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        Characteristics of Forest Fires in Korea and Crisis Management Policy

        박동균,박기범 한국치안행정학회 2011 한국치안행정논집 Vol.8 No.1

        Natural disasters exhibit seasonal characteristics. In Korea, forest fires are the most dangerous type of disaster in spring, whereas storms and floods(including typhoons) pose major threats in summer. Korea is likely to experience forest fires because of its forest characteristics, topography, and climate. Korea’s highly dense forests are covered with many fallen leaves, which are easy to burn. When a fire breaks out, the steep and undulating mountains help the fire to spread at an alarming rate. In particular, seasonal winds during dry periods in spring help fires to spread across multiple areas simultaneously. As the five-day work week system extends throughout the country, the danger is concentrated in certain days such as holidays and long weekends. Recent forest fires have exhibited the following characteristics. First, they have been getting larger and more diversified. Accordingly, the damages are astronomical. Second, because of their efficiency and variability, outbreaks have become increasingly difficult to predict. Third, as the time available to fight a forest fire is extremely short, detailed daily crisis management plan is crucial. Forest fires not only ruin forests but also devastate ecosystems, destroy cultural assets, and sweep away the livelihood of those living in rural areas. Forest fires typically occur as a result of human activity(mistakes or carelessness), not natural factors. Gaining access to fight forest fires is a lengthy and difficult task, and securing a suitable source of water is not easy. In particular, night-time forest fires make fire control even more difficult. Thus, to minimize damage from forest fires, the key focus should be on spring(the period of greatest danger), and suitable countermeasures should be established accordingly. Further, proper and practical control over people using mountains(e.g., climbers) should be strengthened, and efforts should be made to increase the public’s awareness of the dangers of forest fires. In addition, to address unavoidable forest fires, an effective early detection system, sufficient manpower, and large fire-fighting helicopters(along with other cutting-edge equipment) are needed. Finally, in places where there are cultural assets(e.g., temples with national treasures), smaller fire engines should be on standby, and a sprinkler system should be in place. Without a doubt, regular training programs for fire fighters are critical.

      • KCI등재

        Forest Fire Risk Zonation in Madi Khola Watershed, Nepal

        Jeetendra Gautam Institute of Forest Science 2024 Journal of Forest Science Vol.40 No.1

        Fire, being primarily a natural phenomenon, is impossible to control, although it is feasible to map the forest fire risk zone, minimizing the frequency of fires. The spread of a fire starting in any stand in a forest can be predicted, given the burning conditions. The natural cover of the land and the safety of the population may be threatened by the spread of forest fires; thus, the prevention of fire damage requires early discovery. Satellite data and geographic information system (GIS) can be used effectively to combine different forest-fire-causing factors for mapping the forest fire risk zone. This study mainly focuses on mapping forest fire risk in the Madikhola watershed. The primary causes of forest fires appear to be human negligence, uncontrolled fire in nearby forests and agricultural regions, and fire for pastoral purposes which were used to evaluate and assign risk values to the mapping process. The majority of fires, according to MODIS events, occurred from December to April, with March recording the highest occurrences. The Risk Zonation Map, which was prepared using LULC, Forest Type, Slope, Aspect, Elevation, Road Proximity, and Proximity to Water Bodies, showed that a High Fire Risk Zone comprised 29% of the Total Watershed Area, followed by a Moderate Risk Zone, covering 37% of the total area. The derived map products are helpful to local forest managers to minimize fire risks within the forests and take proper responses when fires break out. This study further recommends including the fuel factor and other fire-contributing factors to derive a higher resolution of the fire risk map.

