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        역사,전기소설과 디아스포라 -『권업신문』 소재 역사,전기소설을 중심으로-

        송명진 ( Myung Jin Song ) 국제비교한국학회 2011 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.19 No.3

        This study investigates the Korean community in Russia during the period of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula, where the expression of ``nationalism`` was still a talking point. The narrative characteristics of Historical-Biographical Novels written for Gwoneop Shinmun published in Russia is examined. The Historical-Biographical Novels written for Gwoneop are largely divided into two streams of biography and history. First of all, the Historical-Biographical Novels focused on characters who directly refers to the Japanese imperialism. If the Historical-Biographical Novels during the period of patriotism and enlightenment were focused on war heroes of various historical era as national heroes to build the strong foundation for national history, the Historical-Biographical Novels written for Gwoneop were intended to remind Japanese imperialism and to promote the nationalism through them. Second, the Historical-Biographical Novel, In the Chinese Revolution written for Gwoneop considered the narrative characteristics of the Chinese revolution. The Chinese Revolution was a modern revolution that established a republican government for the first time in China, but the revolution in the context of Chinese revolution is described as a national revolution of Han Tribe who gets freed from the long rule of Manchurians. Gwoneop probably wanted to give the conviction in the future of Korea through the Han tribal history to the Koreans in Russia who lived as people of ruined nation whose Gwoneop main talking topic was ``nationalism``.

      • KCI등재

        구성된 민족 개념과 역사,전기소설의 전개 -신채호와 박은식의 민족 개념을 중심으로-

        송명진 ( Myung Jin Song ) 한국문학연구학회 2012 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.46

        본고는 전파된 민족이라는 용어가 그 개념을 확정하기까지는 내부적으로 다양한 개념들의 지난至難한 경쟁이 존재한다는 사실에 착안하여, 신 채호와 박은식의 민족 개념의 차이에 대해 조망했다. 또한 민족 개념의 차 이를 이들이 창작한 역사·전기소설의 서사적 특징과 연계시켰다. 신채호와 박은식이 논의한 민족 개념의 실체와 이를 토대로 형성된 역사·전기소설의 서사적 특징은 다음과 같았다. 신채호는 종적인 범주의 특성을 강화시켜 민족 개념을 정립하였다. 신채호는 여러 종족들 가운데 부여족을 지배적인 종족으로 인식하여 부여 족의 계보로 민족의 계보를 대체했다. 민족의 순혈성을 강화하고 적통성을 높이는 방향으로 민족을 개념화한 것이다. 반면, 박은식은 횡적인 범주 의 특성을 강화시켜 민족 개념을 정립하였다. 박은식은 한반도뿐만 아니 라 탈-한반도에 거주했던 모든 종족을 동화와 단군이라는 기원을 통해 민족의 범주로 포괄했다. 민족 개념의 차이는 이들이 집필한 역사·전기소설에서도 반복되었다. 신채호는 종적인 민족 개념에 기반을 둔 민족의 서사를 인물의 서사와 중첩시킴으로써 과거의 전쟁 영웅을 민족 영웅으로 변모시켰다. 반면, 민족의 외연을 확대했던 박은식은 한韓민족보다 대동大東민족을 강조했다. 금 태조와 무치생이 민족의 장래를 논의하고 있는 <몽배금태조>는 대동민 족간의 상호부조를 강조했던 박은식의 민족 개념을 상징적으로 드러낸 것이었다. 그러나 박은식은 주변 민족을 경쟁상대로 인식하는 것이 아니 라 잠재적인 동족으로 인식한 결과, 이민족과의 경쟁보다는 남성성을 전 경화한 민족 영웅을 형상화할 수밖에 없는 모순을 보이기도 했다. 이상의 논의는 애국계몽기라는 동시대에 통용되었던 ``민족``이라는 어휘가 동시대성에도 불구하고 다양한 스펙트럼을 보여주었다는 사실을 드러냄과 더불어 이러한 민족 개념의 차이가 역사·전기소설의 서사적 특징으로 연결되었다는 사실을 밝혔다는 의의를 지닌다. The term nation spreading from the West was very confusing. Because this term indicated from the race to the tribe. But the concepts of nation were arranged by two finally. Shin Chae Ho constructed the concept of nation vertically. He thought the Buyeo tribes were important than the other tribes. Thus he substituted history of the Buyeo tribes for history of the Korean people. This concept of nation emphasized on pure-blooded legitimacy. Whereas, Park Eun Sik constructed the concept of nation horizontally. He embraced not only the people of the Korean Peninsula but also the people of external Korean Peninsula. He considered them to be a nation by assimilation and the same origin called Dangun. The difference of the concept was repeated in Historical-Biographical Novels written by Shin Chae Ho and Park Eun Sik. Shin Chae Ho changed war heroes of the past into national heroes by overlapping narrative of nation with narrative of character. On the other hand, Park Eun Sik emphasized on the Daedong people than the Korean people. Mong-bae-gum-tae-jo(몽배금태조) showed the direction of the Daedong people through narrating that the founder of the Gum Empire discussed the future of nation with Muchisaeng. Different concepts on nation showed that the term nation was intended. In other words, the concept of nation was decided between competitive concepts.

