관한 연구(3) ―한일대학생 비교고찰―

        황혜경 한국일본문화학회 2024 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.101

        本研究は韓日大学生を対象として相手国家・相対文化に関する認識調査を比較分析したものである。 第一に、相手国家・相対文化の関心度において韓日大学生の両方とも関心が高いことが分かったが、韓国の大学生の場合は日本のアニメ、旅行、ゲーム、祭りに関心が高く、日本の大学生の場合は韓国のドラマ、食べ物 、音楽、ファッションに興味が高いことがわかった。 第二に、国家レベルでの韓日関係において、現在の韓日関係に対しては韓日大学生とも否定的に考えており、その原因として歴史問題と政治問題を挙げた。未来の韓日関係においては、日本の大学生が韓国の大学生よりも肯定的に見ていることが分かった。 第三に、国家イメージ及び民間レベルでの韓日関係において、韓日大学生とも現在、韓国と日本は先進国であると考えており、特に韓国はIT強国であると考えられている。韓日関係の悪化時、韓国人・日本人に対する影響として、韓国の大学生の場合は影響を及ぼす、及ぼさないと断定して言えず、日本の大学生の場合は影響を及ぼすことが分かった。日本の大学生は、国家レベルの一般的な韓国人と民間レベルの個人交流の韓国人とは完全に別々に分けて判断することを考察することができた。 This study is a comparative analysis of surveys conducted among Korean and Japanese university students to assess their awareness of their respective countries and cultures. First, both Korean and Japanese students are found to be very interested in each other’s countries and cultures. Korean students are particularly interested in Japanese animation, travel, games, and festivals, while Japanese students are interested in Korean dramas, music, food, and fashion. Second, regarding Korea-Japan relations at the national level, all Korean-Japanese university students have a negative perspective, which is attributed to historical and political issues as the main reasons. Regarding future Korea-Japan relations, Japanese university students appeared to have a more positive view than Korean university students. Third, in terms of national image and Korea-Japan relations at the private level, both Korean and Japanese students currently think that Korea and Japan are advanced countries and that Korea is an IT powerhouse. Whether worsening Korea-Japan relations will affect Korean students' viewpoints cannot be predicted with certainty. However, this was found to affect Japanese college students. This data suggests that Japanese students judged Koreans differently at the national and private levels.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본제국대학(日本帝國大學)의 조선유학생(朝鮮留學生) 연구(硏究)(1) -경도제국대학(京都帝國大學) 조선유학생의 현황, 사회경제적 출신 배경, 졸업 후 경력을 중심으로

        정종현 ( Jong Hyun Jeong ),( Mizuno Naoki ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2012 大東文化硏究 Vol.80 No.-

        이 글은 개교(1897) 이래 1945년 8월 15일까지 교토제국대학의 조선인 유학생 졸업자 236명의 명단을 추출하고 그들의 학부별 현황, 사회경제적 배경 및 출신고 교, 졸업 이후 식민지 사회에서의 사회적 경력과 해방 이후 남북한에서의 사회적 역 할 등을 다양한 자료를 통해 정리하여 목록화하고 해제한 연구이다. 1년 동안 교토 대학 방문 연구를 통해 수행된 본 연구의 목록은 교토제국대학이 발간한 공식자료 와 당대 조선 유학생들이 생성한 자료, 해방 이후 재일조선인사회의 교토대학 출신 들이 남긴 자료, 아직 생존해 있는 교토제국대학 출신의 백종원(白宗元)(1948, 경제학부졸(經濟學部卒)), 강상균(姜祥均)(1950, 법학부졸(法學部卒)) 두 졸업생과의 인터뷰를 통해 구성한 구술자료 및 다양한 회고록과 고등문관시험 합격자의 총독부 신원조회, 조선총독부 직원록, 각종 인명사전 등을 기반으로 하여 작성되었다. 이들 자료의 분석을 통해 식민지 유력자 집단의 교육을 통한 재생산의 실상을 확인할 수 있었으며, 졸업 이후 제국대학 출신 자들의 사회적 경력이 대부분 관료로 이어지고 있는 점을 논증함으로써 식민지 권력과 제국대학 출신 지식인 집단의 밀월관계를 확인할 수 있었다. 동시에 그들의 의 식이 제국대학 출신의 특권의식과 피식민지인으로서의 분노 사이에서 균열되며 식 민지 권력과 불화하는 측면을 확인할 수 있었다. 전체적인 이력의 조사를 통해서 식 민지 및 남북한 사회의 제영역에서 그들이 사회적 중추를 형성하고 있다는 점을 논증할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 향후 여타 제국대학으로 확장하여 제국대학의 조선인 유학생 전모를 파악하는 것이 향후의 과제이다. The purpose of this study was to examine Korean students who studied at Kyoto University in Japan. A list of 236 Korean students who graduated from that university since its foundation in 1897 till August 15, 1945, was obtained, and a wide variety of materials were analyzed to investigate the state of their departments, their socioeconomic background, alma mater, social career in the colony after graduation and social roles in South or North Korea after the liberation of the nation to prepare their bibliographical notes. The bibliography was prepared by visiting the university for a year and based on the official data released by the university, data provided by contemporary Korean students studying there, and data offered after the liberation of the nation by Korean residents in Japan who graduated from that university. And additional data were utilized: oral statements of two graduates from that university, various memoirs and biographical dictionaries. Two graduates who were still alive were interviewed to obtain their oral statements. One was Baek Jong-won who graduated in 1948 from the college of economics, and the other was Kang Sang-kyun who graduated in 1950 from the college of laws. Besides, a relevant organization was asked to confirm the successful applicants for the higher civil official examination administered by the then government-general, and the staff list of the Joseon government-general was consulted as well. The analysis of these data made it possible to check how contemporary influential people continued to be produced through education in the colony, and it showed that as for the social career of the graduates of Kyoto University, most of them became bureaucrats, which indicated the honeymoon relationship between contemporary power of the colony and the intellectuals who graduated from that university. At the same time, it``s found that they were torn between the sense of privilege as graduates of Kyoto university and wrath as colonials, which implied that they were in conflicts with contemporary power. As a result of analyzing their entire career, it``s found that they were leading figures not only during the Japanese occupation but in every field of South Korea and North Korea. In the future, it``s required to examine Korean students at other Japanese universities during the Japanese occupation to offer an overview of their life and career.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Role Models on Social Competence and Entrepreneurial Attitude : Focused on Korean and Japanese University Students