      • KCI등재

        기상 예보 및 위성 자료를 이용한 우리나라 산불위험지수의 시공간적 고도화

        강유진,박수민,장은나,임정호,권춘근,이석준 한국지리정보학회 2019 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        In South Korea, forest fire occurrences are increasing in size and duration due tovarious factors such as the increase in fuel materials and frequent drying conditions inforests. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the damage caused by forest fires byappropriately providing the probability of forest fire risk. The purpose of this study isto improve the Daily Weather Index(DWI) provided by the current forest fireforecasting system in South Korea. A new Fire Risk Index(FRI) is proposed in thisstudy, which is provided in a 5㎞ grid through the synergistic use of numerical weatherforecast data, satellite-based drought indices, and forest fire-prone areas. The FRI iscalculated based on the product of the Fine Fuel Moisture Code(FFMC) optimized forKorea, an integrated drought index, and spatio-temporal weighting approaches. In orderto improve the temporal accuracy of forest fire risk, monthly weights were appliedbased on the forest fire occurrences by month. Similarly, spatial weights were appliedusing the forest fire density information to improve the spatial accuracy of forest firerisk. In the time series analysis of the number of monthly forest fires and the FRI, therelationship between the two were well simulated. In addition, it was possible to providemore spatially detailed information on forest fire risk when using FRI in the 5㎞ gridthan DWI based on administrative units. The research findings from this study can helpmake appropriate decisions before and after forest fire occurrences. 우리나라는 산림 내 연료 물질 증가와 기후변화 등의 요인으로 산불의 연중화와 대형화가 증가하는 추세에 있으므로 산불 발생 확률에 대한 정보를 제공함으로써 산불 발생을 예방하여 피해를최소화할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 현 산불예보시스템에서 제공하는 산불위험지수(DWI; Daily Weather Index)를 개선하기 위한 방법을 살펴보았다. 즉, 우리나라 산불위험지수의시간 및 공간적 정확성 향상을 통한 고도화를 목적으로, 기상청에서 제공하는 동네예보 자료, 위성기반의 가뭄 지수, 산불 다발 지역 지도를 융합하여 5㎞ 격자 형태로 제공되는 새로운 산불위험지수(FRI; Fire Risk Index)를 제안하였다. 산불위험지수는 캐나다에서 현업으로 사용되는 미세 연료 지수를 기반으로 우리나라에 최적화한 미세 연료 지수, 가뭄지수의 곱과 시간 및 공간적 가중치를 통하여 산출된다. 시간적인 정확성 향상을 위하여 산림청에서 제공하는 산불 피해 대장 표를이용하여 월별 산불 통계량을 통한 월별 가중치를 적용하였으며, 공간적인 정확성 향상을 위하여산불 다발 지역 지도의 산불 밀도 정보를 이용하여 가중치를 적용하였다. 월별 산불 발생 건수와제안된 산불위험지수의 시계열을 분석하였을 때 증가 및 감소 경향을 잘 모의하고 있었으며, 5㎞격자 형태로 산불위험지수를 제공함으로써 행정 구역 단위로 산불위험지수를 제공할 때보다 상세한 정보를 제공할 수 있었으므로 지역적으로 더욱 정확하고 구체적인 산불 예방에 대한 의사 결정에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        산불재난 대응 체계의 작동성 강화에 관한 연구 -「산림보호법」상 산불대응 규정의 개선을 중심으로-

        문현철 인문사회 21 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.5

        Large forest fires in Goseong, Ulju, Andong, the U.S., and Australia have caused great damage to forests and residents at a time when the infectious disease disaster “Corona 19” is spreading widely. The goal of this study is to diagnose problems in the forest fire disaster prevention and response system and to remove the improvement measures. The methods of research were reviewed for the regulations on forest fire prevention and response under the Forest Protection Act, which were the basis for forest fire disaster response, and related prior research results. Based on the experience of the Central Forest Fire Investigation Committee of the Korea Forest Service on the prevention and response of forest fires, the research contents analyzed the causes of forest fires and problems in the response system. As a result of the research, it was suggested that in order to improve the operability of the forest fire prevention and response system, the forest disease and landslide sectors under the Forest Protection Act should be transferred to the relevant fields, and the forest fire response areas should be legislated individually to enact the tentatively called “Act on the Prevention and Management of Forest Fire.” The study is expected to serve as a guideline for future revisions of the forest protection law. 감염병 재난인 ‘코로나19’가 대전파 중인 상황에서 고성, 울주, 안동, 미국, 호주에서의 초대형 산불재난이 발생하여 숲과 주민들에게 큰 피해를 입혔다. 본 연구의 목표는 산불재난 대응 시스템의 문제점을 진단하고 그 대안을 제하고자 하는 것이다. 연구의 방법은 산불재난 대응의 근거인 산림보호법상의 산불대응의 작동성에 대한 법규정들과 관련 선행 연구를 문헌적으로 검토하였다. 연구의 내용은 산불의 대응에 대한 산림청 중앙산불조사위원 경험을 토대로 대형 산불발생의 원인과 대응체계의 문제점을 분석하였다. 연구 결과로서 산불대응 시스템의 작동성을 개선하기 위해서는 산림보호법상의 산림병충해분야, 산사태 분야는 관련 분야로 이관하고, 산불 대응 분야는 개별 입법하여, 가칭 “산불의 예방과 관리에 관한 법률”을 제정하여야 함을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 향후 산림보호법의 개정에 지침이 될 것으로 전망된다.