      • KCI등재

        신채호의 만주인식과 그 변모

        표언복 ( An Bok Pyo ) 국제비교한국학회 2011 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.19 No.3

        This study deals with the way how Manju was recognized at that time and how their perception had changed from works of Danjae Shin Chae Ho. Three stages are involved. The first phase is the era of historical, biographic novels. The second is the era of editorials, and the third is the stage of fantasy novels. Manju is the old lost territory of Korea for Shin Chae Ho. Thus, he believed that Manju is our territory that must be regained. This belief was consistent throughout all his life. He emphasized his belief through various types of writing. His attitude slightly changed according to the types of work. In historical, biographical novels, he focused the belief that Manju was our territory before. In editorials, he tried to make people aware that Manju was a competitive target place among the great nations. He emphasized more active interest to Manju. During the era of fantasy novels, he focused on the necessity of aggressive struggles to restore Manju. More and more his intention to restore Manju became more active. Shin Chae Ho was one of the representative intellectuals who thought that we should be aware and restore Manju through literature.

      • KCI등재

        지리적 경계의 일탈과 개화기 소설의 지속과 변이

        송명진(Song, Myung-jin) 국어국문학회 2014 국어국문학 Vol.- No.169

        본 연구는 1910년대 미국 한인에 의해 발간된 『신한민보』 소재 소설의 특징을 밝힘으로써 개화기 소설의 지속과 변이를 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 했다. 이는 그동안 ‘통속’으로 획일화된 1910년대 소설사를 다양화하는 동시에 1910년대 미국 한인을 중심으로 전개되었던 이산(離散) 문학에 대한 조망이라는 측면에서 의의를 지닌다. 주로 번역소설과 창작소설로 구성된 1910년대 『신한민보』 소재 소설은 다음과 같은 특징을 가지고 있었다. 첫째, 1910년대 『신한민보』 소재 소설은 식민지의 현실과 민족적 저항이라는 맥락을 함께 수용했다. 개화기 소설에서 식민화된 현실에 대한 소설화는 이루어지지 않았다. 현실을 형상화하는 데에 초점을 맞췄던 신소설은 가시화된 식민화의 위험보다는 개화의 필요성을 강조했으며, 저항에 관심을 가졌던 역사?전기소설은 과거의 형상화를 통해 현재에 대한 알레고리적 접근만을 시도했을 뿐이다. 경술국치는 식민지현실을 외면하고 이에 대한 저항을 아예 배제하는 계기가 되었다. 일제에 대한 저항의 소설화는 미국 한인들의 소설에 의해 이루어질 수 있었다. 1910년대 『신한민보』소재 소설은 한국이라는 지리적 한계를 초월함으로써, 식민지 현실과 이에 대한 저항을 적극적으로 소설화할 수 있었던 것이다. 둘째, 1910년대 『신한민보』 소재 소설에 형상화된 남녀의 연애담은 ‘근대적 개인’에 기초하여 이루어졌다. 1910년대 신소설의 전개는 개화기의 긍정성을 상실하고 통속화는 물론 근대적 가치마저 부정하는 방향으로 전개되었다. 이러한 국내의 상황에 비해, 한국이라는 지리적 한계를 일탈했던 1910년대 『신한민보』 소재 소설은 개화기소설이 거두었던 긍정성을 보다 확대했다. 특히, 근대적 개인의 출현과 이에 따라 변화된 연애 문법의 소설화 더 나아가 부부 중심의 가치 지향성 및 전통적인 남녀 이분법 해체 등은 개화기 소설에서 볼 수 없었던 새로운 소설적 가치들이었다. 이국의 한인 문학 즉, 이산(離散) 문학에 대한 논의는 보다 심화될 필요가 있다. 왜냐하면 이를 통해 획일화된 기존의 한국문학사를 다양화할 수 있기 때문이다. 본 연구 또한 1910년대 『신한민보』 소재 소설에 대한 논의를 통해, 1910년대 소설사를 좀 더 다양한 관점에서 인식하고자 노력했다. This study aims to examine the continuance and change of the novels in Enlightenment period by identifying the characteristics of the novels published in Shinhanminbo, a newspaper published by Koreans in America during the 1910’s. The 1910’s was “omitted” from the existing novels or only briefly mentioned as a popularization process. However, the history of the 1910’s novels was unfolded in Shinhanminbo by Koreans in America, across geographical boundaries. Materials for the novels published in Shinhan minbo during the 1910’s have the following characteristics First, they accepted both the reality of a colony and the national resis tance. This novels integrated the characteristics of the Sin-Novels which emphasized the importance of adopting civilization and the characteristics of Historical-Biographical Novels which tried to overcome the national crisis by calling the past war heroes as the