        양준환 대한경영학회 2018 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.31 No.11

        A bunch of studies have suggested the importance of role models in entrepreneurial decision of young people. Exposing to entrepreneurial role models enables individuals to not only emulate their skills and knowledge but also get invaluable information and inspire confidence which are requisite in the process of being entrepreneurs. Consequently, role models stimulate young people to prepare for their anticipatory future careers and identities. Despite of the significant play of role models, there has been lack of empirical evidence that verified the importance of real-life role models in terms of nurturing dynamic entrepreneurship of university students. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of role models in promoting entrepreneurship of university students using multiple regression analysis. Particularly, we explored the effect of role models on forming a positive entrepreneurial attitude as well as increasing social competence of young people. This study has been designed for a cross-cultural study between Korean and Japanese university students who live under rapid changes of global environment. The findings of this empirical study presented that role models have a significant influence on social competence and entrepreneurial attitude of university students in both countries. Likewise, social competence has a positive relationship with entrepreneurial attitude. Therefore, our findings confirm that role models play as a strong predictor of entrepreneurship promotion for university students in both countries. The results not only reiterate the effect of role models in promoting entrepreneurship of university students, but also enrich entrepreneurship literature by examining and adding the role of key variables related to affecting entrepreneurship of university students. Thus, our study provides an insightful theoretical consideration. The theoretical implications can be suggested as followings. First, role models influence entrepreneurial attitude positively. This finding is in line with the previous studies claiming the positive effect of entrepreneurial role models on the entrepreneurial career expectation as well as facilitating entrepreneurial activities of university students. Second, role models also affect social competence positively. This finding supports the claims of prior studies that individuals can learn new skills, norms and behaviors by observing the role models as well as get motivated and inspired, and define his or her self-concept through role models. Third, social competence has positive relationship with entrepreneurial attitude. This finding also supports the suggestions of previous researches that social competence, a core component in entrepreneurship, affects not only the outcomes of interpersonal exchanges but also identifying and exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities. By the same token, this finding supports the prior studies that argue social competence and skills are crucial and applicable to exploring and exploiting the entrepreneurial opportunities and so, thus, social competence is useful and valuable to entrepreneurs especially in new venture creation process. With regards to the practical implications of our findings, our study presents the crucial play of role models in increasing entrepreneurial competence and promoting entrepreneurship of university students. Considering the fact the entrepreneurship education has been traditionally slanted towards theoretical aspects, we suggest that role models need to be put on as high order bit as entrepreneurship education in formal entrepreneurship promotion program. Listening to their success stories composed of both favorable and unfavorable experiences, and hands-on training even in short period of time through observing daily business operations in real life could serve as powerful means in nurturing entrepreneurial competence of university students.

      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者の就職に対する意識と企業が求める人材 - 韓国におけるアンケート調査及びインタビューの結果を中心に-

        사이토 아케미,구라모치 카오루 한국일어교육학회 2019 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.47