      • KCI등재

        산불 지역 인공·자연복원에 따른 Landsat영상 기반 식생지수 비교

        노지선,최재용,Noh, Jiseon,Choi, Jaeyong 한국환경복원기술학회 2022 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        This study aims to classify forest fire-affected areas, identify forest types by the intensity of forest fire damage using multi-time Landsat-satellite images before and after forest fires and to analyze the effects of artificial restoration sites and natural restoration sites. The difference in the values of the Normalized Burned Ratio(NBR) before and after forest fire damage not only maximized the identification of forest fire affected and unaffected areas, but also quantified the intensity of forest fire damage. The index was also used to confirm that the higher the intensity of forest fire damage in all forest fire-affected areas, the higher the proportion of coniferous forests, relatively. Monitoring was conducted after forest fires through Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI), an index suitable for the analysis of effects by restoration type and the NDVI values for artificial restoration sites were found to no longer be higher after recovering the average NDVI prior to the forest fire. On the other hand, the natural restoration site witnessed that the average NDVI value gradually became higher than before the forest fires. The study result confirms the natural resilience of forests and these results can serve as a basis for decision-making for future restoration plans for the forest fire affected areas. Further analysis with various conditions is required to improve accuracy and utilization for the policies, in particular, spatial analysis through forest maps as well as review through site checks before and immediately after forest fires. More precise analysis on the effects of restoration will be available based on a long term monitoring.

      • KCI등재

        산불통계로 본 우리나라의 산불특성 연구

        이명욱,이시영,이종호 한국방재학회 2012 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.12 No.5

        Forest fires occurred in Korea during past 50 years showed a lot of periodic changes according to the environmental changes. Average occurrences and the damaged area by the forest fires numbered 451 times and 3,760ha a year, respectively. The damaged amount of trees and values were largely increased by the expansion of aged trees growing area along with 1st and 2nd Essential Plan for Forest and by the large-scaled forest fires occurred in 90s and 2000s. The damages were sharply increased since 90s. The number of occurrences and damaged areas according to the region and the control division showed some variant results, but the numbers related to Kyungbuk and Kangwon region noticeably large in compared to the other regions. For Kangwon region, the damaged areas were larger in spite of the occurrences because of the large-scaled forest fires in 90s and 2000s. The statistics represents that carelessness by mountain-goers was the top cause of the origin of fire. The number was 30% in 60s and 70s, but was increased to 50% after 80s. The most frequent month of forest fire had been April, however the tendency showed that increasing the frequency in March and November but decreasing in April during 80s. 15% of the total of forest fire had occurred on Sunday,but the forest fire rate sharply increased on Friday and Saturday after the introduction of five-day workweek since 2000s. For hourly base, the forest fire occurred around 14:00~18:00(2~6PM) of 50%, and around noon(11:00~13:00) of 35%. However, the occurrence of forest fire in the afternoon were decresed steadily, and the forest fire which occurred noon, morning, and night were relatively increased. The forest fire rate of night time was represented the highest among them. 지난 50년간 우리나라의 산불은 사회적인 여건과 산림여건 그리고 산림정책, 제도 그 외 시대적인 기상변화에 따라 산불의발생건수와 피해면적 등이 다양하게 변화했고, 연도별로 평균 451건의 산불이 발생했고 3,760 ha의 피해룰 입었다. 또한,1990년대와 2000년대에는 1, 2차 산림기본계획사업의 성공으로 산림내 고령급의 산림면적율이 증가하여 대형산불이 발생했으며,특히 90년대 이후 산불은 급격히 증가하였다. 지역별로 보면 경북은 산불발생 건수가, 강원도는 피해면적이 가장 컸으며 강원도의 피해면적이 컸던 이유는 90, 2000년대의 대형산불 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 산불발생 원인은 입산자실화가 가장 많았는데그 비율을 보면 60, 70년대의 30%였던 것이 80년대에는 50%로 증가하였다. 월별로는 4월에 가장 많이 발생은 하였으나, 3월, 11월에도 증가 추세에 있다. 요일별로는 일요일에 가장 많이 발생하였으나, 2000년대 주5일제 시행으로 금요일과 토요일에도 급격한 증가를 보였다. 시간대별로는 오후 2시에서 6시 사이에 50%, 11시와 오후 1시 사이에 35%였으나, 특히 시간대별산불발생률에서 오후시간대의 산불발생율은 지속적으로 감소하는 반면에 정오, 야간, 오전시간대의 산불발생율은 지속적으로 증가하고 있으며 특히, 야간산불의 발생율 증가폭이 가장 큰 것으로 나타나고 있어 향후 야간산불에 대한 산불방지대책 마련도필요할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of the Relationship between the Number of Forest Fires and Non-Rainfall Days during the 30-year in South Korea