national heroes. In other words, both the “reality” and the “resistance” were described at the same time in one novel. Such feature cannot be found in novels written in Enlightenment period. Second, man-woman love stories published in Shinhanminbo in the 1910’s were based on “modern individual.” The Sin-Novels of the 1910’s lost novelty of the past and advocated premodern values instead. However, materials of the novels published in Shinhanminbo were based on the free will of individuals and in particular, women had dominant influence in love affairs. It was possible because there was an awareness for modern individuals. The argument made above has significance as it diversifies the history of 1910’s novels which was usually considered “conventional” until now and takes a view of Dispersed Literature unfolded mainly in America in the 1910’s.

      • KCI등재

        신문연재 역사·전기소설의 대중성 연구

        송명진(Song Myung-Jin) 우리말글학회 2007 우리말 글 Vol.41 No.-

        This study aims to examine the popularity of historic and biographic novels by considering ChoiDotong Biography published serially in the The Korea Daily News. The popularity is characteristic of historic and biographic novels because of the next five reasons. The first, Shin, Chae-ho thought that enlightenment has relation to popularity from considering the people point of view. The second, Shin, Chae-ho valued the style of Korean above everything else. Because he knew the Korean novels to be influential with the people. The third, ChoiDotong Biography(the style of Korean) was closed by linking termination of a word each time. Linking termination of a word was intended to stimulate curiosity of the people. The fourth, ChoiDotong Biography used dialogue better than assertion. Dialogue is creative of reality enabling the people to be absorbed in the text. The fifth, an individual with internal complications was created in ChoiDotong Biography. The people were interested in this individual. As mentioned above, the popularity is characteristic of historic and biographic novels through of newspaper medium.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 개화기 서사 담론의 대중화 전략 연구 -신채호의 역사,전기소설을 중심으로-

        김종현 ( Jong Hyun Kim ) 한국문학언어학회( 구- 경북어문학회) 2008 어문론총 Vol.49 No.-

        The literature with present situation is tying a relation. The historic and biographic novel is born in enlightment. The study about historic and biographic novel is insufficient. Sin, Chae-ho in order to popularize a discussion used freely a strategy. First, he in order to create a reality used a history. Biographic novel are based in record of fact. Biographic novel teach an instruction in the next generation. So he selected the event which relates with a warfare. Second, He thought a history that becomes accomplished with relationship of fight. The object which he thinks the enemy was the different nation. Also he thought the enemy the person who loses independence from within the nation. He asserted that the enemy of in nation must fight first. So he led and lured the reader by comment. Third, Historic and biographic novel are using will continue tomorrow a technique. It was a method which ends a publication in serial form from the condition where the sentence does not conclude. This method stimulates the curiosity of the reader was effective. And he also used the spacing word for the person whom reads.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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