        本研究では、韓国の大学で日本語を学習する大学生を対象にアンケート調査をした結果を報告する。調査結 果は日本語関連学科の学生とそれ以外の学生に分けて分析した。調査の内容は、「日本語クラスを受講する学習 目的」「日本語を使用する職場や職種に関して」「就職活動に関して」「大学や学科の就職に対する支援に関して」 等であった。また、ソウルにある日本商工会議所と日系企業への人材派遣会社を訪問し、「日本企業が求める人 材」について尋ねた。調査の結果、日本語学習の目的については、日本語関連学科の学生は、「就職」と「興味」を目 的にする学習者が多く、他学科の学生は「興味」と答えた学習者が多いことがわかった。また、日本語を使用する 職場を希望する学習者の比率をみると、日本語関連学科の学生のうち79%が希望し、他学科の学生のうち57.4% が希望していることが明らかになった。そして、就職活動に関しては、日本語関連学科の学生は、「語学の勉強・ 資格取得」を挙げ、他学科の学生の多くが、「専攻の勉強や資格取得」を挙げていた。大学側としては、学生のため に、インターンシップ等の現場実習を紹介する、就職に関する講座を開講するなどの取り組みを行っているこ とがわかった。また、「日本企業が求める人材」については、「資格も重要であるが、人物が重要」ということを第 一に挙げていて企業が求める人材と学生が準備しているものに差があることが明らかになった。 This study reports survey results of Korean university students studying Japanese language regarding ‘objectives of Japanese language study’, learners desiring workplaces in which Japanese is spoken’, jJob search activities’, and ‘university employment assistance’. Results are analyzed for students in Japanese language-related faculties and for students in other faculties. Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Japanese enterprises were questioned about human resources. Results show students in Japanese language-related faculties indicated interest and job employment as objectives for studying, while students in other faculties indicated interest, with those seeking Japanese speaking workplaces as 79% and 57.4% respectively. The former gave language study and obtaining qualifications as activities, while the latter gave study of their major and obtaining qualifications. Internship programs and employment seminars were indicated as assistance from universities. Businesses expressed that while qualifications are of interest, the student as an individual is most important, indicating difference between human resources sought and job searching activities of students.

      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者の就職に対する意識と企業が求める人材 - 韓国におけるアンケート調査及びインタビューの結果を中心に-

        齊藤明美 ( Saito Akemi ),倉持香 ( Kuramochi Kaoru ) 한국일어교육학회 2019 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.47

        本研究では、韓国の大学で日本語を学習する大学生を対象にアンケート調査をした結果を報告する。調査結果は日本語関連学科の学生とそれ以外の学生に分けて分析した。調査の内容は、「日本語クラスを受講する学目的」「日本語を使用する職場や職種に関して」「就職活動に関して」「大学や学科の就職に対する支援に関して」等であった。また、ソウルにある日本商工会議所と日系企業への人材派遣会社を訪問し、「日本企業が求める人材」について尋ねた。調査の結果、日本語学習の目的については、日本語関連学科の学生は、「就職」と「興味」を目的にする学習者が多く、他学科の学生は「興味」と答えた学習者が多いことがわかった。また、日本語を使用する職場を希望する学習者の比率をみると、日本語関連学科の学生のうち79%が希望し、他学科の学生のうち57.4%が希望していることが明らかになった。そして、就職活動に関しては、日本語関連学科の学生は、「語学の勉強・資格取得」を挙げ、他学科の学生の多くが、「専攻の勉強や資格取得」を挙げていた。大学側としては、学生のために、インターンシップ等の現場実習を紹介する、就職に関する講座を開講するなどの取り組みを行っていることがわかった。また、「日本企業が求める人材」については、「資格も重要であるが、人物が重要」ということを第一に挙げていて企業が求める人材と学生が準備しているものに差があることが明らかになった。 This study reports survey results of Korean university students studying Japanese language regarding ‘objectives of Japanese language study’, learners desiring workplaces in which Japanese is spoken’, jJob search activities’, and ‘university employment assistance’. Results are analyzed for students in Japanese language-related faculties and for students in other faculties. Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Japanese enterprises were questioned about human resources. Results show students in Japanese language-related faculties indicated interest and job employment as objectives for studying, while students in other faculties indicated interest, with those seeking Japanese speaking workplaces as 79% and 57.4% respectively. The former gave language study and obtaining qualifications as activities, while the latter gave study of their major and obtaining qualifications. Internship programs and employment seminars were indicated as assistance from universities. Businesses expressed that while qualifications are of interest, the student as an individual is most important, indicating difference between human resources sought and job searching activities of students.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국과 일본 여대생들의 스포츠활동 참가에 관한 비교

        이혜숙(Lee Hye-Sook),황의룡(Hwang Eui-Ryong) 한국체육과학회 2006 한국체육과학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        The research analyzed the present situation of the sports activities participation of Korean and Japanese female college students, and the results of comparing the data are the following: First, about 40 % of Japanese female students are participating in school athletic clubs but hardly any Korean female students are participating in sports activities. However, students of both countries prefer exercise of low intensity and the proportion of those working out 1-2 days a week and 30 minutes to one hour a day exceed the ratio of approximately 50%. Second, female college students of both countries are being more influenced by colleagues or friends, instead of parents, teachers, and family members. Also, elements such as pro-sports, athletes and social evaluations which are popular in and outside of the country are not much of an influence either. In other words, students tend to enjoy their college life by being absorbed into interrelated influence coming and going amongstthe group of people of the same age. And this characteristic is more evident in Japanese students than in Korean students. Third, the main hindrance to participating in sports activities for female college students of both countries would be the impact of other hobbies or lack of free-time. These are proven to be interrelated factors and to be reflecting upon the world-wide phenomenon of diverse hobbies and lack of time having great influence on college students' sports activities participation.

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