        한송희,채희문 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2022 Journal of Forest Science Vol.38 No.4

        This study examined the relationship between the number of forest fires and days with no rainfall based on the national forest fire statistics data of the Korea Forest Service and meteorological data from the Open MET Data Portal of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA; data.kma.go.kr) for the last 30 years (1991-2021). As for the trend in precipitation amount and non-rainfall days, the rainfall and the days with rainfall decreased in 2010 compared to those in 1990s. In terms of the number of forest fires that occurred in February–May accounted for 75% of the total number of forest fires, followed by 29% in April and 25% in March. In 2000s, the total number of forest fires was 5,226, indicating the highest forest fire activity. To analyze the relationship between regional distribution of non-rainfall periods (days) and number of forest fires, the non-rainfall period was categorized into five groups (0 days, 1-10 days, 11-20 days, 21-30 days, and 31 days or longer). During the spring fire danger season, the number of forest fires was the largest when the non-rainfall period was 11-20 days; during the autumn fire precaution period, the number of forest fires was the largest when the non-rainfall period was 1-10 days, 11-20 days, and 21-30 days, showing differences in the duration of forest fire occurrence by region. The 30-year trend indicated that large forest fires occurred only between February and May, and in terms of the relationship with the non-rainfall period groups, large fires occurred when the non-rainfall period was 1-10 days. This signifies that in spring season, the dry period continued throughout the country, indicating that even a short duration of consecutive non-rainfall days poses a high risk of large forest fires.

      • KCI등재

        신문사설 분석을 통한 산불에 대한 사회적 인식연구

        김보미,박주원 한국산림과학회 2019 한국산림과학회지 Vol.108 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to understand when forest fire as a natural phenomenon becomes constructed as social issues in Korea; how the forest fire-related discourses in the editorials reflecting the social perceptions have been changed regarding the principal subject and the measures of the forest fire management; and whether the social perception on the forest fire affects the forest fire policy of the state. From the analysis of a total of 44 editorials related to forest fires from 1988 to 2017. By the using, in the forest fire-related editorials the social perceptions on forest fires are forest fire editorials categories, main keywords, contents of social perception on ‘the main subject responsible for forest fire management,’ ‘forest fire prevention measures,’ categorization, frequency analysis and context analysis of words used. It is found that in the first-period forest fire management measures were recognized as a part of the overall forest management. In the second period, the approaches of ecological management emerged on the part of forest fire management. As forest fires were managed as a type of social disaster during the third period, such perceptions were gradually reinforced that the state should protect the people from the forest fire. In the 3rd, 4th, and 5th National Forest Plan, the forest fire management policy of each period was focused in enlightening the general public, protecting forest resources ecosystems, and preventing loss of lives, respectively. As a result of the analysis of social perceptions and comparing them to the forest fire policies through the analysis of editorials on forest fires, it is found that the social perception on the forest fire and forest fire management plan has changed having interconnections. 본 연구는 신문 사설의 분석을 통해 산불에 대한 사회적 인식을 형성하는 조건, 산불에 대한 사회적 인식의 내용, 인식과 산불관리 정책의 연관성을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구대상은 1988년 1월 1일부터 2017년 5월 15일까지 5개 중앙지에 보도된 총 44건의 산불 관련 사설을 대상으로 하였다. 산불에 대한 사회적 인식을 형성하는 조건은 산불 관 련 사설 수와 산불현상의 특징의 증감을 비교하여 분석하였다. 산불에 대한 사회적 인식은 산불 관련 사설의 범주와 주요 주제어, ‘산불관리주체’와 ‘산불방지대책’에 관한 사회적 인식의 내용 및 산불관리정책과의 연관성으로 나누어 Nvivo11을 통해 데이터 범주화, 단어별 사용빈도 분석을 실시하고 사용빈도가 높은 단어를 중심으로 사설주제에 대한 맥락분석을 실 시하였다. 연구결과 산불이 사회적 인식을 형성하는 조건은 산불피해면적과 가장 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 산 불 관련 신문사설에서 출현 빈도가 높은 주요 주제어를 기간 및 범주별로 분석한 결과 제1분석기에는 산불관리를 총체적 산림관리의 일환으로 여기며, 산불관리 주체로서 국민에게 산불에 대한 책임과 의무를 강조하는 인식이 높은 강도로 나타 났다. 제2분석기에는 산불 예방과 진화를 위한 관리 뿐 아니라 환경⋅생태적 시각에서 관리하려는 인식이 등장했다. 제3분 석기에는 산불이 사회재난의 일종으로 관리되면서 국가가 국민을 산불로부터 보호하고, 철저하게 사회재난관리를 해야 한 다고 요구하는 사회적 인식이 점차 강화되었다. 이 같은 변화는 3차 산림기본계획에서 국민 계도를 통한 산불 예방을 목표 로 한 산불관리 계획이 수립되고 4차 산림기본계획에서는 산림자원의 보호와 자연생태계 보전을 목표로 한 산불관리 계획 이 추진되었으며, 5차 산림기본계획에는 인명피해 예방에 관한 산불관리계획이 수립된 것과 유사한 흐름을 보였다. 산불 관련 신문사설 분석을 통하여 산불에 대해 형성된 사회적 인식을 분석하고 산불정책과 비교해 본 결과 산불에 대한 사회적 인식과 산불관리 정책은 상호 연관성을 갖고 변화해왔다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Problems and Improvement by Analyzing the Disastrous Large-scale Forest Fire Response System: Focusing on Simultaneous Forest Fires along the East Coast of Gangwon-do Province

        주영국,이종호 (사)위기관리이론과실천 2022 Journal of Safety and Crisis Management Vol.12 No.5

        On April 4, 2019, the forest fire that spread simultaneously to five cities and counties, including Inje, Goseong, Sokcho, and Gangneung and Donghae, on the east coast of Gangwon-do, was extinguished at an early stage. It is regarded as the result of the response with full force of Korea Forest Service, National Fire Agency, Militray, and other related organizations. However, it is also true that the limitations of current forest fire response system and the operation of forest fire response personnel, facilities and equipment were revealed in the process of responding Gangwon forest fire. To find solutions to these problems, from March 3 to April 2, 2021, a survey was conducted with firefighters, forest officials and residents in Gangwon-province with experience in forest fire on a total of 29 questions about Law and Policy, Forest Fire Response System and Operation of manpower and equipment. Based on the results of the survey and literature research, an improvement plan for the Forest Fire Disaster Response System was sought. Based on our survey results, we propose the following measures to improve South Korea's forest fire response system in the future. ; the incident command system should be unified, forest authorities' forest fire prevention and management system should be further strengthened, and forest fire response system must be improved to the level of other major countries through better legislations.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of Forest Fires in Korea and Crisis Management Policy

        Park, Dong-Kyun,Park, Ki-Beom 한국치안행정학회 2011 한국치안행정논집 Vol.8 No.1

        산불은 지구상에서 존재하는 가장 오래된 재난 중 하나이다. 우리나라는 예로부터 산림의 구조와 지형, 기후특성상 산불이 자주 발생하는 지역이다. 즉 산림이 울창하고 가연성 낙엽 등이 많이 쌓여 있으며, 경사가 급하고 기복이 많은 산지로서 연소진행 속도가 빨라 산불 발생 시 급속하게 확산된다. 최근에는 웰빙 바람을 타고 등산인구가 늘어나 공휴일과 연휴 등 특정기간에 산불이 집중적으로 발생하고 있다. 이 연구에서 분석한 산불 재난은 다음과 같은 속성을 갖고 있다. 첫째, 산불의 발생 양상이 점차 다양화ㆍ대형화되고 있다는 사실이다. 따라서 산불로 인한 피해 또한 천문학적으로 크다. 둘째로, 산불 발생이 도발적ㆍ가변적이어서 불확실성이 점차 증가하고 있고 셋째, 산불 발생에 대한 대응조치를 취하는 시간이 극히 적어서 위기관리에 대한 평상시의 세심한 대책의 필요성이 강력하게 대두된다. 따라서 산불 위기관리에 대한 체계적인 연구와 정책집행이 무엇보다 중요한 시점이다. 이러한 맥락에서, 2005년 4월 4일에 발생한 양양산불 화재사고를 정책사례로 선정하여 산불재난 대처의 문제점을 분석하고, 위기관리 정책방향을 제시하였다. 대한민국에서 미래에 산불의 발생을 줄이고, 그 피해를 줄여 나가기 위해서는 무엇보다 건조기인 봄철, 특히 임내습도가 낮은 시기를 산불 발생 위험시기로 지정하여, 이에 대하여 적극적으로 대응해 나가는 정책적 노력이 필요하다. 따라서 입산 인구에 대한 적실성 있는 통제와 교육을 강화하고, 대국민 홍보활동에도 전력을 기울이는 등 사전대비 위기관리 프로그램을 적극적으로 실시해야 한다. 또한, 불가피하게 발생한 산불에 대해서는 조기에 산불을 진화할 수 있는 조기발견 시스템의 확립과 진화인력의 확보, 현대적인 진화장비를 갖춘 대형소방 헬기와 첨단장비의 확충 및 효율적인 진화기술의 개발 등이 필수적이다. 특히 국보․보물급 문화재가 있는 사찰의 경우, 소형 진화차의 상설 배치, 스프링클러의 설치, 연중 산불진화 비상훈련의 정례화 등을 의무화하는 것이 필요하다. Natural disasters exhibit seasonal characteristics. In Korea, forest fires are the most dangerous type of disaster in spring, whereas storms and floods(including typhoons) pose major threats in summer. Korea is likely to experience forest fires because of its forest characteristics, topography, and climate. Korea’s highly dense forests are covered with many fallen leaves, which are easy to burn. When a fire breaks out, the steep and undulating mountains help the fire to spread at an alarming rate. In particular, seasonal winds during dry periods in spring help fires to spread across multiple areas simultaneously. As the five-day work week system extends throughout the country, the danger is concentrated in certain days such as holidays and long weekends. Recent forest fires have exhibited the following characteristics. First, they have been getting larger and more diversified. Accordingly, the damages are astronomical. Second, because of their efficiency and variability, outbreaks have become increasingly difficult to predict. Third, as the time available to fight a forest fire is extremely short, detailed daily crisis management plan is crucial. Forest fires not only ruin forests but also devastate ecosystems, destroy cultural assets, and sweep away the livelihood of those living in rural areas. Forest fires typically occur as a result of human activity(mistakes or carelessness), not natural factors. Gaining access to fight forest fires is a lengthy and difficult task, and securing a suitable source of water is not easy. In particular, night-time forest fires make fire control even more difficult. Thus, to minimize damage from forest fires, the key focus should be on spring(the period of greatest danger), and suitable countermeasures should be established accordingly. Further, proper and practical control over people using mountains(e.g., climbers) should be strengthened, and efforts should be made to increase the public’s awareness of the dangers of forest fires. In addition, to address unavoidable forest fires, an effective early detection system, sufficient manpower, and large fire-fighting helicopters(along with other cutting-edge equipment) are needed. Finally, in places where there are cultural assets(e.g., temples with national treasures), smaller fire engines should be on standby, and a sprinkler system should be in place. Without a doubt, regular training programs for fire fighters are critical.

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